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2019-03-11 03:26:37 -07:00
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
# You can obtain one at
import time
import psutil
import mozcrash
from mozprocess import ProcessHandler
from threading import Event
from mozlog import get_proxy_logger
from utils import TalosError
LOG = get_proxy_logger()
class ProcessContext(object):
Store useful results of the browser execution.
def __init__(self):
self.output = None
self.process = None
def pid(self):
return self.process and
def kill_process(self):
Kill the process, returning the exit code or None if the process
is already finished.
if self.process and self.process.is_running():
LOG.debug("Terminating %s" % self.process)
return self.process.wait(3)
except psutil.TimeoutExpired:
# will raise TimeoutExpired if unable to kill
return self.process.wait(3)
class Reader(object):
def __init__(self, event):
self.output = []
self.got_end_timestamp = False
self.got_timeout = False
self.timeout_message = ''
self.event = event
self.proc = None
def __call__(self, line):
if line.find('__endTimestamp') != -1:
self.got_end_timestamp = True
elif line == 'TART: TIMEOUT':
self.got_timeout = True
self.timeout_message = 'TART'
if not (line.startswith('JavaScript error:') or
line.startswith('JavaScript warning:')):
LOG.process_output(, line)
def run_browser(command, minidump_dir, timeout=None, on_started=None,
Run the browser using the given `command`.
After the browser prints __endTimestamp, we give it 5
seconds to quit and kill it if it's still alive at that point.
Note that this method ensure that the process is killed at
the end. If this is not possible, an exception will be raised.
:param command: the commad (as a string list) to run the browser
:param minidump_dir: a path where to extract minidumps in case the
browser hang. This have to be the same value
used in `mozcrash.check_for_crashes`.
:param timeout: if specified, timeout to wait for the browser before
we raise a :class:`TalosError`
:param on_started: a callback that can be used to do things just after
the browser has been started. The callback must takes
an argument, which is the psutil.Process instance
:param kwargs: additional keyword arguments for the :class:`ProcessHandler`
Returns a ProcessContext instance, with available output and pid used.
context = ProcessContext()
first_time = int(time.time()) * 1000
wait_for_quit_timeout = 5
event = Event()
reader = Reader(event)
kwargs['storeOutput'] = False
kwargs['processOutputLine'] = reader
kwargs['onFinish'] = event.set
proc = ProcessHandler(command, **kwargs)
reader.proc = proc
LOG.process_start(, ' '.join(command))
context.process = psutil.Process(
if on_started:
# wait until we saw __endTimestamp in the proc output,
# or the browser just terminated - or we have a timeout
if not event.wait(timeout):
# try to extract the minidump stack if the browser hangs
mozcrash.kill_and_get_minidump(, minidump_dir)
raise TalosError("timeout")
if reader.got_end_timestamp:
for i in range(1, wait_for_quit_timeout):
if proc.wait(1) is not None:
if proc.poll() is None:
"Browser shutdown timed out after {0} seconds, terminating"
" process.".format(wait_for_quit_timeout)
elif reader.got_timeout:
raise TalosError('TIMEOUT: %s' % reader.timeout_message)
# this also handle KeyboardInterrupt
# ensure early the process is really terminated
return_code = context.kill_process()
if return_code is None:
return_code = proc.wait(1)
% first_time)
% (int(time.time()) * 1000))
if return_code is not None:
LOG.process_exit(, return_code)
LOG.debug("Unable to detect exit code of the process %s." %
context.output = reader.output
return context