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2019-03-11 03:26:37 -07:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
import mozversion
import os
import sys
import time
import traceback
import urllib
import utils
import mozhttpd
from mozlog import get_proxy_logger
from talos.results import TalosResults
from talos.ttest import TTest
from talos.utils import TalosError, TalosRegression
from talos.config import get_configs, ConfigurationError
# directory of this file
here = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
LOG = get_proxy_logger()
def useBaseTestDefaults(base, tests):
for test in tests:
for item in base:
if item not in test:
test[item] = base[item]
if test[item] is None:
test[item] = ''
return tests
def buildCommandLine(test):
"""build firefox command line options for tp tests"""
# sanity check pageloader values
# mandatory options: tpmanifest, tpcycles
if test['tpcycles'] not in range(1, 1000):
raise TalosError('pageloader cycles must be int 1 to 1,000')
if test.get('tpdelay') and test['tpdelay'] not in range(1, 10000):
raise TalosError('pageloader delay must be int 1 to 10,000')
if 'tpmanifest' not in test:
raise TalosError("tpmanifest not found in test: %s" % test)
# if profiling is on, override tppagecycles to prevent test hanging
if test['sps_profile']:"sps profiling is enabled so talos is reducing the number "
"of cycles, please disregard reported numbers")
for cycle_var in ['tppagecycles', 'tpcycles', 'cycles']:
if test[cycle_var] > 2:
test[cycle_var] = 2
# build pageloader command from options
url = ['-tp', test['tpmanifest']]
CLI_bool_options = ['tpchrome', 'tpmozafterpaint', 'tpdisable_e10s',
'tpnoisy', 'rss', 'tprender', 'tploadnocache',
CLI_options = ['tpcycles', 'tppagecycles', 'tpdelay', 'tptimeout']
for key in CLI_bool_options:
if test.get(key):
url.append('-%s' % key)
for key in CLI_options:
value = test.get(key)
if value:
url.extend(['-%s' % key, str(value)])
# XXX we should actually return the list but since we abuse
# the url as a command line flag to pass to firefox all over the place
# will just make a string for now
return ' '.join(url)
def setup_webserver(webserver):
"""use mozhttpd to setup a webserver""""starting webserver on %r" % webserver)
host, port = webserver.split(':')
return mozhttpd.MozHttpd(host=host, port=int(port), docroot=here)
def run_tests(config, browser_config):
"""Runs the talos tests on the given configuration and generates a report.
# get the test data
tests = config['tests']
tests = useBaseTestDefaults(config.get('basetest', {}), tests)
paths = ['profile_path', 'tpmanifest', 'extensions', 'setup', 'cleanup']
for test in tests:
# Check for profile_path, tpmanifest and interpolate based on Talos
# root
# Build command line from config
for path in paths:
if test.get(path):
test[path] = utils.interpolate(test[path])
if test.get('tpmanifest'):
test['tpmanifest'] = \
os.path.normpath('file:/%s' % (urllib.quote(test['tpmanifest'],
if not test.get('url'):
# build 'url' for tptest
test['url'] = buildCommandLine(test)
test['url'] = utils.interpolate(test['url'])
test['setup'] = utils.interpolate(test['setup'])
test['cleanup'] = utils.interpolate(test['cleanup'])
# pass --no-remote to firefox launch, if --develop is specified
# we do that to allow locally the user to have another running firefox
# instance
if browser_config['develop']:
browser_config['extra_args'] = '--no-remote'
# with addon signing for production talos, we want to develop without it
if browser_config['develop'] or browser_config['branch_name'] == 'Try':
browser_config['preferences']['xpinstall.signatures.required'] = False
# set defaults
testdate = config.get('testdate', '')
# get the process name from the path to the browser
if not browser_config['process']:
browser_config['process'] = \
# fix paths to substitute
# `os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))` for ${talos}
browser_config['extensions'] = [utils.interpolate(i)
for i in browser_config['extensions']]
browser_config['bcontroller_config'] = \
# normalize browser path to work across platforms
browser_config['browser_path'] = \
binary = browser_config["browser_path"]
version_info = mozversion.get_version(binary=binary)
browser_config['browser_name'] = version_info['application_name']
browser_config['browser_version'] = version_info['application_version']
browser_config['buildid'] = version_info['application_buildid']
browser_config['repository'] = version_info['application_repository']
browser_config['sourcestamp'] = version_info['application_changeset']
except KeyError:
if not browser_config['develop']:
print("unable to find changeset or repository: %s" % version_info)
browser_config['repository'] = 'develop'
browser_config['sourcestamp'] = 'develop'
# get test date in seconds since epoch
if testdate:
date = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(testdate,
'%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT')))
date = int(time.time())
LOG.debug("using testdate: %d" % date)
LOG.debug("actual date: %d" % int(time.time()))
# results container
talos_results = TalosResults()
# results links
if not browser_config['develop'] and not config['sps_profile']:
results_urls = dict(
# another hack; datazilla stands for Perfherder
# and do not require url, but a non empty dict is required...
# local mode, output to files
results_urls = dict(output_urls=[os.path.abspath('local.json')])
httpd = setup_webserver(browser_config['webserver'])
# if e10s add as extra results option
if config['e10s']:
if config['sps_profile']:
testname = None
# run the tests
timer = utils.Timer()
LOG.suite_start(tests=[test['name'] for test in tests])
for test in tests:
testname = test['name']
mytest = TTest()
talos_results.add(mytest.runTest(browser_config, test))
LOG.test_end(testname, status='OK')
except TalosRegression as exc:
LOG.error("Detected a regression for %s" % testname)
# by returning 1, we report an orange to buildbot
LOG.test_end(testname, status='FAIL', message=str(exc),
return 1
except Exception as exc:
# NOTE: if we get into this condition, talos has an internal
# problem and cannot continue
# this will prevent future tests from running
LOG.test_end(testname, status='ERROR', message=str(exc),
# indicate a failure to buildbot, turn the job red
return 2
httpd.stop()"Completed test suite (%s)" % timer.elapsed())
# output results
if results_urls:
if browser_config['develop'] or config['sps_profile']:
print("Thanks for running Talos locally. Results are in %s"
% (results_urls['output_urls']))
# we will stop running tests on a failed test, or we will return 0 for
# green
return 0
def main(args=sys.argv[1:]):
config, browser_config = get_configs()
except ConfigurationError as exc:
sys.exit("ERROR: %s" % exc)
sys.exit(run_tests(config, browser_config))
if __name__ == '__main__':