2018-05-23 23:54:23 -06:00
--These nodes used to be defined by subterrane but were pulled due to not wanting to force all mods that use it to create these nodes.
--For backwards compatibility they can still be defined here, however.
2020-01-30 17:32:21 -07:00
local enable_legacy = minetest.settings : get_bool ( " subterrane_enable_legacy_dripstone " , false )
2018-05-24 00:30:53 -06:00
2020-01-27 20:34:30 -07:00
if enable_legacy then
2018-05-23 23:54:23 -06:00
subterrane.register_stalagmite_nodes ( " subterrane:dry_stal " , {
description = " Dry Dripstone " ,
tiles = {
" default_stone.png^[brighten " ,
} ,
groups = { cracky = 3 , stone = 2 } ,
sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults ( ) ,
} )
minetest.register_node ( " subterrane:dry_flowstone " , {
description = " Dry Flowstone " ,
tiles = { " default_stone.png^[brighten " } ,
groups = { cracky = 3 , stone = 1 } ,
drop = ' default:cobble ' ,
sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults ( ) ,
} )
subterrane.register_stalagmite_nodes ( " subterrane:wet_stal " , {
description = " Wet Dripstone " ,
tiles = {
" default_stone.png^[brighten^subterrane_dripstone_streaks.png " ,
} ,
groups = { cracky = 3 , stone = 2 , subterrane_wet_dripstone = 1 } ,
sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults ( ) ,
} , " subterrane:dry_stal " )
minetest.register_node ( " subterrane:wet_flowstone " , {
description = " Wet Flowstone " ,
tiles = { " default_stone.png^[brighten^subterrane_dripstone_streaks.png " } ,
groups = { cracky = 3 , stone = 1 , subterrane_wet_dripstone = 1 } ,
drop = ' default:cobble ' ,
sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults ( ) ,
} )
2018-12-29 12:56:30 -07:00
function subterrane : small_stalagmite ( vi , area , data , param2_data , param2 , height , stalagmite_id )
subterrane.stalagmite ( vi , area , data , param2_data , param2 , height , stalagmite_id )
function subterrane : giant_stalagmite ( vi , area , data , min_height , max_height , base_material , root_material , shaft_material )
subterrane.big_stalagmite ( vi , area , data , min_height , max_height , base_material , root_material , shaft_material )
function subterrane : giant_stalactite ( vi , area , data , min_height , max_height , base_material , root_material , shaft_material )
subterrane.big_stalactite ( vi , area , data , min_height , max_height , base_material , root_material , shaft_material )
function subterrane : giant_shroom ( vi , area , data , stem_material , cap_material , gill_material , stem_height , cap_radius , ignore_bounds )
subterrane.giant_mushroom ( vi , area , data , stem_material , cap_material , gill_material , stem_height , cap_radius , ignore_bounds )
-- Original cave registration code.
local c_lava = minetest.get_content_id ( " default:lava_source " )
local c_obsidian = minetest.get_content_id ( " default:obsidian " )
local c_stone = minetest.get_content_id ( " default:stone " )
local c_air = minetest.get_content_id ( " air " )
subterrane.default_perlin_cave = {
offset = 0 ,
scale = 1 ,
spread = { x = 256 , y = 256 , z = 256 } ,
seed = - 400000000089 ,
octaves = 3 ,
persist = 0.67
subterrane.default_perlin_wave = {
offset = 0 ,
scale = 1 ,
spread = { x = 512 , y = 256 , z = 512 } , -- squashed 2:1
seed = 59033 ,
octaves = 6 ,
persist = 0.63
2018-05-25 23:52:18 -06:00
2018-12-29 12:56:30 -07:00
-- cave_layer_def
-- minimum_depth = -- required, the highest elevation this cave layer will be generated in.
-- maximum_depth = -- required, the lowest elevation this cave layer will be generated in.
-- cave_threshold = -- optional, Cave threshold. Defaults to 0.5. 1 = small rare caves, 0.5 = 1/3rd ground volume, 0 = 1/2 ground volume
-- boundary_blend_range = -- optional, range near ymin and ymax over which caves diminish to nothing. Defaults to 128.
-- perlin_cave = -- optional, a 3D perlin noise definition table to define the shape of the caves
-- perlin_wave = -- optional, a 3D perlin noise definition table that's averaged with the cave noise to add more horizontal surfaces (squash its spread on the y axis relative to perlin_cave to accomplish this)
-- columns = -- optional, a column_def table for producing truly enormous dripstone formations
-- column_def
-- max_column_radius = -- Maximum radius for individual columns, defaults to 10
-- min_column_radius = -- Minimum radius for individual columns, defaults to 2 (going lower can increase the likelihood of "intermittent" columns with floating sections)
-- node = -- node name to build columns out of. Defaults to default:stone
-- weight = -- a floating point value (usually in the range of 0.5-1) to modify how strongly the column is affected by the surrounding cave. Lower values create a more variable, tapered stalactite/stalagmite combination whereas a value of 1 produces a roughly cylindrical column. Defaults to 0.5
-- maximum_count = -- The maximum number of columns placed in any given column region (each region being a square 4 times the length and width of a map chunk). Defaults to 100
-- minimum_count = -- The minimum number of columns placed in a column region. The actual number placed will be randomly selected between this range. Defaults to 25.
--extra biome properties used by subterrane
-- _subterrane_ceiling_decor = -- function for putting stuff on the ceiling of the big caverns
-- _subterrane_floor_decor = -- function for putting stuff on the floor of the big caverns
-- _subterrane_fill_node = -- node to fill the cavern with (defaults to air)
-- _subterrane_column_node = -- override the node the giant columns in this biome are made from
-- _subterrane_cave_floor_decor = -- function for putting stuff on the floors of other preexisting open space
-- _subterrane_cave_ceiling_decor = -- function for putting stuff on the ceiling of other preexisting open space
-- _subterrane_mitigate_lava = -- try to patch the walls of big caverns with obsidian plugs when lava intersects. Not perfect, but helpful.
-- _subterrane_override_sea_level = -- Y coordinate where an underground sea level begins. Biomes' y coordinate cutoffs are unreliable underground, this forces subterrane to take this sea level cutoff into account.
-- _subterrane_override_under_sea_biome = -- When below the override_sea_level, the biome with this name will be looked up and substituted.
-- _subterrane_column_node = -- overrides the node type of a cavern layer's column_def, if there are columns here.
local default_column = {
max_column_radius = 10 ,
min_column_radius = 2 ,
node = c_stone ,
weight = 0.25 ,
maximum_count = 100 ,
minimum_count = 25 ,
2018-05-25 23:52:18 -06:00
2018-12-29 12:56:30 -07:00
function subterrane : register_cave_layer ( cave_layer_def )
table.insert ( subterrane.registered_layers , cave_layer_def )
local YMIN = cave_layer_def.maximum_depth
local YMAX = cave_layer_def.minimum_depth
local BLEND = math.min ( cave_layer_def.boundary_blend_range or 128 , ( YMAX - YMIN ) / 2 )
local TCAVE = cave_layer_def.cave_threshold or 0.5
local np_cave = cave_layer_def.perlin_cave or subterrane.default_perlin_cave
local np_wave = cave_layer_def.perlin_wave or subterrane.default_perlin_wave
local yblmin = YMIN + BLEND * 1.5
local yblmax = YMAX - BLEND * 1.5
local column_def = cave_layer_def.columns
local c_column
if column_def then
column_def.max_column_radius = column_def.max_column_radius or default_column.max_column_radius
column_def.min_column_radius = column_def.min_column_radius or default_column.min_column_radius
c_column = column_def.node or default_column.node
column_def.weight = column_def.weight or default_column.weight
column_def.maximum_count = column_def.maximum_count or default_column.maximum_count
column_def.minimum_count = column_def.minimum_count or default_column.minimum_count
-- On generated function
minetest.register_on_generated ( function ( minp , maxp , seed )
--if out of range of cave definition limits, abort
if minp.y > YMAX or maxp.y < YMIN then
local t_start = os.clock ( )
local y_max = maxp.y
local y_min = minp.y
minetest.log ( " info " , " [subterrane] chunk minp " .. minetest.pos_to_string ( minp ) ) --tell people you are generating a chunk
local vm , data , data_param2 , area = mapgen_helper.mapgen_vm_data_param2 ( )
local layer_range_name = tostring ( YMIN ) .. " to " .. tostring ( YMAX )
local nvals_cave , cave_area = mapgen_helper.perlin3d ( " cave " .. layer_range_name , minp , maxp , np_cave ) --cave noise for structure
local nvals_wave = mapgen_helper.perlin3d ( " wave " .. layer_range_name , minp , maxp , np_wave ) --wavy structure of cavern ceilings and floors
local cave_iterator = cave_area : iterp ( minp , maxp )
local biomemap = minetest.get_mapgen_object ( " biomemap " )
local column_points = nil
local column_weight = nil
if column_def then
column_points = subterrane.get_column_points ( minp , maxp , column_def )
column_weight = column_def.weight
for vi , x , y , z in area : iterp_xyz ( minp , maxp ) do
local index_3d = cave_iterator ( )
local index_2d = mapgen_helper.index2d ( minp , maxp , x , z )
local tcave --declare variable
--determine the overall cave threshold
if y < yblmin then
tcave = TCAVE + ( ( yblmin - y ) / BLEND ) ^ 2
elseif y > yblmax then
tcave = TCAVE + ( ( y - yblmax ) / BLEND ) ^ 2
tcave = TCAVE
local biome
if biomemap then
biome = mapgen_helper.get_biome_def ( biomemap [ index_2d ] )
if biome and biome._subterrane_override_sea_level and y <= biome._subterrane_override_sea_level then
local override_name = biome._subterrane_override_under_sea_biome
if override_name then
biome = minetest.registered_biomes [ override_name ]
biome = nil
local fill_node = c_air
local column_node = c_column
if biome then
if biome._subterrane_fill_node then
fill_node = biome._subterrane_fill_node
if biome._subterrane_column_node then
column_node = biome._subterrane_column_node
local cave_value = ( nvals_cave [ index_3d ] + nvals_wave [ index_3d ] ) / 2
if cave_value > tcave then --if node falls within cave threshold
local column_value = 0
if column_def then
column_value = subterrane.get_point_heat ( { x = x , y = y , z = z } , column_points )
if column_value > 0 and cave_value - column_value * column_weight < tcave then
data [ vi ] = column_node -- add a column
data [ vi ] = fill_node --hollow it out to make the cave
elseif biome and biome._subterrane_cave_fill_node and data [ vi ] == c_air then
data [ vi ] = biome._subterrane_cave_fill_node
if biome and biome._subterrane_mitigate_lava and cave_value > tcave - 0.1 then -- Eliminate nearby lava to keep it from spilling in
if data [ vi ] == c_lava then
data [ vi ] = c_obsidian
cave_iterator = cave_area : iterp ( minp , maxp ) -- reset this iterator
for vi , x , y , z in area : iterp_xyz ( minp , maxp ) do
local index_3d = cave_iterator ( )
local index_2d = mapgen_helper.index2d ( minp , maxp , x , z )
local ai = vi + area.ystride
local bi = vi - area.ystride
local tcave --same as above
if y < yblmin then
tcave = TCAVE + ( ( yblmin - y ) / BLEND ) ^ 2
elseif y > yblmax then
tcave = TCAVE + ( ( y - yblmax ) / BLEND ) ^ 2
tcave = TCAVE
local biome
if biomemap then
biome = mapgen_helper.get_biome_def ( biomemap [ index_2d ] )
local fill_node = c_air
local cave_fill_node = c_air
if biome and biome._subterrane_override_sea_level and y <= biome._subterrane_override_sea_level then
local override_name = biome._subterrane_override_under_sea_biome
if override_name then
biome = minetest.registered_biomes [ override_name ]
biome = nil
if biome then
local cave_value = ( nvals_cave [ index_3d ] + nvals_wave [ index_3d ] ) / 2
-- only check nodes near the edges of caverns
if cave_value > tcave - 0.05 and cave_value < tcave + 0.05 then
if biome._subterrane_fill_node then
fill_node = biome._subterrane_fill_node
if biome._subterrane_ceiling_decor
and data [ ai ] ~= fill_node
and data [ vi ] == fill_node
and y < y_max
then --ceiling
biome._subterrane_ceiling_decor ( area , data , ai , vi , bi , data_param2 )
if biome._subterrane_floor_decor
and data [ bi ] ~= fill_node
and data [ vi ] == fill_node
and y > y_min
then --floor
biome._subterrane_floor_decor ( area , data , ai , vi , bi , data_param2 )
elseif cave_value <= tcave then --if node falls outside cave threshold
-- decorate other "native" caves and tunnels
if biome._subterrane_cave_fill_node then
cave_fill_node = biome._subterrane_cave_fill_node
if data [ vi ] == c_air then
data [ vi ] = cave_fill_node
if biome._subterrane_cave_ceiling_decor
and data [ ai ] ~= cave_fill_node
and data [ vi ] == cave_fill_node
and y < y_max
then --ceiling
biome._subterrane_cave_ceiling_decor ( area , data , ai , vi , bi , data_param2 )
if biome._subterrane_cave_floor_decor
and data [ bi ] ~= cave_fill_node
and data [ vi ] == cave_fill_node
and y > y_min
then --ground
biome._subterrane_cave_floor_decor ( area , data , ai , vi , bi , data_param2 )
--send data back to voxelmanip
vm : set_data ( data )
vm : set_param2_data ( data_param2 )
--calc lighting
vm : set_lighting ( { day = 0 , night = 0 } )
vm : calc_lighting ( )
--write it to world
vm : write_to_map ( )
local chunk_generation_time = math.ceil ( ( os.clock ( ) - t_start ) * 1000 ) --grab how long it took
if chunk_generation_time < 1000 then
minetest.log ( " info " , " [subterrane] " .. chunk_generation_time .. " ms " ) --tell people how long
minetest.log ( " warning " , " [subterrane] took " .. chunk_generation_time .. " ms to generate map block "
.. minetest.pos_to_string ( minp ) .. minetest.pos_to_string ( maxp ) )
end )
function subterrane : register_cave_decor ( minimum_depth , maximum_depth )
-- On generated function
minetest.register_on_generated ( function ( minp , maxp , seed )
--if out of range of cave definition limits, abort
if minp.y > minimum_depth or maxp.y < maximum_depth then
--easy reference to commonly used values
local t_start = os.clock ( )
local y_max = maxp.y
local y_min = minp.y
minetest.log ( " info " , " [subterrane] chunk minp " .. minetest.pos_to_string ( minp ) ) --tell people you are generating a chunk
local vm , data , data_param2 , area = mapgen_helper.mapgen_vm_data_param2 ( )
local biomemap = minetest.get_mapgen_object ( " biomemap " )
for vi , x , y , z in area : iterp_xyz ( minp , maxp ) do
--decoration loop, places nodes on floor and ceiling
local index_2d = mapgen_helper.index2d ( minp , maxp , x , z )
local ai = vi + area.ystride
local bi = vi - area.ystride
local biome
if biomemap then
biome = mapgen_helper.get_biome_def ( biomemap [ index_2d ] )
local cave_fill_node = c_air
if biome then
-- decorate "native" caves and tunnels
if biome._subterrane_cave_fill_node then
cave_fill_node = biome._subterrane_cave_fill_node
if data [ vi ] == c_air then
data [ vi ] = cave_fill_node
if biome._subterrane_cave_ceiling_decor
and data [ ai ] ~= cave_fill_node
and data [ vi ] == cave_fill_node
and y < y_max
then --ceiling
biome._subterrane_cave_ceiling_decor ( area , data , ai , vi , bi , data_param2 )
if biome._subterrane_cave_floor_decor
and data [ bi ] ~= cave_fill_node
and data [ vi ] == cave_fill_node
and y > y_min
then --ground
biome._subterrane_cave_floor_decor ( area , data , ai , vi , bi , data_param2 )
--send data back to voxelmanip
vm : set_data ( data )
vm : set_param2_data ( data_param2 )
--calc lighting
vm : set_lighting ( { day = 0 , night = 0 } )
vm : calc_lighting ( )
--write it to world
vm : write_to_map ( )
local chunk_generation_time = math.ceil ( ( os.clock ( ) - t_start ) * 1000 ) --grab how long it took
if chunk_generation_time < 1000 then
minetest.log ( " info " , " [subterrane] " .. chunk_generation_time .. " ms " ) --tell people how long
minetest.log ( " warning " , " [subterrane] took " .. chunk_generation_time .. " ms to generate a map block " )
end )
local grid_size = mapgen_helper.block_size * 4
function subterrane : vertically_consistent_randomp ( pos )
2020-01-27 20:34:30 -07:00
local next_seed = math.floor ( math.random ( ) * 2 ^ 31 )
2018-12-29 12:56:30 -07:00
math.randomseed ( minetest.hash_node_position ( { x = pos.x , y = 0 , z = pos.z } ) )
local output = math.random ( )
math.randomseed ( next_seed )
return output
function subterrane : vertically_consistent_random ( vi , area )
local pos = area : position ( vi )
return subterrane : vertically_consistent_randomp ( pos )
subterrane.get_column_points = function ( minp , maxp , column_def )
local grids = mapgen_helper.get_nearest_regions ( minp , grid_size )
local points = { }
for _ , grid in ipairs ( grids ) do
--The y value of the returned point will be the radius of the column
local minp = { x = grid.x , y = column_def.min_column_radius * 100 , z = grid.z }
local maxp = { x = grid.x + grid_size - 1 , y = column_def.max_column_radius * 100 , z = grid.z + grid_size - 1 }
for _ , point in ipairs ( mapgen_helper.get_random_points ( minp , maxp , column_def.minimum_count , column_def.maximum_count ) ) do
point.y = point.y / 100
if point.x > minp.x - point.y
and point.x < maxp.x + point.y
and point.z > minp.z - point.y
and point.z < maxp.z + point.y then
table.insert ( points , point )
2018-05-25 23:52:18 -06:00
2018-12-29 12:56:30 -07:00
return points
2018-05-25 23:52:18 -06:00
2018-12-29 12:56:30 -07:00
subterrane.get_point_heat = function ( pos , points )
local heat = 0
for _ , point in ipairs ( points ) do
local axis_point = { x = point.x , y = pos.y , z = point.z }
local radius = point.y
if ( pos.x >= axis_point.x - radius and pos.x <= axis_point.x + radius
and pos.z >= axis_point.z - radius and pos.z <= axis_point.z + radius ) then
local dist = vector.distance ( pos , axis_point )
if dist < radius then
heat = math.max ( heat , 1 - dist / radius )
return heat
-- Unfortunately there's no easy way to override a single biome, so do it by wiping everything and re-registering
-- Not only that, but the decorations also need to be wiped and re-registered - it appears they keep
-- track of the biome they belong to via an internal ID that gets changed when the biomes
-- are re-registered, resulting in them being left assigned to the wrong biomes.
function subterrane : override_biome ( biome_def )
--Minetest 0.5 adds this "unregister biome" method
if minetest.unregister_biome and biome_def.name then
minetest.unregister_biome ( biome_def.name )
minetest.register_biome ( biome_def )
local registered_biomes_copy = { }
for old_biome_key , old_biome_def in pairs ( minetest.registered_biomes ) do
registered_biomes_copy [ old_biome_key ] = old_biome_def
local registered_decorations_copy = { }
for old_decoration_key , old_decoration_def in pairs ( minetest.registered_decorations ) do
registered_decorations_copy [ old_decoration_key ] = old_decoration_def
registered_biomes_copy [ biome_def.name ] = biome_def
minetest.clear_registered_decorations ( )
minetest.clear_registered_biomes ( )
for biome_key , new_biome_def in pairs ( registered_biomes_copy ) do
minetest.register_biome ( new_biome_def )
for decoration_key , new_decoration_def in pairs ( registered_decorations_copy ) do
minetest.register_decoration ( new_decoration_def )