This pass cleans up a lot of unnecessary table allocation and disposal, which should help with memory usage and garbage collection. It also adds some sophistication to the entity damage process from diggers, allowing items to be picked up into Digtron inventory.
595 lines
24 KiB
595 lines
24 KiB
-- internationalization boilerplate
local MP = minetest.get_modpath(minetest.get_current_modname())
local S, NS = dofile(MP.."/intllib.lua")
local dig_dust = function(pos, facing)
local direction = minetest.facedir_to_dir(facing)
return {
amount = 10,
time = 1.0,
minpos = vector.subtract(pos, vector.new(0.5,0.5,0.5)),
maxpos = vector.add(pos, vector.new(0.5,0.5,0.5)),
minvel = vector.multiply(direction, -10),
maxvel = vector.multiply(direction, -20),
minacc = {x=0, y=-40, z=0},
maxacc = {x=0, y=-40, z=0},
minexptime = 0.25,
maxexptime = 0.5,
minsize = 2,
maxsize = 5,
collisiondetection = false,
vertical = false,
texture = "default_item_smoke.png^[colorize:#9F817080",
local burn_smoke = function(pos, amount)
return {
amount = math.min(amount, 40),
time = 1.0,
minpos = vector.subtract(pos, vector.new(0.5,0.5,0.5)),
maxpos = vector.add(pos, vector.new(0.5,0.5,0.5)),
minvel = {x=0, y=2, z=0},
maxvel = {x=0, y=5, z=0},
minacc = {x=0, y=0, z=0},
maxacc = {x=0, y=0, z=0},
minexptime = 0.5,
maxexptime = 1.5,
minsize = 8,
maxsize = 12,
collisiondetection = false,
vertical = false,
texture = "default_item_smoke.png^[colorize:#000000DD",
--Performs various tests on a layout to play warning noises and see if Digtron can move at all.
local function neighbour_test(layout, status_text, dir)
if layout.all == nil then
-- get_all_digtron_neighbours returns nil if the digtron array touches unloaded nodes, too dangerous to do anything in that situation. Abort.
minetest.sound_play("buzzer", {gain=0.25, pos=layout.controller})
return S("Digtron is adjacent to unloaded nodes.") .. "\n" .. status_text, 1
if layout.water_touching == true then
minetest.sound_play("sploosh", {gain=1.0, pos=layout.controller})
if layout.lava_touching == true then
minetest.sound_play("woopwoopwoop", {gain=1.0, pos=layout.controller})
if dir and dir.y ~= -1 and layout.traction * digtron.config.traction_factor < table.getn(layout.all) then
-- digtrons can't fly, though they can fall
minetest.sound_play("squeal", {gain=1.0, pos=layout.controller})
return S("Digtron has @1 blocks but only enough traction to move @2 blocks.\n", table.getn(layout.all), layout.traction * digtron.config.traction_factor)
.. status_text, 2
return status_text, 0
-- Checks if a player is within a layout's extents.
local function move_player_test(layout, player)
local player_pos = player:getpos()
if player_pos.x >= layout.extents.min_x - 1 and player_pos.x <= layout.extents.max_x + 1 and
player_pos.y >= layout.extents.min_y - 1 and player_pos.y <= layout.extents.max_y + 1 and
player_pos.z >= layout.extents.min_z - 1 and player_pos.z <= layout.extents.max_z + 1 then
return true
return false
local node_inventory_table = {type="node"} -- a reusable parameter for get_inventory calls, set the pos parameter before using.
local function test_stop_block(pos, items)
node_inventory_table.pos = pos
local inv = minetest.get_inventory(node_inventory_table)
local item_stack = inv:get_stack("stop", 1)
if not item_stack:is_empty() then
for _, item in pairs(items) do
if item == item_stack:get_name() then
return true
return false
-- returns newpos, status string, and a return code indicating why the method returned (so the auto-controller can keep trying if it's due to unloaded nodes)
-- 0 - success
-- 1 - failed due to unloaded nodes
-- 2 - failed due to insufficient traction
-- 3 - obstructed by undiggable node
-- 4 - insufficient fuel
-- 5 - unknown builder error during testing
-- 6 - builder with unset output
-- 7 - insufficient builder materials in inventory
digtron.execute_dig_cycle = function(pos, clicker)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local facing = minetest.get_node(pos).param2
local dir = minetest.facedir_to_dir(facing)
local fuel_burning = meta:get_float("fuel_burning") -- get amount of burned fuel left over from last cycle
local status_text = S("Heat remaining in controller furnace: @1", math.floor(math.max(0, fuel_burning)))
local exhaust = meta:get_int("on_coal")
local layout = DigtronLayout.create(pos, clicker)
local status_text, return_code = neighbour_test(layout, status_text, dir)
if return_code ~= 0 then
return pos, status_text, return_code
local controlling_coordinate = digtron.get_controlling_coordinate(pos, facing)
local items_dropped = {}
local digging_fuel_cost = 0
local particle_systems = {}
-- execute the execute_dig method on all digtron components that have one
-- This builds a set of nodes that will be dug and returns a list of products that will be generated
-- but doesn't actually dig the nodes yet. That comes later.
-- If we dug them now, sand would fall and some digtron nodes would die.
if layout.diggers ~= nil then
for k, location in pairs(layout.diggers) do
local target = minetest.get_node(location.pos)
local targetdef = minetest.registered_nodes[target.name]
if targetdef.execute_dig ~= nil then
local fuel_cost, dropped = targetdef.execute_dig(location.pos, layout.protected, layout.nodes_dug, controlling_coordinate, false, clicker)
if dropped ~= nil then
for _, itemname in pairs(dropped) do
table.insert(items_dropped, itemname)
if digtron.config.particle_effects then
table.insert(particle_systems, dig_dust(vector.add(location.pos, dir), target.param2))
digging_fuel_cost = digging_fuel_cost + fuel_cost
minetest.log(string.format("%s has digger group but is missing execute_dig method! This is an error in mod programming, file a bug.", targetdef.name))
-- test if any digtrons are obstructed by non-digtron nodes that haven't been marked
-- as having been dug.
local can_move = true
for _, location in pairs(layout.all) do
local newpos = vector.add(location.pos, dir)
if not digtron.can_move_to(newpos, layout.protected, layout.nodes_dug) then
can_move = false
if test_stop_block(pos, items_dropped) then
can_move = false
if not can_move then
-- mark this node as waiting, will clear this flag in digtron.config.cycle_time seconds
minetest.get_meta(pos):set_string("waiting", "true")
minetest.sound_play("squeal", {gain=1.0, pos=pos})
minetest.sound_play("buzzer", {gain=0.5, pos=pos})
return pos, S("Digtron is obstructed.") .. "\n" .. status_text, 3 --Abort, don't dig and don't build.
-- ask each builder node if it can get what it needs from inventory to build this cycle.
-- This is a complicated test because each builder needs to actually *take* the item it'll
-- need from inventory, and then we put it all back afterward.
-- Note that this test may overestimate the amount of work that will actually need to be done so don't treat its fuel cost as authoritative.
local can_build = true
local test_build_return_code = nil
local test_build_return_items = nil
local failed_to_find = nil
local test_items = {}
local test_fuel_items = {}
local test_build_fuel_cost = 0
if layout.builders ~= nil then
for k, location in pairs(layout.builders) do
local target = minetest.get_node(location.pos)
local targetdef = minetest.registered_nodes[target.name]
local test_location = vector.add(location.pos, dir)
if targetdef.test_build ~= nil then
test_build_return_code, test_build_return_items, failed_to_find = targetdef.test_build(location.pos, test_location, layout.inventories, layout.protected, layout.nodes_dug, controlling_coordinate, layout.controller)
for k, return_item in pairs(test_build_return_items) do
table.insert(test_items, return_item)
test_build_fuel_cost = test_build_fuel_cost + digtron.config.build_cost
if test_build_return_code > 1 then
can_build = false
minetest.log(string.format("%s has builder group but is missing test_build method! This is an error in mod programming, file a bug.", targetdef.name))
local test_fuel_needed = test_build_fuel_cost + digging_fuel_cost - fuel_burning
local test_fuel_burned = 0
local power_from_cables = 0
if minetest.get_modpath("technic") then
if layout.power_connectors ~= nil then
local power_inputs = {}
for _, power_connector in pairs(layout.power_connectors) do
if power_connector.meta.fields.HV_network and power_connector.meta.fields.HV_EU_input then
power_inputs[power_connector.meta.fields.HV_network] = tonumber(power_connector.meta.fields.HV_EU_input)
for _, power in pairs(power_inputs) do
power_from_cables = power_from_cables + power
power_from_cables = power_from_cables / digtron.config.power_ratio
test_fuel_burned = power_from_cables
if test_fuel_needed - test_fuel_burned > 0 then
-- check for the available electrical power
test_fuel_burned = test_fuel_burned + digtron.tap_batteries(layout.battery_holders, test_fuel_needed, true)
if (test_fuel_needed < test_fuel_burned) then
exhaust = 0 -- all power needs met by electricity, don't blow smoke
-- burn combustible fuel if not enough power
test_fuel_burned = test_fuel_burned + digtron.burn(layout.fuelstores, test_fuel_needed - test_fuel_burned, true)
exhaust = 1 -- burning fuel produces smoke
--Put everything back where it came from
for k, item_return in pairs(test_items) do
digtron.place_in_specific_inventory(item_return.item, item_return.location, layout.inventories, layout.controller)
if test_fuel_needed > fuel_burning + test_fuel_burned then
minetest.sound_play("buzzer", {gain=0.5, pos=pos})
return pos, S("Digtron needs more fuel."), 4 -- abort, don't dig and don't build.
if not can_build then
minetest.get_meta(pos):set_string("waiting", "true")
local return_string = nil
local return_code = 5
if test_build_return_code == 3 then
minetest.sound_play("honk", {gain=0.5, pos=pos}) -- A builder is not configured
return_string = S("Digtron connected to at least one builder with no output material assigned.") .. "\n"
return_code = 6
elseif test_build_return_code == 2 then
minetest.sound_play("dingding", {gain=1.0, pos=pos}) -- Insufficient inventory
return_string = S("Digtron has insufficient building materials. Needed: @1", failed_to_find:get_name()) .. "\n"
return_code = 7
return pos, return_string .. status_text, return_code --Abort, don't dig and don't build.
-- All tests passed, ready to go for real!
minetest.sound_play("construction", {gain=1.0, pos=pos})
-- if the player is standing within the array or next to it, move him too.
local move_player = move_player_test(layout, clicker)
-- damage the weak flesh
if digtron.config.damage_hp > 0 and layout.diggers ~= nil then
for k, location in pairs(layout.diggers) do
local target = minetest.get_node(location.pos)
local targetdef = minetest.registered_nodes[target.name]
if targetdef.damage_creatures ~= nil then
targetdef.damage_creatures(clicker, location.pos, controlling_coordinate, items_dropped)
--move the array
if not layout:write_layout_image(clicker) then
return pos, "unrecoverable write_layout_image error", 1
local oldpos = {x=pos.x, y=pos.y, z=pos.z}
pos = vector.add(pos, dir)
meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
if move_player then
clicker:moveto(vector.add(dir, clicker:getpos()), true)
-- store or drop the products of the digger heads
for _, itemname in pairs(items_dropped) do
digtron.place_in_inventory(itemname, layout.inventories, oldpos)
digtron.award_item_dug(items_dropped, clicker) -- Achievements mod hook
local building_fuel_cost = 0
local strange_failure = false
-- execute_build on all digtron components that have one
if layout.builders ~= nil then
for k, location in pairs(layout.builders) do
local target = minetest.get_node(location.pos)
local targetdef = minetest.registered_nodes[target.name]
if targetdef.execute_build ~= nil then
--using the old location of the controller as fallback so that any leftovers land with the rest of the digger output. Not that there should be any.
local build_return = targetdef.execute_build(location.pos, clicker, layout.inventories, layout.protected, layout.nodes_dug, controlling_coordinate, oldpos)
if build_return < 0 then
-- This happens if there's insufficient inventory, but we should have confirmed there was sufficient inventory during test phase.
-- So this should never happen. However, "should never happens" happen sometimes. So
-- don't interrupt the build cycle as a whole, we've already moved so might as well try to complete as much as possible.
strange_failure = true
build_return = (build_return * -1) - 1
elseif digtron.config.uses_resources then
building_fuel_cost = building_fuel_cost + (digtron.config.build_cost * build_return)
minetest.log(string.format("%s has builder group but is missing execute_build method! This is an error in mod programming, file a bug.", targetdef.name))
if layout.auto_ejectors ~= nil then
for k, location in pairs(layout.auto_ejectors) do
local target = minetest.get_node(location.pos)
local targetdef = minetest.registered_nodes[target.name]
if targetdef.execute_eject ~= nil then
targetdef.execute_eject(location.pos, target, clicker)
minetest.log(string.format("%s has an ejector group but is missing execute_eject method! This is an error in mod programming, file a bug.", targetdef.name))
local status_text = ""
if strange_failure then
-- We weren't able to detect this build failure ahead of time, so make a big noise now. This is strange, shouldn't happen.
minetest.sound_play("dingding", {gain=1.0, pos=pos})
minetest.sound_play("buzzer", {gain=0.5, pos=pos})
status_text = S("Digtron unexpectedly failed to execute one or more build operations, likely due to an inventory error.") .. "\n"
local total_fuel_cost = math.max(digging_fuel_cost + building_fuel_cost - power_from_cables, 0)
-- actually burn the fuel needed
fuel_burning = fuel_burning - total_fuel_cost
if digtron.config.particle_effects and exhaust == 1 then
table.insert(particle_systems, burn_smoke(pos, total_fuel_cost))
if fuel_burning < 0 then
-- we tap into the batteries either way
fuel_burning = fuel_burning + digtron.tap_batteries(layout.battery_holders, -fuel_burning, false)
if exhaust == 1 then
-- but we burn coal only if we must (exhaust = flag)
fuel_burning = fuel_burning + digtron.burn(layout.fuelstores, -fuel_burning, false)
meta:set_float("fuel_burning", fuel_burning)
meta:set_int("on_coal", exhaust)
status_text = status_text .. S("Heat remaining in controller furnace: @1", math.floor(math.max(0, fuel_burning)))
-- Eyecandy
for _, particles in pairs(particle_systems) do
-- finally, dig out any nodes remaining to be dug. Some of these will have had their flag revoked because
-- a builder put something there or because they're another digtron node.
local node_to_dig, whether_to_dig = layout.nodes_dug:pop()
while node_to_dig ~= nil do
if whether_to_dig == true then
minetest.log("action", string.format("%s uses Digtron to dig %s at (%d, %d, %d)", clicker:get_player_name(), minetest.get_node(node_to_dig).name, node_to_dig.x, node_to_dig.y, node_to_dig.z))
-- all of the digtron's nodes wind up in nodes_dug, so this is an ideal place to stick
-- a check to make sand fall after the digtron has passed.
minetest.check_for_falling({x=node_to_dig.x, y=node_to_dig.y+1, z=node_to_dig.z})
node_to_dig, whether_to_dig = layout.nodes_dug:pop()
return pos, status_text, 0
-- Simplified version of the above method that only moves, and doesn't execute diggers or builders.
digtron.execute_move_cycle = function(pos, clicker)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local layout = DigtronLayout.create(pos, clicker)
local status_text = ""
local status_text, return_code = neighbour_test(layout, status_text, nil) -- skip traction check for pusher by passing nil for direction
if return_code ~= 0 then
return pos, status_text, return_code
local facing = minetest.get_node(pos).param2
local dir = minetest.facedir_to_dir(facing)
local controlling_coordinate = digtron.get_controlling_coordinate(pos, facing)
-- if the player is standing within the array or next to it, move him too.
local move_player = move_player_test(layout, clicker)
-- test if any digtrons are obstructed by non-digtron nodes
if not layout:can_write_layout_image() then
-- mark this node as waiting, will clear this flag in digtron.config.cycle_time seconds
minetest.get_meta(pos):set_string("waiting", "true")
minetest.sound_play("squeal", {gain=1.0, pos=pos})
minetest.sound_play("buzzer", {gain=0.5, pos=pos})
return pos, S("Digtron is obstructed.") .. "\n" .. status_text, 3 --Abort, don't dig and don't build.
minetest.sound_play("truck", {gain=1.0, pos=pos})
--move the array
if not layout:write_layout_image(clicker) then
return pos, "unrecoverable write_layout_image error", 1
pos = vector.add(pos, dir)
if move_player then
clicker:moveto(vector.add(clicker:getpos(), dir), true)
return pos, "", 0
-- Simplified version of the dig cycle that moves laterally relative to the controller's orientation ("downward")
-- Does the dig portion of the cycle, but skips the build portion.
-- returns newpos, status string, and a return code indicating why the method returned (so the auto-controller can keep trying if it's due to unloaded nodes)
-- 0 - success
-- 1 - failed due to unloaded nodes
-- 2 - failed due to insufficient traction
-- 3 - obstructed by undiggable node
-- 4 - insufficient fuel
digtron.execute_downward_dig_cycle = function(pos, clicker)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local facing = minetest.get_node(pos).param2
local dir = digtron.facedir_to_down_dir(facing)
local fuel_burning = meta:get_float("fuel_burning") -- get amount of burned fuel left over from last cycle
local status_text = S("Heat remaining in controller furnace: @1", math.floor(math.max(0, fuel_burning)))
local exhaust = meta:get_int("on_coal")
local layout = DigtronLayout.create(pos, clicker)
local status_text, return_code = neighbour_test(layout, status_text, dir)
if return_code ~= 0 then
return pos, status_text, return_code
local controlling_coordinate = digtron.get_controlling_coordinate(pos, facing)
local items_dropped = {}
local digging_fuel_cost = 0
local particle_systems = {}
-- execute the execute_dig method on all digtron components that have one
-- This builds a set of nodes that will be dug and returns a list of products that will be generated
-- but doesn't actually dig the nodes yet. That comes later.
-- If we dug them now, sand would fall and some digtron nodes would die.
if layout.diggers ~= nil then
for k, location in pairs(layout.diggers) do
local target = minetest.get_node(location.pos)
local targetdef = minetest.registered_nodes[target.name]
if targetdef.execute_dig ~= nil then
local fuel_cost, dropped = targetdef.execute_dig(location.pos, layout.protected, layout.nodes_dug, controlling_coordinate, true, clicker)
if dropped ~= nil then
for _, itemname in pairs(dropped) do
table.insert(items_dropped, itemname)
if digtron.config.particle_effects then
table.insert(particle_systems, dig_dust(vector.add(location.pos, dir), target.param2))
digging_fuel_cost = digging_fuel_cost + fuel_cost
minetest.log(string.format("%s has digger group but is missing execute_dig method! This is an error in mod programming, file a bug.", targetdef.name))
-- test if any digtrons are obstructed by non-digtron nodes that haven't been marked
-- as having been dug.
local can_move = true
for _, location in pairs(layout.all) do
local newpos = vector.add(location.pos, dir)
if not digtron.can_move_to(newpos, layout.protected, layout.nodes_dug) then
can_move = false
if test_stop_block(pos, items_dropped) then
can_move = false
if not can_move then
-- mark this node as waiting, will clear this flag in digtron.config.cycle_time seconds
minetest.get_meta(pos):set_string("waiting", "true")
minetest.sound_play("squeal", {gain=1.0, pos=pos})
minetest.sound_play("buzzer", {gain=0.5, pos=pos})
return pos, S("Digtron is obstructed.") .. "\n" .. status_text, 3 --Abort, don't dig and don't build.
-- All tests passed, ready to go for real!
minetest.sound_play("construction", {gain=1.0, pos=pos})
-- if the player is standing within the array or next to it, move him too.
local move_player = move_player_test(layout, clicker)
-- damage the weak flesh
if digtron.config.damage_hp > 0 and layout.diggers ~= nil then
for k, location in pairs(layout.diggers) do
local target = minetest.get_node(location.pos)
local targetdef = minetest.registered_nodes[target.name]
if targetdef.damage_creatures ~= nil then
targetdef.damage_creatures(clicker, location.pos, controlling_coordinate)
--move the array
if not layout:write_layout_image(clicker) then
return pos, "unrecoverable write_layout_image error", 1
local oldpos = {x=pos.x, y=pos.y, z=pos.z}
pos = vector.add(pos, dir)
meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
if move_player then
clicker:moveto(vector.add(clicker:getpos(), dir), true)
-- store or drop the products of the digger heads
for _, itemname in pairs(items_dropped) do
digtron.place_in_inventory(itemname, layout.inventories, oldpos)
digtron.award_item_dug(items_dropped, clicker) -- Achievements mod hook
local status_text = ""
-- actually burn the fuel needed
fuel_burning = fuel_burning - digging_fuel_cost
if digtron.config.particle_effects and exhaust == 1 then
table.insert(particle_systems, burn_smoke(pos, digging_fuel_cost))
if fuel_burning < 0 then
-- we tap into the batteries either way
fuel_burning = fuel_burning + digtron.tap_batteries(layout.battery_holders, -fuel_burning, false)
if exhaust == 1 then
-- but we burn coal only if we must (exhaust = flag)
fuel_burning = fuel_burning + digtron.burn(layout.fuelstores, -fuel_burning, false)
meta:set_float("fuel_burning", fuel_burning)
meta:set_int("on_coal", exhaust)
status_text = status_text .. S("Heat remaining in controller furnace: @1", math.floor(math.max(0, fuel_burning)))
-- Eyecandy
for _, particles in pairs(particle_systems) do
-- finally, dig out any nodes remaining to be dug. Some of these will have had their flag revoked because
-- a builder put something there or because they're another digtron node.
local node_to_dig, whether_to_dig = layout.nodes_dug:pop()
while node_to_dig ~= nil do
if whether_to_dig == true then
minetest.log("action", string.format("%s uses Digtron to dig %s at (%d, %d, %d)", clicker:get_player_name(), minetest.get_node(node_to_dig).name, node_to_dig.x, node_to_dig.y, node_to_dig.z))
node_to_dig, whether_to_dig = layout.nodes_dug:pop()
return pos, status_text, 0