
65 lines
2.5 KiB

-- _
-- __ _ __ _ _ __ ___ ___ __| | ___ ___
-- / _` |/ _` | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ / _` |/ _ \ / __|
-- | (_| | (_| | | | | | | __/ | (_| | (_) | (__
-- \__, |\__,_|_| |_| |_|\_______\__,_|\___/ \___|
-- |___/ |_____|
-- Author: ExeVirus (Just_Visiting)
-- MIT Licensed 2021
-- Please see the readme for an overview of the modder-facing api.
-- This mod is broken into multiple files:
---- <> settingtypes.txt:
---- Edit to change the default look, default hidden values, turn off the hidden system, etc.
---- <> code/settings.lua:
---- Loads the settings into the game_doc table
---- <> code/add_entires.lua:
---- Provides the 3 modder facing game_doc registration functions
---- <> code/direct_access.lua:
---- Provides the 2 modder-facing game_doc direct access functions
---- Note: changes made in these tables will affect the game, they are NOT copies
---- <> code/player_management.lua:
---- As player's join the game for the first time, and have their hidden values updated,
---- this file will manage those player states.
---- <> code/hidden_modifications.lua:
---- Provides the 4 modder-facing game_doc hidden-modification functions
---- <> code/formspecs.lua:
---- Generates the 3 different formspecs (main, category, and entry) for this in-game documentation/text system
---- <> code/integration.lua:
---- Based on settings, will register the command /game_doc to show the main documentation menu
---- and will, if found, add a tab to i3 to access the same formspec from the inventory screen.
-- Global main mod table
game_doc = {}
-- Boilerplates = "game_doc"
game_doc.path = minetest.get_modpath(
game_doc.doc_data = {} -- the actual entries
game_doc.player_data = {} -- for storing current selected entries/categories, and hidden values
game_doc.ready_forms = {} -- for storing ready made category formspecs- if hidden system is disabled
game_doc.mods_loaded = false
-- File Loading
dofile(game_doc.path .. "/code/settings.lua")
dofile(game_doc.path .. "/code/add_entries.lua")
dofile(game_doc.path .. "/code/direct_access.lua")
--dofile(game_doc.path .. "/code/player_management.lua")
--dofile(game_doc.path .. "/code/hidden_modifications.lua")
dofile(game_doc.path .. "/code/formspecs.lua")
dofile(game_doc.path .. "/code/integration.lua")
-- Done, let 'em know
minetest.log("info","'game_doc' loaded successfully")