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-- ethereal comes with some intresting trees
if( minetest.get_modpath( 'ethereal' )) then
mg_villages.ethereal_trees = {'willow','redwood','frost','mushroom','yellow','palm','banana'};
-- The trees modname is not unique; there are other mods which bear that name.
-- If all the other mods are present as well, it's a strong indication for realtest beeing the game.
if( minetest.get_modpath( 'trees' )
and minetest.get_modpath( 'anvil')
and minetest.get_modpath( 'joiner_table')
and minetest.get_modpath( 'scribing_table' )) then
mg_villages.realtest_trees = {'ash','aspen','birch','maple','chestnut','pine','spruce'};
--print('REALTEST trees will be used.'); else print( 'NO REALTEST trees');
-- realtest is very special as far as stairs are concerned
mg_villages.realtest_stairs = {'default:stone','default:stone_flat','default:stone_bricks',
for i,v in ipairs(metals.list) do
table.insert( mg_villages.realtest_stairs, 'metals:'..v..'_block' );
-- the list of minteral names is local; so we can't add "decorations:"..mineral[1].."_block"
-- only the function mg_villages.get_replacement_table(..) is called from outside this file
mg_villages.replace_materials = function( replacements, pr, original_materials, prefixes, materials, old_material )
local postfixes = {};
local use_realtest_stairs = false;
-- handle realtest stairs/slabs
if( mg_villages.realtest_trees
and #prefixes==3
and prefixes[1]=='stairs:stair_' and prefixes[2]=='stairs:slab_' and prefixes[3]=='default:' ) then
prefixes = {''};
materials = mg_villages.realtest_stairs;
postfixes = {''};
use_realtest_stairs = true;
elseif( mg_villages.realtest_trees
and #prefixes==1
and prefixes[1]=='stairs:stair_') then
for i,v in ipairs( prefixes ) do
postfixes[i] = '';
local known_materials = {};
local wood_found = false;
-- for all alternate materials
for i,m in ipairs( materials ) do
-- check if that material exists for each supplied prefix
for j,p in ipairs( prefixes ) do
-- if wood is present, later on try moretrees wood as well
if( 'default:wood' == m ) then
wood_found = true;
if( minetest.registered_nodes[ p..m..postfixes[j] ] ) then
table.insert( known_materials, m..postfixes[j] );
-- support wooden planks from moretrees
if( wood_found and mg_villages.moretrees_treelist ) then
for _,v in ipairs( mg_villages.moretrees_treelist ) do
if( minetest.registered_nodes[ "moretrees:"..v[1].."_planks"] ) then
table.insert( known_materials, "moretrees:"..v[1].."_planks" );
if( wood_found and minetest.get_modpath('deco')) then
local bfd_treelist = {'birch', 'cherry', 'evergreen', 'oak' };
for _,v in ipairs( bfd_treelist ) do
if( minetest.registered_nodes[ "deco:"..v.."_plank"] ) then
table.insert( known_materials, "deco:"..v.."_plank" );
if( wood_found and mg_villages.ethereal_trees ) then
for _,v in ipairs( mg_villages.ethereal_trees ) do
-- mushroom in ethereal is a pretty decorative material; increase its probability
if( v == 'mushroom' ) then
table.insert( known_materials, "ethereal:mushroom_pore" );
table.insert( known_materials, "ethereal:mushroom_pore" );
table.insert( known_materials, "ethereal:mushroom_pore" );
-- also increase probability for the decorative blueish wood
table.insert( known_materials, "ethereal:frost_wood" );
table.insert( known_materials, "ethereal:frost_wood" );
elseif( minetest.registered_nodes[ "ethereal:"..v.."_wood"] ) then
table.insert( known_materials, "ethereal:"..v.."_wood" );
if( wood_found and mg_villages.realtest_trees ) then
for _,v in ipairs( mg_villages.realtest_trees ) do
if( minetest.registered_nodes[ 'trees:'..v..'_planks'] ) then
table.insert( known_materials, 'trees:'..v..'_planks' );
-- nothing found which could be used
if( #known_materials < 1 ) then
local new_material = known_materials[ pr:next( 1, #known_materials )];
if( use_realtest_stairs == true ) then
table.insert( replacements, { original_materials[ 1 ], new_material..'_stair' } );
table.insert( replacements, { original_materials[ 2 ], new_material..'_slab' } );
table.insert( replacements, { original_materials[ 3 ], new_material } );
table.insert( replacements, { original_materials[ 1 ]..'upside_down', new_material..'_stair_upside_down' } );
table.insert( replacements, { original_materials[ 2 ]..'upside_down', new_material..'_slab_upside_down' } );
return new_material;
-- no replacement necessary if we did choose the same material as before
if( new_material == old_material or old_material == (prefixes[1]..new_material)) then
return old_material;
for i,v in ipairs( prefixes ) do
table.insert( replacements, { original_materials[ i ], v..new_material } );
return new_material;
-- replace the tree trunk as well so that it fits to the wood type
mg_villages.replace_tree_trunk = function( replacements, wood_type )
if( wood_type == 'default:junglewood' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:tree', 'default:jungletree'});
elseif( wood_type == 'mg:savannawood' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:tree', 'mg:savannatree'});
elseif( wood_type == 'mg:pinewood' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:tree', 'mg:pinetree'});
elseif( mg_villages.moretrees_treelist ) then
for _,v in ipairs( mg_villages.moretrees_treelist ) do
if( wood_type == "moretrees:"..v[1].."_planks" ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:tree', "moretrees:"..v[1].."_trunk"});
table.insert( replacements, {'default:leaves', "moretrees:"..v[1].."_leaves"});
elseif( wood_type == 'deco:birch_plank' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:tree', "mapgen:birch_log"});
elseif( wood_type == 'deco:cherry_plank' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:tree', "mapgen:cherry_log"});
elseif( wood_type == 'deco:evergreen_plank' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:tree', "mapgen:evergreen_log"});
elseif( wood_type == 'deco:oak_plank' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:tree', "mapgen:oak_log"});
elseif( wood_type == 'ethereal:frost_wood' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:tree', "ethereal:frost_tree"});
elseif( wood_type == "ethereal:mushroom_pore" ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:tree', "ethereal:mushroom_trunk"});
elseif( mg_villages.ethereal_trees ) then
for _,v in ipairs( mg_villages.ethereal_trees ) do
if( wood_type == "ethereal:"..v.."_wood" ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:tree', "ethereal:"..v.."_trunk"});
elseif( mg_villages.realtest_trees ) then
for _,v in ipairs( mg_villages.realtest_trees ) do
if( wood_type == 'trees:'..v..'_planks' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:tree', "trees:"..v..'_log'});
-- realtest does not have most of the nodes from default, so we need to replace them as well
table.insert( replacements, {'default:wood', 'trees:'..v..'_planks'});
table.insert( replacements, {'default:leaves', 'trees:'..v..'_leaves'});
table.insert( replacements, {'default:ladder', 'trees:'..v..'_ladder'});
table.insert( replacements, {'default:chest', 'trees:'..v..'_chest'});
table.insert( replacements, {'default:chest_locked', 'trees:'..v..'_chest_locked'});
table.insert( replacements, {'default:fence_wood', 'fences:'..v..'_fence'});
table.insert( replacements, {'default:bookshelf', 'decorations:bookshelf_'..v});
table.insert( replacements, {'doors:door_wood_t_1', 'doors:door_'..v..'_t_1'});
table.insert( replacements, {'doors:door_wood_b_1', 'doors:door_'..v..'_b_1'});
table.insert( replacements, {'doors:door_wood_t_2', 'doors:door_'..v..'_t_2'});
table.insert( replacements, {'doors:door_wood_b_2', 'doors:door_'..v..'_b_2'});
-- not really wood-realted, but needs to be replaced as well
table.insert( replacements, {'default:furnace', 'oven:oven'});
-- farming is also handled diffrently
table.insert( replacements, {'farming:soil_wet', 'farming:soil'});
table.insert( replacements, {'farming:cotton_1', 'farming:flax_1'});
table.insert( replacements, {'farming:cotton_2', 'farming:flax_1'});
table.insert( replacements, {'farming:cotton_3', 'farming:flax_2'});
table.insert( replacements, {'farming:cotton_4', 'farming:flax_2'});
table.insert( replacements, {'farming:cotton_5', 'farming:flax_3'});
table.insert( replacements, {'farming:cotton_6', 'farming:flax_3'});
table.insert( replacements, {'farming:cotton_7', 'farming:flax_4'});
table.insert( replacements, {'farming:cotton_8', 'farming:flax_4'});
-- stairs and slabs made out of default wood
table.insert( replacements, {'stairs:stair_wood', 'trees:'..v..'_planks_stair'});
table.insert( replacements, {'stairs:slab_wood', 'trees:'..v..'_planks_slab'});
table.insert( replacements, {'stairs:stair_woodupside_down','trees:'..v..'_planks_stair_upside_down' } );
table.insert( replacements, {'stairs:slab_woodupside_down', 'trees:'..v..'_planks_slab_upside_down' } );
return nil;
return wood_type;
-- TODO if minetest.get_modpath("moreblocks") and moretrees.enable_stairsplus the
-- if buildings are made out of a certain wood type, people might expect trees of that type nearby
mg_villages.replace_saplings = function( replacements, wood_type )
if( wood_type == 'default:junglewood' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:sapling', 'default:junglesapling'});
elseif( wood_type == 'mg:savannawood' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:sapling', 'mg:savannasapling'});
elseif( wood_type == 'mg:pinewood' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:sapling', 'mg:pinesapling'});
elseif( mg_villages.moretrees_treelist ) then
for _,v in ipairs( mg_villages.moretrees_treelist ) do
if( wood_type == "moretrees:"..v[1].."_planks" ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:sapling', "moretrees:"..v[1].."_sapling_ongen"});
elseif( mg_villages.ethereal_trees ) then
for _,v in ipairs( mg_villages.ethereal_trees ) do
if( wood_type == "ethereal:"..v.."_wood" ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:sapling', "ethereal"..v.."_sapling"});
elseif( mg_villages.realtest_trees ) then
for _,v in ipairs( mg_villages.realtest_trees ) do
if( wood_type == 'trees:'..v..'_planks' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:sapling', "trees:"..v.."_sapling"});
table.insert( replacements, {'default:junglesapling', "trees:"..v.."_sapling"});
elseif( wood_type == 'deco:birch_plank' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:sapling', "mapgen:birch_sapling"});
elseif( wood_type == 'deco:cherry_plank' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:sapling', "mapgen:cherry_sapling"});
elseif( wood_type == 'deco:evergreen_plank' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:sapling', "mapgen:evergreen_sapling"});
elseif( wood_type == 'deco:oak_plank' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:sapling', "mapgen:oak_sapling"});
-- Note: This function is taken from the villages mod (by Sokomine)
-- at least the cottages may come in a variety of building materials
-- IMPORTANT: don't add any nodes which have on_construct here UNLESS they where in the original file already
-- on_construct will only be called for known nodes that need that treatment (see villages.analyze_mts_file and on_constr)
mg_villages.get_replacement_list = function( housetype, pr )
local replacements = {};
-- else some grass would never (re)grow (if it's below a roof)
-- table.insert( replacements, {'default:dirt', dirt_with_grass_replacement });
-- table.insert( replacements, {'default:dirt_with_grass', dirt_with_grass_replacement });
table.insert( replacements, {'default:dirt', 'default:dirt_with_grass' });
-- realtest lacks quite a lot from default
if( mg_villages.realtest_trees ) then
for i=1,8 do
table.insert( replacements, {'farming:wheat_'..i, 'farming:spelt_'..tostring( (i+(i%2))/2) });
table.insert( replacements, {'farming:cotton_'..i, 'farming:flax_' ..tostring( (i+(i%2))/2) });
for i=1,5 do
table.insert( replacements, {'default:grass_'..i, 'air' });
table.insert( replacements, {'default:apple', 'air' });
table.insert( replacements, {'default:cobble', 'default:stone_macadam' });
table.insert( replacements, {'default:obsidian_glass', 'default:glass' });
local wood_type = 'default:wood';
-- Taokis houses from structure i/o
if( housetype == 'taoki' ) then
if( mg_villages.realtest_trees ) then
wood_type = mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
table.insert( replacements, {'stairs:stair_cobble', 'default:stone_bricks_stair' });
table.insert( replacements, {'stairs:slab_cobble', 'default:stone_bricks_slab' });
table.insert( replacements, {'stairs:stair_stone', 'default:stone_flat_stair' });
table.insert( replacements, {'stairs:slab_stone', 'default:stone_flat_slab' });
-- the main body of the houses in the .mts files is made out of wood
wood_type = mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{'default:wood', 'default:junglewood', 'mg:pinewood', 'mg:savannawood',
'default:clay', 'default:brick', 'default:sandstone',
'default:stonebrick', 'default:desert_stonebrick','default:sandstonebrick', 'default:sandstone','default:stone','default:desert_stone',
'default:coalblock','default:steelblock','default:goldblock', 'default:bronzeblock', 'default:copperblock', 'wool:white',
'default:stone_flat', 'default:desert_stone_flat', -- realtest
'darkage:adobe', 'darkage:basalt', 'darkage:basalt_cobble', 'darkage:chalk',
'darkage:gneiss', 'darkage:gneiss_cobble', 'darkage:marble', 'darkage:marble_tile',
'darkage:mud', 'darkage:ors', 'darkage:ors_cobble',
'darkage:schist', 'darkage:serpentine', 'darkage:shale', 'darkage:silt', 'darkage:slate',
'mapgen:mese_stone', 'mapgen:soap_stone'},
-- tree trunks are seldom used in these houses; let's change them anyway
mg_villages.replace_tree_trunk( replacements, wood_type );
-- all this comes in variants for stairs and slabs as well
mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{'stairs:stair_stonebrick', 'stairs:slab_stonebrick', 'default:stonebrick'},
{'stairs:stair_', 'stairs:slab_', 'default:' },
{ 'stonebrick', 'stone', 'sandstone', 'cobble'},
-- decorative slabs above doors etc.
mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{'stonebrick', 'stone', 'sandstone', 'cobble', 'wood', 'junglewood' },
-- brick roofs are a bit odd; but then...
-- all three shapes of roof parts have to fit together
mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{'stairs:stair_brick', 'stairs:slab_brick', 'default:brick'},
{'stairs:stair_', 'stairs:slab_', 'default:' },
{ 'brick', 'stone', 'cobble', 'stonebrick', 'wood', 'junglewood', 'sandstone' },
'brick' );
return replacements;
if( housetype == 'nore' ) then
mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
-- {'default:stonebrick'},
-- {'default:'},
{'stairs:stair_stonebrick', 'stairs:slab_stonebrick', 'default:stonebrick'},
{'stairs:stair_', 'stairs:slab_', 'default:' },
{'stonebrick', 'desert_stonebrick','sandstonebrick', 'sandstone','stone','desert_stone','stone_flat','desert_stone_flat','stone_bricks','desert_strone_bricks'},
-- replace the wood as well
local wood_type = mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{ 'default:wood', 'default:junglewood', 'mg:savannawood', 'mg:pinewood' },
mg_villages.replace_tree_trunk( replacements, wood_type );
mg_villages.replace_saplings( replacements, wood_type );
if( pr:next(1,3)==1 and not( mg_villages.realtest_trees)) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:glass', 'default:obsidian_glass'});
if( mg_villages.realtest_trees ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'stairs:stair_cobble', 'default:stone_bricks_stair' });
table.insert( replacements, {'stairs:slab_cobble', 'default:stone_bricks_slab' });
return replacements;
if( housetype == 'lumberjack' ) then
-- replace the wood - those are lumberjacks after all
local wood_type = mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{ 'default:wood', 'default:junglewood', 'mg:savannawood', 'mg:pinewood' },
mg_villages.replace_tree_trunk( replacements, wood_type );
mg_villages.replace_saplings( replacements, wood_type );
if( not( minetest.get_modpath('bell' ))) then
table.insert( replacements, {'bell:bell', 'default:goldblock' });
return replacements;
if( housetype == 'canadian' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'4seasons:slimtree_wood', 'default:fence_wood'});
if( true) then return replacements; end -- TODO
-- remove inner corners, wallpapers etc.
local to_air = { 38, 36, 68, 66, 69, 67, 77, 47, 44, 43, 37, 75, 45, 65, 71, 76, 46 };
for _,v in ipairs( to_air ) do
table.insert( replacements, {'hdb:'..tostring( v )..'_ic', 'air' });
to_air = { 49, 50, 52, 72, 73, 74 };
for _,v in ipairs( to_air ) do
table.insert( replacements, {'hdb:'..tostring( v )..'_edge', 'air' });
to_air = { 49, 50, 52, 72, 73, 74 };
for _,v in ipairs( to_air ) do
table.insert( replacements, {'hdb:'..tostring( v )..'_edgeic', 'air' });
-- thin slabs for covering walls
to_air = { 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77 };
for _,v in ipairs( to_air ) do
table.insert( replacements, {'hdb:'..tostring( v ), 'air' });
-- these contain the majority of nodes used (junglewood is too dark)
local materials = {'default:wood', 'mg:pinewood', 'mg:savannawood',
'default:clay', 'default:brick', 'default:sandstone',
'default:stonebrick', 'default:desert_stonebrick','default:sandstonebrick', 'default:sandstone','default:stone','default:desert_stone',
-- local change_groups = { {49, 16, 29, 33, 82, 8}, {19, 4, 83, 2}, { 5, 80, 35, 36, 3}, {10, 31}, {28, 78}, { 6, 52, 1}, {7}};
local change_groups = { {16, 29, 33, 82, 8}, {19, 4, 83, 2}, { 5, 80, 35, 3}, {10, 31}, {28, 78, 27}, { 6, 1}, {7}, {30,25,81,79},{64}};
for _,cg in ipairs( change_groups ) do
local m1 = materials[ pr:next( 1, #materials )];
for j,v in ipairs( cg ) do
table.insert( replacements, {'hdb:'..tostring( v ), m1 });
-- hdb:9_lh and hdb:86_lh are slabs
local materials_slab = {'stonebrick', 'stone', 'sandstone', 'cobble' };
local slab_group = {33,58};
for _, c in ipairs( slab_group ) do
local ms = materials_slab[ pr:next( 1, #materials_slab )];
table.insert( replacements, { 'hdb:'..tostring(c)..'_lh', 'stairs:slab_'..ms });
table.insert( replacements, { 'hdb:'..tostring(c), 'default:'..ms });
return replacements;
if( housetype == 'logcabin' ) then
-- for logcabins, wood is the most likely type of roof material
local roof_type = mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{'stairs:stair_cobble', 'stairs:slab_cobble' },
{'cottages:roof_connector_', 'cottages:roof_flat_' },
{'straw', 'wood', 'wood', 'wood', 'reet', 'slate', 'red', 'brown', 'black'},
'' );
-- some houses have junglewood roofs
if( roof_type ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'stairs:stair_junglewood', 'cottages:roof_connector_'..roof_type });
table.insert( replacements, {'stairs:slab_junglewood', 'cottages:roof_flat_'..roof_type });
table.insert( replacements, {'cottages:roof_connector_wood', 'cottages:roof_connector_'..roof_type });
table.insert( replacements, {'cottages:roof_flat_wood', 'cottages:roof_flat_'..roof_type });
-- realtest does not have normal stairs
elseif( mg_villages.realtest_trees ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'stairs:stair_junglewood', 'trees:aspen_planks_stair' });
table.insert( replacements, {'stairs:slab_junglewood', 'trees:aspen_planks_slab' });
if( mg_villages.realtest_trees ) then
local wood_type = mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{ 'default:wood' },
mg_villages.replace_tree_trunk( replacements, wood_type );
mg_villages.replace_saplings( replacements, wood_type );
table.insert( replacements, {'default:stonebrick', 'default:stone_bricks' }); -- used for chimneys
table.insert( replacements, {'stairs:stair_stonebrick', 'default:stone_bricks_stair' });
-- table.insert( replacements, {'default:junglewood', wood_type }); -- replace the floor
-- replace the floor with another type of wood (looks better than the same type as above)
mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{ 'default:wood' },
return replacements;
if( housetype == 'chateau' ) then
if( minetest.get_modpath( 'cottages' )) then
-- straw is the most likely building material for roofs for historical buildings
mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
-- all three shapes of roof parts have to fit together
{ 'cottages:roof_straw', 'cottages:roof_connector_straw', 'cottages:roof_flat_straw' },
{ 'cottages:roof_', 'cottages:roof_connector_', 'cottages:roof_flat_'},
{'straw', 'straw', 'straw', 'straw', 'straw',
'reet', 'reet', 'reet',
'slate', 'slate',
'wood', 'wood',
mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
-- all three shapes of roof parts have to fit together
{ 'cottages:roof_straw', 'cottages:roof_connector_straw', 'cottages:roof_flat_straw' },
{ 'stairs:stair_', 'stairs:stair_', 'stairs:slab_'},
{'cobble', 'stonebrick', 'desert_cobble', 'desert_stonebrick', 'stone'},
table.insert( replacements, { 'cottages:glass_pane', 'default:glass' });
local wood_type = mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{ 'default:wood', 'default:junglewood', 'mg:savannawood', 'mg:pinewood'}, --, 'default:brick', 'default:sandstone', 'default:desert_cobble' },
mg_villages.replace_tree_trunk( replacements, wood_type );
mg_villages.replace_saplings( replacements, wood_type );
if( mg_villages.realtest_trees ) then
-- replace the floor with another type of wood (looks better than the same type as above)
mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{'stairs:stair_junglewood', 'stairs:slab_junglewood', 'default:junglewood'},
{'stairs:stair_', 'stairs:slab_', 'default:' },
{ 'default:wood' },
'wood' );
local mfs2 = mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{'stairs:stair_cobble', 'stairs:slab_cobble', 'default:cobble'},
{'stairs:stair_', 'stairs:slab_', 'default:' },
{ 'cobble', 'brick', 'clay', 'desert_cobble', 'desert_stone', 'desert_stonebrick', 'loam', 'sandstone', 'sandstonebrick', 'stonebrick' },
return replacements;
if( housetype == 'tent' ) then
table.insert( replacements, { "glasspanes:wool_pane", "cottages:wool_tent" });
table.insert( replacements, { "default:gravel", "default:sand" });
-- realtest needs diffrent fence posts and doors
if( mg_villages.realtest_trees ) then
local wood_type = mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{ 'default:wood' },
mg_villages.replace_tree_trunk( replacements, wood_type );
mg_villages.replace_saplings( replacements, wood_type );
return replacements;
if( housetype == 'grasshut' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'moreblocks:fence_jungle_wood', 'default:fence' });
if( pr:next( 1, 4) == 1 ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'dryplants:reed_roof', 'cottages:roof_straw'});
table.insert( replacements, {'dryplants:reed_slab', 'cottages:roof_flat_straw' });
table.insert( replacements, {'dryplants:wetreed_roof', 'cottages:roof_reet' });
table.insert( replacements, {'dryplants:wetreed_slab', 'cottages:roof_flat_reet' });
else -- replace the straw and cobble one of the huts uses
table.insert( replacements, {'cottages:straw', 'dryplants:wetreed' });
table.insert( replacements, {'stairs:slab_cobble', 'dryplants:reed_slab' });
if( pr:next( 1, 4) == 1 ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'dryplants:wetreed_roof_corner', 'default:wood' });
table.insert( replacements, {'dryplants:wetreed_roof_corner_2', 'default:junglewood' });
if( not( minetest.get_modpath( 'cavestuff' ))) then
table.insert( replacements, {'cavestuff:desert_pebble_2', 'default:slab_cobble' });
table.insert( replacements, {'default:desert_sand', 'default:dirt_with_grass' });
return replacements;
if( housetype == 'claytrader' ) then
-- the walls of the clay trader houses are made out of brick
mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{ 'stairs:stair_brick', 'stairs:slab_brick', 'default:brick' }, -- default_materials
{ 'stairs:stair_', 'stairs:slab_', 'default:' }, -- prefixes (for new materials)
{ 'brick', 'stone', 'sandstone', 'sandstonebrick', 'desert_stone', 'desert_cobble', 'desert_stonebrick' }, -- new materials
'brick' ); -- original material
-- material for the floor
mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{ 'brick', 'stone', 'sandstone', 'sandstonebrick', 'clay', 'desert_stone', 'desert_cobble', 'desert_stonebrick',
'default:stone_flat', 'default:desert_stone_flat', -- realtest
-- the clay trader homes come with stone stair roofs; slabs are used in other places as well (but those replacements here are ok)
mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{'stairs:stair_stone', 'stairs:slab_stone' },
{'cottages:roof_connector_', 'cottages:roof_flat_' },
{'straw', 'straw', 'straw', 'straw', 'straw',
'reet', 'reet', 'reet',
'slate', 'slate',
'wood', 'wood',
-- hills and pits that contain the materials clay traders dig for
mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{'sand', 'sandstone', 'clay'},
if( mg_villages.realtest_trees ) then
local wood_type = mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{ 'default:wood' },
mg_villages.replace_tree_trunk( replacements, wood_type );
mg_villages.replace_saplings( replacements, wood_type );
table.insert( replacements, {'default:clay', 'default:dirt_with_clay'});
local mfs2 = mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{'stairs:stair_cobble', 'stairs:slab_cobble', 'default:cobble'},
{'stairs:stair_', 'stairs:slab_', 'default:' },
{ 'stone' }, -- will be replaced by mg_villages.realtest_stairs
return replacements;
if( housetype == 'charachoal' ) then
if( mg_villages.realtest_trees ) then
local wood_type = mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{ 'default:wood' },
mg_villages.replace_tree_trunk( replacements, wood_type );
mg_villages.replace_saplings( replacements, wood_type );
table.insert( replacements, {'stairs:slab_loam', 'cottages:loam'});
table.insert( replacements, {'stairs:stair_loam', 'cottages:loam'});
return replacements;
-- wells can get the same replacements as the sourrounding village; they'll get a fitting roof that way
if( housetype ~= 'medieval' and housetype ~= 'well' and housetype ~= 'cottages') then
return replacements;
if( not( minetest.get_modpath('bell' ))) then
table.insert( replacements, {'bell:bell', 'default:goldblock' });
-- glass that served as a marker got copied accidently; there's usually no glass in cottages
table.insert( replacements, {'default:glass', 'air'});
-- some plants started growing while the buildings where saved - eliminate them
table.insert( replacements, {'junglegrass:medium', 'air'});
table.insert( replacements, {'junglegrass:short', 'air'});
table.insert( replacements, {'poisonivy:seedling', 'air'});
-- TODO: sometimes, half_door/half_door_inverted gets rotated wrong
-- table.insert( replacements, {'cottages:half_door', 'cottages:half_door_inverted'});
-- table.insert( replacements, {'cottages:half_door_inverted', 'cottages:half_door'});
-- some poor cottage owners cannot afford glass
if( pr:next( 1, 2 ) == 2 ) then
-- table.insert( replacements, {'cottages:glass_pane', 'default:fence_wood'});
local gp = mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{'xpanes:pane', 'default:glass', 'default:obsidian_glass', 'default:fence_wood',
'darkage:medieval_glass', 'darkage:iron_bars', 'darkage:iron_grille', 'darkage:wood_bars',
'darkage:wood_frame', 'darkage:wood_grille'},
-- 'glass' is admittedly debatable; yet it may represent modernized old houses where only the tree-part was left standing
-- loam and clay are mentioned multiple times because those are the most likely building materials in reality
local materials = {'cottages:loam', 'cottages:loam', 'cottages:loam', 'cottages:loam', 'cottages:loam',
'default:clay', 'default:clay', 'default:clay', 'default:clay', 'default:clay',
'mg:savannawood', 'mg:savannawood', 'mg:savannawood', 'mg:savannawood',
'mg:pinewood', 'mg:pinewood', 'mg:pinewood', 'mg:pinewood',
'default:stone_flat', 'default:desert_stone_flat', -- realtest
'darkage:adobe', 'darkage:basalt', 'darkage:basalt_cobble', 'darkage:chalk',
'darkage:gneiss', 'darkage:gneiss_cobble', 'darkage:marble', 'darkage:marble_tile',
'darkage:mud', 'darkage:ors', 'darkage:ors_cobble', 'darkage:reinforced_chalk',
'darkage:reinforced_wood', 'darkage:reinforced_wood_left', 'darkage:reinforced_wood_right',
'darkage:schist', 'darkage:serpentine', 'darkage:shale', 'darkage:silt', 'darkage:slate',
'darkage:slate_cobble', 'darkage:slate_tile', 'darkage:stone_brick',
'mapgen:mese_stone', 'mapgen:soap_stone'};
-- what is sandstone (the floor) may be turned into something else
local mfs = mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
if( mg_villages.realtest_trees ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'stairs:slab_sandstone', 'default:stone_slab'});
local mfs2 = mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{'stairs:stair_sandstone', 'stairs:slab_sandstone', 'default:sandstone'},
{'stairs:stair_', 'stairs:slab_', 'default:' },
{ 'stone' }, -- will be replaced by mg_villages.realtest_stairs
elseif( mfs and mfs ~= 'default:sandstone' ) then
if( mfs == 'cottages:loam' or mfs == 'default:clay' or mfs == 'mg:savannawood' or mfs == 'mg:pinewood') then
mfs = 'default:wood';
elseif( mfs =='default:sandstonebrick' or mfs == 'default:desert_stone' or mfs == 'default:desert_stonebrick'
or not( minetest.registered_nodes[ 'stairs:slab_'..string.sub( mfs, 9 )] )) then
mfs = '';
if( mfs and mfs ~= '' ) then
-- realtest needs special treatment
table.insert( replacements, {'stairs:slab_sandstone', 'stairs:slab_'..string.sub( mfs, 9 )});
-- except for the floor, everything else may be glass
table.insert( materials, 'default:glass' );
local uses_wood = false;
-- bottom part of the house (usually ground floor from outside)
local replace_clay = mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
if( replace_clay and replace_clay ~= 'default:clay' ) then
uses_wood = mg_villages.replace_tree_trunk( replacements, replace_clay );
mg_villages.replace_saplings( replacements, replace_clay );
-- upper part of the house (may be the same as the material for the lower part)
local replace_loam = mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
-- if the bottom was not replaced by wood, perhaps the top is
if( not( uses_wood ) and replace_loam ) then
mg_villages.replace_tree_trunk( replacements, replace_loam );
mg_villages.replace_saplings( replacements, replace_loam );
elseif( mg_villages.realtest_trees ) then
local wood_type = mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{ 'default:wood' },
mg_villages.replace_tree_trunk( replacements, wood_type );
mg_villages.replace_saplings( replacements, wood_type );
-- replace cobble; for these nodes, a stony material is needed (used in wells as well)
-- mossycobble is fine here as well
local mcs = mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{'sandstone', 'desert_stone', 'desert_cobble',
'cobble', 'cobble',
'stonebrick', 'stonebrick', 'stonebrick', -- more common than other materials
'mossycobble', 'mossycobble','mossycobble',
'stone', 'stone',
-- set a fitting material for the slabs; mossycobble uses the default cobble slabs
if( mg_villages.realtest_trees ) then
local mcs2 = mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{'stairs:stair_cobble', 'stairs:slab_cobble', 'default:cobble'},
{'stairs:stair_', 'stairs:slab_', 'default:' },
{ 'stone' }, -- will be replaced by mg_villages.realtest_stairs
table.insert( replacements, {'moreblocks:slab_cobble', 'default:'..mcs..'_slab'});
elseif( mcs ~= 'mossycobble' and mcs ~= 'cobble') then
-- if no slab exists, use sandstone slabs
if( not( mcs ) or not( minetest.registered_nodes[ 'stairs:slab_'..mcs ])) then
mcs = 'sandstone';
table.insert( replacements, {'stairs:slab_cobble', 'stairs:slab_'..mcs});
table.insert( replacements, {'moreblocks:slab_cobble', 'stairs:slab_'..mcs});
table.insert( replacements, {'moreblocks:slab_cobble', 'stairs:slab_'..mcs});
-- straw is the most likely building material for roofs for historical buildings
mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
-- all three shapes of roof parts have to fit together
{ 'cottages:roof_straw', 'cottages:roof_connector_straw', 'cottages:roof_flat_straw' },
{ 'cottages:roof_', 'cottages:roof_connector_', 'cottages:roof_flat_'},
{'straw', 'straw', 'straw', 'straw', 'straw',
'reet', 'reet', 'reet',
'slate', 'slate',
'wood', 'wood',
--print('REPLACEMENTS used: '..minetest.serialize( replacements ));
return replacements;
-- Translate replacement function from above (which aims at place_schematic) for the villages in Nores mapgen
mg_villages.get_replacement_ids = function( housetype, pr )
local replace = {};
local replacements = mg_villages.get_replacement_list( housetype, pr );
for i,v in ipairs( replacements ) do
if( v and #v == 2 ) then
replace[ minetest.get_content_id( v[1] )] = minetest.get_content_id( v[2] );
return replace;
-- mapgen based replacements work best using a table, while minetest.place_schematic(..) based spawning needs a list
mg_villages.get_replacement_table = function( housetype, pr, replacements )
local rtable = {};
local ids = {};
if( not( replacements )) then
replacements = mg_villages.get_replacement_list( housetype, pr );
-- it is very problematic if the torches on houses melt snow and cause flooding; thus, we use a torch that is not hot
table.insert( replacements, {'default:torch', 'mg_villages:torch'});
for i,v in ipairs( replacements ) do
if( v and #v == 2 ) then
rtable[ v[1] ] = v[2];
ids[ minetest.get_content_id( v[1] )] = minetest.get_content_id( v[2] );
return { table = rtable, list = replacements, ids = ids };
mg_villages.get_content_id_replaced = function( node_name, replacements )
if( not( node_name ) or not( replacements ) or not(replacements.table )) then
return minetest.get_content_id( 'ignore' );
if( replacements.table[ node_name ]) then
return minetest.get_content_id( replacements.table[ node_name ] );
return minetest.get_content_id( node_name );
-- they don't all grow cotton; farming_plus fruits are far more intresting!
-- Note: This function modifies replacements.ids and replacements.table for each building
-- as far as fruits are concerned. It needs to be called before placing a building
-- which contains fruits.
-- The function might as well be a local one.
mg_villages.get_fruit_replacements = function( replacements, fruit)
if( not( fruit )) then
for i=1,8 do
local old_name = '';
local new_name = '';
-- farming_plus plants sometimes come in 3 or 4 variants, but not in 8 as cotton does
if( minetest.registered_nodes[ 'farming_plus:'..fruit..'_'..i ]) then
old_name = "farming:cotton_"..i;
new_name = 'farming_plus:'..fruit..'_'..i;
-- "surplus" cotton variants will be replaced with the full grown fruit
elseif( minetest.registered_nodes[ 'farming_plus:'..fruit ]) then
old_name = "farming:cotton_"..i;
new_name = 'farming_plus:'..fruit;
-- and plants from farming: are supported as well
elseif( minetest.registered_nodes[ 'farming:'..fruit..'_'..i ]) then
old_name = "farming:cotton_"..i;
new_name = 'farming:'..fruit..'_'..i;
elseif( minetest.registered_nodes[ 'farming:'..fruit ]) then
old_name = "farming:cotton_"..i;
new_name = 'farming:'..fruit;
if( old_name ~= '' and new_name ~= '' ) then
-- this is mostly used by the voxelmanip based spawning of .we files
replacements.ids[ minetest.get_content_id( old_name )] = minetest.get_content_id( new_name );
-- this is used by the place_schematic based spawning
for i,v in ipairs( replacements.table ) do
if( v and #v and v[1]==old_name ) then
v[2] = new_name;