255 lines
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255 lines
9.9 KiB
-- helper function for mg_villages.analyze_building_for_mobs_update_paths
-- "res" is the raw data as provided by analyze_file
-- "node_name" is the name of the node we are looking for
mg_villages.analyze_building_for_mobs_search_nodes = function( res, node_name, check_place_for_standing )
local node_positions = {};
-- find out if the building contains any of the nodes we are looking for
local found = -1;
for i,n in ipairs( res.nodenames ) do
if( n == node_name ) then
found = i;
-- that node does not exist in the building
if( found == -1 ) then
return {};
for z = 1, res.size.z do
for y = 1, res.size.y do
for x = 1, res.size.x do
if( res.scm_data_cache[y]
and res.scm_data_cache[y][x]
and res.scm_data_cache[y][x][z]
and res.scm_data_cache[y][x][z][1] == found ) then
if( (check_place_for_standing==false)
) then
-- or ( mob_world_interaction.can_stand_in_node_type( TODO )
-- and mob_world_interaction.can_stand_in_node_type( TODO ))) then
table.insert( node_positions, {x=x, y=y, z=z, p2=res.scm_data_cache[y][x][z][2]});
return node_positions;
-- changes path_info and adds paths from beds and workplaces to front of building
-- path_info[ short_file_name ] contains the paths from the beds
-- path_info[ short_file_name.."|WORKPLACE" ] contains the paths from the workplaces
-- creates building_data.all_entrances
-- creates building_data.workplace_list
mg_villages.analyze_building_for_mobs_update_paths = function( file_name, building_data, path_info )
local short_file_name = string.sub(file_name, mg_villages.file_name_offset, 256);
building_data.short_file_name = short_file_name;
if( not( minetest.get_modpath( "mob_world_interaction" ))) then
return building_data;
-- identify front doors and paths to them from the beds
-- TODO: provide a more general list with beds, work places etc.
if( building_data.bed_list
and #building_data.bed_list > 0 ) then
if(not( path_info[ short_file_name ])) then
print("BEDS in "..tostring( short_file_name )..":");
path_info[ short_file_name ] = mob_world_interaction.find_all_front_doors( building_data, building_data.bed_list );
-- we are looking for the places in front of the front doors; not the front doors themshelves
building_data.all_entrances = {};
for i,e in ipairs( path_info[ short_file_name ] ) do
-- the last entry in the list for the first bed is what we are looking for
-- (provided there actually is a path)
if( e[1] and #e[1]>0 ) then
table.insert( building_data.all_entrances, e[1][ #e[1] ]);
-- some buildings (i.e. a tavern, school, shop, church, ...) contain places where a mob working
-- there will most likely be standing, awaiting his guests/doing his job. Such places can be
-- manually marked by placing mg_villages:mob_workplace_marker
-- this is diffrent information from the normal bed list
local store_as = short_file_name.."|WORKPLACE";
if(not( path_info[ store_as ] )) then
local workplace_list = mg_villages.analyze_building_for_mobs_search_nodes( building_data, "mg_villages:mob_workplace_marker", false );
if( workplace_list and #workplace_list>0) then
-- store it for later use
building_data.workplace_list = workplace_list;
print("WORKPLACE: "..tostring( building_data.short_file_name )..": "..minetest.serialize( workplace_list ));
path_info[ store_as ] = mob_world_interaction.find_all_front_doors( building_data, workplace_list );
-- if no entrances are known yet, then store them now; the entrances associated with
-- beds are considered to be more important. This here is only a fallback if no beds
-- exist in the house.
if( not( building_data.all_entrances )) then
-- we are looking for the places in front of the front doors; not the front doors themshelves
building_data.all_entrances = {};
for i,e in ipairs( path_info[ store_as ] ) do
-- might just be the place outside the house instead of a door
if( e[1] and #e[1]>0 ) then
table.insert( building_data.all_entrances, e[1][ #e[1] ]);
-- else
-- print("NO workplace found in "..tostring(building_data.short_file_name ));
TODO: check if 2 nodes above the target node are air or walkable;
TODO: exceptions to that: bench (only 1 above needs to be walkable)
TODO: other exceptions: furnace, chests, washing place: place in front is wanted - not on top
TODO: search for:
local pos_list = mg_villages.analyze_building_for_mobs_search_nodes( building_data, "farming:soil_wet", true );
farming:soil farming:soil_wet
default:chest cottages:shelf cottages:chest_storage cottages:chest_private cottages:chest_work
cottages:bench (cottages:table?)
cottages:barrel (and variants); cottages:tub
default:fence_wood cottages:gate_closed cottages:gate_open
any door...
any hatch...
-- some debug information
if( mg_villages.DEBUG_LEVEL and mg_villages.DEBUG_LEVEL == mg_villages.DEBUG_LEVEL_TIMING ) then
local str2 = " in "..short_file_name.." ["..building_data.typ.."]";
if( not( path_info[ short_file_name ] )
and not( path_info[ store_as ] )) then
str2 = "nothing of intrest (no bed, no workplace)"..str2;
elseif( path_info[ short_file_name ]
and (#path_info[ short_file_name ]<1
or #path_info[ short_file_name ][1]<1
or #path_info[ short_file_name ][1][1]<1 )) then
str2 = "BROKEN paths for beds"..str2;
elseif( path_info[ store_as ]
and (#path_info[ store_as ]<1
or #path_info[ store_as ][1]<1
or #path_info[ store_as ][1][1]<1 )) then
str2 = "BROKEN paths for workplaces"..str2;
if( path_info[ store_as ] ) then
str2 = tostring( #path_info[ store_as ][1]-1 )..
" workplaces"..str2;
str2 = "no workplaces"..str2;
if( path_info[ short_file_name ] ) then
str2 = tostring( #path_info[ short_file_name ][1]-1 )..
" beds and "..str2;
str2 = "no beds and "..str2;
print( str2 );
return building_data;
-- Calls mg_villages.analyze_building_for_mobs_update_paths and evaluates the output:
-- * determines the position of front doors (building_data.front_door_list)
-- * position of beds (building_data.bed_list)
-- * places where mobs can stand when they got up from their bed or want
-- to go to bed (building_data.stand_next_to_bed_list)
-- * amount of usable beds in the house (building_data.bed_count)
-- * position of workplaces where a currently working mob may want to
-- stand (i.e. behind a shop's counter, next to a machine, in front
-- of the class/congregation, ..) (building_data.workplace_list)
-- Returns: Updated building_data with the values mentionned above set.
-- building_data Information about the building as gained from registration
-- and from handle_schematics.analze_file(..)
-- file_name with complete path to the schematic
-- path_info Data structure where path_info (paths from doors to beds etc.)
-- is cached.
mg_villages.analyze_building_for_mobs = function( building_data, file_name, path_info )
-- identify front doors, calculate paths from beds/workplaces to front of house
building_data = mg_villages.analyze_building_for_mobs_update_paths( file_name, building_data, path_info );
-- building_data.bed_list and building_data.workspace_list are calculated withhin
-- the above function - provided they are not part of path_info yet;
-- the information stored in path_info is the relevant one for mob movement/pathfinding
-- store the front doors in extra list
building_data.front_door_list = {};
-- gain the list of beds from path_info data
building_data.bed_list = {};
-- mobs are seldom able to stand directly on or even next to the bed when getting up
building_data.stand_next_to_bed_list = {};
-- have any beds been found?
if( building_data.short_file_name
and path_info[ building_data.short_file_name ] ) then
local paths = path_info[ building_data.short_file_name];
if( paths and paths[1] ) then
-- iterate over all bed-to-first-front-door-paths (we want to identify beds)
for i,p in ipairs( paths[1] ) do
-- the last entry has a diffrent meaning
if( p and p[1] and i<#paths[1]) then
-- param2 is the 5th parameter
building_data.bed_list[i] = {p[1][1],p[1][2],p[1][3],p[1][5]};
-- also store where the mob may stand
if( p[2] ) then
building_data.stand_next_to_bed_list[i] = p[2];
-- iterate over all paths and take a look at the first bed only (we want to
-- get the doors now, not the beds)
for i,p in ipairs( paths ) do
-- paths[i]: paths from all beds to front door i
-- paths[i][1]: path from first bed to front door i
if( p and p[1] ) then
-- the place in front of the door is the last entry
local d = p[1][ #p[1] ];
building_data.front_door_list[i] = {d[1],d[2],d[3]};
-- make sure this refers to the same data as building_data.bed_list
building_data.bed_count = #building_data.bed_list;
-- gain the list of workplaces from the path_info data
building_data.workplace_list = {};
-- have any workplaces been found?
if( building_data.short_file_name
and path_info[ building_data.short_file_name.."|WORKPLACE" ] ) then
local paths = path_info[ building_data.short_file_name.."|WORKPLACE"];
if( paths and paths[1] ) then
for i,p in ipairs( paths[1] ) do
if( p and p[1] and i<#paths[1]) then
building_data.workplace_list[i] = {p[1][1],p[1][2],p[1][3],p[1][4]};
-- no front doors found through beds? then take a look if the workplaces found doors
if( #building_data.front_door_list < 1 ) then
for i,p in ipairs( paths ) do
if( p and p[1] ) then
local d = p[1][ #p[1] ];
building_data.front_door_list[i] = {d[1],d[2],d[3]};
return building_data;