1404 lines
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1404 lines
58 KiB
Data about mobs is stored for each plot in the array beds.
Each entry in the beds table may have the following entries:
x, y, z position of the bed; set automaticly by handle_schematics.
This is the position of the node containing the head of the bed.
Supported beds are normal bed, fancy bed and the bed from cottages.
p2 param2 of the node that contains the head of the bed; set
automaticly by handle_schematics.
first_name the first name of a mob; all mobs with the same profession in the
same village have diffrent first names; also family members have
uniq first names (inside each village; not globally)
middle_name random middle initial (just one letter)
gender m or f (male/female)
generation 1 for children, 2 for parents (=workers), 3 for workers parents
age age of the mob in years
optional entries:
works_at plot_nr of the place where this mob works (may be the same as the
current one if he works at home)
title profession of the mob; see worker.title; also acts as a family name
to some degree
belongs_to some plots are neither workplaces nor places where mobs may live;
it is assumed that other mobs will "own" these places and work there
aside from their main job; this includes sheds, meadows, pastures
and wagons
owns array containing the ids of plots which belong_to this plot here
bnr index of this mob's bed in mg_villages.BUILDINGS[ this_building_type ].bed_list
Apart from the beds array, there may also be a worker array. It contains information
about the mob that *works* at this place. Each entry in the worker table contains
the following information:
works_as general job description name (i.e. "shopkeeper")
title more specific job description (i.e. "flower seller");
also used for the name of the mob and to some degree as a family name
lives_at plot_nr of the house where the worker lives
uniq counts how many other mobs in the village have the same profession
(=worker.title); also determines weather the mob will be called i.e.
"the flower seller" (if there is only one in this village) or "a
flower seller" (if there are several)
Important: In order to *really* spawn a mob, you need to override the function
mg_villages.inhabitants.spawn_one_mob (see mobf_trader for an example).
mg_villages.inhabitants = {}
mg_villages.inhabitants.names_male = { "John", "James", "Charles", "Robert", "Joseph",
"Richard", "David", "Michael", "Christopher", "Jason", "Matthew",
"Joshua", "Daniel","Andrew", "Tyler", "Jakob", "Nicholas", "Ethan",
"Alexander", "Jayden", "Mason", "Liam", "Oliver", "Jack", "Harry",
"George", "Charlie", "Jacob", "Thomas", "Noah", "Wiliam", "Oscar",
"Clement", "August", "Peter", "Edgar", "Calvin", "Francis", "Frank",
"Eli", "Adam", "Samuel", "Bartholomew", "Edward", "Roger", "Albert",
"Carl", "Alfred", "Emmett", "Eric", "Henry", "Casimir", "Alan",
"Brian", "Logan", "Stephen", "Alexander", "Gregory", "Timothy",
"Theodore", "Marcus", "Justin", "Julius", "Felix", "Pascal", "Jim",
"Ben", "Zach", "Tom" };
mg_villages.inhabitants.names_female = { "Amelia", "Isla", "Ella", "Poppy", "Mia", "Mary",
"Anna", "Emma", "Elizabeth", "Minnie", "Margret", "Ruth", "Helen",
"Dorothy", "Betty", "Barbara", "Joan", "Shirley", "Patricia", "Judith",
"Carol", "Linda", "Sandra", "Susan", "Deborah", "Debra", "Karen", "Donna",
"Lisa", "Kimberly", "Michelle", "Jennifer", "Melissa", "Amy", "Heather",
"Angela", "Jessica", "Amanda", "Sarah", "Ashley", "Brittany", "Samatha",
"Emily", "Hannah", "Alexis", "Madison", "Olivia", "Abigail", "Isabella",
"Ava", "Sophia", "Martha", "Rosalind", "Matilda", "Birgid", "Jennifer",
"Chloe", "Katherine", "Penelope", "Laura", "Victoria", "Cecila", "Julia",
"Rose", "Violet", "Jasmine", "Beth", "Stephanie", "Jane", "Jacqueline",
"Josephine", "Danielle", "Paula", "Pauline", "Patricia", "Francesca"}
-- get a middle name for the mob
mg_villages.inhabitants.get_random_letter = function()
return string.char( string.byte( "A") + math.random( string.byte("Z") - string.byte( "A")));
-- this is for medieval villages
mg_villages.inhabitants.get_family_function_str = function( data )
if( data.generation == 2 and data.gender=="m") then
return "worker";
elseif( data.generation == 2 and data.gender=="f") then
return "wife";
elseif( data.generation == 3 and data.gender=="m") then
return "father";
elseif( data.generation == 3 and data.gender=="f") then
return "mother";
elseif( data.generation == 1 and data.gender=="m") then
return "son";
elseif( data.generation == 1 and data.gender=="f") then
return "daughter";
return "unkown";
-- in most cases this will be something like "John D.", "Martha A." etc.
mg_villages.inhabitants.mob_get_short_name = function( data )
if( not( data ) or not( data.first_name )) then
return "- unkown -";
local str = data.first_name;
if( data.middle_name ) then
str = str.." "..data.middle_name..".";
if( data.last_name ) then
str = str.." "..data.last_name;
return str;
-- worker_data contains data about the father of the mob or about the mob him/herself
-- (needed for determining family relationship)
mg_villages.inhabitants.mob_get_full_name = function( data, worker_data )
if( not( data ) or not( data.first_name )) then
return "- unkown -";
local str = data.first_name;
-- if( data.mob_id ) then
-- str = "["..data.mob_id.."] "..minetest.pos_to_string( data ).." "..data.first_name;
-- else
-- str = " -no mob assigned - "..minetest.pos_to_string( data ).." "..data.first_name;
-- end
if( data.middle_name ) then
str = str.." "..data.middle_name..".";
if( data.last_name ) then
str = str.." "..data.last_name;
if( data.age ) then
str = str..", age "..data.age;
if( worker_data and worker_data.title and worker_data.title ~= "" ) then
if( data.title and data.title == 'guest' ) then
str = str..", a guest staying at "..worker_data.title.." "..worker_data.first_name.."'s house";
elseif( data.title and (data.title == "servant" or data.title=="housemaid" or data.title=="guard" or data.title=="soldier")) then
str = str..", a "..data.title;
elseif( data.generation==2 and data.gender=="m" and data.title and data.uniq and data.uniq>1) then
str = str..", a "..data.title; --", one of "..tostring( worker_data.uniq ).." "..worker_data.title.."s";
-- if there is a job: , the blacksmith
elseif( data.generation==2 and data.gender=="m" and data.title) then
str = str..", the "..data.title;
-- if there is a job: , blacksmith Fred's son etc.
elseif( worker_data.uniq and worker_data.uniq>1 ) then
str = str..", "..worker_data.title.." "..worker_data.first_name.."'s "..mg_villages.inhabitants.get_family_function_str( data );
str = str..", the "..worker_data.title.."'s "..mg_villages.inhabitants.get_family_function_str( data );
-- else something like i.e. (son)
elseif( data.generation and data.gender ) then
str = str.." ("..mg_villages.inhabitants.get_family_function_str( data )..")";
return str;
-- override this function if you want more specific names (regional, age based, ..)
-- usually just "gender" is of intrest
-- name_exclude will be evaluated in get_new_inhabitant
-- village contains the village data of the entire village
mg_villages.inhabitants.get_names_list_full = function( data, gender, generation, name_exclude, min_age, village)
if( gender=="f") then
return mg_villages.inhabitants.names_female;
else -- if( gender=="m" ) then
return mg_villages.inhabitants.names_male;
-- configure a new inhabitant
-- gender can be "m" or "f"
-- generation 2 for parent-generation, 1 for children, 3 for grandparents
-- name_exlcude names the npc is not allowed to carry (=avoid duplicates)
-- (not a list but a hash table)
-- there can only be one mob with the same first name and the same profession per village
mg_villages.inhabitants.get_new_inhabitant = function( data, gender, generation, name_exclude, min_age, village )
-- only create a new inhabitant if this one has not yet been configured
if( not( data ) or data.first_name ) then
return data;
-- the gender of children is random
if( gender=="r" ) then
if( math.random(2)==1 ) then
gender = "m";
gender = "f";
local name_list = mg_villages.inhabitants.get_names_list_full( data, gender, generation, name_exclude, min_age, village );
if( gender=="f") then
data.gender = "f"; -- female
else -- if( gender=="m" ) then
data.gender = "m"; -- male
local name_list_tmp = {};
for i,v in ipairs( name_list ) do
if( not( name_exclude[ v ])) then
table.insert( name_list_tmp, v );
data.first_name = name_list_tmp[ math.random(#name_list_tmp)];
-- middle name as used in the english speaking world (might help to distinguish mobs with the same first name)
data.middle_name = mg_villages.inhabitants.get_random_letter();
data.generation = generation; -- 2: parent generation; 1: child; 3: grandparents
if( data.generation == 1 ) then
data.age = math.random( 18 ); -- a child
elseif( data.generation == 2 ) then
data.age = 18 + math.random( 30 ); -- a parent
elseif( data.generation == 3 ) then
data.age = 48 + math.random( 50 ); -- a grandparent
if( min_age ) then
data.age = min_age + math.random( 12 );
return data;
-- assign inhabitants to bed positions; create families;
-- bpos needs to contain at least { btype = building_type }
-- bpos is the building position data of one building each
-- Important: This function assigns a mob to each bed that was identified using path_info.
-- The real positions of the beds have to be calculated using
-- mg_villages.transform_coordinates( {p.x,p.y,p.z}, bpos )
-- with p beeing the corresponding entry from mg_villages.BUILDINGS[ bpos.btype ].bed_list
mg_villages.inhabitants.assign_mobs_to_beds = function( bpos, house_nr, village_to_add_data_bpos, village )
if( not( bpos ) or not( bpos.btype )) then
return bpos;
-- get data about the building
local building_data = mg_villages.BUILDINGS[ bpos.btype ];
-- the building type determines which kind of mob will live there
if( not( building_data ) or not( building_data.typ )
-- are there beds where the mob can sleep?
or not( building_data.bed_list ) or #building_data.bed_list < 1) then
return bpos;
-- does the mob have a preferred spot where he likes to stand to receive customers/work?
-- i.e. teacher, shop owner, priest,...
-- this is the index of the mob's workplace in the building_data.workplace_list
local workplace_index = 1;
-- workplaces got assigned earlier on
local works_at = nil;
local title = nil;
local uniq = nil;
local not_uniq = 0;
-- any other plots (sheds, wagons, fields, pastures) the worker here may own
local owns = {};
for nr, v in ipairs( village_to_add_data_bpos ) do
-- have we found the workplace of this mob?
if( v and v.worker and v.worker.lives_at and v.worker.lives_at == house_nr ) then
works_at = nr;
title = v.worker.title;
uniq = v.worker.uniq;
if( v.worker.uniq ) then
not_uniq = v.worker.uniq;
-- ..or another plot that the mob might own?
if( v and v.belongs_to and v.belongs_to == house_nr ) then
table.insert( owns, nr );
local worker_names_with_same_profession = {};
-- if the profession of this mob is not uniq then at least make sure that he does not share a name with a mob with the same profession
if( not_uniq > 1 ) then
for nr, v in ipairs( village_to_add_data_bpos ) do
if( v and v.worker and v.worker.lives_at
and v.worker.title == title -- same profession
and village_to_add_data_bpos[ v.worker.lives_at ]
and village_to_add_data_bpos[ v.worker.lives_at ].beds
and village_to_add_data_bpos[ v.worker.lives_at ].beds[1]
and village_to_add_data_bpos[ v.worker.lives_at ].beds[1].first_name ) then
worker_names_with_same_profession[ village_to_add_data_bpos[ v.worker.lives_at ].beds[1].first_name ] = 1;
bpos.beds = {};
-- make sure each bed is defined in the bpos.beds data structure, even if empty
for i,bed in ipairs( building_data.bed_list ) do
bpos.beds[i] = {};
-- store the index for faster lookup
bpos.beds[i].bnr = i;
local p = mg_villages.transform_coordinates( {bed[1],bed[2],bed[3],bed[4]}, bpos )
bpos.beds[i].x = p.x;
bpos.beds[i].y = p.y;
bpos.beds[i].z = p.z;
bpos.beds[i].p2 =p.p2;
-- lumberjack home
if( building_data.typ == "lumberjack" ) then
for i,v in ipairs( bpos.beds ) do
-- lumberjacks do not have families and are all male
v = mg_villages.inhabitants.get_new_inhabitant( v, "m", 2, worker_names_with_same_profession, nil, village );
-- the first worker in a lumberjack hut can get work assigned and own other plots
if( works_at and i==1) then
v.works_at = works_at;
v.title = title;
v.uniq = uniq;
v.workplace= 1; -- gets the first available workplace there
-- if he works at home, the first workplace there is taken
if( works_at == house_nr ) then
workplace_index = 2;
v.title = 'lumberjack';
v.works_at = house_nr; -- works at home for now; TODO: ought to have a forrest
v.uniq = 99; -- one of many lumberjacks here
-- give the next free workplace to the mob
v.workplace= workplace_index;
workplace_index = workplace_index+1;
if( owns and #owns>0 ) then
v.owns = owns;
worker_names_with_same_profession[ v.first_name ] = 1;
-- the castle-type buildings contain guards without family
elseif( building_data.typ == "castle" ) then
for i,v in ipairs( bpos.beds ) do
v = mg_villages.inhabitants.get_new_inhabitant( v, "m", 2, worker_names_with_same_profession, nil, village );
v.works_at = house_nr; -- they work in their castle
v.title = "soldier";
v.uniq = 99; -- one of many guards here
worker_names_with_same_profession[ v.first_name ] = 1;
-- each soldier gets a workplace (provided one is available)
v.workplace = workplace_index;
workplace_index = workplace_index + 1;
-- normal house containing a family
-- the first inhabitant will be the male worker
if( not( bpos.beds[1].first_name )) then
bpos.beds[1] = mg_villages.inhabitants.get_new_inhabitant( bpos.beds[1], "m", 2, worker_names_with_same_profession, nil, village ); -- male of parent generation
if( works_at ) then
bpos.beds[1].works_at = works_at;
bpos.beds[1].title = title;
bpos.beds[1].uniq = uniq;
bpos.beds[1].workplace= 1;
-- if he works at home, the first workplace there is taken
if( works_at == house_nr ) then
workplace_index = 2;
if( owns and #owns>0 ) then
bpos.beds[1].owns = owns;
local name_exclude = {};
-- the second inhabitant will be the wife of the male worker
if( bpos.beds[2] and not( bpos.beds[2].first_name )) then
bpos.beds[2] = mg_villages.inhabitants.get_new_inhabitant( bpos.beds[2], "f", 2, {}, nil, village ); -- female of parent generation
-- first names ought to be uniq withhin a family
name_exclude[ bpos.beds[2].first_name ] = 1;
-- no work or title assigned to the wife
-- not all houses will have grandparents
local grandmother_bed_id = 2+math.random(5);
local grandfather_bed_id = 2+math.random(5);
-- some houses have guests
local guest_id = 99;
-- all but the given number are guests
if( building_data.guests ) then
guest_id = building_data.guests * -1;
-- a child of 18 with a parent of 19 would be...usually impossible unless adopted
local oldest_child = 0;
-- the third and subsequent inhabitants will ether be children or grandparents
for i,v in ipairs( bpos.beds ) do
if( v and v.first_name and v.generation == 3 and v.gender=="f" ) then
grandmother_bed_id = i;
elseif( v and v.first_name and v.generation == 3 and v.gender=="m" ) then
grandfather_bed_id = i;
-- at max 7 npc per house (taverns may have more beds than that)
elseif( v and not( v.first_name )) then
if( i>guest_id ) then
-- a chateau has servants instead of guests like a hotel
if( building_data.typ == "chateau" ) then
-- working generation (neither children nor grandparents)
v = mg_villages.inhabitants.get_new_inhabitant( v, "r", 2, name_exclude, nil, village );
if( v.gender == "m" ) then
v.title = "servant";
v.title = "housemaid";
v.works_at = house_nr;
v.uniq = 99; -- one of many servants/housemaids here
-- give the next free workplace to the mob
v.workplace = workplace_index;
workplace_index = workplace_index + 1;
-- guest in a hotel
v = mg_villages.inhabitants.get_new_inhabitant( v, "r", math.random(3), name_exclude, nil, village ); -- get a random guest
v.title = 'guest';
elseif( i==grandmother_bed_id ) then
v = mg_villages.inhabitants.get_new_inhabitant( v, "f", 3, name_exclude, bpos.beds[1].age+18, village ); -- get the grandmother
elseif( i==grandfather_bed_id ) then
v = mg_villages.inhabitants.get_new_inhabitant( v, "m", 3, name_exclude, bpos.beds[1].age+18, village ); -- get the grandfather
v = mg_villages.inhabitants.get_new_inhabitant( v, "r", 1, name_exclude, nil, village ); -- get a child of random gender
-- find out how old the oldest child is
if( v.age > oldest_child ) then
oldest_child = v.age;
-- children and grandparents need uniq names withhin a family
name_exclude[ v.first_name ] = 1;
-- the father has to be old enough for his children
if( bpos.beds[1] and oldest_child + 18 > bpos.beds[1].age ) then
bpos.beds[1].age = oldest_child + 18 + math.random( 10 );
-- the mother also has to be old enough as well
if( bpos.beds[2] and oldest_child + 18 > bpos.beds[2].age ) then
bpos.beds[2].age = oldest_child + 18 + math.random( 10 );
-- the grandfather (father's side) has to be old enough
if( bpos.beds[1] and bpos.beds[grandfather_bed_id] and bpos.beds[grandfather_bed_id].first_name
and bpos.beds[1].age+18 > bpos.beds[grandfather_bed_id].age) then
bpos.beds[grandfather_bed_id].age = bpos.beds[1].age+18;
-- ..and also the grandmother (father's side as well)
if( bpos.beds[1] and bpos.beds[grandmother_bed_id] and bpos.beds[grandmother_bed_id].first_name
and bpos.beds[1].age+18 > bpos.beds[grandmother_bed_id].age) then
bpos.beds[grandmother_bed_id].age = bpos.beds[1].age+18;
return bpos;
-- helper function for listing the plots a mob/house owns (sheds, wagons, fields, ..)
mg_villages.inhabitants.print_plot_list = function(village_to_add_data_bpos, plotlist)
local str = "";
if( not( plotlist )) then
return "";
for i,v in ipairs( plotlist ) do
if( i>1 ) then
str = str..", ";
local building_data = mg_villages.BUILDINGS[ village_to_add_data_bpos[v].btype ];
str = str.."Nr. "..tostring( v ).." ("..building_data.typ..")";
-- the , in the list would disrupt formspecs
return minetest.formspec_escape(str);
-- print information about which mobs "live" in a house
mg_villages.inhabitants.print_house_info = function( village_to_add_data_bpos, house_nr, village_id, pname )
local bpos = village_to_add_data_bpos[ house_nr ];
local building_data = mg_villages.BUILDINGS[ bpos.btype ];
if( not( building_data ) or not( building_data.typ )) then
building_data = { typ = bpos.btype };
local str = "Plot Nr. "..tostring( house_nr ).." ["..tostring( building_data.typ or "-?-").."] ";
local people_str = "";
local add_str = "";
if( bpos.road_nr ) then
str = str.." at road nr. "..tostring( bpos.road_nr ).." ";
if( bpos.btype == "road" ) then
str = str.."is a road.";
-- wagon, shed, field and pasture
elseif( bpos.belongs_to and village_to_add_data_bpos[ bpos.belongs_to ].beds) then
local owner = village_to_add_data_bpos[ bpos.belongs_to ].beds[1];
if( not( owner ) or not( owner.first_name )) then
str = str.."WARNING: NO ONE owns this plot.";
str = str.."belongs to:";
people_str = minetest.formspec_escape( mg_villages.inhabitants.mob_get_full_name( owner, owner ).." owns this plot");
elseif( (not( bpos.beds ) or #bpos.beds<1) and bpos.worker and bpos.worker.title) then
if( not( bpos.worker.lives_at)) then
str = str.."WARNING: NO WORKER assigned to this plot.";
local worker = village_to_add_data_bpos[ bpos.worker.lives_at ].beds[1];
str = str.."provides work:";
local btype2 = mg_villages.BUILDINGS[ village_to_add_data_bpos[ bpos.worker.lives_at ].btype];
if( btype2 and btype2.typ ) then
people_str = minetest.formspec_escape( mg_villages.inhabitants.mob_get_full_name( worker, worker ).." who lives at the "..tostring( btype2.typ ).." on plot "..tostring( bpos.worker.lives_at )..", works here");
people_str = "- unkown -";
elseif( not( bpos.beds ) or not( bpos.beds[1])) then
str = str.."provides neither work nor housing.";
str = str.."is inhabitated by ";
if( #bpos.beds == 1 ) then
str = str.."only one person:";
elseif( #bpos.beds > 1 ) then
str = str..tostring( #bpos.beds ).." people:";
str = str.."nobody:";
-- make sure all mobs living here are spawned
mg_villages.inhabitants.spawn_mobs_for_one_house( bpos, nil, nil, village_id, house_nr );
for i,v in ipairs( bpos.beds ) do
if( v and v.first_name ) then
local worker_data = bpos.beds[1]; -- the father has the job
if( v and v.works_at ) then
worker_data = v;
people_str = people_str..
tostring( i )..". "..
minetest.formspec_escape( mg_villages.inhabitants.mob_get_full_name( v, worker_data ));
if(v and v.works_at and v.works_at==house_nr ) then
people_str = people_str.." who lives and works here,";
elseif( v and v.works_at ) then
local works_at = bpos.beds[1].works_at;
local btype2 = mg_villages.BUILDINGS[ village_to_add_data_bpos[ works_at ].btype];
people_str = people_str.." who works at the "..tostring( btype2.typ ).." on plot "..tostring(works_at)..",";
elseif( i ~= #bpos.beds ) then
people_str = people_str..",";
-- other plots owned
if( bpos.beds and bpos.beds[1] and bpos.beds[1].owns ) then
add_str = "The family also owns the plot(s) "..
mg_villages.inhabitants.print_plot_list(village_to_add_data_bpos, bpos.beds[1].owns)..".";
-- which entrances/front doors does the building have?
local front_doors = mg_villages.inhabitants.get_front_doors(bpos);
local door_str = "Entrances: ";
for i,p in ipairs( front_doors ) do
door_str = door_str..minetest.pos_to_string( p ).." ";
if( not( front_doors ) or #front_doors<1) then
door_str = door_str.."- unknown -";
if( people_str == "" ) then
people_str = "- nobody lives or works here permanently -";
local link_teleport = "";
if( pname and minetest.check_player_privs( pname, {teleport=true})) then
-- teleport to the plotmarker and not somewhere where part of the house may stand
link_teleport = 'button[8.0,0;1,0.5;teleport_to;Visit]'..
handle_schematics.get_pos_in_front_of_house( bpos, 0 )).."]";
-- allow to click through the diffrent plots
-- (a second back button doesn't hurt)
local prev_next_button = "button[8.5,4.7;1,0.5;back_to_plotlist;Back]";
if( house_nr > 1 ) then
prev_next_button = prev_next_button..'button[9.5,4.7;1,0.5;prev;Prev]';
if( house_nr < #village_to_add_data_bpos ) then
prev_next_button = prev_next_button..'button[10.5,4.7;1,0.5;next;Next]';
return 'size[12,5.0]'..
'button[9.5,0;2,0.5;back_to_plotlist;Back to plotlist]'..
-- the back button needs to know which village we are in
'field[20,20;0.1,0.1;village_id;VillageID;'..minetest.formspec_escape( village_id ).."]"..
-- when a mob is selected we need to provide the plot nr of this plot
-- show where the plot is located
'label[0.5,0;Location: '..minetest.formspec_escape( minetest.pos_to_string( bpos ))..']'..
-- allow to teleport there (if the player has the teleport priv)
-- allow to click through the plots
'tablecolumns[' ..
'text,align=left]'.. -- name and description of inhabitant
-- print information about a particular mob
mg_villages.inhabitants.print_mob_info = function( village_to_add_data_bpos, house_nr, village_id, bed_nr, pname )
local bpos = village_to_add_data_bpos[ house_nr ];
local building_data = mg_villages.BUILDINGS[ bpos.btype ];
if( not( building_data ) or not( building_data.typ )) then
building_data = { typ = bpos.btype };
local this_mob_data = village_to_add_data_bpos[ house_nr ].beds[ bed_nr ];
local gender = "male";
if( this_mob_data.gender == "f" ) then
gender = "female";
-- identify grandparents and children
local list_of_children = "";
local grandfather = -1;
local grandmother = -1;
for i,v in ipairs( bpos.beds ) do
if( not(v.title) and v.generation==3 and v.gender=="m") then
grandfather = i;
elseif( not(v.title) and v.generation==3 and v.gender=="f") then
grandmother = i;
elseif( not(v.title) and v.generation==1 ) then
list_of_children = list_of_children..mg_villages.inhabitants.mob_get_short_name( v )..", ";
if( list_of_children == "" ) then
list_of_children = "- none -";
-- contains commata
list_of_children = minetest.formspec_escape( string.sub( list_of_children, 1, -3));
-- show family relationships (father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, children)
local generation = "adult";
if( this_mob_data.generation == 1 ) then
generation = "child";
if( not( this_mob_data.title )) then -- no guest, servant, soldier, ...
generation = generation..
",Father:,"..mg_villages.inhabitants.mob_get_short_name( bpos.beds[1] )..
",Mother:,"..mg_villages.inhabitants.mob_get_short_name( bpos.beds[2] )..
elseif( this_mob_data.generation == 3 ) then
generation = "senior";
if( not( this_mob_data.title )) then -- no guest, servant, soldier, ...
if( this_mob_data.gender=="m" ) then
generation = generation..
",Father of:,"..mg_villages.inhabitants.mob_get_short_name( bpos.beds[1] )..
",Grandfather of:,"..list_of_children;
generation = generation..
",Mother of:,"..mg_villages.inhabitants.mob_get_short_name( bpos.beds[1] )..
",Grandmother of:,"..list_of_children;
elseif( this_mob_data.generation == 2 ) then
if( this_mob_data.gender=="m" and bed_nr == 1) then
generation = generation..
",Father:,"..mg_villages.inhabitants.mob_get_short_name( bpos.beds[grandfather] )..
",Mother:,"..mg_villages.inhabitants.mob_get_short_name( bpos.beds[grandmother] )..
",Father of:,"..list_of_children;
elseif( bed_nr == 2) then
-- the grandparents belong to the man's side
generation = generation..
",Mother of:,"..list_of_children;
-- the mob may have a wife or husband
if( this_mob_data.generation == 2 and this_mob_data.gender == "m" and bpos.beds[2] and not(bpos.beds[2].title)) then
generation = generation..
",Husband of:,"..mg_villages.inhabitants.mob_get_short_name( bpos.beds[2] );
elseif( this_mob_data.generation == 2 and this_mob_data.gender == "f" and not(this_mob_data.title)) then
generation = generation..
",Wife of:,"..mg_villages.inhabitants.mob_get_short_name( bpos.beds[1] );
elseif( this_mob_data.generation == 3 and this_mob_data.gender == "m" and not(this_mob_data.title)) then
generation = generation..
",Husband of:,"..mg_villages.inhabitants.mob_get_short_name( bpos.beds[grandmother] );
elseif( this_mob_data.generation == 3 and this_mob_data.gender == "f" and not(this_mob_data.title)) then
generation = generation..
",Wife of:,"..mg_villages.inhabitants.mob_get_short_name( bpos.beds[grandfather] );
local lives_in = minetest.formspec_escape( building_data.typ.." on plot "..house_nr.." at "..
minetest.pos_to_string( handle_schematics.get_pos_in_front_of_house( bpos, 0 )));
local profession = "- none -";
if( this_mob_data.title ) then
profession = this_mob_data.title;
if( this_mob_data and this_mob_data.title == "guest" ) then
profession = profession..",,(just visiting)";
elseif( not( this_mob_data.uniq ) or this_mob_data.uniq<1 ) then
profession = profession..",,(the only one in this village)";
profession = profession..",,(one amongst several in this village)";
local works_at = "-";
local pref_workspace = "";
if( this_mob_data.works_at ) then
local bpos_work = village_to_add_data_bpos[ this_mob_data.works_at ];
local building_data_work = mg_villages.BUILDINGS[ bpos_work.btype ];
if( not( building_data_work )) then
building_data_work = { typ = "unkown" };
works_at = minetest.formspec_escape( building_data_work.typ.." on plot "..this_mob_data.works_at..
" at "..minetest.pos_to_string( handle_schematics.get_pos_in_front_of_house( bpos_work,0)));
-- does this mob have a fixed workspace?
if( building_data_work.workplace_list and this_mob_data.workplace) then
if( building_data_work.workplace_list[ this_mob_data.workplace ] ) then
pref_workspace = ",Preferred workplace:,"..
building_data_work.workplace_list[ this_mob_data.workplace], bpos_work ))..
" ["..tostring( this_mob_data.workplace ).."/"..
tostring( #building_data_work.workplace_list ).."]");
pref_workspace = ",Preferred workplace:,no specific one";
local next_to_bed_str = "";
if( this_mob_data.bnr and building_data.stand_next_to_bed_list[ this_mob_data.bnr ]) then
next_to_bed_str = ",Gets up from bed to:,"..
building_data.stand_next_to_bed_list[ this_mob_data.bnr], bpos)));
local text =
"First name:,"..(this_mob_data.first_name or '- ? -')..
",Middle initial:,"..(this_mob_data.middle_name or '- ? -').."."..
",Age:,"..(this_mob_data.age or '- ? -')..
",Lives in:,"..lives_in..
-- TODO: the bed position might be calculated (and be diffrent from this x,y,z here)
-- TODO: the position next to the bed for getting up can be calculated as well
",Sleeps in bed at:,"..minetest.formspec_escape( minetest.pos_to_string( this_mob_data )..
", "..this_mob_data.p2.." ["..(this_mob_data.bnr or "-?-").."/"..
(#building_data.bed_list or "-?-").."]")..
-- place next to te bed where the mob can stand
-- position of the mob's mob spawner
",Has a spawner at:,"..minetest.formspec_escape( minetest.pos_to_string(
handle_schematics.get_pos_in_front_of_house( bpos, bed_nr)))..
",Works at:,"..works_at;
if( this_mob_data.owns ) then
text = text..",Is owner of:,"..
mg_villages.inhabitants.print_plot_list(village_to_add_data_bpos, this_mob_data.owns)..".";
for k,v in pairs( this_mob_data ) do
if( k~="first_name" and k~="middle_name" and k~="gender" and k~="age" and k~="generation"
and k~="x" and k~="y" and k~="z" and k~="p2" and k~="bnr"
and k~="title" and k~="works_at" and k~="owns" and k~="uniq" and k~="workplace"
and k~="typ" ) then -- typ: content_id of bed head node
-- add those entries that have not been covered yet
text = text..","..k..":,"..tostring(v);
local link_teleport = "";
-- TODO: this ought to be a teleport-to-the-mob-button
if( pname and minetest.check_player_privs( pname, {teleport=true})) then
-- teleport to the plotmarker and not somewhere where part of the house may stand
link_teleport = 'button[6.4,0;1,0.5;teleport_to;Visit]'..
handle_schematics.get_pos_in_front_of_house( bpos, 0 )).."]";
-- allow to click through the inhabitants
-- (a second back button doesn't hurt)
local prev_next_button = "button[8.5,7.2;1,0.5;back_to_houselist;Back]";
if( bed_nr > 1 ) then
prev_next_button = prev_next_button..'button[9.5,7.2;1,0.5;prev;Prev]';
if( bed_nr < #bpos.beds ) then
prev_next_button = prev_next_button..'button[10.5,7.2;1,0.5;next;Next]';
return 'size[12,7.5]'..
'button[7.5,0;5,0.5;back_to_houselist;Back to all inhabitants of house]'..
-- the back button needs to know which village we are in
'field[20,20;0.1,0.1;village_id;VillageID;'..minetest.formspec_escape( village_id ).."]"..
-- it also needs to know the plot number we might want to go back to
-- the prev/next buttons need information about the mob nr
-- show where the plot is located
'label[0.5,0;Location: '..minetest.formspec_escape( minetest.pos_to_string( bpos ))..']'..
-- allow to teleport there (if the player has the teleport priv)
-- add prev/next buttons
'label[0.5,0.5;'..minetest.formspec_escape("Information about inhabitant nr. "..
tostring( bed_nr )..": "..
mg_villages.inhabitants.mob_get_short_name( this_mob_data )..
" ("..( this_mob_data.title or "- no profession -").."):")..']'..
'tablecolumns[' ..
'text,align=left]'.. -- name and description of inhabitant
-- some building types will determine the name of the job
mg_villages.inhabitants.jobs_in_buildings = {};
mg_villages.inhabitants.jobs_in_buildings[ 'mill' ] = {'miller'};
mg_villages.inhabitants.jobs_in_buildings[ 'bakery' ] = {'baker'};
mg_villages.inhabitants.jobs_in_buildings[ 'church' ] = {'priest'};
mg_villages.inhabitants.jobs_in_buildings[ 'tower' ] = {'guard'};
mg_villages.inhabitants.jobs_in_buildings[ 'school' ] = {'schoolteacher'};
mg_villages.inhabitants.jobs_in_buildings[ 'library' ] = {'librarian'};
mg_villages.inhabitants.jobs_in_buildings[ 'tavern' ] = {'barkeeper'};
mg_villages.inhabitants.jobs_in_buildings[ 'pub' ] = {'barkeeper'};
mg_villages.inhabitants.jobs_in_buildings[ 'inn' ] = {'innkeeper'};
mg_villages.inhabitants.jobs_in_buildings[ 'hotel' ] = {'innkeeper'};
mg_villages.inhabitants.jobs_in_buildings[ 'forge' ] = {'smith',
-- bronzesmith, bladesmith, locksmith etc. may be of little use in our MT worlds;
-- the blacksmith is the most common one, followed by the coppersmith
{'blacksmith','blacksmith', 'blacksmith', 'coppersmith','coppersmith',
'tinsmith', 'goldsmith'}};
mg_villages.inhabitants.jobs_in_buildings[ 'shop' ] = {'shopkeeper',
-- the shopkeeper is the most common; however, there can be more specialized sellers
{'shopkeeper', 'shopkeeper', 'shopkeeper', 'seed seller', 'flower seller', 'ore seller', 'fruit trader', 'wood trader'}};
mg_villages.inhabitants.jobs_in_buildings[ 'charachoal' ] = {'charachoal burner'};
mg_villages.inhabitants.jobs_in_buildings[ 'trader' ] = {'trader'}; -- TODO: currently only used for clay traders
mg_villages.inhabitants.jobs_in_buildings[ 'chateau' ] = {'landlord'};
mg_villages.inhabitants.jobs_in_buildings[ 'sawmill' ] = {'sawmill owner'};
mg_villages.inhabitants.jobs_in_buildings[ 'forrest' ] = {'lumberjack'}; -- TODO: we don't have forrests yet
mg_villages.inhabitants.jobs_in_buildings[ 'townhall' ] = {'major'};
mg_villages.inhabitants.jobs_in_buildings[ 'horsestable'] = {'horsekeeper'};
-- TODO pit - suitable for traders (they sell clay...)
mg_villages.inhabitants.assign_jobs_to_houses = function( village_to_add_data_bpos )
local workers_required = {}; -- places that require a specific worker that lives elsewhere
local found_farm_full = {}; -- farmers (they like to work on fields and pastures)
local found_hut = {}; -- workers best fit for working in other buildings
local found_house = {}; -- workers which may either take a random job or work elsewhere
local found_any_home = {}; -- farm_full, hut or house (anything with beds in)
local suggests_worker = {}; -- sheds and wagons can support workers with a random job
local suggests_farmer = {}; -- fields and pastures are ideal for farmers
-- find out which jobs need to get taken
for house_id,bpos in ipairs(village_to_add_data_bpos) do
-- get data about the building
local building_data = mg_villages.BUILDINGS[ bpos.btype ];
-- the building type determines which kind of mobs will live there;
-- nothing gets assigned if we don't have data
if( not( building_data ) or not( building_data.typ )
-- or if a mob is assigned already
or bpos.worker) then
-- some buildings require a specific worker
elseif( mg_villages.inhabitants.jobs_in_buildings[ building_data.typ ] ) then
local worker_data = mg_villages.inhabitants.jobs_in_buildings[ building_data.typ ];
bpos.worker = {};
bpos.worker.works_as = worker_data[1];
-- the worker might be specialized
if( worker_data[2] ) then
bpos.worker.title = worker_data[2][ math.random( #worker_data[2])];
-- otherwise his title is the same as his job name
bpos.worker.title = bpos.worker.works_as;
-- can the worker sleep there or does he require a house elsewhere?
if( building_data.bed_count and building_data.bed_count > 0 ) then
bpos.worker.lives_at = house_id;
table.insert( workers_required, house_id );
-- we have found a place with a bed that does not reuiqre a worker directly
elseif( building_data.bed_count and building_data.bed_count > 0 ) then
-- mobs having to take care of a full farm (=farm where the farmer's main income is
-- gained from farming) are less likely to have time for other jobs
if( building_data.typ=='farm_full' ) then
table.insert( found_farm_full, house_id );
-- mobs living in a hut are the best candidates for jobs in other buildings
elseif( building_data.typ=='hut' ) then
table.insert( found_hut, house_id );
-- other mobs may either take on a random job or work in other buildings
table.insert( found_house, house_id );
table.insert( found_any_home, house_id );
-- sheds and wagons are useful for random jobs but do not really require a worker
elseif( building_data.typ == 'shed'
or building_data.typ == 'wagon' ) then
table.insert( suggests_worker, house_id );
-- fields and pastures are places where full farmers are best at
elseif( building_data.typ == 'field'
or building_data.typ == 'pasture' ) then
table.insert( suggests_farmer, house_id );
-- these are only additional; they do not require a worker as such
-- assign sheds and wagons randomly to suitable houses
for i,v in ipairs( suggests_worker ) do
-- distribute sheds, wagons etc. equally on all places with beds
if( #found_any_home>0 ) then
local nr = math.random( #found_any_home );
village_to_add_data_bpos[ v ].belongs_to = found_any_home[ nr ];
-- print("NOT ASSIGNING work PLOT Nr. "..tostring(v).." to anything (nothing suitable found)");
-- assign fields and pastures randomly to suitable houses
for i,v in ipairs( suggests_farmer ) do
-- order: found_farm_full, found_house, found_hut
if( #found_farm_full>0 ) then
local nr = math.random( #found_farm_full );
village_to_add_data_bpos[ v ].belongs_to = found_farm_full[ nr ];
elseif( #found_house>0 ) then
local nr = math.random( #found_house );
village_to_add_data_bpos[ v ].belongs_to = found_house[ nr ];
elseif( #found_hut >0 ) then
local nr = math.random( #found_hut );
village_to_add_data_bpos[ v ].belongs_to = found_hut[ nr ];
-- print("NOT ASSIGNING farm PLOT Nr. "..tostring(v).." to anything (nothing suitable found)");
-- find workers for jobs that require workes who live elsewhere
for i,v in ipairs( workers_required ) do
-- huts are ideal
if( #found_hut>0 ) then
local nr = math.random( #found_hut );
village_to_add_data_bpos[ v ].worker.lives_at = found_hut[ nr ];
table.remove( found_hut, nr );
-- but workers may also be gained from other houses where workers may live
elseif( #found_house > 0 ) then
local nr = math.random( #found_house );
village_to_add_data_bpos[ v ].worker.lives_at = found_house[ nr ];
table.remove( found_house, nr );
-- if all else fails try to get a worker from a full farm
elseif( #found_farm_full > 0 ) then
local nr = math.random( #found_farm_full );
village_to_add_data_bpos[ v ].worker.lives_at = found_farm_full[ nr ];
table.remove( found_farm_full, nr );
-- we ran out of potential workers...
-- no suitable worker found
--local building_data = mg_villages.BUILDINGS[ village_to_add_data_bpos[v].btype ];
--print("NO WORKER FOUND FOR Nr. "..tostring(v).." "..tostring( building_data.typ )..": "..minetest.serialize( village_to_add_data_bpos[v].worker ));
-- other owners of farm_full buildings become farmers
for i,v in ipairs( found_farm_full ) do
village_to_add_data_bpos[ v ].worker = {};
village_to_add_data_bpos[ v ].worker.works_as = "farmer";
village_to_add_data_bpos[ v ].worker.title = "farmer";
village_to_add_data_bpos[ v ].worker.lives_at = v; -- house number
-- add random jobs to the leftover houses
local random_jobs = { 'stonemason', 'stoneminer', 'carpenter', 'toolmaker',
'doormaker', 'furnituremaker', 'stairmaker', 'cooper', 'wheelwright',
'saddler', 'roofer', 'iceman', 'potterer', 'bricklayer', 'dyemaker',
'glassmaker' };
for i,v in ipairs( found_house ) do
local job = random_jobs[ math.random(#random_jobs)];
village_to_add_data_bpos[ v ].worker = {};
village_to_add_data_bpos[ v ].worker.works_as = job;
village_to_add_data_bpos[ v ].worker.title = job;
village_to_add_data_bpos[ v ].worker.lives_at = v; -- house number
for i,v in ipairs( found_hut ) do
local job = random_jobs[ math.random(#random_jobs)];
village_to_add_data_bpos[ v ].worker = {};
village_to_add_data_bpos[ v ].worker.works_as = job;
village_to_add_data_bpos[ v ].worker.title = job;
village_to_add_data_bpos[ v ].worker.lives_at = v; -- house number
-- even though it should not happen there are still sometimes workers that work on
-- another plot and wrongly get a random worker job in their house assigned as well;
-- check for those and eliminiate them
for house_nr,bpos in ipairs( village_to_add_data_bpos ) do
if( bpos and bpos.worker and bpos.worker.lives_at and bpos.worker.lives_at ~= house_nr
and village_to_add_data_bpos[ bpos.worker.lives_at ]
and village_to_add_data_bpos[ bpos.worker.lives_at ].worker) then
-- make sure the worker gets no other job or title from his house
village_to_add_data_bpos[ bpos.worker.lives_at ].worker = nil;
-- find out if there are any duplicate professions
local professions = {};
for house_nr,bpos in ipairs( village_to_add_data_bpos ) do
if( bpos.worker and bpos.worker.title ) then
if( not( professions[ bpos.worker.title ])) then
professions[ bpos.worker.title ] = 1;
professions[ bpos.worker.title ] = professions[ bpos.worker.title ] + 1;
-- mark all those workers who share the same profession as "not_uniq"
for house_nr,bpos in ipairs( village_to_add_data_bpos ) do
if( bpos.worker and bpos.worker.title and professions[ bpos.worker.title ]>1) then
bpos.worker.uniq = professions[ bpos.worker.title ];
return village_to_add_data_bpos;
-- apply bpos.pos as offset and apply rotation
-- TODO: rotate param2 as well
mg_villages.transform_coordinates = function( pos, bpos )
if( not( pos ) or not(pos[1]) or not(pos[2]) or not(pos[3])) then
return nil;
-- start with the start position as stored in bpos
local p = {x=bpos.x, y=bpos.y, z=bpos.z};
local building_data = mg_villages.BUILDINGS[ bpos.btype ];
-- the height is not affected by rotation
-- the positions are stored as array
p.y = p.y + building_data.yoff + pos[2] - 1;
local rel = {x=pos[1], y=pos[2], z=pos[3]}; -- relative position (usually of entrance)
-- all values start counting with index 1; we need to start with 0 for the offset
local sx = bpos.bsizex-1;
local sz = bpos.bsizez-1;
rel.x = rel.x-1;
rel.z = rel.z-1;
if( bpos.mirror and bpos.btype ) then
local o = building_data.orients[1];
if( (o == 0 or o == 2) and (bpos.brotate==0 or bpos.brotate==2)) then
rel.z = sz - rel.z;
elseif( (o == 0 or o == 2) and (bpos.brotate==1 or bpos.brotate==3)) then
rel.z = sx - rel.z;
elseif( (o == 1 or o == 3) and (bpos.brotate==0 or bpos.brotate==2)) then
rel.x = sx - rel.x;
elseif( (o == 1 or o == 3) and (bpos.brotate==1 or bpos.brotate==3)) then
rel.x = sz - rel.x;
if( bpos.brotate==0 ) then
p.x = p.x + rel.x;
p.z = p.z + rel.z;
elseif( bpos.brotate==1 ) then
p.x = p.x + rel.z;
p.z = p.z + sz - rel.x; -- bsizex and bsizez are swapped
elseif( bpos.brotate==2 ) then
p.x = p.x + sx - rel.x;
p.z = p.z + sz - rel.z;
elseif( bpos.brotate==3 ) then
p.x = p.x + sx - rel.z; -- bsizex and bsizez are swapped
p.z = p.z + rel.x;
-- param2 is rotated the same way as in handle_schematics.generate_building_what_to_place_here_and_how
if( pos[4] ) then -- param2
local mirror_x = false;
local mirror_z = false;
if( bpos.mirror ) then
if( building_data.axis and building_data.axis == 1 ) then
mirror_x = true;
mirror_z = false;
-- used for "restore original landscape"
elseif( building_data.axis and building_data.axis == 3 ) then
mirror_z = true;
mirror_x = true;
mirror_x = false;
mirror_z = true;
if( mirror_x ) then
p.p2 = handle_schematics.rotation_table[ 'facedir' ][ pos[4]+1 ][ bpos.brotate+1 ][ 2 ];
elseif( mirror_z ) then
p.p2 = handle_schematics.rotation_table[ 'facedir' ][ pos[4]+1 ][ bpos.brotate+1 ][ 3 ];
p.p2 = handle_schematics.rotation_table[ 'facedir' ][ pos[4]+1 ][ bpos.brotate+1 ][ 1 ];
return p;
mg_villages.get_plot_and_building_data = function( village_id, plot_nr )
if( not( mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ])
or not( mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ].to_add_data.bpos[ plot_nr ] )) then
local bpos = mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ].to_add_data.bpos[ plot_nr ];
if( not( bpos ) or not( bpos.btype ) or not( mg_villages.BUILDINGS[ bpos.btype ])) then
return { bpos = bpos, building_data = mg_villages.BUILDINGS[ bpos.btype ]};
mg_villages.get_entrance_list = function( village_id, plot_nr )
local res = mg_villages.get_plot_and_building_data( village_id, plot_nr );
if( not( res ) or not( res.building_data ) or not(res.building_data.all_entrances )) then
return {};
local entrance_list = {};
for i,e in ipairs( res.building_data.all_entrances ) do
table.insert( entrance_list, mg_villages.transform_coordinates( e, res.bpos ));
return entrance_list;
mg_villages.get_path_from_bed_to_outside = function( village_id, plot_nr, bed_nr, door_nr )
local res = mg_villages.get_plot_and_building_data( village_id, plot_nr );
if( not( res ) or not( res.building_data ) or not(res.building_data.short_file_name)
or not( mg_villages.path_info[ res.building_data.short_file_name ] )
or not( mg_villages.path_info[ res.building_data.short_file_name ][ door_nr ])
or not( mg_villages.path_info[ res.building_data.short_file_name ][ door_nr ][ bed_nr ])) then
local path = {};
-- get the path from the bed to front door door_nr
for i,p in ipairs( mg_villages.path_info[ res.building_data.short_file_name ][ door_nr ][ bed_nr ]) do
table.insert( path, mg_villages.transform_coordinates( p, res.bpos ));
local rest_path_id = #mg_villages.path_info[ res.building_data.short_file_name ][ door_nr ];
-- the last entrance is the common path for all beds from the front door door_nr to the outside
if( rest_path_id == bed_nr ) then
return path;
-- add the path from the front door to the front of the building
for i,p in ipairs( mg_villages.path_info[ res.building_data.short_file_name ][ door_nr ][ rest_path_id ]) do
table.insert( path, mg_villages.transform_coordinates( p, res.bpos ));
return path;
-- door_nr ought to be 1 in most cases (unless the mob is standing in front of another door)
mg_villages.get_path_from_outside_to_bed = function( village_id, plot_nr, bed_nr, door_nr )
local path = mg_villages.get_path_from_bed_to_outside( village_id, plot_nr, bed_nr, door_nr );
if( not( path )) then
return path;
local reverse_path = {};
for i = #path, 1, -1 do
table.insert( reverse_path, path[i]);
return reverse_path;
-- get the information mg_villages has about a mob (useful for mg_villages:mob_spawner)
mg_villages.inhabitants.get_mob_data = function( village_id, plot_nr, bed_nr )
if( not( village_id ) or not( plot_nr ) or not( bed_nr )
or not( mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ] )
or not( mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ].to_add_data.bpos[ plot_nr ])
or not( mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ].to_add_data.bpos[ plot_nr ].beds )) then
-- TODO: mark entrances for manual inspection
for i,p in ipairs( mg_villages.get_entrance_list( village_id, plot_nr )) do
local bpos = mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ].to_add_data.bpos[ plot_nr ];
minetest.chat_send_player("singleplayer","door: "..minetest.pos_to_string( p )..
" pos: "..minetest.pos_to_string( bpos )..
" o: "..tostring( bpos.o ).." r: "..tostring( bpos.brotate ).." m: "..tostring( bpos.mirror));
minetest.set_node( p, {name="wool:cyan",param2=0});
return mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ].to_add_data.bpos[ plot_nr ].beds[ bed_nr ];
-- mob mods are expected to override this function! mobf_trader mobs are supported directly
mg_villages.inhabitants.spawn_one_mob = function( bed, village_id, plot_nr, bed_nr, bpos )
--print("NPC spawned in village "..tostring( village_id ).." on plot "..tostring(plot_nr)..", sleeping in bed nr. "..tostring( bed_nr ));
if( minetest.get_modpath("mobf_trader") and mobf_trader and mobf_trader.spawn_one_trader) then
return mobf_trader.spawn_one_trader( bed, village_id, plot_nr, bed_nr, bpos );
mg_villages.inhabitants.spawn_mobs_for_one_house = function( bpos, minp, maxp, village_id, plot_nr )
if( not( bpos ) or not( bpos.beds )) then
for bed_nr,bed in ipairs( bpos.beds ) do
-- only for beds that exist, have a mob assigned and fit into minp/maxp
if( bed
and bed.first_name
and (not( minp )
or ( bed.x>=minp.x and bed.x<=maxp.x
and bed.y>=minp.y and bed.y<=maxp.y
and bed.z>=minp.z and bed.z<=maxp.z))) then
bed.mob_id = mg_villages.inhabitants.spawn_one_mob( bed, village_id, plot_nr, bed_nr, bpos );
-- calculate which mob works and lives where
mg_villages.inhabitants.assign_mobs = function( village, village_id, force_repopulate )
-- make sure mobs get assigned only once (no point in doing this every time
-- when part of a village spawned)
if( village.mob_data_version and not(force_repopulate)) then
-- if force_repopulate is true: recalculate road network, discard all worker- and
-- bed data and create new mobs
if( force_repopulate ) then
for plot_nr,bpos in ipairs(village.to_add_data.bpos) do
-- delete information about who works here
bpos.worker = nil;
-- delete information about who lives here
bpos.beds = nil;
-- delete information about the interconnection of the road network
bpos.xdir = nil;
bpos.parent_road_plot = nil;
-- analyze the road network
mg_villages.get_road_list( village_id, true );
-- some types of buildings require special workers
village.to_add_data.bpos = mg_villages.inhabitants.assign_jobs_to_houses( village.to_add_data.bpos );
-- for each building in the village
for plot_nr,bpos in ipairs(village.to_add_data.bpos) do
-- each bed gets a mob assigned
bpos = mg_villages.inhabitants.assign_mobs_to_beds( bpos, plot_nr, village.to_add_data.bpos, village );
-- later versions may become incompatible
village.mob_data_version = 1;
-- set metadata and/or infotexts for beds and workplace markers
mg_villages.inhabitants.prepare_metadata = function( village, village_id, minp, maxp )
local bpos_list = village.to_add_data.bpos;
for plot_nr,bpos in ipairs(bpos_list) do
-- put labels on beds
if( bpos.beds ) then
for bed_nr, bed in ipairs( bpos.beds ) do
-- if the bed is located withhin the given area OR no area is given
-- (for manual calls later on, outside of mapgen)
if( not( minp ) or not( maxp ) or ( minp.x <= bed.x and maxp.x >= bed.x
and minp.y <= bed.y and maxp.y >= bed.y
and minp.z <= bed.z and maxp.z >= bed.z)) then
local meta = minetest.get_meta( bed );
meta:set_string('infotext', 'Bed of '..
mg_villages.inhabitants.mob_get_full_name( bed, bpos.beds[1] ));
meta:set_string('village_id', village_id );
meta:set_int( 'plot_nr', plot_nr);
meta:set_int( 'bed_nr', bed_nr);
-- beds from the beds mod tend to have their foot as the selection box;
-- we need to set the infotext for the bed's foot as well
local p_foot = {x=bed.x,y=bed.y,z=bed.z};
if( bed.p2==0 ) then p_foot.z = p_foot.z-1;
elseif( bed.p2==1 ) then p_foot.x = p_foot.x-1;
elseif( bed.p2==2 ) then p_foot.z = p_foot.z+1;
elseif( bed.p2==3 ) then p_foot.x = p_foot.x+1;
if( not( minp ) or not( maxp )
or ( minp.x <= p_foot.x and maxp.x >= p_foot.x
and minp.y <= p_foot.y and maxp.y >= p_foot.y
and minp.z <= p_foot.z and maxp.z >= p_foot.z)) then
local meta = minetest.get_meta( p_foot );
-- setting the infotext is enough here
meta:set_string('infotext', 'Bed of '..
mg_villages.inhabitants.mob_get_full_name( bed, bpos.beds[1] ));
-- there might be a workplace belonging to the bed/mob
if( bed.works_at and bed.workplace
and bed.workplace>0
and bpos_list[ bed.works_at ]
and bpos_list[ bed.works_at ].btype
and mg_villages.BUILDINGS[ bpos_list[ bed.works_at ].btype ]
and mg_villages.BUILDINGS[ bpos_list[ bed.works_at ].btype ].workplace_list
and #mg_villages.BUILDINGS[ bpos_list[ bed.works_at ].btype ].workplace_list >= bed.workplace ) then
local p = mg_villages.BUILDINGS[ bpos_list[ bed.works_at ].btype ].workplace_list[ bed.workplace ];
local bpos_work = bpos_list[ bed.works_at ];
local p_akt = mg_villages.transform_coordinates( {p[1],p[2],p[3]}, bpos_work);
if( not( minp ) or not( maxp )
or ( minp.x <= p_akt.x and maxp.x >= bed.x
and minp.y <= p_akt.y and maxp.y >= p_akt.y
and minp.z <= p_akt.z and maxp.z >= p_akt.z)) then
local meta = minetest.get_meta( p_akt );
meta:set_string('infotext', 'Workplace of '..
mg_villages.inhabitants.mob_get_full_name( bed, bed ));
meta:set_string('village_id', village_id );
-- data about the workplace itshelf
meta:set_int( 'plot_nr', bed.works_at );
meta:set_int( 'workplace_nr', bed.workplace );
-- the data of the *mob* might be more relevant for spawning
meta:set_int( 'lives_at', plot_nr );
meta:set_int( 'bed_nr', bed_nr );
-- determine positions of front doors from stored pathinfo data and building_data.front_door_list
mg_villages.inhabitants.get_front_doors = function( bpos )
if( not( bpos ) or not( bpos.btype ) or not( mg_villages.BUILDINGS[ bpos.btype ] )) then
return {};
local building_data = mg_villages.BUILDINGS[ bpos.btype ];
if( not( building_data ) or not( building_data.front_door_list )) then
return {};
local door_list = {};
for i,d in ipairs( building_data.front_door_list ) do
door_list[i] = mg_villages.transform_coordinates( {d[1],d[2],d[3]}, bpos);
return door_list;
-- spawn mobs in villages
mg_villages.inhabitants.part_of_village_spawned = function( village, minp, maxp, data, param2_data, a, cid )
-- for each building in the village
for plot_nr,bpos in ipairs(village.to_add_data.bpos) do
-- actually spawn the mobs
local village_id = tostring( village.vx )..':'..tostring( village.vz );
mg_villages.inhabitants.spawn_mobs_for_one_house( bpos, minp, maxp, village_id, plot_nr );
--[[ deprecated
-- command for debugging all inhabitants of a village (useful for debugging only)
minetest.register_chatcommand( 'inhabitants', {
description = "Prints out a list of inhabitants of a village plus their professions.",
params = "<village number>",
privs = {},
func = function(name, param)
if( not( param ) or param == "" ) then
minetest.chat_send_player( name, "List the inhabitants of which village? Please provide the village number!");
local nr = tonumber( param );
for id, v in pairs( mg_villages.all_villages ) do
-- we have found the village
if( v and v.nr == nr ) then
minetest.chat_send_player( name, "Printing information about inhabitants of village no. "..tostring( v.nr )..", called "..( tostring( v.name or 'unknown')).." to console.");
-- actually print it
for house_nr = 1,#v.to_add_data.bpos do
minetest.chat_send_player( name, mg_villages.inhabitants.print_house_info( v.to_add_data.bpos, house_nr, v.nr, name ));
-- no village found
minetest.chat_send_player( name, "There is no village with the number "..tostring( param ).." (yet?).");