added formspec for individual mobs

This commit is contained in:
Sokomine 2017-07-25 20:24:46 +02:00
parent f08da9d8c3
commit 8e063c48d5
2 changed files with 155 additions and 10 deletions

View File

@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
aside from their main job; this includes sheds, meadows, pastures
and wagons
owns array containing the ids of plots which belong_to this plot here
bnr index of this mob's bed in mg_villages.BUILDINGS[ this_building_type ].bed_list
Apart from the beds array, there may also be a worker array. It contains information
@ -409,6 +411,23 @@ mg_villages.inhabitants.assign_mobs_to_beds = function( bpos, house_nr, village_
-- helper function for listing the plots a mob/house owns (sheds, wagons, fields, ..)
mg_villages.inhabitants.print_plot_list = function(village_to_add_data_bpos, plotlist)
local str = "";
if( not( plotlist )) then
return "";
for i,v in ipairs( plotlist ) do
if( i>1 ) then
str = str..", ";
local building_data = mg_villages.BUILDINGS[ village_to_add_data_bpos[v].btype ];
str = str.."Nr. "..tostring( v ).." ("..building_data.typ..")";
-- the , in the list would disrupt formspecs
return minetest.formspec_escape(str);
-- print information about which mobs "live" in a house
mg_villages.inhabitants.print_house_info = function( village_to_add_data_bpos, house_nr, village_id, pname )
@ -483,15 +502,8 @@ mg_villages.inhabitants.print_house_info = function( village_to_add_data_bpos, h
-- other plots owned
if( bpos.beds and bpos.beds[1] and bpos.beds[1].owns ) then
add_str = "The family also owns the plot(s) ";
for i,v in ipairs( bpos.beds[1].owns ) do
if( i>1 ) then
add_str = add_str..", ";
local building_data = mg_villages.BUILDINGS[ village_to_add_data_bpos[v].btype ];
add_str = add_str.."Nr. "..tostring( v ).." ("..building_data.typ..")";
add_str = add_str..".";
add_str = "The family also owns the plot(s) "..
mg_villages.inhabitants.print_plot_list(village_to_add_data_bpos, bpos.beds[1].owns)..".";
if( people_str == "" ) then
@ -509,6 +521,8 @@ mg_villages.inhabitants.print_house_info = function( village_to_add_data_bpos, h
'button[9.5,0;2,0.5;back_to_plotlist;Back to plotlist]'..
-- the back button needs to know which village we are in
'field[20,20;0.1,0.1;village_id;VillageID;'..minetest.formspec_escape( village_id ).."]"..
-- when a mob is selected we need to provide the plot nr of this plot
-- show where the plot is located
'label[0.5,0;Location: '..minetest.formspec_escape( minetest.pos_to_string( bpos ))..']'..
-- allow to teleport there (if the player has the teleport priv)
@ -521,6 +535,99 @@ mg_villages.inhabitants.print_house_info = function( village_to_add_data_bpos, h
-- print information about a particular mob
mg_villages.inhabitants.print_mob_info = function( village_to_add_data_bpos, house_nr, village_id, bed_nr, pname )
local bpos = village_to_add_data_bpos[ house_nr ];
local building_data = mg_villages.BUILDINGS[ bpos.btype ];
if( not( building_data ) or not( building_data.typ )) then
building_data = { typ = bpos.btype };
local this_mob_data = village_to_add_data_bpos[ house_nr ].beds[ bed_nr ];
local gender = "male";
if( this_mob_data.gender == "f" ) then
gender = "female";
-- TODO: show family relationships (father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, children)
local generation = "adult";
if( this_mob_data.generation == 1 ) then
generation = "child";
elseif( this_mob_data.generation == 3 ) then
generation = "senior";
local lives_in = minetest.formspec_escape( building_data.typ.." on plot "..house_nr.." at "..
minetest.pos_to_string( handle_schematics.get_pos_in_front_of_house( bpos, 0 )));
local profession = "- none -";
if( this_mob_data.title ) then
profession = this_mob_data.title;
if( not( this_mob_data.uniq ) or this_mob_data.uniq<1 ) then
profession = profession..",,(the only one in this village)";
profession = profession..",,(one amongst several in this village)";
local works_at = "-";
if( this_mob_data.works_at ) then
local bpos_work = village_to_add_data_bpos[ this_mob_data.works_at ];
local building_data_work = mg_villages.BUILDINGS[ bpos_work.btype ];
works_at = minetest.formspec_escape( building_data_work.typ.." on plot "..this_mob_data.works_at..
" at "..minetest.pos_to_string( handle_schematics.get_pos_in_front_of_house( bpos_work,0)));
local text =
"First name:,"..(this_mob_data.first_name or '- ? -')..
",Middle initial:,"..(this_mob_data.middle_name or '- ? -').."."..
",Age:,"..(this_mob_data.age or '- ? -')..
",Lives in:,"..lives_in..
",Sleeps in bed at:,"..minetest.formspec_escape( minetest.pos_to_string( this_mob_data )..
", "..this_mob_data.p2.." ["..this_mob_data.bnr.."]")..
",Works at:,"..works_at;
if( this_mob_data.owns ) then
text = text..",Is owner of:,"..
mg_villages.inhabitants.print_plot_list(village_to_add_data_bpos, this_mob_data.owns)..".";
for k,v in pairs( this_mob_data ) do
if( k~="first_name" and k~="middle_name" and k~="gender" and k~="age" and k~="generation"
and k~="x" and k~="y" and k~="z" and k~="p2" and k~="bnr"
and k~="title" and k~="works_at" and k~="owns") then
-- add those entries that have not been covered yet
text = text..","..k..":,"..tostring(v);
local link_teleport = "";
-- TODO: this ought to be a teleport-to-the-mob-button
if( pname and minetest.check_player_privs( pname, {teleport=true})) then
-- teleport to the plotmarker and not somewhere where part of the house may stand
link_teleport = 'button[6.4,0;1,0.5;teleport_to;Visit]'..
handle_schematics.get_pos_in_front_of_house( bpos, 0 )).."]";
return 'size[12,6.5]'..
'button[7.5,0;5,0.5;back_to_houselist;Back to all inhabitants of house]'..
-- the back button needs to know which village we are in
'field[20,20;0.1,0.1;village_id;VillageID;'..minetest.formspec_escape( village_id ).."]"..
-- it also needs to know the plot number we might want to go back to
-- show where the plot is located
'label[0.5,0;Location: '..minetest.formspec_escape( minetest.pos_to_string( bpos ))..']'..
-- allow to teleport there (if the player has the teleport priv)
'label[0.5,0.5;'..minetest.formspec_escape("BLA")..']'.. -- TODO
'tablecolumns[' ..
'text,align=left]'.. -- name and description of inhabitant
-- some building types will determine the name of the job
mg_villages.inhabitants.jobs_in_buildings = {};

View File

@ -373,6 +373,44 @@ mg_villages.form_input_handler = function( player, formname, fields)
-- do not abort; continue with showing the formspec
-- back from the list of details of a mob to the list of inhabitants of the plot where it lives
if( fields['back_to_houselist']
and fields.village_id
and fields.plot_nr
and mg_villages.all_villages[ fields.village_id ]
and mg_villages.all_villages[ fields.village_id ].to_add_data
and mg_villages.all_villages[ fields.village_id ].to_add_data.bpos
and mg_villages.all_villages[ fields.village_id ].to_add_data.bpos[ tonumber(fields.plot_nr) ]) then
-- show the player a list of all inhabitants of the selected plot
local pname = player:get_player_name();
local village = mg_villages.all_villages[ fields.village_id ];
local plot_nr = tonumber( fields.plot_nr );
minetest.show_formspec( pname, "mg_villages:formspec_list_inhabitants",
mg_villages.inhabitants.print_house_info( village.to_add_data.bpos, plot_nr, fields.village_id, pname ));
return true;
-- provide information about a particular mob
if( not( fields['back_to_houselist'])
and fields['mg_villages:formspec_list_inhabitants']
and fields['mg_villages:formspec_list_inhabitants']~=""
and fields['village_id']
and fields['plot_nr']) then
local selection = minetest.explode_table_event( fields['mg_villages:formspec_list_inhabitants'] );
fields.plot_nr = tonumber( fields.plot_nr );
local pname = player:get_player_name();
if( mg_villages.all_villages[ fields.village_id ]
and mg_villages.all_villages[ fields.village_id ].to_add_data
and mg_villages.all_villages[ fields.village_id ].to_add_data.bpos
and mg_villages.all_villages[ fields.village_id ].to_add_data.bpos[ fields.plot_nr ]
and mg_villages.all_villages[ fields.village_id ].to_add_data.bpos[ fields.plot_nr ].beds[ selection.row]) then
local village = mg_villages.all_villages[ fields.village_id ];
minetest.show_formspec( pname, "mg_villages:formspec_list_one_mob",
mg_villages.inhabitants.print_mob_info( village.to_add_data.bpos, fields.plot_nr, fields.village_id, selection.row, pname ));
return true;
-- provide information about the inhabitants of a particular plot
if( not( fields['back_to_plotlist'])
and fields['mg_villages:formspec_list_plots']
@ -387,7 +425,7 @@ mg_villages.form_input_handler = function( player, formname, fields)
local village = mg_villages.all_villages[ fields.village_id ];
local plot_nr = selection.row-1;
minetest.show_formspec( pname, "mg_villages:plot_mob_list",
minetest.show_formspec( pname, "mg_villages:formspec_list_inhabitants",
mg_villages.inhabitants.print_house_info( village.to_add_data.bpos, plot_nr, fields.village_id, pname ));
return true;