support for renamed pine and new accacia tree in minetest_game/default; added option to force a particular ground type for a village type; add option to disable artificial snow for a village type
This commit is contained in:
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ mg_villages.check_if_ground = function( ci )
-- pre-generate a list of no-ground-nodes for caching
if( #replacements_group.node_is_ground < 1 ) then
local no_ground_nodes = {'air','ignore','default:sandstonebrick','default:cactus','default:wood','default:junglewood',
'ethereal:mushroom_pore','ethereal:mushroom_trunk','ethereal:bamboo', 'ethereal:mushroom'};
for _,name in ipairs( no_ground_nodes ) do
replacements_group.node_is_ground[ minetest.get_content_id( name )] = false;
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ end
-- sets evrything at x,z and above height target_height to air;
-- the area below gets filled up in a suitable way (i.e. dirt with grss - dirt - stone)
mg_villages.lower_or_raise_terrain_at_point = function( x, z, target_height, minp, maxp, vm, data, param2_data, a, cid, vh, treepos, has_artificial_snow, blend )
mg_villages.lower_or_raise_terrain_at_point = function( x, z, target_height, minp, maxp, vm, data, param2_data, a, cid, vh, treepos, has_artificial_snow, blend, force_ground, force_underground )
local surface_node = nil;
local has_snow = has_artificial_snow;
local tree = false;
@ -183,6 +183,9 @@ mg_villages.lower_or_raise_terrain_at_point = function( x, z, target_height, min
-- pinetrees
elseif( ci == cid.c_ptree and data[a:index( x, y-1, z)]==cid.c_ptree) then
ptree = true;
-- acacia
elseif( ci == cid.c_atree and data[a:index( x, y-1, z)]==cid.c_atree) then
atree = true;
elseif( not( surface_node) and ci ~= cid.c_air and ci ~= cid.c_ignore and mg_villages.check_if_ground( ci ) == true) then
-- we have found a surface of some kind
surface_node = ci;
@ -216,7 +219,11 @@ mg_villages.lower_or_raise_terrain_at_point = function( x, z, target_height, min
local below_1 = cid.c_dirt;
local below_2 = cid.c_stone;
if( surface_node == cid.c_desert_sand ) then
if( force_ground and force_underground ) then
below_1 = force_ground;
below_2 = force_underground;
surface_node = below_1;
elseif( surface_node == cid.c_desert_sand ) then
below_1 = cid.c_desert_sand;
below_2 = cid.c_desert_stone;
elseif( surface_node == cid.c_sand ) then
@ -269,6 +276,9 @@ mg_villages.lower_or_raise_terrain_at_point = function( x, z, target_height, min
elseif( ptree and not( mg_villages.ethereal_trees ) and treepos) then
data[ a:index( x, target_height+1, z)] = cid.c_psapling
table.insert( treepos, {x=x, y=target_height+1, z=z, typ=2, snow=has_artificial_snow});
elseif( atree and not( mg_villages.ethereal_trees ) and treepos) then
data[ a:index( x, target_height+1, z)] = cid.c_asapling
table.insert( treepos, {x=x, y=target_height+1, z=z, typ=3, snow=has_artificial_snow});
elseif( has_snow ) then
data[ a:index( x, target_height+1, z)] = cid.c_snow;
@ -306,6 +316,20 @@ mg_villages.flatten_village_area = function( villages, minp, maxp, vm, data, par
for z = minp.z, maxp.z do
for x = minp.x, maxp.x do
for village_nr, village in ipairs(villages) do
local force_ground = nil;
local force_underground = nil;
if( village.village_type
and mg_villages.village_type_data[ village.village_type ]
and mg_villages.village_type_data[ village.village_type ].force_ground
and mg_villages.village_type_data[ village.village_type ].force_underground ) then
force_ground = minetest.get_content_id(mg_villages.village_type_data[ village.village_type ].force_ground);
force_underground = minetest.get_content_id(mg_villages.village_type_data[ village.village_type ].force_underground);
if( not( force_ground ) or force_ground < 0 or force_ground == cid.c_ignore
or not( force_underground ) or force_underground < 0 or force_underground == cid.c_ignore ) then
force_ground = nil;
force_underground = nil;
-- is village_nr the village that is the one that is relevant for this spot?
if( village_area[ x ][ z ][ 1 ] > 0
and village_area[ x ][ z ][ 1 ]==village_nr
@ -319,11 +343,11 @@ mg_villages.flatten_village_area = function( villages, minp, maxp, vm, data, par
if( village_area[ x ][ z ][ 2 ] > 0 ) then -- inside a village
mg_villages.lower_or_raise_terrain_at_point( x, z, village.vh, minp, maxp, vm, data, param2_data, a, cid, village.vh,
nil, has_artificial_snow, 0 );
nil, has_artificial_snow, 0, force_ground, force_underground );
elseif( mg_villages.ENABLE_TERRAIN_BLEND and village_area[ x ][ z ][ 2 ] < 0) then
mg_villages.lower_or_raise_terrain_at_point( x, z, maxp.y, minp, maxp, vm, data, param2_data, a, cid, village.vh,
treepos, has_artificial_snow, -1* village_area[ x ][ z ][ 2 ]);
treepos, has_artificial_snow, -1* village_area[ x ][ z ][ 2 ],
force_ground, force_underground);
end -- PM ^
@ -337,6 +361,8 @@ mg_villages.flatten_village_area = function( villages, minp, maxp, vm, data, par
plant_id = cid.c_sapling;
elseif( tree.typ == 2 ) then
plant_id = cid.c_psapling;
elseif( tree.typ == 3 ) then
plant_id = cid.c_asapling;
mg_villages.grow_a_tree( {x=tree.x, y=tree.y, z=tree.z}, plant_id, minp, maxp, data, a, cid, nil, tree.snow ) -- no pseudorandom present
@ -691,9 +717,13 @@ mg_villages.grow_a_tree = function( pos, plant_id, minp, maxp, data, a, cid, pr,
mg_villages.grow_jungletree( data, a, pos, math.random(1,100000), snow)
return true;
-- a pine tree
elseif( plant_id == cid.c_psapling and minetest.registered_nodes[ 'default:pinetree']) then
elseif( plant_id == cid.c_psapling and minetest.registered_nodes[ 'default:pine_tree']) then
mg_villages.grow_pinetree( data, a, pos, snow);
return true;
-- an acacia tree; it does not have its own grow function
elseif( plant_id == cid.c_asapling and minetest.registered_nodes[ 'default:acacia_tree']) then
data[ a:index( pos.x, pos.y, pos.z )] = cid.c_asapling;
return true;
-- a savannatree from the mg mod
elseif( plant_id == cid.c_savannasapling and mg_villages.add_savannatree) then
mg_villages.add_savannatree( data, a, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, minp, maxp, pr) -- TODO: snow
@ -860,8 +890,10 @@ mg_villages.place_villages_via_voxelmanip = function( villages, minp, maxp, vm,
cid.c_sapling = minetest.get_content_id( 'default:sapling');
cid.c_jtree = minetest.get_content_id( 'default:jungletree');
cid.c_jsapling = minetest.get_content_id( 'default:junglesapling');
cid.c_ptree = minetest.get_content_id( 'default:pinetree');
cid.c_ptree = minetest.get_content_id( 'default:pine_tree');
cid.c_psapling = minetest.get_content_id( 'default:pine_sapling');
cid.c_atree = minetest.get_content_id( 'default:acacia_tree');
cid.c_asapling = minetest.get_content_id( 'default:acacia_sapling');
cid.c_water = minetest.get_content_id( 'default:water_source'); -- PM ^
cid.c_stone_with_coal = minetest.get_content_id( 'default:stone_with_coal');
cid.c_sandstone = minetest.get_content_id( 'default:sandstone');
@ -904,6 +936,8 @@ mg_villages.place_villages_via_voxelmanip = function( villages, minp, maxp, vm,
-- only add artificial snow if the village has at least a size of 15 (else it might look too artificial)
if( not( village.artificial_snow ) and village.vs > 15) then
if( mg_villages.artificial_snow_probability and math.random( 1, mg_villages.artificial_snow_probability )==1
-- forbid artificial snow for some village types
and not( mg_villages.village_type_data[ village.village_type ].no_snow )
and minetest.registered_nodes['default:snow']) then
village.artificial_snow = 1;
@ -168,8 +168,10 @@ end
mg_villages.replace_tree_trunk = function( replacements, wood_type )
if( wood_type == 'default:junglewood' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:tree', 'default:jungletree'});
elseif( wood_type == 'default:pinewood' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:tree', 'default:pinetree'});
elseif( wood_type == 'default:pine_wood' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:tree', 'default:pine_tree'});
elseif( wood_type == 'default:acacia_wood' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:tree', 'default:acacia_tree'});
elseif( wood_type == 'mg:savannawood' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:tree', 'mg:savannatree'});
elseif( wood_type == 'mg:pinewood' ) then
@ -266,8 +268,10 @@ end
mg_villages.replace_saplings = function( replacements, wood_type )
if( wood_type == 'default:junglewood' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:sapling', 'default:junglesapling'});
elseif( wood_type == 'default:pinewood' ) then
elseif( wood_type == 'default:pine_wood' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:sapling', 'default:pine_sapling'});
elseif( wood_type == 'default:acacia_wood' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:sapling', 'default:acacia_sapling'});
elseif( wood_type == 'mg:savannawood' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:sapling', 'mg:savannasapling'});
elseif( wood_type == 'mg:pinewood' ) then
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ mg_villages.grow_pinetree = function(data, a, pos, snow)
local c_air = minetest.get_content_id("air")
local c_ignore = minetest.get_content_id("ignore")
local c_pinetree = minetest.get_content_id("default:pinetree")
local c_pinetree = minetest.get_content_id("default:pine_tree")
local c_pine_needles = minetest.get_content_id("default:pine_needles")
local c_snow = minetest.get_content_id("default:snow")
local c_snowblock = minetest.get_content_id("default:snowblock")
Reference in New Issue
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