LWScratch by loosewheel Licence ======= Code licence: LGPL 2.1 Media licence: CC-BY-SA 3.0 Version ======= 0.1.3 Minetest Version ================ This mod was developed on version 5.4.0 Dependencies ============ default lwdrops Optional Dependencies ===================== intllib Installation ============ Copy the 'lwscratch' folder to your mods folder. Bug Report ========== https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=26455 Description =========== This mod provides scratch programmable robots. The first time a robot is placed in the world a form opens asking the player that placed it, if the machine is public or private. If private is selected, the player becomes the owner and other players (except those with protection_bypass privilege) cannot access it. The persistence button toggles on and off. If persistence is on, the block the robot is in remains loaded when out of range. This persistence is retained across world startups. Robots retain their persistence state when moved. The maximum force loaded blocks is limited to the max_forceloaded_blocks setting (default is 16). Each robot can be given a name, by entering the name in the Robot field and clicking the Set button. The name will display when the robot is pointed at or as the tool tip if it is in an inventory. Each robot has a storage area (center right). While a robot is running sneak + punch will open a form to stop it. Robots are programmed graphically, by dragging a command from a pallet (top right) to the program sheet (left). Items can be dragged from the inventories. These are only markers, the item is not used. To remove an item from the program sheet, drag it to an empty space in the command pallet. To clear the whole program click the clear button. Commands are run in order, left to right per line, then down the lines. Block delimiting (for loop and if) is by indenting. When a following line is indented to the same level or less, this marks the end of the block. To run the program click the power button. If the program has an error a red message below the program sheet details the error. See lwscratch.pdf in docs folder. Command items are color coded by type: Orange - Statement, controls program flow. Green - Value, represents a given value. Yellow - Condition, results as true or false. Blue - Action, performs an action of some kind. White - Sheet action, used to edit the program sheet. Working with variables: All variable items, whether they are values, conditions or actions, must be given a name. Set the name by placing it in the top slot, entering the name in the Value field and clicking Set. All variable items with the same name are the same variable value, whether being set with a value, testing or using its value. Statements: Loop Followed by a condition which evaluates to true or false. The following lines of commands indented greater than the loop statement will run repeatedly until the condition is false. Each loop has an internal counter, which starts at zero and increments by one every iteration. If Followed by a condition which evaluates to true or false. The following lines of commands indented greater than the if statement will run once if the condition is true. Values: Number Can be set with a number value. To set the value, place it in the value slot at the top, enter the desired value in the Value field and click the Set button. Hovering over the number item, the tool tip displays its current value. Text Can be set with a text value. To set the value, place it in the value slot at the top, enter the desired value in the Value field and click the Set button. Hovering over the text item, the tool tip displays its current value. Variable Can be set with a name. To set the name, place it in the value slot at the top, enter the desired name in the Value field and click the Set button. Hovering over the variable item, the tool tip displays its current name. Name Variants - up, down, forward, forward up, forward down, back, back up, back down. Is the name of the node in the relevant direction. If no node is there it is blank text. Conditions: Counter Variants - is equal to, is less than, is greater than. Followed by a number or variable item, and results in true if the loop's counter is equal to|less than|greater than the number. *Outside of a loop the counter is always zero. Counter is even Results in true if the counter is currently an even number. Counter is odd Results in true if the counter is currently an odd number. Variable is equal to If followed by a number, text, variable or name item Results in true if the variable is equal to than the following value. If followed by inventory item Results in true if the variables value equals the item's name. *Must be set with a name in the top slot. Variable is less than Followed by a number or variable, and results in true if the variable is less than than the following value. *Must be set with a name in the top slot. Variable is greater than Followed by a number or variable, and results in true if the variable is greater than the following value. *Must be set with a name in the top slot. Variable is even Results in true if the variable is currently an even number. *Must be set with a name in the top slot. Variable is odd Results in true if the variable is currently an odd number. *Must be set with a name in the top slot. Detect Variants - up, down, forward, forward up, forward down, back, back up, back down. If followed by an inventory item True if the node in the relevant direction match the inventory item. If followed by a text or variable item True if the node in the relevant direction match the text or variable's value. If followed by a blank space True if there is any node in the relevant direction. Contains item If followed by an inventory item True if the robot's storage contains at least one of the inventory item. If followed by a text or variable item True if robot's storage contains at least one of the inventory items named in the text or variable's value. If followed by a blank space True if the robot's storage contains anything at all. Item fits If followed by an inventory item True if one of the inventory item can fit in the robot's storage. If followed by a text or variable item True if one of the inventory item named in the text or variable's value can fit in the robot's storage. If followed by a blank space True if the robot's storage has at least one empty slot (can fit anything). Not Inverts the next condition result (true to false, or false to true). And Placed between two conditions and is true only if both the left and right conditions are true. Or Placed between two conditions and is true if either the left or right (or both) condition is true. Actions: Move Variants - forward, backward, up, down. Moves one node in the relevant direction, if nothing is there. Turn Variants - left, right. Turns 90 degrees in the relevant direction. Dig Variants - up, down, forward, forward up, forward down, back, back up, back down. Digs the node in the relevant direction, if there is anything there. If dug node is placed in the robot's storage if there is room, otherwise it is dropped. Place Variants - up, down, forward, forward up, forward down, back, back up, back down. If followed by an inventory item Places the given inventory item in the relevant direction if there is nothing at that position. If followed by a text or variable item Places the inventory item named in the text or variable's value in the relevant direction if there is nothing at that position. *The item must be in the robot's storage. Pull If followed by an inventory item Moves one of the given inventory items from an inventory (chest) immediately in front of the robot, into the robot's storage if it can fit. If followed by a text or variable item Moves one of the inventory items named in the text or variable's value from an inventory (chest) immediately in front of the robot, into the robot's storage if it can fit. If followed by a blank space Moves everything from an inventory (chest) immediately in front of the robot, into the robot's storage or as much as can fit. Put If followed by an inventory item Moves one of the given inventory items from the robot's storage into an inventory (chest) immediately in front of the robot, if it can fit. If followed by a text or variable item Moves one of the inventory items named in the text or variable's value from the robot's storage into an inventory (chest) immediately in front of the robot, if it can fit. If followed by a blank space Moves everything from the robot's storage into an inventory (chest) immediately in front of the robot, or as much as can fit. Drop If followed by an inventory item Drops one of the given inventory items from the robot's storage into the world, if it contains one. If followed by a text or variable item Drops one of the inventory items named in the text or variable's value from the robot's storage into the world, if it contains one. If followed by a blank space Drops everything from the robot's storage into the world. Trash If followed by an inventory item Destroys (gone forever) one of the given inventory items in the robot's storage, if it contains one. If followed by a text or variable item Destroys (gone forever) one of the inventory items named in the text or variable's value in the robot's storage, if it contains one. If followed by a blank space Destroys (gone forever) everything in the robot's storage. Craft If followed by an inventory item Crafts the given inventory item. The materials for the craft must be in the robot's storage. If followed by a text or variable item Crafts the inventory item named in the text or variable's value. The materials for the craft must be in the robot's storage. Wait Followed by a number or variable item. Pauses the robot's program by the number value in tenths of a second (10 = 1 second pause). Stop Stops the robot's program. Variable assign If followed by a name Assigns the node name in the given direction to this variable. If followed by a number, text or variable Assigns the value in the following number, text or variable to this variable. If followed by inventory item Assigns the name of the inventory item to this variable. *The variable must be named. Variable plus If followed by a name Adds the node name in the given direction to the end of this variable's current value. If followed by a number, text or variable If either of the values are text, adds the following value to the end of this variable's current value. Otherwise adds, as numbers, the two values and assigns the result to this variable. *The variable must be named. Variable minus Followed by a number or variable. Subtracts the following value from this variables value and assigns the result to this variable. *The variable must be named. Variable multiply Followed by a number or variable. Multiplies the following value with this variables value and assigns the result to this variable. *The variable must be named. Variable divide Followed by a number or variable. Divides this variables value by the following value and assigns the result to this variable. *The variable must be named. Sheet actions: Insert line Inserts a line in the program sheet where it is dropped. The last line of the sheet is lost. Remove line Removes a line in the program sheet where it is dropped. The removed line of the sheet is lost. The mod supports the following settings: Running interval seconds (float) Seconds interval between running ticks. Default: 0.1 Robot's action delay (float) Delay (wait) in seconds for a robot's action. Enforced minimum of 0.1 seconds. Default: 0.2 Robot's movement delay (float) Delay (wait) in seconds for a robot's movement. Enforced minimum of 0.1 seconds. Default: 0.5 * The file 'place_substitute.lua' in the mod folder contains a list of item/node substitutes, useful for farming etc. Modify this file for additional substitutes. The field name is the item/node to be substituted. The value is what it is substituted with. * The file 'crafting_mods.lua' in the mod folder contains a list of crafting modifications. Modify this file as necessary. The field name is the item being crafted. Each item in the add list is added to the robot's storage. Each item in the remove list is removed from the robot's storage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------