2014-02-09 12:00:54 -06:00

68 lines
1.5 KiB

// Script should be located at [[MediaWiki:Gadget-afchelper.js/submissions.js]]
( function ( AFCH, $, mw ) {
var $afchReviewPanel;
AFCH.Page.prototype.isG13Elgibile = function () {
// older than six months FIXME
if ( this.getLastModifiedDate() ) {
AFCH.Page.prototype.getAFCTemplates = function () {
// FIXME: Is this the best place for this?
// Should we have a designated AFCH.Submission class
// instead, perhaps? That makes more sense.
function addMessages() {
AFCH.msg.set( {
'accept': 'Accept',
'decline': 'Decline',
} );
function setupReviewPanel() {
var $buttonWrapper = $( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'afch-actions' ),
$acceptButton = $( '<button>' )
.addClass( 'accept' )
.text( 'Accept' );
// FIXME: Do this conditionally
AFCH.initFeedback( $afchReviewPanel, 'article review' );
$afchReviewPanel = $( '<div>' )
.attr( 'id', 'afch' )
.addClass( 'afch-loading' )
.prependTo( '#mw-content-text' )
// FIXME: Show a sexy loader graphic
.text( 'AFCH is loading...' );
// Set up the link which opens the interface
$( '<span>' )
.attr( 'id', 'afch-open' )
.appendTo( '#firstHeading' )
.text( 'Review submission »' )
.on( 'click', function () {
$ 'slide', { direction: 'down' } );
} )( AFCH, jQuery, mediawiki );