Update init.lua

Elkien3 2021-10-07 11:24:09 -05:00
parent de0a19780f
commit 328c56f8bc
1 changed files with 3 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ function cooking_aftercraft(itemstack, old_craft_grid)
local name = itemstack:get_name()
--if the output has no expiration, don't do anything.
local expiredef = minetest.registered_items[name].expiration
if not expiredef then return end
if not expiredef then return itemstack end
local day_count = minetest.get_day_count()
local avg = 0
--if the item is being cooked, dosnt matter how old the items used are
local method = minetest.get_craft_recipe(name).method
--local method = minetest.get_craft_recipe(name).method
--if method ~= "cooking" and method ~= "baking" and method ~= "stovecook" then
--get the average expiration percentage of each item in recipe
local expirations = {}
@ -28,9 +28,8 @@ function cooking_aftercraft(itemstack, old_craft_grid)
--make and set new expire time based on average of items used
local newexpiration = day_count + expiredef
local newexpiration = day_count + math.floor(expiredef*avg)
local meta = itemstack:get_meta()
newexpiration = newexpiration - math.floor(expiredef*avg)
meta:set_int("ed", newexpiration)
meta:set_string("description", minetest.registered_items[name].description.." ed: "..newexpiration)
return itemstack