
91 lines
1.9 KiB

#include <u.h>
#include <libc.h>
#include <authsrv.h>
#include <libsec.h>
* new ticket format: the reply protector/type is replaced by a
* 8 byte signature and a 4 byte counter forming the 12 byte
* nonce for chacha20/poly1305 encryption. a 16 byte poly1305
* authentication tag is appended for message authentication.
* the counter is needed for the AuthPass message which uses
* the same key for several messages.
static struct {
char num;
char sig[8];
} form1sig[] = {
AuthPass, "form1 PR", /* password change request encrypted with ticket key */
AuthTs, "form1 Ts", /* ticket encrypted with server's key */
AuthTc, "form1 Tc", /* ticket encrypted with client's key */
AuthAs, "form1 As", /* server generated authenticator */
AuthAc, "form1 Ac", /* client generated authenticator */
AuthTp, "form1 Tp", /* ticket encrypted with client's key for password change */
AuthHr, "form1 Hr", /* http reply */
form1check(char *ap, int n)
if(n < 8)
return -1;
for(n=0; n<nelem(form1sig); n++)
if(memcmp(form1sig[n].sig, ap, 8) == 0)
return form1sig[n].num;
return -1;
form1B2M(char *ap, int n, uchar key[32])
static u32int counter;
Chachastate s;
uchar *p;
int i;
for(i=nelem(form1sig)-1; i>=0; i--)
if(form1sig[i].num == *ap)
if(i < 0)
p = (uchar*)ap + 12;
memmove(p, ap+1, --n);
/* nonce[12] = sig[8] | counter[4] */
memmove(ap, form1sig[i].sig, 8);
i = counter++;
ap[8] = i, ap[9] = i>>8, ap[10] = i>>16, ap[11] = i>>24;
setupChachastate(&s, key, 32, (uchar*)ap, 12, 20);
ccpoly_encrypt(p, n, nil, 0, p+n, &s);
return 12+16 + n;
form1M2B(char *ap, int n, uchar key[32])
Chachastate s;
uchar *p;
int num;
num = form1check(ap, n);
if(num < 0)
return -1;
n -= 12+16;
if(n <= 0)
return -1;
p = (uchar*)ap + 12;
setupChachastate(&s, key, 32, (uchar*)ap, 12, 20);
if(ccpoly_decrypt(p, n, nil, 0, p+n, &s))
return -1;
memmove(ap+1, p, n);
ap[0] = num;
return n+1;