fortunes: stop bullshitting

stanley lieber 2011-07-08 00:11:36 -05:00
parent fef97f18f3
commit 14fdd5e136
1 changed files with 15 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -4503,3 +4503,18 @@ The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "S
<kfx> writing the documentation in aramaic and printing it on the backs of live wolverines is better than docbook
<aiju> ah, philosophy has a use <aiju> i'm using the thick nietzsche book from preventing the window to fall shut, i should have bought the kant one, would be better
<aiju> XML at least enforces some structure, YAML is just bashing your head to the keyboard and let the YAML parser figure out the rest
<cinap_lenrek> stop bullshitting
(#plan9) <Gardner> Hi, is this a good place to ask newbie questions about p9p and acme?
(#plan9) <jaredj> hooray! is back up!
It can make you doubt yourself, or even worse, force you to adopt a behavior you don't want to.
Your world can turn into a crazy, competitive, self-questioning altworld if you're not careful [...]
Twitter and Github are the best things to happen to open source since IRC. But as soon as someone says a software project is "retarded", unfollow them.
Don't let anyone cramp your style.
This brings an important point, sometimes you can't avoid collaborating on a project with some hotshot asshole who also happens to be a good programmer.
However, please call me out if I ever slip.
Stuff like this needs to be said over and over again.
I've been thinking for a while (and sporadically talking about) that maybe it's time Mozilla put together some sort of simple-but-real social contract that would form a baseline for acceptable & expected behaviour in our various communities.
There are other open source projects that have implemented something similar, and it seems to be pretty effective.
...and this is why many of us choose to write Ruby.
This is awesome. I feel the same way and have for years.
what is going to happen to everybodys computers?