
304 lines
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-- Various useful functions that didn't fit anywhere else
-- initialization {{{
local base = _G
local irc_debug = require 'irc.debug'
local socket = require 'socket'
local math = require 'math'
local os = require 'os'
local string = require 'string'
local table = require 'table'
-- }}}
-- This module contains various useful functions which didn't fit in any of the
-- other modules.
module 'irc.misc'
-- defaults {{{
DELIM = ' '
PATH_SEP = '/'
-- }}}
-- private functions {{{
-- Check for existence of a file. This returns true if renaming a file to
-- itself succeeds. This isn't ideal (I think anyway) but it works here, and
-- lets me not have to bring in LFS as a dependency.
-- @param filename File to check for existence
-- @return True if the file exists, false otherwise
local function exists(filename)
local _, err = os.rename(filename, filename)
if not err then return true end
return not err:find("No such file or directory")
-- }}}
-- internal functions {{{
-- _split {{{
-- Splits str into substrings based on several options.
-- @param str String to split
-- @param delim String of characters to use as the beginning of substring
-- delimiter
-- @param end_delim String of characters to use as the end of substring
-- delimiter
-- @param lquotes String of characters to use as opening quotes (quoted strings
-- in str will be considered one substring)
-- @param rquotes String of characters to use as closing quotes
-- @return Array of strings, one for each substring that was separated out
function _split(str, delim, end_delim, lquotes, rquotes)
-- handle arguments {{{
delim = "["..(delim or DELIM).."]"
if end_delim then end_delim = "["..end_delim.."]" end
if lquotes then lquotes = "["..lquotes.."]" end
if rquotes then rquotes = "["..rquotes.."]" end
local optdelim = delim .. "?"
-- }}}
local ret = {}
local instring = false
while str:len() > 0 do
-- handle case for not currently in a string {{{
if not instring then
local end_delim_ind, lquote_ind, delim_ind
if end_delim then end_delim_ind = str:find(optdelim..end_delim) end
if lquotes then lquote_ind = str:find(optdelim..lquotes) end
local delim_ind = str:find(delim)
if not end_delim_ind then end_delim_ind = str:len() + 1 end
if not lquote_ind then lquote_ind = str:len() + 1 end
if not delim_ind then delim_ind = str:len() + 1 end
local next_ind = math.min(end_delim_ind, lquote_ind, delim_ind)
if next_ind == str:len() + 1 then
table.insert(ret, str)
elseif next_ind == end_delim_ind then
-- TODO: hackish here
if str:sub(next_ind, next_ind) == end_delim:gsub('[%[%]]', '') then
table.insert(ret, str:sub(next_ind + 1))
table.insert(ret, str:sub(1, next_ind - 1))
table.insert(ret, str:sub(next_ind + 2))
elseif next_ind == lquote_ind then
table.insert(ret, str:sub(1, next_ind - 1))
str = str:sub(next_ind + 2)
instring = true
else -- last because the top two contain it
table.insert(ret, str:sub(1, next_ind - 1))
str = str:sub(next_ind + 1)
-- }}}
-- handle case for currently in a string {{{
local endstr = str:find(rquotes..optdelim)
table.insert(ret, str:sub(1, endstr - 1))
str = str:sub(endstr + 2)
instring = false
-- }}}
return ret
-- }}}
-- _basename {{{
-- Returns the basename of a file (the part after the last directory separator).
-- @param path Path to the file
-- @param sep Directory separator (optional, defaults to PATH_SEP)
-- @return The basename of the file
function _basename(path, sep)
sep = sep or PATH_SEP
if not path:find(sep) then return path end
return socket.skip(2, path:find(".*" .. sep .. "(.*)"))
-- }}}
-- _dirname {{{
-- Returns the dirname of a file (the part before the last directory separator).
-- @param path Path to the file
-- @param sep Directory separator (optional, defaults to PATH_SEP)
-- @return The dirname of the file
function _dirname(path, sep)
sep = sep or PATH_SEP
if not path:find(sep) then return "." end
return socket.skip(2, path:find("(.*)" .. sep .. ".*"))
-- }}}
-- _str_to_int {{{
-- Converts a number to a low-level int.
-- @param str String representation of the int
-- @param bytes Number of bytes in an int (defaults to INT_BYTES)
-- @param endian Which endianness to use (big, little, host, network) (defaultsi
-- @return A string whose first INT_BYTES characters make a low-level int
function _str_to_int(str, bytes, endian)
bytes = bytes or INT_BYTES
endian = endian or ENDIANNESS
local ret = ""
for i = 0, bytes - 1 do
local new_byte = string.char(math.fmod(str / (2^(8 * i)), 256))
if endian == "big" or endian == "network" then ret = new_byte .. ret
else ret = ret .. new_byte
return ret
-- }}}
-- _int_to_str {{{
-- Converts a low-level int to a number.
-- @param int String whose bytes correspond to the bytes of a low-level int
-- @param endian Endianness of the int argument (defaults to ENDIANNESS)
-- @return String representation of the low-level int argument
function _int_to_str(int, endian)
endian = endian or ENDIANNESS
local ret = 0
for i = 1, int:len() do
if endian == "big" or endian == "network" then ind = int:len() - i + 1
else ind = i
ret = ret + string.byte(int:sub(ind, ind)) * 2^(8 * (i - 1))
return ret
-- }}}
-- _ip_str_to_int {{{
-- TODO: handle endianness here
-- Converts a string IP address to a low-level int.
-- @param ip_str String representation of an IP address
-- @return Low-level int representation of that IP address
function _ip_str_to_int(ip_str)
local i = 3
local ret = 0
for num in ip_str:gmatch("%d+") do
ret = ret + num * 2^(i * 8)
i = i - 1
return ret
-- }}}
-- _ip_int_to_str {{{
-- TODO: handle endianness here
-- Converts an int to a string IP address.
-- @param ip_int Low-level int representation of an IP address
-- @return String representation of that IP address
function _ip_int_to_str(ip_int)
local ip = {}
for i = 3, 0, -1 do
local new_num = math.floor(ip_int / 2^(i * 8))
table.insert(ip, new_num)
ip_int = ip_int - new_num * 2^(i * 8)
return table.concat(ip, ".")
-- }}}
-- _get_unique_filename {{{
-- Returns a unique filename.
-- @param filename Filename to start with
-- @return Filename (same as the one we started with, except possibly with some
-- numbers appended) which does not currently exist on the filesystem
function _get_unique_filename(filename)
if not exists(filename) then return filename end
local count = 1
while true do
if not exists(filename .. "." .. count) then
return filename .. "." .. count
count = count + 1
-- }}}
-- _try_call {{{
-- Call a function, if it exists.
-- @param fn Function to try to call
-- @param ... Arguments to fn
-- @return The return values of fn, if it was successfully called
function _try_call(fn, ...)
if base.type(fn) == "function" then
return fn(...)
-- }}}
-- _try_call_warn {{{
-- Same as try_call, but complain if the function doesn't exist.
-- @param msg Warning message to use if the function doesn't exist
-- @param fn Function to try to call
-- @param ... Arguments to fn
-- @return The return values of fn, if it was successfully called
function _try_call_warn(msg, fn, ...)
if base.type(fn) == "function" then
return fn(...)
-- }}}
-- _value_iter {{{
-- Iterator to iterate over just the values of a table.
function _value_iter(state, arg, pred)
for k, v in base.pairs(state) do
if arg == v then arg = k end
local key, val =, arg)
if not key then return end
if base.type(pred) == "function" then
while not pred(val) do
key, val =, key)
if not key then return end
return val
-- }}}
-- _parse_user {{{
-- Gets the various parts of a full username.
-- @param user A usermask (i.e. returned in the from field of a callback)
-- @return nick
-- @return username (if it exists)
-- @return hostname (if it exists)
function _parse_user(user)
local found, bang, nick = user:find("^([^!]*)!")
if found then
user = user:sub(bang + 1)
return user
local found, equals = user:find("^.=")
if found then
user = user:sub(3)
local found, at, username = user:find("^([^@]*)@")
if found then
return nick, username, user:sub(at + 1)
return nick, user
-- }}}
-- }}}