
41 lines
1.8 KiB

# there are no "fallback" values,
# anything in here is required to be set to something
# a backup copy of the default file is recommended
# the way some values in this file are treeted may be unsafe
# DONT copy suspicious looking config entrys from the interwebz
# especially not non strings into boolean entrys
# (strings are the things with "quotes" and booleans are true / false)
logging: 0 # adjust logging levels
# -1 - none
# 0 - basic (Logs new comments)
# 10 - datahorder (Logs everything (all requests with ip + timestamp))
# 1337 - haxxer (JUST FOR DEBUGGING (and cool looks)) (takes everything from datahorder and just prints it out)
logfile: "log.txt" # logfile
listening_port: 5501
listening_addr: ""
ipget_endpoint_set: "//derzombiiie.com/getip.php?settoken=${TOKEN}" # endpoint for setting token to ip ${TOKEN} beeing replaced with random char string which is send to server as "ip"
ipget_endpoint_get: "//derzombiiie.com/getip.php?token=${TOKEN}" # ${TOKEN} beeing replaced with token from client
cl: true # enable / disable interactive-ish shell
# GET with "settoken" // (random by client) saves ip with that token
# content config:
site_name: "derzombiiie.com"
search_enable: true # enable / disable search
commenting_enabled: true # enable / disable ability to comment bellow articles
# post ranking config:
post_ranking_auto: 215100 # time in seconds, posts are autoranked | -1 for not at all (default is 12h aka. 43200)
index_post_sort: "new" # sorting used for index page
# new | hot (planned are: manual, rit (like reddits "hot"))
# file access config:
comment_sync_on_write: false # sync comments everytime a comment gets edited / created / deleted
comment_auto_sync: 360 # interval in seconds, comments are synced to disk | -1 for not at all