
71 lines
1.7 KiB

#include "Frustum.hpp"
#include <cmath>
#include <glm/glm.hpp>
namespace diggler {
void Frustum::setCamInternals(vec3vt rad, vec3vt ratio, vec3vt nearD, vec3vt farD) {
this->ratio = ratio;
this->angle = rad;
this->nearD = nearD;
this->farD = farD;
// Compute ALL the things
tang = std::tan(rad * static_cast<vec3vt>(.5));
nh = nearD * tang;
nw = nh * ratio;
fh = farD * tang;
fw = fh * ratio;
void Frustum::setCamDef(const vec3 &p, const vec3 &l, const vec3 &u) {
vec3 dir,nc,fc,X,Y, Z = glm::normalize(p - l);
// X axis of camera with given "up" vector and Z axis
X = glm::normalize(glm::cross(u, Z));
// the real "up" vector is the cross product of Z and X
Y = glm::cross(Z, X);
// compute the centers of the near and far planes
nc = p - Z * nearD;
fc = p - Z * farD;
// compute the 4 corners of the frustum on the near plane
ntl = nc + Y * nh - X * nw;
ntr = nc + Y * nh + X * nw;
nbl = nc - Y * nh - X * nw;
nbr = nc - Y * nh + X * nw;
// compute the 4 corners of the frustum on the far plane
ftl = fc + Y * fh - X * fw;
ftr = fc + Y * fh + X * fw;
fbl = fc - Y * fh - X * fw;
fbr = fc - Y * fh + X * fw;
bool Frustum::pointInFrustum(const vec3& p) const {
for(int i=0; i < 6; i++) {
if (pl[i].distance(p) < static_cast<vec3vt>(0))
return false;
return true;
bool Frustum::sphereInFrustum(const vec3 &p, vec3vt radius) const {
for(int i=0; i < 6; i++) {
if (pl[i].distance(p) < -radius)
return false;
return true;