
2453 lines
91 KiB

//! This file has to do with parsing and rendering the ZIR text format.
const std = @import("std");
const mem = std.mem;
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const BigIntConst = std.math.big.int.Const;
const BigIntMutable = std.math.big.int.Mutable;
const Type = @import("type.zig").Type;
const Value = @import("value.zig").Value;
const TypedValue = @import("TypedValue.zig");
const ir = @import("ir.zig");
const IrModule = @import("Module.zig");
/// This struct is relevent only for the ZIR Module text format. It is not used for
/// semantic analysis of Zig source code.
pub const Decl = struct {
name: []const u8,
/// Hash of slice into the source of the part after the = and before the next instruction.
contents_hash: std.zig.SrcHash,
inst: *Inst,
/// These are instructions that correspond to the ZIR text format. See `ir.Inst` for
/// in-memory, analyzed instructions with types and values.
pub const Inst = struct {
tag: Tag,
/// Byte offset into the source.
src: usize,
/// Pre-allocated field for mapping ZIR text instructions to post-analysis instructions.
analyzed_inst: ?*ir.Inst = null,
/// These names are used directly as the instruction names in the text format.
pub const Tag = enum {
/// Arithmetic addition, asserts no integer overflow.
/// Twos complement wrapping integer addition.
/// Allocates stack local memory. Its lifetime ends when the block ends that contains
/// this instruction. The operand is the type of the allocated object.
/// Same as `alloc` except the type is inferred.
/// Array concatenation. `a ++ b`
/// Array multiplication `a ** b`
/// Function parameter value. These must be first in a function's main block,
/// in respective order with the parameters.
/// Type coercion.
/// Inline assembly.
/// Bitwise AND. `&`
/// TODO delete this instruction, it has no purpose.
/// An arbitrary typed pointer, which is to be used as an L-Value, is pointer-casted
/// to a new L-Value. The destination type is given by LHS. The cast is to be evaluated
/// as if it were a bit-cast operation from the operand pointer element type to the
/// provided destination type.
/// A typed result location pointer is bitcasted to a new result location pointer.
/// The new result location pointer has an inferred type.
/// Bitwise OR. `|`
/// A labeled block of code, which can return a value.
/// Boolean NOT. See also `bitnot`.
/// Return a value from a `Block`.
/// Same as `break` but without an operand; the operand is assumed to be the void value.
/// Function call.
/// `<`
/// `<=`
/// `==`
/// `>=`
/// `>`
/// `!=`
/// Coerces a result location pointer to a new element type. It is evaluated "backwards"-
/// as type coercion from the new element type to the old element type.
/// LHS is destination element type, RHS is result pointer.
/// This instruction does a `coerce_result_ptr` operation on a `Block`'s
/// result location pointer, whose type is inferred by peer type resolution on the
/// `Block`'s corresponding `break` instructions.
/// Equivalent to `as(ptr_child_type(typeof(ptr)), value)`.
/// Emit an error message and fail compilation.
/// Conditional branch. Splits control flow based on a boolean condition value.
/// Special case, has no textual representation.
/// Declares the beginning of a statement. Used for debug info.
/// Represents a pointer to a global decl by name.
/// Represents a pointer to a global decl by string name.
/// The syntax `@foo` is equivalent to `declval("foo")`.
/// declval is equivalent to declref followed by deref.
/// Same as declval but the parameter is a `*Module.Decl` rather than a name.
/// Load the value from a pointer.
/// Arithmetic division. Asserts no integer overflow.
/// Given a pointer to an array, slice, or pointer, returns a pointer to the element at
/// the provided index.
/// Emits a compile error if the operand is not `void`.
/// Emits a compile error if an error is ignored.
/// Export the provided Decl as the provided name in the compilation's output object file.
/// Given a pointer to a struct or object that contains virtual fields, returns a pointer
/// to the named field.
/// Convert a larger float type to any other float type, possibly causing a loss of precision.
/// Declare a function body.
/// Returns a function type.
/// Integer literal.
/// Convert an integer value to another integer type, asserting that the destination type
/// can hold the same mathematical value.
/// Make an integer type out of signedness and bit count.
/// Return a boolean false if an optional is null. `x != null`
/// Return a boolean true if an optional is null. `x == null`
/// Return a boolean true if value is an error
/// A labeled block of code that loops forever. At the end of the body it is implied
/// to repeat; no explicit "repeat" instruction terminates loop bodies.
/// Ambiguously remainder division or modulus. If the computation would possibly have
/// a different value depending on whether the operation is remainder division or modulus,
/// a compile error is emitted. Otherwise the computation is performed.
/// Arithmetic multiplication. Asserts no integer overflow.
/// Twos complement wrapping integer multiplication.
/// Given a reference to a function and a parameter index, returns the
/// type of the parameter. TODO what happens when the parameter is `anytype`?
/// An alternative to using `const` for simple primitive values such as `true` or `u8`.
/// TODO flatten so that each primitive has its own ZIR Inst Tag.
/// Convert a pointer to a `usize` integer.
/// Turns an R-Value into a const L-Value. In other words, it takes a value,
/// stores it in a memory location, and returns a const pointer to it. If the value
/// is `comptime`, the memory location is global static constant data. Otherwise,
/// the memory location is in the stack frame, local to the scope containing the
/// instruction.
/// Obtains a pointer to the return value.
/// Obtains the return type of the in-scope function.
/// Sends control flow back to the function's callee. Takes an operand as the return value.
/// Same as `return` but there is no operand; the operand is implicitly the void value.
/// Integer shift-left. Zeroes are shifted in from the right hand side.
/// Integer shift-right. Arithmetic or logical depending on the signedness of the integer type.
/// Create a const pointer type based on the element type. `*const T`
/// Create a mutable pointer type based on the element type. `*T`
/// Create a pointer type with attributes
/// Write a value to a pointer. For loading, see `deref`.
/// String Literal. Makes an anonymous Decl and then takes a pointer to it.
/// Arithmetic subtraction. Asserts no integer overflow.
/// Twos complement wrapping integer subtraction.
/// Returns the type of a value.
/// Asserts control-flow will not reach this instruction. Not safety checked - the compiler
/// will assume the correctness of this instruction.
/// Asserts control-flow will not reach this instruction. In safety-checked modes,
/// this will generate a call to the panic function unless it can be proven unreachable
/// by the compiler.
/// Bitwise XOR. `^`
/// Create an optional type '?T'
/// Unwraps an optional value 'lhs.?'
/// Same as previous, but without safety checks. Used for orelse, if and while
/// Gets the payload of an error union
/// Same as previous, but without safety checks. Used for orelse, if and while
pub fn Type(tag: Tag) type {
return switch (tag) {
=> NoOp,
=> UnOp,
=> BinOp,
.arg => Arg,
.block => Block,
.@"break" => Break,
.breakvoid => BreakVoid,
.call => Call,
.coerce_to_ptr_elem => CoerceToPtrElem,
.declref => DeclRef,
.declref_str => DeclRefStr,
.declval => DeclVal,
.declval_in_module => DeclValInModule,
.coerce_result_block_ptr => CoerceResultBlockPtr,
.compileerror => CompileError,
.loop => Loop,
.@"const" => Const,
.str => Str,
.int => Int,
.inttype => IntType,
.fieldptr => FieldPtr,
.@"asm" => Asm,
.@"fn" => Fn,
.@"export" => Export,
.param_type => ParamType,
.primitive => Primitive,
.fntype => FnType,
.elemptr => ElemPtr,
.condbr => CondBr,
.ptr_type => PtrType,
/// Returns whether the instruction is one of the control flow "noreturn" types.
/// Function calls do not count.
pub fn isNoReturn(tag: Tag) bool {
return switch (tag) {
=> false,
=> true,
/// Prefer `castTag` to this.
pub fn cast(base: *Inst, comptime T: type) ?*T {
if (@hasField(T, "base_tag")) {
return base.castTag(T.base_tag);
inline for (@typeInfo(Tag).Enum.fields) |field| {
const tag = @intToEnum(Tag, field.value);
if (base.tag == tag) {
if (T == tag.Type()) {
return @fieldParentPtr(T, "base", base);
return null;
pub fn castTag(base: *Inst, comptime tag: Tag) ?*tag.Type() {
if (base.tag == tag) {
return @fieldParentPtr(tag.Type(), "base", base);
return null;
pub const NoOp = struct {
base: Inst,
positionals: struct {},
kw_args: struct {},
pub const UnOp = struct {
base: Inst,
positionals: struct {
operand: *Inst,
kw_args: struct {},
pub const BinOp = struct {
base: Inst,
positionals: struct {
lhs: *Inst,
rhs: *Inst,
kw_args: struct {},
pub const Arg = struct {
pub const base_tag = Tag.arg;
base: Inst,
positionals: struct {
name: []const u8,
kw_args: struct {},
pub const Block = struct {
pub const base_tag = Tag.block;
base: Inst,
positionals: struct {
body: Module.Body,
kw_args: struct {},
pub const Break = struct {
pub const base_tag = Tag.@"break";
base: Inst,
positionals: struct {
block: *Block,
operand: *Inst,
kw_args: struct {},
pub const BreakVoid = struct {
pub const base_tag = Tag.breakvoid;
base: Inst,
positionals: struct {
block: *Block,
kw_args: struct {},
pub const Call = struct {
pub const base_tag = Tag.call;
base: Inst,
positionals: struct {
func: *Inst,
args: []*Inst,
kw_args: struct {
modifier: std.builtin.CallOptions.Modifier = .auto,
pub const CoerceToPtrElem = struct {
pub const base_tag = Tag.coerce_to_ptr_elem;
base: Inst,
positionals: struct {
ptr: *Inst,
value: *Inst,
kw_args: struct {},
pub const DeclRef = struct {
pub const base_tag = Tag.declref;
base: Inst,
positionals: struct {
name: []const u8,
kw_args: struct {},
pub const DeclRefStr = struct {
pub const base_tag = Tag.declref_str;
base: Inst,
positionals: struct {
name: *Inst,
kw_args: struct {},
pub const DeclVal = struct {
pub const base_tag = Tag.declval;
base: Inst,
positionals: struct {
name: []const u8,
kw_args: struct {},
pub const DeclValInModule = struct {
pub const base_tag = Tag.declval_in_module;
base: Inst,
positionals: struct {
decl: *IrModule.Decl,
kw_args: struct {},
pub const CoerceResultBlockPtr = struct {
pub const base_tag = Tag.coerce_result_block_ptr;
base: Inst,
positionals: struct {
dest_type: *Inst,
block: *Block,
kw_args: struct {},
pub const CompileError = struct {
pub const base_tag = Tag.compileerror;
base: Inst,
positionals: struct {
msg: []const u8,
kw_args: struct {},
pub const Const = struct {
pub const base_tag = Tag.@"const";
base: Inst,
positionals: struct {
typed_value: TypedValue,
kw_args: struct {},
pub const Str = struct {
pub const base_tag = Tag.str;
base: Inst,
positionals: struct {
bytes: []const u8,
kw_args: struct {},
pub const Int = struct {
pub const base_tag = Tag.int;
base: Inst,
positionals: struct {
int: BigIntConst,
kw_args: struct {},
pub const Loop = struct {
pub const base_tag = Tag.loop;
base: Inst,
positionals: struct {
body: Module.Body,
kw_args: struct {},
pub const FieldPtr = struct {
pub const base_tag = Tag.fieldptr;
base: Inst,
positionals: struct {
object_ptr: *Inst,
field_name: *Inst,
kw_args: struct {},
pub const Asm = struct {
pub const base_tag = Tag.@"asm";
base: Inst,
positionals: struct {
asm_source: *Inst,
return_type: *Inst,
kw_args: struct {
@"volatile": bool = false,
output: ?*Inst = null,
inputs: []*Inst = &[0]*Inst{},
clobbers: []*Inst = &[0]*Inst{},
args: []*Inst = &[0]*Inst{},
pub const Fn = struct {
pub const base_tag = Tag.@"fn";
base: Inst,
positionals: struct {
fn_type: *Inst,
body: Module.Body,
kw_args: struct {},
pub const FnType = struct {
pub const base_tag = Tag.fntype;
base: Inst,
positionals: struct {
param_types: []*Inst,
return_type: *Inst,
kw_args: struct {
cc: std.builtin.CallingConvention = .Unspecified,
pub const IntType = struct {
pub const base_tag = Tag.inttype;
base: Inst,
positionals: struct {
signed: *Inst,
bits: *Inst,
kw_args: struct {},
pub const Export = struct {
pub const base_tag = Tag.@"export";
base: Inst,
positionals: struct {
symbol_name: *Inst,
decl_name: []const u8,
kw_args: struct {},
pub const ParamType = struct {
pub const base_tag = Tag.param_type;
base: Inst,
positionals: struct {
func: *Inst,
arg_index: usize,
kw_args: struct {},
pub const Primitive = struct {
pub const base_tag = Tag.primitive;
base: Inst,
positionals: struct {
tag: Builtin,
kw_args: struct {},
pub const Builtin = enum {
pub fn toTypedValue(self: Builtin) TypedValue {
return switch (self) {
.i8 => .{ .ty = Type.initTag(.type), .val = Value.initTag(.i8_type) },
.u8 => .{ .ty = Type.initTag(.type), .val = Value.initTag(.u8_type) },
.i16 => .{ .ty = Type.initTag(.type), .val = Value.initTag(.i16_type) },
.u16 => .{ .ty = Type.initTag(.type), .val = Value.initTag(.u16_type) },
.i32 => .{ .ty = Type.initTag(.type), .val = Value.initTag(.i32_type) },
.u32 => .{ .ty = Type.initTag(.type), .val = Value.initTag(.u32_type) },
.i64 => .{ .ty = Type.initTag(.type), .val = Value.initTag(.i64_type) },
.u64 => .{ .ty = Type.initTag(.type), .val = Value.initTag(.u64_type) },
.isize => .{ .ty = Type.initTag(.type), .val = Value.initTag(.isize_type) },
.usize => .{ .ty = Type.initTag(.type), .val = Value.initTag(.usize_type) },
.c_short => .{ .ty = Type.initTag(.type), .val = Value.initTag(.c_short_type) },
.c_ushort => .{ .ty = Type.initTag(.type), .val = Value.initTag(.c_ushort_type) },
.c_int => .{ .ty = Type.initTag(.type), .val = Value.initTag(.c_int_type) },
.c_uint => .{ .ty = Type.initTag(.type), .val = Value.initTag(.c_uint_type) },
.c_long => .{ .ty = Type.initTag(.type), .val = Value.initTag(.c_long_type) },
.c_ulong => .{ .ty = Type.initTag(.type), .val = Value.initTag(.c_ulong_type) },
.c_longlong => .{ .ty = Type.initTag(.type), .val = Value.initTag(.c_longlong_type) },
.c_ulonglong => .{ .ty = Type.initTag(.type), .val = Value.initTag(.c_ulonglong_type) },
.c_longdouble => .{ .ty = Type.initTag(.type), .val = Value.initTag(.c_longdouble_type) },
.c_void => .{ .ty = Type.initTag(.type), .val = Value.initTag(.c_void_type) },
.f16 => .{ .ty = Type.initTag(.type), .val = Value.initTag(.f16_type) },
.f32 => .{ .ty = Type.initTag(.type), .val = Value.initTag(.f32_type) },
.f64 => .{ .ty = Type.initTag(.type), .val = Value.initTag(.f64_type) },
.f128 => .{ .ty = Type.initTag(.type), .val = Value.initTag(.f128_type) },
.bool => .{ .ty = Type.initTag(.type), .val = Value.initTag(.bool_type) },
.void => .{ .ty = Type.initTag(.type), .val = Value.initTag(.void_type) },
.noreturn => .{ .ty = Type.initTag(.type), .val = Value.initTag(.noreturn_type) },
.type => .{ .ty = Type.initTag(.type), .val = Value.initTag(.type_type) },
.anyerror => .{ .ty = Type.initTag(.type), .val = Value.initTag(.anyerror_type) },
.comptime_int => .{ .ty = Type.initTag(.type), .val = Value.initTag(.comptime_int_type) },
.comptime_float => .{ .ty = Type.initTag(.type), .val = Value.initTag(.comptime_float_type) },
.@"true" => .{ .ty = Type.initTag(.bool), .val = Value.initTag(.bool_true) },
.@"false" => .{ .ty = Type.initTag(.bool), .val = Value.initTag(.bool_false) },
.@"null" => .{ .ty = Type.initTag(.@"null"), .val = Value.initTag(.null_value) },
.@"undefined" => .{ .ty = Type.initTag(.@"undefined"), .val = Value.initTag(.undef) },
.void_value => .{ .ty = Type.initTag(.void), .val = Value.initTag(.void_value) },
pub const ElemPtr = struct {
pub const base_tag = Tag.elemptr;
base: Inst,
positionals: struct {
array_ptr: *Inst,
index: *Inst,
kw_args: struct {},
pub const CondBr = struct {
pub const base_tag = Tag.condbr;
base: Inst,
positionals: struct {
condition: *Inst,
then_body: Module.Body,
else_body: Module.Body,
kw_args: struct {},
pub const PtrType = struct {
pub const base_tag = Tag.ptr_type;
base: Inst,
positionals: struct {
child_type: *Inst,
kw_args: struct {
@"allowzero": bool = false,
@"align": ?*Inst = null,
align_bit_start: ?*Inst = null,
align_bit_end: ?*Inst = null,
@"const": bool = true,
@"volatile": bool = false,
sentinel: ?*Inst = null,
pub const ErrorMsg = struct {
byte_offset: usize,
msg: []const u8,
pub const Module = struct {
decls: []*Decl,
arena: std.heap.ArenaAllocator,
error_msg: ?ErrorMsg = null,
metadata: std.AutoHashMap(*Inst, MetaData),
body_metadata: std.AutoHashMap(*Body, BodyMetaData),
pub const MetaData = struct {
deaths: ir.Inst.DeathsInt,
pub const BodyMetaData = struct {
deaths: []*Inst,
pub const Body = struct {
instructions: []*Inst,
pub fn deinit(self: *Module, allocator: *Allocator) void {
self.* = undefined;
/// This is a debugging utility for rendering the tree to stderr.
pub fn dump(self: Module) void {
self.writeToStream(std.heap.page_allocator, std.io.getStdErr().outStream()) catch {};
const DeclAndIndex = struct {
decl: *Decl,
index: usize,
/// TODO Look into making a table to speed this up.
pub fn findDecl(self: Module, name: []const u8) ?DeclAndIndex {
for (self.decls) |decl, i| {
if (mem.eql(u8, decl.name, name)) {
return DeclAndIndex{
.decl = decl,
.index = i,
return null;
pub fn findInstDecl(self: Module, inst: *Inst) ?DeclAndIndex {
for (self.decls) |decl, i| {
if (decl.inst == inst) {
return DeclAndIndex{
.decl = decl,
.index = i,
return null;
/// The allocator is used for temporary storage, but this function always returns
/// with no resources allocated.
pub fn writeToStream(self: Module, allocator: *Allocator, stream: anytype) !void {
var write = Writer{
.module = &self,
.inst_table = InstPtrTable.init(allocator),
.block_table = std.AutoHashMap(*Inst.Block, []const u8).init(allocator),
.loop_table = std.AutoHashMap(*Inst.Loop, []const u8).init(allocator),
.arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(allocator),
.indent = 2,
.next_instr_index = undefined,
defer write.arena.deinit();
defer write.inst_table.deinit();
defer write.block_table.deinit();
defer write.loop_table.deinit();
// First, build a map of *Inst to @ or % indexes
try write.inst_table.ensureCapacity(self.decls.len);
for (self.decls) |decl, decl_i| {
try write.inst_table.putNoClobber(decl.inst, .{ .inst = decl.inst, .index = null, .name = decl.name });
for (self.decls) |decl, i| {
write.next_instr_index = 0;
try stream.print("@{} ", .{decl.name});
try write.writeInstToStream(stream, decl.inst);
try stream.writeByte('\n');
const InstPtrTable = std.AutoHashMap(*Inst, struct { inst: *Inst, index: ?usize, name: []const u8 });
const Writer = struct {
module: *const Module,
inst_table: InstPtrTable,
block_table: std.AutoHashMap(*Inst.Block, []const u8),
loop_table: std.AutoHashMap(*Inst.Loop, []const u8),
arena: std.heap.ArenaAllocator,
indent: usize,
next_instr_index: usize,
fn writeInstToStream(
self: *Writer,
stream: anytype,
inst: *Inst,
) (@TypeOf(stream).Error || error{OutOfMemory})!void {
inline for (@typeInfo(Inst.Tag).Enum.fields) |enum_field| {
const expected_tag = @field(Inst.Tag, enum_field.name);
if (inst.tag == expected_tag) {
return self.writeInstToStreamGeneric(stream, expected_tag, inst);
unreachable; // all tags handled
fn writeInstToStreamGeneric(
self: *Writer,
stream: anytype,
comptime inst_tag: Inst.Tag,
base: *Inst,
) (@TypeOf(stream).Error || error{OutOfMemory})!void {
const SpecificInst = inst_tag.Type();
const inst = @fieldParentPtr(SpecificInst, "base", base);
const Positionals = @TypeOf(inst.positionals);
try stream.writeAll("= " ++ @tagName(inst_tag) ++ "(");
const pos_fields = @typeInfo(Positionals).Struct.fields;
inline for (pos_fields) |arg_field, i| {
if (i != 0) {
try stream.writeAll(", ");
try self.writeParamToStream(stream, &@field(inst.positionals, arg_field.name));
comptime var need_comma = pos_fields.len != 0;
const KW_Args = @TypeOf(inst.kw_args);
inline for (@typeInfo(KW_Args).Struct.fields) |arg_field, i| {
if (@typeInfo(arg_field.field_type) == .Optional) {
if (@field(inst.kw_args, arg_field.name)) |non_optional| {
if (need_comma) try stream.writeAll(", ");
try stream.print("{}=", .{arg_field.name});
try self.writeParamToStream(stream, &non_optional);
need_comma = true;
} else {
if (need_comma) try stream.writeAll(", ");
try stream.print("{}=", .{arg_field.name});
try self.writeParamToStream(stream, &@field(inst.kw_args, arg_field.name));
need_comma = true;
try stream.writeByte(')');
fn writeParamToStream(self: *Writer, stream: anytype, param_ptr: anytype) !void {
const param = param_ptr.*;
if (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(param)) == .Enum) {
return stream.writeAll(@tagName(param));
switch (@TypeOf(param)) {
*Inst => return self.writeInstParamToStream(stream, param),
[]*Inst => {
try stream.writeByte('[');
for (param) |inst, i| {
if (i != 0) {
try stream.writeAll(", ");
try self.writeInstParamToStream(stream, inst);
try stream.writeByte(']');
Module.Body => {
try stream.writeAll("{\n");
if (self.module.body_metadata.get(param_ptr)) |metadata| {
if (metadata.deaths.len > 0) {
try stream.writeByteNTimes(' ', self.indent);
try stream.writeAll("; deaths={");
for (metadata.deaths) |death, i| {
if (i != 0) try stream.writeAll(", ");
try self.writeInstParamToStream(stream, death);
try stream.writeAll("}\n");
for (param.instructions) |inst| {
const my_i = self.next_instr_index;
self.next_instr_index += 1;
try self.inst_table.putNoClobber(inst, .{ .inst = inst, .index = my_i, .name = undefined });
try stream.writeByteNTimes(' ', self.indent);
try stream.print("%{} ", .{my_i});
if (inst.cast(Inst.Block)) |block| {
const name = try std.fmt.allocPrint(&self.arena.allocator, "label_{}", .{my_i});
try self.block_table.put(block, name);
} else if (inst.cast(Inst.Loop)) |loop| {
const name = try std.fmt.allocPrint(&self.arena.allocator, "loop_{}", .{my_i});
try self.loop_table.put(loop, name);
self.indent += 2;
try self.writeInstToStream(stream, inst);
if (self.module.metadata.get(inst)) |metadata| {
try stream.print(" ; deaths=0b{b}", .{metadata.deaths});
self.indent -= 2;
try stream.writeByte('\n');
try stream.writeByteNTimes(' ', self.indent - 2);
try stream.writeByte('}');
bool => return stream.writeByte("01"[@boolToInt(param)]),
[]u8, []const u8 => return std.zig.renderStringLiteral(param, stream),
BigIntConst, usize => return stream.print("{}", .{param}),
TypedValue => unreachable, // this is a special case
*IrModule.Decl => unreachable, // this is a special case
*Inst.Block => {
const name = self.block_table.get(param).?;
return std.zig.renderStringLiteral(name, stream);
*Inst.Loop => {
const name = self.loop_table.get(param).?;
return std.zig.renderStringLiteral(name, stream);
else => |T| @compileError("unimplemented: rendering parameter of type " ++ @typeName(T)),
fn writeInstParamToStream(self: *Writer, stream: anytype, inst: *Inst) !void {
if (self.inst_table.get(inst)) |info| {
if (info.index) |i| {
try stream.print("%{}", .{info.index});
} else {
try stream.print("@{}", .{info.name});
} else if (inst.cast(Inst.DeclVal)) |decl_val| {
try stream.print("@{}", .{decl_val.positionals.name});
} else if (inst.cast(Inst.DeclValInModule)) |decl_val| {
try stream.print("@{}", .{decl_val.positionals.decl.name});
} else {
// This should be unreachable in theory, but since ZIR is used for debugging the compiler
// we output some debug text instead.
try stream.print("?{}?", .{@tagName(inst.tag)});
pub fn parse(allocator: *Allocator, source: [:0]const u8) Allocator.Error!Module {
var global_name_map = std.StringHashMap(*Inst).init(allocator);
defer global_name_map.deinit();
var parser: Parser = .{
.allocator = allocator,
.arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(allocator),
.i = 0,
.source = source,
.global_name_map = &global_name_map,
.decls = .{},
.unnamed_index = 0,
.block_table = std.StringHashMap(*Inst.Block).init(allocator),
.loop_table = std.StringHashMap(*Inst.Loop).init(allocator),
defer parser.block_table.deinit();
defer parser.loop_table.deinit();
errdefer parser.arena.deinit();
parser.parseRoot() catch |err| switch (err) {
error.ParseFailure => {
assert(parser.error_msg != null);
else => |e| return e,
return Module{
.decls = parser.decls.toOwnedSlice(allocator),
.arena = parser.arena,
.error_msg = parser.error_msg,
.metadata = std.AutoHashMap(*Inst, Module.MetaData).init(allocator),
.body_metadata = std.AutoHashMap(*Module.Body, Module.BodyMetaData).init(allocator),
const Parser = struct {
allocator: *Allocator,
arena: std.heap.ArenaAllocator,
i: usize,
source: [:0]const u8,
decls: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(*Decl),
global_name_map: *std.StringHashMap(*Inst),
error_msg: ?ErrorMsg = null,
unnamed_index: usize,
block_table: std.StringHashMap(*Inst.Block),
loop_table: std.StringHashMap(*Inst.Loop),
const Body = struct {
instructions: std.ArrayList(*Inst),
name_map: *std.StringHashMap(*Inst),
fn parseBody(self: *Parser, body_ctx: ?*Body) !Module.Body {
var name_map = std.StringHashMap(*Inst).init(self.allocator);
defer name_map.deinit();
var body_context = Body{
.instructions = std.ArrayList(*Inst).init(self.allocator),
.name_map = if (body_ctx) |bctx| bctx.name_map else &name_map,
defer body_context.instructions.deinit();
try requireEatBytes(self, "{");
while (true) : (self.i += 1) switch (self.source[self.i]) {
';' => _ = try skipToAndOver(self, '\n'),
'%' => {
self.i += 1;
const ident = try skipToAndOver(self, ' ');
try requireEatBytes(self, "=");
const decl = try parseInstruction(self, &body_context, ident);
const ident_index = body_context.instructions.items.len;
if (try body_context.name_map.fetchPut(ident, decl.inst)) |_| {
return self.fail("redefinition of identifier '{}'", .{ident});
try body_context.instructions.append(decl.inst);
' ', '\n' => continue,
'}' => {
self.i += 1;
else => |byte| return self.failByte(byte),
// Move the instructions to the arena
const instrs = try self.arena.allocator.alloc(*Inst, body_context.instructions.items.len);
mem.copy(*Inst, instrs, body_context.instructions.items);
return Module.Body{ .instructions = instrs };
fn parseStringLiteral(self: *Parser) ![]u8 {
const start = self.i;
try self.requireEatBytes("\"");
while (true) : (self.i += 1) switch (self.source[self.i]) {
'"' => {
self.i += 1;
const span = self.source[start..self.i];
var bad_index: usize = undefined;
const parsed = std.zig.parseStringLiteral(&self.arena.allocator, span, &bad_index) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.InvalidCharacter => {
self.i = start + bad_index;
const bad_byte = self.source[self.i];
return self.fail("invalid string literal character: '{c}'\n", .{bad_byte});
else => |e| return e,
return parsed;
'\\' => {
self.i += 1;
0 => return self.failByte(0),
else => continue,
fn parseIntegerLiteral(self: *Parser) !BigIntConst {
const start = self.i;
if (self.source[self.i] == '-') self.i += 1;
while (true) : (self.i += 1) switch (self.source[self.i]) {
'0'...'9' => continue,
else => break,
const number_text = self.source[start..self.i];
const base = 10;
// TODO reuse the same array list for this
const limbs_buffer_len = std.math.big.int.calcSetStringLimbsBufferLen(base, number_text.len);
const limbs_buffer = try self.allocator.alloc(std.math.big.Limb, limbs_buffer_len);
defer self.allocator.free(limbs_buffer);
const limb_len = std.math.big.int.calcSetStringLimbCount(base, number_text.len);
const limbs = try self.arena.allocator.alloc(std.math.big.Limb, limb_len);
var result = BigIntMutable{ .limbs = limbs, .positive = undefined, .len = undefined };
result.setString(base, number_text, limbs_buffer, self.allocator) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.InvalidCharacter => {
self.i = start;
return self.fail("invalid digit in integer literal", .{});
return result.toConst();
fn parseRoot(self: *Parser) !void {
// The IR format is designed so that it can be tokenized and parsed at the same time.
while (true) {
switch (self.source[self.i]) {
';' => _ = try skipToAndOver(self, '\n'),
'@' => {
self.i += 1;
const ident = try skipToAndOver(self, ' ');
try requireEatBytes(self, "=");
const decl = try parseInstruction(self, null, ident);
const ident_index = self.decls.items.len;
if (try self.global_name_map.fetchPut(ident, decl.inst)) |_| {
return self.fail("redefinition of identifier '{}'", .{ident});
try self.decls.append(self.allocator, decl);
' ', '\n' => self.i += 1,
0 => break,
else => |byte| return self.fail("unexpected byte: '{c}'", .{byte}),
fn eatByte(self: *Parser, byte: u8) bool {
if (self.source[self.i] != byte) return false;
self.i += 1;
return true;
fn skipSpace(self: *Parser) void {
while (self.source[self.i] == ' ' or self.source[self.i] == '\n') {
self.i += 1;
fn requireEatBytes(self: *Parser, bytes: []const u8) !void {
const start = self.i;
for (bytes) |byte| {
if (self.source[self.i] != byte) {
self.i = start;
return self.fail("expected '{}'", .{bytes});
self.i += 1;
fn skipToAndOver(self: *Parser, byte: u8) ![]const u8 {
const start_i = self.i;
while (self.source[self.i] != 0) : (self.i += 1) {
if (self.source[self.i] == byte) {
const result = self.source[start_i..self.i];
self.i += 1;
return result;
return self.fail("unexpected EOF", .{});
/// ParseFailure is an internal error code; handled in `parse`.
const InnerError = error{ ParseFailure, OutOfMemory };
fn failByte(self: *Parser, byte: u8) InnerError {
if (byte == 0) {
return self.fail("unexpected EOF", .{});
} else {
return self.fail("unexpected byte: '{c}'", .{byte});
fn fail(self: *Parser, comptime format: []const u8, args: anytype) InnerError {
self.error_msg = ErrorMsg{
.byte_offset = self.i,
.msg = try std.fmt.allocPrint(&self.arena.allocator, format, args),
return error.ParseFailure;
fn parseInstruction(self: *Parser, body_ctx: ?*Body, name: []const u8) InnerError!*Decl {
const contents_start = self.i;
const fn_name = try skipToAndOver(self, '(');
inline for (@typeInfo(Inst.Tag).Enum.fields) |field| {
if (mem.eql(u8, field.name, fn_name)) {
const tag = @field(Inst.Tag, field.name);
return parseInstructionGeneric(self, field.name, tag.Type(), tag, body_ctx, name, contents_start);
return self.fail("unknown instruction '{}'", .{fn_name});
fn parseInstructionGeneric(
self: *Parser,
comptime fn_name: []const u8,
comptime InstType: type,
tag: Inst.Tag,
body_ctx: ?*Body,
inst_name: []const u8,
contents_start: usize,
) InnerError!*Decl {
const inst_specific = try self.arena.allocator.create(InstType);
inst_specific.base = .{
.src = self.i,
.tag = tag,
if (InstType == Inst.Block) {
try self.block_table.put(inst_name, inst_specific);
} else if (InstType == Inst.Loop) {
try self.loop_table.put(inst_name, inst_specific);
if (@hasField(InstType, "ty")) {
inst_specific.ty = opt_type orelse {
return self.fail("instruction '" ++ fn_name ++ "' requires type", .{});
const Positionals = @TypeOf(inst_specific.positionals);
inline for (@typeInfo(Positionals).Struct.fields) |arg_field| {
if (self.source[self.i] == ',') {
self.i += 1;
} else if (self.source[self.i] == ')') {
return self.fail("expected positional parameter '{}'", .{arg_field.name});
@field(inst_specific.positionals, arg_field.name) = try parseParameterGeneric(
const KW_Args = @TypeOf(inst_specific.kw_args);
inst_specific.kw_args = .{}; // assign defaults
while (eatByte(self, ',')) {
const name = try skipToAndOver(self, '=');
inline for (@typeInfo(KW_Args).Struct.fields) |arg_field| {
const field_name = arg_field.name;
if (mem.eql(u8, name, field_name)) {
const NonOptional = switch (@typeInfo(arg_field.field_type)) {
.Optional => |info| info.child,
else => arg_field.field_type,
@field(inst_specific.kw_args, field_name) = try parseParameterGeneric(self, NonOptional, body_ctx);
} else {
return self.fail("unrecognized keyword parameter: '{}'", .{name});
try requireEatBytes(self, ")");
const decl = try self.arena.allocator.create(Decl);
decl.* = .{
.name = inst_name,
.contents_hash = std.zig.hashSrc(self.source[contents_start..self.i]),
.inst = &inst_specific.base,
//std.debug.warn("parsed {} = '{}'\n", .{ inst_specific.base.name, inst_specific.base.contents });
return decl;
fn parseParameterGeneric(self: *Parser, comptime T: type, body_ctx: ?*Body) !T {
if (@typeInfo(T) == .Enum) {
const start = self.i;
while (true) : (self.i += 1) switch (self.source[self.i]) {
' ', '\n', ',', ')' => {
const enum_name = self.source[start..self.i];
return std.meta.stringToEnum(T, enum_name) orelse {
return self.fail("tag '{}' not a member of enum '{}'", .{ enum_name, @typeName(T) });
0 => return self.failByte(0),
else => continue,
switch (T) {
Module.Body => return parseBody(self, body_ctx),
bool => {
const bool_value = switch (self.source[self.i]) {
'0' => false,
'1' => true,
else => |byte| return self.fail("expected '0' or '1' for boolean value, found {c}", .{byte}),
self.i += 1;
return bool_value;
[]*Inst => {
try requireEatBytes(self, "[");
if (eatByte(self, ']')) return &[0]*Inst{};
var instructions = std.ArrayList(*Inst).init(&self.arena.allocator);
while (true) {
try instructions.append(try parseParameterInst(self, body_ctx));
if (!eatByte(self, ',')) break;
try requireEatBytes(self, "]");
return instructions.toOwnedSlice();
*Inst => return parseParameterInst(self, body_ctx),
[]u8, []const u8 => return self.parseStringLiteral(),
BigIntConst => return self.parseIntegerLiteral(),
usize => {
const big_int = try self.parseIntegerLiteral();
return big_int.to(usize) catch |err| return self.fail("integer literal: {}", .{@errorName(err)});
TypedValue => return self.fail("'const' is a special instruction; not legal in ZIR text", .{}),
*IrModule.Decl => return self.fail("'declval_in_module' is a special instruction; not legal in ZIR text", .{}),
*Inst.Block => {
const name = try self.parseStringLiteral();
return self.block_table.get(name).?;
*Inst.Loop => {
const name = try self.parseStringLiteral();
return self.loop_table.get(name).?;
else => @compileError("Unimplemented: ir parseParameterGeneric for type " ++ @typeName(T)),
return self.fail("TODO parse parameter {}", .{@typeName(T)});
fn parseParameterInst(self: *Parser, body_ctx: ?*Body) !*Inst {
const local_ref = switch (self.source[self.i]) {
'@' => false,
'%' => true,
else => |byte| return self.fail("unexpected byte: '{c}'", .{byte}),
const map = if (local_ref)
if (body_ctx) |bc|
return self.fail("referencing a % instruction in global scope", .{})
self.i += 1;
const name_start = self.i;
while (true) : (self.i += 1) switch (self.source[self.i]) {
0, ' ', '\n', ',', ')', ']' => break,
else => continue,
const ident = self.source[name_start..self.i];
return map.get(ident) orelse {
const bad_name = self.source[name_start - 1 .. self.i];
const src = name_start - 1;
if (local_ref) {
self.i = src;
return self.fail("unrecognized identifier: {}", .{bad_name});
} else {
const declval = try self.arena.allocator.create(Inst.DeclVal);
declval.* = .{
.base = .{
.src = src,
.tag = Inst.DeclVal.base_tag,
.positionals = .{ .name = ident },
.kw_args = .{},
return &declval.base;
fn generateName(self: *Parser) ![]u8 {
const result = try std.fmt.allocPrint(&self.arena.allocator, "unnamed${}", .{self.unnamed_index});
self.unnamed_index += 1;
return result;
pub fn emit(allocator: *Allocator, old_module: IrModule) !Module {
var ctx: EmitZIR = .{
.allocator = allocator,
.decls = .{},
.arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(allocator),
.old_module = &old_module,
.next_auto_name = 0,
.names = std.StringHashMap(void).init(allocator),
.primitive_table = std.AutoHashMap(Inst.Primitive.Builtin, *Decl).init(allocator),
.indent = 0,
.block_table = std.AutoHashMap(*ir.Inst.Block, *Inst.Block).init(allocator),
.loop_table = std.AutoHashMap(*ir.Inst.Loop, *Inst.Loop).init(allocator),
.metadata = std.AutoHashMap(*Inst, Module.MetaData).init(allocator),
.body_metadata = std.AutoHashMap(*Module.Body, Module.BodyMetaData).init(allocator),
defer ctx.metadata.deinit();
defer ctx.body_metadata.deinit();
defer ctx.block_table.deinit();
defer ctx.loop_table.deinit();
defer ctx.decls.deinit(allocator);
defer ctx.names.deinit();
defer ctx.primitive_table.deinit();
errdefer ctx.arena.deinit();
try ctx.emit();
return Module{
.decls = ctx.decls.toOwnedSlice(allocator),
.arena = ctx.arena,
.metadata = ctx.metadata,
.body_metadata = ctx.body_metadata,
/// For debugging purposes, prints a function representation to stderr.
pub fn dumpFn(old_module: IrModule, module_fn: *IrModule.Fn) void {
const allocator = old_module.gpa;
var ctx: EmitZIR = .{
.allocator = allocator,
.decls = .{},
.arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(allocator),
.old_module = &old_module,
.next_auto_name = 0,
.names = std.StringHashMap(void).init(allocator),
.primitive_table = std.AutoHashMap(Inst.Primitive.Builtin, *Decl).init(allocator),
.indent = 0,
.block_table = std.AutoHashMap(*ir.Inst.Block, *Inst.Block).init(allocator),
.loop_table = std.AutoHashMap(*ir.Inst.Loop, *Inst.Loop).init(allocator),
.metadata = std.AutoHashMap(*Inst, Module.MetaData).init(allocator),
.body_metadata = std.AutoHashMap(*Module.Body, Module.BodyMetaData).init(allocator),
defer ctx.metadata.deinit();
defer ctx.body_metadata.deinit();
defer ctx.block_table.deinit();
defer ctx.loop_table.deinit();
defer ctx.decls.deinit(allocator);
defer ctx.names.deinit();
defer ctx.primitive_table.deinit();
defer ctx.arena.deinit();
const fn_ty = module_fn.owner_decl.typed_value.most_recent.typed_value.ty;
_ = ctx.emitFn(module_fn, 0, fn_ty) catch |err| {
std.debug.print("unable to dump function: {}\n", .{err});
var module = Module{
.decls = ctx.decls.items,
.arena = ctx.arena,
.metadata = ctx.metadata,
.body_metadata = ctx.body_metadata,
const EmitZIR = struct {
allocator: *Allocator,
arena: std.heap.ArenaAllocator,
old_module: *const IrModule,
decls: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(*Decl),
names: std.StringHashMap(void),
next_auto_name: usize,
primitive_table: std.AutoHashMap(Inst.Primitive.Builtin, *Decl),
indent: usize,
block_table: std.AutoHashMap(*ir.Inst.Block, *Inst.Block),
loop_table: std.AutoHashMap(*ir.Inst.Loop, *Inst.Loop),
metadata: std.AutoHashMap(*Inst, Module.MetaData),
body_metadata: std.AutoHashMap(*Module.Body, Module.BodyMetaData),
fn emit(self: *EmitZIR) !void {
// Put all the Decls in a list and sort them by name to avoid nondeterminism introduced
// by the hash table.
var src_decls = std.ArrayList(*IrModule.Decl).init(self.allocator);
defer src_decls.deinit();
try src_decls.ensureCapacity(self.old_module.decl_table.items().len);
try self.decls.ensureCapacity(self.allocator, self.old_module.decl_table.items().len);
try self.names.ensureCapacity(self.old_module.decl_table.items().len);
for (self.old_module.decl_table.items()) |entry| {
const decl = entry.value;
self.names.putAssumeCapacityNoClobber(mem.spanZ(decl.name), {});
std.sort.sort(*IrModule.Decl, src_decls.items, {}, (struct {
fn lessThan(context: void, a: *IrModule.Decl, b: *IrModule.Decl) bool {
return a.src_index < b.src_index;
// Emit all the decls.
for (src_decls.items) |ir_decl| {
switch (ir_decl.analysis) {
.unreferenced => continue,
.complete => {},
.codegen_failure => {}, // We still can emit the ZIR.
.codegen_failure_retryable => {}, // We still can emit the ZIR.
.in_progress => unreachable,
.outdated => unreachable,
=> if (self.old_module.failed_decls.get(ir_decl)) |err_msg| {
const fail_inst = try self.arena.allocator.create(Inst.CompileError);
fail_inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.src = ir_decl.src(),
.tag = Inst.CompileError.base_tag,
.positionals = .{
.msg = try self.arena.allocator.dupe(u8, err_msg.msg),
.kw_args = .{},
const decl = try self.arena.allocator.create(Decl);
decl.* = .{
.name = mem.spanZ(ir_decl.name),
.contents_hash = undefined,
.inst = &fail_inst.base,
try self.decls.append(self.allocator, decl);
if (self.old_module.export_owners.get(ir_decl)) |exports| {
for (exports) |module_export| {
const symbol_name = try self.emitStringLiteral(module_export.src, module_export.options.name);
const export_inst = try self.arena.allocator.create(Inst.Export);
export_inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.src = module_export.src,
.tag = Inst.Export.base_tag,
.positionals = .{
.symbol_name = symbol_name.inst,
.decl_name = mem.spanZ(module_export.exported_decl.name),
.kw_args = .{},
_ = try self.emitUnnamedDecl(&export_inst.base);
} else {
const new_decl = try self.emitTypedValue(ir_decl.src(), ir_decl.typed_value.most_recent.typed_value);
new_decl.name = try self.arena.allocator.dupe(u8, mem.spanZ(ir_decl.name));
const ZirBody = struct {
inst_table: *std.AutoHashMap(*ir.Inst, *Inst),
instructions: *std.ArrayList(*Inst),
fn resolveInst(self: *EmitZIR, new_body: ZirBody, inst: *ir.Inst) !*Inst {
if (inst.cast(ir.Inst.Constant)) |const_inst| {
const new_inst = if (const_inst.val.cast(Value.Payload.Function)) |func_pl| blk: {
const owner_decl = func_pl.func.owner_decl;
break :blk try self.emitDeclVal(inst.src, mem.spanZ(owner_decl.name));
} else if (const_inst.val.cast(Value.Payload.DeclRef)) |declref| blk: {
const decl_ref = try self.emitDeclRef(inst.src, declref.decl);
try new_body.instructions.append(decl_ref);
break :blk decl_ref;
} else blk: {
break :blk (try self.emitTypedValue(inst.src, .{ .ty = inst.ty, .val = const_inst.val })).inst;
_ = try new_body.inst_table.put(inst, new_inst);
return new_inst;
} else {
return new_body.inst_table.get(inst).?;
fn emitDeclVal(self: *EmitZIR, src: usize, decl_name: []const u8) !*Inst {
const declval = try self.arena.allocator.create(Inst.DeclVal);
declval.* = .{
.base = .{
.src = src,
.tag = Inst.DeclVal.base_tag,
.positionals = .{ .name = try self.arena.allocator.dupe(u8, decl_name) },
.kw_args = .{},
return &declval.base;
fn emitComptimeIntVal(self: *EmitZIR, src: usize, val: Value) !*Decl {
const big_int_space = try self.arena.allocator.create(Value.BigIntSpace);
const int_inst = try self.arena.allocator.create(Inst.Int);
int_inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.src = src,
.tag = Inst.Int.base_tag,
.positionals = .{
.int = val.toBigInt(big_int_space),
.kw_args = .{},
return self.emitUnnamedDecl(&int_inst.base);
fn emitDeclRef(self: *EmitZIR, src: usize, module_decl: *IrModule.Decl) !*Inst {
const declref_inst = try self.arena.allocator.create(Inst.DeclRef);
declref_inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.src = src,
.tag = Inst.DeclRef.base_tag,
.positionals = .{
.name = mem.spanZ(module_decl.name),
.kw_args = .{},
return &declref_inst.base;
fn emitFn(self: *EmitZIR, module_fn: *IrModule.Fn, src: usize, ty: Type) Allocator.Error!*Decl {
var inst_table = std.AutoHashMap(*ir.Inst, *Inst).init(self.allocator);
defer inst_table.deinit();
var instructions = std.ArrayList(*Inst).init(self.allocator);
defer instructions.deinit();
switch (module_fn.analysis) {
.queued => unreachable,
.in_progress => unreachable,
.success => |body| {
try self.emitBody(body, &inst_table, &instructions);
.sema_failure => {
const err_msg = self.old_module.failed_decls.get(module_fn.owner_decl).?;
const fail_inst = try self.arena.allocator.create(Inst.CompileError);
fail_inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.src = src,
.tag = Inst.CompileError.base_tag,
.positionals = .{
.msg = try self.arena.allocator.dupe(u8, err_msg.msg),
.kw_args = .{},
try instructions.append(&fail_inst.base);
.dependency_failure => {
const fail_inst = try self.arena.allocator.create(Inst.CompileError);
fail_inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.src = src,
.tag = Inst.CompileError.base_tag,
.positionals = .{
.msg = try self.arena.allocator.dupe(u8, "depends on another failed Decl"),
.kw_args = .{},
try instructions.append(&fail_inst.base);
const fn_type = try self.emitType(src, ty);
const arena_instrs = try self.arena.allocator.alloc(*Inst, instructions.items.len);
mem.copy(*Inst, arena_instrs, instructions.items);
const fn_inst = try self.arena.allocator.create(Inst.Fn);
fn_inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.src = src,
.tag = Inst.Fn.base_tag,
.positionals = .{
.fn_type = fn_type.inst,
.body = .{ .instructions = arena_instrs },
.kw_args = .{},
return self.emitUnnamedDecl(&fn_inst.base);
fn emitTypedValue(self: *EmitZIR, src: usize, typed_value: TypedValue) Allocator.Error!*Decl {
const allocator = &self.arena.allocator;
if (typed_value.val.cast(Value.Payload.DeclRef)) |decl_ref| {
const decl = decl_ref.decl;
return try self.emitUnnamedDecl(try self.emitDeclRef(src, decl));
if (typed_value.val.isUndef()) {
const as_inst = try self.arena.allocator.create(Inst.BinOp);
as_inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.tag = .as,
.src = src,
.positionals = .{
.lhs = (try self.emitType(src, typed_value.ty)).inst,
.rhs = (try self.emitPrimitive(src, .@"undefined")).inst,
.kw_args = .{},
return self.emitUnnamedDecl(&as_inst.base);
switch (typed_value.ty.zigTypeTag()) {
.Pointer => {
const ptr_elem_type = typed_value.ty.elemType();
switch (ptr_elem_type.zigTypeTag()) {
.Array => {
// TODO more checks to make sure this can be emitted as a string literal
//const array_elem_type = ptr_elem_type.elemType();
//if (array_elem_type.eql(Type.initTag(.u8)) and
// ptr_elem_type.hasSentinel(Value.initTag(.zero)))
const bytes = typed_value.val.toAllocatedBytes(allocator) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.AnalysisFail => unreachable,
else => |e| return e,
return self.emitStringLiteral(src, bytes);
else => |t| std.debug.panic("TODO implement emitTypedValue for pointer to {}", .{@tagName(t)}),
.ComptimeInt => return self.emitComptimeIntVal(src, typed_value.val),
.Int => {
const as_inst = try self.arena.allocator.create(Inst.BinOp);
as_inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.tag = .as,
.src = src,
.positionals = .{
.lhs = (try self.emitType(src, typed_value.ty)).inst,
.rhs = (try self.emitComptimeIntVal(src, typed_value.val)).inst,
.kw_args = .{},
return self.emitUnnamedDecl(&as_inst.base);
.Type => {
const ty = typed_value.val.toType();
return self.emitType(src, ty);
.Fn => {
const module_fn = typed_value.val.cast(Value.Payload.Function).?.func;
return self.emitFn(module_fn, src, typed_value.ty);
.Array => {
// TODO more checks to make sure this can be emitted as a string literal
//const array_elem_type = ptr_elem_type.elemType();
//if (array_elem_type.eql(Type.initTag(.u8)) and
// ptr_elem_type.hasSentinel(Value.initTag(.zero)))
const bytes = typed_value.val.toAllocatedBytes(allocator) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.AnalysisFail => unreachable,
else => |e| return e,
const str_inst = try self.arena.allocator.create(Inst.Str);
str_inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.src = src,
.tag = Inst.Str.base_tag,
.positionals = .{
.bytes = bytes,
.kw_args = .{},
return self.emitUnnamedDecl(&str_inst.base);
.Void => return self.emitPrimitive(src, .void_value),
else => |t| std.debug.panic("TODO implement emitTypedValue for {}", .{@tagName(t)}),
fn emitNoOp(self: *EmitZIR, src: usize, old_inst: *ir.Inst.NoOp, tag: Inst.Tag) Allocator.Error!*Inst {
const new_inst = try self.arena.allocator.create(Inst.NoOp);
new_inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.src = src,
.tag = tag,
.positionals = .{},
.kw_args = .{},
return &new_inst.base;
fn emitUnOp(
self: *EmitZIR,
src: usize,
new_body: ZirBody,
old_inst: *ir.Inst.UnOp,
tag: Inst.Tag,
) Allocator.Error!*Inst {
const new_inst = try self.arena.allocator.create(Inst.UnOp);
new_inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.src = src,
.tag = tag,
.positionals = .{
.operand = try self.resolveInst(new_body, old_inst.operand),
.kw_args = .{},
return &new_inst.base;
fn emitBinOp(
self: *EmitZIR,
src: usize,
new_body: ZirBody,
old_inst: *ir.Inst.BinOp,
tag: Inst.Tag,
) Allocator.Error!*Inst {
const new_inst = try self.arena.allocator.create(Inst.BinOp);
new_inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.src = src,
.tag = tag,
.positionals = .{
.lhs = try self.resolveInst(new_body, old_inst.lhs),
.rhs = try self.resolveInst(new_body, old_inst.rhs),
.kw_args = .{},
return &new_inst.base;
fn emitCast(
self: *EmitZIR,
src: usize,
new_body: ZirBody,
old_inst: *ir.Inst.UnOp,
tag: Inst.Tag,
) Allocator.Error!*Inst {
const new_inst = try self.arena.allocator.create(Inst.BinOp);
new_inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.src = src,
.tag = tag,
.positionals = .{
.lhs = (try self.emitType(old_inst.base.src, old_inst.base.ty)).inst,
.rhs = try self.resolveInst(new_body, old_inst.operand),
.kw_args = .{},
return &new_inst.base;
fn emitBody(
self: *EmitZIR,
body: ir.Body,
inst_table: *std.AutoHashMap(*ir.Inst, *Inst),
instructions: *std.ArrayList(*Inst),
) Allocator.Error!void {
const new_body = ZirBody{
.inst_table = inst_table,
.instructions = instructions,
for (body.instructions) |inst| {
const new_inst = switch (inst.tag) {
.constant => unreachable, // excluded from function bodies
.breakpoint => try self.emitNoOp(inst.src, inst.castTag(.breakpoint).?, .breakpoint),
.unreach => try self.emitNoOp(inst.src, inst.castTag(.unreach).?, .unreach_nocheck),
.retvoid => try self.emitNoOp(inst.src, inst.castTag(.retvoid).?, .returnvoid),
.dbg_stmt => try self.emitNoOp(inst.src, inst.castTag(.dbg_stmt).?, .dbg_stmt),
.not => try self.emitUnOp(inst.src, new_body, inst.castTag(.not).?, .boolnot),
.ret => try self.emitUnOp(inst.src, new_body, inst.castTag(.ret).?, .@"return"),
.ptrtoint => try self.emitUnOp(inst.src, new_body, inst.castTag(.ptrtoint).?, .ptrtoint),
.isnull => try self.emitUnOp(inst.src, new_body, inst.castTag(.isnull).?, .isnull),
.isnonnull => try self.emitUnOp(inst.src, new_body, inst.castTag(.isnonnull).?, .isnonnull),
.iserr => try self.emitUnOp(inst.src, new_body, inst.castTag(.iserr).?, .iserr),
.load => try self.emitUnOp(inst.src, new_body, inst.castTag(.load).?, .deref),
.ref => try self.emitUnOp(inst.src, new_body, inst.castTag(.ref).?, .ref),
.unwrap_optional => try self.emitUnOp(inst.src, new_body, inst.castTag(.unwrap_optional).?, .unwrap_optional_unsafe),
.wrap_optional => try self.emitCast(inst.src, new_body, inst.castTag(.wrap_optional).?, .as),
.add => try self.emitBinOp(inst.src, new_body, inst.castTag(.add).?, .add),
.sub => try self.emitBinOp(inst.src, new_body, inst.castTag(.sub).?, .sub),
.store => try self.emitBinOp(inst.src, new_body, inst.castTag(.store).?, .store),
.cmp_lt => try self.emitBinOp(inst.src, new_body, inst.castTag(.cmp_lt).?, .cmp_lt),
.cmp_lte => try self.emitBinOp(inst.src, new_body, inst.castTag(.cmp_lte).?, .cmp_lte),
.cmp_eq => try self.emitBinOp(inst.src, new_body, inst.castTag(.cmp_eq).?, .cmp_eq),
.cmp_gte => try self.emitBinOp(inst.src, new_body, inst.castTag(.cmp_gte).?, .cmp_gte),
.cmp_gt => try self.emitBinOp(inst.src, new_body, inst.castTag(.cmp_gt).?, .cmp_gt),
.cmp_neq => try self.emitBinOp(inst.src, new_body, inst.castTag(.cmp_neq).?, .cmp_neq),
.bitcast => try self.emitCast(inst.src, new_body, inst.castTag(.bitcast).?, .bitcast),
.intcast => try self.emitCast(inst.src, new_body, inst.castTag(.intcast).?, .intcast),
.floatcast => try self.emitCast(inst.src, new_body, inst.castTag(.floatcast).?, .floatcast),
.alloc => blk: {
const new_inst = try self.arena.allocator.create(Inst.UnOp);
new_inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.src = inst.src,
.tag = .alloc,
.positionals = .{
.operand = (try self.emitType(inst.src, inst.ty)).inst,
.kw_args = .{},
break :blk &new_inst.base;
.arg => blk: {
const old_inst = inst.castTag(.arg).?;
const new_inst = try self.arena.allocator.create(Inst.Arg);
new_inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.src = inst.src,
.tag = .arg,
.positionals = .{
.name = try self.arena.allocator.dupe(u8, mem.spanZ(old_inst.name)),
.kw_args = .{},
break :blk &new_inst.base;
.block => blk: {
const old_inst = inst.castTag(.block).?;
const new_inst = try self.arena.allocator.create(Inst.Block);
try self.block_table.put(old_inst, new_inst);
var block_body = std.ArrayList(*Inst).init(self.allocator);
defer block_body.deinit();
try self.emitBody(old_inst.body, inst_table, &block_body);
new_inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.src = inst.src,
.tag = Inst.Block.base_tag,
.positionals = .{
.body = .{ .instructions = block_body.toOwnedSlice() },
.kw_args = .{},
break :blk &new_inst.base;
.loop => blk: {
const old_inst = inst.castTag(.loop).?;
const new_inst = try self.arena.allocator.create(Inst.Loop);
try self.loop_table.put(old_inst, new_inst);
var loop_body = std.ArrayList(*Inst).init(self.allocator);
defer loop_body.deinit();
try self.emitBody(old_inst.body, inst_table, &loop_body);
new_inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.src = inst.src,
.tag = Inst.Loop.base_tag,
.positionals = .{
.body = .{ .instructions = loop_body.toOwnedSlice() },
.kw_args = .{},
break :blk &new_inst.base;
.brvoid => blk: {
const old_inst = inst.cast(ir.Inst.BrVoid).?;
const new_block = self.block_table.get(old_inst.block).?;
const new_inst = try self.arena.allocator.create(Inst.BreakVoid);
new_inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.src = inst.src,
.tag = Inst.BreakVoid.base_tag,
.positionals = .{
.block = new_block,
.kw_args = .{},
break :blk &new_inst.base;
.br => blk: {
const old_inst = inst.castTag(.br).?;
const new_block = self.block_table.get(old_inst.block).?;
const new_inst = try self.arena.allocator.create(Inst.Break);
new_inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.src = inst.src,
.tag = Inst.Break.base_tag,
.positionals = .{
.block = new_block,
.operand = try self.resolveInst(new_body, old_inst.operand),
.kw_args = .{},
break :blk &new_inst.base;
.call => blk: {
const old_inst = inst.castTag(.call).?;
const new_inst = try self.arena.allocator.create(Inst.Call);
const args = try self.arena.allocator.alloc(*Inst, old_inst.args.len);
for (args) |*elem, i| {
elem.* = try self.resolveInst(new_body, old_inst.args[i]);
new_inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.src = inst.src,
.tag = Inst.Call.base_tag,
.positionals = .{
.func = try self.resolveInst(new_body, old_inst.func),
.args = args,
.kw_args = .{},
break :blk &new_inst.base;
.assembly => blk: {
const old_inst = inst.castTag(.assembly).?;
const new_inst = try self.arena.allocator.create(Inst.Asm);
const inputs = try self.arena.allocator.alloc(*Inst, old_inst.inputs.len);
for (inputs) |*elem, i| {
elem.* = (try self.emitStringLiteral(inst.src, old_inst.inputs[i])).inst;
const clobbers = try self.arena.allocator.alloc(*Inst, old_inst.clobbers.len);
for (clobbers) |*elem, i| {
elem.* = (try self.emitStringLiteral(inst.src, old_inst.clobbers[i])).inst;
const args = try self.arena.allocator.alloc(*Inst, old_inst.args.len);
for (args) |*elem, i| {
elem.* = try self.resolveInst(new_body, old_inst.args[i]);
new_inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.src = inst.src,
.tag = Inst.Asm.base_tag,
.positionals = .{
.asm_source = (try self.emitStringLiteral(inst.src, old_inst.asm_source)).inst,
.return_type = (try self.emitType(inst.src, inst.ty)).inst,
.kw_args = .{
.@"volatile" = old_inst.is_volatile,
.output = if (old_inst.output) |o|
(try self.emitStringLiteral(inst.src, o)).inst
.inputs = inputs,
.clobbers = clobbers,
.args = args,
break :blk &new_inst.base;
.condbr => blk: {
const old_inst = inst.castTag(.condbr).?;
var then_body = std.ArrayList(*Inst).init(self.allocator);
var else_body = std.ArrayList(*Inst).init(self.allocator);
defer then_body.deinit();
defer else_body.deinit();
const then_deaths = try self.arena.allocator.alloc(*Inst, old_inst.thenDeaths().len);
const else_deaths = try self.arena.allocator.alloc(*Inst, old_inst.elseDeaths().len);
for (old_inst.thenDeaths()) |death, i| {
then_deaths[i] = try self.resolveInst(new_body, death);
for (old_inst.elseDeaths()) |death, i| {
else_deaths[i] = try self.resolveInst(new_body, death);
try self.emitBody(old_inst.then_body, inst_table, &then_body);
try self.emitBody(old_inst.else_body, inst_table, &else_body);
const new_inst = try self.arena.allocator.create(Inst.CondBr);
try self.body_metadata.put(&new_inst.positionals.then_body, .{ .deaths = then_deaths });
try self.body_metadata.put(&new_inst.positionals.else_body, .{ .deaths = else_deaths });
new_inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.src = inst.src,
.tag = Inst.CondBr.base_tag,
.positionals = .{
.condition = try self.resolveInst(new_body, old_inst.condition),
.then_body = .{ .instructions = then_body.toOwnedSlice() },
.else_body = .{ .instructions = else_body.toOwnedSlice() },
.kw_args = .{},
break :blk &new_inst.base;
try self.metadata.put(new_inst, .{ .deaths = inst.deaths });
try instructions.append(new_inst);
try inst_table.put(inst, new_inst);
fn emitType(self: *EmitZIR, src: usize, ty: Type) Allocator.Error!*Decl {
switch (ty.tag()) {
.i8 => return self.emitPrimitive(src, .i8),
.u8 => return self.emitPrimitive(src, .u8),
.i16 => return self.emitPrimitive(src, .i16),
.u16 => return self.emitPrimitive(src, .u16),
.i32 => return self.emitPrimitive(src, .i32),
.u32 => return self.emitPrimitive(src, .u32),
.i64 => return self.emitPrimitive(src, .i64),
.u64 => return self.emitPrimitive(src, .u64),
.isize => return self.emitPrimitive(src, .isize),
.usize => return self.emitPrimitive(src, .usize),
.c_short => return self.emitPrimitive(src, .c_short),
.c_ushort => return self.emitPrimitive(src, .c_ushort),
.c_int => return self.emitPrimitive(src, .c_int),
.c_uint => return self.emitPrimitive(src, .c_uint),
.c_long => return self.emitPrimitive(src, .c_long),
.c_ulong => return self.emitPrimitive(src, .c_ulong),
.c_longlong => return self.emitPrimitive(src, .c_longlong),
.c_ulonglong => return self.emitPrimitive(src, .c_ulonglong),
.c_longdouble => return self.emitPrimitive(src, .c_longdouble),
.c_void => return self.emitPrimitive(src, .c_void),
.f16 => return self.emitPrimitive(src, .f16),
.f32 => return self.emitPrimitive(src, .f32),
.f64 => return self.emitPrimitive(src, .f64),
.f128 => return self.emitPrimitive(src, .f128),
.anyerror => return self.emitPrimitive(src, .anyerror),
else => switch (ty.zigTypeTag()) {
.Bool => return self.emitPrimitive(src, .bool),
.Void => return self.emitPrimitive(src, .void),
.NoReturn => return self.emitPrimitive(src, .noreturn),
.Type => return self.emitPrimitive(src, .type),
.ComptimeInt => return self.emitPrimitive(src, .comptime_int),
.ComptimeFloat => return self.emitPrimitive(src, .comptime_float),
.Fn => {
const param_types = try self.allocator.alloc(Type, ty.fnParamLen());
defer self.allocator.free(param_types);
const emitted_params = try self.arena.allocator.alloc(*Inst, param_types.len);
for (param_types) |param_type, i| {
emitted_params[i] = (try self.emitType(src, param_type)).inst;
const fntype_inst = try self.arena.allocator.create(Inst.FnType);
fntype_inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.src = src,
.tag = Inst.FnType.base_tag,
.positionals = .{
.param_types = emitted_params,
.return_type = (try self.emitType(src, ty.fnReturnType())).inst,
.kw_args = .{
.cc = ty.fnCallingConvention(),
return self.emitUnnamedDecl(&fntype_inst.base);
.Int => {
const info = ty.intInfo(self.old_module.target());
const signed = try self.emitPrimitive(src, if (info.signed) .@"true" else .@"false");
const bits_payload = try self.arena.allocator.create(Value.Payload.Int_u64);
bits_payload.* = .{ .int = info.bits };
const bits = try self.emitComptimeIntVal(src, Value.initPayload(&bits_payload.base));
const inttype_inst = try self.arena.allocator.create(Inst.IntType);
inttype_inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.src = src,
.tag = Inst.IntType.base_tag,
.positionals = .{
.signed = signed.inst,
.bits = bits.inst,
.kw_args = .{},
return self.emitUnnamedDecl(&inttype_inst.base);
.Pointer => {
if (ty.isSinglePointer()) {
const inst = try self.arena.allocator.create(Inst.UnOp);
const tag: Inst.Tag = if (ty.isConstPtr()) .single_const_ptr_type else .single_mut_ptr_type;
inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.src = src,
.tag = tag,
.positionals = .{
.operand = (try self.emitType(src, ty.elemType())).inst,
.kw_args = .{},
return self.emitUnnamedDecl(&inst.base);
} else {
std.debug.panic("TODO implement emitType for {}", .{ty});
.Optional => {
var buf: Type.Payload.Pointer = undefined;
const inst = try self.arena.allocator.create(Inst.UnOp);
inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.src = src,
.tag = .optional_type,
.positionals = .{
.operand = (try self.emitType(src, ty.optionalChild(&buf))).inst,
.kw_args = .{},
return self.emitUnnamedDecl(&inst.base);
else => std.debug.panic("TODO implement emitType for {}", .{ty}),
fn autoName(self: *EmitZIR) ![]u8 {
while (true) {
const proposed_name = try std.fmt.allocPrint(&self.arena.allocator, "unnamed${}", .{self.next_auto_name});
self.next_auto_name += 1;
const gop = try self.names.getOrPut(proposed_name);
if (!gop.found_existing) {
gop.entry.value = {};
return proposed_name;
fn emitPrimitive(self: *EmitZIR, src: usize, tag: Inst.Primitive.Builtin) !*Decl {
const gop = try self.primitive_table.getOrPut(tag);
if (!gop.found_existing) {
const primitive_inst = try self.arena.allocator.create(Inst.Primitive);
primitive_inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.src = src,
.tag = Inst.Primitive.base_tag,
.positionals = .{
.tag = tag,
.kw_args = .{},
gop.entry.value = try self.emitUnnamedDecl(&primitive_inst.base);
return gop.entry.value;
fn emitStringLiteral(self: *EmitZIR, src: usize, str: []const u8) !*Decl {
const str_inst = try self.arena.allocator.create(Inst.Str);
str_inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.src = src,
.tag = Inst.Str.base_tag,
.positionals = .{
.bytes = str,
.kw_args = .{},
return self.emitUnnamedDecl(&str_inst.base);
fn emitUnnamedDecl(self: *EmitZIR, inst: *Inst) !*Decl {
const decl = try self.arena.allocator.create(Decl);
decl.* = .{
.name = try self.autoName(),
.contents_hash = undefined,
.inst = inst,
try self.decls.append(self.allocator, decl);
return decl;