
156 lines
6.3 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const ir = @import("ir.zig");
const trace = @import("tracy.zig").trace;
/// Perform Liveness Analysis over the `Body`. Each `Inst` will have its `deaths` field populated.
pub fn analyze(
/// Used for temporary storage during the analysis.
gpa: *std.mem.Allocator,
/// Used to tack on extra allocations in the same lifetime as the existing instructions.
arena: *std.mem.Allocator,
body: ir.Body,
) error{OutOfMemory}!void {
const tracy = trace(@src());
defer tracy.end();
var table = std.AutoHashMap(*ir.Inst, void).init(gpa);
defer table.deinit();
try table.ensureCapacity(body.instructions.len);
try analyzeWithTable(arena, &table, null, body);
fn analyzeWithTable(
arena: *std.mem.Allocator,
table: *std.AutoHashMap(*ir.Inst, void),
new_set: ?*std.AutoHashMap(*ir.Inst, void),
body: ir.Body,
) error{OutOfMemory}!void {
var i: usize = body.instructions.len;
if (new_set) |ns| {
// We are only interested in doing this for instructions which are born
// before a conditional branch, so after obtaining the new set for
// each branch we prune the instructions which were born within.
while (i != 0) {
i -= 1;
const base = body.instructions[i];
_ = ns.remove(base);
try analyzeInst(arena, table, new_set, base);
} else {
while (i != 0) {
i -= 1;
const base = body.instructions[i];
try analyzeInst(arena, table, new_set, base);
fn analyzeInst(
arena: *std.mem.Allocator,
table: *std.AutoHashMap(*ir.Inst, void),
new_set: ?*std.AutoHashMap(*ir.Inst, void),
base: *ir.Inst,
) error{OutOfMemory}!void {
if (table.contains(base)) {
base.deaths = 0;
} else {
// No tombstone for this instruction means it is never referenced,
// and its birth marks its own death. Very metal 🤘
base.deaths = 1 << ir.Inst.unreferenced_bit_index;
switch (base.tag) {
.constant => return,
.block => {
const inst = base.castTag(.block).?;
try analyzeWithTable(arena, table, new_set, inst.body);
// We let this continue so that it can possibly mark the block as
// unreferenced below.
.loop => {
const inst = base.castTag(.loop).?;
try analyzeWithTable(arena, table, new_set, inst.body);
return; // Loop has no operands and it is always unreferenced.
.condbr => {
const inst = base.castTag(.condbr).?;
// Each death that occurs inside one branch, but not the other, needs
// to be added as a death immediately upon entering the other branch.
var then_table = std.AutoHashMap(*ir.Inst, void).init(table.allocator);
defer then_table.deinit();
try analyzeWithTable(arena, table, &then_table, inst.then_body);
// Reset the table back to its state from before the branch.
for (then_table.items()) |entry| {
var else_table = std.AutoHashMap(*ir.Inst, void).init(table.allocator);
defer else_table.deinit();
try analyzeWithTable(arena, table, &else_table, inst.else_body);
var then_entry_deaths = std.ArrayList(*ir.Inst).init(table.allocator);
defer then_entry_deaths.deinit();
var else_entry_deaths = std.ArrayList(*ir.Inst).init(table.allocator);
defer else_entry_deaths.deinit();
for (else_table.items()) |entry| {
const else_death = entry.key;
if (!then_table.contains(else_death)) {
try then_entry_deaths.append(else_death);
// This loop is the same, except it's for the then branch, and it additionally
// has to put its items back into the table to undo the reset.
for (then_table.items()) |entry| {
const then_death = entry.key;
if (!else_table.contains(then_death)) {
try else_entry_deaths.append(then_death);
_ = try table.put(then_death, {});
// Now we have to correctly populate new_set.
if (new_set) |ns| {
try ns.ensureCapacity(ns.items().len + then_table.items().len + else_table.items().len);
for (then_table.items()) |entry| {
_ = ns.putAssumeCapacity(entry.key, {});
for (else_table.items()) |entry| {
_ = ns.putAssumeCapacity(entry.key, {});
inst.then_death_count = std.math.cast(@TypeOf(inst.then_death_count), then_entry_deaths.items.len) catch return error.OutOfMemory;
inst.else_death_count = std.math.cast(@TypeOf(inst.else_death_count), else_entry_deaths.items.len) catch return error.OutOfMemory;
const allocated_slice = try arena.alloc(*ir.Inst, then_entry_deaths.items.len + else_entry_deaths.items.len);
inst.deaths = allocated_slice.ptr;
std.mem.copy(*ir.Inst, inst.thenDeaths(), then_entry_deaths.items);
std.mem.copy(*ir.Inst, inst.elseDeaths(), else_entry_deaths.items);
// Continue on with the instruction analysis. The following code will find the condition
// instruction, and the deaths flag for the CondBr instruction will indicate whether the
// condition's lifetime ends immediately before entering any branch.
else => {},
const needed_bits = base.operandCount();
if (needed_bits <= ir.Inst.deaths_bits) {
var bit_i: ir.Inst.DeathsBitIndex = 0;
while (base.getOperand(bit_i)) |operand| : (bit_i += 1) {
const prev = try table.fetchPut(operand, {});
if (prev == null) {
// Death.
base.deaths |= @as(ir.Inst.DeathsInt, 1) << bit_i;
if (new_set) |ns| try ns.putNoClobber(operand, {});
} else {
@panic("Handle liveness analysis for instructions with many parameters");
std.log.scoped(.liveness).debug("analyze {}: 0b{b}\n", .{ base.tag, base.deaths });