
1636 lines
71 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const mem = std.mem;
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const Value = @import("value.zig").Value;
const Type = @import("type.zig").Type;
const TypedValue = @import("TypedValue.zig");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const zir = @import("zir.zig");
const Module = @import("Module.zig");
const ast = std.zig.ast;
const trace = @import("tracy.zig").trace;
const Scope = Module.Scope;
const InnerError = Module.InnerError;
pub const ResultLoc = union(enum) {
/// The expression is the right-hand side of assignment to `_`.
/// The expression has an inferred type, and it will be evaluated as an rvalue.
/// The expression must generate a pointer rather than a value. For example, the left hand side
/// of an assignment uses an "LValue" result location.
/// The expression will be type coerced into this type, but it will be evaluated as an rvalue.
ty: *zir.Inst,
/// The expression must store its result into this typed pointer.
ptr: *zir.Inst,
/// The expression must store its result into this allocation, which has an inferred type.
inferred_ptr: *zir.Inst.Tag.alloc_inferred.Type(),
/// The expression must store its result into this pointer, which is a typed pointer that
/// has been bitcasted to whatever the expression's type is.
bitcasted_ptr: *zir.Inst.UnOp,
/// There is a pointer for the expression to store its result into, however, its type
/// is inferred based on peer type resolution for a `zir.Inst.Block`.
block_ptr: *zir.Inst.Block,
pub fn typeExpr(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, type_node: *ast.Node) InnerError!*zir.Inst {
const type_src = scope.tree().token_locs[type_node.firstToken()].start;
const type_type = try addZIRInstConst(mod, scope, type_src, .{
.ty = Type.initTag(.type),
.val = Value.initTag(.type_type),
const type_rl: ResultLoc = .{ .ty = type_type };
return expr(mod, scope, type_rl, type_node);
/// Turn Zig AST into untyped ZIR istructions.
pub fn expr(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, rl: ResultLoc, node: *ast.Node) InnerError!*zir.Inst {
switch (node.tag) {
.Root => unreachable, // Top-level declaration.
.Use => unreachable, // Top-level declaration.
.TestDecl => unreachable, // Top-level declaration.
.DocComment => unreachable, // Top-level declaration.
.VarDecl => unreachable, // Handled in `blockExpr`.
.SwitchCase => unreachable, // Handled in `switchExpr`.
.SwitchElse => unreachable, // Handled in `switchExpr`.
.Else => unreachable, // Handled explicitly the control flow expression functions.
.Payload => unreachable, // Handled explicitly.
.PointerPayload => unreachable, // Handled explicitly.
.PointerIndexPayload => unreachable, // Handled explicitly.
.ErrorTag => unreachable, // Handled explicitly.
.FieldInitializer => unreachable, // Handled explicitly.
.Assign => return rlWrapVoid(mod, scope, rl, node, try assign(mod, scope, node.castTag(.Assign).?)),
.AssignBitAnd => return rlWrapVoid(mod, scope, rl, node, try assignOp(mod, scope, node.castTag(.AssignBitAnd).?, .bitand)),
.AssignBitOr => return rlWrapVoid(mod, scope, rl, node, try assignOp(mod, scope, node.castTag(.AssignBitOr).?, .bitor)),
.AssignBitShiftLeft => return rlWrapVoid(mod, scope, rl, node, try assignOp(mod, scope, node.castTag(.AssignBitShiftLeft).?, .shl)),
.AssignBitShiftRight => return rlWrapVoid(mod, scope, rl, node, try assignOp(mod, scope, node.castTag(.AssignBitShiftRight).?, .shr)),
.AssignBitXor => return rlWrapVoid(mod, scope, rl, node, try assignOp(mod, scope, node.castTag(.AssignBitXor).?, .xor)),
.AssignDiv => return rlWrapVoid(mod, scope, rl, node, try assignOp(mod, scope, node.castTag(.AssignDiv).?, .div)),
.AssignSub => return rlWrapVoid(mod, scope, rl, node, try assignOp(mod, scope, node.castTag(.AssignSub).?, .sub)),
.AssignSubWrap => return rlWrapVoid(mod, scope, rl, node, try assignOp(mod, scope, node.castTag(.AssignSubWrap).?, .subwrap)),
.AssignMod => return rlWrapVoid(mod, scope, rl, node, try assignOp(mod, scope, node.castTag(.AssignMod).?, .mod_rem)),
.AssignAdd => return rlWrapVoid(mod, scope, rl, node, try assignOp(mod, scope, node.castTag(.AssignAdd).?, .add)),
.AssignAddWrap => return rlWrapVoid(mod, scope, rl, node, try assignOp(mod, scope, node.castTag(.AssignAddWrap).?, .addwrap)),
.AssignMul => return rlWrapVoid(mod, scope, rl, node, try assignOp(mod, scope, node.castTag(.AssignMul).?, .mul)),
.AssignMulWrap => return rlWrapVoid(mod, scope, rl, node, try assignOp(mod, scope, node.castTag(.AssignMulWrap).?, .mulwrap)),
.Add => return simpleBinOp(mod, scope, rl, node.castTag(.Add).?, .add),
.AddWrap => return simpleBinOp(mod, scope, rl, node.castTag(.AddWrap).?, .addwrap),
.Sub => return simpleBinOp(mod, scope, rl, node.castTag(.Sub).?, .sub),
.SubWrap => return simpleBinOp(mod, scope, rl, node.castTag(.SubWrap).?, .subwrap),
.Mul => return simpleBinOp(mod, scope, rl, node.castTag(.Mul).?, .mul),
.MulWrap => return simpleBinOp(mod, scope, rl, node.castTag(.MulWrap).?, .mulwrap),
.Div => return simpleBinOp(mod, scope, rl, node.castTag(.Div).?, .div),
.Mod => return simpleBinOp(mod, scope, rl, node.castTag(.Mod).?, .mod_rem),
.BitAnd => return simpleBinOp(mod, scope, rl, node.castTag(.BitAnd).?, .bitand),
.BitOr => return simpleBinOp(mod, scope, rl, node.castTag(.BitOr).?, .bitor),
.BitShiftLeft => return simpleBinOp(mod, scope, rl, node.castTag(.BitShiftLeft).?, .shl),
.BitShiftRight => return simpleBinOp(mod, scope, rl, node.castTag(.BitShiftRight).?, .shr),
.BitXor => return simpleBinOp(mod, scope, rl, node.castTag(.BitXor).?, .xor),
.BangEqual => return simpleBinOp(mod, scope, rl, node.castTag(.BangEqual).?, .cmp_neq),
.EqualEqual => return simpleBinOp(mod, scope, rl, node.castTag(.EqualEqual).?, .cmp_eq),
.GreaterThan => return simpleBinOp(mod, scope, rl, node.castTag(.GreaterThan).?, .cmp_gt),
.GreaterOrEqual => return simpleBinOp(mod, scope, rl, node.castTag(.GreaterOrEqual).?, .cmp_gte),
.LessThan => return simpleBinOp(mod, scope, rl, node.castTag(.LessThan).?, .cmp_lt),
.LessOrEqual => return simpleBinOp(mod, scope, rl, node.castTag(.LessOrEqual).?, .cmp_lte),
.ArrayCat => return simpleBinOp(mod, scope, rl, node.castTag(.ArrayCat).?, .array_cat),
.ArrayMult => return simpleBinOp(mod, scope, rl, node.castTag(.ArrayMult).?, .array_mul),
.Identifier => return try identifier(mod, scope, rl, node.castTag(.Identifier).?),
.Asm => return rlWrap(mod, scope, rl, try assembly(mod, scope, node.castTag(.Asm).?)),
.StringLiteral => return rlWrap(mod, scope, rl, try stringLiteral(mod, scope, node.castTag(.StringLiteral).?)),
.IntegerLiteral => return rlWrap(mod, scope, rl, try integerLiteral(mod, scope, node.castTag(.IntegerLiteral).?)),
.BuiltinCall => return builtinCall(mod, scope, rl, node.castTag(.BuiltinCall).?),
.Call => return callExpr(mod, scope, rl, node.castTag(.Call).?),
.Unreachable => return unreach(mod, scope, node.castTag(.Unreachable).?),
.Return => return ret(mod, scope, node.castTag(.Return).?),
.If => return ifExpr(mod, scope, rl, node.castTag(.If).?),
.While => return whileExpr(mod, scope, rl, node.castTag(.While).?),
.Period => return rlWrap(mod, scope, rl, try field(mod, scope, node.castTag(.Period).?)),
.Deref => return rlWrap(mod, scope, rl, try deref(mod, scope, node.castTag(.Deref).?)),
.BoolNot => return rlWrap(mod, scope, rl, try boolNot(mod, scope, node.castTag(.BoolNot).?)),
.AddressOf => return rlWrap(mod, scope, rl, try addressOf(mod, scope, node.castTag(.AddressOf).?)),
.FloatLiteral => return rlWrap(mod, scope, rl, try floatLiteral(mod, scope, node.castTag(.FloatLiteral).?)),
.UndefinedLiteral => return rlWrap(mod, scope, rl, try undefLiteral(mod, scope, node.castTag(.UndefinedLiteral).?)),
.BoolLiteral => return rlWrap(mod, scope, rl, try boolLiteral(mod, scope, node.castTag(.BoolLiteral).?)),
.NullLiteral => return rlWrap(mod, scope, rl, try nullLiteral(mod, scope, node.castTag(.NullLiteral).?)),
.OptionalType => return rlWrap(mod, scope, rl, try optionalType(mod, scope, node.castTag(.OptionalType).?)),
.UnwrapOptional => return unwrapOptional(mod, scope, rl, node.castTag(.UnwrapOptional).?),
.Block => return rlWrapVoid(mod, scope, rl, node, try blockExpr(mod, scope, node.castTag(.Block).?)),
.LabeledBlock => return labeledBlockExpr(mod, scope, rl, node.castTag(.LabeledBlock).?),
.Break => return rlWrap(mod, scope, rl, try breakExpr(mod, scope, node.castTag(.Break).?)),
.PtrType => return rlWrap(mod, scope, rl, try ptrType(mod, scope, node.castTag(.PtrType).?)),
.Defer => return mod.failNode(scope, node, "TODO implement astgen.expr for .Defer", .{}),
.Catch => return mod.failNode(scope, node, "TODO implement astgen.expr for .Catch", .{}),
.BoolAnd => return mod.failNode(scope, node, "TODO implement astgen.expr for .BoolAnd", .{}),
.BoolOr => return mod.failNode(scope, node, "TODO implement astgen.expr for .BoolOr", .{}),
.ErrorUnion => return mod.failNode(scope, node, "TODO implement astgen.expr for .ErrorUnion", .{}),
.MergeErrorSets => return mod.failNode(scope, node, "TODO implement astgen.expr for .MergeErrorSets", .{}),
.Range => return mod.failNode(scope, node, "TODO implement astgen.expr for .Range", .{}),
.OrElse => return mod.failNode(scope, node, "TODO implement astgen.expr for .OrElse", .{}),
.Await => return mod.failNode(scope, node, "TODO implement astgen.expr for .Await", .{}),
.BitNot => return mod.failNode(scope, node, "TODO implement astgen.expr for .BitNot", .{}),
.Negation => return mod.failNode(scope, node, "TODO implement astgen.expr for .Negation", .{}),
.NegationWrap => return mod.failNode(scope, node, "TODO implement astgen.expr for .NegationWrap", .{}),
.Resume => return mod.failNode(scope, node, "TODO implement astgen.expr for .Resume", .{}),
.Try => return mod.failNode(scope, node, "TODO implement astgen.expr for .Try", .{}),
.ArrayType => return mod.failNode(scope, node, "TODO implement astgen.expr for .ArrayType", .{}),
.ArrayTypeSentinel => return mod.failNode(scope, node, "TODO implement astgen.expr for .ArrayTypeSentinel", .{}),
.SliceType => return mod.failNode(scope, node, "TODO implement astgen.expr for .SliceType", .{}),
.Slice => return mod.failNode(scope, node, "TODO implement astgen.expr for .Slice", .{}),
.ArrayAccess => return mod.failNode(scope, node, "TODO implement astgen.expr for .ArrayAccess", .{}),
.ArrayInitializer => return mod.failNode(scope, node, "TODO implement astgen.expr for .ArrayInitializer", .{}),
.ArrayInitializerDot => return mod.failNode(scope, node, "TODO implement astgen.expr for .ArrayInitializerDot", .{}),
.StructInitializer => return mod.failNode(scope, node, "TODO implement astgen.expr for .StructInitializer", .{}),
.StructInitializerDot => return mod.failNode(scope, node, "TODO implement astgen.expr for .StructInitializerDot", .{}),
.Switch => return mod.failNode(scope, node, "TODO implement astgen.expr for .Switch", .{}),
.For => return mod.failNode(scope, node, "TODO implement astgen.expr for .For", .{}),
.Suspend => return mod.failNode(scope, node, "TODO implement astgen.expr for .Suspend", .{}),
.Continue => return mod.failNode(scope, node, "TODO implement astgen.expr for .Continue", .{}),
.AnyType => return mod.failNode(scope, node, "TODO implement astgen.expr for .AnyType", .{}),
.ErrorType => return mod.failNode(scope, node, "TODO implement astgen.expr for .ErrorType", .{}),
.FnProto => return mod.failNode(scope, node, "TODO implement astgen.expr for .FnProto", .{}),
.AnyFrameType => return mod.failNode(scope, node, "TODO implement astgen.expr for .AnyFrameType", .{}),
.EnumLiteral => return mod.failNode(scope, node, "TODO implement astgen.expr for .EnumLiteral", .{}),
.MultilineStringLiteral => return mod.failNode(scope, node, "TODO implement astgen.expr for .MultilineStringLiteral", .{}),
.CharLiteral => return mod.failNode(scope, node, "TODO implement astgen.expr for .CharLiteral", .{}),
.GroupedExpression => return mod.failNode(scope, node, "TODO implement astgen.expr for .GroupedExpression", .{}),
.ErrorSetDecl => return mod.failNode(scope, node, "TODO implement astgen.expr for .ErrorSetDecl", .{}),
.ContainerDecl => return mod.failNode(scope, node, "TODO implement astgen.expr for .ContainerDecl", .{}),
.Comptime => return mod.failNode(scope, node, "TODO implement astgen.expr for .Comptime", .{}),
.Nosuspend => return mod.failNode(scope, node, "TODO implement astgen.expr for .Nosuspend", .{}),
.ContainerField => return mod.failNode(scope, node, "TODO implement astgen.expr for .ContainerField", .{}),
fn breakExpr(mod: *Module, parent_scope: *Scope, node: *ast.Node.ControlFlowExpression) InnerError!*zir.Inst {
const tree = parent_scope.tree();
const src = tree.token_locs[node.ltoken].start;
if (node.getLabel()) |break_label| {
// Look for the label in the scope.
var scope = parent_scope;
while (true) {
switch (scope.tag) {
.gen_zir => {
const gen_zir = scope.cast(Scope.GenZIR).?;
if (gen_zir.label) |label| {
if (try tokenIdentEql(mod, parent_scope, label.token, break_label)) {
if (node.getRHS()) |rhs| {
// Most result location types can be forwarded directly; however
// if we need to write to a pointer which has an inferred type,
// proper type inference requires peer type resolution on the block's
// break operand expressions.
const branch_rl: ResultLoc = switch (label.result_loc) {
.discard, .none, .ty, .ptr, .lvalue => label.result_loc,
.inferred_ptr, .bitcasted_ptr, .block_ptr => .{ .block_ptr = label.block_inst },
const operand = try expr(mod, parent_scope, branch_rl, rhs);
return try addZIRInst(mod, scope, src, zir.Inst.Break, .{
.block = label.block_inst,
.operand = operand,
}, .{});
} else {
return try addZIRInst(mod, scope, src, zir.Inst.BreakVoid, .{
.block = label.block_inst,
}, .{});
scope = gen_zir.parent;
.local_val => scope = scope.cast(Scope.LocalVal).?.parent,
.local_ptr => scope = scope.cast(Scope.LocalPtr).?.parent,
else => {
const label_name = try identifierTokenString(mod, parent_scope, break_label);
return mod.failTok(parent_scope, break_label, "label not found: '{}'", .{label_name});
} else {
return mod.failNode(parent_scope, &node.base, "TODO implement break from loop", .{});
pub fn blockExpr(mod: *Module, parent_scope: *Scope, block_node: *ast.Node.Block) InnerError!void {
const tracy = trace(@src());
defer tracy.end();
try blockExprStmts(mod, parent_scope, &block_node.base, block_node.statements());
fn labeledBlockExpr(
mod: *Module,
parent_scope: *Scope,
rl: ResultLoc,
block_node: *ast.Node.LabeledBlock,
) InnerError!*zir.Inst {
const tracy = trace(@src());
defer tracy.end();
const tree = parent_scope.tree();
const src = tree.token_locs[block_node.lbrace].start;
// Create the Block ZIR instruction so that we can put it into the GenZIR struct
// so that break statements can reference it.
const gen_zir = parent_scope.getGenZIR();
const block_inst = try gen_zir.arena.create(zir.Inst.Block);
block_inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.tag = .block,
.src = src,
.positionals = .{
.body = .{ .instructions = undefined },
.kw_args = .{},
var block_scope: Scope.GenZIR = .{
.parent = parent_scope,
.decl = parent_scope.decl().?,
.arena = gen_zir.arena,
.instructions = .{},
// TODO @as here is working around a stage1 miscompilation bug :(
.label = @as(?Scope.GenZIR.Label, Scope.GenZIR.Label{
.token = block_node.label,
.block_inst = block_inst,
.result_loc = rl,
defer block_scope.instructions.deinit(mod.gpa);
try blockExprStmts(mod, &block_scope.base, &block_node.base, block_node.statements());
block_inst.positionals.body.instructions = try block_scope.arena.dupe(*zir.Inst, block_scope.instructions.items);
try gen_zir.instructions.append(mod.gpa, &block_inst.base);
return &block_inst.base;
fn blockExprStmts(mod: *Module, parent_scope: *Scope, node: *ast.Node, statements: []*ast.Node) !void {
const tree = parent_scope.tree();
var block_arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(mod.gpa);
defer block_arena.deinit();
var scope = parent_scope;
for (statements) |statement| {
const src = tree.token_locs[statement.firstToken()].start;
_ = try addZIRNoOp(mod, scope, src, .dbg_stmt);
switch (statement.tag) {
.VarDecl => {
const var_decl_node = statement.castTag(.VarDecl).?;
scope = try varDecl(mod, scope, var_decl_node, &block_arena.allocator);
.Assign => try assign(mod, scope, statement.castTag(.Assign).?),
.AssignBitAnd => try assignOp(mod, scope, statement.castTag(.AssignBitAnd).?, .bitand),
.AssignBitOr => try assignOp(mod, scope, statement.castTag(.AssignBitOr).?, .bitor),
.AssignBitShiftLeft => try assignOp(mod, scope, statement.castTag(.AssignBitShiftLeft).?, .shl),
.AssignBitShiftRight => try assignOp(mod, scope, statement.castTag(.AssignBitShiftRight).?, .shr),
.AssignBitXor => try assignOp(mod, scope, statement.castTag(.AssignBitXor).?, .xor),
.AssignDiv => try assignOp(mod, scope, statement.castTag(.AssignDiv).?, .div),
.AssignSub => try assignOp(mod, scope, statement.castTag(.AssignSub).?, .sub),
.AssignSubWrap => try assignOp(mod, scope, statement.castTag(.AssignSubWrap).?, .subwrap),
.AssignMod => try assignOp(mod, scope, statement.castTag(.AssignMod).?, .mod_rem),
.AssignAdd => try assignOp(mod, scope, statement.castTag(.AssignAdd).?, .add),
.AssignAddWrap => try assignOp(mod, scope, statement.castTag(.AssignAddWrap).?, .addwrap),
.AssignMul => try assignOp(mod, scope, statement.castTag(.AssignMul).?, .mul),
.AssignMulWrap => try assignOp(mod, scope, statement.castTag(.AssignMulWrap).?, .mulwrap),
else => {
const possibly_unused_result = try expr(mod, scope, .none, statement);
if (!possibly_unused_result.tag.isNoReturn()) {
_ = try addZIRUnOp(mod, scope, src, .ensure_result_used, possibly_unused_result);
fn varDecl(
mod: *Module,
scope: *Scope,
node: *ast.Node.VarDecl,
block_arena: *Allocator,
) InnerError!*Scope {
// TODO implement detection of shadowing
if (node.getTrailer("comptime_token")) |comptime_token| {
return mod.failTok(scope, comptime_token, "TODO implement comptime locals", .{});
if (node.getTrailer("align_node")) |align_node| {
return mod.failNode(scope, align_node, "TODO implement alignment on locals", .{});
const tree = scope.tree();
const name_src = tree.token_locs[node.name_token].start;
const ident_name = try identifierTokenString(mod, scope, node.name_token);
const init_node = node.getTrailer("init_node").?;
switch (tree.token_ids[node.mut_token]) {
.Keyword_const => {
// Depending on the type of AST the initialization expression is, we may need an lvalue
// or an rvalue as a result location. If it is an rvalue, we can use the instruction as
// the variable, no memory location needed.
const result_loc = if (nodeMayNeedMemoryLocation(init_node)) r: {
if (node.getTrailer("type_node")) |type_node| {
const type_inst = try typeExpr(mod, scope, type_node);
const alloc = try addZIRUnOp(mod, scope, name_src, .alloc, type_inst);
break :r ResultLoc{ .ptr = alloc };
} else {
const alloc = try addZIRNoOpT(mod, scope, name_src, .alloc_inferred);
break :r ResultLoc{ .inferred_ptr = alloc };
} else r: {
if (node.getTrailer("type_node")) |type_node|
break :r ResultLoc{ .ty = try typeExpr(mod, scope, type_node) }
break :r .none;
const init_inst = try expr(mod, scope, result_loc, init_node);
const sub_scope = try block_arena.create(Scope.LocalVal);
sub_scope.* = .{
.parent = scope,
.gen_zir = scope.getGenZIR(),
.name = ident_name,
.inst = init_inst,
return &sub_scope.base;
.Keyword_var => {
const var_data: struct { result_loc: ResultLoc, alloc: *zir.Inst } = if (node.getTrailer("type_node")) |type_node| a: {
const type_inst = try typeExpr(mod, scope, type_node);
const alloc = try addZIRUnOp(mod, scope, name_src, .alloc, type_inst);
break :a .{ .alloc = try addZIRUnOp(mod, scope, name_src, .alloc, type_inst), .result_loc = .{ .ptr = alloc } };
} else a: {
const alloc = try addZIRNoOp(mod, scope, name_src, .alloc_inferred);
break :a .{ .alloc = alloc, .result_loc = .{ .inferred_ptr = alloc.castTag(.alloc_inferred).? } };
const init_inst = try expr(mod, scope, var_data.result_loc, init_node);
const sub_scope = try block_arena.create(Scope.LocalPtr);
sub_scope.* = .{
.parent = scope,
.gen_zir = scope.getGenZIR(),
.name = ident_name,
.ptr = var_data.alloc,
return &sub_scope.base;
else => unreachable,
fn assign(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, infix_node: *ast.Node.SimpleInfixOp) InnerError!void {
if (infix_node.lhs.castTag(.Identifier)) |ident| {
// This intentionally does not support @"_" syntax.
const ident_name = scope.tree().tokenSlice(ident.token);
if (mem.eql(u8, ident_name, "_")) {
_ = try expr(mod, scope, .discard, infix_node.rhs);
const lvalue = try expr(mod, scope, .lvalue, infix_node.lhs);
_ = try expr(mod, scope, .{ .ptr = lvalue }, infix_node.rhs);
fn assignOp(
mod: *Module,
scope: *Scope,
infix_node: *ast.Node.SimpleInfixOp,
op_inst_tag: zir.Inst.Tag,
) InnerError!void {
const lhs_ptr = try expr(mod, scope, .lvalue, infix_node.lhs);
const lhs = try addZIRUnOp(mod, scope, lhs_ptr.src, .deref, lhs_ptr);
const lhs_type = try addZIRUnOp(mod, scope, lhs_ptr.src, .typeof, lhs);
const rhs = try expr(mod, scope, .{ .ty = lhs_type }, infix_node.rhs);
const tree = scope.tree();
const src = tree.token_locs[infix_node.op_token].start;
const result = try addZIRBinOp(mod, scope, src, op_inst_tag, lhs, rhs);
_ = try addZIRBinOp(mod, scope, src, .store, lhs_ptr, result);
fn boolNot(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, node: *ast.Node.SimplePrefixOp) InnerError!*zir.Inst {
const tree = scope.tree();
const src = tree.token_locs[node.op_token].start;
const bool_type = try addZIRInstConst(mod, scope, src, .{
.ty = Type.initTag(.type),
.val = Value.initTag(.bool_type),
const operand = try expr(mod, scope, .{ .ty = bool_type }, node.rhs);
return addZIRUnOp(mod, scope, src, .boolnot, operand);
fn addressOf(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, node: *ast.Node.SimplePrefixOp) InnerError!*zir.Inst {
return expr(mod, scope, .lvalue, node.rhs);
fn optionalType(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, node: *ast.Node.SimplePrefixOp) InnerError!*zir.Inst {
const tree = scope.tree();
const src = tree.token_locs[node.op_token].start;
const meta_type = try addZIRInstConst(mod, scope, src, .{
.ty = Type.initTag(.type),
.val = Value.initTag(.type_type),
const operand = try expr(mod, scope, .{ .ty = meta_type }, node.rhs);
return addZIRUnOp(mod, scope, src, .optional_type, operand);
fn ptrType(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, node: *ast.Node.PtrType) InnerError!*zir.Inst {
const tree = scope.tree();
const src = tree.token_locs[node.op_token].start;
const meta_type = try addZIRInstConst(mod, scope, src, .{
.ty = Type.initTag(.type),
.val = Value.initTag(.type_type),
const simple = node.ptr_info.allowzero_token == null and
node.ptr_info.align_info == null and
node.ptr_info.volatile_token == null and
node.ptr_info.sentinel == null;
if (simple) {
const child_type = try expr(mod, scope, .{ .ty = meta_type }, node.rhs);
return addZIRUnOp(mod, scope, src, if (node.ptr_info.const_token == null)
.single_const_ptr_type, child_type);
var kw_args: std.meta.fieldInfo(zir.Inst.PtrType, "kw_args").field_type = .{};
kw_args.@"allowzero" = node.ptr_info.allowzero_token != null;
if (node.ptr_info.align_info) |some| {
kw_args.@"align" = try expr(mod, scope, .none, some.node);
if (some.bit_range) |bit_range| {
kw_args.align_bit_start = try expr(mod, scope, .none, bit_range.start);
kw_args.align_bit_end = try expr(mod, scope, .none, bit_range.end);
kw_args.@"const" = node.ptr_info.const_token != null;
kw_args.@"volatile" = node.ptr_info.volatile_token != null;
if (node.ptr_info.sentinel) |some| {
kw_args.sentinel = try expr(mod, scope, .none, some);
const child_type = try expr(mod, scope, .{ .ty = meta_type }, node.rhs);
if (kw_args.sentinel) |some| {
kw_args.sentinel = try addZIRBinOp(mod, scope, some.src, .as, child_type, some);
return addZIRInst(mod, scope, src, zir.Inst.PtrType, .{ .child_type = child_type }, kw_args);
fn unwrapOptional(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, rl: ResultLoc, node: *ast.Node.SimpleSuffixOp) InnerError!*zir.Inst {
const tree = scope.tree();
const src = tree.token_locs[node.rtoken].start;
const operand = try expr(mod, scope, .lvalue, node.lhs);
const unwrapped_ptr = try addZIRUnOp(mod, scope, src, .unwrap_optional_safe, operand);
if (rl == .lvalue) return unwrapped_ptr;
return rlWrap(mod, scope, rl, try addZIRUnOp(mod, scope, src, .deref, unwrapped_ptr));
/// Return whether the identifier names of two tokens are equal. Resolves @"" tokens without allocating.
/// OK in theory it could do it without allocating. This implementation allocates when the @"" form is used.
fn tokenIdentEql(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, token1: ast.TokenIndex, token2: ast.TokenIndex) !bool {
const ident_name_1 = try identifierTokenString(mod, scope, token1);
const ident_name_2 = try identifierTokenString(mod, scope, token2);
return mem.eql(u8, ident_name_1, ident_name_2);
/// Identifier token -> String (allocated in scope.arena())
fn identifierTokenString(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, token: ast.TokenIndex) InnerError![]const u8 {
const tree = scope.tree();
const ident_name = tree.tokenSlice(token);
if (mem.startsWith(u8, ident_name, "@")) {
const raw_string = ident_name[1..];
var bad_index: usize = undefined;
return std.zig.parseStringLiteral(scope.arena(), raw_string, &bad_index) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.InvalidCharacter => {
const bad_byte = raw_string[bad_index];
const src = tree.token_locs[token].start;
return mod.fail(scope, src + 1 + bad_index, "invalid string literal character: '{c}'\n", .{bad_byte});
else => |e| return e,
return ident_name;
pub fn identifierStringInst(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, node: *ast.Node.OneToken) InnerError!*zir.Inst {
const tree = scope.tree();
const src = tree.token_locs[node.token].start;
const ident_name = try identifierTokenString(mod, scope, node.token);
return addZIRInst(mod, scope, src, zir.Inst.Str, .{ .bytes = ident_name }, .{});
fn field(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, node: *ast.Node.SimpleInfixOp) InnerError!*zir.Inst {
// TODO introduce lvalues
const tree = scope.tree();
const src = tree.token_locs[node.op_token].start;
const lhs = try expr(mod, scope, .none, node.lhs);
const field_name = try identifierStringInst(mod, scope, node.rhs.castTag(.Identifier).?);
const pointer = try addZIRInst(mod, scope, src, zir.Inst.FieldPtr, .{ .object_ptr = lhs, .field_name = field_name }, .{});
return addZIRUnOp(mod, scope, src, .deref, pointer);
fn deref(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, node: *ast.Node.SimpleSuffixOp) InnerError!*zir.Inst {
const tree = scope.tree();
const src = tree.token_locs[node.rtoken].start;
const lhs = try expr(mod, scope, .none, node.lhs);
return addZIRUnOp(mod, scope, src, .deref, lhs);
fn simpleBinOp(
mod: *Module,
scope: *Scope,
rl: ResultLoc,
infix_node: *ast.Node.SimpleInfixOp,
op_inst_tag: zir.Inst.Tag,
) InnerError!*zir.Inst {
const tree = scope.tree();
const src = tree.token_locs[infix_node.op_token].start;
const lhs = try expr(mod, scope, .none, infix_node.lhs);
const rhs = try expr(mod, scope, .none, infix_node.rhs);
const result = try addZIRBinOp(mod, scope, src, op_inst_tag, lhs, rhs);
return rlWrap(mod, scope, rl, result);
const CondKind = union(enum) {
optional: ?*zir.Inst,
err_union: ?*zir.Inst,
fn cond(self: *CondKind, mod: *Module, block_scope: *Scope.GenZIR, src: usize, cond_node: *ast.Node) !*zir.Inst {
switch (self.*) {
.bool => {
const bool_type = try addZIRInstConst(mod, &block_scope.base, src, .{
.ty = Type.initTag(.type),
.val = Value.initTag(.bool_type),
return try expr(mod, &block_scope.base, .{ .ty = bool_type }, cond_node);
.optional => {
const cond_ptr = try expr(mod, &block_scope.base, .lvalue, cond_node);
self.* = .{ .optional = cond_ptr };
const result = try addZIRUnOp(mod, &block_scope.base, src, .deref, cond_ptr);
return try addZIRUnOp(mod, &block_scope.base, src, .isnonnull, result);
.err_union => {
const err_ptr = try expr(mod, &block_scope.base, .lvalue, cond_node);
self.* = .{ .err_union = err_ptr };
const result = try addZIRUnOp(mod, &block_scope.base, src, .deref, err_ptr);
return try addZIRUnOp(mod, &block_scope.base, src, .iserr, result);
fn thenSubScope(self: CondKind, mod: *Module, then_scope: *Scope.GenZIR, src: usize, payload_node: ?*ast.Node) !*Scope {
if (self == .bool) return &then_scope.base;
const payload = payload_node.?.castTag(.PointerPayload).?;
const is_ptr = payload.ptr_token != null;
const ident_node = payload.value_symbol.castTag(.Identifier).?;
// This intentionally does not support @"_" syntax.
const ident_name = then_scope.base.tree().tokenSlice(ident_node.token);
if (mem.eql(u8, ident_name, "_")) {
if (is_ptr)
return mod.failTok(&then_scope.base, payload.ptr_token.?, "pointer modifier invalid on discard", .{});
return &then_scope.base;
return mod.failNode(&then_scope.base, payload.value_symbol, "TODO implement payload symbols", .{});
fn elseSubScope(self: CondKind, mod: *Module, else_scope: *Scope.GenZIR, src: usize, payload_node: ?*ast.Node) !*Scope {
if (self != .err_union) return &else_scope.base;
const payload_ptr = try addZIRUnOp(mod, &else_scope.base, src, .unwrap_err_unsafe, self.err_union.?);
const payload = payload_node.?.castTag(.Payload).?;
const ident_node = payload.error_symbol.castTag(.Identifier).?;
// This intentionally does not support @"_" syntax.
const ident_name = else_scope.base.tree().tokenSlice(ident_node.token);
if (mem.eql(u8, ident_name, "_")) {
return &else_scope.base;
return mod.failNode(&else_scope.base, payload.error_symbol, "TODO implement payload symbols", .{});
fn ifExpr(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, rl: ResultLoc, if_node: *ast.Node.If) InnerError!*zir.Inst {
var cond_kind: CondKind = .bool;
if (if_node.payload) |_| cond_kind = .{ .optional = null };
if (if_node.@"else") |else_node| {
if (else_node.payload) |payload| {
cond_kind = .{ .err_union = null };
var block_scope: Scope.GenZIR = .{
.parent = scope,
.decl = scope.decl().?,
.arena = scope.arena(),
.instructions = .{},
defer block_scope.instructions.deinit(mod.gpa);
const tree = scope.tree();
const if_src = tree.token_locs[if_node.if_token].start;
const cond = try cond_kind.cond(mod, &block_scope, if_src, if_node.condition);
const condbr = try addZIRInstSpecial(mod, &block_scope.base, if_src, zir.Inst.CondBr, .{
.condition = cond,
.then_body = undefined, // populated below
.else_body = undefined, // populated below
}, .{});
const block = try addZIRInstBlock(mod, scope, if_src, .{
.instructions = try block_scope.arena.dupe(*zir.Inst, block_scope.instructions.items),
const then_src = tree.token_locs[if_node.body.lastToken()].start;
var then_scope: Scope.GenZIR = .{
.parent = scope,
.decl = block_scope.decl,
.arena = block_scope.arena,
.instructions = .{},
defer then_scope.instructions.deinit(mod.gpa);
// declare payload to the then_scope
const then_sub_scope = try cond_kind.thenSubScope(mod, &then_scope, then_src, if_node.payload);
// Most result location types can be forwarded directly; however
// if we need to write to a pointer which has an inferred type,
// proper type inference requires peer type resolution on the if's
// branches.
const branch_rl: ResultLoc = switch (rl) {
.discard, .none, .ty, .ptr, .lvalue => rl,
.inferred_ptr, .bitcasted_ptr, .block_ptr => .{ .block_ptr = block },
const then_result = try expr(mod, then_sub_scope, branch_rl, if_node.body);
if (!then_result.tag.isNoReturn()) {
_ = try addZIRInst(mod, then_sub_scope, then_src, zir.Inst.Break, .{
.block = block,
.operand = then_result,
}, .{});
condbr.positionals.then_body = .{
.instructions = try then_scope.arena.dupe(*zir.Inst, then_scope.instructions.items),
var else_scope: Scope.GenZIR = .{
.parent = scope,
.decl = block_scope.decl,
.arena = block_scope.arena,
.instructions = .{},
defer else_scope.instructions.deinit(mod.gpa);
if (if_node.@"else") |else_node| {
const else_src = tree.token_locs[else_node.body.lastToken()].start;
// declare payload to the then_scope
const else_sub_scope = try cond_kind.elseSubScope(mod, &else_scope, else_src, else_node.payload);
const else_result = try expr(mod, else_sub_scope, branch_rl, else_node.body);
if (!else_result.tag.isNoReturn()) {
_ = try addZIRInst(mod, else_sub_scope, else_src, zir.Inst.Break, .{
.block = block,
.operand = else_result,
}, .{});
} else {
// TODO Optimization opportunity: we can avoid an allocation and a memcpy here
// by directly allocating the body for this one instruction.
const else_src = tree.token_locs[if_node.lastToken()].start;
_ = try addZIRInst(mod, &else_scope.base, else_src, zir.Inst.BreakVoid, .{
.block = block,
}, .{});
condbr.positionals.else_body = .{
.instructions = try else_scope.arena.dupe(*zir.Inst, else_scope.instructions.items),
return &block.base;
fn whileExpr(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, rl: ResultLoc, while_node: *ast.Node.While) InnerError!*zir.Inst {
var cond_kind: CondKind = .bool;
if (while_node.payload) |_| cond_kind = .{ .optional = null };
if (while_node.@"else") |else_node| {
if (else_node.payload) |payload| {
cond_kind = .{ .err_union = null };
var expr_scope: Scope.GenZIR = .{
.parent = scope,
.decl = scope.decl().?,
.arena = scope.arena(),
.instructions = .{},
defer expr_scope.instructions.deinit(mod.gpa);
var loop_scope: Scope.GenZIR = .{
.parent = &expr_scope.base,
.decl = expr_scope.decl,
.arena = expr_scope.arena,
.instructions = .{},
defer loop_scope.instructions.deinit(mod.gpa);
var continue_scope: Scope.GenZIR = .{
.parent = &loop_scope.base,
.decl = loop_scope.decl,
.arena = loop_scope.arena,
.instructions = .{},
defer continue_scope.instructions.deinit(mod.gpa);
const tree = scope.tree();
const while_src = tree.token_locs[while_node.while_token].start;
const void_type = try addZIRInstConst(mod, scope, while_src, .{
.ty = Type.initTag(.type),
.val = Value.initTag(.void_type),
const cond = try cond_kind.cond(mod, &continue_scope, while_src, while_node.condition);
const condbr = try addZIRInstSpecial(mod, &continue_scope.base, while_src, zir.Inst.CondBr, .{
.condition = cond,
.then_body = undefined, // populated below
.else_body = undefined, // populated below
}, .{});
const cond_block = try addZIRInstBlock(mod, &loop_scope.base, while_src, .{
.instructions = try loop_scope.arena.dupe(*zir.Inst, continue_scope.instructions.items),
// TODO avoid emitting the continue expr when there
// are no jumps to it. This happens when the last statement of a while body is noreturn
// and there are no `continue` statements.
// The "repeat" at the end of a loop body is implied.
if (while_node.continue_expr) |cont_expr| {
_ = try expr(mod, &loop_scope.base, .{ .ty = void_type }, cont_expr);
const loop = try addZIRInstLoop(mod, &expr_scope.base, while_src, .{
.instructions = try expr_scope.arena.dupe(*zir.Inst, loop_scope.instructions.items),
const while_block = try addZIRInstBlock(mod, scope, while_src, .{
.instructions = try expr_scope.arena.dupe(*zir.Inst, expr_scope.instructions.items),
const then_src = tree.token_locs[while_node.body.lastToken()].start;
var then_scope: Scope.GenZIR = .{
.parent = &continue_scope.base,
.decl = continue_scope.decl,
.arena = continue_scope.arena,
.instructions = .{},
defer then_scope.instructions.deinit(mod.gpa);
// declare payload to the then_scope
const then_sub_scope = try cond_kind.thenSubScope(mod, &then_scope, then_src, while_node.payload);
// Most result location types can be forwarded directly; however
// if we need to write to a pointer which has an inferred type,
// proper type inference requires peer type resolution on the while's
// branches.
const branch_rl: ResultLoc = switch (rl) {
.discard, .none, .ty, .ptr, .lvalue => rl,
.inferred_ptr, .bitcasted_ptr, .block_ptr => .{ .block_ptr = while_block },
const then_result = try expr(mod, then_sub_scope, branch_rl, while_node.body);
if (!then_result.tag.isNoReturn()) {
_ = try addZIRInst(mod, then_sub_scope, then_src, zir.Inst.Break, .{
.block = cond_block,
.operand = then_result,
}, .{});
condbr.positionals.then_body = .{
.instructions = try then_scope.arena.dupe(*zir.Inst, then_scope.instructions.items),
var else_scope: Scope.GenZIR = .{
.parent = &continue_scope.base,
.decl = continue_scope.decl,
.arena = continue_scope.arena,
.instructions = .{},
defer else_scope.instructions.deinit(mod.gpa);
if (while_node.@"else") |else_node| {
const else_src = tree.token_locs[else_node.body.lastToken()].start;
// declare payload to the then_scope
const else_sub_scope = try cond_kind.elseSubScope(mod, &else_scope, else_src, else_node.payload);
const else_result = try expr(mod, else_sub_scope, branch_rl, else_node.body);
if (!else_result.tag.isNoReturn()) {
_ = try addZIRInst(mod, else_sub_scope, else_src, zir.Inst.Break, .{
.block = while_block,
.operand = else_result,
}, .{});
} else {
const else_src = tree.token_locs[while_node.lastToken()].start;
_ = try addZIRInst(mod, &else_scope.base, else_src, zir.Inst.BreakVoid, .{
.block = while_block,
}, .{});
condbr.positionals.else_body = .{
.instructions = try else_scope.arena.dupe(*zir.Inst, else_scope.instructions.items),
return &while_block.base;
fn ret(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, cfe: *ast.Node.ControlFlowExpression) InnerError!*zir.Inst {
const tree = scope.tree();
const src = tree.token_locs[cfe.ltoken].start;
if (cfe.getRHS()) |rhs_node| {
if (nodeMayNeedMemoryLocation(rhs_node)) {
const ret_ptr = try addZIRNoOp(mod, scope, src, .ret_ptr);
const operand = try expr(mod, scope, .{ .ptr = ret_ptr }, rhs_node);
return addZIRUnOp(mod, scope, src, .@"return", operand);
} else {
const fn_ret_ty = try addZIRNoOp(mod, scope, src, .ret_type);
const operand = try expr(mod, scope, .{ .ty = fn_ret_ty }, rhs_node);
return addZIRUnOp(mod, scope, src, .@"return", operand);
} else {
return addZIRNoOp(mod, scope, src, .returnvoid);
fn identifier(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, rl: ResultLoc, ident: *ast.Node.OneToken) InnerError!*zir.Inst {
const tracy = trace(@src());
defer tracy.end();
const tree = scope.tree();
const ident_name = try identifierTokenString(mod, scope, ident.token);
const src = tree.token_locs[ident.token].start;
if (mem.eql(u8, ident_name, "_")) {
return mod.failNode(scope, &ident.base, "TODO implement '_' identifier", .{});
if (getSimplePrimitiveValue(ident_name)) |typed_value| {
const result = try addZIRInstConst(mod, scope, src, typed_value);
return rlWrap(mod, scope, rl, result);
if (ident_name.len >= 2) integer: {
const first_c = ident_name[0];
if (first_c == 'i' or first_c == 'u') {
const is_signed = first_c == 'i';
const bit_count = std.fmt.parseInt(u16, ident_name[1..], 10) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.Overflow => return mod.failNode(
"primitive integer type '{}' exceeds maximum bit width of 65535",
error.InvalidCharacter => break :integer,
const val = switch (bit_count) {
8 => if (is_signed) Value.initTag(.i8_type) else Value.initTag(.u8_type),
16 => if (is_signed) Value.initTag(.i16_type) else Value.initTag(.u16_type),
32 => if (is_signed) Value.initTag(.i32_type) else Value.initTag(.u32_type),
64 => if (is_signed) Value.initTag(.i64_type) else Value.initTag(.u64_type),
else => {
const int_type_payload = try scope.arena().create(Value.Payload.IntType);
int_type_payload.* = .{ .signed = is_signed, .bits = bit_count };
const result = try addZIRInstConst(mod, scope, src, .{
.ty = Type.initTag(.type),
.val = Value.initPayload(&int_type_payload.base),
return rlWrap(mod, scope, rl, result);
const result = try addZIRInstConst(mod, scope, src, .{
.ty = Type.initTag(.type),
.val = val,
return rlWrap(mod, scope, rl, result);
// Local variables, including function parameters.
var s = scope;
while (true) switch (s.tag) {
.local_val => {
const local_val = s.cast(Scope.LocalVal).?;
if (mem.eql(u8, local_val.name, ident_name)) {
return rlWrap(mod, scope, rl, local_val.inst);
s = local_val.parent;
.local_ptr => {
const local_ptr = s.cast(Scope.LocalPtr).?;
if (mem.eql(u8, local_ptr.name, ident_name)) {
if (rl == .lvalue) {
return local_ptr.ptr;
} else {
const result = try addZIRUnOp(mod, scope, src, .deref, local_ptr.ptr);
return rlWrap(mod, scope, rl, result);
s = local_ptr.parent;
.gen_zir => s = s.cast(Scope.GenZIR).?.parent,
else => break,
if (mod.lookupDeclName(scope, ident_name)) |decl| {
// TODO handle lvalues
const result = try addZIRInst(mod, scope, src, zir.Inst.DeclValInModule, .{ .decl = decl }, .{});
return rlWrap(mod, scope, rl, result);
return mod.failNode(scope, &ident.base, "use of undeclared identifier '{}'", .{ident_name});
fn stringLiteral(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, str_lit: *ast.Node.OneToken) InnerError!*zir.Inst {
const tree = scope.tree();
const unparsed_bytes = tree.tokenSlice(str_lit.token);
const arena = scope.arena();
var bad_index: usize = undefined;
const bytes = std.zig.parseStringLiteral(arena, unparsed_bytes, &bad_index) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.InvalidCharacter => {
const bad_byte = unparsed_bytes[bad_index];
const src = tree.token_locs[str_lit.token].start;
return mod.fail(scope, src + bad_index, "invalid string literal character: '{c}'\n", .{bad_byte});
else => |e| return e,
const src = tree.token_locs[str_lit.token].start;
return addZIRInst(mod, scope, src, zir.Inst.Str, .{ .bytes = bytes }, .{});
fn integerLiteral(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, int_lit: *ast.Node.OneToken) InnerError!*zir.Inst {
const arena = scope.arena();
const tree = scope.tree();
const prefixed_bytes = tree.tokenSlice(int_lit.token);
const base = if (mem.startsWith(u8, prefixed_bytes, "0x"))
else if (mem.startsWith(u8, prefixed_bytes, "0o"))
else if (mem.startsWith(u8, prefixed_bytes, "0b"))
@as(u8, 10);
const bytes = if (base == 10)
if (std.fmt.parseInt(u64, bytes, base)) |small_int| {
const int_payload = try arena.create(Value.Payload.Int_u64);
int_payload.* = .{ .int = small_int };
const src = tree.token_locs[int_lit.token].start;
return addZIRInstConst(mod, scope, src, .{
.ty = Type.initTag(.comptime_int),
.val = Value.initPayload(&int_payload.base),
} else |err| {
return mod.failTok(scope, int_lit.token, "TODO implement int literals that don't fit in a u64", .{});
fn floatLiteral(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, float_lit: *ast.Node.OneToken) InnerError!*zir.Inst {
const arena = scope.arena();
const tree = scope.tree();
const bytes = tree.tokenSlice(float_lit.token);
if (bytes.len > 2 and bytes[1] == 'x') {
return mod.failTok(scope, float_lit.token, "TODO hex floats", .{});
const val = std.fmt.parseFloat(f128, bytes) catch |e| switch (e) {
error.InvalidCharacter => unreachable, // validated by tokenizer
const float_payload = try arena.create(Value.Payload.Float_128);
float_payload.* = .{ .val = val };
const src = tree.token_locs[float_lit.token].start;
return addZIRInstConst(mod, scope, src, .{
.ty = Type.initTag(.comptime_float),
.val = Value.initPayload(&float_payload.base),
fn undefLiteral(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, node: *ast.Node.OneToken) InnerError!*zir.Inst {
const arena = scope.arena();
const tree = scope.tree();
const src = tree.token_locs[node.token].start;
return addZIRInstConst(mod, scope, src, .{
.ty = Type.initTag(.@"undefined"),
.val = Value.initTag(.undef),
fn boolLiteral(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, node: *ast.Node.OneToken) InnerError!*zir.Inst {
const arena = scope.arena();
const tree = scope.tree();
const src = tree.token_locs[node.token].start;
return addZIRInstConst(mod, scope, src, .{
.ty = Type.initTag(.bool),
.val = switch (tree.token_ids[node.token]) {
.Keyword_true => Value.initTag(.bool_true),
.Keyword_false => Value.initTag(.bool_false),
else => unreachable,
fn nullLiteral(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, node: *ast.Node.OneToken) InnerError!*zir.Inst {
const arena = scope.arena();
const tree = scope.tree();
const src = tree.token_locs[node.token].start;
return addZIRInstConst(mod, scope, src, .{
.ty = Type.initTag(.@"null"),
.val = Value.initTag(.null_value),
fn assembly(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, asm_node: *ast.Node.Asm) InnerError!*zir.Inst {
if (asm_node.outputs.len != 0) {
return mod.failNode(scope, &asm_node.base, "TODO implement asm with an output", .{});
const arena = scope.arena();
const tree = scope.tree();
const inputs = try arena.alloc(*zir.Inst, asm_node.inputs.len);
const args = try arena.alloc(*zir.Inst, asm_node.inputs.len);
const src = tree.token_locs[asm_node.asm_token].start;
const str_type = try addZIRInstConst(mod, scope, src, .{
.ty = Type.initTag(.type),
.val = Value.initTag(.const_slice_u8_type),
const str_type_rl: ResultLoc = .{ .ty = str_type };
for (asm_node.inputs) |input, i| {
// TODO semantically analyze constraints
inputs[i] = try expr(mod, scope, str_type_rl, input.constraint);
args[i] = try expr(mod, scope, .none, input.expr);
const return_type = try addZIRInstConst(mod, scope, src, .{
.ty = Type.initTag(.type),
.val = Value.initTag(.void_type),
const asm_inst = try addZIRInst(mod, scope, src, zir.Inst.Asm, .{
.asm_source = try expr(mod, scope, str_type_rl, asm_node.template),
.return_type = return_type,
}, .{
.@"volatile" = asm_node.volatile_token != null,
//.clobbers = TODO handle clobbers
.inputs = inputs,
.args = args,
return asm_inst;
fn ensureBuiltinParamCount(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, call: *ast.Node.BuiltinCall, count: u32) !void {
if (call.params_len == count)
const s = if (count == 1) "" else "s";
return mod.failTok(scope, call.builtin_token, "expected {} parameter{}, found {}", .{ count, s, call.params_len });
fn simpleCast(
mod: *Module,
scope: *Scope,
rl: ResultLoc,
call: *ast.Node.BuiltinCall,
inst_tag: zir.Inst.Tag,
) InnerError!*zir.Inst {
try ensureBuiltinParamCount(mod, scope, call, 2);
const tree = scope.tree();
const src = tree.token_locs[call.builtin_token].start;
const type_type = try addZIRInstConst(mod, scope, src, .{
.ty = Type.initTag(.type),
.val = Value.initTag(.type_type),
const params = call.params();
const dest_type = try expr(mod, scope, .{ .ty = type_type }, params[0]);
const rhs = try expr(mod, scope, .none, params[1]);
const result = try addZIRBinOp(mod, scope, src, inst_tag, dest_type, rhs);
return rlWrap(mod, scope, rl, result);
fn ptrToInt(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, call: *ast.Node.BuiltinCall) InnerError!*zir.Inst {
try ensureBuiltinParamCount(mod, scope, call, 1);
const operand = try expr(mod, scope, .none, call.params()[0]);
const tree = scope.tree();
const src = tree.token_locs[call.builtin_token].start;
return addZIRUnOp(mod, scope, src, .ptrtoint, operand);
fn as(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, rl: ResultLoc, call: *ast.Node.BuiltinCall) InnerError!*zir.Inst {
try ensureBuiltinParamCount(mod, scope, call, 2);
const tree = scope.tree();
const src = tree.token_locs[call.builtin_token].start;
const params = call.params();
const dest_type = try typeExpr(mod, scope, params[0]);
switch (rl) {
.none => return try expr(mod, scope, .{ .ty = dest_type }, params[1]),
.discard => {
const result = try expr(mod, scope, .{ .ty = dest_type }, params[1]);
_ = try addZIRUnOp(mod, scope, result.src, .ensure_result_non_error, result);
return result;
.lvalue => {
const result = try expr(mod, scope, .{ .ty = dest_type }, params[1]);
return addZIRUnOp(mod, scope, result.src, .ref, result);
.ty => |result_ty| {
const result = try expr(mod, scope, .{ .ty = dest_type }, params[1]);
return addZIRBinOp(mod, scope, src, .as, result_ty, result);
.ptr => |result_ptr| {
const casted_result_ptr = try addZIRBinOp(mod, scope, src, .coerce_result_ptr, dest_type, result_ptr);
return expr(mod, scope, .{ .ptr = casted_result_ptr }, params[1]);
.bitcasted_ptr => |bitcasted_ptr| {
// TODO here we should be able to resolve the inference; we now have a type for the result.
return mod.failTok(scope, call.builtin_token, "TODO implement @as with result location @bitCast", .{});
.inferred_ptr => |result_alloc| {
// TODO here we should be able to resolve the inference; we now have a type for the result.
return mod.failTok(scope, call.builtin_token, "TODO implement @as with inferred-type result location pointer", .{});
.block_ptr => |block_ptr| {
const casted_block_ptr = try addZIRInst(mod, scope, src, zir.Inst.CoerceResultBlockPtr, .{
.dest_type = dest_type,
.block = block_ptr,
}, .{});
return expr(mod, scope, .{ .ptr = casted_block_ptr }, params[1]);
fn bitCast(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, rl: ResultLoc, call: *ast.Node.BuiltinCall) InnerError!*zir.Inst {
try ensureBuiltinParamCount(mod, scope, call, 2);
const tree = scope.tree();
const src = tree.token_locs[call.builtin_token].start;
const type_type = try addZIRInstConst(mod, scope, src, .{
.ty = Type.initTag(.type),
.val = Value.initTag(.type_type),
const params = call.params();
const dest_type = try expr(mod, scope, .{ .ty = type_type }, params[0]);
switch (rl) {
.none => {
const operand = try expr(mod, scope, .none, params[1]);
return addZIRBinOp(mod, scope, src, .bitcast, dest_type, operand);
.discard => {
const operand = try expr(mod, scope, .none, params[1]);
const result = try addZIRBinOp(mod, scope, src, .bitcast, dest_type, operand);
_ = try addZIRUnOp(mod, scope, result.src, .ensure_result_non_error, result);
return result;
.lvalue => {
const operand = try expr(mod, scope, .lvalue, params[1]);
const result = try addZIRBinOp(mod, scope, src, .bitcast_lvalue, dest_type, operand);
return result;
.ty => |result_ty| {
const result = try expr(mod, scope, .none, params[1]);
const bitcasted = try addZIRBinOp(mod, scope, src, .bitcast, dest_type, result);
return addZIRBinOp(mod, scope, src, .as, result_ty, bitcasted);
.ptr => |result_ptr| {
const casted_result_ptr = try addZIRUnOp(mod, scope, src, .bitcast_result_ptr, result_ptr);
return expr(mod, scope, .{ .bitcasted_ptr = casted_result_ptr.castTag(.bitcast_result_ptr).? }, params[1]);
.bitcasted_ptr => |bitcasted_ptr| {
return mod.failTok(scope, call.builtin_token, "TODO implement @bitCast with result location another @bitCast", .{});
.block_ptr => |block_ptr| {
return mod.failTok(scope, call.builtin_token, "TODO implement @bitCast with result location inferred peer types", .{});
.inferred_ptr => |result_alloc| {
// TODO here we should be able to resolve the inference; we now have a type for the result.
return mod.failTok(scope, call.builtin_token, "TODO implement @bitCast with inferred-type result location pointer", .{});
fn builtinCall(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, rl: ResultLoc, call: *ast.Node.BuiltinCall) InnerError!*zir.Inst {
const tree = scope.tree();
const builtin_name = tree.tokenSlice(call.builtin_token);
// We handle the different builtins manually because they have different semantics depending
// on the function. For example, `@as` and others participate in result location semantics,
// and `@cImport` creates a special scope that collects a .c source code text buffer.
// Also, some builtins have a variable number of parameters.
if (mem.eql(u8, builtin_name, "@ptrToInt")) {
return rlWrap(mod, scope, rl, try ptrToInt(mod, scope, call));
} else if (mem.eql(u8, builtin_name, "@as")) {
return as(mod, scope, rl, call);
} else if (mem.eql(u8, builtin_name, "@floatCast")) {
return simpleCast(mod, scope, rl, call, .floatcast);
} else if (mem.eql(u8, builtin_name, "@intCast")) {
return simpleCast(mod, scope, rl, call, .intcast);
} else if (mem.eql(u8, builtin_name, "@bitCast")) {
return bitCast(mod, scope, rl, call);
} else if (mem.eql(u8, builtin_name, "@breakpoint")) {
const src = tree.token_locs[call.builtin_token].start;
return rlWrap(mod, scope, rl, try addZIRNoOp(mod, scope, src, .breakpoint));
} else {
return mod.failTok(scope, call.builtin_token, "invalid builtin function: '{}'", .{builtin_name});
fn callExpr(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, rl: ResultLoc, node: *ast.Node.Call) InnerError!*zir.Inst {
const tree = scope.tree();
const lhs = try expr(mod, scope, .none, node.lhs);
const param_nodes = node.params();
const args = try scope.getGenZIR().arena.alloc(*zir.Inst, param_nodes.len);
for (param_nodes) |param_node, i| {
const param_src = tree.token_locs[param_node.firstToken()].start;
const param_type = try addZIRInst(mod, scope, param_src, zir.Inst.ParamType, .{
.func = lhs,
.arg_index = i,
}, .{});
args[i] = try expr(mod, scope, .{ .ty = param_type }, param_node);
const src = tree.token_locs[node.lhs.firstToken()].start;
const result = try addZIRInst(mod, scope, src, zir.Inst.Call, .{
.func = lhs,
.args = args,
}, .{});
// TODO function call with result location
return rlWrap(mod, scope, rl, result);
fn unreach(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, unreach_node: *ast.Node.OneToken) InnerError!*zir.Inst {
const tree = scope.tree();
const src = tree.token_locs[unreach_node.token].start;
return addZIRNoOp(mod, scope, src, .@"unreachable");
fn getSimplePrimitiveValue(name: []const u8) ?TypedValue {
const simple_types = std.ComptimeStringMap(Value.Tag, .{
.{ "u8", .u8_type },
.{ "i8", .i8_type },
.{ "isize", .isize_type },
.{ "usize", .usize_type },
.{ "c_short", .c_short_type },
.{ "c_ushort", .c_ushort_type },
.{ "c_int", .c_int_type },
.{ "c_uint", .c_uint_type },
.{ "c_long", .c_long_type },
.{ "c_ulong", .c_ulong_type },
.{ "c_longlong", .c_longlong_type },
.{ "c_ulonglong", .c_ulonglong_type },
.{ "c_longdouble", .c_longdouble_type },
.{ "f16", .f16_type },
.{ "f32", .f32_type },
.{ "f64", .f64_type },
.{ "f128", .f128_type },
.{ "c_void", .c_void_type },
.{ "bool", .bool_type },
.{ "void", .void_type },
.{ "type", .type_type },
.{ "anyerror", .anyerror_type },
.{ "comptime_int", .comptime_int_type },
.{ "comptime_float", .comptime_float_type },
.{ "noreturn", .noreturn_type },
if (simple_types.get(name)) |tag| {
return TypedValue{
.ty = Type.initTag(.type),
.val = Value.initTag(tag),
return null;
fn nodeMayNeedMemoryLocation(start_node: *ast.Node) bool {
var node = start_node;
while (true) {
switch (node.tag) {
=> unreachable,
=> return false,
// Forward the question to a sub-expression.
.GroupedExpression => node = node.castTag(.GroupedExpression).?.expr,
.Try => node = node.castTag(.Try).?.rhs,
.Await => node = node.castTag(.Await).?.rhs,
.Catch => node = node.castTag(.Catch).?.rhs,
.OrElse => node = node.castTag(.OrElse).?.rhs,
.Comptime => node = node.castTag(.Comptime).?.expr,
.Nosuspend => node = node.castTag(.Nosuspend).?.expr,
.UnwrapOptional => node = node.castTag(.UnwrapOptional).?.lhs,
// True because these are exactly the expressions we need memory locations for.
=> return true,
// True because depending on comptime conditions, sub-expressions
// may be the kind that need memory locations.
.BuiltinCall, // TODO some of these can return false
=> return true,
// Depending on AST properties, they may need memory locations.
.If => return node.castTag(.If).?.@"else" != null,
/// Applies `rl` semantics to `inst`. Expressions which do not do their own handling of
/// result locations must call this function on their result.
/// As an example, if the `ResultLoc` is `ptr`, it will write the result to the pointer.
/// If the `ResultLoc` is `ty`, it will coerce the result to the type.
fn rlWrap(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, rl: ResultLoc, result: *zir.Inst) InnerError!*zir.Inst {
switch (rl) {
.none => return result,
.discard => {
// Emit a compile error for discarding error values.
_ = try addZIRUnOp(mod, scope, result.src, .ensure_result_non_error, result);
return result;
.lvalue => {
// We need a pointer but we have a value.
return addZIRUnOp(mod, scope, result.src, .ref, result);
.ty => |ty_inst| return addZIRBinOp(mod, scope, result.src, .as, ty_inst, result),
.ptr => |ptr_inst| {
const casted_result = try addZIRInst(mod, scope, result.src, zir.Inst.CoerceToPtrElem, .{
.ptr = ptr_inst,
.value = result,
}, .{});
_ = try addZIRBinOp(mod, scope, result.src, .store, ptr_inst, casted_result);
return casted_result;
.bitcasted_ptr => |bitcasted_ptr| {
return mod.fail(scope, result.src, "TODO implement rlWrap .bitcasted_ptr", .{});
.inferred_ptr => |alloc| {
return mod.fail(scope, result.src, "TODO implement rlWrap .inferred_ptr", .{});
.block_ptr => |block_ptr| {
return mod.fail(scope, result.src, "TODO implement rlWrap .block_ptr", .{});
fn rlWrapVoid(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, rl: ResultLoc, node: *ast.Node, result: void) InnerError!*zir.Inst {
const src = scope.tree().token_locs[node.firstToken()].start;
const void_inst = try addZIRInstConst(mod, scope, src, .{
.ty = Type.initTag(.void),
.val = Value.initTag(.void_value),
return rlWrap(mod, scope, rl, void_inst);
pub fn addZIRInstSpecial(
mod: *Module,
scope: *Scope,
src: usize,
comptime T: type,
positionals: std.meta.fieldInfo(T, "positionals").field_type,
kw_args: std.meta.fieldInfo(T, "kw_args").field_type,
) !*T {
const gen_zir = scope.getGenZIR();
try gen_zir.instructions.ensureCapacity(mod.gpa, gen_zir.instructions.items.len + 1);
const inst = try gen_zir.arena.create(T);
inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.tag = T.base_tag,
.src = src,
.positionals = positionals,
.kw_args = kw_args,
return inst;
pub fn addZIRNoOpT(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, src: usize, tag: zir.Inst.Tag) !*zir.Inst.NoOp {
const gen_zir = scope.getGenZIR();
try gen_zir.instructions.ensureCapacity(mod.gpa, gen_zir.instructions.items.len + 1);
const inst = try gen_zir.arena.create(zir.Inst.NoOp);
inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.tag = tag,
.src = src,
.positionals = .{},
.kw_args = .{},
return inst;
pub fn addZIRNoOp(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, src: usize, tag: zir.Inst.Tag) !*zir.Inst {
const inst = try addZIRNoOpT(mod, scope, src, tag);
return &inst.base;
pub fn addZIRUnOp(
mod: *Module,
scope: *Scope,
src: usize,
tag: zir.Inst.Tag,
operand: *zir.Inst,
) !*zir.Inst {
const gen_zir = scope.getGenZIR();
try gen_zir.instructions.ensureCapacity(mod.gpa, gen_zir.instructions.items.len + 1);
const inst = try gen_zir.arena.create(zir.Inst.UnOp);
inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.tag = tag,
.src = src,
.positionals = .{
.operand = operand,
.kw_args = .{},
return &inst.base;
pub fn addZIRBinOp(
mod: *Module,
scope: *Scope,
src: usize,
tag: zir.Inst.Tag,
lhs: *zir.Inst,
rhs: *zir.Inst,
) !*zir.Inst {
const gen_zir = scope.getGenZIR();
try gen_zir.instructions.ensureCapacity(mod.gpa, gen_zir.instructions.items.len + 1);
const inst = try gen_zir.arena.create(zir.Inst.BinOp);
inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.tag = tag,
.src = src,
.positionals = .{
.lhs = lhs,
.rhs = rhs,
.kw_args = .{},
return &inst.base;
pub fn addZIRInst(
mod: *Module,
scope: *Scope,
src: usize,
comptime T: type,
positionals: std.meta.fieldInfo(T, "positionals").field_type,
kw_args: std.meta.fieldInfo(T, "kw_args").field_type,
) !*zir.Inst {
const inst_special = try addZIRInstSpecial(mod, scope, src, T, positionals, kw_args);
return &inst_special.base;
/// TODO The existence of this function is a workaround for a bug in stage1.
pub fn addZIRInstConst(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, src: usize, typed_value: TypedValue) !*zir.Inst {
const P = std.meta.fieldInfo(zir.Inst.Const, "positionals").field_type;
return addZIRInst(mod, scope, src, zir.Inst.Const, P{ .typed_value = typed_value }, .{});
/// TODO The existence of this function is a workaround for a bug in stage1.
pub fn addZIRInstBlock(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, src: usize, body: zir.Module.Body) !*zir.Inst.Block {
const P = std.meta.fieldInfo(zir.Inst.Block, "positionals").field_type;
return addZIRInstSpecial(mod, scope, src, zir.Inst.Block, P{ .body = body }, .{});
/// TODO The existence of this function is a workaround for a bug in stage1.
pub fn addZIRInstLoop(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, src: usize, body: zir.Module.Body) !*zir.Inst.Loop {
const P = std.meta.fieldInfo(zir.Inst.Loop, "positionals").field_type;
return addZIRInstSpecial(mod, scope, src, zir.Inst.Loop, P{ .body = body }, .{});