254 lines
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254 lines
7.5 KiB
// Ported from:
// https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/d674d96bc56c0f377879d01c9d8dfdaaa7859cdb/compiler-rt/lib/builtins/comparesf2.c
const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const LE = extern enum(i32) {
Less = -1,
Equal = 0,
Greater = 1,
Unordered = 1,
const GE = extern enum(i32) {
Less = -1,
Equal = 0,
Greater = 1,
Unordered = -1,
pub fn cmp(comptime T: type, comptime RT: type, a: T, b: T) RT {
const srep_t = std.meta.IntType(true, T.bit_count);
const rep_t = std.meta.IntType(false, T.bit_count);
const significandBits = std.math.floatMantissaBits(T);
const exponentBits = std.math.floatExponentBits(T);
const signBit = (@as(rep_t, 1) << (significandBits + exponentBits));
const absMask = signBit - 1;
const infRep = @bitCast(rep_t, std.math.inf(T));
const aInt = @bitCast(srep_t, a);
const bInt = @bitCast(srep_t, b);
const aAbs = @bitCast(rep_t, aInt) & absMask;
const bAbs = @bitCast(rep_t, bInt) & absMask;
// If either a or b is NaN, they are unordered.
if (aAbs > infRep or bAbs > infRep) return .Unordered;
// If a and b are both zeros, they are equal.
if ((aAbs | bAbs) == 0) return .Equal;
// If at least one of a and b is positive, we get the same result comparing
// a and b as signed integers as we would with a fp_ting-point compare.
if ((aInt & bInt) >= 0) {
if (aInt < bInt) {
return .Less;
} else if (aInt == bInt) {
return .Equal;
} else return .Greater;
// Otherwise, both are negative, so we need to flip the sense of the
// comparison to get the correct result. (This assumes a twos- or ones-
// complement integer representation; if integers are represented in a
// sign-magnitude representation, then this flip is incorrect).
else {
if (aInt > bInt) {
return .Less;
} else if (aInt == bInt) {
return .Equal;
} else return .Greater;
pub fn unordcmp(comptime T: type, a: T, b: T) i32 {
const rep_t = std.meta.IntType(false, T.bit_count);
const significandBits = std.math.floatMantissaBits(T);
const exponentBits = std.math.floatExponentBits(T);
const signBit = (@as(rep_t, 1) << (significandBits + exponentBits));
const absMask = signBit - 1;
const infRep = @bitCast(rep_t, std.math.inf(T));
const aAbs: rep_t = @bitCast(rep_t, a) & absMask;
const bAbs: rep_t = @bitCast(rep_t, b) & absMask;
return @boolToInt(aAbs > infRep or bAbs > infRep);
// Comparison between f32
pub fn __lesf2(a: f32, b: f32) callconv(.C) i32 {
return @bitCast(i32, @call(.{ .modifier = .always_inline }, cmp, .{ f32, LE, a, b }));
pub fn __gesf2(a: f32, b: f32) callconv(.C) i32 {
return @bitCast(i32, @call(.{ .modifier = .always_inline }, cmp, .{ f32, GE, a, b }));
pub fn __eqsf2(a: f32, b: f32) callconv(.C) i32 {
return __lesf2(a, b);
pub fn __ltsf2(a: f32, b: f32) callconv(.C) i32 {
return __lesf2(a, b);
pub fn __nesf2(a: f32, b: f32) callconv(.C) i32 {
return __lesf2(a, b);
pub fn __gtsf2(a: f32, b: f32) callconv(.C) i32 {
return __gesf2(a, b);
// Comparison between f64
pub fn __ledf2(a: f64, b: f64) callconv(.C) i32 {
return @bitCast(i32, @call(.{ .modifier = .always_inline }, cmp, .{ f64, LE, a, b }));
pub fn __gedf2(a: f64, b: f64) callconv(.C) i32 {
return @bitCast(i32, @call(.{ .modifier = .always_inline }, cmp, .{ f64, GE, a, b }));
pub fn __eqdf2(a: f64, b: f64) callconv(.C) i32 {
return __ledf2(a, b);
pub fn __ltdf2(a: f64, b: f64) callconv(.C) i32 {
return __ledf2(a, b);
pub fn __nedf2(a: f64, b: f64) callconv(.C) i32 {
return __ledf2(a, b);
pub fn __gtdf2(a: f64, b: f64) callconv(.C) i32 {
return __gedf2(a, b);
// Comparison between f128
pub fn __letf2(a: f128, b: f128) callconv(.C) i32 {
return @bitCast(i32, @call(.{ .modifier = .always_inline }, cmp, .{ f128, LE, a, b }));
pub fn __getf2(a: f128, b: f128) callconv(.C) i32 {
return @bitCast(i32, @call(.{ .modifier = .always_inline }, cmp, .{ f128, GE, a, b }));
pub fn __eqtf2(a: f128, b: f128) callconv(.C) i32 {
return __letf2(a, b);
pub fn __lttf2(a: f128, b: f128) callconv(.C) i32 {
return __letf2(a, b);
pub fn __netf2(a: f128, b: f128) callconv(.C) i32 {
return __letf2(a, b);
pub fn __gttf2(a: f128, b: f128) callconv(.C) i32 {
return __getf2(a, b);
// Unordered comparison between f32/f64/f128
pub fn __unordsf2(a: f32, b: f32) callconv(.C) i32 {
return @call(.{ .modifier = .always_inline }, unordcmp, .{ f32, a, b });
pub fn __unorddf2(a: f64, b: f64) callconv(.C) i32 {
return @call(.{ .modifier = .always_inline }, unordcmp, .{ f64, a, b });
pub fn __unordtf2(a: f128, b: f128) callconv(.C) i32 {
return @call(.{ .modifier = .always_inline }, unordcmp, .{ f128, a, b });
// ARM EABI intrinsics
pub fn __aeabi_fcmpeq(a: f32, b: f32) callconv(.AAPCS) i32 {
return @boolToInt(@call(.{ .modifier = .always_inline }, __eqsf2, .{ a, b }) == 0);
pub fn __aeabi_fcmplt(a: f32, b: f32) callconv(.AAPCS) i32 {
return @boolToInt(@call(.{ .modifier = .always_inline }, __ltsf2, .{ a, b }) < 0);
pub fn __aeabi_fcmple(a: f32, b: f32) callconv(.AAPCS) i32 {
return @boolToInt(@call(.{ .modifier = .always_inline }, __lesf2, .{ a, b }) <= 0);
pub fn __aeabi_fcmpge(a: f32, b: f32) callconv(.AAPCS) i32 {
return @boolToInt(@call(.{ .modifier = .always_inline }, __gesf2, .{ a, b }) >= 0);
pub fn __aeabi_fcmpgt(a: f32, b: f32) callconv(.AAPCS) i32 {
return @boolToInt(@call(.{ .modifier = .always_inline }, __gtsf2, .{ a, b }) > 0);
pub fn __aeabi_fcmpun(a: f32, b: f32) callconv(.AAPCS) i32 {
return @call(.{ .modifier = .always_inline }, __unordsf2, .{ a, b });
pub fn __aeabi_dcmpeq(a: f64, b: f64) callconv(.AAPCS) i32 {
return @boolToInt(@call(.{ .modifier = .always_inline }, __eqdf2, .{ a, b }) == 0);
pub fn __aeabi_dcmplt(a: f64, b: f64) callconv(.AAPCS) i32 {
return @boolToInt(@call(.{ .modifier = .always_inline }, __ltdf2, .{ a, b }) < 0);
pub fn __aeabi_dcmple(a: f64, b: f64) callconv(.AAPCS) i32 {
return @boolToInt(@call(.{ .modifier = .always_inline }, __ledf2, .{ a, b }) <= 0);
pub fn __aeabi_dcmpge(a: f64, b: f64) callconv(.AAPCS) i32 {
return @boolToInt(@call(.{ .modifier = .always_inline }, __gedf2, .{ a, b }) >= 0);
pub fn __aeabi_dcmpgt(a: f64, b: f64) callconv(.AAPCS) i32 {
return @boolToInt(@call(.{ .modifier = .always_inline }, __gtdf2, .{ a, b }) > 0);
pub fn __aeabi_dcmpun(a: f64, b: f64) callconv(.AAPCS) i32 {
return @call(.{ .modifier = .always_inline }, __unorddf2, .{ a, b });
test "comparesf2" {
_ = @import("comparesf2_test.zig");
test "comparedf2" {
_ = @import("comparedf2_test.zig");