
140 lines
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const std = @import("../std.zig");
const testing = std.testing;
/// Performs multiple async functions in parallel, without heap allocation.
/// Async function frames are managed externally to this abstraction, and
/// passed in via the `add` function. Once all the jobs are added, call `wait`.
/// This API is *not* thread-safe. The object must be accessed from one thread at
/// a time, however, it need not be the same thread.
pub fn Batch(
/// The return value for each job.
/// If a job slot was re-used due to maxed out concurrency, then its result
/// value will be overwritten. The values can be accessed with the `results` field.
comptime Result: type,
/// How many jobs to run in parallel.
comptime max_jobs: comptime_int,
/// Controls whether the `add` and `wait` functions will be async functions.
comptime async_behavior: enum {
/// Observe the value of `std.io.is_async` to decide whether `add`
/// and `wait` will be async functions. Asserts that the jobs do not suspend when
/// `std.io.mode == .blocking`. This is a generally safe assumption, and the
/// usual recommended option for this parameter.
/// Always uses the `noasync` keyword when using `await` on the jobs,
/// making `add` and `wait` non-async functions. Asserts that the jobs do not suspend.
/// `add` and `wait` use regular `await` keyword, making them async functions.
) type {
return struct {
jobs: [max_jobs]Job,
next_job_index: usize,
collected_result: CollectedResult,
const Job = struct {
frame: ?anyframe->Result,
result: Result,
const Self = @This();
const CollectedResult = switch (@typeInfo(Result)) {
.ErrorUnion => Result,
else => void,
const async_ok = switch (async_behavior) {
.auto_async => std.io.is_async,
.never_async => false,
.always_async => true,
pub fn init() Self {
return Self{
.jobs = [1]Job{
.frame = null,
.result = undefined,
} ** max_jobs,
.next_job_index = 0,
.collected_result = {},
/// Add a frame to the Batch. If all jobs are in-flight, then this function
/// waits until one completes.
/// This function is *not* thread-safe. It must be called from one thread at
/// a time, however, it need not be the same thread.
/// TODO: "select" language feature to use the next available slot, rather than
/// awaiting the next index.
pub fn add(self: *Self, frame: anyframe->Result) void {
const job = &self.jobs[self.next_job_index];
self.next_job_index = (self.next_job_index + 1) % max_jobs;
if (job.frame) |existing| {
job.result = if (async_ok) await existing else noasync await existing;
if (CollectedResult != void) {
job.result catch |err| {
self.collected_result = err;
job.frame = frame;
/// Wait for all the jobs to complete.
/// Safe to call any number of times.
/// If `Result` is an error union, this function returns the last error that occurred, if any.
/// Unlike the `results` field, the return value of `wait` will report any error that occurred;
/// hitting max parallelism will not compromise the result.
/// This function is *not* thread-safe. It must be called from one thread at
/// a time, however, it need not be the same thread.
pub fn wait(self: *Self) CollectedResult {
for (self.jobs) |*job| if (job.frame) |f| {
job.result = if (async_ok) await f else noasync await f;
if (CollectedResult != void) {
job.result catch |err| {
self.collected_result = err;
job.frame = null;
return self.collected_result;
test "std.event.Batch" {
var count: usize = 0;
var batch = Batch(void, 2, .auto_async).init();
batch.add(&async sleepALittle(&count));
batch.add(&async increaseByTen(&count));
testing.expect(count == 11);
var another = Batch(anyerror!void, 2, .auto_async).init();
another.add(&async somethingElse());
another.add(&async doSomethingThatFails());
testing.expectError(error.ItBroke, another.wait());
fn sleepALittle(count: *usize) void {
std.time.sleep(1 * std.time.millisecond);
_ = @atomicRmw(usize, count, .Add, 1, .SeqCst);
fn increaseByTen(count: *usize) void {
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < 10) : (i += 1) {
_ = @atomicRmw(usize, count, .Add, 1, .SeqCst);
fn doSomethingThatFails() anyerror!void {}
fn somethingElse() anyerror!void {
return error.ItBroke;