
305 lines
10 KiB

const std = @import("../std.zig");
const builtin = std.builtin;
const build = std.build;
const Step = build.Step;
const Builder = build.Builder;
const LibExeObjStep = build.LibExeObjStep;
const fs = std.fs;
const mem = std.mem;
const process = std.process;
const ArrayList = std.ArrayList;
const BufMap = std.BufMap;
const warn = std.debug.warn;
const max_stdout_size = 1 * 1024 * 1024; // 1 MiB
pub const RunStep = struct {
step: Step,
builder: *Builder,
/// See also addArg and addArgs to modifying this directly
argv: ArrayList(Arg),
/// Set this to modify the current working directory
cwd: ?[]const u8,
/// Override this field to modify the environment, or use setEnvironmentVariable
env_map: ?*BufMap,
stdout_action: StdIoAction = .inherit,
stderr_action: StdIoAction = .inherit,
stdin_behavior: std.ChildProcess.StdIo = .Inherit,
expected_exit_code: u8 = 0,
pub const StdIoAction = union(enum) {
expect_exact: []const u8,
expect_matches: []const []const u8,
pub const Arg = union(enum) {
Artifact: *LibExeObjStep,
Bytes: []u8,
pub fn create(builder: *Builder, name: []const u8) *RunStep {
const self = builder.allocator.create(RunStep) catch unreachable;
self.* = RunStep{
.builder = builder,
.step = Step.init(name, builder.allocator, make),
.argv = ArrayList(Arg).init(builder.allocator),
.cwd = null,
.env_map = null,
return self;
pub fn addArtifactArg(self: *RunStep, artifact: *LibExeObjStep) void {
self.argv.append(Arg{ .Artifact = artifact }) catch unreachable;
pub fn addArg(self: *RunStep, arg: []const u8) void {
self.argv.append(Arg{ .Bytes = self.builder.dupe(arg) }) catch unreachable;
pub fn addArgs(self: *RunStep, args: []const []const u8) void {
for (args) |arg| {
pub fn clearEnvironment(self: *RunStep) void {
const new_env_map = self.builder.allocator.create(BufMap) catch unreachable;
new_env_map.* = BufMap.init(self.builder.allocator);
self.env_map = new_env_map;
pub fn addPathDir(self: *RunStep, search_path: []const u8) void {
const env_map = self.getEnvMap();
var key: []const u8 = undefined;
var prev_path: ?[]const u8 = undefined;
if (builtin.os.tag == .windows) {
key = "Path";
prev_path = env_map.get(key);
if (prev_path == null) {
key = "PATH";
prev_path = env_map.get(key);
} else {
key = "PATH";
prev_path = env_map.get(key);
if (prev_path) |pp| {
const new_path = self.builder.fmt("{}" ++ [1]u8{fs.path.delimiter} ++ "{}", .{ pp, search_path });
env_map.set(key, new_path) catch unreachable;
} else {
env_map.set(key, search_path) catch unreachable;
pub fn getEnvMap(self: *RunStep) *BufMap {
return self.env_map orelse {
const env_map = self.builder.allocator.create(BufMap) catch unreachable;
env_map.* = process.getEnvMap(self.builder.allocator) catch unreachable;
self.env_map = env_map;
return env_map;
pub fn setEnvironmentVariable(self: *RunStep, key: []const u8, value: []const u8) void {
const env_map = self.getEnvMap();
env_map.set(key, value) catch unreachable;
pub fn expectStdErrEqual(self: *RunStep, bytes: []const u8) void {
self.stderr_action = .{ .expect_exact = bytes };
pub fn expectStdOutEqual(self: *RunStep, bytes: []const u8) void {
self.stdout_action = .{ .expect_exact = bytes };
fn stdIoActionToBehavior(action: StdIoAction) std.ChildProcess.StdIo {
return switch (action) {
.ignore => .Ignore,
.inherit => .Inherit,
.expect_exact, .expect_matches => .Pipe,
fn make(step: *Step) !void {
const self = @fieldParentPtr(RunStep, "step", step);
const cwd = if (self.cwd) |cwd| self.builder.pathFromRoot(cwd) else self.builder.build_root;
var argv_list = ArrayList([]const u8).init(self.builder.allocator);
for (self.argv.span()) |arg| {
switch (arg) {
Arg.Bytes => |bytes| try argv_list.append(bytes),
Arg.Artifact => |artifact| {
if (artifact.target.isWindows()) {
// On Windows we don't have rpaths so we have to add .dll search paths to PATH
const executable_path = artifact.installed_path orelse artifact.getOutputPath();
try argv_list.append(executable_path);
const argv = argv_list.span();
const child = std.ChildProcess.init(argv, self.builder.allocator) catch unreachable;
defer child.deinit();
child.cwd = cwd;
child.env_map = self.env_map orelse self.builder.env_map;
child.stdin_behavior = self.stdin_behavior;
child.stdout_behavior = stdIoActionToBehavior(self.stdout_action);
child.stderr_behavior = stdIoActionToBehavior(self.stderr_action);
child.spawn() catch |err| {
warn("Unable to spawn {}: {}\n", .{ argv[0], @errorName(err) });
return err;
// TODO need to poll to read these streams to prevent a deadlock (or rely on evented I/O).
var stdout: ?[]const u8 = null;
defer if (stdout) |s| self.builder.allocator.free(s);
switch (self.stdout_action) {
.expect_exact, .expect_matches => {
stdout = child.stdout.?.inStream().readAllAlloc(self.builder.allocator, max_stdout_size) catch unreachable;
.inherit, .ignore => {},
var stderr: ?[]const u8 = null;
defer if (stderr) |s| self.builder.allocator.free(s);
switch (self.stderr_action) {
.expect_exact, .expect_matches => {
stderr = child.stderr.?.inStream().readAllAlloc(self.builder.allocator, max_stdout_size) catch unreachable;
.inherit, .ignore => {},
const term = child.wait() catch |err| {
warn("Unable to spawn {}: {}\n", .{ argv[0], @errorName(err) });
return err;
switch (term) {
.Exited => |code| {
if (code != self.expected_exit_code) {
warn("The following command exited with error code {} (expected {}):\n", .{
printCmd(cwd, argv);
return error.UncleanExit;
else => {
warn("The following command terminated unexpectedly:\n", .{});
printCmd(cwd, argv);
return error.UncleanExit;
switch (self.stderr_action) {
.inherit, .ignore => {},
.expect_exact => |expected_bytes| {
if (!mem.eql(u8, expected_bytes, stderr.?)) {
\\========= Expected this stderr: =========
\\========= But found: ====================
, .{ expected_bytes, stderr.? });
printCmd(cwd, argv);
return error.TestFailed;
.expect_matches => |matches| for (matches) |match| {
if (mem.indexOf(u8, stderr.?, match) == null) {
\\========= Expected to find in stderr: =========
\\========= But stderr does not contain it: =====
, .{ match, stderr.? });
printCmd(cwd, argv);
return error.TestFailed;
switch (self.stdout_action) {
.inherit, .ignore => {},
.expect_exact => |expected_bytes| {
if (!mem.eql(u8, expected_bytes, stdout.?)) {
\\========= Expected this stdout: =========
\\========= But found: ====================
, .{ expected_bytes, stdout.? });
printCmd(cwd, argv);
return error.TestFailed;
.expect_matches => |matches| for (matches) |match| {
if (mem.indexOf(u8, stdout.?, match) == null) {
\\========= Expected to find in stdout: =========
\\========= But stdout does not contain it: =====
, .{ match, stdout.? });
printCmd(cwd, argv);
return error.TestFailed;
fn printCmd(cwd: ?[]const u8, argv: []const []const u8) void {
if (cwd) |yes_cwd| warn("cd {} && ", .{yes_cwd});
for (argv) |arg| {
warn("{} ", .{arg});
warn("\n", .{});
fn addPathForDynLibs(self: *RunStep, artifact: *LibExeObjStep) void {
for (artifact.link_objects.span()) |link_object| {
switch (link_object) {
.OtherStep => |other| {
if (other.target.isWindows() and other.isDynamicLibrary()) {
else => {},