
3386 lines
129 KiB

const Module = @This();
const std = @import("std");
const Compilation = @import("Compilation.zig");
const mem = std.mem;
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const ArrayListUnmanaged = std.ArrayListUnmanaged;
const Value = @import("value.zig").Value;
const Type = @import("type.zig").Type;
const TypedValue = @import("TypedValue.zig");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const log = std.log.scoped(.module);
const BigIntConst = std.math.big.int.Const;
const BigIntMutable = std.math.big.int.Mutable;
const Target = std.Target;
const Package = @import("Package.zig");
const link = @import("link.zig");
const ir = @import("ir.zig");
const zir = @import("zir.zig");
const Inst = ir.Inst;
const Body = ir.Body;
const ast = std.zig.ast;
const trace = @import("tracy.zig").trace;
const astgen = @import("astgen.zig");
const zir_sema = @import("zir_sema.zig");
/// General-purpose allocator. Used for both temporary and long-term storage.
gpa: *Allocator,
comp: *Compilation,
/// Where our incremental compilation metadata serialization will go.
zig_cache_artifact_directory: Compilation.Directory,
/// Pointer to externally managed resource. `null` if there is no zig file being compiled.
root_pkg: *Package,
/// Module owns this resource.
/// The `Scope` is either a `Scope.ZIRModule` or `Scope.File`.
root_scope: *Scope,
/// It's rare for a decl to be exported, so we save memory by having a sparse map of
/// Decl pointers to details about them being exported.
/// The Export memory is owned by the `export_owners` table; the slice itself is owned by this table.
decl_exports: std.AutoArrayHashMapUnmanaged(*Decl, []*Export) = .{},
/// We track which export is associated with the given symbol name for quick
/// detection of symbol collisions.
symbol_exports: std.StringArrayHashMapUnmanaged(*Export) = .{},
/// This models the Decls that perform exports, so that `decl_exports` can be updated when a Decl
/// is modified. Note that the key of this table is not the Decl being exported, but the Decl that
/// is performing the export of another Decl.
/// This table owns the Export memory.
export_owners: std.AutoArrayHashMapUnmanaged(*Decl, []*Export) = .{},
/// Maps fully qualified namespaced names to the Decl struct for them.
decl_table: std.ArrayHashMapUnmanaged(Scope.NameHash, *Decl, Scope.name_hash_hash, Scope.name_hash_eql, false) = .{},
/// We optimize memory usage for a compilation with no compile errors by storing the
/// error messages and mapping outside of `Decl`.
/// The ErrorMsg memory is owned by the decl, using Module's general purpose allocator.
/// Note that a Decl can succeed but the Fn it represents can fail. In this case,
/// a Decl can have a failed_decls entry but have analysis status of success.
failed_decls: std.AutoArrayHashMapUnmanaged(*Decl, *Compilation.ErrorMsg) = .{},
/// Using a map here for consistency with the other fields here.
/// The ErrorMsg memory is owned by the `Scope`, using Module's general purpose allocator.
failed_files: std.AutoArrayHashMapUnmanaged(*Scope, *Compilation.ErrorMsg) = .{},
/// Using a map here for consistency with the other fields here.
/// The ErrorMsg memory is owned by the `Export`, using Module's general purpose allocator.
failed_exports: std.AutoArrayHashMapUnmanaged(*Export, *Compilation.ErrorMsg) = .{},
next_anon_name_index: usize = 0,
/// Candidates for deletion. After a semantic analysis update completes, this list
/// contains Decls that need to be deleted if they end up having no references to them.
deletion_set: ArrayListUnmanaged(*Decl) = .{},
/// Error tags and their values, tag names are duped with mod.gpa.
global_error_set: std.StringHashMapUnmanaged(u16) = .{},
/// Keys are fully qualified paths
import_table: std.StringArrayHashMapUnmanaged(*Scope.File) = .{},
/// Incrementing integer used to compare against the corresponding Decl
/// field to determine whether a Decl's status applies to an ongoing update, or a
/// previous analysis.
generation: u32 = 0,
stage1_flags: packed struct {
have_winmain: bool = false,
have_wwinmain: bool = false,
have_winmain_crt_startup: bool = false,
have_wwinmain_crt_startup: bool = false,
have_dllmain_crt_startup: bool = false,
have_c_main: bool = false,
reserved: u2 = 0,
} = .{},
pub const Export = struct {
options: std.builtin.ExportOptions,
/// Byte offset into the file that contains the export directive.
src: usize,
/// Represents the position of the export, if any, in the output file.
link: link.File.Export,
/// The Decl that performs the export. Note that this is *not* the Decl being exported.
owner_decl: *Decl,
/// The Decl being exported. Note this is *not* the Decl performing the export.
exported_decl: *Decl,
status: enum {
/// Indicates that the failure was due to a temporary issue, such as an I/O error
/// when writing to the output file. Retrying the export may succeed.
pub const Decl = struct {
/// This name is relative to the containing namespace of the decl. It uses a null-termination
/// to save bytes, since there can be a lot of decls in a compilation. The null byte is not allowed
/// in symbol names, because executable file formats use null-terminated strings for symbol names.
/// All Decls have names, even values that are not bound to a zig namespace. This is necessary for
/// mapping them to an address in the output file.
/// Memory owned by this decl, using Module's allocator.
name: [*:0]const u8,
/// The direct parent container of the Decl. This is either a `Scope.Container` or `Scope.ZIRModule`.
/// Reference to externally owned memory.
scope: *Scope,
/// The AST Node decl index or ZIR Inst index that contains this declaration.
/// Must be recomputed when the corresponding source file is modified.
src_index: usize,
/// The most recent value of the Decl after a successful semantic analysis.
typed_value: union(enum) {
never_succeeded: void,
most_recent: TypedValue.Managed,
/// Represents the "shallow" analysis status. For example, for decls that are functions,
/// the function type is analyzed with this set to `in_progress`, however, the semantic
/// analysis of the function body is performed with this value set to `success`. Functions
/// have their own analysis status field.
analysis: enum {
/// This Decl corresponds to an AST Node that has not been referenced yet, and therefore
/// because of Zig's lazy declaration analysis, it will remain unanalyzed until referenced.
/// Semantic analysis for this Decl is running right now. This state detects dependency loops.
/// This Decl might be OK but it depends on another one which did not successfully complete
/// semantic analysis.
/// Semantic analysis failure.
/// There will be a corresponding ErrorMsg in Module.failed_decls.
/// There will be a corresponding ErrorMsg in Module.failed_decls.
/// This indicates the failure was something like running out of disk space,
/// and attempting semantic analysis again may succeed.
/// There will be a corresponding ErrorMsg in Module.failed_decls.
/// There will be a corresponding ErrorMsg in Module.failed_decls.
/// This indicates the failure was something like running out of disk space,
/// and attempting codegen again may succeed.
/// Everything is done. During an update, this Decl may be out of date, depending
/// on its dependencies. The `generation` field can be used to determine if this
/// completion status occurred before or after a given update.
/// A Module update is in progress, and this Decl has been flagged as being known
/// to require re-analysis.
/// This flag is set when this Decl is added to a check_for_deletion set, and cleared
/// when removed.
deletion_flag: bool,
/// Whether the corresponding AST decl has a `pub` keyword.
is_pub: bool,
/// An integer that can be checked against the corresponding incrementing
/// generation field of Module. This is used to determine whether `complete` status
/// represents pre- or post- re-analysis.
generation: u32,
/// Represents the position of the code in the output file.
/// This is populated regardless of semantic analysis and code generation.
link: link.File.LinkBlock,
/// Represents the function in the linked output file, if the `Decl` is a function.
/// This is stored here and not in `Fn` because `Decl` survives across updates but
/// `Fn` does not.
/// TODO Look into making `Fn` a longer lived structure and moving this field there
/// to save on memory usage.
fn_link: link.File.LinkFn,
contents_hash: std.zig.SrcHash,
/// The shallow set of other decls whose typed_value could possibly change if this Decl's
/// typed_value is modified.
dependants: DepsTable = .{},
/// The shallow set of other decls whose typed_value changing indicates that this Decl's
/// typed_value may need to be regenerated.
dependencies: DepsTable = .{},
/// The reason this is not `std.AutoArrayHashMapUnmanaged` is a workaround for
/// stage1 compiler giving me: `error: struct 'Module.Decl' depends on itself`
pub const DepsTable = std.ArrayHashMapUnmanaged(*Decl, void, std.array_hash_map.getAutoHashFn(*Decl), std.array_hash_map.getAutoEqlFn(*Decl), false);
pub fn destroy(self: *Decl, gpa: *Allocator) void {
if (self.typedValueManaged()) |tvm| {
pub fn src(self: Decl) usize {
switch (self.scope.tag) {
.container => {
const container = @fieldParentPtr(Scope.Container, "base", self.scope);
const tree = container.file_scope.contents.tree;
// TODO Container should have its own decls()
const decl_node = tree.root_node.decls()[self.src_index];
return tree.token_locs[decl_node.firstToken()].start;
.zir_module => {
const zir_module = @fieldParentPtr(Scope.ZIRModule, "base", self.scope);
const module = zir_module.contents.module;
const src_decl = module.decls[self.src_index];
return src_decl.inst.src;
.file, .block => unreachable,
.gen_zir => unreachable,
.local_val => unreachable,
.local_ptr => unreachable,
.decl => unreachable,
pub fn fullyQualifiedNameHash(self: Decl) Scope.NameHash {
return self.scope.fullyQualifiedNameHash(mem.spanZ(self.name));
pub fn typedValue(self: *Decl) error{AnalysisFail}!TypedValue {
const tvm = self.typedValueManaged() orelse return error.AnalysisFail;
return tvm.typed_value;
pub fn value(self: *Decl) error{AnalysisFail}!Value {
return (try self.typedValue()).val;
pub fn dump(self: *Decl) void {
const loc = std.zig.findLineColumn(self.scope.source.bytes, self.src);
std.debug.print("{}:{}:{} name={} status={}", .{
loc.line + 1,
loc.column + 1,
if (self.typedValueManaged()) |tvm| {
std.debug.print(" ty={} val={}", .{ tvm.typed_value.ty, tvm.typed_value.val });
std.debug.print("\n", .{});
pub fn typedValueManaged(self: *Decl) ?*TypedValue.Managed {
switch (self.typed_value) {
.most_recent => |*x| return x,
.never_succeeded => return null,
fn removeDependant(self: *Decl, other: *Decl) void {
fn removeDependency(self: *Decl, other: *Decl) void {
/// Fn struct memory is owned by the Decl's TypedValue.Managed arena allocator.
pub const Fn = struct {
/// This memory owned by the Decl's TypedValue.Managed arena allocator.
analysis: union(enum) {
queued: *ZIR,
/// There will be a corresponding ErrorMsg in Module.failed_decls
/// This Fn might be OK but it depends on another Decl which did not successfully complete
/// semantic analysis.
success: Body,
owner_decl: *Decl,
/// This memory is temporary and points to stack memory for the duration
/// of Fn analysis.
pub const Analysis = struct {
inner_block: Scope.Block,
/// Contains un-analyzed ZIR instructions generated from Zig source AST.
pub const ZIR = struct {
body: zir.Module.Body,
arena: std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State,
/// For debugging purposes.
pub fn dump(self: *Fn, mod: Module) void {
std.debug.print("Module.Function(name={}) ", .{self.owner_decl.name});
switch (self.analysis) {
.queued => {
std.debug.print("queued\n", .{});
.in_progress => {
std.debug.print("in_progress\n", .{});
else => {
std.debug.print("\n", .{});
zir.dumpFn(mod, self);
pub const Var = struct {
/// if is_extern == true this is undefined
init: Value,
owner_decl: *Decl,
is_extern: bool,
is_mutable: bool,
is_threadlocal: bool,
pub const Scope = struct {
tag: Tag,
pub const NameHash = [16]u8;
pub fn cast(base: *Scope, comptime T: type) ?*T {
if (base.tag != T.base_tag)
return null;
return @fieldParentPtr(T, "base", base);
/// Asserts the scope has a parent which is a DeclAnalysis and
/// returns the arena Allocator.
pub fn arena(self: *Scope) *Allocator {
switch (self.tag) {
.block => return self.cast(Block).?.arena,
.decl => return &self.cast(DeclAnalysis).?.arena.allocator,
.gen_zir => return self.cast(GenZIR).?.arena,
.local_val => return self.cast(LocalVal).?.gen_zir.arena,
.local_ptr => return self.cast(LocalPtr).?.gen_zir.arena,
.zir_module => return &self.cast(ZIRModule).?.contents.module.arena.allocator,
.file => unreachable,
.container => unreachable,
/// If the scope has a parent which is a `DeclAnalysis`,
/// returns the `Decl`, otherwise returns `null`.
pub fn decl(self: *Scope) ?*Decl {
return switch (self.tag) {
.block => self.cast(Block).?.decl,
.gen_zir => self.cast(GenZIR).?.decl,
.local_val => self.cast(LocalVal).?.gen_zir.decl,
.local_ptr => self.cast(LocalPtr).?.gen_zir.decl,
.decl => self.cast(DeclAnalysis).?.decl,
.zir_module => null,
.file => null,
.container => null,
/// Asserts the scope has a parent which is a ZIRModule or Container and
/// returns it.
pub fn namespace(self: *Scope) *Scope {
switch (self.tag) {
.block => return self.cast(Block).?.decl.scope,
.gen_zir => return self.cast(GenZIR).?.decl.scope,
.local_val => return self.cast(LocalVal).?.gen_zir.decl.scope,
.local_ptr => return self.cast(LocalPtr).?.gen_zir.decl.scope,
.decl => return self.cast(DeclAnalysis).?.decl.scope,
.file => return &self.cast(File).?.root_container.base,
.zir_module, .container => return self,
/// Must generate unique bytes with no collisions with other decls.
/// The point of hashing here is only to limit the number of bytes of
/// the unique identifier to a fixed size (16 bytes).
pub fn fullyQualifiedNameHash(self: *Scope, name: []const u8) NameHash {
switch (self.tag) {
.block => unreachable,
.gen_zir => unreachable,
.local_val => unreachable,
.local_ptr => unreachable,
.decl => unreachable,
.file => unreachable,
.zir_module => return self.cast(ZIRModule).?.fullyQualifiedNameHash(name),
.container => return self.cast(Container).?.fullyQualifiedNameHash(name),
/// Asserts the scope is a child of a File and has an AST tree and returns the tree.
pub fn tree(self: *Scope) *ast.Tree {
switch (self.tag) {
.file => return self.cast(File).?.contents.tree,
.zir_module => unreachable,
.decl => return self.cast(DeclAnalysis).?.decl.scope.cast(Container).?.file_scope.contents.tree,
.block => return self.cast(Block).?.decl.scope.cast(Container).?.file_scope.contents.tree,
.gen_zir => return self.cast(GenZIR).?.decl.scope.cast(Container).?.file_scope.contents.tree,
.local_val => return self.cast(LocalVal).?.gen_zir.decl.scope.cast(Container).?.file_scope.contents.tree,
.local_ptr => return self.cast(LocalPtr).?.gen_zir.decl.scope.cast(Container).?.file_scope.contents.tree,
.container => return self.cast(Container).?.file_scope.contents.tree,
/// Asserts the scope is a child of a `GenZIR` and returns it.
pub fn getGenZIR(self: *Scope) *GenZIR {
return switch (self.tag) {
.block => unreachable,
.gen_zir => self.cast(GenZIR).?,
.local_val => return self.cast(LocalVal).?.gen_zir,
.local_ptr => return self.cast(LocalPtr).?.gen_zir,
.decl => unreachable,
.zir_module => unreachable,
.file => unreachable,
.container => unreachable,
/// Asserts the scope has a parent which is a ZIRModule, Contaienr or File and
/// returns the sub_file_path field.
pub fn subFilePath(base: *Scope) []const u8 {
switch (base.tag) {
.container => return @fieldParentPtr(Container, "base", base).file_scope.sub_file_path,
.file => return @fieldParentPtr(File, "base", base).sub_file_path,
.zir_module => return @fieldParentPtr(ZIRModule, "base", base).sub_file_path,
.block => unreachable,
.gen_zir => unreachable,
.local_val => unreachable,
.local_ptr => unreachable,
.decl => unreachable,
pub fn unload(base: *Scope, gpa: *Allocator) void {
switch (base.tag) {
.file => return @fieldParentPtr(File, "base", base).unload(gpa),
.zir_module => return @fieldParentPtr(ZIRModule, "base", base).unload(gpa),
.block => unreachable,
.gen_zir => unreachable,
.local_val => unreachable,
.local_ptr => unreachable,
.decl => unreachable,
.container => unreachable,
pub fn getSource(base: *Scope, module: *Module) ![:0]const u8 {
switch (base.tag) {
.container => return @fieldParentPtr(Container, "base", base).file_scope.getSource(module),
.file => return @fieldParentPtr(File, "base", base).getSource(module),
.zir_module => return @fieldParentPtr(ZIRModule, "base", base).getSource(module),
.gen_zir => unreachable,
.local_val => unreachable,
.local_ptr => unreachable,
.block => unreachable,
.decl => unreachable,
pub fn getOwnerPkg(base: *Scope) *Package {
var cur = base;
while (true) {
cur = switch (cur.tag) {
.container => return @fieldParentPtr(Container, "base", cur).file_scope.pkg,
.file => return @fieldParentPtr(File, "base", cur).pkg,
.zir_module => unreachable, // TODO are zir modules allowed to import packages?
.gen_zir => @fieldParentPtr(GenZIR, "base", cur).parent,
.local_val => @fieldParentPtr(LocalVal, "base", cur).parent,
.local_ptr => @fieldParentPtr(LocalPtr, "base", cur).parent,
.block => @fieldParentPtr(Block, "base", cur).decl.scope,
.decl => @fieldParentPtr(DeclAnalysis, "base", cur).decl.scope,
/// Asserts the scope is a namespace Scope and removes the Decl from the namespace.
pub fn removeDecl(base: *Scope, child: *Decl) void {
switch (base.tag) {
.container => return @fieldParentPtr(Container, "base", base).removeDecl(child),
.zir_module => return @fieldParentPtr(ZIRModule, "base", base).removeDecl(child),
.file => unreachable,
.block => unreachable,
.gen_zir => unreachable,
.local_val => unreachable,
.local_ptr => unreachable,
.decl => unreachable,
/// Asserts the scope is a File or ZIRModule and deinitializes it, then deallocates it.
pub fn destroy(base: *Scope, gpa: *Allocator) void {
switch (base.tag) {
.file => {
const scope_file = @fieldParentPtr(File, "base", base);
.zir_module => {
const scope_zir_module = @fieldParentPtr(ZIRModule, "base", base);
.block => unreachable,
.gen_zir => unreachable,
.local_val => unreachable,
.local_ptr => unreachable,
.decl => unreachable,
.container => unreachable,
fn name_hash_hash(x: NameHash) u32 {
return @truncate(u32, @bitCast(u128, x));
fn name_hash_eql(a: NameHash, b: NameHash) bool {
return @bitCast(u128, a) == @bitCast(u128, b);
pub const Tag = enum {
/// .zir source code.
/// .zig source code.
/// struct, enum or union, every .file contains one of these.
pub const Container = struct {
pub const base_tag: Tag = .container;
base: Scope = Scope{ .tag = base_tag },
file_scope: *Scope.File,
/// Direct children of the file.
decls: std.AutoArrayHashMapUnmanaged(*Decl, void),
ty: Type,
pub fn deinit(self: *Container, gpa: *Allocator) void {
// TODO either Container of File should have an arena for sub_file_path and ty
self.* = undefined;
pub fn removeDecl(self: *Container, child: *Decl) void {
_ = self.decls.remove(child);
pub fn fullyQualifiedNameHash(self: *Container, name: []const u8) NameHash {
// TODO container scope qualified names.
return std.zig.hashSrc(name);
pub const File = struct {
pub const base_tag: Tag = .file;
base: Scope = Scope{ .tag = base_tag },
/// Relative to the owning package's root_src_dir.
/// Reference to external memory, not owned by File.
sub_file_path: []const u8,
source: union(enum) {
unloaded: void,
bytes: [:0]const u8,
contents: union {
not_available: void,
tree: *ast.Tree,
status: enum {
/// Package that this file is a part of, managed externally.
pkg: *Package,
root_container: Container,
pub fn unload(self: *File, gpa: *Allocator) void {
switch (self.status) {
=> {},
.loaded_success => {
self.status = .unloaded_success;
switch (self.source) {
.bytes => |bytes| {
self.source = .{ .unloaded = {} };
.unloaded => {},
pub fn deinit(self: *File, gpa: *Allocator) void {
self.* = undefined;
pub fn dumpSrc(self: *File, src: usize) void {
const loc = std.zig.findLineColumn(self.source.bytes, src);
std.debug.print("{}:{}:{}\n", .{ self.sub_file_path, loc.line + 1, loc.column + 1 });
pub fn getSource(self: *File, module: *Module) ![:0]const u8 {
switch (self.source) {
.unloaded => {
const source = try self.pkg.root_src_directory.handle.readFileAllocOptions(
self.source = .{ .bytes = source };
return source;
.bytes => |bytes| return bytes,
pub const ZIRModule = struct {
pub const base_tag: Tag = .zir_module;
base: Scope = Scope{ .tag = base_tag },
/// Relative to the owning package's root_src_dir.
/// Reference to external memory, not owned by ZIRModule.
sub_file_path: []const u8,
source: union(enum) {
unloaded: void,
bytes: [:0]const u8,
contents: union {
not_available: void,
module: *zir.Module,
status: enum {
/// Even though .zir files only have 1 module, this set is still needed
/// because of anonymous Decls, which can exist in the global set, but
/// not this one.
decls: ArrayListUnmanaged(*Decl),
pub fn unload(self: *ZIRModule, gpa: *Allocator) void {
switch (self.status) {
=> {},
.loaded_success => {
self.contents = .{ .not_available = {} };
self.status = .unloaded_success;
.loaded_sema_failure => {
self.contents = .{ .not_available = {} };
self.status = .unloaded_sema_failure;
switch (self.source) {
.bytes => |bytes| {
self.source = .{ .unloaded = {} };
.unloaded => {},
pub fn deinit(self: *ZIRModule, gpa: *Allocator) void {
self.* = undefined;
pub fn removeDecl(self: *ZIRModule, child: *Decl) void {
for (self.decls.items) |item, i| {
if (item == child) {
_ = self.decls.swapRemove(i);
pub fn dumpSrc(self: *ZIRModule, src: usize) void {
const loc = std.zig.findLineColumn(self.source.bytes, src);
std.debug.print("{}:{}:{}\n", .{ self.sub_file_path, loc.line + 1, loc.column + 1 });
pub fn getSource(self: *ZIRModule, module: *Module) ![:0]const u8 {
switch (self.source) {
.unloaded => {
const source = try module.root_pkg.root_src_directory.handle.readFileAllocOptions(
self.source = .{ .bytes = source };
return source;
.bytes => |bytes| return bytes,
pub fn fullyQualifiedNameHash(self: *ZIRModule, name: []const u8) NameHash {
// ZIR modules only have 1 file with all decls global in the same namespace.
return std.zig.hashSrc(name);
/// This is a temporary structure, references to it are valid only
/// during semantic analysis of the block.
pub const Block = struct {
pub const base_tag: Tag = .block;
base: Scope = Scope{ .tag = base_tag },
parent: ?*Block,
func: ?*Fn,
decl: *Decl,
instructions: ArrayListUnmanaged(*Inst),
/// Points to the arena allocator of DeclAnalysis
arena: *Allocator,
label: ?Label = null,
is_comptime: bool,
pub const Label = struct {
zir_block: *zir.Inst.Block,
results: ArrayListUnmanaged(*Inst),
block_inst: *Inst.Block,
/// This is a temporary structure, references to it are valid only
/// during semantic analysis of the decl.
pub const DeclAnalysis = struct {
pub const base_tag: Tag = .decl;
base: Scope = Scope{ .tag = base_tag },
decl: *Decl,
arena: std.heap.ArenaAllocator,
/// This is a temporary structure, references to it are valid only
/// during semantic analysis of the decl.
pub const GenZIR = struct {
pub const base_tag: Tag = .gen_zir;
base: Scope = Scope{ .tag = base_tag },
/// Parents can be: `GenZIR`, `ZIRModule`, `File`
parent: *Scope,
decl: *Decl,
arena: *Allocator,
/// The first N instructions in a function body ZIR are arg instructions.
instructions: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(*zir.Inst) = .{},
label: ?Label = null,
pub const Label = struct {
token: ast.TokenIndex,
block_inst: *zir.Inst.Block,
result_loc: astgen.ResultLoc,
/// This is always a `const` local and importantly the `inst` is a value type, not a pointer.
/// This structure lives as long as the AST generation of the Block
/// node that contains the variable.
pub const LocalVal = struct {
pub const base_tag: Tag = .local_val;
base: Scope = Scope{ .tag = base_tag },
/// Parents can be: `LocalVal`, `LocalPtr`, `GenZIR`.
parent: *Scope,
gen_zir: *GenZIR,
name: []const u8,
inst: *zir.Inst,
/// This could be a `const` or `var` local. It has a pointer instead of a value.
/// This structure lives as long as the AST generation of the Block
/// node that contains the variable.
pub const LocalPtr = struct {
pub const base_tag: Tag = .local_ptr;
base: Scope = Scope{ .tag = base_tag },
/// Parents can be: `LocalVal`, `LocalPtr`, `GenZIR`.
parent: *Scope,
gen_zir: *GenZIR,
name: []const u8,
ptr: *zir.Inst,
pub const InnerError = error{ OutOfMemory, AnalysisFail };
pub fn deinit(self: *Module) void {
const gpa = self.gpa;
for (self.decl_table.items()) |entry| {
for (self.failed_decls.items()) |entry| {
for (self.failed_files.items()) |entry| {
for (self.failed_exports.items()) |entry| {
for (self.decl_exports.items()) |entry| {
const export_list = entry.value;
for (self.export_owners.items()) |entry| {
freeExportList(gpa, entry.value);
var it = self.global_error_set.iterator();
while (it.next()) |entry| {
for (self.import_table.items()) |entry| {
fn freeExportList(gpa: *Allocator, export_list: []*Export) void {
for (export_list) |exp| {
pub fn ensureDeclAnalyzed(self: *Module, decl: *Decl) InnerError!void {
const tracy = trace(@src());
defer tracy.end();
const subsequent_analysis = switch (decl.analysis) {
.in_progress => unreachable,
=> return error.AnalysisFail,
.complete => return,
.outdated => blk: {
log.debug("re-analyzing {}\n", .{decl.name});
// The exports this Decl performs will be re-discovered, so we remove them here
// prior to re-analysis.
// Dependencies will be re-discovered, so we remove them here prior to re-analysis.
for (decl.dependencies.items()) |entry| {
const dep = entry.key;
if (dep.dependants.items().len == 0 and !dep.deletion_flag) {
// We don't perform a deletion here, because this Decl or another one
// may end up referencing it before the update is complete.
dep.deletion_flag = true;
try self.deletion_set.append(self.gpa, dep);
break :blk true;
.unreferenced => false,
const type_changed = if (self.root_scope.cast(Scope.ZIRModule)) |zir_module|
try zir_sema.analyzeZirDecl(self, decl, zir_module.contents.module.decls[decl.src_index])
self.astGenAndAnalyzeDecl(decl) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.OutOfMemory => return error.OutOfMemory,
error.AnalysisFail => return error.AnalysisFail,
else => {
try self.failed_decls.ensureCapacity(self.gpa, self.failed_decls.items().len + 1);
self.failed_decls.putAssumeCapacityNoClobber(decl, try Compilation.ErrorMsg.create(
"unable to analyze: {}",
decl.analysis = .sema_failure_retryable;
return error.AnalysisFail;
if (subsequent_analysis) {
// We may need to chase the dependants and re-analyze them.
// However, if the decl is a function, and the type is the same, we do not need to.
if (type_changed or decl.typed_value.most_recent.typed_value.val.tag() != .function) {
for (decl.dependants.items()) |entry| {
const dep = entry.key;
switch (dep.analysis) {
.unreferenced => unreachable,
.in_progress => unreachable,
.outdated => continue, // already queued for update
=> if (dep.generation != self.generation) {
try self.markOutdatedDecl(dep);
fn astGenAndAnalyzeDecl(self: *Module, decl: *Decl) !bool {
const tracy = trace(@src());
defer tracy.end();
const container_scope = decl.scope.cast(Scope.Container).?;
const tree = try self.getAstTree(container_scope);
const ast_node = tree.root_node.decls()[decl.src_index];
switch (ast_node.tag) {
.FnProto => {
const fn_proto = @fieldParentPtr(ast.Node.FnProto, "base", ast_node);
decl.analysis = .in_progress;
// This arena allocator's memory is discarded at the end of this function. It is used
// to determine the type of the function, and hence the type of the decl, which is needed
// to complete the Decl analysis.
var fn_type_scope_arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(self.gpa);
defer fn_type_scope_arena.deinit();
var fn_type_scope: Scope.GenZIR = .{
.decl = decl,
.arena = &fn_type_scope_arena.allocator,
.parent = decl.scope,
defer fn_type_scope.instructions.deinit(self.gpa);
decl.is_pub = fn_proto.getVisibToken() != null;
const body_node = fn_proto.getBodyNode() orelse
return self.failTok(&fn_type_scope.base, fn_proto.fn_token, "TODO implement extern functions", .{});
const param_decls = fn_proto.params();
const param_types = try fn_type_scope.arena.alloc(*zir.Inst, param_decls.len);
const fn_src = tree.token_locs[fn_proto.fn_token].start;
const type_type = try astgen.addZIRInstConst(self, &fn_type_scope.base, fn_src, .{
.ty = Type.initTag(.type),
.val = Value.initTag(.type_type),
const type_type_rl: astgen.ResultLoc = .{ .ty = type_type };
for (param_decls) |param_decl, i| {
const param_type_node = switch (param_decl.param_type) {
.any_type => |node| return self.failNode(&fn_type_scope.base, node, "TODO implement anytype parameter", .{}),
.type_expr => |node| node,
param_types[i] = try astgen.expr(self, &fn_type_scope.base, type_type_rl, param_type_node);
if (fn_proto.getVarArgsToken()) |var_args_token| {
return self.failTok(&fn_type_scope.base, var_args_token, "TODO implement var args", .{});
if (fn_proto.getLibName()) |lib_name| {
return self.failNode(&fn_type_scope.base, lib_name, "TODO implement function library name", .{});
if (fn_proto.getAlignExpr()) |align_expr| {
return self.failNode(&fn_type_scope.base, align_expr, "TODO implement function align expression", .{});
if (fn_proto.getSectionExpr()) |sect_expr| {
return self.failNode(&fn_type_scope.base, sect_expr, "TODO implement function section expression", .{});
if (fn_proto.getCallconvExpr()) |callconv_expr| {
return self.failNode(
"TODO implement function calling convention expression",
const return_type_expr = switch (fn_proto.return_type) {
.Explicit => |node| node,
.InferErrorSet => |node| return self.failNode(&fn_type_scope.base, node, "TODO implement inferred error sets", .{}),
.Invalid => |tok| return self.failTok(&fn_type_scope.base, tok, "unable to parse return type", .{}),
const return_type_inst = try astgen.expr(self, &fn_type_scope.base, type_type_rl, return_type_expr);
const fn_type_inst = try astgen.addZIRInst(self, &fn_type_scope.base, fn_src, zir.Inst.FnType, .{
.return_type = return_type_inst,
.param_types = param_types,
}, .{});
if (self.comp.verbose_ir) {
zir.dumpZir(self.gpa, "fn_type", decl.name, fn_type_scope.instructions.items) catch {};
// We need the memory for the Type to go into the arena for the Decl
var decl_arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(self.gpa);
errdefer decl_arena.deinit();
const decl_arena_state = try decl_arena.allocator.create(std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State);
var block_scope: Scope.Block = .{
.parent = null,
.func = null,
.decl = decl,
.instructions = .{},
.arena = &decl_arena.allocator,
.is_comptime = false,
defer block_scope.instructions.deinit(self.gpa);
const fn_type = try zir_sema.analyzeBodyValueAsType(self, &block_scope, fn_type_inst, .{
.instructions = fn_type_scope.instructions.items,
const new_func = try decl_arena.allocator.create(Fn);
const fn_payload = try decl_arena.allocator.create(Value.Payload.Function);
const fn_zir = blk: {
// This scope's arena memory is discarded after the ZIR generation
// pass completes, and semantic analysis of it completes.
var gen_scope_arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(self.gpa);
errdefer gen_scope_arena.deinit();
var gen_scope: Scope.GenZIR = .{
.decl = decl,
.arena = &gen_scope_arena.allocator,
.parent = decl.scope,
defer gen_scope.instructions.deinit(self.gpa);
// We need an instruction for each parameter, and they must be first in the body.
try gen_scope.instructions.resize(self.gpa, fn_proto.params_len);
var params_scope = &gen_scope.base;
for (fn_proto.params()) |param, i| {
const name_token = param.name_token.?;
const src = tree.token_locs[name_token].start;
const param_name = tree.tokenSlice(name_token); // TODO: call identifierTokenString
const arg = try gen_scope_arena.allocator.create(zir.Inst.Arg);
arg.* = .{
.base = .{
.tag = .arg,
.src = src,
.positionals = .{
.name = param_name,
.kw_args = .{},
gen_scope.instructions.items[i] = &arg.base;
const sub_scope = try gen_scope_arena.allocator.create(Scope.LocalVal);
sub_scope.* = .{
.parent = params_scope,
.gen_zir = &gen_scope,
.name = param_name,
.inst = &arg.base,
params_scope = &sub_scope.base;
const body_block = body_node.cast(ast.Node.Block).?;
try astgen.blockExpr(self, params_scope, body_block);
if (gen_scope.instructions.items.len == 0 or
!gen_scope.instructions.items[gen_scope.instructions.items.len - 1].tag.isNoReturn())
const src = tree.token_locs[body_block.rbrace].start;
_ = try astgen.addZIRNoOp(self, &gen_scope.base, src, .returnvoid);
if (self.comp.verbose_ir) {
zir.dumpZir(self.gpa, "fn_body", decl.name, gen_scope.instructions.items) catch {};
const fn_zir = try gen_scope_arena.allocator.create(Fn.ZIR);
fn_zir.* = .{
.body = .{
.instructions = try gen_scope.arena.dupe(*zir.Inst, gen_scope.instructions.items),
.arena = gen_scope_arena.state,
break :blk fn_zir;
new_func.* = .{
.analysis = .{ .queued = fn_zir },
.owner_decl = decl,
fn_payload.* = .{ .func = new_func };
var prev_type_has_bits = false;
var type_changed = true;
if (decl.typedValueManaged()) |tvm| {
prev_type_has_bits = tvm.typed_value.ty.hasCodeGenBits();
type_changed = !tvm.typed_value.ty.eql(fn_type);
decl_arena_state.* = decl_arena.state;
decl.typed_value = .{
.most_recent = .{
.typed_value = .{
.ty = fn_type,
.val = Value.initPayload(&fn_payload.base),
.arena = decl_arena_state,
decl.analysis = .complete;
decl.generation = self.generation;
if (fn_type.hasCodeGenBits()) {
// We don't fully codegen the decl until later, but we do need to reserve a global
// offset table index for it. This allows us to codegen decls out of dependency order,
// increasing how many computations can be done in parallel.
try self.comp.bin_file.allocateDeclIndexes(decl);
try self.comp.work_queue.writeItem(.{ .codegen_decl = decl });
} else if (prev_type_has_bits) {
if (fn_proto.getExternExportInlineToken()) |maybe_export_token| {
if (tree.token_ids[maybe_export_token] == .Keyword_export) {
const export_src = tree.token_locs[maybe_export_token].start;
const name_loc = tree.token_locs[fn_proto.getNameToken().?];
const name = tree.tokenSliceLoc(name_loc);
// The scope needs to have the decl in it.
try self.analyzeExport(&block_scope.base, export_src, name, decl);
return type_changed;
.VarDecl => {
const var_decl = @fieldParentPtr(ast.Node.VarDecl, "base", ast_node);
decl.analysis = .in_progress;
// We need the memory for the Type to go into the arena for the Decl
var decl_arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(self.gpa);
errdefer decl_arena.deinit();
const decl_arena_state = try decl_arena.allocator.create(std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State);
var block_scope: Scope.Block = .{
.parent = null,
.func = null,
.decl = decl,
.instructions = .{},
.arena = &decl_arena.allocator,
.is_comptime = true,
defer block_scope.instructions.deinit(self.gpa);
decl.is_pub = var_decl.getVisibToken() != null;
const is_extern = blk: {
const maybe_extern_token = var_decl.getExternExportToken() orelse
break :blk false;
if (tree.token_ids[maybe_extern_token] != .Keyword_extern) break :blk false;
if (var_decl.getInitNode()) |some| {
return self.failNode(&block_scope.base, some, "extern variables have no initializers", .{});
break :blk true;
if (var_decl.getLibName()) |lib_name| {
return self.failNode(&block_scope.base, lib_name, "TODO implement function library name", .{});
const is_mutable = tree.token_ids[var_decl.mut_token] == .Keyword_var;
const is_threadlocal = if (var_decl.getThreadLocalToken()) |some| blk: {
if (!is_mutable) {
return self.failTok(&block_scope.base, some, "threadlocal variable cannot be constant", .{});
break :blk true;
} else false;
assert(var_decl.getComptimeToken() == null);
if (var_decl.getAlignNode()) |align_expr| {
return self.failNode(&block_scope.base, align_expr, "TODO implement function align expression", .{});
if (var_decl.getSectionNode()) |sect_expr| {
return self.failNode(&block_scope.base, sect_expr, "TODO implement function section expression", .{});
const var_info: struct { ty: Type, val: ?Value } = if (var_decl.getInitNode()) |init_node| vi: {
var gen_scope_arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(self.gpa);
defer gen_scope_arena.deinit();
var gen_scope: Scope.GenZIR = .{
.decl = decl,
.arena = &gen_scope_arena.allocator,
.parent = decl.scope,
defer gen_scope.instructions.deinit(self.gpa);
const init_result_loc: astgen.ResultLoc = if (var_decl.getTypeNode()) |type_node| rl: {
const src = tree.token_locs[type_node.firstToken()].start;
const type_type = try astgen.addZIRInstConst(self, &gen_scope.base, src, .{
.ty = Type.initTag(.type),
.val = Value.initTag(.type_type),
const var_type = try astgen.expr(self, &gen_scope.base, .{ .ty = type_type }, type_node);
break :rl .{ .ty = var_type };
} else .none;
const src = tree.token_locs[init_node.firstToken()].start;
const init_inst = try astgen.expr(self, &gen_scope.base, init_result_loc, init_node);
if (self.comp.verbose_ir) {
zir.dumpZir(self.gpa, "var_init", decl.name, gen_scope.instructions.items) catch {};
var inner_block: Scope.Block = .{
.parent = null,
.func = null,
.decl = decl,
.instructions = .{},
.arena = &gen_scope_arena.allocator,
.is_comptime = true,
defer inner_block.instructions.deinit(self.gpa);
try zir_sema.analyzeBody(self, &inner_block.base, .{ .instructions = gen_scope.instructions.items });
// The result location guarantees the type coercion.
const analyzed_init_inst = init_inst.analyzed_inst.?;
// The is_comptime in the Scope.Block guarantees the result is comptime-known.
const val = analyzed_init_inst.value().?;
const ty = try analyzed_init_inst.ty.copy(block_scope.arena);
break :vi .{
.ty = ty,
.val = try val.copy(block_scope.arena),
} else if (!is_extern) {
return self.failTok(&block_scope.base, var_decl.firstToken(), "variables must be initialized", .{});
} else if (var_decl.getTypeNode()) |type_node| vi: {
// Temporary arena for the zir instructions.
var type_scope_arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(self.gpa);
defer type_scope_arena.deinit();
var type_scope: Scope.GenZIR = .{
.decl = decl,
.arena = &type_scope_arena.allocator,
.parent = decl.scope,
defer type_scope.instructions.deinit(self.gpa);
const src = tree.token_locs[type_node.firstToken()].start;
const type_type = try astgen.addZIRInstConst(self, &type_scope.base, src, .{
.ty = Type.initTag(.type),
.val = Value.initTag(.type_type),
const var_type = try astgen.expr(self, &type_scope.base, .{ .ty = type_type }, type_node);
if (self.comp.verbose_ir) {
zir.dumpZir(self.gpa, "var_type", decl.name, type_scope.instructions.items) catch {};
const ty = try zir_sema.analyzeBodyValueAsType(self, &block_scope, var_type, .{
.instructions = type_scope.instructions.items,
break :vi .{
.ty = ty,
.val = null,
} else {
return self.failTok(&block_scope.base, var_decl.firstToken(), "unable to infer variable type", .{});
if (is_mutable and !var_info.ty.isValidVarType(is_extern)) {
return self.failTok(&block_scope.base, var_decl.firstToken(), "variable of type '{}' must be const", .{var_info.ty});
var type_changed = true;
if (decl.typedValueManaged()) |tvm| {
type_changed = !tvm.typed_value.ty.eql(var_info.ty);
const new_variable = try decl_arena.allocator.create(Var);
const var_payload = try decl_arena.allocator.create(Value.Payload.Variable);
new_variable.* = .{
.owner_decl = decl,
.init = var_info.val orelse undefined,
.is_extern = is_extern,
.is_mutable = is_mutable,
.is_threadlocal = is_threadlocal,
var_payload.* = .{ .variable = new_variable };
decl_arena_state.* = decl_arena.state;
decl.typed_value = .{
.most_recent = .{
.typed_value = .{
.ty = var_info.ty,
.val = Value.initPayload(&var_payload.base),
.arena = decl_arena_state,
decl.analysis = .complete;
decl.generation = self.generation;
if (var_decl.getExternExportToken()) |maybe_export_token| {
if (tree.token_ids[maybe_export_token] == .Keyword_export) {
const export_src = tree.token_locs[maybe_export_token].start;
const name_loc = tree.token_locs[var_decl.name_token];
const name = tree.tokenSliceLoc(name_loc);
// The scope needs to have the decl in it.
try self.analyzeExport(&block_scope.base, export_src, name, decl);
return type_changed;
.Comptime => {
const comptime_decl = @fieldParentPtr(ast.Node.Comptime, "base", ast_node);
decl.analysis = .in_progress;
// A comptime decl does not store any value so we can just deinit this arena after analysis is done.
var analysis_arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(self.gpa);
defer analysis_arena.deinit();
var gen_scope: Scope.GenZIR = .{
.decl = decl,
.arena = &analysis_arena.allocator,
.parent = decl.scope,
defer gen_scope.instructions.deinit(self.gpa);
_ = try astgen.comptimeExpr(self, &gen_scope.base, .none, comptime_decl.expr);
if (self.comp.verbose_ir) {
zir.dumpZir(self.gpa, "comptime_block", decl.name, gen_scope.instructions.items) catch {};
var block_scope: Scope.Block = .{
.parent = null,
.func = null,
.decl = decl,
.instructions = .{},
.arena = &analysis_arena.allocator,
.is_comptime = true,
defer block_scope.instructions.deinit(self.gpa);
_ = try zir_sema.analyzeBody(self, &block_scope.base, .{
.instructions = gen_scope.instructions.items,
decl.analysis = .complete;
decl.generation = self.generation;
return true;
.Use => @panic("TODO usingnamespace decl"),
else => unreachable,
fn declareDeclDependency(self: *Module, depender: *Decl, dependee: *Decl) !void {
try depender.dependencies.ensureCapacity(self.gpa, depender.dependencies.items().len + 1);
try dependee.dependants.ensureCapacity(self.gpa, dependee.dependants.items().len + 1);
depender.dependencies.putAssumeCapacity(dependee, {});
dependee.dependants.putAssumeCapacity(depender, {});
fn getSrcModule(self: *Module, root_scope: *Scope.ZIRModule) !*zir.Module {
switch (root_scope.status) {
.never_loaded, .unloaded_success => {
try self.failed_files.ensureCapacity(self.gpa, self.failed_files.items().len + 1);
const source = try root_scope.getSource(self);
var keep_zir_module = false;
const zir_module = try self.gpa.create(zir.Module);
defer if (!keep_zir_module) self.gpa.destroy(zir_module);
zir_module.* = try zir.parse(self.gpa, source);
defer if (!keep_zir_module) zir_module.deinit(self.gpa);
if (zir_module.error_msg) |src_err_msg| {
try Compilation.ErrorMsg.create(self.gpa, src_err_msg.byte_offset, "{}", .{src_err_msg.msg}),
root_scope.status = .unloaded_parse_failure;
return error.AnalysisFail;
root_scope.status = .loaded_success;
root_scope.contents = .{ .module = zir_module };
keep_zir_module = true;
return zir_module;
=> return error.AnalysisFail,
.loaded_success, .loaded_sema_failure => return root_scope.contents.module,
fn getAstTree(self: *Module, container_scope: *Scope.Container) !*ast.Tree {
const tracy = trace(@src());
defer tracy.end();
const root_scope = container_scope.file_scope;
switch (root_scope.status) {
.never_loaded, .unloaded_success => {
try self.failed_files.ensureCapacity(self.gpa, self.failed_files.items().len + 1);
const source = try root_scope.getSource(self);
var keep_tree = false;
const tree = try std.zig.parse(self.gpa, source);
defer if (!keep_tree) tree.deinit();
if (tree.errors.len != 0) {
const parse_err = tree.errors[0];
var msg = std.ArrayList(u8).init(self.gpa);
defer msg.deinit();
try parse_err.render(tree.token_ids, msg.outStream());
const err_msg = try self.gpa.create(Compilation.ErrorMsg);
err_msg.* = .{
.msg = msg.toOwnedSlice(),
.byte_offset = tree.token_locs[parse_err.loc()].start,
self.failed_files.putAssumeCapacityNoClobber(&root_scope.base, err_msg);
root_scope.status = .unloaded_parse_failure;
return error.AnalysisFail;
root_scope.status = .loaded_success;
root_scope.contents = .{ .tree = tree };
keep_tree = true;
return tree;
.unloaded_parse_failure => return error.AnalysisFail,
.loaded_success => return root_scope.contents.tree,
pub fn analyzeContainer(self: *Module, container_scope: *Scope.Container) !void {
const tracy = trace(@src());
defer tracy.end();
// We may be analyzing it for the first time, or this may be
// an incremental update. This code handles both cases.
const tree = try self.getAstTree(container_scope);
const decls = tree.root_node.decls();
try self.comp.work_queue.ensureUnusedCapacity(decls.len);
try container_scope.decls.ensureCapacity(self.gpa, decls.len);
// Keep track of the decls that we expect to see in this file so that
// we know which ones have been deleted.
var deleted_decls = std.AutoArrayHashMap(*Decl, void).init(self.gpa);
defer deleted_decls.deinit();
try deleted_decls.ensureCapacity(container_scope.decls.items().len);
for (container_scope.decls.items()) |entry| {
deleted_decls.putAssumeCapacityNoClobber(entry.key, {});
for (decls) |src_decl, decl_i| {
if (src_decl.cast(ast.Node.FnProto)) |fn_proto| {
// We will create a Decl for it regardless of analysis status.
const name_tok = fn_proto.getNameToken() orelse {
@panic("TODO missing function name");
const name_loc = tree.token_locs[name_tok];
const name = tree.tokenSliceLoc(name_loc);
const name_hash = container_scope.fullyQualifiedNameHash(name);
const contents_hash = std.zig.hashSrc(tree.getNodeSource(src_decl));
if (self.decl_table.get(name_hash)) |decl| {
// Update the AST Node index of the decl, even if its contents are unchanged, it may
// have been re-ordered.
decl.src_index = decl_i;
if (deleted_decls.remove(decl) == null) {
decl.analysis = .sema_failure;
const err_msg = try Compilation.ErrorMsg.create(self.gpa, tree.token_locs[name_tok].start, "redefinition of '{}'", .{decl.name});
errdefer err_msg.destroy(self.gpa);
try self.failed_decls.putNoClobber(self.gpa, decl, err_msg);
} else {
if (!srcHashEql(decl.contents_hash, contents_hash)) {
try self.markOutdatedDecl(decl);
decl.contents_hash = contents_hash;
} else switch (self.comp.bin_file.tag) {
.coff => {
// TODO Implement for COFF
.elf => if (decl.fn_link.elf.len != 0) {
// TODO Look into detecting when this would be unnecessary by storing enough state
// in `Decl` to notice that the line number did not change.
self.comp.work_queue.writeItemAssumeCapacity(.{ .update_line_number = decl });
.macho => {
// TODO Implement for MachO
.c, .wasm => {},
} else {
const new_decl = try self.createNewDecl(&container_scope.base, name, decl_i, name_hash, contents_hash);
container_scope.decls.putAssumeCapacity(new_decl, {});
if (fn_proto.getExternExportInlineToken()) |maybe_export_token| {
if (tree.token_ids[maybe_export_token] == .Keyword_export) {
self.comp.work_queue.writeItemAssumeCapacity(.{ .analyze_decl = new_decl });
} else if (src_decl.castTag(.VarDecl)) |var_decl| {
const name_loc = tree.token_locs[var_decl.name_token];
const name = tree.tokenSliceLoc(name_loc);
const name_hash = container_scope.fullyQualifiedNameHash(name);
const contents_hash = std.zig.hashSrc(tree.getNodeSource(src_decl));
if (self.decl_table.get(name_hash)) |decl| {
// Update the AST Node index of the decl, even if its contents are unchanged, it may
// have been re-ordered.
decl.src_index = decl_i;
if (deleted_decls.remove(decl) == null) {
decl.analysis = .sema_failure;
const err_msg = try Compilation.ErrorMsg.create(self.gpa, name_loc.start, "redefinition of '{}'", .{decl.name});
errdefer err_msg.destroy(self.gpa);
try self.failed_decls.putNoClobber(self.gpa, decl, err_msg);
} else if (!srcHashEql(decl.contents_hash, contents_hash)) {
try self.markOutdatedDecl(decl);
decl.contents_hash = contents_hash;
} else {
const new_decl = try self.createNewDecl(&container_scope.base, name, decl_i, name_hash, contents_hash);
container_scope.decls.putAssumeCapacity(new_decl, {});
if (var_decl.getExternExportToken()) |maybe_export_token| {
if (tree.token_ids[maybe_export_token] == .Keyword_export) {
self.comp.work_queue.writeItemAssumeCapacity(.{ .analyze_decl = new_decl });
} else if (src_decl.castTag(.Comptime)) |comptime_node| {
const name_index = self.getNextAnonNameIndex();
const name = try std.fmt.allocPrint(self.gpa, "__comptime_{}", .{name_index});
defer self.gpa.free(name);
const name_hash = container_scope.fullyQualifiedNameHash(name);
const contents_hash = std.zig.hashSrc(tree.getNodeSource(src_decl));
const new_decl = try self.createNewDecl(&container_scope.base, name, decl_i, name_hash, contents_hash);
container_scope.decls.putAssumeCapacity(new_decl, {});
self.comp.work_queue.writeItemAssumeCapacity(.{ .analyze_decl = new_decl });
} else if (src_decl.castTag(.ContainerField)) |container_field| {
log.err("TODO: analyze container field", .{});
} else if (src_decl.castTag(.TestDecl)) |test_decl| {
log.err("TODO: analyze test decl", .{});
} else if (src_decl.castTag(.Use)) |use_decl| {
log.err("TODO: analyze usingnamespace decl", .{});
} else {
// Handle explicitly deleted decls from the source code. Not to be confused
// with when we delete decls because they are no longer referenced.
for (deleted_decls.items()) |entry| {
log.debug("noticed '{}' deleted from source\n", .{entry.key.name});
try self.deleteDecl(entry.key);
pub fn analyzeRootZIRModule(self: *Module, root_scope: *Scope.ZIRModule) !void {
// We may be analyzing it for the first time, or this may be
// an incremental update. This code handles both cases.
const src_module = try self.getSrcModule(root_scope);
try self.comp.work_queue.ensureUnusedCapacity(src_module.decls.len);
try root_scope.decls.ensureCapacity(self.gpa, src_module.decls.len);
var exports_to_resolve = std.ArrayList(*zir.Decl).init(self.gpa);
defer exports_to_resolve.deinit();
// Keep track of the decls that we expect to see in this file so that
// we know which ones have been deleted.
var deleted_decls = std.AutoArrayHashMap(*Decl, void).init(self.gpa);
defer deleted_decls.deinit();
try deleted_decls.ensureCapacity(self.decl_table.items().len);
for (self.decl_table.items()) |entry| {
deleted_decls.putAssumeCapacityNoClobber(entry.value, {});
for (src_module.decls) |src_decl, decl_i| {
const name_hash = root_scope.fullyQualifiedNameHash(src_decl.name);
if (self.decl_table.get(name_hash)) |decl| {
if (!srcHashEql(src_decl.contents_hash, decl.contents_hash)) {
try self.markOutdatedDecl(decl);
decl.contents_hash = src_decl.contents_hash;
} else {
const new_decl = try self.createNewDecl(
if (src_decl.inst.cast(zir.Inst.Export)) |export_inst| {
try exports_to_resolve.append(src_decl);
for (exports_to_resolve.items) |export_decl| {
_ = try zir_sema.resolveZirDecl(self, &root_scope.base, export_decl);
// Handle explicitly deleted decls from the source code. Not to be confused
// with when we delete decls because they are no longer referenced.
for (deleted_decls.items()) |entry| {
log.debug("noticed '{}' deleted from source\n", .{entry.key.name});
try self.deleteDecl(entry.key);
pub fn deleteDecl(self: *Module, decl: *Decl) !void {
try self.deletion_set.ensureCapacity(self.gpa, self.deletion_set.items.len + decl.dependencies.items().len);
// Remove from the namespace it resides in. In the case of an anonymous Decl it will
// not be present in the set, and this does nothing.
log.debug("deleting decl '{}'\n", .{decl.name});
const name_hash = decl.fullyQualifiedNameHash();
// Remove itself from its dependencies, because we are about to destroy the decl pointer.
for (decl.dependencies.items()) |entry| {
const dep = entry.key;
if (dep.dependants.items().len == 0 and !dep.deletion_flag) {
// We don't recursively perform a deletion here, because during the update,
// another reference to it may turn up.
dep.deletion_flag = true;
// Anything that depends on this deleted decl certainly needs to be re-analyzed.
for (decl.dependants.items()) |entry| {
const dep = entry.key;
if (dep.analysis != .outdated) {
// TODO Move this failure possibility to the top of the function.
try self.markOutdatedDecl(dep);
if (self.failed_decls.remove(decl)) |entry| {
/// Delete all the Export objects that are caused by this Decl. Re-analysis of
/// this Decl will cause them to be re-created (or not).
fn deleteDeclExports(self: *Module, decl: *Decl) void {
const kv = self.export_owners.remove(decl) orelse return;
for (kv.value) |exp| {
if (self.decl_exports.getEntry(exp.exported_decl)) |decl_exports_kv| {
// Remove exports with owner_decl matching the regenerating decl.
const list = decl_exports_kv.value;
var i: usize = 0;
var new_len = list.len;
while (i < new_len) {
if (list[i].owner_decl == decl) {
mem.copyBackwards(*Export, list[i..], list[i + 1 .. new_len]);
new_len -= 1;
} else {
i += 1;
decl_exports_kv.value = self.gpa.shrink(list, new_len);
if (new_len == 0) {
if (self.comp.bin_file.cast(link.File.Elf)) |elf| {
if (self.comp.bin_file.cast(link.File.MachO)) |macho| {
if (self.failed_exports.remove(exp)) |entry| {
_ = self.symbol_exports.remove(exp.options.name);
pub fn analyzeFnBody(self: *Module, decl: *Decl, func: *Fn) !void {
const tracy = trace(@src());
defer tracy.end();
// Use the Decl's arena for function memory.
var arena = decl.typed_value.most_recent.arena.?.promote(self.gpa);
defer decl.typed_value.most_recent.arena.?.* = arena.state;
var inner_block: Scope.Block = .{
.parent = null,
.func = func,
.decl = decl,
.instructions = .{},
.arena = &arena.allocator,
.is_comptime = false,
defer inner_block.instructions.deinit(self.gpa);
const fn_zir = func.analysis.queued;
defer fn_zir.arena.promote(self.gpa).deinit();
func.analysis = .{ .in_progress = {} };
log.debug("set {} to in_progress\n", .{decl.name});
try zir_sema.analyzeBody(self, &inner_block.base, fn_zir.body);
const instructions = try arena.allocator.dupe(*Inst, inner_block.instructions.items);
func.analysis = .{ .success = .{ .instructions = instructions } };
log.debug("set {} to success\n", .{decl.name});
fn markOutdatedDecl(self: *Module, decl: *Decl) !void {
log.debug("mark {} outdated\n", .{decl.name});
try self.comp.work_queue.writeItem(.{ .analyze_decl = decl });
if (self.failed_decls.remove(decl)) |entry| {
decl.analysis = .outdated;
fn allocateNewDecl(
self: *Module,
scope: *Scope,
src_index: usize,
contents_hash: std.zig.SrcHash,
) !*Decl {
const new_decl = try self.gpa.create(Decl);
new_decl.* = .{
.name = "",
.scope = scope.namespace(),
.src_index = src_index,
.typed_value = .{ .never_succeeded = {} },
.analysis = .unreferenced,
.deletion_flag = false,
.contents_hash = contents_hash,
.link = switch (self.comp.bin_file.tag) {
.coff => .{ .coff = link.File.Coff.TextBlock.empty },
.elf => .{ .elf = link.File.Elf.TextBlock.empty },
.macho => .{ .macho = link.File.MachO.TextBlock.empty },
.c => .{ .c = {} },
.wasm => .{ .wasm = {} },
.fn_link = switch (self.comp.bin_file.tag) {
.coff => .{ .coff = {} },
.elf => .{ .elf = link.File.Elf.SrcFn.empty },
.macho => .{ .macho = link.File.MachO.SrcFn.empty },
.c => .{ .c = {} },
.wasm => .{ .wasm = null },
.generation = 0,
.is_pub = false,
return new_decl;
fn createNewDecl(
self: *Module,
scope: *Scope,
decl_name: []const u8,
src_index: usize,
name_hash: Scope.NameHash,
contents_hash: std.zig.SrcHash,
) !*Decl {
try self.decl_table.ensureCapacity(self.gpa, self.decl_table.items().len + 1);
const new_decl = try self.allocateNewDecl(scope, src_index, contents_hash);
errdefer self.gpa.destroy(new_decl);
new_decl.name = try mem.dupeZ(self.gpa, u8, decl_name);
self.decl_table.putAssumeCapacityNoClobber(name_hash, new_decl);
return new_decl;
/// Get error value for error tag `name`.
pub fn getErrorValue(self: *Module, name: []const u8) !std.StringHashMapUnmanaged(u16).Entry {
const gop = try self.global_error_set.getOrPut(self.gpa, name);
if (gop.found_existing)
return gop.entry.*;
errdefer self.global_error_set.removeAssertDiscard(name);
gop.entry.key = try self.gpa.dupe(u8, name);
gop.entry.value = @intCast(u16, self.global_error_set.count() - 1);
return gop.entry.*;
pub fn requireFunctionBlock(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, src: usize) !*Scope.Block {
return scope.cast(Scope.Block) orelse
return self.fail(scope, src, "instruction illegal outside function body", .{});
pub fn requireRuntimeBlock(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, src: usize) !*Scope.Block {
const block = try self.requireFunctionBlock(scope, src);
if (block.is_comptime) {
return self.fail(scope, src, "unable to resolve comptime value", .{});
return block;
pub fn resolveConstValue(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, base: *Inst) !Value {
return (try self.resolveDefinedValue(scope, base)) orelse
return self.fail(scope, base.src, "unable to resolve comptime value", .{});
pub fn resolveDefinedValue(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, base: *Inst) !?Value {
if (base.value()) |val| {
if (val.isUndef()) {
return self.fail(scope, base.src, "use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", .{});
return val;
return null;
pub fn analyzeExport(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, src: usize, borrowed_symbol_name: []const u8, exported_decl: *Decl) !void {
try self.ensureDeclAnalyzed(exported_decl);
const typed_value = exported_decl.typed_value.most_recent.typed_value;
switch (typed_value.ty.zigTypeTag()) {
.Fn => {},
else => return self.fail(scope, src, "unable to export type '{}'", .{typed_value.ty}),
try self.decl_exports.ensureCapacity(self.gpa, self.decl_exports.items().len + 1);
try self.export_owners.ensureCapacity(self.gpa, self.export_owners.items().len + 1);
const new_export = try self.gpa.create(Export);
errdefer self.gpa.destroy(new_export);
const symbol_name = try self.gpa.dupe(u8, borrowed_symbol_name);
errdefer self.gpa.free(symbol_name);
const owner_decl = scope.decl().?;
new_export.* = .{
.options = .{ .name = symbol_name },
.src = src,
.link = switch (self.comp.bin_file.tag) {
.coff => .{ .coff = {} },
.elf => .{ .elf = link.File.Elf.Export{} },
.macho => .{ .macho = link.File.MachO.Export{} },
.c => .{ .c = {} },
.wasm => .{ .wasm = {} },
.owner_decl = owner_decl,
.exported_decl = exported_decl,
.status = .in_progress,
// Add to export_owners table.
const eo_gop = self.export_owners.getOrPutAssumeCapacity(owner_decl);
if (!eo_gop.found_existing) {
eo_gop.entry.value = &[0]*Export{};
eo_gop.entry.value = try self.gpa.realloc(eo_gop.entry.value, eo_gop.entry.value.len + 1);
eo_gop.entry.value[eo_gop.entry.value.len - 1] = new_export;
errdefer eo_gop.entry.value = self.gpa.shrink(eo_gop.entry.value, eo_gop.entry.value.len - 1);
// Add to exported_decl table.
const de_gop = self.decl_exports.getOrPutAssumeCapacity(exported_decl);
if (!de_gop.found_existing) {
de_gop.entry.value = &[0]*Export{};
de_gop.entry.value = try self.gpa.realloc(de_gop.entry.value, de_gop.entry.value.len + 1);
de_gop.entry.value[de_gop.entry.value.len - 1] = new_export;
errdefer de_gop.entry.value = self.gpa.shrink(de_gop.entry.value, de_gop.entry.value.len - 1);
if (self.symbol_exports.get(symbol_name)) |_| {
try self.failed_exports.ensureCapacity(self.gpa, self.failed_exports.items().len + 1);
self.failed_exports.putAssumeCapacityNoClobber(new_export, try Compilation.ErrorMsg.create(
"exported symbol collision: {}",
// TODO: add a note
new_export.status = .failed;
try self.symbol_exports.putNoClobber(self.gpa, symbol_name, new_export);
self.comp.bin_file.updateDeclExports(self, exported_decl, de_gop.entry.value) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.OutOfMemory => return error.OutOfMemory,
else => {
try self.failed_exports.ensureCapacity(self.gpa, self.failed_exports.items().len + 1);
self.failed_exports.putAssumeCapacityNoClobber(new_export, try Compilation.ErrorMsg.create(
"unable to export: {}",
new_export.status = .failed_retryable;
pub fn addNoOp(
self: *Module,
block: *Scope.Block,
src: usize,
ty: Type,
comptime tag: Inst.Tag,
) !*Inst {
const inst = try block.arena.create(tag.Type());
inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.tag = tag,
.ty = ty,
.src = src,
try block.instructions.append(self.gpa, &inst.base);
return &inst.base;
pub fn addUnOp(
self: *Module,
block: *Scope.Block,
src: usize,
ty: Type,
tag: Inst.Tag,
operand: *Inst,
) !*Inst {
const inst = try block.arena.create(Inst.UnOp);
inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.tag = tag,
.ty = ty,
.src = src,
.operand = operand,
try block.instructions.append(self.gpa, &inst.base);
return &inst.base;
pub fn addBinOp(
self: *Module,
block: *Scope.Block,
src: usize,
ty: Type,
tag: Inst.Tag,
lhs: *Inst,
rhs: *Inst,
) !*Inst {
const inst = try block.arena.create(Inst.BinOp);
inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.tag = tag,
.ty = ty,
.src = src,
.lhs = lhs,
.rhs = rhs,
try block.instructions.append(self.gpa, &inst.base);
return &inst.base;
pub fn addArg(self: *Module, block: *Scope.Block, src: usize, ty: Type, name: [*:0]const u8) !*Inst {
const inst = try block.arena.create(Inst.Arg);
inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.tag = .arg,
.ty = ty,
.src = src,
.name = name,
try block.instructions.append(self.gpa, &inst.base);
return &inst.base;
pub fn addBr(
self: *Module,
scope_block: *Scope.Block,
src: usize,
target_block: *Inst.Block,
operand: *Inst,
) !*Inst {
const inst = try scope_block.arena.create(Inst.Br);
inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.tag = .br,
.ty = Type.initTag(.noreturn),
.src = src,
.operand = operand,
.block = target_block,
try scope_block.instructions.append(self.gpa, &inst.base);
return &inst.base;
pub fn addCondBr(
self: *Module,
block: *Scope.Block,
src: usize,
condition: *Inst,
then_body: ir.Body,
else_body: ir.Body,
) !*Inst {
const inst = try block.arena.create(Inst.CondBr);
inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.tag = .condbr,
.ty = Type.initTag(.noreturn),
.src = src,
.condition = condition,
.then_body = then_body,
.else_body = else_body,
try block.instructions.append(self.gpa, &inst.base);
return &inst.base;
pub fn addCall(
self: *Module,
block: *Scope.Block,
src: usize,
ty: Type,
func: *Inst,
args: []const *Inst,
) !*Inst {
const inst = try block.arena.create(Inst.Call);
inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.tag = .call,
.ty = ty,
.src = src,
.func = func,
.args = args,
try block.instructions.append(self.gpa, &inst.base);
return &inst.base;
pub fn addSwitchBr(
self: *Module,
block: *Scope.Block,
src: usize,
target_ptr: *Inst,
cases: []Inst.SwitchBr.Case,
else_body: ir.Body,
) !*Inst {
const inst = try block.arena.create(Inst.SwitchBr);
inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.tag = .switchbr,
.ty = Type.initTag(.noreturn),
.src = src,
.target_ptr = target_ptr,
.cases = cases,
.else_body = else_body,
try block.instructions.append(self.gpa, &inst.base);
return &inst.base;
pub fn constInst(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, src: usize, typed_value: TypedValue) !*Inst {
const const_inst = try scope.arena().create(Inst.Constant);
const_inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.tag = Inst.Constant.base_tag,
.ty = typed_value.ty,
.src = src,
.val = typed_value.val,
return &const_inst.base;
pub fn constType(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, src: usize, ty: Type) !*Inst {
return self.constInst(scope, src, .{
.ty = Type.initTag(.type),
.val = try ty.toValue(scope.arena()),
pub fn constVoid(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, src: usize) !*Inst {
return self.constInst(scope, src, .{
.ty = Type.initTag(.void),
.val = Value.initTag(.void_value),
pub fn constNoReturn(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, src: usize) !*Inst {
return self.constInst(scope, src, .{
.ty = Type.initTag(.noreturn),
.val = Value.initTag(.unreachable_value),
pub fn constUndef(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, src: usize, ty: Type) !*Inst {
return self.constInst(scope, src, .{
.ty = ty,
.val = Value.initTag(.undef),
pub fn constBool(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, src: usize, v: bool) !*Inst {
return self.constInst(scope, src, .{
.ty = Type.initTag(.bool),
.val = ([2]Value{ Value.initTag(.bool_false), Value.initTag(.bool_true) })[@boolToInt(v)],
pub fn constIntUnsigned(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, src: usize, ty: Type, int: u64) !*Inst {
const int_payload = try scope.arena().create(Value.Payload.Int_u64);
int_payload.* = .{ .int = int };
return self.constInst(scope, src, .{
.ty = ty,
.val = Value.initPayload(&int_payload.base),
pub fn constIntSigned(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, src: usize, ty: Type, int: i64) !*Inst {
const int_payload = try scope.arena().create(Value.Payload.Int_i64);
int_payload.* = .{ .int = int };
return self.constInst(scope, src, .{
.ty = ty,
.val = Value.initPayload(&int_payload.base),
pub fn constIntBig(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, src: usize, ty: Type, big_int: BigIntConst) !*Inst {
const val_payload = if (big_int.positive) blk: {
if (big_int.to(u64)) |x| {
return self.constIntUnsigned(scope, src, ty, x);
} else |err| switch (err) {
error.NegativeIntoUnsigned => unreachable,
error.TargetTooSmall => {}, // handled below
const big_int_payload = try scope.arena().create(Value.Payload.IntBigPositive);
big_int_payload.* = .{ .limbs = big_int.limbs };
break :blk &big_int_payload.base;
} else blk: {
if (big_int.to(i64)) |x| {
return self.constIntSigned(scope, src, ty, x);
} else |err| switch (err) {
error.NegativeIntoUnsigned => unreachable,
error.TargetTooSmall => {}, // handled below
const big_int_payload = try scope.arena().create(Value.Payload.IntBigNegative);
big_int_payload.* = .{ .limbs = big_int.limbs };
break :blk &big_int_payload.base;
return self.constInst(scope, src, .{
.ty = ty,
.val = Value.initPayload(val_payload),
pub fn createAnonymousDecl(
self: *Module,
scope: *Scope,
decl_arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator,
typed_value: TypedValue,
) !*Decl {
const name_index = self.getNextAnonNameIndex();
const scope_decl = scope.decl().?;
const name = try std.fmt.allocPrint(self.gpa, "{}__anon_{}", .{ scope_decl.name, name_index });
defer self.gpa.free(name);
const name_hash = scope.namespace().fullyQualifiedNameHash(name);
const src_hash: std.zig.SrcHash = undefined;
const new_decl = try self.createNewDecl(scope, name, scope_decl.src_index, name_hash, src_hash);
const decl_arena_state = try decl_arena.allocator.create(std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State);
decl_arena_state.* = decl_arena.state;
new_decl.typed_value = .{
.most_recent = .{
.typed_value = typed_value,
.arena = decl_arena_state,
new_decl.analysis = .complete;
new_decl.generation = self.generation;
// TODO: This generates the Decl into the machine code file if it is of a type that is non-zero size.
// We should be able to further improve the compiler to not omit Decls which are only referenced at
// compile-time and not runtime.
if (typed_value.ty.hasCodeGenBits()) {
try self.comp.bin_file.allocateDeclIndexes(new_decl);
try self.comp.work_queue.writeItem(.{ .codegen_decl = new_decl });
return new_decl;
fn getNextAnonNameIndex(self: *Module) usize {
return @atomicRmw(usize, &self.next_anon_name_index, .Add, 1, .Monotonic);
pub fn lookupDeclName(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, ident_name: []const u8) ?*Decl {
const namespace = scope.namespace();
const name_hash = namespace.fullyQualifiedNameHash(ident_name);
return self.decl_table.get(name_hash);
pub fn analyzeDeclRef(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, src: usize, decl: *Decl) InnerError!*Inst {
const scope_decl = scope.decl().?;
try self.declareDeclDependency(scope_decl, decl);
self.ensureDeclAnalyzed(decl) catch |err| {
if (scope.cast(Scope.Block)) |block| {
if (block.func) |func| {
func.analysis = .dependency_failure;
} else {
block.decl.analysis = .dependency_failure;
} else {
scope_decl.analysis = .dependency_failure;
return err;
const decl_tv = try decl.typedValue();
if (decl_tv.val.tag() == .variable) {
return self.analyzeVarRef(scope, src, decl_tv);
const ty = try self.simplePtrType(scope, src, decl_tv.ty, false, .One);
const val_payload = try scope.arena().create(Value.Payload.DeclRef);
val_payload.* = .{ .decl = decl };
return self.constInst(scope, src, .{
.ty = ty,
.val = Value.initPayload(&val_payload.base),
fn analyzeVarRef(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, src: usize, tv: TypedValue) InnerError!*Inst {
const variable = tv.val.cast(Value.Payload.Variable).?.variable;
const ty = try self.simplePtrType(scope, src, tv.ty, variable.is_mutable, .One);
if (!variable.is_mutable and !variable.is_extern) {
const val_payload = try scope.arena().create(Value.Payload.RefVal);
val_payload.* = .{ .val = variable.init };
return self.constInst(scope, src, .{
.ty = ty,
.val = Value.initPayload(&val_payload.base),
const b = try self.requireRuntimeBlock(scope, src);
const inst = try b.arena.create(Inst.VarPtr);
inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.tag = .varptr,
.ty = ty,
.src = src,
.variable = variable,
try b.instructions.append(self.gpa, &inst.base);
return &inst.base;
pub fn analyzeDeref(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, src: usize, ptr: *Inst, ptr_src: usize) InnerError!*Inst {
const elem_ty = switch (ptr.ty.zigTypeTag()) {
.Pointer => ptr.ty.elemType(),
else => return self.fail(scope, ptr_src, "expected pointer, found '{}'", .{ptr.ty}),
if (ptr.value()) |val| {
return self.constInst(scope, src, .{
.ty = elem_ty,
.val = try val.pointerDeref(scope.arena()),
const b = try self.requireRuntimeBlock(scope, src);
return self.addUnOp(b, src, elem_ty, .load, ptr);
pub fn analyzeDeclRefByName(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, src: usize, decl_name: []const u8) InnerError!*Inst {
const decl = self.lookupDeclName(scope, decl_name) orelse
return self.fail(scope, src, "decl '{}' not found", .{decl_name});
return self.analyzeDeclRef(scope, src, decl);
pub fn wantSafety(self: *Module, scope: *Scope) bool {
// TODO take into account scope's safety overrides
return switch (self.optimizeMode()) {
.Debug => true,
.ReleaseSafe => true,
.ReleaseFast => false,
.ReleaseSmall => false,
pub fn analyzeIsNull(
self: *Module,
scope: *Scope,
src: usize,
operand: *Inst,
invert_logic: bool,
) InnerError!*Inst {
if (operand.value()) |opt_val| {
const is_null = opt_val.isNull();
const bool_value = if (invert_logic) !is_null else is_null;
return self.constBool(scope, src, bool_value);
const b = try self.requireRuntimeBlock(scope, src);
const inst_tag: Inst.Tag = if (invert_logic) .isnonnull else .isnull;
return self.addUnOp(b, src, Type.initTag(.bool), inst_tag, operand);
pub fn analyzeIsErr(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, src: usize, operand: *Inst) InnerError!*Inst {
return self.fail(scope, src, "TODO implement analysis of iserr", .{});
pub fn analyzeSlice(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, src: usize, array_ptr: *Inst, start: *Inst, end_opt: ?*Inst, sentinel_opt: ?*Inst) InnerError!*Inst {
const ptr_child = switch (array_ptr.ty.zigTypeTag()) {
.Pointer => array_ptr.ty.elemType(),
else => return self.fail(scope, src, "expected pointer, found '{}'", .{array_ptr.ty}),
var array_type = ptr_child;
const elem_type = switch (ptr_child.zigTypeTag()) {
.Array => ptr_child.elemType(),
.Pointer => blk: {
if (ptr_child.isSinglePointer()) {
if (ptr_child.elemType().zigTypeTag() == .Array) {
array_type = ptr_child.elemType();
break :blk ptr_child.elemType().elemType();
return self.fail(scope, src, "slice of single-item pointer", .{});
break :blk ptr_child.elemType();
else => return self.fail(scope, src, "slice of non-array type '{}'", .{ptr_child}),
const slice_sentinel = if (sentinel_opt) |sentinel| blk: {
const casted = try self.coerce(scope, elem_type, sentinel);
break :blk try self.resolveConstValue(scope, casted);
} else null;
var return_ptr_size: std.builtin.TypeInfo.Pointer.Size = .Slice;
var return_elem_type = elem_type;
if (end_opt) |end| {
if (end.value()) |end_val| {
if (start.value()) |start_val| {
const start_u64 = start_val.toUnsignedInt();
const end_u64 = end_val.toUnsignedInt();
if (start_u64 > end_u64) {
return self.fail(scope, src, "out of bounds slice", .{});
const len = end_u64 - start_u64;
const array_sentinel = if (array_type.zigTypeTag() == .Array and end_u64 == array_type.arrayLen())
return_elem_type = try self.arrayType(scope, len, array_sentinel, elem_type);
return_ptr_size = .One;
const return_type = try self.ptrType(
if (end_opt == null) slice_sentinel else null,
0, // TODO alignment
return self.fail(scope, src, "TODO implement analysis of slice", .{});
pub fn analyzeImport(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, src: usize, target_string: []const u8) !*Scope.File {
const cur_pkg = scope.getOwnerPkg();
const cur_pkg_dir_path = cur_pkg.root_src_directory.path orelse ".";
const found_pkg = cur_pkg.table.get(target_string);
const resolved_path = if (found_pkg) |pkg|
try std.fs.path.resolve(self.gpa, &[_][]const u8{ pkg.root_src_directory.path orelse ".", pkg.root_src_path })
try std.fs.path.resolve(self.gpa, &[_][]const u8{ cur_pkg_dir_path, target_string });
errdefer self.gpa.free(resolved_path);
if (self.import_table.get(resolved_path)) |some| {
return some;
if (found_pkg == null) {
const resolved_root_path = try std.fs.path.resolve(self.gpa, &[_][]const u8{cur_pkg_dir_path});
defer self.gpa.free(resolved_root_path);
if (!mem.startsWith(u8, resolved_path, resolved_root_path)) {
return error.ImportOutsidePkgPath;
// TODO Scope.Container arena for ty and sub_file_path
const struct_payload = try self.gpa.create(Type.Payload.EmptyStruct);
errdefer self.gpa.destroy(struct_payload);
const file_scope = try self.gpa.create(Scope.File);
errdefer self.gpa.destroy(file_scope);
struct_payload.* = .{ .scope = &file_scope.root_container };
file_scope.* = .{
.sub_file_path = resolved_path,
.source = .{ .unloaded = {} },
.contents = .{ .not_available = {} },
.status = .never_loaded,
.pkg = found_pkg orelse cur_pkg,
.root_container = .{
.file_scope = file_scope,
.decls = .{},
.ty = Type.initPayload(&struct_payload.base),
self.analyzeContainer(&file_scope.root_container) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.AnalysisFail => {
assert(self.comp.totalErrorCount() != 0);
else => |e| return e,
try self.import_table.put(self.gpa, file_scope.sub_file_path, file_scope);
return file_scope;
/// Asserts that lhs and rhs types are both numeric.
pub fn cmpNumeric(
self: *Module,
scope: *Scope,
src: usize,
lhs: *Inst,
rhs: *Inst,
op: std.math.CompareOperator,
) !*Inst {
const lhs_ty_tag = lhs.ty.zigTypeTag();
const rhs_ty_tag = rhs.ty.zigTypeTag();
if (lhs_ty_tag == .Vector and rhs_ty_tag == .Vector) {
if (lhs.ty.arrayLen() != rhs.ty.arrayLen()) {
return self.fail(scope, src, "vector length mismatch: {} and {}", .{
return self.fail(scope, src, "TODO implement support for vectors in cmpNumeric", .{});
} else if (lhs_ty_tag == .Vector or rhs_ty_tag == .Vector) {
return self.fail(scope, src, "mixed scalar and vector operands to comparison operator: '{}' and '{}'", .{
if (lhs.value()) |lhs_val| {
if (rhs.value()) |rhs_val| {
return self.constBool(scope, src, Value.compare(lhs_val, op, rhs_val));
// TODO handle comparisons against lazy zero values
// Some values can be compared against zero without being runtime known or without forcing
// a full resolution of their value, for example `@sizeOf(@Frame(function))` is known to
// always be nonzero, and we benefit from not forcing the full evaluation and stack frame layout
// of this function if we don't need to.
// It must be a runtime comparison.
const b = try self.requireRuntimeBlock(scope, src);
// For floats, emit a float comparison instruction.
const lhs_is_float = switch (lhs_ty_tag) {
.Float, .ComptimeFloat => true,
else => false,
const rhs_is_float = switch (rhs_ty_tag) {
.Float, .ComptimeFloat => true,
else => false,
if (lhs_is_float and rhs_is_float) {
// Implicit cast the smaller one to the larger one.
const dest_type = x: {
if (lhs_ty_tag == .ComptimeFloat) {
break :x rhs.ty;
} else if (rhs_ty_tag == .ComptimeFloat) {
break :x lhs.ty;
if (lhs.ty.floatBits(self.getTarget()) >= rhs.ty.floatBits(self.getTarget())) {
break :x lhs.ty;
} else {
break :x rhs.ty;
const casted_lhs = try self.coerce(scope, dest_type, lhs);
const casted_rhs = try self.coerce(scope, dest_type, rhs);
return self.addBinOp(b, src, dest_type, Inst.Tag.fromCmpOp(op), casted_lhs, casted_rhs);
// For mixed unsigned integer sizes, implicit cast both operands to the larger integer.
// For mixed signed and unsigned integers, implicit cast both operands to a signed
// integer with + 1 bit.
// For mixed floats and integers, extract the integer part from the float, cast that to
// a signed integer with mantissa bits + 1, and if there was any non-integral part of the float,
// add/subtract 1.
const lhs_is_signed = if (lhs.value()) |lhs_val|
(lhs.ty.isFloat() or lhs.ty.isSignedInt());
const rhs_is_signed = if (rhs.value()) |rhs_val|
(rhs.ty.isFloat() or rhs.ty.isSignedInt());
const dest_int_is_signed = lhs_is_signed or rhs_is_signed;
var dest_float_type: ?Type = null;
var lhs_bits: usize = undefined;
if (lhs.value()) |lhs_val| {
if (lhs_val.isUndef())
return self.constUndef(scope, src, Type.initTag(.bool));
const is_unsigned = if (lhs_is_float) x: {
var bigint_space: Value.BigIntSpace = undefined;
var bigint = try lhs_val.toBigInt(&bigint_space).toManaged(self.gpa);
defer bigint.deinit();
const zcmp = lhs_val.orderAgainstZero();
if (lhs_val.floatHasFraction()) {
switch (op) {
.eq => return self.constBool(scope, src, false),
.neq => return self.constBool(scope, src, true),
else => {},
if (zcmp == .lt) {
try bigint.addScalar(bigint.toConst(), -1);
} else {
try bigint.addScalar(bigint.toConst(), 1);
lhs_bits = bigint.toConst().bitCountTwosComp();
break :x (zcmp != .lt);
} else x: {
lhs_bits = lhs_val.intBitCountTwosComp();
break :x (lhs_val.orderAgainstZero() != .lt);
lhs_bits += @boolToInt(is_unsigned and dest_int_is_signed);
} else if (lhs_is_float) {
dest_float_type = lhs.ty;
} else {
const int_info = lhs.ty.intInfo(self.getTarget());
lhs_bits = int_info.bits + @boolToInt(int_info.signedness == .unsigned and dest_int_is_signed);
var rhs_bits: usize = undefined;
if (rhs.value()) |rhs_val| {
if (rhs_val.isUndef())
return self.constUndef(scope, src, Type.initTag(.bool));
const is_unsigned = if (rhs_is_float) x: {
var bigint_space: Value.BigIntSpace = undefined;
var bigint = try rhs_val.toBigInt(&bigint_space).toManaged(self.gpa);
defer bigint.deinit();
const zcmp = rhs_val.orderAgainstZero();
if (rhs_val.floatHasFraction()) {
switch (op) {
.eq => return self.constBool(scope, src, false),
.neq => return self.constBool(scope, src, true),
else => {},
if (zcmp == .lt) {
try bigint.addScalar(bigint.toConst(), -1);
} else {
try bigint.addScalar(bigint.toConst(), 1);
rhs_bits = bigint.toConst().bitCountTwosComp();
break :x (zcmp != .lt);
} else x: {
rhs_bits = rhs_val.intBitCountTwosComp();
break :x (rhs_val.orderAgainstZero() != .lt);
rhs_bits += @boolToInt(is_unsigned and dest_int_is_signed);
} else if (rhs_is_float) {
dest_float_type = rhs.ty;
} else {
const int_info = rhs.ty.intInfo(self.getTarget());
rhs_bits = int_info.bits + @boolToInt(int_info.signedness == .unsigned and dest_int_is_signed);
const dest_type = if (dest_float_type) |ft| ft else blk: {
const max_bits = std.math.max(lhs_bits, rhs_bits);
const casted_bits = std.math.cast(u16, max_bits) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.Overflow => return self.fail(scope, src, "{} exceeds maximum integer bit count", .{max_bits}),
break :blk try self.makeIntType(scope, dest_int_is_signed, casted_bits);
const casted_lhs = try self.coerce(scope, dest_type, lhs);
const casted_rhs = try self.coerce(scope, dest_type, rhs);
return self.addBinOp(b, src, Type.initTag(.bool), Inst.Tag.fromCmpOp(op), casted_lhs, casted_rhs);
fn wrapOptional(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, dest_type: Type, inst: *Inst) !*Inst {
if (inst.value()) |val| {
return self.constInst(scope, inst.src, .{ .ty = dest_type, .val = val });
const b = try self.requireRuntimeBlock(scope, inst.src);
return self.addUnOp(b, inst.src, dest_type, .wrap_optional, inst);
fn makeIntType(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, signed: bool, bits: u16) !Type {
if (signed) {
const int_payload = try scope.arena().create(Type.Payload.IntSigned);
int_payload.* = .{ .bits = bits };
return Type.initPayload(&int_payload.base);
} else {
const int_payload = try scope.arena().create(Type.Payload.IntUnsigned);
int_payload.* = .{ .bits = bits };
return Type.initPayload(&int_payload.base);
pub fn resolvePeerTypes(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, instructions: []*Inst) !Type {
if (instructions.len == 0)
return Type.initTag(.noreturn);
if (instructions.len == 1)
return instructions[0].ty;
var chosen = instructions[0];
for (instructions[1..]) |candidate| {
if (candidate.ty.eql(chosen.ty))
if (candidate.ty.zigTypeTag() == .NoReturn)
if (chosen.ty.zigTypeTag() == .NoReturn) {
chosen = candidate;
if (candidate.ty.zigTypeTag() == .Undefined)
if (chosen.ty.zigTypeTag() == .Undefined) {
chosen = candidate;
if (chosen.ty.isInt() and
candidate.ty.isInt() and
chosen.ty.isSignedInt() == candidate.ty.isSignedInt())
if (chosen.ty.intInfo(self.getTarget()).bits < candidate.ty.intInfo(self.getTarget()).bits) {
chosen = candidate;
if (chosen.ty.isFloat() and candidate.ty.isFloat()) {
if (chosen.ty.floatBits(self.getTarget()) < candidate.ty.floatBits(self.getTarget())) {
chosen = candidate;
if (chosen.ty.zigTypeTag() == .ComptimeInt and candidate.ty.isInt()) {
chosen = candidate;
if (chosen.ty.isInt() and candidate.ty.zigTypeTag() == .ComptimeInt) {
// TODO error notes pointing out each type
return self.fail(scope, candidate.src, "incompatible types: '{}' and '{}'", .{ chosen.ty, candidate.ty });
return chosen.ty;
pub fn coerce(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, dest_type: Type, inst: *Inst) !*Inst {
// If the types are the same, we can return the operand.
if (dest_type.eql(inst.ty))
return inst;
const in_memory_result = coerceInMemoryAllowed(dest_type, inst.ty);
if (in_memory_result == .ok) {
return self.bitcast(scope, dest_type, inst);
// undefined to anything
if (inst.value()) |val| {
if (val.isUndef() or inst.ty.zigTypeTag() == .Undefined) {
return self.constInst(scope, inst.src, .{ .ty = dest_type, .val = val });
assert(inst.ty.zigTypeTag() != .Undefined);
// null to ?T
if (dest_type.zigTypeTag() == .Optional and inst.ty.zigTypeTag() == .Null) {
return self.constInst(scope, inst.src, .{ .ty = dest_type, .val = Value.initTag(.null_value) });
// T to ?T
if (dest_type.zigTypeTag() == .Optional) {
var buf: Type.Payload.PointerSimple = undefined;
const child_type = dest_type.optionalChild(&buf);
if (child_type.eql(inst.ty)) {
return self.wrapOptional(scope, dest_type, inst);
} else if (try self.coerceNum(scope, child_type, inst)) |some| {
return self.wrapOptional(scope, dest_type, some);
// *[N]T to []T
if (inst.ty.isSinglePointer() and dest_type.isSlice() and
(!inst.ty.isConstPtr() or dest_type.isConstPtr()))
const array_type = inst.ty.elemType();
const dst_elem_type = dest_type.elemType();
if (array_type.zigTypeTag() == .Array and
coerceInMemoryAllowed(dst_elem_type, array_type.elemType()) == .ok)
return self.coerceArrayPtrToSlice(scope, dest_type, inst);
// comptime known number to other number
if (try self.coerceNum(scope, dest_type, inst)) |some|
return some;
// integer widening
if (inst.ty.zigTypeTag() == .Int and dest_type.zigTypeTag() == .Int) {
assert(inst.value() == null); // handled above
const src_info = inst.ty.intInfo(self.getTarget());
const dst_info = dest_type.intInfo(self.getTarget());
if ((src_info.signedness == dst_info.signedness and dst_info.bits >= src_info.bits) or
// small enough unsigned ints can get casted to large enough signed ints
(src_info.signedness == .signed and dst_info.signedness == .unsigned and dst_info.bits > src_info.bits))
const b = try self.requireRuntimeBlock(scope, inst.src);
return self.addUnOp(b, inst.src, dest_type, .intcast, inst);
// float widening
if (inst.ty.zigTypeTag() == .Float and dest_type.zigTypeTag() == .Float) {
assert(inst.value() == null); // handled above
const src_bits = inst.ty.floatBits(self.getTarget());
const dst_bits = dest_type.floatBits(self.getTarget());
if (dst_bits >= src_bits) {
const b = try self.requireRuntimeBlock(scope, inst.src);
return self.addUnOp(b, inst.src, dest_type, .floatcast, inst);
return self.fail(scope, inst.src, "expected {}, found {}", .{ dest_type, inst.ty });
pub fn coerceNum(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, dest_type: Type, inst: *Inst) !?*Inst {
const val = inst.value() orelse return null;
const src_zig_tag = inst.ty.zigTypeTag();
const dst_zig_tag = dest_type.zigTypeTag();
if (dst_zig_tag == .ComptimeInt or dst_zig_tag == .Int) {
if (src_zig_tag == .Float or src_zig_tag == .ComptimeFloat) {
if (val.floatHasFraction()) {
return self.fail(scope, inst.src, "fractional component prevents float value {} from being casted to type '{}'", .{ val, inst.ty });
return self.fail(scope, inst.src, "TODO float to int", .{});
} else if (src_zig_tag == .Int or src_zig_tag == .ComptimeInt) {
if (!val.intFitsInType(dest_type, self.getTarget())) {
return self.fail(scope, inst.src, "type {} cannot represent integer value {}", .{ inst.ty, val });
return self.constInst(scope, inst.src, .{ .ty = dest_type, .val = val });
} else if (dst_zig_tag == .ComptimeFloat or dst_zig_tag == .Float) {
if (src_zig_tag == .Float or src_zig_tag == .ComptimeFloat) {
const res = val.floatCast(scope.arena(), dest_type, self.getTarget()) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.Overflow => return self.fail(
"cast of value {} to type '{}' loses information",
.{ val, dest_type },
error.OutOfMemory => return error.OutOfMemory,
return self.constInst(scope, inst.src, .{ .ty = dest_type, .val = res });
} else if (src_zig_tag == .Int or src_zig_tag == .ComptimeInt) {
return self.fail(scope, inst.src, "TODO int to float", .{});
return null;
pub fn storePtr(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, src: usize, ptr: *Inst, uncasted_value: *Inst) !*Inst {
if (ptr.ty.isConstPtr())
return self.fail(scope, src, "cannot assign to constant", .{});
const elem_ty = ptr.ty.elemType();
const value = try self.coerce(scope, elem_ty, uncasted_value);
if (elem_ty.onePossibleValue() != null)
return self.constVoid(scope, src);
// TODO handle comptime pointer writes
// TODO handle if the element type requires comptime
const b = try self.requireRuntimeBlock(scope, src);
return self.addBinOp(b, src, Type.initTag(.void), .store, ptr, value);
pub fn bitcast(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, dest_type: Type, inst: *Inst) !*Inst {
if (inst.value()) |val| {
// Keep the comptime Value representation; take the new type.
return self.constInst(scope, inst.src, .{ .ty = dest_type, .val = val });
// TODO validate the type size and other compile errors
const b = try self.requireRuntimeBlock(scope, inst.src);
return self.addUnOp(b, inst.src, dest_type, .bitcast, inst);
fn coerceArrayPtrToSlice(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, dest_type: Type, inst: *Inst) !*Inst {
if (inst.value()) |val| {
// The comptime Value representation is compatible with both types.
return self.constInst(scope, inst.src, .{ .ty = dest_type, .val = val });
return self.fail(scope, inst.src, "TODO implement coerceArrayPtrToSlice runtime instruction", .{});
pub fn fail(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, src: usize, comptime format: []const u8, args: anytype) InnerError {
const err_msg = try Compilation.ErrorMsg.create(self.gpa, src, format, args);
return self.failWithOwnedErrorMsg(scope, src, err_msg);
pub fn failTok(
self: *Module,
scope: *Scope,
token_index: ast.TokenIndex,
comptime format: []const u8,
args: anytype,
) InnerError {
const src = scope.tree().token_locs[token_index].start;
return self.fail(scope, src, format, args);
pub fn failNode(
self: *Module,
scope: *Scope,
ast_node: *ast.Node,
comptime format: []const u8,
args: anytype,
) InnerError {
const src = scope.tree().token_locs[ast_node.firstToken()].start;
return self.fail(scope, src, format, args);
fn failWithOwnedErrorMsg(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, src: usize, err_msg: *Compilation.ErrorMsg) InnerError {
errdefer err_msg.destroy(self.gpa);
try self.failed_decls.ensureCapacity(self.gpa, self.failed_decls.items().len + 1);
try self.failed_files.ensureCapacity(self.gpa, self.failed_files.items().len + 1);
switch (scope.tag) {
.decl => {
const decl = scope.cast(Scope.DeclAnalysis).?.decl;
decl.analysis = .sema_failure;
decl.generation = self.generation;
self.failed_decls.putAssumeCapacityNoClobber(decl, err_msg);
.block => {
const block = scope.cast(Scope.Block).?;
if (block.func) |func| {
func.analysis = .sema_failure;
} else {
block.decl.analysis = .sema_failure;
block.decl.generation = self.generation;
self.failed_decls.putAssumeCapacityNoClobber(block.decl, err_msg);
.gen_zir => {
const gen_zir = scope.cast(Scope.GenZIR).?;
gen_zir.decl.analysis = .sema_failure;
gen_zir.decl.generation = self.generation;
self.failed_decls.putAssumeCapacityNoClobber(gen_zir.decl, err_msg);
.local_val => {
const gen_zir = scope.cast(Scope.LocalVal).?.gen_zir;
gen_zir.decl.analysis = .sema_failure;
gen_zir.decl.generation = self.generation;
self.failed_decls.putAssumeCapacityNoClobber(gen_zir.decl, err_msg);
.local_ptr => {
const gen_zir = scope.cast(Scope.LocalPtr).?.gen_zir;
gen_zir.decl.analysis = .sema_failure;
gen_zir.decl.generation = self.generation;
self.failed_decls.putAssumeCapacityNoClobber(gen_zir.decl, err_msg);
.zir_module => {
const zir_module = scope.cast(Scope.ZIRModule).?;
zir_module.status = .loaded_sema_failure;
self.failed_files.putAssumeCapacityNoClobber(scope, err_msg);
.file => unreachable,
.container => unreachable,
return error.AnalysisFail;
const InMemoryCoercionResult = enum {
fn coerceInMemoryAllowed(dest_type: Type, src_type: Type) InMemoryCoercionResult {
if (dest_type.eql(src_type))
return .ok;
// TODO: implement more of this function
return .no_match;
fn srcHashEql(a: std.zig.SrcHash, b: std.zig.SrcHash) bool {
return @bitCast(u128, a) == @bitCast(u128, b);
pub fn intAdd(allocator: *Allocator, lhs: Value, rhs: Value) !Value {
// TODO is this a performance issue? maybe we should try the operation without
// resorting to BigInt first.
var lhs_space: Value.BigIntSpace = undefined;
var rhs_space: Value.BigIntSpace = undefined;
const lhs_bigint = lhs.toBigInt(&lhs_space);
const rhs_bigint = rhs.toBigInt(&rhs_space);
const limbs = try allocator.alloc(
std.math.max(lhs_bigint.limbs.len, rhs_bigint.limbs.len) + 1,
var result_bigint = BigIntMutable{ .limbs = limbs, .positive = undefined, .len = undefined };
result_bigint.add(lhs_bigint, rhs_bigint);
const result_limbs = result_bigint.limbs[0..result_bigint.len];
const val_payload = if (result_bigint.positive) blk: {
const val_payload = try allocator.create(Value.Payload.IntBigPositive);
val_payload.* = .{ .limbs = result_limbs };
break :blk &val_payload.base;
} else blk: {
const val_payload = try allocator.create(Value.Payload.IntBigNegative);
val_payload.* = .{ .limbs = result_limbs };
break :blk &val_payload.base;
return Value.initPayload(val_payload);
pub fn intSub(allocator: *Allocator, lhs: Value, rhs: Value) !Value {
// TODO is this a performance issue? maybe we should try the operation without
// resorting to BigInt first.
var lhs_space: Value.BigIntSpace = undefined;
var rhs_space: Value.BigIntSpace = undefined;
const lhs_bigint = lhs.toBigInt(&lhs_space);
const rhs_bigint = rhs.toBigInt(&rhs_space);
const limbs = try allocator.alloc(
std.math.max(lhs_bigint.limbs.len, rhs_bigint.limbs.len) + 1,
var result_bigint = BigIntMutable{ .limbs = limbs, .positive = undefined, .len = undefined };
result_bigint.sub(lhs_bigint, rhs_bigint);
const result_limbs = result_bigint.limbs[0..result_bigint.len];
const val_payload = if (result_bigint.positive) blk: {
const val_payload = try allocator.create(Value.Payload.IntBigPositive);
val_payload.* = .{ .limbs = result_limbs };
break :blk &val_payload.base;
} else blk: {
const val_payload = try allocator.create(Value.Payload.IntBigNegative);
val_payload.* = .{ .limbs = result_limbs };
break :blk &val_payload.base;
return Value.initPayload(val_payload);
pub fn floatAdd(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, float_type: Type, src: usize, lhs: Value, rhs: Value) !Value {
var bit_count = switch (float_type.tag()) {
.comptime_float => 128,
else => float_type.floatBits(self.getTarget()),
const allocator = scope.arena();
const val_payload = switch (bit_count) {
16 => {
return self.fail(scope, src, "TODO Implement addition for soft floats", .{});
32 => blk: {
const lhs_val = lhs.toFloat(f32);
const rhs_val = rhs.toFloat(f32);
const val_payload = try allocator.create(Value.Payload.Float_32);
val_payload.* = .{ .val = lhs_val + rhs_val };
break :blk &val_payload.base;
64 => blk: {
const lhs_val = lhs.toFloat(f64);
const rhs_val = rhs.toFloat(f64);
const val_payload = try allocator.create(Value.Payload.Float_64);
val_payload.* = .{ .val = lhs_val + rhs_val };
break :blk &val_payload.base;
128 => {
return self.fail(scope, src, "TODO Implement addition for big floats", .{});
else => unreachable,
return Value.initPayload(val_payload);
pub fn floatSub(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, float_type: Type, src: usize, lhs: Value, rhs: Value) !Value {
var bit_count = switch (float_type.tag()) {
.comptime_float => 128,
else => float_type.floatBits(self.getTarget()),
const allocator = scope.arena();
const val_payload = switch (bit_count) {
16 => {
return self.fail(scope, src, "TODO Implement substraction for soft floats", .{});
32 => blk: {
const lhs_val = lhs.toFloat(f32);
const rhs_val = rhs.toFloat(f32);
const val_payload = try allocator.create(Value.Payload.Float_32);
val_payload.* = .{ .val = lhs_val - rhs_val };
break :blk &val_payload.base;
64 => blk: {
const lhs_val = lhs.toFloat(f64);
const rhs_val = rhs.toFloat(f64);
const val_payload = try allocator.create(Value.Payload.Float_64);
val_payload.* = .{ .val = lhs_val - rhs_val };
break :blk &val_payload.base;
128 => {
return self.fail(scope, src, "TODO Implement substraction for big floats", .{});
else => unreachable,
return Value.initPayload(val_payload);
pub fn simplePtrType(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, src: usize, elem_ty: Type, mutable: bool, size: std.builtin.TypeInfo.Pointer.Size) Allocator.Error!Type {
if (!mutable and size == .Slice and elem_ty.eql(Type.initTag(.u8))) {
return Type.initTag(.const_slice_u8);
// TODO stage1 type inference bug
const T = Type.Tag;
const type_payload = try scope.arena().create(Type.Payload.PointerSimple);
type_payload.* = .{
.base = .{
.tag = switch (size) {
.One => if (mutable) T.single_mut_pointer else T.single_const_pointer,
.Many => if (mutable) T.many_mut_pointer else T.many_const_pointer,
.C => if (mutable) T.c_mut_pointer else T.c_const_pointer,
.Slice => if (mutable) T.mut_slice else T.const_slice,
.pointee_type = elem_ty,
return Type.initPayload(&type_payload.base);
pub fn ptrType(
self: *Module,
scope: *Scope,
src: usize,
elem_ty: Type,
sentinel: ?Value,
@"align": u32,
bit_offset: u16,
host_size: u16,
mutable: bool,
@"allowzero": bool,
@"volatile": bool,
size: std.builtin.TypeInfo.Pointer.Size,
) Allocator.Error!Type {
assert(host_size == 0 or bit_offset < host_size * 8);
// TODO check if type can be represented by simplePtrType
const type_payload = try scope.arena().create(Type.Payload.Pointer);
type_payload.* = .{
.pointee_type = elem_ty,
.sentinel = sentinel,
.@"align" = @"align",
.bit_offset = bit_offset,
.host_size = host_size,
.@"allowzero" = @"allowzero",
.mutable = mutable,
.@"volatile" = @"volatile",
.size = size,
return Type.initPayload(&type_payload.base);
pub fn optionalType(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, child_type: Type) Allocator.Error!Type {
return Type.initPayload(switch (child_type.tag()) {
.single_const_pointer => blk: {
const payload = try scope.arena().create(Type.Payload.PointerSimple);
payload.* = .{
.base = .{ .tag = .optional_single_const_pointer },
.pointee_type = child_type.elemType(),
break :blk &payload.base;
.single_mut_pointer => blk: {
const payload = try scope.arena().create(Type.Payload.PointerSimple);
payload.* = .{
.base = .{ .tag = .optional_single_mut_pointer },
.pointee_type = child_type.elemType(),
break :blk &payload.base;
else => blk: {
const payload = try scope.arena().create(Type.Payload.Optional);
payload.* = .{
.child_type = child_type,
break :blk &payload.base;
pub fn arrayType(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, len: u64, sentinel: ?Value, elem_type: Type) Allocator.Error!Type {
if (elem_type.eql(Type.initTag(.u8))) {
if (sentinel) |some| {
if (some.eql(Value.initTag(.zero))) {
const payload = try scope.arena().create(Type.Payload.Array_u8_Sentinel0);
payload.* = .{
.len = len,
return Type.initPayload(&payload.base);
} else {
const payload = try scope.arena().create(Type.Payload.Array_u8);
payload.* = .{
.len = len,
return Type.initPayload(&payload.base);
if (sentinel) |some| {
const payload = try scope.arena().create(Type.Payload.ArraySentinel);
payload.* = .{
.len = len,
.sentinel = some,
.elem_type = elem_type,
return Type.initPayload(&payload.base);
const payload = try scope.arena().create(Type.Payload.Array);
payload.* = .{
.len = len,
.elem_type = elem_type,
return Type.initPayload(&payload.base);
pub fn errorUnionType(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, error_set: Type, payload: Type) Allocator.Error!Type {
assert(error_set.zigTypeTag() == .ErrorSet);
if (error_set.eql(Type.initTag(.anyerror)) and payload.eql(Type.initTag(.void))) {
return Type.initTag(.anyerror_void_error_union);
const result = try scope.arena().create(Type.Payload.ErrorUnion);
result.* = .{
.error_set = error_set,
.payload = payload,
return Type.initPayload(&result.base);
pub fn anyframeType(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, return_type: Type) Allocator.Error!Type {
const result = try scope.arena().create(Type.Payload.AnyFrame);
result.* = .{
.return_type = return_type,
return Type.initPayload(&result.base);
pub fn dumpInst(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *Inst) void {
const zir_module = scope.namespace();
const source = zir_module.getSource(self) catch @panic("dumpInst failed to get source");
const loc = std.zig.findLineColumn(source, inst.src);
if (inst.tag == .constant) {
std.debug.print("constant ty={} val={} src={}:{}:{}\n", .{
loc.line + 1,
loc.column + 1,
} else if (inst.deaths == 0) {
std.debug.print("{} ty={} src={}:{}:{}\n", .{
loc.line + 1,
loc.column + 1,
} else {
std.debug.print("{} ty={} deaths={b} src={}:{}:{}\n", .{
loc.line + 1,
loc.column + 1,
pub const PanicId = enum {
pub fn addSafetyCheck(mod: *Module, parent_block: *Scope.Block, ok: *Inst, panic_id: PanicId) !void {
const block_inst = try parent_block.arena.create(Inst.Block);
block_inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.tag = Inst.Block.base_tag,
.ty = Type.initTag(.void),
.src = ok.src,
.body = .{
.instructions = try parent_block.arena.alloc(*Inst, 1), // Only need space for the condbr.
const ok_body: ir.Body = .{
.instructions = try parent_block.arena.alloc(*Inst, 1), // Only need space for the brvoid.
const brvoid = try parent_block.arena.create(Inst.BrVoid);
brvoid.* = .{
.base = .{
.tag = .brvoid,
.ty = Type.initTag(.noreturn),
.src = ok.src,
.block = block_inst,
ok_body.instructions[0] = &brvoid.base;
var fail_block: Scope.Block = .{
.parent = parent_block,
.func = parent_block.func,
.decl = parent_block.decl,
.instructions = .{},
.arena = parent_block.arena,
.is_comptime = parent_block.is_comptime,
defer fail_block.instructions.deinit(mod.gpa);
_ = try mod.safetyPanic(&fail_block, ok.src, panic_id);
const fail_body: ir.Body = .{ .instructions = try parent_block.arena.dupe(*Inst, fail_block.instructions.items) };
const condbr = try parent_block.arena.create(Inst.CondBr);
condbr.* = .{
.base = .{
.tag = .condbr,
.ty = Type.initTag(.noreturn),
.src = ok.src,
.condition = ok,
.then_body = ok_body,
.else_body = fail_body,
block_inst.body.instructions[0] = &condbr.base;
try parent_block.instructions.append(mod.gpa, &block_inst.base);
pub fn safetyPanic(mod: *Module, block: *Scope.Block, src: usize, panic_id: PanicId) !*Inst {
// TODO Once we have a panic function to call, call it here instead of breakpoint.
_ = try mod.addNoOp(block, src, Type.initTag(.void), .breakpoint);
return mod.addNoOp(block, src, Type.initTag(.noreturn), .unreach);
pub fn getTarget(self: Module) Target {
return self.comp.bin_file.options.target;
pub fn optimizeMode(self: Module) std.builtin.Mode {
return self.comp.bin_file.options.optimize_mode;