
1150 lines
35 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const TestContext = @import("../../src/test.zig").TestContext;
// Self-hosted has differing levels of support for various architectures. For now we pass explicit
// target parameters to each test case. At some point we will take this to the next level and have
// a set of targets that all test cases run on unless specifically overridden. For now, each test
// case applies to only the specified target.
const linux_x64 = std.zig.CrossTarget{
.cpu_arch = .x86_64,
.os_tag = .linux,
const macosx_x64 = std.zig.CrossTarget{
.cpu_arch = .x86_64,
.os_tag = .macos,
const linux_riscv64 = std.zig.CrossTarget{
.cpu_arch = .riscv64,
.os_tag = .linux,
const wasi = std.zig.CrossTarget{
.cpu_arch = .wasm32,
.os_tag = .wasi,
pub fn addCases(ctx: *TestContext) !void {
try @import("zir.zig").addCases(ctx);
try @import("cbe.zig").addCases(ctx);
try @import("spu-ii.zig").addCases(ctx);
try @import("arm.zig").addCases(ctx);
try @import("aarch64.zig").addCases(ctx);
var case = ctx.exe("hello world with updates", linux_x64);
case.addError("", &[_][]const u8{"no entry point found"});
// Incorrect return type
\\export fn _start() noreturn {
, &[_][]const u8{":2:1: error: expected noreturn, found void"});
// Regular old hello world
\\export fn _start() noreturn {
\\ print();
\\ exit();
\\fn print() void {
\\ asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (1),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (1),
\\ [arg2] "{rsi}" (@ptrToInt("Hello, World!\n")),
\\ [arg3] "{rdx}" (14)
\\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory"
\\ );
\\ return;
\\fn exit() noreturn {
\\ asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (231),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (0)
\\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory"
\\ );
\\ unreachable;
"Hello, World!\n",
// Now change the message only
\\export fn _start() noreturn {
\\ print();
\\ exit();
\\fn print() void {
\\ asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (1),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (1),
\\ [arg2] "{rsi}" (@ptrToInt("What is up? This is a longer message that will force the data to be relocated in virtual address space.\n")),
\\ [arg3] "{rdx}" (104)
\\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory"
\\ );
\\ return;
\\fn exit() noreturn {
\\ asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (231),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (0)
\\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory"
\\ );
\\ unreachable;
"What is up? This is a longer message that will force the data to be relocated in virtual address space.\n",
// Now we print it twice.
\\export fn _start() noreturn {
\\ print();
\\ print();
\\ exit();
\\fn print() void {
\\ asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (1),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (1),
\\ [arg2] "{rsi}" (@ptrToInt("What is up? This is a longer message that will force the data to be relocated in virtual address space.\n")),
\\ [arg3] "{rdx}" (104)
\\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory"
\\ );
\\ return;
\\fn exit() noreturn {
\\ asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (231),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (0)
\\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory"
\\ );
\\ unreachable;
\\What is up? This is a longer message that will force the data to be relocated in virtual address space.
\\What is up? This is a longer message that will force the data to be relocated in virtual address space.
var case = ctx.exe("hello world with updates", macosx_x64);
case.addError("", &[_][]const u8{"no entry point found"});
// Incorrect return type
\\export fn _start() noreturn {
, &[_][]const u8{":2:1: error: expected noreturn, found void"});
// Regular old hello world
\\export fn _start() noreturn {
\\ print();
\\ exit();
\\fn print() void {
\\ asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (0x2000004),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (1),
\\ [arg2] "{rsi}" (@ptrToInt("Hello, World!\n")),
\\ [arg3] "{rdx}" (14)
\\ : "memory"
\\ );
\\ return;
\\fn exit() noreturn {
\\ asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (0x2000001),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (0)
\\ : "memory"
\\ );
\\ unreachable;
"Hello, World!\n",
// Now change the message only
\\export fn _start() noreturn {
\\ print();
\\ exit();
\\fn print() void {
\\ asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (0x2000004),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (1),
\\ [arg2] "{rsi}" (@ptrToInt("What is up? This is a longer message that will force the data to be relocated in virtual address space.\n")),
\\ [arg3] "{rdx}" (104)
\\ : "memory"
\\ );
\\ return;
\\fn exit() noreturn {
\\ asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (0x2000001),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (0)
\\ : "memory"
\\ );
\\ unreachable;
"What is up? This is a longer message that will force the data to be relocated in virtual address space.\n",
// Now we print it twice.
\\export fn _start() noreturn {
\\ print();
\\ print();
\\ exit();
\\fn print() void {
\\ asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (0x2000004),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (1),
\\ [arg2] "{rsi}" (@ptrToInt("What is up? This is a longer message that will force the data to be relocated in virtual address space.\n")),
\\ [arg3] "{rdx}" (104)
\\ : "memory"
\\ );
\\ return;
\\fn exit() noreturn {
\\ asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (0x2000001),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (0)
\\ : "memory"
\\ );
\\ unreachable;
\\What is up? This is a longer message that will force the data to be relocated in virtual address space.
\\What is up? This is a longer message that will force the data to be relocated in virtual address space.
var case = ctx.exe("hello world", linux_riscv64);
// Regular old hello world
\\export fn _start() noreturn {
\\ print();
\\ exit();
\\fn print() void {
\\ asm volatile ("ecall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{a7}" (64),
\\ [arg1] "{a0}" (1),
\\ [arg2] "{a1}" (@ptrToInt("Hello, World!\n")),
\\ [arg3] "{a2}" ("Hello, World!\n".len)
\\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory"
\\ );
\\ return;
\\fn exit() noreturn {
\\ asm volatile ("ecall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{a7}" (94),
\\ [arg1] "{a0}" (0)
\\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory"
\\ );
\\ unreachable;
"Hello, World!\n",
var case = ctx.exe("adding numbers at comptime", linux_x64);
\\export fn _start() noreturn {
\\ asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (1),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (1),
\\ [arg2] "{rsi}" (@ptrToInt("Hello, World!\n")),
\\ [arg3] "{rdx}" (10 + 4)
\\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory"
\\ );
\\ asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (@as(usize, 230) + @as(usize, 1)),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (0)
\\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory"
\\ );
\\ unreachable;
"Hello, World!\n",
var case = ctx.exe("adding numbers at runtime", linux_x64);
\\export fn _start() noreturn {
\\ add(3, 4);
\\ exit();
\\fn add(a: u32, b: u32) void {
\\ if (a + b != 7) unreachable;
\\fn exit() noreturn {
\\ asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (231),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (0)
\\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory"
\\ );
\\ unreachable;
var case = ctx.exe("subtracting numbers at runtime", linux_x64);
\\export fn _start() noreturn {
\\ sub(7, 4);
\\ exit();
\\fn sub(a: u32, b: u32) void {
\\ if (a - b != 3) unreachable;
\\fn exit() noreturn {
\\ asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (231),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (0)
\\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory"
\\ );
\\ unreachable;
var case = ctx.exe("assert function", linux_x64);
\\export fn _start() noreturn {
\\ add(3, 4);
\\ exit();
\\fn add(a: u32, b: u32) void {
\\ assert(a + b == 7);
\\pub fn assert(ok: bool) void {
\\ if (!ok) unreachable; // assertion failure
\\fn exit() noreturn {
\\ asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (231),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (0)
\\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory"
\\ );
\\ unreachable;
// Tests copying a register. For the `c = a + b`, it has to
// preserve both a and b, because they are both used later.
\\export fn _start() noreturn {
\\ add(3, 4);
\\ exit();
\\fn add(a: u32, b: u32) void {
\\ const c = a + b; // 7
\\ const d = a + c; // 10
\\ const e = d + b; // 14
\\ assert(e == 14);
\\pub fn assert(ok: bool) void {
\\ if (!ok) unreachable; // assertion failure
\\fn exit() noreturn {
\\ asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (231),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (0)
\\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory"
\\ );
\\ unreachable;
// More stress on the liveness detection.
\\export fn _start() noreturn {
\\ add(3, 4);
\\ exit();
\\fn add(a: u32, b: u32) void {
\\ const c = a + b; // 7
\\ const d = a + c; // 10
\\ const e = d + b; // 14
\\ const f = d + e; // 24
\\ const g = e + f; // 38
\\ const h = f + g; // 62
\\ const i = g + h; // 100
\\ assert(i == 100);
\\pub fn assert(ok: bool) void {
\\ if (!ok) unreachable; // assertion failure
\\fn exit() noreturn {
\\ asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (231),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (0)
\\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory"
\\ );
\\ unreachable;
// Requires a second move. The register allocator should figure out to re-use rax.
\\export fn _start() noreturn {
\\ add(3, 4);
\\ exit();
\\fn add(a: u32, b: u32) void {
\\ const c = a + b; // 7
\\ const d = a + c; // 10
\\ const e = d + b; // 14
\\ const f = d + e; // 24
\\ const g = e + f; // 38
\\ const h = f + g; // 62
\\ const i = g + h; // 100
\\ const j = i + d; // 110
\\ assert(j == 110);
\\pub fn assert(ok: bool) void {
\\ if (!ok) unreachable; // assertion failure
\\fn exit() noreturn {
\\ asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (231),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (0)
\\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory"
\\ );
\\ unreachable;
// Now we test integer return values.
\\export fn _start() noreturn {
\\ assert(add(3, 4) == 7);
\\ assert(add(20, 10) == 30);
\\ exit();
\\fn add(a: u32, b: u32) u32 {
\\ return a + b;
\\pub fn assert(ok: bool) void {
\\ if (!ok) unreachable; // assertion failure
\\fn exit() noreturn {
\\ asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (231),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (0)
\\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory"
\\ );
\\ unreachable;
// Local mutable variables.
\\export fn _start() noreturn {
\\ assert(add(3, 4) == 7);
\\ assert(add(20, 10) == 30);
\\ exit();
\\fn add(a: u32, b: u32) u32 {
\\ var x: u32 = undefined;
\\ x = 0;
\\ x += a;
\\ x += b;
\\ return x;
\\pub fn assert(ok: bool) void {
\\ if (!ok) unreachable; // assertion failure
\\fn exit() noreturn {
\\ asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (231),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (0)
\\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory"
\\ );
\\ unreachable;
// Optionals
\\export fn _start() noreturn {
\\ const a: u32 = 2;
\\ const b: ?u32 = a;
\\ const c = b.?;
\\ if (c != 2) unreachable;
\\ exit();
\\fn exit() noreturn {
\\ asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (231),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (0)
\\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory"
\\ );
\\ unreachable;
// While loops
\\export fn _start() noreturn {
\\ var i: u32 = 0;
\\ while (i < 4) : (i += 1) print();
\\ assert(i == 4);
\\ exit();
\\fn print() void {
\\ asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (1),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (1),
\\ [arg2] "{rsi}" (@ptrToInt("hello\n")),
\\ [arg3] "{rdx}" (6)
\\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory"
\\ );
\\ return;
\\pub fn assert(ok: bool) void {
\\ if (!ok) unreachable; // assertion failure
\\fn exit() noreturn {
\\ asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (231),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (0)
\\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory"
\\ );
\\ unreachable;
// Labeled blocks (no conditional branch)
\\export fn _start() noreturn {
\\ assert(add(3, 4) == 20);
\\ exit();
\\fn add(a: u32, b: u32) u32 {
\\ const x: u32 = blk: {
\\ const c = a + b; // 7
\\ const d = a + c; // 10
\\ const e = d + b; // 14
\\ break :blk e;
\\ };
\\ const y = x + a; // 17
\\ const z = y + a; // 20
\\ return z;
\\pub fn assert(ok: bool) void {
\\ if (!ok) unreachable; // assertion failure
\\fn exit() noreturn {
\\ asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (231),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (0)
\\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory"
\\ );
\\ unreachable;
// This catches a possible bug in the logic for re-using dying operands.
\\export fn _start() noreturn {
\\ assert(add(3, 4) == 116);
\\ exit();
\\fn add(a: u32, b: u32) u32 {
\\ const x: u32 = blk: {
\\ const c = a + b; // 7
\\ const d = a + c; // 10
\\ const e = d + b; // 14
\\ const f = d + e; // 24
\\ const g = e + f; // 38
\\ const h = f + g; // 62
\\ const i = g + h; // 100
\\ const j = i + d; // 110
\\ break :blk j;
\\ };
\\ const y = x + a; // 113
\\ const z = y + a; // 116
\\ return z;
\\pub fn assert(ok: bool) void {
\\ if (!ok) unreachable; // assertion failure
\\fn exit() noreturn {
\\ asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (231),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (0)
\\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory"
\\ );
\\ unreachable;
// Spilling registers to the stack.
\\export fn _start() noreturn {
\\ assert(add(3, 4) == 791);
\\ exit();
\\fn add(a: u32, b: u32) u32 {
\\ const x: u32 = blk: {
\\ const c = a + b; // 7
\\ const d = a + c; // 10
\\ const e = d + b; // 14
\\ const f = d + e; // 24
\\ const g = e + f; // 38
\\ const h = f + g; // 62
\\ const i = g + h; // 100
\\ const j = i + d; // 110
\\ const k = i + j; // 210
\\ const l = k + c; // 217
\\ const m = l + d; // 227
\\ const n = m + e; // 241
\\ const o = n + f; // 265
\\ const p = o + g; // 303
\\ const q = p + h; // 365
\\ const r = q + i; // 465
\\ const s = r + j; // 575
\\ const t = s + k; // 785
\\ break :blk t;
\\ };
\\ const y = x + a; // 788
\\ const z = y + a; // 791
\\ return z;
\\pub fn assert(ok: bool) void {
\\ if (!ok) unreachable; // assertion failure
\\fn exit() noreturn {
\\ asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (231),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (0)
\\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory"
\\ );
\\ unreachable;
// Reusing the registers of dead operands playing nicely with conditional branching.
\\export fn _start() noreturn {
\\ assert(add(3, 4) == 791);
\\ assert(add(4, 3) == 79);
\\ exit();
\\fn add(a: u32, b: u32) u32 {
\\ const x: u32 = if (a < b) blk: {
\\ const c = a + b; // 7
\\ const d = a + c; // 10
\\ const e = d + b; // 14
\\ const f = d + e; // 24
\\ const g = e + f; // 38
\\ const h = f + g; // 62
\\ const i = g + h; // 100
\\ const j = i + d; // 110
\\ const k = i + j; // 210
\\ const l = k + c; // 217
\\ const m = l + d; // 227
\\ const n = m + e; // 241
\\ const o = n + f; // 265
\\ const p = o + g; // 303
\\ const q = p + h; // 365
\\ const r = q + i; // 465
\\ const s = r + j; // 575
\\ const t = s + k; // 785
\\ break :blk t;
\\ } else blk: {
\\ const t = b + b + a; // 10
\\ const c = a + t; // 14
\\ const d = c + t; // 24
\\ const e = d + t; // 34
\\ const f = e + t; // 44
\\ const g = f + t; // 54
\\ const h = c + g; // 68
\\ break :blk h + b; // 71
\\ };
\\ const y = x + a; // 788, 75
\\ const z = y + a; // 791, 79
\\ return z;
\\pub fn assert(ok: bool) void {
\\ if (!ok) unreachable; // assertion failure
\\fn exit() noreturn {
\\ asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (231),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (0)
\\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory"
\\ );
\\ unreachable;
// Character literals and multiline strings.
\\export fn _start() noreturn {
\\ const ignore =
\\ \\ cool thx
\\ \\
\\ ;
\\ add('ぁ', '\x03');
\\ exit();
\\fn add(a: u32, b: u32) void {
\\ assert(a + b == 12356);
\\pub fn assert(ok: bool) void {
\\ if (!ok) unreachable; // assertion failure
\\fn exit() noreturn {
\\ asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (231),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (0)
\\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory"
\\ );
\\ unreachable;
// Global const.
\\export fn _start() noreturn {
\\ add(aa, bb);
\\ exit();
\\const aa = 'ぁ';
\\const bb = '\x03';
\\fn add(a: u32, b: u32) void {
\\ assert(a + b == 12356);
\\pub fn assert(ok: bool) void {
\\ if (!ok) unreachable; // assertion failure
\\fn exit() noreturn {
\\ asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (231),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (0)
\\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory"
\\ );
\\ unreachable;
// Array access.
\\export fn _start() noreturn {
\\ assert("hello"[0] == 'h');
\\ exit();
\\pub fn assert(ok: bool) void {
\\ if (!ok) unreachable; // assertion failure
\\fn exit() noreturn {
\\ asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (231),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (0)
\\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory"
\\ );
\\ unreachable;
// 64bit set stack
\\export fn _start() noreturn {
\\ var i: u64 = 0xFFEEDDCCBBAA9988;
\\ assert(i == 0xFFEEDDCCBBAA9988);
\\ exit();
\\pub fn assert(ok: bool) void {
\\ if (!ok) unreachable; // assertion failure
\\fn exit() noreturn {
\\ asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (231),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (0)
\\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory"
\\ );
\\ unreachable;
// Basic for loop
\\export fn _start() noreturn {
\\ for ("hello") |_| print();
\\ exit();
\\fn print() void {
\\ asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (1),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (1),
\\ [arg2] "{rsi}" (@ptrToInt("hello\n")),
\\ [arg3] "{rdx}" (6)
\\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory"
\\ );
\\ return;
\\fn exit() noreturn {
\\ asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (231),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (0)
\\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory"
\\ );
\\ unreachable;
// comptime switch
// Basic for loop
\\pub export fn _start() noreturn {
\\ assert(foo() == 1);
\\ exit();
\\fn foo() u32 {
\\ const a: comptime_int = 1;
\\ var b: u32 = 0;
\\ switch (a) {
\\ 1 => b = 1,
\\ 2 => b = 2,
\\ else => unreachable,
\\ }
\\ return b;
\\pub fn assert(ok: bool) void {
\\ if (!ok) unreachable; // assertion failure
\\fn exit() noreturn {
\\ asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (231),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (0)
\\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory"
\\ );
\\ unreachable;
var case = ctx.exe("basic import", linux_x64);
\\export fn _start() noreturn {
\\ @import("print.zig").print();
\\ exit();
\\fn exit() noreturn {
\\ asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (231),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (@as(usize, 0))
\\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory"
\\ );
\\ unreachable;
"Hello, World!\n",
try case.files.append(.{
.src =
\\pub fn print() void {
\\ asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (@as(usize, 1)),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (@as(usize, 1)),
\\ [arg2] "{rsi}" (@ptrToInt("Hello, World!\n")),
\\ [arg3] "{rdx}" (@as(usize, 14))
\\ : "rcx", "r11", "memory"
\\ );
\\ return;
.path = "print.zig",
var case = ctx.exe("wasm function calls", wasi);
\\export fn _start() u32 {
\\ foo();
\\ bar();
\\ return 42;
\\fn foo() void {
\\ bar();
\\ bar();
\\fn bar() void {}
\\export fn _start() i64 {
\\ bar();
\\ foo();
\\ foo();
\\ bar();
\\ foo();
\\ bar();
\\ return 42;
\\fn foo() void {
\\ bar();
\\fn bar() void {}
\\export fn _start() f32 {
\\ bar();
\\ foo();
\\ return 42.0;
\\fn foo() void {
\\ bar();
\\ bar();
\\ bar();
\\fn bar() void {}
// This is what you get when you take the bits of the IEE-754
// representation of 42.0 and reinterpret them as an unsigned
// integer. Guess that's a bug in wasmtime.
ctx.compileError("function redefinition", linux_x64,
\\fn entry() void {}
\\fn entry() void {}
, &[_][]const u8{":2:4: error: redefinition of 'entry'"});
var case = ctx.obj("variable shadowing", linux_x64);
\\export fn _start() noreturn {
\\ var i: u32 = 10;
\\ var i: u32 = 10;
\\ unreachable;
, &[_][]const u8{":3:9: error: redefinition of 'i'"});
\\var testing: i64 = 10;
\\export fn _start() noreturn {
\\ var testing: i64 = 20;
\\ unreachable;
, &[_][]const u8{":3:9: error: redefinition of 'testing'"});
var case = ctx.obj("extern variable has no type", linux_x64);
\\comptime {
\\ _ = foo;
\\extern var foo: i32;
, &[_][]const u8{":2:9: error: unable to resolve comptime value"});
\\export fn entry() void {
\\ _ = foo;
\\extern var foo;
, &[_][]const u8{":4:1: error: unable to infer variable type"});