
1877 lines
85 KiB

//! Semantic analysis of ZIR instructions.
//! This file operates on a `Module` instance, transforming untyped ZIR
//! instructions into semantically-analyzed IR instructions. It does type
//! checking, comptime control flow, and safety-check generation. This is the
//! the heart of the Zig compiler.
//! When deciding if something goes into this file or into Module, here is a
//! guiding principle: if it has to do with (untyped) ZIR instructions, it goes
//! here. If the analysis operates on typed IR instructions, it goes in Module.
const std = @import("std");
const mem = std.mem;
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const Value = @import("value.zig").Value;
const Type = @import("type.zig").Type;
const TypedValue = @import("TypedValue.zig");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const ir = @import("ir.zig");
const zir = @import("zir.zig");
const Module = @import("Module.zig");
const Inst = ir.Inst;
const Body = ir.Body;
const trace = @import("tracy.zig").trace;
const Scope = Module.Scope;
const InnerError = Module.InnerError;
const Decl = Module.Decl;
pub fn analyzeInst(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, old_inst: *zir.Inst) InnerError!*Inst {
switch (old_inst.tag) {
.alloc => return analyzeInstAlloc(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.alloc).?),
.alloc_inferred => return analyzeInstAllocInferred(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.alloc_inferred).?),
.arg => return analyzeInstArg(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.arg).?),
.bitcast_ref => return analyzeInstBitCastRef(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.bitcast_ref).?),
.bitcast_result_ptr => return analyzeInstBitCastResultPtr(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.bitcast_result_ptr).?),
.block => return analyzeInstBlock(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.block).?, false),
.block_comptime => return analyzeInstBlock(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.block_comptime).?, true),
.block_flat => return analyzeInstBlockFlat(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.block_flat).?, false),
.block_comptime_flat => return analyzeInstBlockFlat(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.block_comptime_flat).?, true),
.@"break" => return analyzeInstBreak(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.@"break").?),
.breakpoint => return analyzeInstBreakpoint(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.breakpoint).?),
.breakvoid => return analyzeInstBreakVoid(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.breakvoid).?),
.call => return analyzeInstCall(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.call).?),
.coerce_result_block_ptr => return analyzeInstCoerceResultBlockPtr(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.coerce_result_block_ptr).?),
.coerce_result_ptr => return analyzeInstCoerceResultPtr(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.coerce_result_ptr).?),
.coerce_to_ptr_elem => return analyzeInstCoerceToPtrElem(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.coerce_to_ptr_elem).?),
.compileerror => return analyzeInstCompileError(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.compileerror).?),
.@"const" => return analyzeInstConst(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.@"const").?),
.dbg_stmt => return analyzeInstDbgStmt(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.dbg_stmt).?),
.declref => return analyzeInstDeclRef(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.declref).?),
.declref_str => return analyzeInstDeclRefStr(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.declref_str).?),
.declval => return analyzeInstDeclVal(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.declval).?),
.declval_in_module => return analyzeInstDeclValInModule(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.declval_in_module).?),
.ensure_result_used => return analyzeInstEnsureResultUsed(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.ensure_result_used).?),
.ensure_result_non_error => return analyzeInstEnsureResultNonError(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.ensure_result_non_error).?),
.ensure_indexable => return analyzeInstEnsureIndexable(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.ensure_indexable).?),
.ref => return analyzeInstRef(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.ref).?),
.ret_ptr => return analyzeInstRetPtr(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.ret_ptr).?),
.ret_type => return analyzeInstRetType(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.ret_type).?),
.single_const_ptr_type => return analyzeInstSimplePtrType(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.single_const_ptr_type).?, false, .One),
.single_mut_ptr_type => return analyzeInstSimplePtrType(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.single_mut_ptr_type).?, true, .One),
.many_const_ptr_type => return analyzeInstSimplePtrType(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.many_const_ptr_type).?, false, .Many),
.many_mut_ptr_type => return analyzeInstSimplePtrType(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.many_mut_ptr_type).?, true, .Many),
.c_const_ptr_type => return analyzeInstSimplePtrType(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.c_const_ptr_type).?, false, .C),
.c_mut_ptr_type => return analyzeInstSimplePtrType(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.c_mut_ptr_type).?, true, .C),
.const_slice_type => return analyzeInstSimplePtrType(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.const_slice_type).?, false, .Slice),
.mut_slice_type => return analyzeInstSimplePtrType(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.mut_slice_type).?, true, .Slice),
.ptr_type => return analyzeInstPtrType(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.ptr_type).?),
.store => return analyzeInstStore(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.store).?),
.str => return analyzeInstStr(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.str).?),
.int => {
const big_int = old_inst.castTag(.int).?.positionals.int;
return mod.constIntBig(scope, old_inst.src, Type.initTag(.comptime_int), big_int);
.inttype => return analyzeInstIntType(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.inttype).?),
.loop => return analyzeInstLoop(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.loop).?),
.param_type => return analyzeInstParamType(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.param_type).?),
.ptrtoint => return analyzeInstPtrToInt(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.ptrtoint).?),
.fieldptr => return analyzeInstFieldPtr(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.fieldptr).?),
.deref => return analyzeInstDeref(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.deref).?),
.as => return analyzeInstAs(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.as).?),
.@"asm" => return analyzeInstAsm(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.@"asm").?),
.@"unreachable" => return analyzeInstUnreachable(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.@"unreachable").?, true),
.unreach_nocheck => return analyzeInstUnreachable(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.unreach_nocheck).?, false),
.@"return" => return analyzeInstRet(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.@"return").?),
.returnvoid => return analyzeInstRetVoid(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.returnvoid).?),
.@"fn" => return analyzeInstFn(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.@"fn").?),
.@"export" => return analyzeInstExport(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.@"export").?),
.primitive => return analyzeInstPrimitive(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.primitive).?),
.fntype => return analyzeInstFnType(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.fntype).?),
.intcast => return analyzeInstIntCast(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.intcast).?),
.bitcast => return analyzeInstBitCast(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.bitcast).?),
.floatcast => return analyzeInstFloatCast(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.floatcast).?),
.elemptr => return analyzeInstElemPtr(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.elemptr).?),
.add => return analyzeInstArithmetic(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.add).?),
.addwrap => return analyzeInstArithmetic(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.addwrap).?),
.sub => return analyzeInstArithmetic(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.sub).?),
.subwrap => return analyzeInstArithmetic(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.subwrap).?),
.mul => return analyzeInstArithmetic(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.mul).?),
.mulwrap => return analyzeInstArithmetic(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.mulwrap).?),
.div => return analyzeInstArithmetic(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.div).?),
.mod_rem => return analyzeInstArithmetic(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.mod_rem).?),
.array_cat => return analyzeInstArrayCat(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.array_cat).?),
.array_mul => return analyzeInstArrayMul(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.array_mul).?),
.bitand => return analyzeInstBitwise(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.bitand).?),
.bitnot => return analyzeInstBitNot(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.bitnot).?),
.bitor => return analyzeInstBitwise(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.bitor).?),
.xor => return analyzeInstBitwise(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.xor).?),
.shl => return analyzeInstShl(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.shl).?),
.shr => return analyzeInstShr(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.shr).?),
.cmp_lt => return analyzeInstCmp(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.cmp_lt).?, .lt),
.cmp_lte => return analyzeInstCmp(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.cmp_lte).?, .lte),
.cmp_eq => return analyzeInstCmp(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.cmp_eq).?, .eq),
.cmp_gte => return analyzeInstCmp(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.cmp_gte).?, .gte),
.cmp_gt => return analyzeInstCmp(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.cmp_gt).?, .gt),
.cmp_neq => return analyzeInstCmp(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.cmp_neq).?, .neq),
.condbr => return analyzeInstCondBr(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.condbr).?),
.isnull => return analyzeInstIsNonNull(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.isnull).?, true),
.isnonnull => return analyzeInstIsNonNull(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.isnonnull).?, false),
.iserr => return analyzeInstIsErr(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.iserr).?),
.boolnot => return analyzeInstBoolNot(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.boolnot).?),
.typeof => return analyzeInstTypeOf(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.typeof).?),
.optional_type => return analyzeInstOptionalType(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.optional_type).?),
.unwrap_optional_safe => return analyzeInstUnwrapOptional(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.unwrap_optional_safe).?, true),
.unwrap_optional_unsafe => return analyzeInstUnwrapOptional(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.unwrap_optional_unsafe).?, false),
.unwrap_err_safe => return analyzeInstUnwrapErr(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.unwrap_err_safe).?, true),
.unwrap_err_unsafe => return analyzeInstUnwrapErr(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.unwrap_err_unsafe).?, false),
.unwrap_err_code => return analyzeInstUnwrapErrCode(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.unwrap_err_code).?),
.ensure_err_payload_void => return analyzeInstEnsureErrPayloadVoid(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.ensure_err_payload_void).?),
.array_type => return analyzeInstArrayType(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.array_type).?),
.array_type_sentinel => return analyzeInstArrayTypeSentinel(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.array_type_sentinel).?),
.enum_literal => return analyzeInstEnumLiteral(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.enum_literal).?),
.merge_error_sets => return analyzeInstMergeErrorSets(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.merge_error_sets).?),
.error_union_type => return analyzeInstErrorUnionType(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.error_union_type).?),
.anyframe_type => return analyzeInstAnyframeType(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.anyframe_type).?),
.error_set => return analyzeInstErrorSet(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.error_set).?),
.slice => return analyzeInstSlice(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.slice).?),
.slice_start => return analyzeInstSliceStart(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.slice_start).?),
.import => return analyzeInstImport(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.import).?),
.switchbr => return analyzeInstSwitchBr(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.switchbr).?),
.switch_range => return analyzeInstSwitchRange(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.switch_range).?),
.booland => return analyzeInstBoolOp(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.booland).?),
.boolor => return analyzeInstBoolOp(mod, scope, old_inst.castTag(.boolor).?),
pub fn analyzeBody(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, body: zir.Module.Body) !void {
for (body.instructions) |src_inst, i| {
const analyzed_inst = try analyzeInst(mod, scope, src_inst);
src_inst.analyzed_inst = analyzed_inst;
if (analyzed_inst.ty.zigTypeTag() == .NoReturn) {
for (body.instructions[i..]) |unreachable_inst| {
if (unreachable_inst.castTag(.dbg_stmt)) |dbg_stmt| {
return mod.fail(scope, dbg_stmt.base.src, "unreachable code", .{});
pub fn analyzeBodyValueAsType(
mod: *Module,
block_scope: *Scope.Block,
zir_result_inst: *zir.Inst,
body: zir.Module.Body,
) !Type {
try analyzeBody(mod, &block_scope.base, body);
const result_inst = zir_result_inst.analyzed_inst.?;
const val = try mod.resolveConstValue(&block_scope.base, result_inst);
return val.toType(block_scope.base.arena());
pub fn analyzeZirDecl(mod: *Module, decl: *Decl, src_decl: *zir.Decl) InnerError!bool {
var decl_scope: Scope.DeclAnalysis = .{
.decl = decl,
.arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(mod.gpa),
errdefer decl_scope.arena.deinit();
decl.analysis = .in_progress;
const typed_value = try analyzeConstInst(mod, &decl_scope.base, src_decl.inst);
const arena_state = try decl_scope.arena.allocator.create(std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State);
var prev_type_has_bits = false;
var type_changed = true;
if (decl.typedValueManaged()) |tvm| {
prev_type_has_bits = tvm.typed_value.ty.hasCodeGenBits();
type_changed = !tvm.typed_value.ty.eql(typed_value.ty);
arena_state.* = decl_scope.arena.state;
decl.typed_value = .{
.most_recent = .{
.typed_value = typed_value,
.arena = arena_state,
decl.analysis = .complete;
decl.generation = mod.generation;
if (typed_value.ty.hasCodeGenBits()) {
// We don't fully codegen the decl until later, but we do need to reserve a global
// offset table index for it. This allows us to codegen decls out of dependency order,
// increasing how many computations can be done in parallel.
try mod.comp.bin_file.allocateDeclIndexes(decl);
try mod.comp.work_queue.writeItem(.{ .codegen_decl = decl });
} else if (prev_type_has_bits) {
return type_changed;
pub fn resolveZirDecl(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, src_decl: *zir.Decl) InnerError!*Decl {
const zir_module = mod.root_scope.cast(Scope.ZIRModule).?;
const entry = zir_module.contents.module.findDecl(src_decl.name).?;
return resolveZirDeclHavingIndex(mod, scope, src_decl, entry.index);
fn resolveZirDeclHavingIndex(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, src_decl: *zir.Decl, src_index: usize) InnerError!*Decl {
const name_hash = scope.namespace().fullyQualifiedNameHash(src_decl.name);
const decl = mod.decl_table.get(name_hash).?;
decl.src_index = src_index;
try mod.ensureDeclAnalyzed(decl);
return decl;
/// Declares a dependency on the decl.
fn resolveCompleteZirDecl(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, src_decl: *zir.Decl) InnerError!*Decl {
const decl = try resolveZirDecl(mod, scope, src_decl);
switch (decl.analysis) {
.unreferenced => unreachable,
.in_progress => unreachable,
.outdated => unreachable,
=> return error.AnalysisFail,
.complete => {},
return decl;
/// TODO Look into removing this function. The body is only needed for .zir files, not .zig files.
pub fn resolveInst(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, old_inst: *zir.Inst) InnerError!*Inst {
if (old_inst.analyzed_inst) |inst| return inst;
// If this assert trips, the instruction that was referenced did not get properly
// analyzed before it was referenced.
const zir_module = scope.namespace().cast(Scope.ZIRModule).?;
const entry = if (old_inst.cast(zir.Inst.DeclVal)) |declval| blk: {
const decl_name = declval.positionals.name;
const entry = zir_module.contents.module.findDecl(decl_name) orelse
return mod.fail(scope, old_inst.src, "decl '{}' not found", .{decl_name});
break :blk entry;
} else blk: {
// If this assert trips, the instruction that was referenced did not get
// properly analyzed by a previous instruction analysis before it was
// referenced by the current one.
break :blk zir_module.contents.module.findInstDecl(old_inst).?;
const decl = try resolveCompleteZirDecl(mod, scope, entry.decl);
const decl_ref = try mod.analyzeDeclRef(scope, old_inst.src, decl);
// Note: it would be tempting here to store the result into old_inst.analyzed_inst field,
// but this would prevent the analyzeDeclRef from happening, which is needed to properly
// detect Decl dependencies and dependency failures on updates.
return mod.analyzeDeref(scope, old_inst.src, decl_ref, old_inst.src);
fn resolveConstString(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, old_inst: *zir.Inst) ![]u8 {
const new_inst = try resolveInst(mod, scope, old_inst);
const wanted_type = Type.initTag(.const_slice_u8);
const coerced_inst = try mod.coerce(scope, wanted_type, new_inst);
const val = try mod.resolveConstValue(scope, coerced_inst);
return val.toAllocatedBytes(scope.arena());
fn resolveType(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, old_inst: *zir.Inst) !Type {
const new_inst = try resolveInst(mod, scope, old_inst);
const wanted_type = Type.initTag(.@"type");
const coerced_inst = try mod.coerce(scope, wanted_type, new_inst);
const val = try mod.resolveConstValue(scope, coerced_inst);
return val.toType(scope.arena());
fn resolveInt(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, old_inst: *zir.Inst, dest_type: Type) !u64 {
const new_inst = try resolveInst(mod, scope, old_inst);
const coerced = try mod.coerce(scope, dest_type, new_inst);
const val = try mod.resolveConstValue(scope, coerced);
return val.toUnsignedInt();
pub fn resolveInstConst(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, old_inst: *zir.Inst) InnerError!TypedValue {
const new_inst = try resolveInst(mod, scope, old_inst);
const val = try mod.resolveConstValue(scope, new_inst);
return TypedValue{
.ty = new_inst.ty,
.val = val,
fn analyzeInstConst(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, const_inst: *zir.Inst.Const) InnerError!*Inst {
// Move the TypedValue from old memory to new memory. This allows freeing the ZIR instructions
// after analysis.
const typed_value_copy = try const_inst.positionals.typed_value.copy(scope.arena());
return mod.constInst(scope, const_inst.base.src, typed_value_copy);
fn analyzeConstInst(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, old_inst: *zir.Inst) InnerError!TypedValue {
const new_inst = try analyzeInst(mod, scope, old_inst);
return TypedValue{
.ty = new_inst.ty,
.val = try mod.resolveConstValue(scope, new_inst),
fn analyzeInstCoerceResultBlockPtr(
mod: *Module,
scope: *Scope,
inst: *zir.Inst.CoerceResultBlockPtr,
) InnerError!*Inst {
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "TODO implement analyzeInstCoerceResultBlockPtr", .{});
fn analyzeInstBitCastRef(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.UnOp) InnerError!*Inst {
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "TODO implement analyzeInstBitCastRef", .{});
fn analyzeInstBitCastResultPtr(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.UnOp) InnerError!*Inst {
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "TODO implement analyzeInstBitCastResultPtr", .{});
fn analyzeInstCoerceResultPtr(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.BinOp) InnerError!*Inst {
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "TODO implement analyzeInstCoerceResultPtr", .{});
/// Equivalent to `as(ptr_child_type(typeof(ptr)), value)`.
fn analyzeInstCoerceToPtrElem(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.CoerceToPtrElem) InnerError!*Inst {
const ptr = try resolveInst(mod, scope, inst.positionals.ptr);
const operand = try resolveInst(mod, scope, inst.positionals.value);
return mod.coerce(scope, ptr.ty.elemType(), operand);
fn analyzeInstRetPtr(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.NoOp) InnerError!*Inst {
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "TODO implement analyzeInstRetPtr", .{});
fn analyzeInstRef(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.UnOp) InnerError!*Inst {
const operand = try resolveInst(mod, scope, inst.positionals.operand);
const ptr_type = try mod.simplePtrType(scope, inst.base.src, operand.ty, false, .One);
if (operand.value()) |val| {
const ref_payload = try scope.arena().create(Value.Payload.RefVal);
ref_payload.* = .{ .val = val };
return mod.constInst(scope, inst.base.src, .{
.ty = ptr_type,
.val = Value.initPayload(&ref_payload.base),
const b = try mod.requireRuntimeBlock(scope, inst.base.src);
return mod.addUnOp(b, inst.base.src, ptr_type, .ref, operand);
fn analyzeInstRetType(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.NoOp) InnerError!*Inst {
const b = try mod.requireFunctionBlock(scope, inst.base.src);
const fn_ty = b.func.?.owner_decl.typed_value.most_recent.typed_value.ty;
const ret_type = fn_ty.fnReturnType();
return mod.constType(scope, inst.base.src, ret_type);
fn analyzeInstEnsureResultUsed(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.UnOp) InnerError!*Inst {
const operand = try resolveInst(mod, scope, inst.positionals.operand);
switch (operand.ty.zigTypeTag()) {
.Void, .NoReturn => return mod.constVoid(scope, operand.src),
else => return mod.fail(scope, operand.src, "expression value is ignored", .{}),
fn analyzeInstEnsureResultNonError(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.UnOp) InnerError!*Inst {
const operand = try resolveInst(mod, scope, inst.positionals.operand);
switch (operand.ty.zigTypeTag()) {
.ErrorSet, .ErrorUnion => return mod.fail(scope, operand.src, "error is discarded", .{}),
else => return mod.constVoid(scope, operand.src),
fn analyzeInstEnsureIndexable(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.UnOp) InnerError!*Inst {
const operand = try resolveInst(mod, scope, inst.positionals.operand);
const elem_ty = operand.ty.elemType();
if (elem_ty.isIndexable()) {
return mod.constVoid(scope, operand.src);
} else {
// TODO error notes
// error: type '{}' does not support indexing
// note: for loop operand must be an array, a slice or a tuple
return mod.fail(scope, operand.src, "for loop operand must be an array, a slice or a tuple", .{});
fn analyzeInstAlloc(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.UnOp) InnerError!*Inst {
const var_type = try resolveType(mod, scope, inst.positionals.operand);
// TODO this should happen only for var allocs
if (!var_type.isValidVarType(false)) {
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "variable of type '{}' must be const or comptime", .{var_type});
const ptr_type = try mod.simplePtrType(scope, inst.base.src, var_type, true, .One);
const b = try mod.requireRuntimeBlock(scope, inst.base.src);
return mod.addNoOp(b, inst.base.src, ptr_type, .alloc);
fn analyzeInstAllocInferred(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.NoOp) InnerError!*Inst {
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "TODO implement analyzeInstAllocInferred", .{});
fn analyzeInstStore(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.BinOp) InnerError!*Inst {
const ptr = try resolveInst(mod, scope, inst.positionals.lhs);
const value = try resolveInst(mod, scope, inst.positionals.rhs);
return mod.storePtr(scope, inst.base.src, ptr, value);
fn analyzeInstParamType(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.ParamType) InnerError!*Inst {
const fn_inst = try resolveInst(mod, scope, inst.positionals.func);
const arg_index = inst.positionals.arg_index;
const fn_ty: Type = switch (fn_inst.ty.zigTypeTag()) {
.Fn => fn_inst.ty,
.BoundFn => {
return mod.fail(scope, fn_inst.src, "TODO implement analyzeInstParamType for method call syntax", .{});
else => {
return mod.fail(scope, fn_inst.src, "expected function, found '{}'", .{fn_inst.ty});
// TODO support C-style var args
const param_count = fn_ty.fnParamLen();
if (arg_index >= param_count) {
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "arg index {} out of bounds; '{}' has {} argument(s)", .{
// TODO support generic functions
const param_type = fn_ty.fnParamType(arg_index);
return mod.constType(scope, inst.base.src, param_type);
fn analyzeInstStr(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, str_inst: *zir.Inst.Str) InnerError!*Inst {
// The bytes references memory inside the ZIR module, which can get deallocated
// after semantic analysis is complete. We need the memory to be in the new anonymous Decl's arena.
var new_decl_arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(mod.gpa);
errdefer new_decl_arena.deinit();
const arena_bytes = try new_decl_arena.allocator.dupe(u8, str_inst.positionals.bytes);
const ty_payload = try scope.arena().create(Type.Payload.Array_u8_Sentinel0);
ty_payload.* = .{ .len = arena_bytes.len };
const bytes_payload = try scope.arena().create(Value.Payload.Bytes);
bytes_payload.* = .{ .data = arena_bytes };
const new_decl = try mod.createAnonymousDecl(scope, &new_decl_arena, .{
.ty = Type.initPayload(&ty_payload.base),
.val = Value.initPayload(&bytes_payload.base),
return mod.analyzeDeclRef(scope, str_inst.base.src, new_decl);
fn analyzeInstExport(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, export_inst: *zir.Inst.Export) InnerError!*Inst {
const symbol_name = try resolveConstString(mod, scope, export_inst.positionals.symbol_name);
const exported_decl = mod.lookupDeclName(scope, export_inst.positionals.decl_name) orelse
return mod.fail(scope, export_inst.base.src, "decl '{}' not found", .{export_inst.positionals.decl_name});
try mod.analyzeExport(scope, export_inst.base.src, symbol_name, exported_decl);
return mod.constVoid(scope, export_inst.base.src);
fn analyzeInstCompileError(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.CompileError) InnerError!*Inst {
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "{}", .{inst.positionals.msg});
fn analyzeInstArg(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.Arg) InnerError!*Inst {
const b = try mod.requireRuntimeBlock(scope, inst.base.src);
const fn_ty = b.func.?.owner_decl.typed_value.most_recent.typed_value.ty;
const param_index = b.instructions.items.len;
const param_count = fn_ty.fnParamLen();
if (param_index >= param_count) {
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "parameter index {} outside list of length {}", .{
const param_type = fn_ty.fnParamType(param_index);
const name = try scope.arena().dupeZ(u8, inst.positionals.name);
return mod.addArg(b, inst.base.src, param_type, name);
fn analyzeInstLoop(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.Loop) InnerError!*Inst {
const parent_block = scope.cast(Scope.Block).?;
// Reserve space for a Loop instruction so that generated Break instructions can
// point to it, even if it doesn't end up getting used because the code ends up being
// comptime evaluated.
const loop_inst = try parent_block.arena.create(Inst.Loop);
loop_inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.tag = Inst.Loop.base_tag,
.ty = Type.initTag(.noreturn),
.src = inst.base.src,
.body = undefined,
var child_block: Scope.Block = .{
.parent = parent_block,
.func = parent_block.func,
.decl = parent_block.decl,
.instructions = .{},
.arena = parent_block.arena,
.is_comptime = parent_block.is_comptime,
defer child_block.instructions.deinit(mod.gpa);
try analyzeBody(mod, &child_block.base, inst.positionals.body);
// Loop repetition is implied so the last instruction may or may not be a noreturn instruction.
try parent_block.instructions.append(mod.gpa, &loop_inst.base);
loop_inst.body = .{ .instructions = try parent_block.arena.dupe(*Inst, child_block.instructions.items) };
return &loop_inst.base;
fn analyzeInstBlockFlat(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.Block, is_comptime: bool) InnerError!*Inst {
const parent_block = scope.cast(Scope.Block).?;
var child_block: Scope.Block = .{
.parent = parent_block,
.func = parent_block.func,
.decl = parent_block.decl,
.instructions = .{},
.arena = parent_block.arena,
.label = null,
.is_comptime = parent_block.is_comptime or is_comptime,
defer child_block.instructions.deinit(mod.gpa);
try analyzeBody(mod, &child_block.base, inst.positionals.body);
try parent_block.instructions.appendSlice(mod.gpa, child_block.instructions.items);
// comptime blocks won't generate any runtime values
if (child_block.instructions.items.len == 0)
return mod.constVoid(scope, inst.base.src);
return parent_block.instructions.items[parent_block.instructions.items.len - 1];
fn analyzeInstBlock(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.Block, is_comptime: bool) InnerError!*Inst {
const parent_block = scope.cast(Scope.Block).?;
// Reserve space for a Block instruction so that generated Break instructions can
// point to it, even if it doesn't end up getting used because the code ends up being
// comptime evaluated.
const block_inst = try parent_block.arena.create(Inst.Block);
block_inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.tag = Inst.Block.base_tag,
.ty = undefined, // Set after analysis.
.src = inst.base.src,
.body = undefined,
var child_block: Scope.Block = .{
.parent = parent_block,
.func = parent_block.func,
.decl = parent_block.decl,
.instructions = .{},
.arena = parent_block.arena,
// TODO @as here is working around a stage1 miscompilation bug :(
.label = @as(?Scope.Block.Label, Scope.Block.Label{
.zir_block = inst,
.results = .{},
.block_inst = block_inst,
.is_comptime = is_comptime or parent_block.is_comptime,
const label = &child_block.label.?;
defer child_block.instructions.deinit(mod.gpa);
defer label.results.deinit(mod.gpa);
try analyzeBody(mod, &child_block.base, inst.positionals.body);
// Blocks must terminate with noreturn instruction.
assert(child_block.instructions.items.len != 0);
assert(child_block.instructions.items[child_block.instructions.items.len - 1].ty.isNoReturn());
if (label.results.items.len == 0) {
// No need for a block instruction. We can put the new instructions directly into the parent block.
const copied_instructions = try parent_block.arena.dupe(*Inst, child_block.instructions.items);
try parent_block.instructions.appendSlice(mod.gpa, copied_instructions);
return copied_instructions[copied_instructions.len - 1];
if (label.results.items.len == 1) {
const last_inst_index = child_block.instructions.items.len - 1;
const last_inst = child_block.instructions.items[last_inst_index];
if (last_inst.breakBlock()) |br_block| {
if (br_block == block_inst) {
// No need for a block instruction. We can put the new instructions directly into the parent block.
// Here we omit the break instruction.
const copied_instructions = try parent_block.arena.dupe(*Inst, child_block.instructions.items[0..last_inst_index]);
try parent_block.instructions.appendSlice(mod.gpa, copied_instructions);
return label.results.items[0];
// It should be impossible to have the number of results be > 1 in a comptime scope.
assert(!child_block.is_comptime); // We should have already got a compile error in the condbr condition.
// Need to set the type and emit the Block instruction. This allows machine code generation
// to emit a jump instruction to after the block when it encounters the break.
try parent_block.instructions.append(mod.gpa, &block_inst.base);
block_inst.base.ty = try mod.resolvePeerTypes(scope, label.results.items);
block_inst.body = .{ .instructions = try parent_block.arena.dupe(*Inst, child_block.instructions.items) };
return &block_inst.base;
fn analyzeInstBreakpoint(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.NoOp) InnerError!*Inst {
const b = try mod.requireRuntimeBlock(scope, inst.base.src);
return mod.addNoOp(b, inst.base.src, Type.initTag(.void), .breakpoint);
fn analyzeInstBreak(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.Break) InnerError!*Inst {
const operand = try resolveInst(mod, scope, inst.positionals.operand);
const block = inst.positionals.block;
return analyzeBreak(mod, scope, inst.base.src, block, operand);
fn analyzeInstBreakVoid(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.BreakVoid) InnerError!*Inst {
const block = inst.positionals.block;
const void_inst = try mod.constVoid(scope, inst.base.src);
return analyzeBreak(mod, scope, inst.base.src, block, void_inst);
fn analyzeInstDbgStmt(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.NoOp) InnerError!*Inst {
if (scope.cast(Scope.Block)) |b| {
if (!b.is_comptime) {
return mod.addNoOp(b, inst.base.src, Type.initTag(.void), .dbg_stmt);
return mod.constVoid(scope, inst.base.src);
fn analyzeInstDeclRefStr(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.DeclRefStr) InnerError!*Inst {
const decl_name = try resolveConstString(mod, scope, inst.positionals.name);
return mod.analyzeDeclRefByName(scope, inst.base.src, decl_name);
fn analyzeInstDeclRef(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.DeclRef) InnerError!*Inst {
return mod.analyzeDeclRefByName(scope, inst.base.src, inst.positionals.name);
fn analyzeInstDeclVal(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.DeclVal) InnerError!*Inst {
const decl = try analyzeDeclVal(mod, scope, inst);
const ptr = try mod.analyzeDeclRef(scope, inst.base.src, decl);
return mod.analyzeDeref(scope, inst.base.src, ptr, inst.base.src);
fn analyzeInstDeclValInModule(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.DeclValInModule) InnerError!*Inst {
const decl = inst.positionals.decl;
return mod.analyzeDeclRef(scope, inst.base.src, decl);
fn analyzeInstCall(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.Call) InnerError!*Inst {
const func = try resolveInst(mod, scope, inst.positionals.func);
if (func.ty.zigTypeTag() != .Fn)
return mod.fail(scope, inst.positionals.func.src, "type '{}' not a function", .{func.ty});
const cc = func.ty.fnCallingConvention();
if (cc == .Naked) {
// TODO add error note: declared here
return mod.fail(
"unable to call function with naked calling convention",
const call_params_len = inst.positionals.args.len;
const fn_params_len = func.ty.fnParamLen();
if (func.ty.fnIsVarArgs()) {
if (call_params_len < fn_params_len) {
// TODO add error note: declared here
return mod.fail(
"expected at least {} argument(s), found {}",
.{ fn_params_len, call_params_len },
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "TODO implement support for calling var args functions", .{});
} else if (fn_params_len != call_params_len) {
// TODO add error note: declared here
return mod.fail(
"expected {} argument(s), found {}",
.{ fn_params_len, call_params_len },
if (inst.kw_args.modifier == .compile_time) {
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "TODO implement comptime function calls", .{});
if (inst.kw_args.modifier != .auto) {
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "TODO implement call with modifier {}", .{inst.kw_args.modifier});
// TODO handle function calls of generic functions
const fn_param_types = try mod.gpa.alloc(Type, fn_params_len);
defer mod.gpa.free(fn_param_types);
const casted_args = try scope.arena().alloc(*Inst, fn_params_len);
for (inst.positionals.args) |src_arg, i| {
const uncasted_arg = try resolveInst(mod, scope, src_arg);
casted_args[i] = try mod.coerce(scope, fn_param_types[i], uncasted_arg);
const ret_type = func.ty.fnReturnType();
const b = try mod.requireRuntimeBlock(scope, inst.base.src);
return mod.addCall(b, inst.base.src, ret_type, func, casted_args);
fn analyzeInstFn(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, fn_inst: *zir.Inst.Fn) InnerError!*Inst {
const fn_type = try resolveType(mod, scope, fn_inst.positionals.fn_type);
const fn_zir = blk: {
var fn_arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(mod.gpa);
errdefer fn_arena.deinit();
const fn_zir = try scope.arena().create(Module.Fn.ZIR);
fn_zir.* = .{
.body = .{
.instructions = fn_inst.positionals.body.instructions,
.arena = fn_arena.state,
break :blk fn_zir;
const new_func = try scope.arena().create(Module.Fn);
new_func.* = .{
.analysis = .{ .queued = fn_zir },
.owner_decl = scope.decl().?,
const fn_payload = try scope.arena().create(Value.Payload.Function);
fn_payload.* = .{ .func = new_func };
return mod.constInst(scope, fn_inst.base.src, .{
.ty = fn_type,
.val = Value.initPayload(&fn_payload.base),
fn analyzeInstIntType(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inttype: *zir.Inst.IntType) InnerError!*Inst {
return mod.fail(scope, inttype.base.src, "TODO implement inttype", .{});
fn analyzeInstOptionalType(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, optional: *zir.Inst.UnOp) InnerError!*Inst {
const child_type = try resolveType(mod, scope, optional.positionals.operand);
return mod.constType(scope, optional.base.src, try mod.optionalType(scope, child_type));
fn analyzeInstArrayType(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, array: *zir.Inst.BinOp) InnerError!*Inst {
// TODO these should be lazily evaluated
const len = try resolveInstConst(mod, scope, array.positionals.lhs);
const elem_type = try resolveType(mod, scope, array.positionals.rhs);
return mod.constType(scope, array.base.src, try mod.arrayType(scope, len.val.toUnsignedInt(), null, elem_type));
fn analyzeInstArrayTypeSentinel(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, array: *zir.Inst.ArrayTypeSentinel) InnerError!*Inst {
// TODO these should be lazily evaluated
const len = try resolveInstConst(mod, scope, array.positionals.len);
const sentinel = try resolveInstConst(mod, scope, array.positionals.sentinel);
const elem_type = try resolveType(mod, scope, array.positionals.elem_type);
return mod.constType(scope, array.base.src, try mod.arrayType(scope, len.val.toUnsignedInt(), sentinel.val, elem_type));
fn analyzeInstErrorUnionType(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.BinOp) InnerError!*Inst {
const error_union = try resolveType(mod, scope, inst.positionals.lhs);
const payload = try resolveType(mod, scope, inst.positionals.rhs);
if (error_union.zigTypeTag() != .ErrorSet) {
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "expected error set type, found {}", .{error_union.elemType()});
return mod.constType(scope, inst.base.src, try mod.errorUnionType(scope, error_union, payload));
fn analyzeInstAnyframeType(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.UnOp) InnerError!*Inst {
const return_type = try resolveType(mod, scope, inst.positionals.operand);
return mod.constType(scope, inst.base.src, try mod.anyframeType(scope, return_type));
fn analyzeInstErrorSet(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.ErrorSet) InnerError!*Inst {
// The declarations arena will store the hashmap.
var new_decl_arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(mod.gpa);
errdefer new_decl_arena.deinit();
const payload = try scope.arena().create(Value.Payload.ErrorSet);
payload.* = .{
.fields = .{},
.decl = undefined, // populated below
try payload.fields.ensureCapacity(&new_decl_arena.allocator, @intCast(u32, inst.positionals.fields.len));
for (inst.positionals.fields) |field_name| {
const entry = try mod.getErrorValue(field_name);
if (payload.fields.fetchPutAssumeCapacity(entry.key, entry.value)) |prev| {
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "duplicate error: '{}'", .{field_name});
// TODO create name in format "error:line:column"
const new_decl = try mod.createAnonymousDecl(scope, &new_decl_arena, .{
.ty = Type.initTag(.type),
.val = Value.initPayload(&payload.base),
payload.decl = new_decl;
return mod.analyzeDeclRef(scope, inst.base.src, new_decl);
fn analyzeInstMergeErrorSets(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.BinOp) InnerError!*Inst {
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "TODO implement merge_error_sets", .{});
fn analyzeInstEnumLiteral(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.EnumLiteral) InnerError!*Inst {
const payload = try scope.arena().create(Value.Payload.Bytes);
payload.* = .{
.base = .{ .tag = .enum_literal },
.data = try scope.arena().dupe(u8, inst.positionals.name),
return mod.constInst(scope, inst.base.src, .{
.ty = Type.initTag(.enum_literal),
.val = Value.initPayload(&payload.base),
fn analyzeInstUnwrapOptional(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, unwrap: *zir.Inst.UnOp, safety_check: bool) InnerError!*Inst {
const operand = try resolveInst(mod, scope, unwrap.positionals.operand);
assert(operand.ty.zigTypeTag() == .Pointer);
const elem_type = operand.ty.elemType();
if (elem_type.zigTypeTag() != .Optional) {
return mod.fail(scope, unwrap.base.src, "expected optional type, found {}", .{elem_type});
const child_type = try elem_type.optionalChildAlloc(scope.arena());
const child_pointer = try mod.simplePtrType(scope, unwrap.base.src, child_type, operand.ty.isConstPtr(), .One);
if (operand.value()) |val| {
if (val.isNull()) {
return mod.fail(scope, unwrap.base.src, "unable to unwrap null", .{});
return mod.constInst(scope, unwrap.base.src, .{
.ty = child_pointer,
.val = val,
const b = try mod.requireRuntimeBlock(scope, unwrap.base.src);
if (safety_check and mod.wantSafety(scope)) {
const is_non_null = try mod.addUnOp(b, unwrap.base.src, Type.initTag(.bool), .isnonnull, operand);
try mod.addSafetyCheck(b, is_non_null, .unwrap_null);
return mod.addUnOp(b, unwrap.base.src, child_pointer, .unwrap_optional, operand);
fn analyzeInstUnwrapErr(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, unwrap: *zir.Inst.UnOp, safety_check: bool) InnerError!*Inst {
return mod.fail(scope, unwrap.base.src, "TODO implement analyzeInstUnwrapErr", .{});
fn analyzeInstUnwrapErrCode(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, unwrap: *zir.Inst.UnOp) InnerError!*Inst {
return mod.fail(scope, unwrap.base.src, "TODO implement analyzeInstUnwrapErrCode", .{});
fn analyzeInstEnsureErrPayloadVoid(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, unwrap: *zir.Inst.UnOp) InnerError!*Inst {
return mod.fail(scope, unwrap.base.src, "TODO implement analyzeInstEnsureErrPayloadVoid", .{});
fn analyzeInstFnType(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, fntype: *zir.Inst.FnType) InnerError!*Inst {
const return_type = try resolveType(mod, scope, fntype.positionals.return_type);
// Hot path for some common function types.
if (fntype.positionals.param_types.len == 0) {
if (return_type.zigTypeTag() == .NoReturn and fntype.kw_args.cc == .Unspecified) {
return mod.constType(scope, fntype.base.src, Type.initTag(.fn_noreturn_no_args));
if (return_type.zigTypeTag() == .Void and fntype.kw_args.cc == .Unspecified) {
return mod.constType(scope, fntype.base.src, Type.initTag(.fn_void_no_args));
if (return_type.zigTypeTag() == .NoReturn and fntype.kw_args.cc == .Naked) {
return mod.constType(scope, fntype.base.src, Type.initTag(.fn_naked_noreturn_no_args));
if (return_type.zigTypeTag() == .Void and fntype.kw_args.cc == .C) {
return mod.constType(scope, fntype.base.src, Type.initTag(.fn_ccc_void_no_args));
const arena = scope.arena();
const param_types = try arena.alloc(Type, fntype.positionals.param_types.len);
for (fntype.positionals.param_types) |param_type, i| {
const resolved = try resolveType(mod, scope, param_type);
// TODO skip for comptime params
if (!resolved.isValidVarType(false)) {
return mod.fail(scope, param_type.src, "parameter of type '{}' must be declared comptime", .{resolved});
param_types[i] = resolved;
const payload = try arena.create(Type.Payload.Function);
payload.* = .{
.cc = fntype.kw_args.cc,
.return_type = return_type,
.param_types = param_types,
return mod.constType(scope, fntype.base.src, Type.initPayload(&payload.base));
fn analyzeInstPrimitive(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, primitive: *zir.Inst.Primitive) InnerError!*Inst {
return mod.constInst(scope, primitive.base.src, primitive.positionals.tag.toTypedValue());
fn analyzeInstAs(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, as: *zir.Inst.BinOp) InnerError!*Inst {
const dest_type = try resolveType(mod, scope, as.positionals.lhs);
const new_inst = try resolveInst(mod, scope, as.positionals.rhs);
return mod.coerce(scope, dest_type, new_inst);
fn analyzeInstPtrToInt(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, ptrtoint: *zir.Inst.UnOp) InnerError!*Inst {
const ptr = try resolveInst(mod, scope, ptrtoint.positionals.operand);
if (ptr.ty.zigTypeTag() != .Pointer) {
return mod.fail(scope, ptrtoint.positionals.operand.src, "expected pointer, found '{}'", .{ptr.ty});
// TODO handle known-pointer-address
const b = try mod.requireRuntimeBlock(scope, ptrtoint.base.src);
const ty = Type.initTag(.usize);
return mod.addUnOp(b, ptrtoint.base.src, ty, .ptrtoint, ptr);
fn analyzeInstFieldPtr(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, fieldptr: *zir.Inst.FieldPtr) InnerError!*Inst {
const object_ptr = try resolveInst(mod, scope, fieldptr.positionals.object_ptr);
const field_name = try resolveConstString(mod, scope, fieldptr.positionals.field_name);
const elem_ty = switch (object_ptr.ty.zigTypeTag()) {
.Pointer => object_ptr.ty.elemType(),
else => return mod.fail(scope, fieldptr.positionals.object_ptr.src, "expected pointer, found '{}'", .{object_ptr.ty}),
switch (elem_ty.zigTypeTag()) {
.Array => {
if (mem.eql(u8, field_name, "len")) {
const len_payload = try scope.arena().create(Value.Payload.Int_u64);
len_payload.* = .{ .int = elem_ty.arrayLen() };
const ref_payload = try scope.arena().create(Value.Payload.RefVal);
ref_payload.* = .{ .val = Value.initPayload(&len_payload.base) };
return mod.constInst(scope, fieldptr.base.src, .{
.ty = Type.initTag(.single_const_pointer_to_comptime_int),
.val = Value.initPayload(&ref_payload.base),
} else {
return mod.fail(
"no member named '{}' in '{}'",
.{ field_name, elem_ty },
.Pointer => {
const ptr_child = elem_ty.elemType();
switch (ptr_child.zigTypeTag()) {
.Array => {
if (mem.eql(u8, field_name, "len")) {
const len_payload = try scope.arena().create(Value.Payload.Int_u64);
len_payload.* = .{ .int = ptr_child.arrayLen() };
const ref_payload = try scope.arena().create(Value.Payload.RefVal);
ref_payload.* = .{ .val = Value.initPayload(&len_payload.base) };
return mod.constInst(scope, fieldptr.base.src, .{
.ty = Type.initTag(.single_const_pointer_to_comptime_int),
.val = Value.initPayload(&ref_payload.base),
} else {
return mod.fail(
"no member named '{}' in '{}'",
.{ field_name, elem_ty },
else => {},
.Type => {
_ = try mod.resolveConstValue(scope, object_ptr);
const result = try mod.analyzeDeref(scope, fieldptr.base.src, object_ptr, object_ptr.src);
const val = result.value().?;
const child_type = try val.toType(scope.arena());
switch (child_type.zigTypeTag()) {
.ErrorSet => {
// TODO resolve inferred error sets
const entry = if (val.cast(Value.Payload.ErrorSet)) |payload|
(payload.fields.getEntry(field_name) orelse
return mod.fail(scope, fieldptr.base.src, "no error named '{}' in '{}'", .{ field_name, child_type })).*
try mod.getErrorValue(field_name);
const error_payload = try scope.arena().create(Value.Payload.Error);
error_payload.* = .{
.name = entry.key,
.value = entry.value,
const ref_payload = try scope.arena().create(Value.Payload.RefVal);
ref_payload.* = .{ .val = Value.initPayload(&error_payload.base) };
const result_type = if (child_type.tag() == .anyerror) blk: {
const result_payload = try scope.arena().create(Type.Payload.ErrorSetSingle);
result_payload.* = .{ .name = entry.key };
break :blk Type.initPayload(&result_payload.base);
} else child_type;
return mod.constInst(scope, fieldptr.base.src, .{
.ty = try mod.simplePtrType(scope, fieldptr.base.src, result_type, false, .One),
.val = Value.initPayload(&ref_payload.base),
.Struct => {
const container_scope = child_type.getContainerScope();
if (mod.lookupDeclName(&container_scope.base, field_name)) |decl| {
// TODO if !decl.is_pub and inDifferentFiles() "{} is private"
return mod.analyzeDeclRef(scope, fieldptr.base.src, decl);
if (&container_scope.file_scope.base == mod.root_scope) {
return mod.fail(scope, fieldptr.base.src, "root source file has no member called '{}'", .{field_name});
} else {
return mod.fail(scope, fieldptr.base.src, "container '{}' has no member called '{}'", .{ child_type, field_name });
else => return mod.fail(scope, fieldptr.base.src, "type '{}' does not support field access", .{child_type}),
else => {},
return mod.fail(scope, fieldptr.base.src, "type '{}' does not support field access", .{elem_ty});
fn analyzeInstIntCast(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.BinOp) InnerError!*Inst {
const dest_type = try resolveType(mod, scope, inst.positionals.lhs);
const operand = try resolveInst(mod, scope, inst.positionals.rhs);
const dest_is_comptime_int = switch (dest_type.zigTypeTag()) {
.ComptimeInt => true,
.Int => false,
else => return mod.fail(
"expected integer type, found '{}'",
switch (operand.ty.zigTypeTag()) {
.ComptimeInt, .Int => {},
else => return mod.fail(
"expected integer type, found '{}'",
if (operand.value() != null) {
return mod.coerce(scope, dest_type, operand);
} else if (dest_is_comptime_int) {
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "unable to cast runtime value to 'comptime_int'", .{});
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "TODO implement analyze widen or shorten int", .{});
fn analyzeInstBitCast(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.BinOp) InnerError!*Inst {
const dest_type = try resolveType(mod, scope, inst.positionals.lhs);
const operand = try resolveInst(mod, scope, inst.positionals.rhs);
return mod.bitcast(scope, dest_type, operand);
fn analyzeInstFloatCast(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.BinOp) InnerError!*Inst {
const dest_type = try resolveType(mod, scope, inst.positionals.lhs);
const operand = try resolveInst(mod, scope, inst.positionals.rhs);
const dest_is_comptime_float = switch (dest_type.zigTypeTag()) {
.ComptimeFloat => true,
.Float => false,
else => return mod.fail(
"expected float type, found '{}'",
switch (operand.ty.zigTypeTag()) {
.ComptimeFloat, .Float, .ComptimeInt => {},
else => return mod.fail(
"expected float type, found '{}'",
if (operand.value() != null) {
return mod.coerce(scope, dest_type, operand);
} else if (dest_is_comptime_float) {
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "unable to cast runtime value to 'comptime_float'", .{});
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "TODO implement analyze widen or shorten float", .{});
fn analyzeInstElemPtr(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.ElemPtr) InnerError!*Inst {
const array_ptr = try resolveInst(mod, scope, inst.positionals.array_ptr);
const uncasted_index = try resolveInst(mod, scope, inst.positionals.index);
const elem_index = try mod.coerce(scope, Type.initTag(.usize), uncasted_index);
const elem_ty = switch (array_ptr.ty.zigTypeTag()) {
.Pointer => array_ptr.ty.elemType(),
else => return mod.fail(scope, inst.positionals.array_ptr.src, "expected pointer, found '{}'", .{array_ptr.ty}),
if (!elem_ty.isIndexable()) {
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "array access of non-array type '{}'", .{elem_ty});
if (elem_ty.isSinglePointer() and elem_ty.elemType().zigTypeTag() == .Array) {
// we have to deref the ptr operand to get the actual array pointer
const array_ptr_deref = try mod.analyzeDeref(scope, inst.base.src, array_ptr, inst.positionals.array_ptr.src);
if (array_ptr_deref.value()) |array_ptr_val| {
if (elem_index.value()) |index_val| {
// Both array pointer and index are compile-time known.
const index_u64 = index_val.toUnsignedInt();
// @intCast here because it would have been impossible to construct a value that
// required a larger index.
const elem_ptr = try array_ptr_val.elemPtr(scope.arena(), @intCast(usize, index_u64));
const type_payload = try scope.arena().create(Type.Payload.PointerSimple);
type_payload.* = .{
.base = .{ .tag = .single_const_pointer },
.pointee_type = elem_ty.elemType().elemType(),
return mod.constInst(scope, inst.base.src, .{
.ty = Type.initPayload(&type_payload.base),
.val = elem_ptr,
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "TODO implement more analyze elemptr", .{});
fn analyzeInstSlice(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.Slice) InnerError!*Inst {
const array_ptr = try resolveInst(mod, scope, inst.positionals.array_ptr);
const start = try resolveInst(mod, scope, inst.positionals.start);
const end = if (inst.kw_args.end) |end| try resolveInst(mod, scope, end) else null;
const sentinel = if (inst.kw_args.sentinel) |sentinel| try resolveInst(mod, scope, sentinel) else null;
return mod.analyzeSlice(scope, inst.base.src, array_ptr, start, end, sentinel);
fn analyzeInstSliceStart(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.BinOp) InnerError!*Inst {
const array_ptr = try resolveInst(mod, scope, inst.positionals.lhs);
const start = try resolveInst(mod, scope, inst.positionals.rhs);
return mod.analyzeSlice(scope, inst.base.src, array_ptr, start, null, null);
fn analyzeInstSwitchRange(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.BinOp) InnerError!*Inst {
const start = try resolveInst(mod, scope, inst.positionals.lhs);
const end = try resolveInst(mod, scope, inst.positionals.rhs);
switch (start.ty.zigTypeTag()) {
.Int, .ComptimeInt => {},
else => return mod.constVoid(scope, inst.base.src),
switch (end.ty.zigTypeTag()) {
.Int, .ComptimeInt => {},
else => return mod.constVoid(scope, inst.base.src),
if (start.value()) |start_val| {
if (end.value()) |end_val| {
if (start_val.compare(.gte, end_val)) {
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "range start value must be smaller than the end value", .{});
return mod.constVoid(scope, inst.base.src);
fn analyzeInstSwitchBr(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.SwitchBr) InnerError!*Inst {
const target_ptr = try resolveInst(mod, scope, inst.positionals.target_ptr);
const target = try mod.analyzeDeref(scope, inst.base.src, target_ptr, inst.positionals.target_ptr.src);
try validateSwitch(mod, scope, target, inst);
if (try mod.resolveDefinedValue(scope, target)) |target_val| {
for (inst.positionals.cases) |case| {
const resolved = try resolveInst(mod, scope, case.item);
const casted = try mod.coerce(scope, target.ty, resolved);
const item = try mod.resolveConstValue(scope, casted);
if (target_val.eql(item)) {
try analyzeBody(mod, scope, case.body);
return mod.constNoReturn(scope, inst.base.src);
try analyzeBody(mod, scope, inst.positionals.else_body);
return mod.constNoReturn(scope, inst.base.src);
if (inst.positionals.cases.len == 0) {
// no cases just analyze else_branch
try analyzeBody(mod, scope, inst.positionals.else_body);
return mod.constNoReturn(scope, inst.base.src);
const parent_block = try mod.requireRuntimeBlock(scope, inst.base.src);
const cases = try parent_block.arena.alloc(Inst.SwitchBr.Case, inst.positionals.cases.len);
var case_block: Scope.Block = .{
.parent = parent_block,
.func = parent_block.func,
.decl = parent_block.decl,
.instructions = .{},
.arena = parent_block.arena,
.is_comptime = parent_block.is_comptime,
defer case_block.instructions.deinit(mod.gpa);
for (inst.positionals.cases) |case, i| {
// Reset without freeing.
case_block.instructions.items.len = 0;
const resolved = try resolveInst(mod, scope, case.item);
const casted = try mod.coerce(scope, target.ty, resolved);
const item = try mod.resolveConstValue(scope, casted);
try analyzeBody(mod, &case_block.base, case.body);
cases[i] = .{
.item = item,
.body = .{ .instructions = try parent_block.arena.dupe(*Inst, case_block.instructions.items) },
case_block.instructions.items.len = 0;
try analyzeBody(mod, &case_block.base, inst.positionals.else_body);
const else_body: ir.Body = .{
.instructions = try parent_block.arena.dupe(*Inst, case_block.instructions.items),
return mod.addSwitchBr(parent_block, inst.base.src, target_ptr, cases, else_body);
fn validateSwitch(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, target: *Inst, inst: *zir.Inst.SwitchBr) InnerError!void {
// validate usage of '_' prongs
if (inst.kw_args.special_prong == .underscore and target.ty.zigTypeTag() != .Enum) {
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "'_' prong only allowed when switching on non-exhaustive enums", .{});
// TODO notes "'_' prong here" inst.positionals.cases[last].src
// check that target type supports ranges
if (inst.kw_args.range) |range_inst| {
switch (target.ty.zigTypeTag()) {
.Int, .ComptimeInt => {},
else => {
return mod.fail(scope, target.src, "ranges not allowed when switching on type {}", .{target.ty});
// TODO notes "range used here" range_inst.src
// validate for duplicate items/missing else prong
switch (target.ty.zigTypeTag()) {
.Enum => return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "TODO validateSwitch .Enum", .{}),
.ErrorSet => return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "TODO validateSwitch .ErrorSet", .{}),
.Union => return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "TODO validateSwitch .Union", .{}),
.Int, .ComptimeInt => {
var range_set = @import("RangeSet.zig").init(mod.gpa);
defer range_set.deinit();
for (inst.positionals.items) |item| {
const maybe_src = if (item.castTag(.switch_range)) |range| blk: {
const start_resolved = try resolveInst(mod, scope, range.positionals.lhs);
const start_casted = try mod.coerce(scope, target.ty, start_resolved);
const end_resolved = try resolveInst(mod, scope, range.positionals.rhs);
const end_casted = try mod.coerce(scope, target.ty, end_resolved);
break :blk try range_set.add(
try mod.resolveConstValue(scope, start_casted),
try mod.resolveConstValue(scope, end_casted),
} else blk: {
const resolved = try resolveInst(mod, scope, item);
const casted = try mod.coerce(scope, target.ty, resolved);
const value = try mod.resolveConstValue(scope, casted);
break :blk try range_set.add(value, value, item.src);
if (maybe_src) |previous_src| {
return mod.fail(scope, item.src, "duplicate switch value", .{});
// TODO notes "previous value is here" previous_src
if (target.ty.zigTypeTag() == .Int) {
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(mod.gpa);
defer arena.deinit();
const start = try target.ty.minInt(&arena, mod.getTarget());
const end = try target.ty.maxInt(&arena, mod.getTarget());
if (try range_set.spans(start, end)) {
if (inst.kw_args.special_prong == .@"else") {
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "unreachable else prong, all cases already handled", .{});
if (inst.kw_args.special_prong != .@"else") {
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "switch must handle all possibilities", .{});
.Bool => {
var true_count: u8 = 0;
var false_count: u8 = 0;
for (inst.positionals.items) |item| {
const resolved = try resolveInst(mod, scope, item);
const casted = try mod.coerce(scope, Type.initTag(.bool), resolved);
if ((try mod.resolveConstValue(scope, casted)).toBool()) {
true_count += 1;
} else {
false_count += 1;
if (true_count + false_count > 2) {
return mod.fail(scope, item.src, "duplicate switch value", .{});
if ((true_count + false_count < 2) and inst.kw_args.special_prong != .@"else") {
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "switch must handle all possibilities", .{});
if ((true_count + false_count == 2) and inst.kw_args.special_prong == .@"else") {
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "unreachable else prong, all cases already handled", .{});
.EnumLiteral, .Void, .Fn, .Pointer, .Type => {
if (inst.kw_args.special_prong != .@"else") {
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "else prong required when switching on type '{}'", .{target.ty});
var seen_values = std.HashMap(Value, usize, Value.hash, Value.eql, std.hash_map.DefaultMaxLoadPercentage).init(mod.gpa);
defer seen_values.deinit();
for (inst.positionals.items) |item| {
const resolved = try resolveInst(mod, scope, item);
const casted = try mod.coerce(scope, target.ty, resolved);
const val = try mod.resolveConstValue(scope, casted);
if (try seen_values.fetchPut(val, item.src)) |prev| {
return mod.fail(scope, item.src, "duplicate switch value", .{});
// TODO notes "previous value here" prev.value
=> {
return mod.fail(scope, target.src, "invalid switch target type '{}'", .{target.ty});
fn analyzeInstImport(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.UnOp) InnerError!*Inst {
const operand = try resolveConstString(mod, scope, inst.positionals.operand);
const file_scope = mod.analyzeImport(scope, inst.base.src, operand) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.ImportOutsidePkgPath => {
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "import of file outside package path: '{}'", .{operand});
error.FileNotFound => {
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "unable to find '{}'", .{operand});
else => {
// TODO user friendly error to string
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "unable to open '{}': {}", .{ operand, @errorName(err) });
return mod.constType(scope, inst.base.src, file_scope.root_container.ty);
fn analyzeInstShl(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.BinOp) InnerError!*Inst {
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "TODO implement analyzeInstShl", .{});
fn analyzeInstShr(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.BinOp) InnerError!*Inst {
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "TODO implement analyzeInstShr", .{});
fn analyzeInstBitwise(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.BinOp) InnerError!*Inst {
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "TODO implement analyzeInstBitwise", .{});
fn analyzeInstBitNot(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.UnOp) InnerError!*Inst {
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "TODO implement analyzeInstBitNot", .{});
fn analyzeInstArrayCat(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.BinOp) InnerError!*Inst {
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "TODO implement analyzeInstArrayCat", .{});
fn analyzeInstArrayMul(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.BinOp) InnerError!*Inst {
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "TODO implement analyzeInstArrayMul", .{});
fn analyzeInstArithmetic(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.BinOp) InnerError!*Inst {
const tracy = trace(@src());
defer tracy.end();
const lhs = try resolveInst(mod, scope, inst.positionals.lhs);
const rhs = try resolveInst(mod, scope, inst.positionals.rhs);
const instructions = &[_]*Inst{ lhs, rhs };
const resolved_type = try mod.resolvePeerTypes(scope, instructions);
const casted_lhs = try mod.coerce(scope, resolved_type, lhs);
const casted_rhs = try mod.coerce(scope, resolved_type, rhs);
const scalar_type = if (resolved_type.zigTypeTag() == .Vector)
const scalar_tag = scalar_type.zigTypeTag();
if (lhs.ty.zigTypeTag() == .Vector and rhs.ty.zigTypeTag() == .Vector) {
if (lhs.ty.arrayLen() != rhs.ty.arrayLen()) {
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "vector length mismatch: {} and {}", .{
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "TODO implement support for vectors in analyzeInstBinOp", .{});
} else if (lhs.ty.zigTypeTag() == .Vector or rhs.ty.zigTypeTag() == .Vector) {
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "mixed scalar and vector operands to comparison operator: '{}' and '{}'", .{
const is_int = scalar_tag == .Int or scalar_tag == .ComptimeInt;
const is_float = scalar_tag == .Float or scalar_tag == .ComptimeFloat;
if (!is_int and !(is_float and floatOpAllowed(inst.base.tag))) {
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "invalid operands to binary expression: '{}' and '{}'", .{ @tagName(lhs.ty.zigTypeTag()), @tagName(rhs.ty.zigTypeTag()) });
if (casted_lhs.value()) |lhs_val| {
if (casted_rhs.value()) |rhs_val| {
if (lhs_val.isUndef() or rhs_val.isUndef()) {
return mod.constInst(scope, inst.base.src, .{
.ty = resolved_type,
.val = Value.initTag(.undef),
return analyzeInstComptimeOp(mod, scope, scalar_type, inst, lhs_val, rhs_val);
const b = try mod.requireRuntimeBlock(scope, inst.base.src);
const ir_tag = switch (inst.base.tag) {
.add => Inst.Tag.add,
.sub => Inst.Tag.sub,
else => return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "TODO implement arithmetic for operand '{}''", .{@tagName(inst.base.tag)}),
return mod.addBinOp(b, inst.base.src, scalar_type, ir_tag, casted_lhs, casted_rhs);
/// Analyzes operands that are known at comptime
fn analyzeInstComptimeOp(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, res_type: Type, inst: *zir.Inst.BinOp, lhs_val: Value, rhs_val: Value) InnerError!*Inst {
// incase rhs is 0, simply return lhs without doing any calculations
// TODO Once division is implemented we should throw an error when dividing by 0.
if (rhs_val.compareWithZero(.eq)) {
return mod.constInst(scope, inst.base.src, .{
.ty = res_type,
.val = lhs_val,
const is_int = res_type.isInt() or res_type.zigTypeTag() == .ComptimeInt;
const value = try switch (inst.base.tag) {
.add => blk: {
const val = if (is_int)
Module.intAdd(scope.arena(), lhs_val, rhs_val)
mod.floatAdd(scope, res_type, inst.base.src, lhs_val, rhs_val);
break :blk val;
.sub => blk: {
const val = if (is_int)
Module.intSub(scope.arena(), lhs_val, rhs_val)
mod.floatSub(scope, res_type, inst.base.src, lhs_val, rhs_val);
break :blk val;
else => return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "TODO Implement arithmetic operand '{}'", .{@tagName(inst.base.tag)}),
return mod.constInst(scope, inst.base.src, .{
.ty = res_type,
.val = value,
fn analyzeInstDeref(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, deref: *zir.Inst.UnOp) InnerError!*Inst {
const ptr = try resolveInst(mod, scope, deref.positionals.operand);
return mod.analyzeDeref(scope, deref.base.src, ptr, deref.positionals.operand.src);
fn analyzeInstAsm(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, assembly: *zir.Inst.Asm) InnerError!*Inst {
const return_type = try resolveType(mod, scope, assembly.positionals.return_type);
const asm_source = try resolveConstString(mod, scope, assembly.positionals.asm_source);
const output = if (assembly.kw_args.output) |o| try resolveConstString(mod, scope, o) else null;
const inputs = try scope.arena().alloc([]const u8, assembly.kw_args.inputs.len);
const clobbers = try scope.arena().alloc([]const u8, assembly.kw_args.clobbers.len);
const args = try scope.arena().alloc(*Inst, assembly.kw_args.args.len);
for (inputs) |*elem, i| {
elem.* = try resolveConstString(mod, scope, assembly.kw_args.inputs[i]);
for (clobbers) |*elem, i| {
elem.* = try resolveConstString(mod, scope, assembly.kw_args.clobbers[i]);
for (args) |*elem, i| {
const arg = try resolveInst(mod, scope, assembly.kw_args.args[i]);
elem.* = try mod.coerce(scope, Type.initTag(.usize), arg);
const b = try mod.requireRuntimeBlock(scope, assembly.base.src);
const inst = try b.arena.create(Inst.Assembly);
inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.tag = .assembly,
.ty = return_type,
.src = assembly.base.src,
.asm_source = asm_source,
.is_volatile = assembly.kw_args.@"volatile",
.output = output,
.inputs = inputs,
.clobbers = clobbers,
.args = args,
try b.instructions.append(mod.gpa, &inst.base);
return &inst.base;
fn analyzeInstCmp(
mod: *Module,
scope: *Scope,
inst: *zir.Inst.BinOp,
op: std.math.CompareOperator,
) InnerError!*Inst {
const lhs = try resolveInst(mod, scope, inst.positionals.lhs);
const rhs = try resolveInst(mod, scope, inst.positionals.rhs);
const is_equality_cmp = switch (op) {
.eq, .neq => true,
else => false,
const lhs_ty_tag = lhs.ty.zigTypeTag();
const rhs_ty_tag = rhs.ty.zigTypeTag();
if (is_equality_cmp and lhs_ty_tag == .Null and rhs_ty_tag == .Null) {
// null == null, null != null
return mod.constBool(scope, inst.base.src, op == .eq);
} else if (is_equality_cmp and
((lhs_ty_tag == .Null and rhs_ty_tag == .Optional) or
rhs_ty_tag == .Null and lhs_ty_tag == .Optional))
// comparing null with optionals
const opt_operand = if (lhs_ty_tag == .Optional) lhs else rhs;
return mod.analyzeIsNull(scope, inst.base.src, opt_operand, op == .neq);
} else if (is_equality_cmp and
((lhs_ty_tag == .Null and rhs.ty.isCPtr()) or (rhs_ty_tag == .Null and lhs.ty.isCPtr())))
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "TODO implement C pointer cmp", .{});
} else if (lhs_ty_tag == .Null or rhs_ty_tag == .Null) {
const non_null_type = if (lhs_ty_tag == .Null) rhs.ty else lhs.ty;
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "comparison of '{}' with null", .{non_null_type});
} else if (is_equality_cmp and
((lhs_ty_tag == .EnumLiteral and rhs_ty_tag == .Union) or
(rhs_ty_tag == .EnumLiteral and lhs_ty_tag == .Union)))
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "TODO implement equality comparison between a union's tag value and an enum literal", .{});
} else if (lhs_ty_tag == .ErrorSet and rhs_ty_tag == .ErrorSet) {
if (!is_equality_cmp) {
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "{} operator not allowed for errors", .{@tagName(op)});
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "TODO implement equality comparison between errors", .{});
} else if (lhs.ty.isNumeric() and rhs.ty.isNumeric()) {
// This operation allows any combination of integer and float types, regardless of the
// signed-ness, comptime-ness, and bit-width. So peer type resolution is incorrect for
// numeric types.
return mod.cmpNumeric(scope, inst.base.src, lhs, rhs, op);
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "TODO implement more cmp analysis", .{});
fn analyzeInstTypeOf(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.UnOp) InnerError!*Inst {
const operand = try resolveInst(mod, scope, inst.positionals.operand);
return mod.constType(scope, inst.base.src, operand.ty);
fn analyzeInstBoolNot(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.UnOp) InnerError!*Inst {
const uncasted_operand = try resolveInst(mod, scope, inst.positionals.operand);
const bool_type = Type.initTag(.bool);
const operand = try mod.coerce(scope, bool_type, uncasted_operand);
if (try mod.resolveDefinedValue(scope, operand)) |val| {
return mod.constBool(scope, inst.base.src, !val.toBool());
const b = try mod.requireRuntimeBlock(scope, inst.base.src);
return mod.addUnOp(b, inst.base.src, bool_type, .not, operand);
fn analyzeInstBoolOp(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.BinOp) InnerError!*Inst {
const bool_type = Type.initTag(.bool);
const uncasted_lhs = try resolveInst(mod, scope, inst.positionals.lhs);
const lhs = try mod.coerce(scope, bool_type, uncasted_lhs);
const uncasted_rhs = try resolveInst(mod, scope, inst.positionals.rhs);
const rhs = try mod.coerce(scope, bool_type, uncasted_rhs);
const is_bool_or = inst.base.tag == .boolor;
if (lhs.value()) |lhs_val| {
if (rhs.value()) |rhs_val| {
if (is_bool_or) {
return mod.constBool(scope, inst.base.src, lhs_val.toBool() or rhs_val.toBool());
} else {
return mod.constBool(scope, inst.base.src, lhs_val.toBool() and rhs_val.toBool());
const b = try mod.requireRuntimeBlock(scope, inst.base.src);
return mod.addBinOp(b, inst.base.src, bool_type, if (is_bool_or) .boolor else .booland, lhs, rhs);
fn analyzeInstIsNonNull(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.UnOp, invert_logic: bool) InnerError!*Inst {
const operand = try resolveInst(mod, scope, inst.positionals.operand);
return mod.analyzeIsNull(scope, inst.base.src, operand, invert_logic);
fn analyzeInstIsErr(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.UnOp) InnerError!*Inst {
const operand = try resolveInst(mod, scope, inst.positionals.operand);
return mod.analyzeIsErr(scope, inst.base.src, operand);
fn analyzeInstCondBr(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.CondBr) InnerError!*Inst {
const uncasted_cond = try resolveInst(mod, scope, inst.positionals.condition);
const cond = try mod.coerce(scope, Type.initTag(.bool), uncasted_cond);
if (try mod.resolveDefinedValue(scope, cond)) |cond_val| {
const body = if (cond_val.toBool()) &inst.positionals.then_body else &inst.positionals.else_body;
try analyzeBody(mod, scope, body.*);
return mod.constNoReturn(scope, inst.base.src);
const parent_block = try mod.requireRuntimeBlock(scope, inst.base.src);
var true_block: Scope.Block = .{
.parent = parent_block,
.func = parent_block.func,
.decl = parent_block.decl,
.instructions = .{},
.arena = parent_block.arena,
.is_comptime = parent_block.is_comptime,
defer true_block.instructions.deinit(mod.gpa);
try analyzeBody(mod, &true_block.base, inst.positionals.then_body);
var false_block: Scope.Block = .{
.parent = parent_block,
.func = parent_block.func,
.decl = parent_block.decl,
.instructions = .{},
.arena = parent_block.arena,
.is_comptime = parent_block.is_comptime,
defer false_block.instructions.deinit(mod.gpa);
try analyzeBody(mod, &false_block.base, inst.positionals.else_body);
const then_body: ir.Body = .{ .instructions = try scope.arena().dupe(*Inst, true_block.instructions.items) };
const else_body: ir.Body = .{ .instructions = try scope.arena().dupe(*Inst, false_block.instructions.items) };
return mod.addCondBr(parent_block, inst.base.src, cond, then_body, else_body);
fn analyzeInstUnreachable(
mod: *Module,
scope: *Scope,
unreach: *zir.Inst.NoOp,
safety_check: bool,
) InnerError!*Inst {
const b = try mod.requireRuntimeBlock(scope, unreach.base.src);
// TODO Add compile error for @optimizeFor occurring too late in a scope.
if (safety_check and mod.wantSafety(scope)) {
return mod.safetyPanic(b, unreach.base.src, .unreach);
} else {
return mod.addNoOp(b, unreach.base.src, Type.initTag(.noreturn), .unreach);
fn analyzeInstRet(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.UnOp) InnerError!*Inst {
const operand = try resolveInst(mod, scope, inst.positionals.operand);
const b = try mod.requireRuntimeBlock(scope, inst.base.src);
return mod.addUnOp(b, inst.base.src, Type.initTag(.noreturn), .ret, operand);
fn analyzeInstRetVoid(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.NoOp) InnerError!*Inst {
const b = try mod.requireRuntimeBlock(scope, inst.base.src);
if (b.func) |func| {
// Need to emit a compile error if returning void is not allowed.
const void_inst = try mod.constVoid(scope, inst.base.src);
const fn_ty = func.owner_decl.typed_value.most_recent.typed_value.ty;
const casted_void = try mod.coerce(scope, fn_ty.fnReturnType(), void_inst);
if (casted_void.ty.zigTypeTag() != .Void) {
return mod.addUnOp(b, inst.base.src, Type.initTag(.noreturn), .ret, casted_void);
return mod.addNoOp(b, inst.base.src, Type.initTag(.noreturn), .retvoid);
fn floatOpAllowed(tag: zir.Inst.Tag) bool {
// extend this swich as additional operators are implemented
return switch (tag) {
.add, .sub => true,
else => false,
fn analyzeBreak(
mod: *Module,
scope: *Scope,
src: usize,
zir_block: *zir.Inst.Block,
operand: *Inst,
) InnerError!*Inst {
var opt_block = scope.cast(Scope.Block);
while (opt_block) |block| {
if (block.label) |*label| {
if (label.zir_block == zir_block) {
try label.results.append(mod.gpa, operand);
const b = try mod.requireRuntimeBlock(scope, src);
return mod.addBr(b, src, label.block_inst, operand);
opt_block = block.parent;
} else unreachable;
fn analyzeDeclVal(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.DeclVal) InnerError!*Decl {
const decl_name = inst.positionals.name;
const zir_module = scope.namespace().cast(Scope.ZIRModule).?;
const src_decl = zir_module.contents.module.findDecl(decl_name) orelse
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "use of undeclared identifier '{}'", .{decl_name});
const decl = try resolveCompleteZirDecl(mod, scope, src_decl.decl);
return decl;
fn analyzeInstSimplePtrType(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.UnOp, mutable: bool, size: std.builtin.TypeInfo.Pointer.Size) InnerError!*Inst {
const elem_type = try resolveType(mod, scope, inst.positionals.operand);
const ty = try mod.simplePtrType(scope, inst.base.src, elem_type, mutable, size);
return mod.constType(scope, inst.base.src, ty);
fn analyzeInstPtrType(mod: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *zir.Inst.PtrType) InnerError!*Inst {
// TODO lazy values
const @"align" = if (inst.kw_args.@"align") |some|
@truncate(u32, try resolveInt(mod, scope, some, Type.initTag(.u32)))
const bit_offset = if (inst.kw_args.align_bit_start) |some|
@truncate(u16, try resolveInt(mod, scope, some, Type.initTag(.u16)))
const host_size = if (inst.kw_args.align_bit_end) |some|
@truncate(u16, try resolveInt(mod, scope, some, Type.initTag(.u16)))
if (host_size != 0 and bit_offset >= host_size * 8)
return mod.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "bit offset starts after end of host integer", .{});
const sentinel = if (inst.kw_args.sentinel) |some|
(try resolveInstConst(mod, scope, some)).val
const elem_type = try resolveType(mod, scope, inst.positionals.child_type);
const ty = try mod.ptrType(
return mod.constType(scope, inst.base.src, ty);