
183 lines
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Copyright (c) 2015-2020 Zig Contributors
// This file is part of [zig](https://ziglang.org/), which is MIT licensed.
// The MIT license requires this copyright notice to be included in all copies
// and substantial portions of the software.
const std = @import("std.zig");
const mem = std.mem;
/// Like ComptimeStringHashMap but optimized for small sets of disparate string keys.
/// Works by separating the keys by length at comptime and only checking strings of
/// equal length at runtime.
/// `kvs` expects a list literal containing list literals or an array/slice of structs
/// where `.@"0"` is the `[]const u8` key and `.@"1"` is the associated value of type `V`.
/// TODO: https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/4335
pub fn ComptimeStringMap(comptime V: type, comptime kvs: anytype) type {
const precomputed = comptime blk: {
const KV = struct {
key: []const u8,
value: V,
var sorted_kvs: [kvs.len]KV = undefined;
const lenAsc = (struct {
fn lenAsc(context: void, a: KV, b: KV) bool {
return a.key.len < b.key.len;
for (kvs) |kv, i| {
if (V != void) {
sorted_kvs[i] = .{ .key = kv.@"0", .value = kv.@"1" };
} else {
sorted_kvs[i] = .{ .key = kv.@"0", .value = {} };
std.sort.sort(KV, &sorted_kvs, {}, lenAsc);
const min_len = sorted_kvs[0].key.len;
const max_len = sorted_kvs[sorted_kvs.len - 1].key.len;
var len_indexes: [max_len + 1]usize = undefined;
var len: usize = 0;
var i: usize = 0;
while (len <= max_len) : (len += 1) {
// find the first keyword len == len
while (len > sorted_kvs[i].key.len) {
i += 1;
len_indexes[len] = i;
break :blk .{
.min_len = min_len,
.max_len = max_len,
.sorted_kvs = sorted_kvs,
.len_indexes = len_indexes,
return struct {
pub fn has(str: []const u8) bool {
return get(str) != null;
pub fn get(str: []const u8) ?V {
if (str.len < precomputed.min_len or str.len > precomputed.max_len)
return null;
var i = precomputed.len_indexes[str.len];
while (true) {
const kv = precomputed.sorted_kvs[i];
if (kv.key.len != str.len)
return null;
if (mem.eql(u8, kv.key, str))
return kv.value;
i += 1;
if (i >= precomputed.sorted_kvs.len)
return null;
const TestEnum = enum {
test "ComptimeStringMap list literal of list literals" {
const map = ComptimeStringMap(TestEnum, .{
.{ "these", .D },
.{ "have", .A },
.{ "nothing", .B },
.{ "incommon", .C },
.{ "samelen", .E },
test "ComptimeStringMap array of structs" {
const KV = struct {
@"0": []const u8,
@"1": TestEnum,
const map = ComptimeStringMap(TestEnum, [_]KV{
.{ .@"0" = "these", .@"1" = .D },
.{ .@"0" = "have", .@"1" = .A },
.{ .@"0" = "nothing", .@"1" = .B },
.{ .@"0" = "incommon", .@"1" = .C },
.{ .@"0" = "samelen", .@"1" = .E },
test "ComptimeStringMap slice of structs" {
const KV = struct {
@"0": []const u8,
@"1": TestEnum,
const slice: []const KV = &[_]KV{
.{ .@"0" = "these", .@"1" = .D },
.{ .@"0" = "have", .@"1" = .A },
.{ .@"0" = "nothing", .@"1" = .B },
.{ .@"0" = "incommon", .@"1" = .C },
.{ .@"0" = "samelen", .@"1" = .E },
const map = ComptimeStringMap(TestEnum, slice);
fn testMap(comptime map: anytype) void {
std.testing.expectEqual(TestEnum.A, map.get("have").?);
std.testing.expectEqual(TestEnum.B, map.get("nothing").?);
std.testing.expect(null == map.get("missing"));
std.testing.expectEqual(TestEnum.D, map.get("these").?);
std.testing.expectEqual(TestEnum.E, map.get("samelen").?);
test "ComptimeStringMap void value type, slice of structs" {
const KV = struct {
@"0": []const u8,
const slice: []const KV = &[_]KV{
.{ .@"0" = "these" },
.{ .@"0" = "have" },
.{ .@"0" = "nothing" },
.{ .@"0" = "incommon" },
.{ .@"0" = "samelen" },
const map = ComptimeStringMap(void, slice);
test "ComptimeStringMap void value type, list literal of list literals" {
const map = ComptimeStringMap(void, .{
fn testSet(comptime map: anytype) void {
std.testing.expectEqual({}, map.get("have").?);
std.testing.expectEqual({}, map.get("nothing").?);
std.testing.expect(null == map.get("missing"));
std.testing.expectEqual({}, map.get("these").?);
std.testing.expectEqual({}, map.get("samelen").?);