
309 lines
11 KiB

const std = @import("../std.zig");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const maxInt = std.math.maxInt;
const State = enum {
/// Writes JSON ([RFC8259](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8259)) formatted data
/// to a stream. `max_depth` is a comptime-known upper bound on the nesting depth.
/// TODO A future iteration of this API will allow passing `null` for this value,
/// and disable safety checks in release builds.
pub fn WriteStream(comptime OutStream: type, comptime max_depth: usize) type {
return struct {
const Self = @This();
pub const Stream = OutStream;
/// The string used for indenting.
one_indent: []const u8 = " ",
/// The string used as a newline character.
newline: []const u8 = "\n",
/// The string used as spacing.
space: []const u8 = " ",
stream: *OutStream,
state_index: usize,
state: [max_depth]State,
pub fn init(stream: *OutStream) Self {
var self = Self{
.stream = stream,
.state_index = 1,
.state = undefined,
self.state[0] = .Complete;
self.state[1] = .Value;
return self;
pub fn beginArray(self: *Self) !void {
assert(self.state[self.state_index] == State.Value); // need to call arrayElem or objectField
try self.stream.writeByte('[');
self.state[self.state_index] = State.ArrayStart;
pub fn beginObject(self: *Self) !void {
assert(self.state[self.state_index] == State.Value); // need to call arrayElem or objectField
try self.stream.writeByte('{');
self.state[self.state_index] = State.ObjectStart;
pub fn arrayElem(self: *Self) !void {
const state = self.state[self.state_index];
switch (state) {
.Complete => unreachable,
.Value => unreachable,
.ObjectStart => unreachable,
.Object => unreachable,
.Array, .ArrayStart => {
if (state == .Array) {
try self.stream.writeByte(',');
self.state[self.state_index] = .Array;
try self.indent();
pub fn objectField(self: *Self, name: []const u8) !void {
const state = self.state[self.state_index];
switch (state) {
.Complete => unreachable,
.Value => unreachable,
.ArrayStart => unreachable,
.Array => unreachable,
.Object, .ObjectStart => {
if (state == .Object) {
try self.stream.writeByte(',');
self.state[self.state_index] = .Object;
try self.indent();
try self.writeEscapedString(name);
try self.stream.write(":");
try self.stream.write(self.space);
pub fn endArray(self: *Self) !void {
switch (self.state[self.state_index]) {
.Complete => unreachable,
.Value => unreachable,
.ObjectStart => unreachable,
.Object => unreachable,
.ArrayStart => {
try self.stream.writeByte(']');
.Array => {
try self.indent();
try self.stream.writeByte(']');
pub fn endObject(self: *Self) !void {
switch (self.state[self.state_index]) {
.Complete => unreachable,
.Value => unreachable,
.ArrayStart => unreachable,
.Array => unreachable,
.ObjectStart => {
try self.stream.writeByte('}');
.Object => {
try self.indent();
try self.stream.writeByte('}');
pub fn emitNull(self: *Self) !void {
assert(self.state[self.state_index] == State.Value);
try self.stream.write("null");
pub fn emitBool(self: *Self, value: bool) !void {
assert(self.state[self.state_index] == State.Value);
if (value) {
try self.stream.write("true");
} else {
try self.stream.write("false");
pub fn emitNumber(
self: *Self,
/// An integer, float, or `std.math.BigInt`. Emitted as a bare number if it fits losslessly
/// in a IEEE 754 double float, otherwise emitted as a string to the full precision.
value: var,
) !void {
assert(self.state[self.state_index] == State.Value);
switch (@typeInfo(@typeOf(value))) {
.Int => |info| {
if (info.bits < 53) {
try self.stream.print("{}", value);
if (value < 4503599627370496 and (!info.is_signed or value > -4503599627370496)) {
try self.stream.print("{}", value);
.Float => if (@floatCast(f64, value) == value) {
try self.stream.print("{}", value);
else => {},
try self.stream.print("\"{}\"", value);
pub fn emitString(self: *Self, string: []const u8) !void {
try self.writeEscapedString(string);
fn writeEscapedString(self: *Self, string: []const u8) !void {
try self.stream.writeByte('"');
for (string) |s| {
switch (s) {
'"' => try self.stream.write("\\\""),
'\t' => try self.stream.write("\\t"),
'\r' => try self.stream.write("\\r"),
'\n' => try self.stream.write("\\n"),
8 => try self.stream.write("\\b"),
12 => try self.stream.write("\\f"),
'\\' => try self.stream.write("\\\\"),
else => try self.stream.writeByte(s),
try self.stream.writeByte('"');
/// Writes the complete json into the output stream
pub fn emitJson(self: *Self, json: std.json.Value) Stream.Error!void {
switch (json) {
.Null => try self.emitNull(),
.Bool => |inner| try self.emitBool(inner),
.Integer => |inner| try self.emitNumber(inner),
.Float => |inner| try self.emitNumber(inner),
.String => |inner| try self.emitString(inner),
.Array => |inner| {
try self.beginArray();
for (inner.toSliceConst()) |elem| {
try self.arrayElem();
try self.emitJson(elem);
try self.endArray();
.Object => |inner| {
try self.beginObject();
var it = inner.iterator();
while (it.next()) |entry| {
try self.objectField(entry.key);
try self.emitJson(entry.value);
try self.endObject();
fn indent(self: *Self) !void {
assert(self.state_index >= 1);
try self.stream.write(self.newline);
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < self.state_index - 1) : (i += 1) {
try self.stream.write(self.one_indent);
fn pushState(self: *Self, state: State) void {
self.state_index += 1;
self.state[self.state_index] = state;
fn popState(self: *Self) void {
self.state_index -= 1;
test "json write stream" {
var out_buf: [1024]u8 = undefined;
var slice_stream = std.io.SliceOutStream.init(&out_buf);
const out = &slice_stream.stream;
var mem_buf: [1024 * 10]u8 = undefined;
const allocator = &std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator.init(&mem_buf).allocator;
var w = std.json.WriteStream(@typeOf(out).Child, 10).init(out);
try w.emitJson(try getJson(allocator));
const result = slice_stream.getWritten();
const expected =
\\ "object": {
\\ "one": 1,
\\ "two": 2.0e+00
\\ },
\\ "string": "This is a string",
\\ "array": [
\\ "Another string",
\\ 1,
\\ 3.14e+00
\\ ],
\\ "int": 10,
\\ "float": 3.14e+00
std.testing.expect(std.mem.eql(u8, expected, result));
fn getJson(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator) !std.json.Value {
var value = std.json.Value{ .Object = std.json.ObjectMap.init(allocator) };
_ = try value.Object.put("string", std.json.Value{ .String = "This is a string" });
_ = try value.Object.put("int", std.json.Value{ .Integer = @intCast(i64, 10) });
_ = try value.Object.put("float", std.json.Value{ .Float = 3.14 });
_ = try value.Object.put("array", try getJsonArray(allocator));
_ = try value.Object.put("object", try getJsonObject(allocator));
return value;
fn getJsonObject(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator) !std.json.Value {
var value = std.json.Value{ .Object = std.json.ObjectMap.init(allocator) };
_ = try value.Object.put("one", std.json.Value{ .Integer = @intCast(i64, 1) });
_ = try value.Object.put("two", std.json.Value{ .Float = 2.0 });
return value;
fn getJsonArray(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator) !std.json.Value {
var value = std.json.Value{ .Array = std.json.Array.init(allocator) };
var array = &value.Array;
_ = try array.append(std.json.Value{ .String = "Another string" });
_ = try array.append(std.json.Value{ .Integer = @intCast(i64, 1) });
_ = try array.append(std.json.Value{ .Float = 3.14 });
return value;