
358 lines
10 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const Value = @import("value.zig").Value;
const assert = std.debug.assert;
/// This is the raw data, with no bookkeeping, no memory awareness, no de-duplication.
/// It's important for this struct to be small.
/// It is not copyable since it may contain references to its inner data.
/// Types are not de-duplicated, which helps with multi-threading since it obviates the requirement
/// of obtaining a lock on a global type table, as well as making the
/// garbage collection bookkeeping simpler.
/// This union takes advantage of the fact that the first page of memory
/// is unmapped, giving us 4096 possible enum tags that have no payload.
pub const Type = extern union {
/// If the tag value is less than Tag.no_payload_count, then no pointer
/// dereference is needed.
tag_if_small_enough: usize,
ptr_otherwise: *Payload,
pub fn zigTypeTag(self: Type) std.builtin.TypeId {
switch (self.tag()) {
=> return .Int,
=> return .Float,
.@"c_void" => return .Opaque,
.@"bool" => return .Bool,
.@"void" => return .Void,
.@"type" => return .Type,
.@"anyerror" => return .ErrorSet,
.@"comptime_int" => return .ComptimeInt,
.@"comptime_float" => return .ComptimeFloat,
.@"noreturn" => return .NoReturn,
.array, .array_u8_sentinel_0 => return .Array,
.single_const_pointer => return .Pointer,
.const_slice_u8 => return .Pointer,
pub fn initTag(comptime small_tag: Tag) Type {
comptime assert(@enumToInt(small_tag) < Tag.no_payload_count);
return .{ .tag_if_small_enough = @enumToInt(small_tag) };
pub fn initPayload(payload: *Payload) Type {
assert(@enumToInt(payload.tag) >= Tag.no_payload_count);
return .{ .ptr_otherwise = payload };
pub fn tag(self: Type) Tag {
if (self.tag_if_small_enough < Tag.no_payload_count) {
return @intToEnum(Tag, @intCast(@TagType(Tag), self.tag_if_small_enough));
} else {
return self.ptr_otherwise.tag;
pub fn cast(self: Type, comptime T: type) ?*T {
if (self.tag_if_small_enough < Tag.no_payload_count)
return null;
const expected_tag = std.meta.fieldInfo(T, "base").default_value.?.tag;
if (self.ptr_otherwise.tag != expected_tag)
return null;
return @fieldParentPtr(T, "base", self.ptr_otherwise);
pub fn format(
self: Type,
comptime fmt: []const u8,
options: std.fmt.FormatOptions,
out_stream: var,
) !void {
comptime assert(fmt.len == 0);
var ty = self;
while (true) {
const t = ty.tag();
switch (t) {
=> return out_stream.writeAll(@tagName(t)),
.const_slice_u8 => return out_stream.writeAll("[]const u8"),
.array_u8_sentinel_0 => {
const payload = @fieldParentPtr(Payload.Array_u8_Sentinel0, "base", ty.ptr_otherwise);
return out_stream.print("[{}:0]u8", .{payload.len});
.array => {
const payload = @fieldParentPtr(Payload.Array, "base", ty.ptr_otherwise);
try out_stream.print("[{}]", .{payload.len});
ty = payload.elem_type;
.single_const_pointer => {
const payload = @fieldParentPtr(Payload.SingleConstPointer, "base", ty.ptr_otherwise);
try out_stream.writeAll("*const ");
ty = payload.pointee_type;
pub fn isSinglePointer(self: Type) bool {
return switch (self.tag()) {
=> false,
.single_const_pointer => true,
pub fn isSlice(self: Type) bool {
return switch (self.tag()) {
=> false,
.const_slice_u8 => true,
/// Asserts the type is a pointer type.
pub fn pointerIsConst(self: Type) bool {
return switch (self.tag()) {
=> unreachable,
.single_const_pointer, .const_slice_u8 => true,
/// Asserts the type is a pointer or array type.
pub fn elemType(self: Type) Type {
return switch (self.tag()) {
=> unreachable,
.array => self.cast(Payload.Array).?.elem_type,
.single_const_pointer => self.cast(Payload.SingleConstPointer).?.pointee_type,
.array_u8_sentinel_0, .const_slice_u8 => Type.initTag(.@"u8"),
/// This enum does not directly correspond to `std.builtin.TypeId` because
/// it has extra enum tags in it, as a way of using less memory. For example,
/// even though Zig recognizes `*align(10) i32` and `*i32` both as Pointer types
/// but with different alignment values, in this data structure they are represented
/// with different enum tags, because the the former requires more payload data than the latter.
/// See `zigTypeTag` for the function that corresponds to `std.builtin.TypeId`.
pub const Tag = enum {
// The first section of this enum are tags that require no payload.
@"noreturn", // See last_no_payload_tag below.
// After this, the tag requires a payload.
pub const last_no_payload_tag = Tag.@"noreturn";
pub const no_payload_count = @enumToInt(last_no_payload_tag) + 1;
pub const Payload = struct {
tag: Tag,
pub const Array_u8_Sentinel0 = struct {
base: Payload = Payload{ .tag = .array_u8_sentinel_0 },
len: u64,
pub const Array = struct {
base: Payload = Payload{ .tag = .array },
elem_type: Type,
len: u64,
pub const SingleConstPointer = struct {
base: Payload = Payload{ .tag = .single_const_pointer },
pointee_type: Type,