
348 lines
11 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const llvm = @import("llvm.zig");
pub const ArchOsAbi = struct {
arch: std.Target.Cpu.Arch,
os: std.Target.Os.Tag,
abi: std.Target.Abi,
pub const available_libcs = [_]ArchOsAbi{
.{ .arch = .aarch64_be, .os = .linux, .abi = .gnu },
.{ .arch = .aarch64_be, .os = .linux, .abi = .musl },
.{ .arch = .aarch64_be, .os = .windows, .abi = .gnu },
.{ .arch = .aarch64, .os = .linux, .abi = .gnu },
.{ .arch = .aarch64, .os = .linux, .abi = .musl },
.{ .arch = .aarch64, .os = .windows, .abi = .gnu },
.{ .arch = .armeb, .os = .linux, .abi = .gnueabi },
.{ .arch = .armeb, .os = .linux, .abi = .gnueabihf },
.{ .arch = .armeb, .os = .linux, .abi = .musleabi },
.{ .arch = .armeb, .os = .linux, .abi = .musleabihf },
.{ .arch = .armeb, .os = .windows, .abi = .gnu },
.{ .arch = .arm, .os = .linux, .abi = .gnueabi },
.{ .arch = .arm, .os = .linux, .abi = .gnueabihf },
.{ .arch = .arm, .os = .linux, .abi = .musleabi },
.{ .arch = .arm, .os = .linux, .abi = .musleabihf },
.{ .arch = .arm, .os = .windows, .abi = .gnu },
.{ .arch = .i386, .os = .linux, .abi = .gnu },
.{ .arch = .i386, .os = .linux, .abi = .musl },
.{ .arch = .i386, .os = .windows, .abi = .gnu },
.{ .arch = .mips64el, .os = .linux, .abi = .gnuabi64 },
.{ .arch = .mips64el, .os = .linux, .abi = .gnuabin32 },
.{ .arch = .mips64el, .os = .linux, .abi = .musl },
.{ .arch = .mips64, .os = .linux, .abi = .gnuabi64 },
.{ .arch = .mips64, .os = .linux, .abi = .gnuabin32 },
.{ .arch = .mips64, .os = .linux, .abi = .musl },
.{ .arch = .mipsel, .os = .linux, .abi = .gnu },
.{ .arch = .mipsel, .os = .linux, .abi = .musl },
.{ .arch = .mips, .os = .linux, .abi = .gnu },
.{ .arch = .mips, .os = .linux, .abi = .musl },
.{ .arch = .powerpc64le, .os = .linux, .abi = .gnu },
.{ .arch = .powerpc64le, .os = .linux, .abi = .musl },
.{ .arch = .powerpc64, .os = .linux, .abi = .gnu },
.{ .arch = .powerpc64, .os = .linux, .abi = .musl },
.{ .arch = .powerpc, .os = .linux, .abi = .gnu },
.{ .arch = .powerpc, .os = .linux, .abi = .musl },
.{ .arch = .riscv64, .os = .linux, .abi = .gnu },
.{ .arch = .riscv64, .os = .linux, .abi = .musl },
.{ .arch = .s390x, .os = .linux, .abi = .gnu },
.{ .arch = .s390x, .os = .linux, .abi = .musl },
.{ .arch = .sparc, .os = .linux, .abi = .gnu },
.{ .arch = .sparcv9, .os = .linux, .abi = .gnu },
.{ .arch = .wasm32, .os = .freestanding, .abi = .musl },
.{ .arch = .x86_64, .os = .linux, .abi = .gnu },
.{ .arch = .x86_64, .os = .linux, .abi = .gnux32 },
.{ .arch = .x86_64, .os = .linux, .abi = .musl },
.{ .arch = .x86_64, .os = .windows, .abi = .gnu },
.{ .arch = .x86_64, .os = .macos, .abi = .gnu },
pub fn libCGenericName(target: std.Target) [:0]const u8 {
switch (target.os.tag) {
.windows => return "mingw",
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos => return "darwin",
else => {},
switch (target.abi) {
=> return "glibc",
=> return "musl",
=> unreachable,
pub fn archMuslName(arch: std.Target.Cpu.Arch) [:0]const u8 {
switch (arch) {
.aarch64, .aarch64_be => return "aarch64",
.arm, .armeb => return "arm",
.mips, .mipsel => return "mips",
.mips64el, .mips64 => return "mips64",
.powerpc => return "powerpc",
.powerpc64, .powerpc64le => return "powerpc64",
.s390x => return "s390x",
.i386 => return "i386",
.x86_64 => return "x86_64",
.riscv64 => return "riscv64",
.wasm32, .wasm64 => return "wasm",
else => unreachable,
pub fn canBuildLibC(target: std.Target) bool {
for (available_libcs) |libc| {
if (target.cpu.arch == libc.arch and target.os.tag == libc.os and target.abi == libc.abi) {
return true;
return false;
pub fn cannotDynamicLink(target: std.Target) bool {
return switch (target.os.tag) {
.freestanding, .other => true,
else => false,
/// On Darwin, we always link libSystem which contains libc.
/// Similarly on FreeBSD and NetBSD we always link system libc
/// since this is the stable syscall interface.
pub fn osRequiresLibC(target: std.Target) bool {
return switch (target.os.tag) {
.freebsd, .netbsd, .dragonfly, .openbsd, .macos, .ios, .watchos, .tvos => true,
else => false,
pub fn libcNeedsLibUnwind(target: std.Target) bool {
return switch (target.os.tag) {
=> false,
.windows => target.abi != .msvc,
else => true,
pub fn requiresPIE(target: std.Target) bool {
return target.isAndroid() or target.isDarwin() or target.os.tag == .openbsd;
/// This function returns whether non-pic code is completely invalid on the given target.
pub fn requiresPIC(target: std.Target, linking_libc: bool) bool {
return target.isAndroid() or
target.os.tag == .windows or target.os.tag == .uefi or
osRequiresLibC(target) or
(linking_libc and target.isGnuLibC());
/// This is not whether the target supports Position Independent Code, but whether the -fPIC
/// C compiler argument is valid to Clang.
pub fn supports_fpic(target: std.Target) bool {
return target.os.tag != .windows;
pub fn libc_needs_crti_crtn(target: std.Target) bool {
return !(target.cpu.arch.isRISCV() or target.isAndroid() or target.os.tag == .openbsd);
pub fn isSingleThreaded(target: std.Target) bool {
return target.isWasm();
/// Valgrind supports more, but Zig does not support them yet.
pub fn hasValgrindSupport(target: std.Target) bool {
switch (target.cpu.arch) {
.x86_64 => {
return target.os.tag == .linux or target.isDarwin() or target.os.tag == .solaris or
(target.os.tag == .windows and target.abi != .msvc);
else => return false,
pub fn supportsStackProbing(target: std.Target) bool {
return target.os.tag != .windows and target.os.tag != .uefi and
(target.cpu.arch == .i386 or target.cpu.arch == .x86_64);
pub fn osToLLVM(os_tag: std.Target.Os.Tag) llvm.OSType {
return switch (os_tag) {
.freestanding, .other => .UnknownOS,
.windows, .uefi => .Win32,
.ananas => .Ananas,
.cloudabi => .CloudABI,
.dragonfly => .DragonFly,
.freebsd => .FreeBSD,
.fuchsia => .Fuchsia,
.ios => .IOS,
.kfreebsd => .KFreeBSD,
.linux => .Linux,
.lv2 => .Lv2,
.macos => .MacOSX,
.netbsd => .NetBSD,
.openbsd => .OpenBSD,
.solaris => .Solaris,
.haiku => .Haiku,
.minix => .Minix,
.rtems => .RTEMS,
.nacl => .NaCl,
.cnk => .CNK,
.aix => .AIX,
.cuda => .CUDA,
.nvcl => .NVCL,
.amdhsa => .AMDHSA,
.ps4 => .PS4,
.elfiamcu => .ELFIAMCU,
.tvos => .TvOS,
.watchos => .WatchOS,
.mesa3d => .Mesa3D,
.contiki => .Contiki,
.amdpal => .AMDPAL,
.hermit => .HermitCore,
.hurd => .Hurd,
.wasi => .WASI,
.emscripten => .Emscripten,
pub fn archToLLVM(arch_tag: std.Target.Cpu.Arch) llvm.ArchType {
return switch (arch_tag) {
.arm => .arm,
.armeb => .armeb,
.aarch64 => .aarch64,
.aarch64_be => .aarch64_be,
.aarch64_32 => .aarch64_32,
.arc => .arc,
.avr => .avr,
.bpfel => .bpfel,
.bpfeb => .bpfeb,
.hexagon => .hexagon,
.mips => .mips,
.mipsel => .mipsel,
.mips64 => .mips64,
.mips64el => .mips64el,
.msp430 => .msp430,
.powerpc => .ppc,
.powerpc64 => .ppc64,
.powerpc64le => .ppc64le,
.r600 => .r600,
.amdgcn => .amdgcn,
.riscv32 => .riscv32,
.riscv64 => .riscv64,
.sparc => .sparc,
.sparcv9 => .sparcv9,
.sparcel => .sparcel,
.s390x => .systemz,
.tce => .tce,
.tcele => .tcele,
.thumb => .thumb,
.thumbeb => .thumbeb,
.i386 => .x86,
.x86_64 => .x86_64,
.xcore => .xcore,
.nvptx => .nvptx,
.nvptx64 => .nvptx64,
.le32 => .le32,
.le64 => .le64,
.amdil => .amdil,
.amdil64 => .amdil64,
.hsail => .hsail,
.hsail64 => .hsail64,
.spir => .spir,
.spir64 => .spir64,
.kalimba => .kalimba,
.shave => .shave,
.lanai => .lanai,
.wasm32 => .wasm32,
.wasm64 => .wasm64,
.renderscript32 => .renderscript32,
.renderscript64 => .renderscript64,
.ve => .ve,
.spu_2 => .UnknownArch,
fn eqlIgnoreCase(ignore_case: bool, a: []const u8, b: []const u8) bool {
if (ignore_case) {
return std.ascii.eqlIgnoreCase(a, b);
} else {
return std.mem.eql(u8, a, b);
pub fn is_libc_lib_name(target: std.Target, name: []const u8) bool {
const ignore_case = target.os.tag.isDarwin() or target.os.tag == .windows;
if (eqlIgnoreCase(ignore_case, name, "c"))
return true;
if (target.isMinGW()) {
if (eqlIgnoreCase(ignore_case, name, "m"))
return true;
return false;
if (target.abi.isGnu() or target.abi.isMusl() or target.os.tag.isDarwin()) {
if (eqlIgnoreCase(ignore_case, name, "m"))
return true;
if (eqlIgnoreCase(ignore_case, name, "rt"))
return true;
if (eqlIgnoreCase(ignore_case, name, "pthread"))
return true;
if (eqlIgnoreCase(ignore_case, name, "crypt"))
return true;
if (eqlIgnoreCase(ignore_case, name, "util"))
return true;
if (eqlIgnoreCase(ignore_case, name, "xnet"))
return true;
if (eqlIgnoreCase(ignore_case, name, "resolv"))
return true;
if (eqlIgnoreCase(ignore_case, name, "dl"))
return true;
if (eqlIgnoreCase(ignore_case, name, "util"))
return true;
if (target.os.tag.isDarwin() and eqlIgnoreCase(ignore_case, name, "System"))
return true;
return false;
pub fn is_libcpp_lib_name(target: std.Target, name: []const u8) bool {
const ignore_case = target.os.tag.isDarwin() or target.os.tag == .windows;
return eqlIgnoreCase(ignore_case, name, "c++") or
eqlIgnoreCase(ignore_case, name, "stdc++") or
eqlIgnoreCase(ignore_case, name, "c++abi");
pub fn hasDebugInfo(target: std.Target) bool {
return !target.cpu.arch.isWasm();