
143 lines
4.7 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const ArrayList = std.ArrayList;
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const leb = std.leb;
const mem = std.mem;
const Module = @import("../Module.zig");
const Decl = Module.Decl;
const Inst = @import("../ir.zig").Inst;
const Type = @import("../type.zig").Type;
const Value = @import("../value.zig").Value;
fn genValtype(ty: Type) u8 {
return switch (ty.tag()) {
.u32, .i32 => 0x7F,
.u64, .i64 => 0x7E,
.f32 => 0x7D,
.f64 => 0x7C,
else => @panic("TODO: Implement more types for wasm."),
pub fn genFunctype(buf: *ArrayList(u8), decl: *Decl) !void {
const ty = decl.typed_value.most_recent.typed_value.ty;
const writer = buf.writer();
// functype magic
try writer.writeByte(0x60);
// param types
try leb.writeULEB128(writer, @intCast(u32, ty.fnParamLen()));
if (ty.fnParamLen() != 0) {
const params = try buf.allocator.alloc(Type, ty.fnParamLen());
defer buf.allocator.free(params);
for (params) |param_type| try writer.writeByte(genValtype(param_type));
// return type
const return_type = ty.fnReturnType();
switch (return_type.tag()) {
.void, .noreturn => try leb.writeULEB128(writer, @as(u32, 0)),
else => {
try leb.writeULEB128(writer, @as(u32, 1));
try writer.writeByte(genValtype(return_type));
pub fn genCode(buf: *ArrayList(u8), decl: *Decl) !void {
assert(buf.items.len == 0);
const writer = buf.writer();
// Reserve space to write the size after generating the code
try buf.resize(5);
// Write the size of the locals vec
// TODO: implement locals
try leb.writeULEB128(writer, @as(u32, 0));
// Write instructions
// TODO: check for and handle death of instructions
const tv = decl.typed_value.most_recent.typed_value;
const mod_fn = tv.val.cast(Value.Payload.Function).?.func;
for (mod_fn.analysis.success.instructions) |inst| try genInst(buf, decl, inst);
// Write 'end' opcode
try writer.writeByte(0x0B);
// Fill in the size of the generated code to the reserved space at the
// beginning of the buffer.
const size = buf.items.len - 5 + decl.fn_link.wasm.?.idx_refs.items.len * 5;
leb.writeUnsignedFixed(5, buf.items[0..5], @intCast(u32, size));
fn genInst(buf: *ArrayList(u8), decl: *Decl, inst: *Inst) !void {
return switch (inst.tag) {
.call => genCall(buf, decl, inst.castTag(.call).?),
.constant => genConstant(buf, decl, inst.castTag(.constant).?),
.dbg_stmt => {},
.ret => genRet(buf, decl, inst.castTag(.ret).?),
.retvoid => {},
else => error.TODOImplementMoreWasmCodegen,
fn genConstant(buf: *ArrayList(u8), decl: *Decl, inst: *Inst.Constant) !void {
const writer = buf.writer();
switch (inst.base.ty.tag()) {
.u32 => {
try writer.writeByte(0x41); // i32.const
try leb.writeILEB128(writer, inst.val.toUnsignedInt());
.i32 => {
try writer.writeByte(0x41); // i32.const
try leb.writeILEB128(writer, inst.val.toSignedInt());
.u64 => {
try writer.writeByte(0x42); // i64.const
try leb.writeILEB128(writer, inst.val.toUnsignedInt());
.i64 => {
try writer.writeByte(0x42); // i64.const
try leb.writeILEB128(writer, inst.val.toSignedInt());
.f32 => {
try writer.writeByte(0x43); // f32.const
// TODO: enforce LE byte order
try writer.writeAll(mem.asBytes(&inst.val.toFloat(f32)));
.f64 => {
try writer.writeByte(0x44); // f64.const
// TODO: enforce LE byte order
try writer.writeAll(mem.asBytes(&inst.val.toFloat(f64)));
.void => {},
else => return error.TODOImplementMoreWasmCodegen,
fn genRet(buf: *ArrayList(u8), decl: *Decl, inst: *Inst.UnOp) !void {
try genInst(buf, decl, inst.operand);
fn genCall(buf: *ArrayList(u8), decl: *Decl, inst: *Inst.Call) !void {
const func_inst = inst.func.castTag(.constant).?;
const func_val = func_inst.val.cast(Value.Payload.Function).?;
const target = func_val.func.owner_decl;
const target_ty = target.typed_value.most_recent.typed_value.ty;
if (inst.args.len != 0) return error.TODOImplementMoreWasmCodegen;
try buf.append(0x10); // call
// The function index immediate argument will be filled in using this data
// in link.Wasm.flush().
try decl.fn_link.wasm.?.idx_refs.append(buf.allocator, .{
.offset = @intCast(u32, buf.items.len),
.decl = target,