Previously, std.debug.assert would `@panic` in test builds,
if the assertion failed. Now, it's always `unreachable`.
This makes release mode test builds more accurately test
the actual code that will be run.
However this requires tests to call `std.testing.expect`
rather than `std.debug.assert` to make sure output is correct.
Here is the explanation of when to use either one, copied from
the assert doc comments:
Inside a test block, it is best to use the `std.testing` module
rather than assert, because assert may not detect a test failure
in ReleaseFast and ReleaseSafe mode. Outside of a test block, assert
is the correct function to use.
See #770
To help automatically translate code, see the
zig-fmt-pointer-reform-2 branch.
This will convert all & into *. Due to the syntax
ambiguity (which is why we are making this change),
even address-of & will turn into *, so you'll have
to manually fix thes instances. You will be guaranteed
to get compile errors for them - expected 'type', found 'foo'
The purpose of this is:
* Only one way to do things
* Changing a function with void return type to return a possible
error becomes a 1 character change, subtly encouraging
people to use errors.
See #632
Here are some imperfect sed commands for performing this update:
remove arrow:
sed -i 's/\(\bfn\b.*\)-> /\1/g' $(find . -name "*.zig")
add void:
sed -i 's/\(\bfn\b.*\))\s*{/\1) void {/g' $(find ../ -name "*.zig")
Some cleanup may be necessary, but this should do the bulk of the work.
This changes the error message "return value ignored" to "expression value is ignored".
This is because this error also applies to {1;}, which has no function calls.
Also fix ignored expression values in std and test.
This caught a bug in debug.readAllocBytes where an early Eof error would have been missed.
See #219.
* Fix assertion failure when switching on type.
* Update zig build system to support user defined options.
See #204
* fmt.format supports {sNNN} to set padding for a buffer arg.
* add std.fmt.bufPrint and std.fmt.allocPrint
* std.hash_map.HashMap.put returns the previous value
* add std.mem.startsWith