The purpose of this is:
* Only one way to do things
* Changing a function with void return type to return a possible
error becomes a 1 character change, subtly encouraging
people to use errors.
See #632
Here are some imperfect sed commands for performing this update:
remove arrow:
sed -i 's/\(\bfn\b.*\)-> /\1/g' $(find . -name "*.zig")
add void:
sed -i 's/\(\bfn\b.*\))\s*{/\1) void {/g' $(find ../ -name "*.zig")
Some cleanup may be necessary, but this should do the bulk of the work.
* IR basic blocks are in arbitrary order
* when doing an IR pass, when a block is encountered, code
must look at all the instructions in the old basic block,
determine what blocks are referenced, and queue up those
old basic blocks first.
* This had a bug (See #667)
* IR basic blocks are required to be in an order that guarantees
they will be referenced by a branch, before any instructions
within are referenced.
ir pass1 is updated to meet this constraint.
* When doing an IR pass, we iterate over old basic blocks
in the order they appear. Blocks which have not been
referenced are discarded.
* After the pass is complete, we must iterate again to look
for old basic blocks which now point to incomplete new
basic blocks, due to comptime code generation.
* This last part can probably be optimized - most of the time
we don't need to iterate over the basic block again.
previously we used the bigfloat abstraction to do all
compile-time float math. but runtime code and comptime code
are supposed to get the same result. so now if you add a
f32 to a f32 at compile time it does it with f32 math
instead of the bigfloat. float literals still get the
bigfloat math.
* add u3, u4, u5, u6, u7 and i3, i4, i5, i6, i7
* shift operations shift amount parameter type is
integer with log2 bit width of other param
- This enforces not violating undefined behavior on
shift amount >= bit width with the type system
* clean up math.log, math.ln, math.log2, math.log10
* << is left shift, not allowed to shift 1 bits out
* <<% is left shift, allowed to shift 1 bits out
* >> is right shift, allowed to shift 1 bits out
* << is left shift, allowed to shift 1 bits out
* >> is right shift, allowed to shift 1 bits out
* @shlExact is left shift, not allowed to shift 1 bits out
* @shrExact is right shift, not allowed to shift 1 bits out
This does not fix the underlying issue in pow at this stage, but we may
be able to narrow down the cause after adding tests for specific edge
cases in functions.
This covers the majority of the functions as covered by the C99
specification for a math library.
Code is adapted primarily from musl libc, with the pow and standard
trigonometric functions adapted from the Go stdlib.
- Remove assert expose in index and import as needed.
- Add float log function and merge with existing base 2 integer
See #374.