See #770
To help automatically translate code, see the
zig-fmt-pointer-reform-2 branch.
This will convert all & into *. Due to the syntax
ambiguity (which is why we are making this change),
even address-of & will turn into *, so you'll have
to manually fix thes instances. You will be guaranteed
to get compile errors for them - expected 'type', found 'foo'
The purpose of this is:
* Only one way to do things
* Changing a function with void return type to return a possible
error becomes a 1 character change, subtly encouraging
people to use errors.
See #632
Here are some imperfect sed commands for performing this update:
remove arrow:
sed -i 's/\(\bfn\b.*\)-> /\1/g' $(find . -name "*.zig")
add void:
sed -i 's/\(\bfn\b.*\))\s*{/\1) void {/g' $(find ../ -name "*.zig")
Some cleanup may be necessary, but this should do the bulk of the work.
* docgen supports obj_err code kind for demonstrating
errors without explicit test cases
* add documentation for `extern enum`. See #367
* remove coldcc keyword and add @setIsCold. See #661
* add compile errors for non-extern struct, enum, unions
in function signatures
* add .h file generation for extern struct, enum, unions
* add u3, u4, u5, u6, u7 and i3, i4, i5, i6, i7
* shift operations shift amount parameter type is
integer with log2 bit width of other param
- This enforces not violating undefined behavior on
shift amount >= bit width with the type system
* clean up math.log, math.ln, math.log2, math.log10
* << is left shift, not allowed to shift 1 bits out
* <<% is left shift, allowed to shift 1 bits out
* >> is right shift, allowed to shift 1 bits out
* << is left shift, allowed to shift 1 bits out
* >> is right shift, allowed to shift 1 bits out
* @shlExact is left shift, not allowed to shift 1 bits out
* @shrExact is right shift, not allowed to shift 1 bits out
* add `@divTrunc` and `@divFloor` functions
* add `@rem` and `@mod` functions
* add compile error for `/` and `%` with signed integers
* add `.bit_count` for float primitive types
while (condition; expression) {}
while (condition) : (expression) {}
This is in preparation to allow nullable and
error union types as the condition. See #357
* introduce zigrt file. it contains only weak symbols so that
multiple instances can be merged. it contains __zig_panic
so that multiple .o files can call the same panic function.
* remove `@setFnVisible` builtin and add @setGlobalLinkage builtin
which is more powerful
* add `@panic` builtin function.
* fix collision of symbols with extern prototypes and internal
function names
* add stack protector safety when linking against libc. To add
the safety mechanism without libc requires implementing
Thread Local Storage. See #276