From IEEE-754 standard:
Conversion of a quiet NaN in a supported format to an external character sequence
shall produce a language-defined one of “nan” or a sequence that is equivalent except
for case (e.g., “NaN”), with an optional preceding sign. (This standard does not interpret
the sign of a NaN.)
* Handle unions differently in std.fmt
Print the active tag's value in tagged unions. Untagged unions considered unsafe to print and treated like a pointer or an array.
Caused by struct printing behavior. Enums are different enough from structs and unions that the field iteration behavior doesn't do what we want even if @memberName didn't error on enums.
If fmt was called on with a [*]u8 or [*]const u8 argument, but the fmt string did not specify 's' to treat it as a string, it produced a compile error due to accessing index 1 of a 0 length slice.
This is akin to channels in Go, except:
* implemented in userland
* they are lock-free and thread-safe
* they integrate with the userland event loop
The self hosted compiler is changed to use a channel for events,
and made to stay alive, watching files and performing builds when
things change, however the main.zig file exits after 1 build.
Note that nothing is actually built yet, it just parses the input
and then declares that the build succeeded.
Next items to do:
* add windows and macos support for std.event.Loop
* improve the event loop stop() operation
* make the event loop multiplex coroutines onto kernel threads
* watch source file for updates, and provide AST diffs
(at least list the top level declaration changes)
* top level declaration analysis
* add assertion for trying to do @typeInfo on global error set
* remove TypeInfo.Slice
* add TypeInfo.Pointer.Size with possible values
- One
- Many
- Slice
See #770
* enable slicing for single-item ptr to arrays
* disable slicing for other single-item pointers
* enable indexing for single-item ptr to arrays
* disable indexing for other single-item pointers
see #770closes#386
See #770
To help automatically translate code, see the
zig-fmt-pointer-reform-2 branch.
This will convert all & into *. Due to the syntax
ambiguity (which is why we are making this change),
even address-of & will turn into *, so you'll have
to manually fix thes instances. You will be guaranteed
to get compile errors for them - expected 'type', found 'foo'