Previously, std.debug.assert would `@panic` in test builds,
if the assertion failed. Now, it's always `unreachable`.
This makes release mode test builds more accurately test
the actual code that will be run.
However this requires tests to call `std.testing.expect`
rather than `std.debug.assert` to make sure output is correct.
Here is the explanation of when to use either one, copied from
the assert doc comments:
Inside a test block, it is best to use the `std.testing` module
rather than assert, because assert may not detect a test failure
in ReleaseFast and ReleaseSafe mode. Outside of a test block, assert
is the correct function to use.
* add `@bswap` builtin function. See #767
* comptime evaluation facilities are improved to be able to
handle a `@ptrCast` with a backing array.
* `@truncate` allows "truncating" a u0 value to any integer
type, and the result is always comptime known to be `0`.
* when specifying pointer alignment in a type expression,
the alignment value of pointers which do not have addresses
at runtime is ignored, and always has the default/ABI alignment
* threw in a fix to freebsd/x86_64.zig to update syntax from
language changes
* some improvements are pending #863closes#638closes#1733
std lib API changes
* io.InStream().readIntNe renamed to readIntNative
* io.InStream().readIntLe renamed to readIntLittle
* io.InStream().readIntBe renamed to readIntBig
* introduced io.InStream().readIntForeign
* io.InStream().readInt has parameter order changed
* io.InStream().readVarInt has parameter order changed
* io.InStream().writeIntNe renamed to writeIntNative
* introduced io.InStream().writeIntForeign
* io.InStream().writeIntLe renamed to writeIntLittle
* io.InStream().writeIntBe renamed to writeIntBig
* io.InStream().writeInt has parameter order changed
* mem.readInt has different parameters and semantics
* introduced mem.readIntNative
* introduced mem.readIntForeign
* mem.readIntBE renamed to mem.readIntBig and different API
* mem.readIntLE renamed to mem.readIntLittle and different API
* introduced mem.readIntSliceNative
* introduced mem.readIntSliceForeign
* introduced mem.readIntSliceLittle
* introduced mem.readIntSliceBig
* introduced mem.readIntSlice
* mem.writeInt has different parameters and semantics
* introduced mem.writeIntNative
* introduced mem.writeIntForeign
* mem.writeIntBE renamed to mem.readIntBig and different semantics
* mem.writeIntLE renamed to mem.readIntLittle and different semantics
* introduced mem.writeIntSliceForeign
* introduced mem.writeIntSliceNative
* introduced mem.writeIntSliceBig
* introduced mem.writeIntSliceLittle
* introduced mem.writeIntSlice
* removed mem.endianSwapIfLe
* removed mem.endianSwapIfBe
* removed mem.endianSwapIf
* added mem.littleToNative
* added mem.bigToNative
* added mem.toNative
* added mem.nativeTo
* added mem.nativeToLittle
* added mem.nativeToBig
See #770
To help automatically translate code, see the
zig-fmt-pointer-reform-2 branch.
This will convert all & into *. Due to the syntax
ambiguity (which is why we are making this change),
even address-of & will turn into *, so you'll have
to manually fix thes instances. You will be guaranteed
to get compile errors for them - expected 'type', found 'foo'