error sets - fix most std lib compile errors

Andrew Kelley 2018-02-05 18:09:13 -05:00
parent 6940212ecb
commit f99b8b006f
4 changed files with 49 additions and 22 deletions

View File

@ -9361,6 +9361,24 @@ static TypeTableEntry *ir_analyze_bin_op_cmp(IrAnalyze *ira, IrInstructionBinOp
ir_add_error_node(ira, source_node, buf_sprintf("operator not allowed for errors"));
return ira->codegen->builtin_types.entry_invalid;
// exception if one of the operators has the type of the empty error set, we allow the comparison
// (and make it comptime known)
// this is a function which is evaluated at comptime and returns an inferred error set will have an empty
// error set.
if (op1->value.type->data.error_set.err_count == 0 || op2->value.type->data.error_set.err_count == 0) {
bool are_equal = false;
bool answer;
if (op_id == IrBinOpCmpEq) {
answer = are_equal;
} else if (op_id == IrBinOpCmpNotEq) {
answer = !are_equal;
} else {
ConstExprValue *out_val = ir_build_const_from(ira, &bin_op_instruction->base);
out_val->data.x_bool = answer;
return ira->codegen->builtin_types.entry_bool;
TypeTableEntry *intersect_type = get_error_set_intersection(ira, op1->value.type, op2->value.type, source_node);
if (type_is_invalid(intersect_type)) {
return ira->codegen->builtin_types.entry_invalid;
@ -15352,7 +15370,7 @@ static TypeTableEntry *ir_analyze_instruction_unwrap_err_payload(IrAnalyze *ira,
ErrorTableEntry *err = err_union_val->data.x_err_union.err;
if (err != nullptr) {
ir_add_error(ira, &instruction->base,
buf_sprintf("unable to unwrap error '%s'", buf_ptr(&err->name)));
buf_sprintf("caught unexpected error '%s'", buf_ptr(&err->name)));
return ira->codegen->builtin_types.entry_invalid;

View File

@ -439,9 +439,9 @@ pub fn parseInt(comptime T: type, buf: []const u8, radix: u8) !T {
test "fmt.parseInt" {
assert((parseInt(i32, "-10", 10) catch unreachable) == -10);
assert((parseInt(i32, "+10", 10) catch unreachable) == 10);
assert(if (parseInt(i32, " 10", 10)) |_| false else |err| err == error.InvalidChar);
assert(if (parseInt(i32, "10 ", 10)) |_| false else |err| err == error.InvalidChar);
assert(if (parseInt(u32, "-10", 10)) |_| false else |err| err == error.InvalidChar);
assert(if (parseInt(i32, " 10", 10)) |_| false else |err| err == error.InvalidCharacter);
assert(if (parseInt(i32, "10 ", 10)) |_| false else |err| err == error.InvalidCharacter);
assert(if (parseInt(u32, "-10", 10)) |_| false else |err| err == error.InvalidCharacter);
assert((parseInt(u8, "255", 10) catch unreachable) == 255);
assert(if (parseInt(u8, "256", 10)) |_| false else |err| err == error.Overflow);
@ -538,7 +538,7 @@ fn bufPrintIntToSlice(buf: []u8, value: var, base: u8, uppercase: bool, width: u
test "parse u64 digit too big" {
_ = parseUnsigned(u64, "123a", 10) catch |err| {
if (err == error.InvalidChar) return;
if (err == error.InvalidCharacter) return;

View File

@ -550,21 +550,24 @@ pub fn readFileAllocExtra(path: []const u8, allocator: &mem.Allocator, extra_len
return buf;
pub const BufferedInStream = BufferedInStreamCustom(os.page_size);
pub fn BufferedInStream(comptime Error: type) type {
return BufferedInStreamCustom(os.page_size, Error);
pub fn BufferedInStreamCustom(comptime buffer_size: usize) type {
pub fn BufferedInStreamCustom(comptime buffer_size: usize, comptime Error: type) type {
return struct {
const Self = this;
const Stream = InStream(Error);
pub stream: InStream,
pub stream: Stream,
unbuffered_in_stream: &InStream,
unbuffered_in_stream: &Stream,
buffer: [buffer_size]u8,
start_index: usize,
end_index: usize,
pub fn init(unbuffered_in_stream: &InStream) Self {
pub fn init(unbuffered_in_stream: &Stream) Self {
return Self {
.unbuffered_in_stream = unbuffered_in_stream,
.buffer = undefined,
@ -576,13 +579,13 @@ pub fn BufferedInStreamCustom(comptime buffer_size: usize) type {
.start_index = buffer_size,
.end_index = buffer_size,
.stream = InStream {
.stream = Stream {
.readFn = readFn,
fn readFn(in_stream: &InStream, dest: []u8) !usize {
fn readFn(in_stream: &Stream, dest: []u8) !usize {
const self = @fieldParentPtr(Self, "stream", in_stream);
var dest_index: usize = 0;
@ -621,25 +624,28 @@ pub fn BufferedInStreamCustom(comptime buffer_size: usize) type {
pub const BufferedOutStream = BufferedOutStreamCustom(os.page_size);
pub fn BufferedOutStream(comptime Error: type) type {
return BufferedOutStreamCustom(os.page_size, Error);
pub fn BufferedOutStreamCustom(comptime buffer_size: usize) type {
pub fn BufferedOutStreamCustom(comptime buffer_size: usize, comptime Error: type) type {
return struct {
const Self = this;
const Stream = OutStream(Error);
pub stream: OutStream,
pub stream: Stream,
unbuffered_out_stream: &OutStream,
unbuffered_out_stream: &Stream,
buffer: [buffer_size]u8,
index: usize,
pub fn init(unbuffered_out_stream: &OutStream) Self {
pub fn init(unbuffered_out_stream: &Stream) Self {
return Self {
.unbuffered_out_stream = unbuffered_out_stream,
.buffer = undefined,
.index = 0,
.stream = OutStream {
.stream = Stream {
.writeFn = writeFn,
@ -653,7 +659,7 @@ pub fn BufferedOutStreamCustom(comptime buffer_size: usize) type {
self.index = 0;
fn writeFn(out_stream: &OutStream, bytes: []const u8) !void {
fn writeFn(out_stream: &Stream, bytes: []const u8) !void {
const self = @fieldParentPtr(Self, "stream", out_stream);
if (bytes.len >= self.buffer.len) {
@ -680,7 +686,10 @@ pub fn BufferedOutStreamCustom(comptime buffer_size: usize) type {
/// Implementation of OutStream trait for Buffer
pub const BufferOutStream = struct {
buffer: &Buffer,
stream: OutStream,
stream: Stream,
pub const Error = error{OutOfMemory};
pub const Stream = OutStream(Error);
pub fn init(buffer: &Buffer) BufferOutStream {
return BufferOutStream {

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ test "write a file, read it, then delete it" {
defer file.close();
var file_out_stream = io.FileOutStream.init(&file);
var buf_stream = io.BufferedOutStream.init(&;
var buf_stream = io.BufferedOutStream(io.FileOutStream.Error).init(&;
const st = &;
try st.print("begin");
try st.write(data[0..]);
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ test "write a file, read it, then delete it" {
assert(file_size == expected_file_size);
var file_in_stream = io.FileInStream.init(&file);
var buf_stream = io.BufferedInStream.init(&;
var buf_stream = io.BufferedInStream(io.FileInStream.Error).init(&;
const st = &;
const contents = try st.readAllAlloc(allocator, 2 * 1024);