ir: render function body

Andrew Kelley 2020-04-19 23:39:34 -04:00
parent e74c5a7c24
commit f7786d0ca8
1 changed files with 21 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -175,7 +175,12 @@ pub const Tree = struct {
fn writeInstToStream(self: Tree, stream: var, decl: *Inst, inst_table: *const InstPtrTable) !void {
fn writeInstToStream(
self: Tree,
stream: var,
decl: *Inst,
inst_table: *const InstPtrTable,
) @TypeOf(stream).Error!void {
// TODO I tried implementing this with an inline for loop and hit a compiler bug
switch (decl.tag) {
.constant => return self.writeInstToStreamGeneric(stream, .constant, decl, inst_table),
@ -201,14 +206,16 @@ pub const Tree = struct {
if (@hasField(SpecificInst, "ty")) {
try stream.print(": {} ", .{inst.ty});
if (inst_tag == .constant) switch (inst.positionals.value.tag()) {
.bytes => {
if (inst_tag == .constant) {
if (inst.positionals.value.cast(Value.Payload.Bytes)) |bytes_value| {
try stream.writeAll("= ");
const bytes_value = inst.positionals.value.cast(Value.Payload.Bytes).?;
return std.zig.renderStringLiteral(, stream);
else => {},
} else if (inst.positionals.value.cast(Value.Payload.Int_u64)) |v| {
return stream.print("= {}", .{});
} else if (inst.positionals.value.cast(Value.Payload.Int_i64)) |v| {
return stream.print("= {}", .{});
const Positionals = @TypeOf(inst.positionals);
try stream.writeAll("= " ++ @tagName(inst_tag) ++ "(");
inline for (@typeInfo(Positionals).Struct.fields) |arg_field, i| {
@ -231,7 +238,13 @@ pub const Tree = struct {
try stream.print("{}{}", .{ prefix, info.index });
Inst.Fn.Body => {
try stream.print("(fn body)", .{});
try stream.writeAll("{\n");
for (param.instructions) |inst, i| {
try stream.print(" %{} ", .{i});
try self.writeInstToStream(stream, inst, inst_table);
try stream.writeByte('\n');
try stream.writeByte('}');
else => |T| @compileError("unimplemented: rendering parameter of type " ++ @typeName(T)),