Port clzsi2 from compiler_rt, required for using std.fmt.format on some ARM architecture.
@ -146,6 +146,8 @@ comptime {
@export(@import("compiler_rt/negXf2.zig").__negsf2, .{ .name = "__negsf2", .linkage = linkage });
@export(@import("compiler_rt/negXf2.zig").__negdf2, .{ .name = "__negdf2", .linkage = linkage });
@export(@import("compiler_rt/clzsi2.zig").__clzsi2, .{ .name = "__clzsi2", .linkage = linkage });
if (is_arm_arch and !is_arm_64 and !is_test) {
@export(@import("compiler_rt/arm.zig").__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0, .{ .name = "__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0", .linkage = linkage });
@export(@import("compiler_rt/arm.zig").__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr1, .{ .name = "__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr1", .linkage = linkage });
@ -177,7 +179,9 @@ comptime {
@export(@import("compiler_rt/arm.zig").__aeabi_memclr, .{ .name = "__aeabi_memclr4", .linkage = linkage });
@export(@import("compiler_rt/arm.zig").__aeabi_memclr, .{ .name = "__aeabi_memclr8", .linkage = linkage });
@export(@import("compiler_rt/arm.zig").__aeabi_read_tp, .{ .name = "__aeabi_read_tp", .linkage = linkage });
if (builtin.os == .linux) {
@export(@import("compiler_rt/arm.zig").__aeabi_read_tp, .{ .name = "__aeabi_read_tp", .linkage = linkage });
@export(@import("compiler_rt/extendXfYf2.zig").__aeabi_f2d, .{ .name = "__aeabi_f2d", .linkage = linkage });
@export(@import("compiler_rt/floatsiXf.zig").__aeabi_i2d, .{ .name = "__aeabi_i2d", .linkage = linkage });
@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
// Ported from:
// https://github.com/llvm-mirror/compiler-rt/blob/f0745e8476f069296a7c71accedd061dce4cdf79/lib/builtins/clzsi2.c
// https://github.com/llvm-mirror/compiler-rt/blob/f0745e8476f069296a7c71accedd061dce4cdf79/lib/builtins/arm/clzsi2.S
const builtin = @import("builtin");
// Precondition: a != 0
fn __clzsi2_generic(a: i32) callconv(.C) i32 {
var x = @bitCast(u32, a);
var n: i32 = 32;
// Count first bit set using binary search, from Hacker's Delight
var y: u32 = 0;
inline for ([_]i32{ 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 }) |shift| {
y = x >> shift;
if (y != 0) {
n = n - shift;
x = y;
return n - @bitCast(i32, x);
fn __clzsi2_arm_clz(a: i32) callconv(.Naked) noreturn {
asm volatile (
\\ clz r0,r0
\\ bx lr
fn __clzsi2_arm32(a: i32) callconv(.Naked) noreturn {
asm volatile (
\\ // Assumption: n != 0
\\ // r0: n
\\ // r1: count of leading zeros in n + 1
\\ // r2: scratch register for shifted r0
\\ mov r1, #1
\\ // Basic block:
\\ // if ((r0 >> SHIFT) == 0)
\\ // r1 += SHIFT;
\\ // else
\\ // r0 >>= SHIFT;
\\ // for descending powers of two as SHIFT.
\\ lsrs r2, r0, #16
\\ movne r0, r2
\\ addeq r1, #16
\\ lsrs r2, r0, #8
\\ movne r0, r2
\\ addeq r1, #8
\\ lsrs r2, r0, #4
\\ movne r0, r2
\\ addeq r1, #4
\\ lsrs r2, r0, #2
\\ movne r0, r2
\\ addeq r1, #2
\\ // The basic block invariants at this point are (r0 >> 2) == 0 and
\\ // r0 != 0. This means 1 <= r0 <= 3 and 0 <= (r0 >> 1) <= 1.
\\ //
\\ // r0 | (r0 >> 1) == 0 | (r0 >> 1) == 1 | -(r0 >> 1) | 1 - (r0 >> 1)f
\\ // ---+----------------+----------------+------------+--------------
\\ // 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1
\\ // 2 | 0 | 1 | -1 | 0
\\ // 3 | 0 | 1 | -1 | 0
\\ //
\\ // The r1's initial value of 1 compensates for the 1 here.
\\ sub r0, r1, r0, lsr #1
\\ bx lr
const can_use_arm_clz = switch (builtin.arch) {
.arm, .armeb => |sub_arch| switch (sub_arch) {
.v4t => false,
.v6m => false,
else => true,
.thumb, .thumbeb => |sub_arch| switch (sub_arch) {
=> false,
else => true,
else => false,
const is_arm32_no_thumb = switch (builtin.arch) {
=> true,
else => false,
pub const __clzsi2 = blk: {
if (comptime can_use_arm_clz) {
break :blk __clzsi2_arm_clz;
} else if (comptime is_arm32_no_thumb) {
break :blk __clzsi2_arm32;
} else {
break :blk __clzsi2_generic;
test "test clzsi2" {
_ = @import("clzsi2_test.zig");
@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
const clzsi2 = @import("clzsi2.zig");
const testing = @import("std").testing;
fn test__clzsi2(a: u32, expected: i32) void {
var nakedClzsi2 = clzsi2.__clzsi2;
var actualClzsi2 = @ptrCast(fn (a: i32) callconv(.C) i32, nakedClzsi2);
var x = @intCast(i32, a);
var result = actualClzsi2(x);
testing.expectEqual(expected, result);
test "clzsi2" {
test__clzsi2(0x00800000, 8);
test__clzsi2(0x01000000, 7);
test__clzsi2(0x02000000, 6);
test__clzsi2(0x03000000, 6);
test__clzsi2(0x04000000, 5);
test__clzsi2(0x05000000, 5);
test__clzsi2(0x06000000, 5);
test__clzsi2(0x07000000, 5);
test__clzsi2(0x08000000, 4);
test__clzsi2(0x09000000, 4);
test__clzsi2(0x0A000000, 4);
test__clzsi2(0x0B000000, 4);
test__clzsi2(0x0C000000, 4);
test__clzsi2(0x0D000000, 4);
test__clzsi2(0x0E000000, 4);
test__clzsi2(0x0F000000, 4);
test__clzsi2(0x10000000, 3);
test__clzsi2(0x11000000, 3);
test__clzsi2(0x12000000, 3);
test__clzsi2(0x13000000, 3);
test__clzsi2(0x14000000, 3);
test__clzsi2(0x15000000, 3);
test__clzsi2(0x16000000, 3);
test__clzsi2(0x17000000, 3);
test__clzsi2(0x18000000, 3);
test__clzsi2(0x19000000, 3);
test__clzsi2(0x1A000000, 3);
test__clzsi2(0x1B000000, 3);
test__clzsi2(0x1C000000, 3);
test__clzsi2(0x1D000000, 3);
test__clzsi2(0x1E000000, 3);
test__clzsi2(0x1F000000, 3);
test__clzsi2(0x20000000, 2);
test__clzsi2(0x21000000, 2);
test__clzsi2(0x22000000, 2);
test__clzsi2(0x23000000, 2);
test__clzsi2(0x24000000, 2);
test__clzsi2(0x25000000, 2);
test__clzsi2(0x26000000, 2);
test__clzsi2(0x27000000, 2);
test__clzsi2(0x28000000, 2);
test__clzsi2(0x29000000, 2);
test__clzsi2(0x2A000000, 2);
test__clzsi2(0x2B000000, 2);
test__clzsi2(0x2C000000, 2);
test__clzsi2(0x2D000000, 2);
test__clzsi2(0x2E000000, 2);
test__clzsi2(0x2F000000, 2);
test__clzsi2(0x30000000, 2);
test__clzsi2(0x31000000, 2);
test__clzsi2(0x32000000, 2);
test__clzsi2(0x33000000, 2);
test__clzsi2(0x34000000, 2);
test__clzsi2(0x35000000, 2);
test__clzsi2(0x36000000, 2);
test__clzsi2(0x37000000, 2);
test__clzsi2(0x38000000, 2);
test__clzsi2(0x39000000, 2);
test__clzsi2(0x3A000000, 2);
test__clzsi2(0x3B000000, 2);
test__clzsi2(0x3C000000, 2);
test__clzsi2(0x3D000000, 2);
test__clzsi2(0x3E000000, 2);
test__clzsi2(0x3F000000, 2);
test__clzsi2(0x40000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x41000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x42000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x43000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x44000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x45000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x46000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x47000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x48000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x49000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x4A000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x4B000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x4C000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x4D000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x4E000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x4F000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x50000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x51000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x52000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x53000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x54000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x55000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x56000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x57000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x58000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x59000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x5A000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x5B000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x5C000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x5D000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x5E000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x5F000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x60000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x61000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x62000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x63000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x64000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x65000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x66000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x67000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x68000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x69000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x6A000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x6B000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x6C000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x6D000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x6E000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x6F000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x70000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x71000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x72000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x73000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x74000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x75000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x76000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x77000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x78000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x79000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x7A000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x7B000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x7C000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x7D000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x7E000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x7F000000, 1);
test__clzsi2(0x80000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0x81000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0x82000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0x83000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0x84000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0x85000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0x86000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0x87000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0x88000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0x89000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0x8A000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0x8B000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0x8C000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0x8D000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0x8E000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0x8F000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0x90000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0x91000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0x92000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0x93000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0x94000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0x95000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0x96000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0x97000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0x98000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0x99000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0x9A000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0x9B000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0x9C000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0x9D000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0x9E000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0x9F000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xA0000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xA1000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xA2000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xA3000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xA4000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xA5000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xA6000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xA7000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xA8000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xA9000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xAA000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xAB000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xAC000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xAD000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xAE000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xAF000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xB0000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xB1000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xB2000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xB3000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xB4000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xB5000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xB6000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xB7000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xB8000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xB9000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xBA000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xBB000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xBC000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xBD000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xBE000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xBF000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xC0000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xC1000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xC2000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xC3000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xC4000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xC5000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xC6000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xC7000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xC8000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xC9000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xCA000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xCB000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xCC000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xCD000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xCE000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xCF000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xD0000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xD1000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xD2000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xD3000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xD4000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xD5000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xD6000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xD7000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xD8000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xD9000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xDA000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xDB000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xDC000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xDD000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xDE000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xDF000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xE0000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xE1000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xE2000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xE3000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xE4000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xE5000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xE6000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xE7000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xE8000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xE9000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xEA000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xEB000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xEC000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xED000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xEE000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xEF000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xF0000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xF1000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xF2000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xF3000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xF4000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xF5000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xF6000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xF7000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xF8000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xF9000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xFA000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xFB000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xFC000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xFD000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xFE000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0xFF000000, 0);
test__clzsi2(0x00000001, 31);
test__clzsi2(0x00000002, 30);
test__clzsi2(0x00000004, 29);
test__clzsi2(0x00000008, 28);
test__clzsi2(0x00000010, 27);
test__clzsi2(0x00000020, 26);
test__clzsi2(0x00000040, 25);
test__clzsi2(0x00000080, 24);
test__clzsi2(0x00000100, 23);
test__clzsi2(0x00000200, 22);
test__clzsi2(0x00000400, 21);
test__clzsi2(0x00000800, 20);
test__clzsi2(0x00001000, 19);
test__clzsi2(0x00002000, 18);
test__clzsi2(0x00004000, 17);
test__clzsi2(0x00008000, 16);
test__clzsi2(0x00010000, 15);
test__clzsi2(0x00020000, 14);
test__clzsi2(0x00040000, 13);
test__clzsi2(0x00080000, 12);
test__clzsi2(0x00100000, 11);
test__clzsi2(0x00200000, 10);
test__clzsi2(0x00400000, 9);
Reference in New Issue