zig-fmt: allow comptime blocks in containers (#2308)

* zig-fmt: allow comptime blocks in containers
* add test for comptime block in container
Raul Leal 2019-04-19 20:27:42 +01:00 committed by Andrew Kelley
parent 3b6a4fe4cd
commit d44d2784e6
2 changed files with 44 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -629,6 +629,35 @@ pub fn parse(allocator: *mem.Allocator, source: []const u8) !ast.Tree {
Token.Id.Keyword_comptime => {
const block = try arena.create(ast.Node.Block);
block.* = ast.Node.Block{
.base = ast.Node{ .id = ast.Node.Id.Block },
.label = null,
.lbrace = undefined,
.statements = ast.Node.Block.StatementList.init(arena),
.rbrace = undefined,
const node = try arena.create(ast.Node.Comptime);
node.* = ast.Node.Comptime{
.base = ast.Node{ .id = ast.Node.Id.Comptime },
.comptime_token = token_index,
.expr = &block.base,
.doc_comments = comments,
try container_decl.fields_and_decls.push(&node.base);
stack.append(State{ .ContainerDecl = container_decl }) catch unreachable;
try stack.append(State{ .Block = block });
try stack.append(State{
.ExpectTokenSave = ExpectTokenSave{
.id = Token.Id.LBrace,
.ptr = &block.lbrace,
Token.Id.RBrace => {
if (comments != null) {
((try tree.errors.addOne())).* = Error{ .UnattachedDocComment = Error.UnattachedDocComment{ .token = token_index } };

View File

@ -2118,6 +2118,21 @@ test "zig fmt: error return" {
test "zig fmt: comptime block in container" {
try testCanonical(
\\pub fn container() type {
\\ return struct {
\\ comptime {
\\ if (false) {
\\ unreachable;
\\ }
\\ }
\\ };
const std = @import("std");
const mem = std.mem;
const warn = std.debug.warn;