Merge pull request #4543 from daurnimator/cleanup-json

std.json improvements
Andrew Kelley 2020-03-31 12:07:25 -04:00 committed by GitHub
commit d34a3c66b3
No known key found for this signature in database
2 changed files with 357 additions and 153 deletions

View File

@ -1233,43 +1233,120 @@ pub const Value = union(enum) {
Array: Array,
Object: ObjectMap,
pub fn jsonStringify(
value: @This(),
options: StringifyOptions,
out_stream: var,
) @TypeOf(out_stream).Error!void {
switch (value) {
.Null => try stringify(null, options, out_stream),
.Bool => |inner| try stringify(inner, options, out_stream),
.Integer => |inner| try stringify(inner, options, out_stream),
.Float => |inner| try stringify(inner, options, out_stream),
.String => |inner| try stringify(inner, options, out_stream),
.Array => |inner| try stringify(inner.span(), options, out_stream),
.Object => |inner| {
try out_stream.writeByte('{');
var field_output = false;
var child_options = options;
if (child_options.whitespace) |*child_whitespace| {
child_whitespace.indent_level += 1;
var it = inner.iterator();
while ( |entry| {
if (!field_output) {
field_output = true;
} else {
try out_stream.writeByte(',');
if (child_options.whitespace) |child_whitespace| {
try out_stream.writeByte('\n');
try child_whitespace.outputIndent(out_stream);
try stringify(entry.key, options, out_stream);
try out_stream.writeByte(':');
if (child_options.whitespace) |child_whitespace| {
if (child_whitespace.separator) {
try out_stream.writeByte(' ');
try stringify(entry.value, child_options, out_stream);
if (field_output) {
if (options.whitespace) |whitespace| {
try out_stream.writeByte('\n');
try whitespace.outputIndent(out_stream);
try out_stream.writeByte('}');
pub fn dump(self: Value) void {
var held = std.debug.getStderrMutex().acquire();
defer held.release();
const stderr = std.debug.getStderrStream();
self.dumpStream(stderr, 1024) catch return;
pub fn dumpIndent(self: Value, comptime indent: usize) void {
if (indent == 0) {
} else {
var held = std.debug.getStderrMutex().acquire();
defer held.release();
const stderr = std.debug.getStderrStream();
self.dumpStreamIndent(indent, stderr, 1024) catch return;
pub fn dumpStream(self: @This(), stream: var, comptime max_depth: usize) !void {
var w = std.json.WriteStream(@TypeOf(stream).Child, max_depth).init(stream);
w.newline = "";
w.one_indent = ""; = "";
try w.emitJson(self);
pub fn dumpStreamIndent(self: @This(), comptime indent: usize, stream: var, comptime max_depth: usize) !void {
var one_indent = " " ** indent;
var w = std.json.WriteStream(@TypeOf(stream).Child, max_depth).init(stream);
w.one_indent = one_indent;
try w.emitJson(self);
std.json.stringify(self, std.json.StringifyOptions{ .whitespace = null }, stderr) catch return;
test "Value.jsonStringify" {
var buffer: [10]u8 = undefined;
var fbs =;
try @as(Value, .Null).jsonStringify(.{}, fbs.outStream());
testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, fbs.getWritten(), "null");
var buffer: [10]u8 = undefined;
var fbs =;
try (Value{ .Bool = true }).jsonStringify(.{}, fbs.outStream());
testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, fbs.getWritten(), "true");
var buffer: [10]u8 = undefined;
var fbs =;
try (Value{ .Integer = 42 }).jsonStringify(.{}, fbs.outStream());
testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, fbs.getWritten(), "42");
var buffer: [10]u8 = undefined;
var fbs =;
try (Value{ .Float = 42 }).jsonStringify(.{}, fbs.outStream());
testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, fbs.getWritten(), "4.2e+01");
var buffer: [10]u8 = undefined;
var fbs =;
try (Value{ .String = "weeee" }).jsonStringify(.{}, fbs.outStream());
testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, fbs.getWritten(), "\"weeee\"");
var buffer: [10]u8 = undefined;
var fbs =;
try (Value{
.Array = Array.fromOwnedSlice(undefined, &[_]Value{
.{ .Integer = 1 },
.{ .Integer = 2 },
.{ .Integer = 3 },
}).jsonStringify(.{}, fbs.outStream());
testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, fbs.getWritten(), "[1,2,3]");
var buffer: [10]u8 = undefined;
var fbs =;
var obj = ObjectMap.init(testing.allocator);
defer obj.deinit();
try obj.putNoClobber("a", .{ .String = "b" });
try (Value{ .Object = obj }).jsonStringify(.{}, fbs.outStream());
testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, fbs.getWritten(), "{\"a\":\"b\"}");
pub const ParseOptions = struct {
allocator: ?*Allocator = null,
@ -2241,11 +2318,86 @@ test "string copy option" {
pub const StringifyOptions = struct {
// TODO: indentation options?
// TODO: make escaping '/' in strings optional?
// TODO: allow picking if []u8 is string or array?
pub const Whitespace = struct {
/// How many indentation levels deep are we?
indent_level: usize = 0,
pub const Indentation = union(enum) {
Space: u8,
Tab: void,
/// What character(s) should be used for indentation?
indent: Indentation = Indentation{ .Space = 4 },
fn outputIndent(
whitespace: @This(),
out_stream: var,
) @TypeOf(out_stream).Error!void {
var char: u8 = undefined;
var n_chars: usize = undefined;
switch (whitespace.indent) {
.Space => |n_spaces| {
char = ' ';
n_chars = n_spaces;
.Tab => {
char = '\t';
n_chars = 1;
n_chars *= whitespace.indent_level;
try out_stream.writeByteNTimes(char, n_chars);
/// After a colon, should whitespace be inserted?
separator: bool = true,
/// Controls the whitespace emitted
whitespace: ?Whitespace = null,
/// Should []u8 be serialised as a string? or an array?
pub const StringOptions = union(enum) {
/// String output options
const StringOutputOptions = struct {
/// Should '/' be escaped in strings?
escape_solidus: bool = false,
/// Should unicode characters be escaped in strings?
escape_unicode: bool = false,
String: StringOutputOptions,
string: StringOptions = StringOptions{ .String = .{} },
fn outputUnicodeEscape(
codepoint: u21,
out_stream: var,
) !void {
if (codepoint <= 0xFFFF) {
// If the character is in the Basic Multilingual Plane (U+0000 through U+FFFF),
// then it may be represented as a six-character sequence: a reverse solidus, followed
// by the lowercase letter u, followed by four hexadecimal digits that encode the character's code point.
try out_stream.writeAll("\\u");
try std.fmt.formatIntValue(codepoint, "x", std.fmt.FormatOptions{ .width = 4, .fill = '0' }, out_stream);
} else {
assert(codepoint <= 0x10FFFF);
// To escape an extended character that is not in the Basic Multilingual Plane,
// the character is represented as a 12-character sequence, encoding the UTF-16 surrogate pair.
const high = @intCast(u16, (codepoint - 0x10000) >> 10) + 0xD800;
const low = @intCast(u16, codepoint & 0x3FF) + 0xDC00;
try out_stream.writeAll("\\u");
try std.fmt.formatIntValue(high, "x", std.fmt.FormatOptions{ .width = 4, .fill = '0' }, out_stream);
try out_stream.writeAll("\\u");
try std.fmt.formatIntValue(low, "x", std.fmt.FormatOptions{ .width = 4, .fill = '0' }, out_stream);
pub fn stringify(
value: var,
options: StringifyOptions,
@ -2262,11 +2414,14 @@ pub fn stringify(
.Bool => {
return out_stream.writeAll(if (value) "true" else "false");
.Null => {
return out_stream.writeAll("null");
.Optional => {
if (value) |payload| {
return try stringify(payload, options, out_stream);
} else {
return out_stream.writeAll("null");
return try stringify(null, options, out_stream);
.Enum => {
@ -2297,8 +2452,12 @@ pub fn stringify(
return value.jsonStringify(options, out_stream);
try out_stream.writeAll("{");
try out_stream.writeByte('{');
comptime var field_output = false;
var child_options = options;
if (child_options.whitespace) |*child_whitespace| {
child_whitespace.indent_level += 1;
inline for (S.fields) |Field, field_i| {
// don't include void fields
if (Field.field_type == void) continue;
@ -2306,14 +2465,28 @@ pub fn stringify(
if (!field_output) {
field_output = true;
} else {
try out_stream.writeAll(",");
try out_stream.writeByte(',');
if (child_options.whitespace) |child_whitespace| {
try out_stream.writeByte('\n');
try child_whitespace.outputIndent(out_stream);
try stringify(, options, out_stream);
try out_stream.writeAll(":");
try stringify(@field(value,, options, out_stream);
try out_stream.writeByte(':');
if (child_options.whitespace) |child_whitespace| {
if (child_whitespace.separator) {
try out_stream.writeByte(' ');
try stringify(@field(value,, child_options, out_stream);
try out_stream.writeAll("}");
if (field_output) {
if (options.whitespace) |whitespace| {
try out_stream.writeByte('\n');
try whitespace.outputIndent(out_stream);
try out_stream.writeByte('}');
.Pointer => |ptr_info| switch (ptr_info.size) {
@ -2329,17 +2502,26 @@ pub fn stringify(
// TODO: .Many when there is a sentinel (waiting for
.Slice => {
if (ptr_info.child == u8 and std.unicode.utf8ValidateSlice(value)) {
try out_stream.writeAll("\"");
if (ptr_info.child == u8 and options.string == .String and std.unicode.utf8ValidateSlice(value)) {
try out_stream.writeByte('\"');
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < value.len) : (i += 1) {
switch (value[i]) {
// normal ascii characters
0x20...0x21, 0x23...0x2E, 0x30...0x5B, 0x5D...0x7F => try out_stream.writeAll(value[i .. i + 1]),
// control characters with short escapes
// normal ascii character
0x20...0x21, 0x23...0x2E, 0x30...0x5B, 0x5D...0x7F => |c| try out_stream.writeByte(c),
// only 2 characters that *must* be escaped
'\\' => try out_stream.writeAll("\\\\"),
'\"' => try out_stream.writeAll("\\\""),
'/' => try out_stream.writeAll("\\/"),
// solidus is optional to escape
'/' => {
if (options.string.String.escape_solidus) {
try out_stream.writeAll("\\/");
} else {
try out_stream.writeByte('\\');
// control characters with short escapes
// TODO: option to switch between unicode and 'short' forms?
0x8 => try out_stream.writeAll("\\b"),
0xC => try out_stream.writeAll("\\f"),
'\n' => try out_stream.writeAll("\\n"),
@ -2347,39 +2529,43 @@ pub fn stringify(
'\t' => try out_stream.writeAll("\\t"),
else => {
const ulen = std.unicode.utf8ByteSequenceLength(value[i]) catch unreachable;
const codepoint = std.unicode.utf8Decode(value[i .. i + ulen]) catch unreachable;
if (codepoint <= 0xFFFF) {
// If the character is in the Basic Multilingual Plane (U+0000 through U+FFFF),
// then it may be represented as a six-character sequence: a reverse solidus, followed
// by the lowercase letter u, followed by four hexadecimal digits that encode the character's code point.
try out_stream.writeAll("\\u");
try std.fmt.formatIntValue(codepoint, "x", std.fmt.FormatOptions{ .width = 4, .fill = '0' }, out_stream);
// control characters (only things left with 1 byte length) should always be printed as unicode escapes
if (ulen == 1 or options.string.String.escape_unicode) {
const codepoint = std.unicode.utf8Decode(value[i .. i + ulen]) catch unreachable;
try outputUnicodeEscape(codepoint, out_stream);
} else {
// To escape an extended character that is not in the Basic Multilingual Plane,
// the character is represented as a 12-character sequence, encoding the UTF-16 surrogate pair.
const high = @intCast(u16, (codepoint - 0x10000) >> 10) + 0xD800;
const low = @intCast(u16, codepoint & 0x3FF) + 0xDC00;
try out_stream.writeAll("\\u");
try std.fmt.formatIntValue(high, "x", std.fmt.FormatOptions{ .width = 4, .fill = '0' }, out_stream);
try out_stream.writeAll("\\u");
try std.fmt.formatIntValue(low, "x", std.fmt.FormatOptions{ .width = 4, .fill = '0' }, out_stream);
try out_stream.writeAll(value[i .. i + ulen]);
i += ulen - 1;
try out_stream.writeAll("\"");
try out_stream.writeByte('\"');
try out_stream.writeAll("[");
try out_stream.writeByte('[');
var child_options = options;
if (child_options.whitespace) |*whitespace| {
whitespace.indent_level += 1;
for (value) |x, i| {
if (i != 0) {
try out_stream.writeAll(",");
try out_stream.writeByte(',');
try stringify(x, options, out_stream);
if (child_options.whitespace) |child_whitespace| {
try out_stream.writeByte('\n');
try child_whitespace.outputIndent(out_stream);
try stringify(x, child_options, out_stream);
try out_stream.writeAll("]");
if (value.len != 0) {
if (options.whitespace) |whitespace| {
try out_stream.writeByte('\n');
try whitespace.outputIndent(out_stream);
try out_stream.writeByte(']');
else => @compileError("Unable to stringify type '" ++ @typeName(T) ++ "'"),
@ -2390,7 +2576,7 @@ pub fn stringify(
fn teststringify(expected: []const u8, value: var) !void {
fn teststringify(expected: []const u8, value: var, options: StringifyOptions) !void {
const ValidationOutStream = struct {
const Self = @This();
pub const OutStream =*Self, Error, write);
@ -2442,55 +2628,105 @@ fn teststringify(expected: []const u8, value: var) !void {
var vos = ValidationOutStream.init(expected);
try stringify(value, StringifyOptions{}, vos.outStream());
try stringify(value, options, vos.outStream());
if (vos.expected_remaining.len > 0) return error.NotEnoughData;
test "stringify basic types" {
try teststringify("false", false);
try teststringify("true", true);
try teststringify("null", @as(?u8, null));
try teststringify("null", @as(?*u32, null));
try teststringify("42", 42);
try teststringify("4.2e+01", 42.0);
try teststringify("42", @as(u8, 42));
try teststringify("42", @as(u128, 42));
try teststringify("4.2e+01", @as(f32, 42));
try teststringify("4.2e+01", @as(f64, 42));
try teststringify("false", false, StringifyOptions{});
try teststringify("true", true, StringifyOptions{});
try teststringify("null", @as(?u8, null), StringifyOptions{});
try teststringify("null", @as(?*u32, null), StringifyOptions{});
try teststringify("42", 42, StringifyOptions{});
try teststringify("4.2e+01", 42.0, StringifyOptions{});
try teststringify("42", @as(u8, 42), StringifyOptions{});
try teststringify("42", @as(u128, 42), StringifyOptions{});
try teststringify("4.2e+01", @as(f32, 42), StringifyOptions{});
try teststringify("4.2e+01", @as(f64, 42), StringifyOptions{});
test "stringify string" {
try teststringify("\"hello\"", "hello");
try teststringify("\"with\\nescapes\\r\"", "with\nescapes\r");
try teststringify("\"with unicode\\u0001\"", "with unicode\u{1}");
try teststringify("\"with unicode\\u0080\"", "with unicode\u{80}");
try teststringify("\"with unicode\\u00ff\"", "with unicode\u{FF}");
try teststringify("\"with unicode\\u0100\"", "with unicode\u{100}");
try teststringify("\"with unicode\\u0800\"", "with unicode\u{800}");
try teststringify("\"with unicode\\u8000\"", "with unicode\u{8000}");
try teststringify("\"with unicode\\ud799\"", "with unicode\u{D799}");
try teststringify("\"with unicode\\ud800\\udc00\"", "with unicode\u{10000}");
try teststringify("\"with unicode\\udbff\\udfff\"", "with unicode\u{10FFFF}");
try teststringify("\"hello\"", "hello", StringifyOptions{});
try teststringify("\"with\\nescapes\\r\"", "with\nescapes\r", StringifyOptions{});
try teststringify("\"with\\nescapes\\r\"", "with\nescapes\r", StringifyOptions{ .string = .{ .String = .{ .escape_unicode = true } } });
try teststringify("\"with unicode\\u0001\"", "with unicode\u{1}", StringifyOptions{});
try teststringify("\"with unicode\\u0001\"", "with unicode\u{1}", StringifyOptions{ .string = .{ .String = .{ .escape_unicode = true } } });
try teststringify("\"with unicode\u{80}\"", "with unicode\u{80}", StringifyOptions{});
try teststringify("\"with unicode\\u0080\"", "with unicode\u{80}", StringifyOptions{ .string = .{ .String = .{ .escape_unicode = true } } });
try teststringify("\"with unicode\u{FF}\"", "with unicode\u{FF}", StringifyOptions{});
try teststringify("\"with unicode\\u00ff\"", "with unicode\u{FF}", StringifyOptions{ .string = .{ .String = .{ .escape_unicode = true } } });
try teststringify("\"with unicode\u{100}\"", "with unicode\u{100}", StringifyOptions{});
try teststringify("\"with unicode\\u0100\"", "with unicode\u{100}", StringifyOptions{ .string = .{ .String = .{ .escape_unicode = true } } });
try teststringify("\"with unicode\u{800}\"", "with unicode\u{800}", StringifyOptions{});
try teststringify("\"with unicode\\u0800\"", "with unicode\u{800}", StringifyOptions{ .string = .{ .String = .{ .escape_unicode = true } } });
try teststringify("\"with unicode\u{8000}\"", "with unicode\u{8000}", StringifyOptions{});
try teststringify("\"with unicode\\u8000\"", "with unicode\u{8000}", StringifyOptions{ .string = .{ .String = .{ .escape_unicode = true } } });
try teststringify("\"with unicode\u{D799}\"", "with unicode\u{D799}", StringifyOptions{});
try teststringify("\"with unicode\\ud799\"", "with unicode\u{D799}", StringifyOptions{ .string = .{ .String = .{ .escape_unicode = true } } });
try teststringify("\"with unicode\u{10000}\"", "with unicode\u{10000}", StringifyOptions{});
try teststringify("\"with unicode\\ud800\\udc00\"", "with unicode\u{10000}", StringifyOptions{ .string = .{ .String = .{ .escape_unicode = true } } });
try teststringify("\"with unicode\u{10FFFF}\"", "with unicode\u{10FFFF}", StringifyOptions{});
try teststringify("\"with unicode\\udbff\\udfff\"", "with unicode\u{10FFFF}", StringifyOptions{ .string = .{ .String = .{ .escape_unicode = true } } });
test "stringify tagged unions" {
try teststringify("42", union(enum) {
Foo: u32,
Bar: bool,
}{ .Foo = 42 });
}{ .Foo = 42 }, StringifyOptions{});
test "stringify struct" {
try teststringify("{\"foo\":42}", struct {
foo: u32,
}{ .foo = 42 });
}{ .foo = 42 }, StringifyOptions{});
test "stringify struct with indentation" {
try teststringify(
\\ "foo": 42,
\\ "bar": [
\\ 1,
\\ 2,
\\ 3
\\ ]
struct {
foo: u32,
bar: [3]u32,
.foo = 42,
.bar = .{ 1, 2, 3 },
.whitespace = .{},
try teststringify(
struct {
foo: u32,
bar: [3]u32,
.foo = 42,
.bar = .{ 1, 2, 3 },
.whitespace = .{
.indent = .Tab,
.separator = false,
test "stringify struct with void field" {
try teststringify("{\"foo\":42}", struct {
foo: u32,
bar: void = {},
}{ .foo = 42 });
}{ .foo = 42 }, StringifyOptions{});
test "stringify array of structs" {
@ -2501,7 +2737,7 @@ test "stringify array of structs" {
MyStruct{ .foo = 42 },
MyStruct{ .foo = 100 },
MyStruct{ .foo = 1000 },
}, StringifyOptions{});
test "stringify struct with custom stringifier" {
@ -2515,7 +2751,7 @@ test "stringify struct with custom stringifier" {
) !void {
try out_stream.writeAll("[\"something special\",");
try stringify(42, options, out_stream);
try out_stream.writeAll("]");
try out_stream.writeByte(']');
}{ .foo = 42 });
}{ .foo = 42 }, StringifyOptions{});

View File

@ -21,14 +21,10 @@ pub fn WriteStream(comptime OutStream: type, comptime max_depth: usize) type {
pub const Stream = OutStream;
/// The string used for indenting.
one_indent: []const u8 = " ",
/// The string used as a newline character.
newline: []const u8 = "\n",
/// The string used as spacing.
space: []const u8 = " ",
whitespace: std.json.StringifyOptions.Whitespace = std.json.StringifyOptions.Whitespace{
.indent_level = 0,
.indent = .{ .Space = 1 },
stream: OutStream,
state_index: usize,
@ -49,12 +45,14 @@ pub fn WriteStream(comptime OutStream: type, comptime max_depth: usize) type {
assert(self.state[self.state_index] == State.Value); // need to call arrayElem or objectField
self.state[self.state_index] = State.ArrayStart;
self.whitespace.indent_level += 1;
pub fn beginObject(self: *Self) !void {
assert(self.state[self.state_index] == State.Value); // need to call arrayElem or objectField
self.state[self.state_index] = State.ObjectStart;
self.whitespace.indent_level += 1;
pub fn arrayElem(self: *Self) !void {
@ -90,8 +88,10 @@ pub fn WriteStream(comptime OutStream: type, comptime max_depth: usize) type {
try self.indent();
try self.writeEscapedString(name);
if (self.whitespace.separator) {
try' ');
@ -103,10 +103,12 @@ pub fn WriteStream(comptime OutStream: type, comptime max_depth: usize) type {
.ObjectStart => unreachable,
.Object => unreachable,
.ArrayStart => {
self.whitespace.indent_level -= 1;
.Array => {
self.whitespace.indent_level -= 1;
try self.indent();
@ -121,10 +123,12 @@ pub fn WriteStream(comptime OutStream: type, comptime max_depth: usize) type {
.ArrayStart => unreachable,
.Array => unreachable,
.ObjectStart => {
self.whitespace.indent_level -= 1;
.Object => {
self.whitespace.indent_level -= 1;
try self.indent();
@ -134,17 +138,13 @@ pub fn WriteStream(comptime OutStream: type, comptime max_depth: usize) type {
pub fn emitNull(self: *Self) !void {
assert(self.state[self.state_index] == State.Value);
try self.stringify(null);
pub fn emitBool(self: *Self, value: bool) !void {
assert(self.state[self.state_index] == State.Value);
if (value) {
} else {
try self.stringify(value);
@ -185,57 +185,19 @@ pub fn WriteStream(comptime OutStream: type, comptime max_depth: usize) type {
fn writeEscapedString(self: *Self, string: []const u8) !void {
for (string) |s| {
switch (s) {
'"' => try"\\\""),
'\t' => try"\\t"),
'\r' => try"\\r"),
'\n' => try"\\n"),
8 => try"\\b"),
12 => try"\\f"),
'\\' => try"\\\\"),
else => try,
try self.stringify(string);
/// Writes the complete json into the output stream
pub fn emitJson(self: *Self, json: std.json.Value) Stream.Error!void {
switch (json) {
.Null => try self.emitNull(),
.Bool => |inner| try self.emitBool(inner),
.Integer => |inner| try self.emitNumber(inner),
.Float => |inner| try self.emitNumber(inner),
.String => |inner| try self.emitString(inner),
.Array => |inner| {
try self.beginArray();
for (inner.span()) |elem| {
try self.arrayElem();
try self.emitJson(elem);
try self.endArray();
.Object => |inner| {
try self.beginObject();
var it = inner.iterator();
while ( |entry| {
try self.objectField(entry.key);
try self.emitJson(entry.value);
try self.endObject();
try self.stringify(json);
fn indent(self: *Self) !void {
assert(self.state_index >= 1);
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < self.state_index - 1) : (i += 1) {
try self.whitespace.outputIndent(;
fn pushState(self: *Self, state: State) void {
@ -246,6 +208,12 @@ pub fn WriteStream(comptime OutStream: type, comptime max_depth: usize) type {
fn popState(self: *Self) void {
self.state_index -= 1;
fn stringify(self: *Self, value: var) !void {
try std.json.stringify(value, std.json.StringifyOptions{
.whitespace = self.whitespace,