Update tests

Suirad 2018-11-30 02:15:33 -06:00
parent e8e6ae57d4
commit cf266ff80a
1 changed files with 3 additions and 28 deletions

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@ -772,27 +772,7 @@ pub fn getEnvMap(allocator: *Allocator) !BufMap {
test "os.getEnvMap" {
var env = try getEnvMap(std.debug.global_allocator);
var seen_home = false;
var it = env.iterator();
while (it.next()) |pair| {
debug.warn("{}: {}\n", pair.key, pair.value);
switch (builtin.os){
builtin.Os.windows => {
if (mem.eql(u8, pair.key, "HOMEPATH")) {
seen_home = true;
builtin.Os.linux, builtin.Os.macosx,
builtin.Os.ios => {
if (mem.eql(u8, pair.key, "HOME")) {
seen_home = true;
else => @compileError("unimplemented"),
assert(seen_home == true);
defer env.deinit();
/// TODO make this go through libc when we have it
@ -862,13 +842,8 @@ pub fn getEnvVarOwned(allocator: *mem.Allocator, key: []const u8) GetEnvVarOwned
test "os.getEnvVarOwned" {
switch (builtin.os) {
builtin.Os.windows => _ = try getEnvVarOwned(debug.global_allocator, "HOMEPATH"),
builtin.Os.linux, builtin.Os.macosx,
builtin.Os.ios => _ = try getEnvVarOwned(debug.global_allocator, "HOME"),
else => @compileError("unimplemented"),
var ga = debug.global_allocator;
debug.assertError(getEnvVarOwned(ga, "BADENV"), error.EnvironmentVariableNotFound);