Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into llvm7

Andrew Kelley 2018-04-04 17:22:26 -04:00
commit cca93908e6
61 changed files with 3136 additions and 1369 deletions

View File

@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
sudo: required
- docker
- linux
- osx
dist: trusty
osx_image: xcode8.3
sudo: required
language: cpp
- if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then ci/travis_linux_before_install; fi

View File

@ -30,11 +30,7 @@ if(GIT_EXE)
message("Configuring zig version ${ZIG_VERSION}")
set(ZIG_LIBC_LIB_DIR "" CACHE STRING "Default native target libc directory where crt1.o can be found")
set(ZIG_LIBC_STATIC_LIB_DIR "" CACHE STRING "Default native target libc directory where crtbeginT.o can be found")
set(ZIG_LIBC_INCLUDE_DIR "/usr/include" CACHE STRING "Default native target libc include directory")
set(ZIG_DYNAMIC_LINKER "" CACHE STRING "Override dynamic linker for native target")
set(ZIG_EACH_LIB_RPATH off CACHE BOOL "Add each dynamic library to rpath for native target")
set(ZIG_STATIC off CACHE BOOL "Attempt to build a static zig executable (not compatible with glibc)")
@ -429,6 +425,7 @@ set(ZIG_STD_FILES
@ -509,7 +506,7 @@ set(ZIG_STD_FILES
@ -698,6 +695,8 @@ if(MINGW)
set(EXE_LDFLAGS "-static -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++")
set(EXE_LDFLAGS "/STACK:16777216")
set(EXE_LDFLAGS "-static")
set(EXE_LDFLAGS " ")

View File

@ -138,14 +138,10 @@ libc. Create demo games using Zig.
##### POSIX
If you have gcc or clang installed, you can find out what `ZIG_LIBC_LIB_DIR`,
(example below).
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(pwd) -DZIG_LIBC_LIB_DIR=$(dirname $(cc -print-file-name=crt1.o)) -DZIG_LIBC_INCLUDE_DIR=$(echo -n | cc -E -x c - -v 2>&1 | grep -B1 "End of search list." | head -n1 | cut -c 2- | sed "s/ .*//") -DZIG_LIBC_STATIC_LIB_DIR=$(dirname $(cc -print-file-name=crtbegin.o))
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(pwd)
make install
./zig build --build-file ../build.zig test
@ -153,8 +149,6 @@ make install
##### MacOS
brew install cmake llvm@7
brew outdated llvm@7 || brew upgrade llvm@7

View File

@ -45,6 +45,11 @@ pub fn build(b: &Builder) !void {
var exe = b.addExecutable("zig", "src-self-hosted/main.zig");
// This is for finding /lib/libz.a on alpine linux.
// TODO turn this into -Dextra-lib-path=/lib option
addCppLib(b, exe, cmake_binary_dir, "zig_cpp");

View File

@ -20,9 +20,7 @@ call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86_
cmake.exe .. -Thost=x64 -G"Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" "-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%ZIGBUILDDIR%" "-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=%ZIGPREFIXPATH%" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release "-DZIG_LIBC_INCLUDE_DIR=C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.10240.0\ucrt" "-DZIG_LIBC_LIB_DIR=C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\x64\ucrt" "-DZIG_LIBC_STATIC_LIB_DIR=C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Lib\10.0.10240.0\ucrt\x64" || exit /b
cmake.exe .. -Thost=x64 -G"Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" "-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%ZIGBUILDDIR%" "-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=%ZIGPREFIXPATH%" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release || exit /b
msbuild /p:Configuration=Release INSTALL.vcxproj || exit /b
bin\zig.exe build --build-file ..\build.zig test || exit /b
@echo "MSVC build succeeded"

View File

@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ set -x
sudo apt-get remove -y llvm-*
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/*
sudo apt-get install -y clang-7.0 libclang-7.0 libclang-7.0-dev llvm-7.0 llvm-7.0-dev liblld-7.0 liblld-7.0-dev cmake wine1.6-amd64
sudo apt-get install -y clang-7.0 libclang-7.0 libclang-7.0-dev llvm-7.0 llvm-7.0-dev liblld-7.0 liblld-7.0-dev cmake s3cmd

View File

@ -8,25 +8,16 @@ export CXX=clang++-7.0
echo $PATH
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(pwd) -DZIG_LIBC_LIB_DIR=$(dirname $($CC -print-file-name=crt1.o)) -DZIG_LIBC_INCLUDE_DIR=$(echo -n | $CC -E -x c - -v 2>&1 | grep -B1 "End of search list." | head -n1 | cut -c 2- | sed "s/ .*//") -DZIG_LIBC_STATIC_LIB_DIR=$(dirname $($CC -print-file-name=crtbegin.o))
make VERBOSE=1
make install
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(pwd)
make -j2 install
./zig build --build-file ../build.zig test
./zig test ../test/behavior.zig --target-os windows --target-arch i386 --target-environ msvc
wine zig-cache/test.exe
./zig test ../test/behavior.zig --target-os windows --target-arch i386 --target-environ msvc --release-fast
wine zig-cache/test.exe
./zig test ../test/behavior.zig --target-os windows --target-arch i386 --target-environ msvc --release-safe
wine zig-cache/test.exe
./zig test ../test/behavior.zig --target-os windows --target-arch x86_64 --target-environ msvc
wine64 zig-cache/test.exe
#./zig test ../test/behavior.zig --target-os windows --target-arch x86_64 --target-environ msvc --release-fast
#wine64 test.exe
#./zig test ../test/behavior.zig --target-os windows --target-arch x86_64 --target-environ msvc --release-safe
#wine64 test.exe
if [ "${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST}" = "false" ]; then
mkdir $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/artifacts
docker run -it --mount type=bind,source="$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/artifacts",target=/z ziglang/static-base:llvm6-1 -j2 $TRAVIS_COMMIT
echo "access_key = $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" >> ~/.s3cfg
echo "secret_key = $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" >> ~/.s3cfg
s3cmd put -P $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/artifacts/* s3://
touch empty
s3cmd put -P empty s3://$TRAVIS_BRANCH.tar.xz --add-header=x-amz-website-redirect-location:/builds/$(ls $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/artifacts)

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ find_program(LLVM_CONFIG_EXE
COMMAND ${LLVM_CONFIG_EXE} --libfiles --link-static

View File

@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ pub fn main() !void {
// TODO issue #709
// disabled to pass CI tests, but obviously we want to implement this
// and then remove this workaround
if (builtin.os == builtin.Os.linux) {
if (builtin.os != {
os.deleteTree(allocator, tmp_dir_name) catch {};

View File

@ -2864,18 +2864,18 @@ const err = (error {FileNotFound}).FileNotFound;
assert to make sure the error value is in fact in the destination error set.
The global error set should generally be avoided when possible, because it prevents
the compiler from knowing what errors are possible at compile-time. Knowing
the error set at compile-time is better for generated documentationt and for
helpful error messages such as forgetting a possible error value in a {#link|switch#}.
The global error set should generally be avoided because it prevents the
compiler from knowing what errors are possible at compile-time. Knowing
the error set at compile-time is better for generated documentation and
helpful error messages, such as forgetting a possible error value in a {#link|switch#}.
{#header_open|Error Union Type#}
Most of the time you will not find yourself using an error set type. Instead,
likely you will be using the error union type. This is when you take an error set
and a normal type, and create an error union with the <code>!</code> binary operator.
An error set type and normal type can be combined with the <code>!</code>
binary operator to form an error union type. You are likely to use an
error union type more often than an error set type by itself.
Here is a function to parse a string into a 64-bit integer:
@ -5739,7 +5739,7 @@ UseDecl = "use" Expression ";"
ExternDecl = "extern" option(String) (FnProto | VariableDeclaration) ";"
FnProto = option("nakedcc" | "stdcallcc" | "extern" | ("async" option("(" Expression ")"))) "fn" option(Symbol) ParamDeclList option("align" "(" Expression ")") option("section" "(" Expression ")") option("!") (TypeExpr | "var")
FnProto = option("nakedcc" | "stdcallcc" | "extern" | ("async" option("&lt;" Expression "&gt;"))) "fn" option(Symbol) ParamDeclList option("align" "(" Expression ")") option("section" "(" Expression ")") option("!") (TypeExpr | "var")
FnDef = option("inline" | "export") FnProto Block
@ -5863,7 +5863,9 @@ StructLiteralField = "." Symbol "=" Expression
PrefixOp = "!" | "-" | "~" | "*" | ("&amp;" option("align" "(" Expression option(":" Integer ":" Integer) ")" ) option("const") option("volatile")) | "?" | "??" | "-%" | "try" | "await"
PrimaryExpression = Integer | Float | String | CharLiteral | KeywordLiteral | GroupedExpression | BlockExpression(BlockOrExpression) | Symbol | ("@" Symbol FnCallExpression) | ArrayType | FnProto | AsmExpression | ContainerDecl | ("continue" option(":" Symbol)) | ErrorSetDecl
PrimaryExpression = Integer | Float | String | CharLiteral | KeywordLiteral | GroupedExpression | BlockExpression(BlockOrExpression) | Symbol | ("@" Symbol FnCallExpression) | ArrayType | FnProto | AsmExpression | ContainerDecl | ("continue" option(":" Symbol)) | ErrorSetDecl | PromiseType
PromiseType = "promise" option("-&gt;" TypeExpr)
ArrayType : "[" option(Expression) "]" option("align" "(" Expression option(":" Integer ":" Integer) ")")) option("const") option("volatile") TypeExpr
@ -6031,4 +6033,3 @@ hljs.registerLanguage("zig", function(t) {

View File

@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ const builtin = @import("builtin");
const std = @import("std");
const io =;
const fmt = std.fmt;
const Rand = std.rand.Rand;
const os = std.os;
pub fn main() !void {
@ -10,30 +9,31 @@ pub fn main() !void {
var stdout_file_stream = io.FileOutStream.init(&stdout_file);
const stdout = &;
var stdin_file = try io.getStdIn();
try stdout.print("Welcome to the Guess Number Game in Zig.\n");
var seed_bytes: [@sizeOf(usize)]u8 = undefined;
var seed_bytes: [@sizeOf(u64)]u8 = undefined;
os.getRandomBytes(seed_bytes[0..]) catch |err| {
std.debug.warn("unable to seed random number generator: {}", err);
return err;
const seed = std.mem.readInt(seed_bytes, usize, builtin.Endian.Big);
var rand = Rand.init(seed);
const seed = std.mem.readInt(seed_bytes, u64, builtin.Endian.Big);
var prng = std.rand.DefaultPrng.init(seed);
const answer = rand.range(u8, 0, 100) + 1;
const answer = prng.random.range(u8, 0, 100) + 1;
while (true) {
try stdout.print("\nGuess a number between 1 and 100: ");
var line_buf : [20]u8 = undefined;
const line_len =[0..]) catch |err| {
try stdout.print("Unable to read from stdin: {}\n", @errorName(err));
return err;
const line_len = io.readLine(line_buf[0..]) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.InputTooLong => {
try stdout.print("Input too long.\n");
error.EndOfFile, error.StdInUnavailable => return err,
const guess = fmt.parseUnsigned(u8, line_buf[0..line_len - 1], 10) catch {
const guess = fmt.parseUnsigned(u8, line_buf[0..line_len], 10) catch {
try stdout.print("Invalid number.\n");

View File

@ -41,6 +41,10 @@ pub fn main() !void {
const args = try os.argsAlloc(allocator);
defer os.argsFree(allocator, args);
if (args.len >= 2 and mem.eql(u8, args[1], "build")) {
return buildMain(allocator, args[2..]);
if (args.len >= 2 and mem.eql(u8, args[1], "fmt")) {
return fmtMain(allocator, args[2..]);
@ -560,6 +564,161 @@ fn printZen() !void {
fn buildMain(allocator: &mem.Allocator, argv: []const []const u8) !void {
var build_file: [] const u8 = "build.zig";
var cache_dir: ?[] const u8 = null;
var zig_install_prefix: ?[] const u8 = null;
var asked_for_help = false;
var asked_for_init = false;
var args = ArrayList([] const u8).init(allocator);
defer args.deinit();
var zig_exe_path = try os.selfExePath(allocator);
try args.append(""); // Placeholder for zig-cache/build
try args.append(""); // Placeholder for zig_exe_path
try args.append(""); // Placeholder for build_file_dirname
try args.append(""); // Placeholder for full_cache_dir
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < argv.len) : (i += 1) {
var arg = argv[i];
if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--help")) {
asked_for_help = true;
try args.append(argv[i]);
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--init")) {
asked_for_init = true;
try args.append(argv[i]);
} else if (i + 1 < argv.len and mem.eql(u8, arg, "--build-file")) {
build_file = argv[i + 1];
i += 1;
} else if (i + 1 < argv.len and mem.eql(u8, arg, "--cache-dir")) {
cache_dir = argv[i + 1];
i += 1;
} else if (i + 1 < argv.len and mem.eql(u8, arg, "--zig-install-prefix")) {
try args.append(arg);
i += 1;
zig_install_prefix = argv[i];
try args.append(argv[i]);
} else {
try args.append(arg);
const zig_lib_dir = try resolveZigLibDir(allocator, zig_install_prefix);
const zig_std_dir = try os.path.join(allocator, zig_lib_dir, "std");
const special_dir = try os.path.join(allocator, zig_std_dir, "special");
const build_runner_path = try os.path.join(allocator, special_dir, "build_runner.zig");
// g = codegen_create(build_runner_path, ...)
// codegen_set_out_name(g, "build")
const build_file_abs = try os.path.resolve(allocator, ".", build_file);
const build_file_basename = os.path.basename(build_file_abs);
const build_file_dirname = os.path.dirname(build_file_abs);
var full_cache_dir: []u8 = undefined;
if (cache_dir == null) {
full_cache_dir = try os.path.join(allocator, build_file_dirname, "zig-cache");
} else {
full_cache_dir = try os.path.resolve(allocator, ".", ??cache_dir, full_cache_dir);
const path_to_build_exe = try os.path.join(allocator, full_cache_dir, "build");
// codegen_set_cache_dir(g, full_cache_dir)
args.items[0] = path_to_build_exe;
args.items[1] = zig_exe_path;
args.items[2] = build_file_dirname;
args.items[3] = full_cache_dir;
var build_file_exists: bool = undefined;
if (os.File.openRead(allocator, build_file_abs)) |*file| {
build_file_exists = true;
} else |_| {
build_file_exists = false;
if (!build_file_exists and asked_for_help) {
// TODO(bnoordhuis) Print help message from std/special/build_runner.zig
if (!build_file_exists and asked_for_init) {
const build_template_path = try os.path.join(allocator, special_dir, "build_file_template.zig");
var srcfile = try os.File.openRead(allocator, build_template_path);
defer srcfile.close();
var dstfile = try os.File.openWrite(allocator, build_file_abs);
defer dstfile.close();
while (true) {
var buffer: [4096]u8 = undefined;
const n = try[0..]);
if (n == 0) break;
try dstfile.write(buffer[0..n]);
if (!build_file_exists) {
\\No 'build.zig' file found.
\\Initialize a 'build.zig' template file with `zig build --init`,
\\or build an executable directly with `zig build-exe $FILENAME.zig`.
\\See: `zig build --help` or `zig help` for more options.
// codegen_build(g)
// codegen_link(g, path_to_build_exe)
// codegen_destroy(g)
var proc = try os.ChildProcess.init(args.toSliceConst(), allocator);
defer proc.deinit();
var term = try proc.spawnAndWait();
switch (term) {
os.ChildProcess.Term.Exited => |status| {
if (status != 0) {
warn("{} exited with status {}\n",, status);
os.ChildProcess.Term.Signal => |signal| {
warn("{} killed by signal {}\n",, signal);
os.ChildProcess.Term.Stopped => |signal| {
warn("{} stopped by signal {}\n",, signal);
os.ChildProcess.Term.Unknown => |status| {
warn("{} encountered unknown failure {}\n",, status);
fn fmtMain(allocator: &mem.Allocator, file_paths: []const []const u8) !void {
for (file_paths) |file_path| {
var file = try os.File.openRead(allocator, file_path);

View File

@ -409,6 +409,7 @@ enum NodeType {
struct AstNodeRoot {
@ -879,6 +880,10 @@ struct AstNodeSuspend {
AstNode *promise_symbol;
struct AstNodePromiseType {
AstNode *payload_type; // can be NULL
struct AstNode {
enum NodeType type;
size_t line;
@ -939,6 +944,7 @@ struct AstNode {
AstNodeResumeExpr resume_expr;
AstNodeAwaitExpr await_expr;
AstNodeSuspend suspend;
AstNodePromiseType promise_type;
} data;
@ -1251,7 +1257,10 @@ struct FnTableEntry {
ScopeBlock *def_scope; // parent is child_scope
Buf symbol_name;
TypeTableEntry *type_entry; // function type
TypeTableEntry *implicit_return_type;
// in the case of normal functions this is the implicit return type
// in the case of async functions this is the implicit return type according to the
// zig source code, not according to zig ir
TypeTableEntry *src_implicit_return_type;
bool is_test;
FnInline fn_inline;
FnAnalState anal_state;
@ -1612,7 +1621,8 @@ struct CodeGen {
FnTableEntry *panic_fn;
LLVMValueRef cur_ret_ptr;
LLVMValueRef cur_fn_val;
LLVMValueRef cur_err_ret_trace_val;
LLVMValueRef cur_err_ret_trace_val_arg;
LLVMValueRef cur_err_ret_trace_val_stack;
bool c_want_stdint;
bool c_want_stdbool;
AstNode *root_export_decl;
@ -1749,6 +1759,7 @@ enum ScopeId {
struct Scope {
@ -1856,6 +1867,12 @@ struct ScopeFnDef {
FnTableEntry *fn_entry;
// This scope is created to indicate that the code in the scope
// is auto-generated coroutine prelude stuff.
struct ScopeCoroPrelude {
Scope base;
// synchronized with code in define_builtin_compile_vars
enum AtomicOrder {
@ -1942,6 +1959,7 @@ enum IrInstructionId {
@ -2032,6 +2050,8 @@ enum IrInstructionId {
struct IrInstruction {
@ -2358,6 +2378,12 @@ struct IrInstructionArrayType {
IrInstruction *child_type;
struct IrInstructionPromiseType {
IrInstruction base;
IrInstruction *payload_type;
struct IrInstructionSliceType {
IrInstruction base;
@ -2671,6 +2697,7 @@ struct IrInstructionFnProto {
IrInstruction **param_types;
IrInstruction *align_value;
IrInstruction *return_type;
IrInstruction *async_allocator_type_value;
bool is_var_args;
@ -2985,6 +3012,16 @@ struct IrInstructionAwaitBookkeeping {
IrInstruction *promise_result_type;
struct IrInstructionSaveErrRetAddr {
IrInstruction base;
struct IrInstructionAddImplicitReturnType {
IrInstruction base;
IrInstruction *value;
static const size_t slice_ptr_index = 0;
static const size_t slice_len_index = 1;

View File

@ -170,6 +170,12 @@ Scope *create_comptime_scope(AstNode *node, Scope *parent) {
return &scope->base;
Scope *create_coro_prelude_scope(AstNode *node, Scope *parent) {
ScopeCoroPrelude *scope = allocate<ScopeCoroPrelude>(1);
init_scope(&scope->base, ScopeIdCoroPrelude, node, parent);
return &scope->base;
ImportTableEntry *get_scope_import(Scope *scope) {
while (scope) {
if (scope->id == ScopeIdDecls) {
@ -985,7 +991,8 @@ TypeTableEntry *get_fn_type(CodeGen *g, FnTypeId *fn_type_id) {
// populate the name of the type
buf_resize(&fn_type->name, 0);
if (fn_type-> == CallingConventionAsync) {
buf_appendf(&fn_type->name, "async(%s) ", buf_ptr(&fn_type_id->async_allocator_type->name));
assert(fn_type_id->async_allocator_type != nullptr);
buf_appendf(&fn_type->name, "async<%s> ", buf_ptr(&fn_type_id->async_allocator_type->name));
} else {
const char *cc_str = calling_convention_fn_type_str(fn_type->;
buf_appendf(&fn_type->name, "%s", cc_str);
@ -3253,6 +3260,7 @@ void scan_decls(CodeGen *g, ScopeDecls *decls_scope, AstNode *node) {
case NodeTypeResume:
case NodeTypeAwaitExpr:
case NodeTypeSuspend:
case NodeTypePromiseType:
@ -3590,6 +3598,7 @@ FnTableEntry *scope_get_fn_if_root(Scope *scope) {
case ScopeIdCImport:
case ScopeIdLoop:
case ScopeIdCompTime:
case ScopeIdCoroPrelude:
scope = scope->parent;
case ScopeIdFnDef:
@ -3864,7 +3873,7 @@ void analyze_fn_ir(CodeGen *g, FnTableEntry *fn_table_entry, AstNode *return_typ
TypeTableEntry *block_return_type = ir_analyze(g, &fn_table_entry->ir_executable,
&fn_table_entry->analyzed_executable, fn_type_id->return_type, return_type_node);
fn_table_entry->implicit_return_type = block_return_type;
fn_table_entry->src_implicit_return_type = block_return_type;
if (type_is_invalid(block_return_type) || fn_table_entry->analyzed_executable.invalid) {
assert(g->errors.length > 0);
@ -3876,10 +3885,10 @@ void analyze_fn_ir(CodeGen *g, FnTableEntry *fn_table_entry, AstNode *return_typ
TypeTableEntry *return_err_set_type = fn_type_id->return_type->data.error_union.err_set_type;
if (return_err_set_type->data.error_set.infer_fn != nullptr) {
TypeTableEntry *inferred_err_set_type;
if (fn_table_entry->implicit_return_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdErrorSet) {
inferred_err_set_type = fn_table_entry->implicit_return_type;
} else if (fn_table_entry->implicit_return_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdErrorUnion) {
inferred_err_set_type = fn_table_entry->implicit_return_type->data.error_union.err_set_type;
if (fn_table_entry->src_implicit_return_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdErrorSet) {
inferred_err_set_type = fn_table_entry->src_implicit_return_type;
} else if (fn_table_entry->src_implicit_return_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdErrorUnion) {
inferred_err_set_type = fn_table_entry->src_implicit_return_type->data.error_union.err_set_type;
} else {
add_node_error(g, return_type_node,
buf_sprintf("function with inferred error set must return at least one possible error"));
@ -4276,26 +4285,118 @@ static ZigWindowsSDK *get_windows_sdk(CodeGen *g) {
return g->win_sdk;
Buf *get_linux_libc_lib_path(const char *o_file) {
const char *cc_exe = getenv("CC");
cc_exe = (cc_exe == nullptr) ? "cc" : cc_exe;
ZigList<const char *> args = {};
args.append(buf_ptr(buf_sprintf("-print-file-name=%s", o_file)));
Termination term;
Buf *out_stderr = buf_alloc();
Buf *out_stdout = buf_alloc();
int err;
if ((err = os_exec_process(cc_exe, args, &term, out_stderr, out_stdout))) {
zig_panic("unable to determine libc lib path: executing C compiler: %s", err_str(err));
if ( != TerminationIdClean || term.code != 0) {
zig_panic("unable to determine libc lib path: executing C compiler command failed");
if (buf_ends_with_str(out_stdout, "\n")) {
buf_resize(out_stdout, buf_len(out_stdout) - 1);
if (buf_len(out_stdout) == 0 || buf_eql_str(out_stdout, o_file)) {
zig_panic("unable to determine libc lib path: C compiler could not find %s", o_file);
Buf *result = buf_alloc();
os_path_dirname(out_stdout, result);
return result;
Buf *get_linux_libc_include_path(void) {
const char *cc_exe = getenv("CC");
cc_exe = (cc_exe == nullptr) ? "cc" : cc_exe;
ZigList<const char *> args = {};
Termination term;
Buf *out_stderr = buf_alloc();
Buf *out_stdout = buf_alloc();
int err;
if ((err = os_exec_process(cc_exe, args, &term, out_stderr, out_stdout))) {
zig_panic("unable to determine libc include path: executing C compiler: %s", err_str(err));
if ( != TerminationIdClean || term.code != 0) {
zig_panic("unable to determine libc include path: executing C compiler command failed");
char *prev_newline = buf_ptr(out_stderr);
ZigList<const char *> search_paths = {};
bool found_search_paths = false;
for (;;) {
char *newline = strchr(prev_newline, '\n');
if (newline == nullptr) {
zig_panic("unable to determine libc include path: bad output from C compiler command");
*newline = 0;
if (found_search_paths) {
if (strcmp(prev_newline, "End of search list.") == 0) {
} else {
if (strcmp(prev_newline, "#include <...> search starts here:") == 0) {
found_search_paths = true;
prev_newline = newline + 1;
if (search_paths.length == 0) {
zig_panic("unable to determine libc include path: even C compiler does not know where libc headers are");
for (size_t i = 0; i < search_paths.length; i += 1) {
// search in reverse order
const char *search_path = search_paths.items[search_paths.length - i - 1];
// cut off spaces
while (*search_path == ' ') {
search_path += 1;
Buf *stdlib_path = buf_sprintf("%s/stdlib.h", search_path);
bool exists;
if ((err = os_file_exists(stdlib_path, &exists))) {
exists = false;
if (exists) {
return buf_create_from_str(search_path);
zig_panic("unable to determine libc include path: stdlib.h not found in C compiler search paths");
void find_libc_include_path(CodeGen *g) {
if (!g->libc_include_dir || buf_len(g->libc_include_dir) == 0) {
ZigWindowsSDK *sdk = get_windows_sdk(g);
if (g->libc_include_dir == nullptr) {
if (g->zig_target.os == OsWindows) {
ZigWindowsSDK *sdk = get_windows_sdk(g);
g->libc_include_dir = buf_alloc();
if (os_get_win32_ucrt_include_path(sdk, g->libc_include_dir)) {
zig_panic("Unable to determine libc include path.");
} else if (g->zig_target.os == OsLinux) {
g->libc_include_dir = get_linux_libc_include_path();
} else if (g->zig_target.os == OsMacOSX) {
g->libc_include_dir = buf_create_from_str("/usr/include");
} else {
// TODO find libc at runtime for other operating systems
zig_panic("Unable to determine libc include path.");
// TODO find libc at runtime for other operating systems
if(!g->libc_include_dir || buf_len(g->libc_include_dir) == 0) {
zig_panic("Unable to determine libc include path.");
assert(buf_len(g->libc_include_dir) != 0);
void find_libc_lib_path(CodeGen *g) {
// later we can handle this better by reporting an error via the normal mechanism
if (!g->libc_lib_dir || buf_len(g->libc_lib_dir) == 0 ||
if (g->libc_lib_dir == nullptr ||
(g->zig_target.os == OsWindows && (g->msvc_lib_dir == nullptr || g->kernel32_lib_dir == nullptr)))
if (g->zig_target.os == OsWindows) {
@ -4319,18 +4420,25 @@ void find_libc_lib_path(CodeGen *g) {
g->msvc_lib_dir = vc_lib_dir;
g->libc_lib_dir = ucrt_lib_path;
g->kernel32_lib_dir = kern_lib_path;
} else if (g->zig_target.os == OsLinux) {
g->libc_lib_dir = get_linux_libc_lib_path("crt1.o");
} else {
zig_panic("Unable to determine libc lib path.");
} else {
assert(buf_len(g->libc_lib_dir) != 0);
if (!g->libc_static_lib_dir || buf_len(g->libc_static_lib_dir) == 0) {
if (g->libc_static_lib_dir == nullptr) {
if ((g->zig_target.os == OsWindows) && (g->msvc_lib_dir != NULL)) {
else {
} else if (g->zig_target.os == OsLinux) {
g->libc_static_lib_dir = get_linux_libc_lib_path("crtbegin.o");
} else {
zig_panic("Unable to determine libc static lib path.");
} else {
assert(buf_len(g->libc_static_lib_dir) != 0);

View File

@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ ScopeLoop *create_loop_scope(AstNode *node, Scope *parent);
ScopeFnDef *create_fndef_scope(AstNode *node, Scope *parent, FnTableEntry *fn_entry);
ScopeDecls *create_decls_scope(AstNode *node, Scope *parent, TypeTableEntry *container_type, ImportTableEntry *import);
Scope *create_comptime_scope(AstNode *node, Scope *parent);
Scope *create_coro_prelude_scope(AstNode *node, Scope *parent);
void init_const_str_lit(CodeGen *g, ConstExprValue *const_val, Buf *str);
ConstExprValue *create_const_str_lit(CodeGen *g, Buf *str);

View File

@ -250,6 +250,8 @@ static const char *node_type_str(NodeType node_type) {
return "AwaitExpr";
case NodeTypeSuspend:
return "Suspend";
case NodeTypePromiseType:
return "PromiseType";
@ -658,6 +660,15 @@ static void render_node_extra(AstRender *ar, AstNode *node, bool grouped) {
if (node->data.fn_call_expr.is_builtin) {
fprintf(ar->f, "@");
if (node->data.fn_call_expr.is_async) {
fprintf(ar->f, "async");
if (node->data.fn_call_expr.async_allocator != nullptr) {
fprintf(ar->f, "<");
render_node_extra(ar, node->data.fn_call_expr.async_allocator, true);
fprintf(ar->f, ">");
fprintf(ar->f, " ");
AstNode *fn_ref_node = node->data.fn_call_expr.fn_ref_expr;
bool grouped = (fn_ref_node->type != NodeTypePrefixOpExpr && fn_ref_node->type != NodeTypeAddrOfExpr);
render_node_extra(ar, fn_ref_node, grouped);
@ -772,6 +783,15 @@ static void render_node_extra(AstRender *ar, AstNode *node, bool grouped) {
render_node_ungrouped(ar, node->data.array_type.child_type);
case NodeTypePromiseType:
fprintf(ar->f, "promise");
if (node->data.promise_type.payload_type != nullptr) {
fprintf(ar->f, "->");
render_node_grouped(ar, node->data.promise_type.payload_type);
case NodeTypeErrorType:
fprintf(ar->f, "error");
@ -1023,7 +1043,7 @@ static void render_node_extra(AstRender *ar, AstNode *node, bool grouped) {
case NodeTypeUnwrapErrorExpr:
render_node_ungrouped(ar, node->data.unwrap_err_expr.op1);
fprintf(ar->f, " %%%% ");
fprintf(ar->f, " catch ");
if (node->data.unwrap_err_expr.symbol) {
Buf *var_name = node->data.unwrap_err_expr.symbol->data.symbol_expr.symbol;
fprintf(ar->f, "|%s| ", buf_ptr(var_name));

View File

@ -112,10 +112,10 @@ CodeGen *codegen_create(Buf *root_src_path, const ZigTarget *target, OutType out
// that's for native compilation
g->zig_target = *target;
g->dynamic_linker = buf_create_from_str("");
g->libc_lib_dir = buf_create_from_str("");
g->libc_static_lib_dir = buf_create_from_str("");
g->libc_include_dir = buf_create_from_str("");
g->dynamic_linker = nullptr;
g->libc_lib_dir = nullptr;
g->libc_static_lib_dir = nullptr;
g->libc_include_dir = nullptr;
g->msvc_lib_dir = nullptr;
g->kernel32_lib_dir = nullptr;
g->each_lib_rpath = false;
@ -123,16 +123,13 @@ CodeGen *codegen_create(Buf *root_src_path, const ZigTarget *target, OutType out
// native compilation, we can rely on the configuration stuff
g->is_native_target = true;
g->dynamic_linker = buf_create_from_str(ZIG_DYNAMIC_LINKER);
g->libc_lib_dir = buf_create_from_str(ZIG_LIBC_LIB_DIR);
g->libc_static_lib_dir = buf_create_from_str(ZIG_LIBC_STATIC_LIB_DIR);
g->libc_include_dir = buf_create_from_str(ZIG_LIBC_INCLUDE_DIR);
g->dynamic_linker = nullptr; // find it at runtime
g->libc_lib_dir = nullptr; // find it at runtime
g->libc_static_lib_dir = nullptr; // find it at runtime
g->libc_include_dir = nullptr; // find it at runtime
g->msvc_lib_dir = nullptr; // find it at runtime
g->kernel32_lib_dir = nullptr; // find it at runtime
g->each_lib_rpath = true;
if (g->zig_target.os == OsMacOSX ||
g->zig_target.os == OsIOS)
@ -657,6 +654,7 @@ static ZigLLVMDIScope *get_di_scope(CodeGen *g, Scope *scope) {
case ScopeIdDeferExpr:
case ScopeIdLoop:
case ScopeIdCompTime:
case ScopeIdCoroPrelude:
return get_di_scope(g, scope->parent);
@ -1295,9 +1293,34 @@ static LLVMValueRef get_safety_crash_err_fn(CodeGen *g) {
return fn_val;
static void gen_safety_crash_for_err(CodeGen *g, LLVMValueRef err_val) {
static bool is_coro_prelude_scope(Scope *scope) {
while (scope != nullptr) {
if (scope->id == ScopeIdCoroPrelude) {
return true;
} else if (scope->id == ScopeIdFnDef) {
scope = scope->parent;
return false;
static LLVMValueRef get_cur_err_ret_trace_val(CodeGen *g, Scope *scope) {
if (!g->have_err_ret_tracing) {
return nullptr;
if (g->cur_fn->type_entry-> == CallingConventionAsync) {
return is_coro_prelude_scope(scope) ? g->cur_err_ret_trace_val_arg : g->cur_err_ret_trace_val_stack;
if (g->cur_err_ret_trace_val_stack != nullptr) {
return g->cur_err_ret_trace_val_stack;
return g->cur_err_ret_trace_val_arg;
static void gen_safety_crash_for_err(CodeGen *g, LLVMValueRef err_val, Scope *scope) {
LLVMValueRef safety_crash_err_fn = get_safety_crash_err_fn(g);
LLVMValueRef err_ret_trace_val = g->cur_err_ret_trace_val;
LLVMValueRef err_ret_trace_val = get_cur_err_ret_trace_val(g, scope);
if (err_ret_trace_val == nullptr) {
TypeTableEntry *ptr_to_stack_trace_type = get_ptr_to_stack_trace_type(g);
err_ret_trace_val = LLVMConstNull(ptr_to_stack_trace_type->type_ref);
@ -1574,32 +1597,25 @@ static LLVMValueRef ir_llvm_value(CodeGen *g, IrInstruction *instruction) {
return instruction->llvm_value;
static LLVMValueRef ir_render_save_err_ret_addr(CodeGen *g, IrExecutable *executable,
IrInstructionSaveErrRetAddr *save_err_ret_addr_instruction)
LLVMValueRef return_err_fn = get_return_err_fn(g);
LLVMValueRef args[] = {
get_cur_err_ret_trace_val(g, save_err_ret_addr_instruction->base.scope),
LLVMValueRef call_instruction = ZigLLVMBuildCall(g->builder, return_err_fn, args, 1,
get_llvm_cc(g, CallingConventionUnspecified), ZigLLVM_FnInlineAuto, "");
LLVMSetTailCall(call_instruction, true);
return call_instruction;
static LLVMValueRef ir_render_return(CodeGen *g, IrExecutable *executable, IrInstructionReturn *return_instruction) {
LLVMValueRef value = ir_llvm_value(g, return_instruction->value);
TypeTableEntry *return_type = return_instruction->value->value.type;
if (g->have_err_ret_tracing) {
bool is_err_return = false;
if (return_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdErrorUnion) {
if (return_instruction->value->value.special == ConstValSpecialStatic) {
is_err_return = return_instruction->value-> != nullptr;
} else if (return_instruction->value->value.special == ConstValSpecialRuntime) {
is_err_return = return_instruction->value-> == RuntimeHintErrorUnionError;
// TODO: emit a branch to check if the return value is an error
} else if (return_type->id == TypeTableEntryIdErrorSet) {
is_err_return = true;
if (is_err_return) {
LLVMValueRef return_err_fn = get_return_err_fn(g);
LLVMValueRef args[] = {
LLVMValueRef call_instruction = ZigLLVMBuildCall(g->builder, return_err_fn, args, 1,
get_llvm_cc(g, CallingConventionUnspecified), ZigLLVM_FnInlineAuto, "");
LLVMSetTailCall(call_instruction, true);
if (handle_is_ptr(return_type)) {
if (calling_convention_does_first_arg_return(g->cur_fn->type_entry-> {
@ -2671,7 +2687,7 @@ static LLVMValueRef ir_render_call(CodeGen *g, IrExecutable *executable, IrInstr
gen_param_index += 1;
if (prefix_arg_err_ret_stack) {
gen_param_values[gen_param_index] = g->cur_err_ret_trace_val;
gen_param_values[gen_param_index] = get_cur_err_ret_trace_val(g, instruction->base.scope);
gen_param_index += 1;
if (instruction->is_async) {
@ -3238,11 +3254,12 @@ static LLVMValueRef ir_render_align_cast(CodeGen *g, IrExecutable *executable, I
static LLVMValueRef ir_render_error_return_trace(CodeGen *g, IrExecutable *executable,
IrInstructionErrorReturnTrace *instruction)
if (g->cur_err_ret_trace_val == nullptr) {
LLVMValueRef cur_err_ret_trace_val = get_cur_err_ret_trace_val(g, instruction->base.scope);
if (cur_err_ret_trace_val == nullptr) {
TypeTableEntry *ptr_to_stack_trace_type = get_ptr_to_stack_trace_type(g);
return LLVMConstNull(ptr_to_stack_trace_type->type_ref);
return g->cur_err_ret_trace_val;
return cur_err_ret_trace_val;
static LLVMValueRef ir_render_cancel(CodeGen *g, IrExecutable *executable, IrInstructionCancel *instruction) {
@ -3648,7 +3665,7 @@ static LLVMValueRef ir_render_unwrap_err_payload(CodeGen *g, IrExecutable *execu
LLVMBuildCondBr(g->builder, cond_val, ok_block, err_block);
LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(g->builder, err_block);
gen_safety_crash_for_err(g, err_val);
gen_safety_crash_for_err(g, err_val, instruction->base.scope);
LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(g->builder, ok_block);
@ -3840,7 +3857,7 @@ static LLVMValueRef ir_render_container_init_list(CodeGen *g, IrExecutable *exec
static LLVMValueRef ir_render_panic(CodeGen *g, IrExecutable *executable, IrInstructionPanic *instruction) {
gen_panic(g, ir_llvm_value(g, instruction->msg), g->cur_err_ret_trace_val);
gen_panic(g, ir_llvm_value(g, instruction->msg), get_cur_err_ret_trace_val(g, instruction->base.scope));
return nullptr;
@ -4127,6 +4144,7 @@ static LLVMValueRef ir_render_instruction(CodeGen *g, IrExecutable *executable,
case IrInstructionIdSetRuntimeSafety:
case IrInstructionIdSetFloatMode:
case IrInstructionIdArrayType:
case IrInstructionIdPromiseType:
case IrInstructionIdSliceType:
case IrInstructionIdSizeOf:
case IrInstructionIdSwitchTarget:
@ -4167,6 +4185,7 @@ static LLVMValueRef ir_render_instruction(CodeGen *g, IrExecutable *executable,
case IrInstructionIdErrorUnion:
case IrInstructionIdPromiseResultType:
case IrInstructionIdAwaitBookkeeping:
case IrInstructionIdAddImplicitReturnType:
case IrInstructionIdReturn:
@ -4315,6 +4334,8 @@ static LLVMValueRef ir_render_instruction(CodeGen *g, IrExecutable *executable,
return ir_render_coro_alloc_helper(g, executable, (IrInstructionCoroAllocHelper *)instruction);
case IrInstructionIdAtomicRmw:
return ir_render_atomic_rmw(g, executable, (IrInstructionAtomicRmw *)instruction);
case IrInstructionIdSaveErrRetAddr:
return ir_render_save_err_ret_addr(g, executable, (IrInstructionSaveErrRetAddr *)instruction);
@ -5197,9 +5218,17 @@ static void do_code_gen(CodeGen *g) {
uint32_t err_ret_trace_arg_index = get_err_ret_trace_arg_index(g, fn_table_entry);
if (err_ret_trace_arg_index != UINT32_MAX) {
g->cur_err_ret_trace_val = LLVMGetParam(fn, err_ret_trace_arg_index);
} else if (g->have_err_ret_tracing && fn_table_entry->calls_or_awaits_errorable_fn) {
bool have_err_ret_trace_arg = err_ret_trace_arg_index != UINT32_MAX;
if (have_err_ret_trace_arg) {
g->cur_err_ret_trace_val_arg = LLVMGetParam(fn, err_ret_trace_arg_index);
} else {
g->cur_err_ret_trace_val_arg = nullptr;
bool is_async = fn_table_entry->type_entry-> == CallingConventionAsync;
bool have_err_ret_trace_stack = g->have_err_ret_tracing && fn_table_entry->calls_or_awaits_errorable_fn &&
(is_async || !have_err_ret_trace_arg);
if (have_err_ret_trace_stack) {
// TODO call graph analysis to find out what this number needs to be for every function
static const size_t stack_trace_ptr_count = 30;
@ -5207,13 +5236,13 @@ static void do_code_gen(CodeGen *g) {
TypeTableEntry *array_type = get_array_type(g, usize, stack_trace_ptr_count);
LLVMValueRef err_ret_array_val = build_alloca(g, array_type, "error_return_trace_addresses",
get_abi_alignment(g, array_type));
g->cur_err_ret_trace_val = build_alloca(g, g->stack_trace_type, "error_return_trace", get_abi_alignment(g, g->stack_trace_type));
g->cur_err_ret_trace_val_stack = build_alloca(g, g->stack_trace_type, "error_return_trace", get_abi_alignment(g, g->stack_trace_type));
size_t index_field_index = g->stack_trace_type->data.structure.fields[0].gen_index;
LLVMValueRef index_field_ptr = LLVMBuildStructGEP(g->builder, g->cur_err_ret_trace_val, (unsigned)index_field_index, "");
LLVMValueRef index_field_ptr = LLVMBuildStructGEP(g->builder, g->cur_err_ret_trace_val_stack, (unsigned)index_field_index, "");
gen_store_untyped(g, LLVMConstNull(usize->type_ref), index_field_ptr, 0, false);
size_t addresses_field_index = g->stack_trace_type->data.structure.fields[1].gen_index;
LLVMValueRef addresses_field_ptr = LLVMBuildStructGEP(g->builder, g->cur_err_ret_trace_val, (unsigned)addresses_field_index, "");
LLVMValueRef addresses_field_ptr = LLVMBuildStructGEP(g->builder, g->cur_err_ret_trace_val_stack, (unsigned)addresses_field_index, "");
TypeTableEntry *slice_type = g->stack_trace_type->data.structure.fields[1].type_entry;
size_t ptr_field_index = slice_type->data.structure.fields[slice_ptr_index].gen_index;
@ -5229,7 +5258,7 @@ static void do_code_gen(CodeGen *g) {
LLVMValueRef len_field_ptr = LLVMBuildStructGEP(g->builder, addresses_field_ptr, (unsigned)len_field_index, "");
gen_store(g, LLVMConstInt(usize->type_ref, stack_trace_ptr_count, false), len_field_ptr, get_pointer_to_type(g, usize, false));
} else {
g->cur_err_ret_trace_val = nullptr;
g->cur_err_ret_trace_val_stack = nullptr;
// allocate temporary stack data
@ -6172,7 +6201,7 @@ static ImportTableEntry *add_special_code(CodeGen *g, PackageTableEntry *package
zig_panic("unable to open '%s': %s", buf_ptr(&path_to_code_src), err_str(err));
Buf *import_code = buf_alloc();
if ((err = os_fetch_file_path(abs_full_path, import_code))) {
if ((err = os_fetch_file_path(abs_full_path, import_code, false))) {
zig_panic("unable to open '%s': %s", buf_ptr(&path_to_code_src), err_str(err));
@ -6260,7 +6289,7 @@ static void gen_root_source(CodeGen *g) {
Buf *source_code = buf_alloc();
if ((err = os_fetch_file_path(rel_full_path, source_code))) {
if ((err = os_fetch_file_path(rel_full_path, source_code, true))) {
zig_panic("unable to open '%s': %s", buf_ptr(rel_full_path), err_str(err));
@ -6325,7 +6354,7 @@ static void gen_global_asm(CodeGen *g) {
int err;
for (size_t i = 0; i < g->assembly_files.length; i += 1) {
Buf *asm_file = g->;
if ((err = os_fetch_file_path(asm_file, &contents))) {
if ((err = os_fetch_file_path(asm_file, &contents, false))) {
zig_panic("Unable to read %s: %s", buf_ptr(asm_file), err_str(err));
buf_append_buf(&g->global_asm, &contents);
@ -6507,6 +6536,7 @@ static void get_c_type(CodeGen *g, GenH *gen_h, TypeTableEntry *type_entry, Buf
case TypeTableEntryIdStruct:
case TypeTableEntryIdOpaque:
buf_init_from_str(out_buf, "struct ");
buf_append_buf(out_buf, &type_entry->name);
@ -6524,11 +6554,6 @@ static void get_c_type(CodeGen *g, GenH *gen_h, TypeTableEntry *type_entry, Buf
buf_append_buf(out_buf, &type_entry->name);
case TypeTableEntryIdOpaque:
buf_init_from_buf(out_buf, &type_entry->name);
case TypeTableEntryIdArray:
TypeTableEntryArray *array_data = &type_entry->data.array;

View File

@ -13,14 +13,6 @@
#cmakedefine ZIG_EACH_LIB_RPATH
// Only used for running tests before installing.

View File

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ struct IrAnalyze {
size_t old_bb_index;
size_t instruction_index;
TypeTableEntry *explicit_return_type;
ZigList<IrInstruction *> implicit_return_type_list;
ZigList<IrInstruction *> src_implicit_return_type_list;
IrBasicBlock *const_predecessor_bb;
@ -349,6 +349,10 @@ static constexpr IrInstructionId ir_instruction_id(IrInstructionArrayType *) {
return IrInstructionIdArrayType;
static constexpr IrInstructionId ir_instruction_id(IrInstructionPromiseType *) {
return IrInstructionIdPromiseType;
static constexpr IrInstructionId ir_instruction_id(IrInstructionSliceType *) {
return IrInstructionIdSliceType;
@ -713,6 +717,14 @@ static constexpr IrInstructionId ir_instruction_id(IrInstructionAwaitBookkeeping
return IrInstructionIdAwaitBookkeeping;
static constexpr IrInstructionId ir_instruction_id(IrInstructionSaveErrRetAddr *) {
return IrInstructionIdSaveErrRetAddr;
static constexpr IrInstructionId ir_instruction_id(IrInstructionAddImplicitReturnType *) {
return IrInstructionIdAddImplicitReturnType;
template<typename T>
static T *ir_create_instruction(IrBuilder *irb, Scope *scope, AstNode *source_node) {
T *special_instruction = allocate<T>(1);
@ -1461,6 +1473,17 @@ static IrInstruction *ir_build_array_type(IrBuilder *irb, Scope *scope, AstNode
return &instruction->base;
static IrInstruction *ir_build_promise_type(IrBuilder *irb, Scope *scope, AstNode *source_node,
IrInstruction *payload_type)
IrInstructionPromiseType *instruction = ir_build_instruction<IrInstructionPromiseType>(irb, scope, source_node);
instruction->payload_type = payload_type;
if (payload_type != nullptr) ir_ref_instruction(payload_type, irb->current_basic_block);
return &instruction->base;
static IrInstruction *ir_build_slice_type(IrBuilder *irb, Scope *scope, AstNode *source_node,
IrInstruction *child_type, bool is_const, bool is_volatile, IrInstruction *align_value)
@ -2141,12 +2164,14 @@ static IrInstruction *ir_build_unwrap_err_payload_from(IrBuilder *irb, IrInstruc
static IrInstruction *ir_build_fn_proto(IrBuilder *irb, Scope *scope, AstNode *source_node,
IrInstruction **param_types, IrInstruction *align_value, IrInstruction *return_type, bool is_var_args)
IrInstruction **param_types, IrInstruction *align_value, IrInstruction *return_type,
IrInstruction *async_allocator_type_value, bool is_var_args)
IrInstructionFnProto *instruction = ir_build_instruction<IrInstructionFnProto>(irb, scope, source_node);
instruction->param_types = param_types;
instruction->align_value = align_value;
instruction->return_type = return_type;
instruction->async_allocator_type_value = async_allocator_type_value;
instruction->is_var_args = is_var_args;
assert(source_node->type == NodeTypeFnProto);
@ -2156,6 +2181,7 @@ static IrInstruction *ir_build_fn_proto(IrBuilder *irb, Scope *scope, AstNode *s
if (param_types[i] != nullptr) ir_ref_instruction(param_types[i], irb->current_basic_block);
if (align_value != nullptr) ir_ref_instruction(align_value, irb->current_basic_block);
if (async_allocator_type_value != nullptr) ir_ref_instruction(async_allocator_type_value, irb->current_basic_block);
ir_ref_instruction(return_type, irb->current_basic_block);
return &instruction->base;
@ -2675,6 +2701,22 @@ static IrInstruction *ir_build_await_bookkeeping(IrBuilder *irb, Scope *scope, A
return &instruction->base;
static IrInstruction *ir_build_save_err_ret_addr(IrBuilder *irb, Scope *scope, AstNode *source_node) {
IrInstructionSaveErrRetAddr *instruction = ir_build_instruction<IrInstructionSaveErrRetAddr>(irb, scope, source_node);
return &instruction->base;
static IrInstruction *ir_build_add_implicit_return_type(IrBuilder *irb, Scope *scope, AstNode *source_node,
IrInstruction *value)
IrInstructionAddImplicitReturnType *instruction = ir_build_instruction<IrInstructionAddImplicitReturnType>(irb, scope, source_node);
instruction->value = value;
ir_ref_instruction(value, irb->current_basic_block);
return &instruction->base;
static void ir_count_defers(IrBuilder *irb, Scope *inner_scope, Scope *outer_scope, size_t *results) {
results[ReturnKindUnconditional] = 0;
results[ReturnKindError] = 0;
@ -2747,16 +2789,18 @@ static ScopeDeferExpr *get_scope_defer_expr(Scope *scope) {
return nullptr;
static bool exec_is_async(IrExecutable *exec) {
FnTableEntry *fn_entry = exec_fn_entry(exec);
return fn_entry != nullptr && fn_entry->type_entry-> == CallingConventionAsync;
static IrInstruction *ir_gen_async_return(IrBuilder *irb, Scope *scope, AstNode *node, IrInstruction *return_value,
bool is_generated_code)
FnTableEntry *fn_entry = exec_fn_entry(irb->exec);
bool is_async = fn_entry != nullptr && fn_entry->type_entry-> == CallingConventionAsync;
ir_mark_gen(ir_build_add_implicit_return_type(irb, scope, node, return_value));
bool is_async = exec_is_async(irb->exec);
if (!is_async) {
//if (irb->codegen->have_err_ret_tracing) {
// IrInstruction *stack_trace_ptr = ir_build_error_return_trace_nonnull(irb, scope, node);
// ir_build_save_err_ret_addr(irb, scope, node, stack_trace_ptr);
IrInstruction *return_inst = ir_build_return(irb, scope, node, return_value);
return_inst->is_gen = is_generated_code;
return return_inst;
@ -2778,21 +2822,33 @@ static IrInstruction *ir_gen_async_return(IrBuilder *irb, Scope *scope, AstNode
// the above blocks are rendered by ir_gen after the rest of codegen
//static void ir_gen_save_err_ret_addr(IrBuilder *irb, Scope *scope, AstNode *node, bool is_async) {
// if (!irb->codegen->have_err_ret_tracing)
// return;
// if (is_async) {
// IrInstruction *err_ret_addr_ptr = ir_build_load_ptr(irb, scope, node, irb->exec->coro_err_ret_addr_ptr);
// IrInstruction *return_address_ptr = ir_build_return_address(irb, scope, node);
// IrInstruction *return_address_usize = ir_build_ptr_to_int(irb, scope, node, return_address_ptr);
// ir_build_store_ptr(irb, scope, node, err_ret_addr_ptr, return_address_usize);
// return;
// }
// IrInstruction *stack_trace_ptr = ir_build_error_return_trace_nonnull(irb, scope, node);
// ir_build_save_err_ret_addr(irb, scope, node, stack_trace_ptr);
static bool exec_have_err_ret_trace(CodeGen *g, IrExecutable *exec) {
if (!g->have_err_ret_tracing)
return false;
FnTableEntry *fn_entry = exec_fn_entry(exec);
if (fn_entry == nullptr)
return false;
if (exec->is_inline)
return false;
return type_can_fail(fn_entry->type_entry->data.fn.fn_type_id.return_type);
static void ir_gen_save_err_ret_addr(IrBuilder *irb, Scope *scope, AstNode *node) {
if (!exec_have_err_ret_trace(irb->codegen, irb->exec))
bool is_async = exec_is_async(irb->exec);
if (is_async) {
//IrInstruction *err_ret_addr_ptr = ir_build_load_ptr(irb, scope, node, irb->exec->coro_err_ret_addr_ptr);
//IrInstruction *return_address_ptr = ir_build_instr_addr(irb, scope, node);
//IrInstruction *return_address_usize = ir_build_ptr_to_int(irb, scope, node, return_address_ptr);
//ir_build_store_ptr(irb, scope, node, err_ret_addr_ptr, return_address_usize);
ir_build_save_err_ret_addr(irb, scope, node);
static IrInstruction *ir_gen_return(IrBuilder *irb, Scope *scope, AstNode *node, LVal lval) {
assert(node->type == NodeTypeReturnExpr);
@ -2853,7 +2909,7 @@ static IrInstruction *ir_gen_return(IrBuilder *irb, Scope *scope, AstNode *node,
if (have_err_defers) {
ir_gen_defers_for_block(irb, scope, outer_scope, true);
//ir_gen_save_err_ret_addr(irb, scope, node, is_async);
ir_gen_save_err_ret_addr(irb, scope, node);
ir_build_br(irb, scope, node, ret_stmt_block, is_comptime);
ir_set_cursor_at_end_and_append_block(irb, ok_block);
@ -2892,6 +2948,7 @@ static IrInstruction *ir_gen_return(IrBuilder *irb, Scope *scope, AstNode *node,
ir_set_cursor_at_end_and_append_block(irb, return_block);
ir_gen_defers_for_block(irb, scope, outer_scope, true);
IrInstruction *err_val = ir_build_unwrap_err_code(irb, scope, node, err_union_ptr);
ir_gen_save_err_ret_addr(irb, scope, node);
ir_gen_async_return(irb, scope, node, err_val, false);
ir_set_cursor_at_end_and_append_block(irb, continue_block);
@ -5032,6 +5089,22 @@ static IrInstruction *ir_gen_array_type(IrBuilder *irb, Scope *scope, AstNode *n
static IrInstruction *ir_gen_promise_type(IrBuilder *irb, Scope *scope, AstNode *node) {
assert(node->type == NodeTypePromiseType);
AstNode *payload_type_node = node->data.promise_type.payload_type;
IrInstruction *payload_type_value = nullptr;
if (payload_type_node != nullptr) {
payload_type_value = ir_gen_node(irb, payload_type_node, scope);
if (payload_type_value == irb->codegen->invalid_instruction)
return payload_type_value;
return ir_build_promise_type(irb, scope, node, payload_type_value);
static IrInstruction *ir_gen_undefined_literal(IrBuilder *irb, Scope *scope, AstNode *node) {
assert(node->type == NodeTypeUndefinedLiteral);
return ir_build_const_undefined(irb, scope, node);
@ -5989,7 +6062,15 @@ static IrInstruction *ir_gen_fn_proto(IrBuilder *irb, Scope *parent_scope, AstNo
return_type = nullptr;
return ir_build_fn_proto(irb, parent_scope, node, param_types, align_value, return_type, is_var_args);
IrInstruction *async_allocator_type_value = nullptr;
if (node->data.fn_proto.async_allocator_type != nullptr) {
async_allocator_type_value = ir_gen_node(irb, node->data.fn_proto.async_allocator_type, parent_scope);
if (async_allocator_type_value == irb->codegen->invalid_instruction)
return irb->codegen->invalid_instruction;
return ir_build_fn_proto(irb, parent_scope, node, param_types, align_value, return_type,
async_allocator_type_value, is_var_args);
static IrInstruction *ir_gen_cancel(IrBuilder *irb, Scope *parent_scope, AstNode *node) {
@ -6232,6 +6313,8 @@ static IrInstruction *ir_gen_node_raw(IrBuilder *irb, AstNode *node, Scope *scop
return ir_lval_wrap(irb, scope, ir_gen_bool_literal(irb, scope, node), lval);
case NodeTypeArrayType:
return ir_lval_wrap(irb, scope, ir_gen_array_type(irb, scope, node), lval);
case NodeTypePromiseType:
return ir_lval_wrap(irb, scope, ir_gen_promise_type(irb, scope, node), lval);
case NodeTypeStringLiteral:
return ir_lval_wrap(irb, scope, ir_gen_string_literal(irb, scope, node), lval);
case NodeTypeUndefinedLiteral:
@ -6329,58 +6412,61 @@ bool ir_gen(CodeGen *codegen, AstNode *node, Scope *scope, IrExecutable *ir_exec
VariableTableEntry *coro_size_var;
if (is_async) {
// create the coro promise
const_bool_false = ir_build_const_bool(irb, scope, node, false);
VariableTableEntry *promise_var = ir_create_var(irb, node, scope, nullptr, false, false, true, const_bool_false);
Scope *coro_scope = create_coro_prelude_scope(node, scope);
const_bool_false = ir_build_const_bool(irb, coro_scope, node, false);
VariableTableEntry *promise_var = ir_create_var(irb, node, coro_scope, nullptr, false, false, true, const_bool_false);
return_type = fn_entry->type_entry->data.fn.fn_type_id.return_type;
IrInstruction *promise_init = ir_build_const_promise_init(irb, scope, node, return_type);
ir_build_var_decl(irb, scope, node, promise_var, nullptr, nullptr, promise_init);
IrInstruction *coro_promise_ptr = ir_build_var_ptr(irb, scope, node, promise_var, false, false);
IrInstruction *promise_init = ir_build_const_promise_init(irb, coro_scope, node, return_type);
ir_build_var_decl(irb, coro_scope, node, promise_var, nullptr, nullptr, promise_init);
IrInstruction *coro_promise_ptr = ir_build_var_ptr(irb, coro_scope, node, promise_var, false, false);
VariableTableEntry *await_handle_var = ir_create_var(irb, node, scope, nullptr, false, false, true, const_bool_false);
IrInstruction *null_value = ir_build_const_null(irb, scope, node);
IrInstruction *await_handle_type_val = ir_build_const_type(irb, scope, node,
VariableTableEntry *await_handle_var = ir_create_var(irb, node, coro_scope, nullptr, false, false, true, const_bool_false);
IrInstruction *null_value = ir_build_const_null(irb, coro_scope, node);
IrInstruction *await_handle_type_val = ir_build_const_type(irb, coro_scope, node,
get_maybe_type(irb->codegen, irb->codegen->builtin_types.entry_promise));
ir_build_var_decl(irb, scope, node, await_handle_var, await_handle_type_val, nullptr, null_value);
irb->exec->await_handle_var_ptr = ir_build_var_ptr(irb, scope, node,
ir_build_var_decl(irb, coro_scope, node, await_handle_var, await_handle_type_val, nullptr, null_value);
irb->exec->await_handle_var_ptr = ir_build_var_ptr(irb, coro_scope, node,
await_handle_var, false, false);
u8_ptr_type = ir_build_const_type(irb, scope, node,
u8_ptr_type = ir_build_const_type(irb, coro_scope, node,
get_pointer_to_type(irb->codegen, irb->codegen->builtin_types.entry_u8, false));
IrInstruction *promise_as_u8_ptr = ir_build_ptr_cast(irb, scope, node, u8_ptr_type, coro_promise_ptr);
coro_id = ir_build_coro_id(irb, scope, node, promise_as_u8_ptr);
coro_size_var = ir_create_var(irb, node, scope, nullptr, false, false, true, const_bool_false);
IrInstruction *coro_size = ir_build_coro_size(irb, scope, node);
ir_build_var_decl(irb, scope, node, coro_size_var, nullptr, nullptr, coro_size);
IrInstruction *implicit_allocator_ptr = ir_build_get_implicit_allocator(irb, scope, node,
IrInstruction *promise_as_u8_ptr = ir_build_ptr_cast(irb, coro_scope, node, u8_ptr_type, coro_promise_ptr);
coro_id = ir_build_coro_id(irb, coro_scope, node, promise_as_u8_ptr);
coro_size_var = ir_create_var(irb, node, coro_scope, nullptr, false, false, true, const_bool_false);
IrInstruction *coro_size = ir_build_coro_size(irb, coro_scope, node);
ir_build_var_decl(irb, coro_scope, node, coro_size_var, nullptr, nullptr, coro_size);
IrInstruction *implicit_allocator_ptr = ir_build_get_implicit_allocator(irb, coro_scope, node,
irb->exec->coro_allocator_var = ir_create_var(irb, node, scope, nullptr, true, true, true, const_bool_false);
ir_build_var_decl(irb, scope, node, irb->exec->coro_allocator_var, nullptr, nullptr, implicit_allocator_ptr);
irb->exec->coro_allocator_var = ir_create_var(irb, node, coro_scope, nullptr, true, true, true, const_bool_false);
ir_build_var_decl(irb, coro_scope, node, irb->exec->coro_allocator_var, nullptr, nullptr, implicit_allocator_ptr);
Buf *alloc_field_name = buf_create_from_str(ASYNC_ALLOC_FIELD_NAME);
IrInstruction *alloc_fn_ptr = ir_build_field_ptr(irb, scope, node, implicit_allocator_ptr, alloc_field_name);
IrInstruction *alloc_fn = ir_build_load_ptr(irb, scope, node, alloc_fn_ptr);
IrInstruction *maybe_coro_mem_ptr = ir_build_coro_alloc_helper(irb, scope, node, alloc_fn, coro_size);
IrInstruction *alloc_result_is_ok = ir_build_test_nonnull(irb, scope, node, maybe_coro_mem_ptr);
IrBasicBlock *alloc_err_block = ir_create_basic_block(irb, scope, "AllocError");
IrBasicBlock *alloc_ok_block = ir_create_basic_block(irb, scope, "AllocOk");
ir_build_cond_br(irb, scope, node, alloc_result_is_ok, alloc_ok_block, alloc_err_block, const_bool_false);
IrInstruction *alloc_fn_ptr = ir_build_field_ptr(irb, coro_scope, node, implicit_allocator_ptr, alloc_field_name);
IrInstruction *alloc_fn = ir_build_load_ptr(irb, coro_scope, node, alloc_fn_ptr);
IrInstruction *maybe_coro_mem_ptr = ir_build_coro_alloc_helper(irb, coro_scope, node, alloc_fn, coro_size);
IrInstruction *alloc_result_is_ok = ir_build_test_nonnull(irb, coro_scope, node, maybe_coro_mem_ptr);
IrBasicBlock *alloc_err_block = ir_create_basic_block(irb, coro_scope, "AllocError");
IrBasicBlock *alloc_ok_block = ir_create_basic_block(irb, coro_scope, "AllocOk");
ir_build_cond_br(irb, coro_scope, node, alloc_result_is_ok, alloc_ok_block, alloc_err_block, const_bool_false);
ir_set_cursor_at_end_and_append_block(irb, alloc_err_block);
IrInstruction *undef = ir_build_const_undefined(irb, scope, node);
ir_build_return(irb, scope, node, undef);
// we can return undefined here, because the caller passes a pointer to the error struct field
// in the error union result, and we populate it in case of allocation failure.
IrInstruction *undef = ir_build_const_undefined(irb, coro_scope, node);
ir_build_return(irb, coro_scope, node, undef);
ir_set_cursor_at_end_and_append_block(irb, alloc_ok_block);
IrInstruction *coro_mem_ptr = ir_build_ptr_cast(irb, scope, node, u8_ptr_type, maybe_coro_mem_ptr);
irb->exec->coro_handle = ir_build_coro_begin(irb, scope, node, coro_id, coro_mem_ptr);
IrInstruction *coro_mem_ptr = ir_build_ptr_cast(irb, coro_scope, node, u8_ptr_type, maybe_coro_mem_ptr);
irb->exec->coro_handle = ir_build_coro_begin(irb, coro_scope, node, coro_id, coro_mem_ptr);
Buf *awaiter_handle_field_name = buf_create_from_str(AWAITER_HANDLE_FIELD_NAME);
irb->exec->coro_awaiter_field_ptr = ir_build_field_ptr(irb, scope, node, coro_promise_ptr,
irb->exec->coro_awaiter_field_ptr = ir_build_field_ptr(irb, coro_scope, node, coro_promise_ptr,
Buf *result_field_name = buf_create_from_str(RESULT_FIELD_NAME);
irb->exec->coro_result_field_ptr = ir_build_field_ptr(irb, scope, node, coro_promise_ptr, result_field_name);
irb->exec->coro_result_field_ptr = ir_build_field_ptr(irb, coro_scope, node, coro_promise_ptr, result_field_name);
result_ptr_field_name = buf_create_from_str(RESULT_PTR_FIELD_NAME);
irb->exec->coro_result_ptr_field_ptr = ir_build_field_ptr(irb, scope, node, coro_promise_ptr, result_ptr_field_name);
ir_build_store_ptr(irb, scope, node, irb->exec->coro_result_ptr_field_ptr, irb->exec->coro_result_field_ptr);
irb->exec->coro_result_ptr_field_ptr = ir_build_field_ptr(irb, coro_scope, node, coro_promise_ptr, result_ptr_field_name);
ir_build_store_ptr(irb, coro_scope, node, irb->exec->coro_result_ptr_field_ptr, irb->exec->coro_result_field_ptr);
irb->exec->coro_early_final = ir_create_basic_block(irb, scope, "CoroEarlyFinal");
@ -6395,6 +6481,7 @@ bool ir_gen(CodeGen *codegen, AstNode *node, Scope *scope, IrExecutable *ir_exec
return false;
if (!instr_is_unreachable(result)) {
// no need for save_err_ret_addr because this cannot return error
ir_gen_async_return(irb, scope, result->source_node, result, true);
@ -10074,13 +10161,26 @@ static Buf *ir_resolve_str(IrAnalyze *ira, IrInstruction *value) {
return result;
static TypeTableEntry *ir_analyze_instruction_add_implicit_return_type(IrAnalyze *ira,
IrInstructionAddImplicitReturnType *instruction)
IrInstruction *value = instruction->value->other;
if (type_is_invalid(value->value.type))
return ir_unreach_error(ira);
ConstExprValue *out_val = ir_build_const_from(ira, &instruction->base);
out_val->type = ira->codegen->builtin_types.entry_void;
return out_val->type;
static TypeTableEntry *ir_analyze_instruction_return(IrAnalyze *ira,
IrInstructionReturn *return_instruction)
IrInstruction *value = return_instruction->value->other;
if (type_is_invalid(value->value.type))
return ir_unreach_error(ira);
IrInstruction *casted_value = ir_implicit_cast(ira, value, ira->explicit_return_type);
if (casted_value == ira->codegen->invalid_instruction)
@ -10958,6 +11058,24 @@ static TypeTableEntry *ir_analyze_array_cat(IrAnalyze *ira, IrInstructionBinOp *
result_type = get_array_type(ira->codegen, child_type, new_len);
out_array_val = out_val;
} else if (is_slice(op1_type) || is_slice(op2_type)) {
TypeTableEntry *ptr_type = get_pointer_to_type(ira->codegen, child_type, true);
result_type = get_slice_type(ira->codegen, ptr_type);
out_array_val = create_const_vals(1);
out_array_val->special = ConstValSpecialStatic;
out_array_val->type = get_array_type(ira->codegen, child_type, new_len);
out_val->data.x_struct.fields = create_const_vals(2);
out_val->data.x_struct.fields[slice_ptr_index].type = ptr_type;
out_val->data.x_struct.fields[slice_ptr_index].special = ConstValSpecialStatic;
out_val->data.x_struct.fields[slice_ptr_index].data.x_ptr.special = ConstPtrSpecialBaseArray;
out_val->data.x_struct.fields[slice_ptr_index] = out_array_val;
out_val->data.x_struct.fields[slice_ptr_index] = 0;
out_val->data.x_struct.fields[slice_len_index].type = ira->codegen->builtin_types.entry_usize;
out_val->data.x_struct.fields[slice_len_index].special = ConstValSpecialStatic;
bigint_init_unsigned(&out_val->data.x_struct.fields[slice_len_index].data.x_bigint, new_len);
} else {
new_len += 1; // null byte
@ -11453,13 +11571,17 @@ static TypeTableEntry *ir_analyze_instruction_export(IrAnalyze *ira, IrInstructi
return ira->codegen->builtin_types.entry_void;
static bool exec_has_err_ret_trace(CodeGen *g, IrExecutable *exec) {
FnTableEntry *fn_entry = exec_fn_entry(exec);
return fn_entry != nullptr && fn_entry->calls_or_awaits_errorable_fn && g->have_err_ret_tracing;
static TypeTableEntry *ir_analyze_instruction_error_return_trace(IrAnalyze *ira,
IrInstructionErrorReturnTrace *instruction)
FnTableEntry *fn_entry = exec_fn_entry(ira->new_irb.exec);
TypeTableEntry *ptr_to_stack_trace_type = get_ptr_to_stack_trace_type(ira->codegen);
TypeTableEntry *nullable_type = get_maybe_type(ira->codegen, ptr_to_stack_trace_type);
if (fn_entry == nullptr || !fn_entry->calls_or_awaits_errorable_fn || !ira->codegen->have_err_ret_tracing) {
if (!exec_has_err_ret_trace(ira->codegen, ira->new_irb.exec)) {
ConstExprValue *out_val = ir_build_const_from(ira, &instruction->base);
out_val->data.x_maybe = nullptr;
return nullable_type;
@ -13999,6 +14121,24 @@ static TypeTableEntry *ir_analyze_instruction_array_type(IrAnalyze *ira,
static TypeTableEntry *ir_analyze_instruction_promise_type(IrAnalyze *ira, IrInstructionPromiseType *instruction) {
TypeTableEntry *promise_type;
if (instruction->payload_type == nullptr) {
promise_type = ira->codegen->builtin_types.entry_promise;
} else {
TypeTableEntry *payload_type = ir_resolve_type(ira, instruction->payload_type->other);
if (type_is_invalid(payload_type))
return ira->codegen->builtin_types.entry_invalid;
promise_type = get_promise_type(ira->codegen, payload_type);
ConstExprValue *out_val = ir_build_const_from(ira, &instruction->base);
out_val->data.x_type = promise_type;
return ira->codegen->builtin_types.entry_type;
static TypeTableEntry *ir_analyze_instruction_size_of(IrAnalyze *ira,
IrInstructionSizeOf *size_of_instruction)
@ -14569,7 +14709,7 @@ static TypeTableEntry *ir_analyze_instruction_import(IrAnalyze *ira, IrInstructi
return ira->codegen->builtin_types.entry_namespace;
if ((err = os_fetch_file_path(abs_full_path, import_code))) {
if ((err = os_fetch_file_path(abs_full_path, import_code, true))) {
if (err == ErrorFileNotFound) {
ir_add_error_node(ira, source_node,
buf_sprintf("unable to find '%s'", buf_ptr(import_target_path)));
@ -15430,7 +15570,7 @@ static TypeTableEntry *ir_analyze_instruction_embed_file(IrAnalyze *ira, IrInstr
// load from file system into const expr
Buf *file_contents = buf_alloc();
int err;
if ((err = os_fetch_file_path(&file_path, file_contents))) {
if ((err = os_fetch_file_path(&file_path, file_contents, false))) {
if (err == ErrorFileNotFound) {
ir_add_error(ira, instruction->name, buf_sprintf("unable to find '%s'", buf_ptr(&file_path)));
return ira->codegen->builtin_types.entry_invalid;
@ -16561,6 +16701,13 @@ static TypeTableEntry *ir_analyze_instruction_fn_proto(IrAnalyze *ira, IrInstruc
if (type_is_invalid(fn_type_id.return_type))
return ira->codegen->builtin_types.entry_invalid;
if ( == CallingConventionAsync) {
IrInstruction *async_allocator_type_value = instruction->async_allocator_type_value->other;
fn_type_id.async_allocator_type = ir_resolve_type(ira, async_allocator_type_value);
if (type_is_invalid(fn_type_id.async_allocator_type))
return ira->codegen->builtin_types.entry_invalid;
ConstExprValue *out_val = ir_build_const_from(ira, &instruction->base);
out_val->data.x_type = get_fn_type(ira->codegen, &fn_type_id);
return ira->codegen->builtin_types.entry_type;
@ -16789,18 +16936,18 @@ static TypeTableEntry *ir_analyze_instruction_can_implicit_cast(IrAnalyze *ira,
static TypeTableEntry *ir_analyze_instruction_panic(IrAnalyze *ira, IrInstructionPanic *instruction) {
IrInstruction *msg = instruction->msg->other;
if (type_is_invalid(msg->value.type))
return ira->codegen->builtin_types.entry_invalid;
return ir_unreach_error(ira);
if (ir_should_inline(ira->new_irb.exec, instruction->base.scope)) {
ir_add_error(ira, &instruction->base, buf_sprintf("encountered @panic at compile-time"));
return ira->codegen->builtin_types.entry_invalid;
return ir_unreach_error(ira);
TypeTableEntry *u8_ptr_type = get_pointer_to_type(ira->codegen, ira->codegen->builtin_types.entry_u8, true);
TypeTableEntry *str_type = get_slice_type(ira->codegen, u8_ptr_type);
IrInstruction *casted_msg = ir_implicit_cast(ira, msg, str_type);
if (type_is_invalid(casted_msg->value.type))
return ira->codegen->builtin_types.entry_invalid;
return ir_unreach_error(ira);
IrInstruction *new_instruction = ir_build_panic(&ira->new_irb, instruction->base.scope,
instruction->base.source_node, casted_msg);
@ -17757,6 +17904,14 @@ static TypeTableEntry *ir_analyze_instruction_await_bookkeeping(IrAnalyze *ira,
return out_val->type;
static TypeTableEntry *ir_analyze_instruction_save_err_ret_addr(IrAnalyze *ira, IrInstructionSaveErrRetAddr *instruction) {
IrInstruction *result = ir_build_save_err_ret_addr(&ira->new_irb, instruction->base.scope,
ir_link_new_instruction(result, &instruction->base);
result->value.type = ira->codegen->builtin_types.entry_void;
return result->value.type;
static TypeTableEntry *ir_analyze_instruction_nocast(IrAnalyze *ira, IrInstruction *instruction) {
switch (instruction->id) {
case IrInstructionIdInvalid:
@ -17822,6 +17977,8 @@ static TypeTableEntry *ir_analyze_instruction_nocast(IrAnalyze *ira, IrInstructi
return ir_analyze_instruction_asm(ira, (IrInstructionAsm *)instruction);
case IrInstructionIdArrayType:
return ir_analyze_instruction_array_type(ira, (IrInstructionArrayType *)instruction);
case IrInstructionIdPromiseType:
return ir_analyze_instruction_promise_type(ira, (IrInstructionPromiseType *)instruction);
case IrInstructionIdSizeOf:
return ir_analyze_instruction_size_of(ira, (IrInstructionSizeOf *)instruction);
case IrInstructionIdTestNonNull:
@ -17994,6 +18151,10 @@ static TypeTableEntry *ir_analyze_instruction_nocast(IrAnalyze *ira, IrInstructi
return ir_analyze_instruction_promise_result_type(ira, (IrInstructionPromiseResultType *)instruction);
case IrInstructionIdAwaitBookkeeping:
return ir_analyze_instruction_await_bookkeeping(ira, (IrInstructionAwaitBookkeeping *)instruction);
case IrInstructionIdSaveErrRetAddr:
return ir_analyze_instruction_save_err_ret_addr(ira, (IrInstructionSaveErrRetAddr *)instruction);
case IrInstructionIdAddImplicitReturnType:
return ir_analyze_instruction_add_implicit_return_type(ira, (IrInstructionAddImplicitReturnType *)instruction);
@ -18067,11 +18228,11 @@ TypeTableEntry *ir_analyze(CodeGen *codegen, IrExecutable *old_exec, IrExecutabl
if (new_exec->invalid) {
return ira->codegen->builtin_types.entry_invalid;
} else if (ira->implicit_return_type_list.length == 0) {
} else if (ira->src_implicit_return_type_list.length == 0) {
return codegen->builtin_types.entry_unreachable;
} else {
return ir_resolve_peer_types(ira, expected_type_source_node, ira->implicit_return_type_list.items,
return ir_resolve_peer_types(ira, expected_type_source_node, ira->src_implicit_return_type_list.items,
@ -18119,6 +18280,8 @@ bool ir_has_side_effects(IrInstruction *instruction) {
case IrInstructionIdCoroSave:
case IrInstructionIdCoroAllocHelper:
case IrInstructionIdAwaitBookkeeping:
case IrInstructionIdSaveErrRetAddr:
case IrInstructionIdAddImplicitReturnType:
return true;
case IrInstructionIdPhi:
@ -18141,6 +18304,7 @@ bool ir_has_side_effects(IrInstruction *instruction) {
case IrInstructionIdStructFieldPtr:
case IrInstructionIdUnionFieldPtr:
case IrInstructionIdArrayType:
case IrInstructionIdPromiseType:
case IrInstructionIdSliceType:
case IrInstructionIdSizeOf:
case IrInstructionIdTestNonNull:

View File

@ -201,9 +201,9 @@ static void ir_print_call(IrPrint *irp, IrInstructionCall *call_instruction) {
if (call_instruction->is_async) {
fprintf(irp->f, "async");
if (call_instruction->async_allocator != nullptr) {
fprintf(irp->f, "(");
fprintf(irp->f, "<");
ir_print_other_instruction(irp, call_instruction->async_allocator);
fprintf(irp->f, ")");
fprintf(irp->f, ">");
fprintf(irp->f, " ");
@ -404,6 +404,14 @@ static void ir_print_array_type(IrPrint *irp, IrInstructionArrayType *instructio
ir_print_other_instruction(irp, instruction->child_type);
static void ir_print_promise_type(IrPrint *irp, IrInstructionPromiseType *instruction) {
fprintf(irp->f, "promise");
if (instruction->payload_type != nullptr) {
fprintf(irp->f, "->");
ir_print_other_instruction(irp, instruction->payload_type);
static void ir_print_slice_type(IrPrint *irp, IrInstructionSliceType *instruction) {
const char *const_kw = instruction->is_const ? "const " : "";
fprintf(irp->f, "[]%s", const_kw);
@ -1161,6 +1169,16 @@ static void ir_print_await_bookkeeping(IrPrint *irp, IrInstructionAwaitBookkeepi
fprintf(irp->f, ")");
static void ir_print_save_err_ret_addr(IrPrint *irp, IrInstructionSaveErrRetAddr *instruction) {
fprintf(irp->f, "@saveErrRetAddr()");
static void ir_print_add_implicit_return_type(IrPrint *irp, IrInstructionAddImplicitReturnType *instruction) {
fprintf(irp->f, "@addImplicitReturnType(");
ir_print_other_instruction(irp, instruction->value);
fprintf(irp->f, ")");
static void ir_print_instruction(IrPrint *irp, IrInstruction *instruction) {
ir_print_prefix(irp, instruction);
switch (instruction->id) {
@ -1253,6 +1271,9 @@ static void ir_print_instruction(IrPrint *irp, IrInstruction *instruction) {
case IrInstructionIdArrayType:
ir_print_array_type(irp, (IrInstructionArrayType *)instruction);
case IrInstructionIdPromiseType:
ir_print_promise_type(irp, (IrInstructionPromiseType *)instruction);
case IrInstructionIdSliceType:
ir_print_slice_type(irp, (IrInstructionSliceType *)instruction);
@ -1532,6 +1553,12 @@ static void ir_print_instruction(IrPrint *irp, IrInstruction *instruction) {
case IrInstructionIdAwaitBookkeeping:
ir_print_await_bookkeeping(irp, (IrInstructionAwaitBookkeeping *)instruction);
case IrInstructionIdSaveErrRetAddr:
ir_print_save_err_ret_addr(irp, (IrInstructionSaveErrRetAddr *)instruction);
case IrInstructionIdAddImplicitReturnType:
ir_print_add_implicit_return_type(irp, (IrInstructionAddImplicitReturnType *)instruction);
fprintf(irp->f, "\n");

View File

@ -164,6 +164,47 @@ static void add_rpath(LinkJob *lj, Buf *rpath) {
lj->rpath_table.put(rpath, true);
static Buf *try_dynamic_linker_path(const char *ld_name) {
const char *cc_exe = getenv("CC");
cc_exe = (cc_exe == nullptr) ? "cc" : cc_exe;
ZigList<const char *> args = {};
args.append(buf_ptr(buf_sprintf("-print-file-name=%s", ld_name)));
Termination term;
Buf *out_stderr = buf_alloc();
Buf *out_stdout = buf_alloc();
int err;
if ((err = os_exec_process(cc_exe, args, &term, out_stderr, out_stdout))) {
return nullptr;
if ( != TerminationIdClean || term.code != 0) {
return nullptr;
if (buf_ends_with_str(out_stdout, "\n")) {
buf_resize(out_stdout, buf_len(out_stdout) - 1);
if (buf_len(out_stdout) == 0 || buf_eql_str(out_stdout, ld_name)) {
return nullptr;
return out_stdout;
static Buf *get_dynamic_linker_path(CodeGen *g) {
if (g->is_native_target && g->zig_target.arch.arch == ZigLLVM_x86_64) {
static const char *ld_names[] = {
for (size_t i = 0; i < array_length(ld_names); i += 1) {
const char *ld_name = ld_names[i];
Buf *result = try_dynamic_linker_path(ld_name);
if (result != nullptr) {
return result;
return target_dynamic_linker(&g->zig_target);
static void construct_linker_job_elf(LinkJob *lj) {
CodeGen *g = lj->codegen;
@ -259,12 +300,16 @@ static void construct_linker_job_elf(LinkJob *lj) {
if (g->dynamic_linker && buf_len(g->dynamic_linker) > 0) {
} else {
if (!g->is_static) {
if (g->dynamic_linker != nullptr) {
assert(buf_len(g->dynamic_linker) != 0);
} else {
Buf *resolved_dynamic_linker = get_dynamic_linker_path(g);
if (shared) {
@ -423,7 +468,9 @@ static void construct_linker_job_coff(LinkJob *lj) {
lj->args.append(buf_ptr(buf_sprintf("-LIBPATH:%s", buf_ptr(g->kernel32_lib_dir))));
lj->args.append(buf_ptr(buf_sprintf("-LIBPATH:%s", buf_ptr(g->libc_lib_dir))));
lj->args.append(buf_ptr(buf_sprintf("-LIBPATH:%s", buf_ptr(g->libc_static_lib_dir))));
if (g->libc_static_lib_dir != nullptr) {
lj->args.append(buf_ptr(buf_sprintf("-LIBPATH:%s", buf_ptr(g->libc_static_lib_dir))));
if (lj->link_in_crt) {

View File

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ static int usage(const char *arg0) {
" build-exe [source] create executable from source or object files\n"
" build-lib [source] create library from source or object files\n"
" build-obj [source] create object from source or assembly\n"
" run [source] create executable and run immediately\n"
" translate-c [source] convert c code to zig code\n"
" targets list available compilation targets\n"
" test [source] create and run a test build\n"
@ -195,13 +196,6 @@ static int find_zig_lib_dir(Buf *out_path) {
if (ZIG_INSTALL_PREFIX != nullptr) {
if (test_zig_install_prefix(buf_create_from_str(ZIG_INSTALL_PREFIX), out_path)) {
return 0;
return ErrorFileNotFound;
@ -227,6 +221,7 @@ static Buf *resolve_zig_lib_dir(const char *zig_install_prefix_arg) {
enum Cmd {
@ -336,6 +331,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
CliPkg *cur_pkg = allocate<CliPkg>(1);
BuildMode build_mode = BuildModeDebug;
ZigList<const char *> test_exec_args = {0};
int comptime_args_end = 0;
int runtime_args_start = argc;
if (argc >= 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "build") == 0) {
const char *zig_exe_path = arg0;
@ -452,10 +449,11 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if ((err = os_copy_file(build_template_path, &build_file_abs))) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to write build.zig template: %s\n", err_str(err));
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Wrote build.zig template\n");
@ -487,11 +485,15 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
return ( == TerminationIdClean) ? term.code : -1;
for (int i = 1; i < argc; i += 1) {
for (int i = 1; i < argc; i += 1, comptime_args_end += 1) {
char *arg = argv[i];
if (arg[0] == '-') {
if (strcmp(arg, "--release-fast") == 0) {
if (strcmp(arg, "--") == 0) {
// ignore -- from both compile and runtime arg sets
runtime_args_start = i + 1;
} else if (strcmp(arg, "--release-fast") == 0) {
build_mode = BuildModeFastRelease;
} else if (strcmp(arg, "--release-safe") == 0) {
build_mode = BuildModeSafeRelease;
@ -658,6 +660,9 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
} else if (strcmp(arg, "build-lib") == 0) {
cmd = CmdBuild;
out_type = OutTypeLib;
} else if (strcmp(arg, "run") == 0) {
cmd = CmdRun;
out_type = OutTypeExe;
} else if (strcmp(arg, "version") == 0) {
cmd = CmdVersion;
} else if (strcmp(arg, "zen") == 0) {
@ -676,6 +681,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
} else {
switch (cmd) {
case CmdBuild:
case CmdRun:
case CmdTranslateC:
case CmdTest:
if (!in_file) {
@ -730,8 +736,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
switch (cmd) {
case CmdRun:
case CmdBuild:
case CmdTranslateC:
case CmdTest:
@ -739,7 +745,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (cmd == CmdBuild && !in_file && objects.length == 0 && asm_files.length == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Expected source file argument or at least one --object or --assembly argument.\n");
return usage(arg0);
} else if ((cmd == CmdTranslateC || cmd == CmdTest) && !in_file) {
} else if ((cmd == CmdTranslateC || cmd == CmdTest || cmd == CmdRun) && !in_file) {
fprintf(stderr, "Expected source file argument.\n");
return usage(arg0);
} else if (cmd == CmdBuild && out_type == OutTypeObj && objects.length != 0) {
@ -751,6 +757,10 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
bool need_name = (cmd == CmdBuild || cmd == CmdTranslateC);
if (cmd == CmdRun) {
out_name = "run";
Buf *in_file_buf = nullptr;
Buf *buf_out_name = (cmd == CmdTest) ? buf_create_from_str("test") :
@ -775,9 +785,23 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
Buf *zig_root_source_file = (cmd == CmdTranslateC) ? nullptr : in_file_buf;
Buf *full_cache_dir = buf_alloc();
buf_create_from_str((cache_dir == nullptr) ? default_zig_cache_name : cache_dir),
Buf *run_exec_path = buf_alloc();
if (cmd == CmdRun) {
if (buf_out_name == nullptr) {
buf_out_name = buf_create_from_str("run");
Buf *global_cache_dir = buf_alloc();
os_path_join(global_cache_dir, buf_out_name, run_exec_path);
os_path_resolve(buf_create_from_str("."), global_cache_dir, full_cache_dir);
out_file = buf_ptr(run_exec_path);
} else {
buf_create_from_str((cache_dir == nullptr) ? default_zig_cache_name : cache_dir),
Buf *zig_lib_dir_buf = resolve_zig_lib_dir(zig_install_prefix);
@ -861,7 +885,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
add_package(g, cur_pkg, g->root_package);
if (cmd == CmdBuild) {
if (cmd == CmdBuild || cmd == CmdRun) {
codegen_set_emit_file_type(g, emit_file_type);
for (size_t i = 0; i < objects.length; i += 1) {
@ -874,6 +898,18 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
codegen_link(g, out_file);
if (timing_info)
codegen_print_timing_report(g, stdout);
if (cmd == CmdRun) {
ZigList<const char*> args = {0};
for (int i = runtime_args_start; i < argc; ++i) {
Termination term;
os_spawn_process(buf_ptr(run_exec_path), args, &term);
return term.code;
} else if (cmd == CmdTranslateC) {
codegen_translate_c(g, in_file_buf);

View File

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ typedef SSIZE_T ssize_t;
#if defined(__MACH__)
#include <mach/clock.h>
#include <mach/mach.h>
#include <mach-o/dyld.h>
#if defined(ZIG_OS_WINDOWS)
@ -57,10 +58,6 @@ static clock_serv_t cclock;
#include <errno.h>
#include <time.h>
// these implementations are lazy. But who cares, we'll make a robust
// implementation in the zig standard library and then this code all gets
// deleted when we self-host. it works for now.
#if defined(ZIG_OS_POSIX)
static void populate_termination(Termination *term, int status) {
if (WIFEXITED(status)) {
@ -291,13 +288,39 @@ void os_path_resolve(Buf *ref_path, Buf *target_path, Buf *out_abs_path) {
int os_fetch_file(FILE *f, Buf *out_buf) {
int os_fetch_file(FILE *f, Buf *out_buf, bool skip_shebang) {
static const ssize_t buf_size = 0x2000;
buf_resize(out_buf, buf_size);
ssize_t actual_buf_len = 0;
bool first_read = true;
for (;;) {
size_t amt_read = fread(buf_ptr(out_buf) + actual_buf_len, 1, buf_size, f);
actual_buf_len += amt_read;
if (skip_shebang && first_read && buf_starts_with_str(out_buf, "#!")) {
size_t i = 0;
while (true) {
if (i > buf_len(out_buf)) {
zig_panic("shebang line exceeded %zd characters", buf_size);
size_t current_pos = i;
i += 1;
if (out_buf-> == '\n') {
ZigList<char> *list = &out_buf->list;
memmove(list->items, list->items + i, list->length - i);
list->length -= i;
actual_buf_len -= i;
if (amt_read != buf_size) {
if (feof(f)) {
buf_resize(out_buf, actual_buf_len);
@ -308,6 +331,7 @@ int os_fetch_file(FILE *f, Buf *out_buf) {
buf_resize(out_buf, actual_buf_len + buf_size);
first_read = false;
@ -377,8 +401,8 @@ static int os_exec_process_posix(const char *exe, ZigList<const char *> &args,
FILE *stdout_f = fdopen(stdout_pipe[0], "rb");
FILE *stderr_f = fdopen(stderr_pipe[0], "rb");
os_fetch_file(stdout_f, out_stdout);
os_fetch_file(stderr_f, out_stderr);
os_fetch_file(stdout_f, out_stdout, false);
os_fetch_file(stderr_f, out_stderr, false);
@ -591,7 +615,7 @@ int os_copy_file(Buf *src_path, Buf *dest_path) {
int os_fetch_file_path(Buf *full_path, Buf *out_contents) {
int os_fetch_file_path(Buf *full_path, Buf *out_contents, bool skip_shebang) {
FILE *f = fopen(buf_ptr(full_path), "rb");
if (!f) {
switch (errno) {
@ -610,7 +634,7 @@ int os_fetch_file_path(Buf *full_path, Buf *out_contents) {
return ErrorFileSystem;
int result = os_fetch_file(f, out_contents);
int result = os_fetch_file(f, out_contents, skip_shebang);
return result;
@ -783,6 +807,44 @@ int os_buf_to_tmp_file(Buf *contents, Buf *suffix, Buf *out_tmp_path) {
#if defined(ZIG_OS_POSIX)
int os_get_global_cache_directory(Buf *out_tmp_path) {
const char *tmp_dir = getenv("TMPDIR");
if (!tmp_dir) {
tmp_dir = P_tmpdir;
Buf *tmp_dir_buf = buf_create_from_str(tmp_dir);
Buf *cache_dirname_buf = buf_create_from_str("zig-cache");
buf_resize(out_tmp_path, 0);
os_path_join(tmp_dir_buf, cache_dirname_buf, out_tmp_path);
return 0;
#if defined(ZIG_OS_WINDOWS)
int os_get_global_cache_directory(Buf *out_tmp_path) {
char tmp_dir[MAX_PATH + 1];
if (GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, tmp_dir) == 0) {
zig_panic("GetTempPath failed");
Buf *tmp_dir_buf = buf_create_from_str(tmp_dir);
Buf *cache_dirname_buf = buf_create_from_str("zig-cache");
buf_resize(out_tmp_path, 0);
os_path_join(tmp_dir_buf, cache_dirname_buf, out_tmp_path);
return 0;
int os_delete_file(Buf *path) {
if (remove(buf_ptr(path))) {
return ErrorFileSystem;
@ -927,9 +989,26 @@ int os_self_exe_path(Buf *out_path) {
#elif defined(ZIG_OS_DARWIN)
return ErrorFileNotFound;
uint32_t u32_len = 0;
int ret1 = _NSGetExecutablePath(nullptr, &u32_len);
assert(ret1 != 0);
buf_resize(out_path, u32_len);
int ret2 = _NSGetExecutablePath(buf_ptr(out_path), &u32_len);
assert(ret2 == 0);
return 0;
#elif defined(ZIG_OS_LINUX)
return ErrorFileNotFound;
buf_resize(out_path, 256);
for (;;) {
ssize_t amt = readlink("/proc/self/exe", buf_ptr(out_path), buf_len(out_path));
if (amt == -1) {
return ErrorUnexpected;
if (amt == (ssize_t)buf_len(out_path)) {
buf_resize(out_path, buf_len(out_path) * 2);
return 0;
return ErrorFileNotFound;

View File

@ -51,14 +51,16 @@ int os_path_real(Buf *rel_path, Buf *out_abs_path);
void os_path_resolve(Buf *ref_path, Buf *target_path, Buf *out_abs_path);
bool os_path_is_absolute(Buf *path);
int os_get_global_cache_directory(Buf *out_tmp_path);
int os_make_path(Buf *path);
int os_make_dir(Buf *path);
void os_write_file(Buf *full_path, Buf *contents);
int os_copy_file(Buf *src_path, Buf *dest_path);
int os_fetch_file(FILE *file, Buf *out_contents);
int os_fetch_file_path(Buf *full_path, Buf *out_contents);
int os_fetch_file(FILE *file, Buf *out_contents, bool skip_shebang);
int os_fetch_file_path(Buf *full_path, Buf *out_contents, bool skip_shebang);
int os_get_cwd(Buf *out_cwd);

View File

@ -705,7 +705,7 @@ static AstNode *ast_parse_comptime_expr(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, b
PrimaryExpression = Integer | Float | String | CharLiteral | KeywordLiteral | GroupedExpression | BlockExpression(BlockOrExpression) | Symbol | ("@" Symbol FnCallExpression) | ArrayType | FnProto | AsmExpression | ContainerDecl | ("continue" option(":" Symbol)) | ErrorSetDecl
PrimaryExpression = Integer | Float | String | CharLiteral | KeywordLiteral | GroupedExpression | BlockExpression(BlockOrExpression) | Symbol | ("@" Symbol FnCallExpression) | ArrayType | FnProto | AsmExpression | ContainerDecl | ("continue" option(":" Symbol)) | ErrorSetDecl | PromiseType
KeywordLiteral = "true" | "false" | "null" | "undefined" | "error" | "this" | "unreachable" | "suspend"
ErrorSetDecl = "error" "{" list(Symbol, ",") "}"
@ -774,6 +774,15 @@ static AstNode *ast_parse_primary_expr(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bo
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeSuspend, token);
*token_index += 1;
return node;
} else if (token->id == TokenIdKeywordPromise) {
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypePromiseType, token);
*token_index += 1;
Token *arrow_tok = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (arrow_tok->id == TokenIdArrow) {
*token_index += 1;
node->data.promise_type.payload_type = ast_parse_type_expr(pc, token_index, true);
return node;
} else if (token->id == TokenIdKeywordError) {
Token *next_token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index + 1);
if (next_token->id == TokenIdLBrace) {
@ -955,6 +964,66 @@ static AstNode *ast_parse_curly_suffix_expr(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_inde
static AstNode *ast_parse_fn_proto_partial(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, Token *fn_token,
AstNode *async_allocator_type_node, CallingConvention cc, bool is_extern, VisibMod visib_mod)
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeFnProto, fn_token);
node->data.fn_proto.visib_mod = visib_mod;
node-> = cc;
node->data.fn_proto.is_extern = is_extern;
node->data.fn_proto.async_allocator_type = async_allocator_type_node;
Token *fn_name = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (fn_name->id == TokenIdSymbol) {
*token_index += 1;
node-> = token_buf(fn_name);
} else {
node-> = nullptr;
ast_parse_param_decl_list(pc, token_index, &node->data.fn_proto.params, &node->data.fn_proto.is_var_args);
Token *next_token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (next_token->id == TokenIdKeywordAlign) {
*token_index += 1;
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdLParen);
node->data.fn_proto.align_expr = ast_parse_expression(pc, token_index, true);
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdRParen);
next_token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (next_token->id == TokenIdKeywordSection) {
*token_index += 1;
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdLParen);
node->data.fn_proto.section_expr = ast_parse_expression(pc, token_index, true);
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdRParen);
next_token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (next_token->id == TokenIdKeywordVar) {
node->data.fn_proto.return_var_token = next_token;
*token_index += 1;
next_token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
} else {
if (next_token->id == TokenIdKeywordError) {
Token *maybe_lbrace_tok = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index + 1);
if (maybe_lbrace_tok->id == TokenIdLBrace) {
*token_index += 1;
node->data.fn_proto.return_type = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeErrorType, next_token);
return node;
} else if (next_token->id == TokenIdBang) {
*token_index += 1;
node->data.fn_proto.auto_err_set = true;
next_token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
node->data.fn_proto.return_type = ast_parse_type_expr(pc, token_index, true);
return node;
SuffixOpExpression = ("async" option("<" SuffixOpExpression ">") SuffixOpExpression FnCallExpression) | PrimaryExpression option(FnCallExpression | ArrayAccessExpression | FieldAccessExpression | SliceExpression)
FnCallExpression : token(LParen) list(Expression, token(Comma)) token(RParen)
@ -979,6 +1048,11 @@ static AstNode *ast_parse_suffix_op_expr(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index,
Token *fncall_token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (fncall_token->id == TokenIdKeywordFn) {
*token_index += 1;
return ast_parse_fn_proto_partial(pc, token_index, fncall_token, allocator_expr_node, CallingConventionAsync,
false, VisibModPrivate);
AstNode *node = ast_parse_suffix_op_expr(pc, token_index, true);
if (node->type != NodeTypeFnCallExpr) {
ast_error(pc, fncall_token, "expected function call, found '%s'", token_name(fncall_token->id));
@ -2434,9 +2508,10 @@ static AstNode *ast_parse_fn_proto(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool m
} else if (first_token->id == TokenIdKeywordAsync) {
*token_index += 1;
Token *next_token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (next_token->id == TokenIdLParen) {
if (next_token->id == TokenIdCmpLessThan) {
*token_index += 1;
async_allocator_type_node = ast_parse_type_expr(pc, token_index, true);
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdRParen);
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdCmpGreaterThan);
fn_token = ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdKeywordFn);
cc = CallingConventionAsync;
@ -2470,61 +2545,7 @@ static AstNode *ast_parse_fn_proto(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool m
return nullptr;
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeFnProto, fn_token);
node->data.fn_proto.visib_mod = visib_mod;
node-> = cc;
node->data.fn_proto.is_extern = is_extern;
node->data.fn_proto.async_allocator_type = async_allocator_type_node;
Token *fn_name = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (fn_name->id == TokenIdSymbol) {
*token_index += 1;
node-> = token_buf(fn_name);
} else {
node-> = nullptr;
ast_parse_param_decl_list(pc, token_index, &node->data.fn_proto.params, &node->data.fn_proto.is_var_args);
Token *next_token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (next_token->id == TokenIdKeywordAlign) {
*token_index += 1;
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdLParen);
node->data.fn_proto.align_expr = ast_parse_expression(pc, token_index, true);
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdRParen);
next_token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (next_token->id == TokenIdKeywordSection) {
*token_index += 1;
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdLParen);
node->data.fn_proto.section_expr = ast_parse_expression(pc, token_index, true);
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdRParen);
next_token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (next_token->id == TokenIdKeywordVar) {
node->data.fn_proto.return_var_token = next_token;
*token_index += 1;
next_token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
} else {
if (next_token->id == TokenIdKeywordError) {
Token *maybe_lbrace_tok = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index + 1);
if (maybe_lbrace_tok->id == TokenIdLBrace) {
*token_index += 1;
node->data.fn_proto.return_type = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeErrorType, next_token);
return node;
} else if (next_token->id == TokenIdBang) {
*token_index += 1;
node->data.fn_proto.auto_err_set = true;
next_token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
node->data.fn_proto.return_type = ast_parse_type_expr(pc, token_index, true);
return node;
return ast_parse_fn_proto_partial(pc, token_index, fn_token, async_allocator_type_node, cc, is_extern, visib_mod);
@ -3069,6 +3090,9 @@ void ast_visit_node_children(AstNode *node, void (*visit)(AstNode **, void *cont
visit_field(&node->data.array_type.child_type, visit, context);
visit_field(&node->data.array_type.align_expr, visit, context);
case NodeTypePromiseType:
visit_field(&node->data.promise_type.payload_type, visit, context);
case NodeTypeErrorType:
// none

View File

@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF(2, 3)
void ast_token_error(Token *token, const char *format, ...);
// This function is provided by generated code, generated by parsergen.cpp
AstNode * ast_parse(Buf *buf, ZigList<Token> *tokens, ImportTableEntry *owner, ErrColor err_color);
void ast_print(AstNode *node, int indent);

View File

@ -862,6 +862,10 @@ Buf *target_dynamic_linker(ZigTarget *target) {
env == ZigLLVM_GNUX32)
return buf_create_from_str("/libx32/");
} else if (arch == ZigLLVM_x86_64 &&
(env == ZigLLVM_Musl || env == ZigLLVM_MuslEABI || env == ZigLLVM_MuslEABIHF))
return buf_create_from_str("/lib/");
} else {
return buf_create_from_str("/lib64/");

View File

@ -135,6 +135,7 @@ static const struct ZigKeyword zig_keywords[] = {
{"null", TokenIdKeywordNull},
{"or", TokenIdKeywordOr},
{"packed", TokenIdKeywordPacked},
{"promise", TokenIdKeywordPromise},
{"pub", TokenIdKeywordPub},
{"resume", TokenIdKeywordResume},
{"return", TokenIdKeywordReturn},
@ -1558,6 +1559,7 @@ const char * token_name(TokenId id) {
case TokenIdKeywordNull: return "null";
case TokenIdKeywordOr: return "or";
case TokenIdKeywordPacked: return "packed";
case TokenIdKeywordPromise: return "promise";
case TokenIdKeywordPub: return "pub";
case TokenIdKeywordReturn: return "return";
case TokenIdKeywordSection: return "section";

View File

@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ enum TokenId {

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
extern "c" fn __error() &c_int;
pub extern "c" fn _NSGetExecutablePath(buf: &u8, bufsize: &u32) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn __getdirentries64(fd: c_int, buf_ptr: &u8, buf_len: usize, basep: &i64) usize;
pub use @import("../os/darwin_errno.zig");
@ -45,3 +46,12 @@ pub const Sigaction = extern struct {
sa_mask: sigset_t,
sa_flags: c_int,
pub const dirent = extern struct {
d_ino: usize,
d_seekoff: usize,
d_reclen: u16,
d_namlen: u16,
d_type: u8,
d_name: u8, // field address is address of first byte of name

View File

@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ pub extern "c" fn sigaction(sig: c_int, noalias act: &const Sigaction, noalias o
pub extern "c" fn nanosleep(rqtp: &const timespec, rmtp: ?&timespec) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn setreuid(ruid: c_uint, euid: c_uint) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn setregid(rgid: c_uint, egid: c_uint) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn rmdir(path: &const u8) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn aligned_alloc(alignment: usize, size: usize) ?&c_void;
pub extern "c" fn malloc(usize) ?&c_void;

View File

@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ fn Blake2s(comptime out_len: usize) type { return struct {
// Full middle blocks.
while (off + 64 < b.len) : (off += 64) {
while (off + 64 <= b.len) : (off += 64) {
d.t += 64;
d.round(b[ + 64], false);
@ -229,6 +229,15 @@ test "blake2s256 streaming" {
htest.assertEqual(h2, out[0..]);
test "blake2s256 aligned final" {
var block = []u8 {0} ** Blake2s256.block_size;
var out: [Blake2s256.digest_size]u8 = undefined;
var h = Blake2s256.init();
// Blake2b
@ -305,7 +314,7 @@ fn Blake2b(comptime out_len: usize) type { return struct {
// Full middle blocks.
while (off + 128 < b.len) : (off += 128) {
while (off + 128 <= b.len) : (off += 128) {
d.t += 128;
d.round(b[ + 128], false);
@ -447,3 +456,12 @@ test "blake2b512 streaming" {[0..]);
htest.assertEqual(h2, out[0..]);
test "blake2b512 aligned final" {
var block = []u8 {0} ** Blake2b512.block_size;
var out: [Blake2b512.digest_size]u8 = undefined;
var h = Blake2b512.init();

std/crypto/hmac.zig Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
const std = @import("../index.zig");
const crypto = std.crypto;
const debug = std.debug;
const mem = std.mem;
pub const HmacMd5 = Hmac(crypto.Md5);
pub const HmacSha1 = Hmac(crypto.Sha1);
pub const HmacSha256 = Hmac(crypto.Sha256);
pub fn Hmac(comptime H: type) type {
return struct {
const digest_size = H.digest_size;
pub fn hash(output: []u8, key: []const u8, message: []const u8) void {
debug.assert(output.len >= H.digest_size);
debug.assert(H.digest_size <= H.block_size); // HMAC makes this assumption
var scratch: [H.block_size]u8 = undefined;
// Normalize key length to block size of hash
if (key.len > H.block_size) {
H.hash(key, scratch[0..H.digest_size]);
mem.set(u8, scratch[H.digest_size..H.block_size], 0);
} else if (key.len < H.block_size) {
mem.copy(u8, scratch[0..key.len], key);
mem.set(u8, scratch[key.len..H.block_size], 0);
} else {
mem.copy(u8, scratch[0..], key);
var o_key_pad: [H.block_size]u8 = undefined;
for (o_key_pad) |*b, i| {
*b = scratch[i] ^ 0x5c;
var i_key_pad: [H.block_size]u8 = undefined;
for (i_key_pad) |*b, i| {
*b = scratch[i] ^ 0x36;
// HMAC(k, m) = H(o_key_pad | H(i_key_pad | message)) where | is concatenation
var hmac = H.init();
const htest = @import("test.zig");
test "hmac md5" {
var out: [crypto.Md5.digest_size]u8 = undefined;
HmacMd5.hash(out[0..], "", "");
htest.assertEqual("74e6f7298a9c2d168935f58c001bad88", out[0..]);
HmacMd5.hash(out[0..], "key", "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog");
htest.assertEqual("80070713463e7749b90c2dc24911e275", out[0..]);
test "hmac sha1" {
var out: [crypto.Sha1.digest_size]u8 = undefined;
HmacSha1.hash(out[0..], "", "");
htest.assertEqual("fbdb1d1b18aa6c08324b7d64b71fb76370690e1d", out[0..]);
HmacSha1.hash(out[0..], "key", "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog");
htest.assertEqual("de7c9b85b8b78aa6bc8a7a36f70a90701c9db4d9", out[0..]);
test "hmac sha256" {
var out: [crypto.Sha256.digest_size]u8 = undefined;
HmacSha256.hash(out[0..], "", "");
htest.assertEqual("b613679a0814d9ec772f95d778c35fc5ff1697c493715653c6c712144292c5ad", out[0..]);
HmacSha256.hash(out[0..], "key", "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog");
htest.assertEqual("f7bc83f430538424b13298e6aa6fb143ef4d59a14946175997479dbc2d1a3cd8", out[0..]);

View File

@ -19,10 +19,16 @@ pub const Blake2s256 = blake2.Blake2s256;
pub const Blake2b384 = blake2.Blake2b384;
pub const Blake2b512 = blake2.Blake2b512;
const hmac = @import("hmac.zig");
pub const HmacMd5 = hmac.HmacMd5;
pub const HmacSha1 = hmac.Sha1;
pub const HmacSha256 = hmac.Sha256;
test "crypto" {
_ = @import("md5.zig");
_ = @import("sha1.zig");
_ = @import("sha2.zig");
_ = @import("sha3.zig");
_ = @import("blake2.zig");
_ = @import("hmac.zig");

View File

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ pub const Md5 = struct {
// Full middle blocks.
while (off + 64 < b.len) : (off += 64) {
while (off + 64 <= b.len) : (off += 64) {
d.round(b[ + 64]);
@ -253,3 +253,12 @@ test "md5 streaming" {
htest.assertEqual("900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72", out[0..]);
test "md5 aligned final" {
var block = []u8 {0} ** Md5.block_size;
var out: [Md5.digest_size]u8 = undefined;
var h = Md5.init();

View File

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ pub const Sha1 = struct {
// Full middle blocks.
while (off + 64 < b.len) : (off += 64) {
while (off + 64 <= b.len) : (off += 64) {
d.round(b[ + 64]);
@ -284,3 +284,12 @@ test "sha1 streaming" {[0..]);
htest.assertEqual("a9993e364706816aba3e25717850c26c9cd0d89d", out[0..]);
test "sha1 aligned final" {
var block = []u8 {0} ** Sha1.block_size;
var out: [Sha1.digest_size]u8 = undefined;
var h = Sha1.init();

View File

@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ fn Sha2_32(comptime params: Sha2Params32) type { return struct {
// Full middle blocks.
while (off + 64 < b.len) : (off += 64) {
while (off + 64 <= b.len) : (off += 64) {
d.round(b[ + 64]);
@ -319,6 +319,15 @@ test "sha256 streaming" {
htest.assertEqual("ba7816bf8f01cfea414140de5dae2223b00361a396177a9cb410ff61f20015ad", out[0..]);
test "sha256 aligned final" {
var block = []u8 {0} ** Sha256.block_size;
var out: [Sha256.digest_size]u8 = undefined;
var h = Sha256.init();
// Sha384 + Sha512
@ -420,7 +429,7 @@ fn Sha2_64(comptime params: Sha2Params64) type { return struct {
// Full middle blocks.
while (off + 128 < b.len) : (off += 128) {
while (off + 128 <= b.len) : (off += 128) {
d.round(b[ + 128]);
@ -669,3 +678,12 @@ test "sha512 streaming" {[0..]);
htest.assertEqual(h2, out[0..]);
test "sha512 aligned final" {
var block = []u8 {0} ** Sha512.block_size;
var out: [Sha512.digest_size]u8 = undefined;
var h = Sha512.init();

View File

@ -217,6 +217,15 @@ test "sha3-256 streaming" {
htest.assertEqual("3a985da74fe225b2045c172d6bd390bd855f086e3e9d525b46bfe24511431532", out[0..]);
test "sha3-256 aligned final" {
var block = []u8 {0} ** Sha3_256.block_size;
var out: [Sha3_256.digest_size]u8 = undefined;
var h = Sha3_256.init();
test "sha3-384 single" {
const h1 = "0c63a75b845e4f7d01107d852e4c2485c51a50aaaa94fc61995e71bbee983a2ac3713831264adb47fb6bd1e058d5f004";
htest.assertEqualHash(Sha3_384, h1 , "");
@ -278,3 +287,12 @@ test "sha3-512 streaming" {[0..]);
htest.assertEqual(h2, out[0..]);
test "sha3-512 aligned final" {
var block = []u8 {0} ** Sha3_512.block_size;
var out: [Sha3_512.digest_size]u8 = undefined;
var h = Sha3_512.init();

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ pub const math = @import("math/index.zig");
pub const mem = @import("mem.zig");
pub const net = @import("net.zig");
pub const os = @import("os/index.zig");
pub const rand = @import("rand.zig");
pub const rand = @import("rand/index.zig");
pub const sort = @import("sort.zig");
pub const unicode = @import("unicode.zig");
pub const zig = @import("zig/index.zig");
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ test "std" {
_ = @import("heap.zig");
_ = @import("net.zig");
_ = @import("os/index.zig");
_ = @import("rand.zig");
_ = @import("rand/index.zig");
_ = @import("sort.zig");
_ = @import("unicode.zig");
_ = @import("zig/index.zig");

View File

@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ pub fn InStream(comptime ReadError: type) type {
/// If `buffer.len()` would exceed `max_size`, `error.StreamTooLong` is returned and the contents
/// read from the stream so far are lost.
pub fn readUntilDelimiterBuffer(self: &Self, buffer: &Buffer, delimiter: u8, max_size: usize) !void {
try buf.resize(0);
try buffer.resize(0);
while (true) {
var byte: u8 = try self.readByte();
@ -153,11 +153,11 @@ pub fn InStream(comptime ReadError: type) type {
if (buf.len() == max_size) {
if (buffer.len() == max_size) {
return error.StreamTooLong;
try buf.appendByte(byte);
try buffer.appendByte(byte);
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ pub fn InStream(comptime ReadError: type) type {
var buf = Buffer.initNull(allocator);
defer buf.deinit();
try self.readUntilDelimiterBuffer(self, &buf, delimiter, max_size);
try self.readUntilDelimiterBuffer(&buf, delimiter, max_size);
return buf.toOwnedSlice();
@ -478,3 +478,20 @@ test "import io tests" {
pub fn readLine(buf: []u8) !usize {
var stdin = getStdIn() catch return error.StdInUnavailable;
var adapter = FileInStream.init(&stdin);
var stream = &;
var index: usize = 0;
while (true) {
const byte = stream.readByte() catch return error.EndOfFile;
switch (byte) {
'\n' => return index,
else => {
if (index == buf.len) return error.InputTooLong;
buf[index] = byte;
index += 1;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
const std = @import("index.zig");
const io =;
const allocator = std.debug.global_allocator;
const Rand = std.rand.Rand;
const DefaultPrng = std.rand.DefaultPrng;
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const mem = std.mem;
const os = std.os;
@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ const builtin = @import("builtin");
test "write a file, read it, then delete it" {
var data: [1024]u8 = undefined;
var rng = Rand.init(1234);
var prng = DefaultPrng.init(1234);
const tmp_file_name = "temp_test_file.txt";
var file = try os.File.openWrite(allocator, tmp_file_name);

View File

@ -515,15 +515,28 @@ test "math.negateCast" {
/// Cast an integer to a different integer type. If the value doesn't fit,
/// return an error.
pub fn cast(comptime T: type, x: var) !T {
pub fn cast(comptime T: type, x: var) (error{Overflow}!T) {
comptime assert(@typeId(T) == builtin.TypeId.Int); // must pass an integer
if (x > @maxValue(T)) {
comptime assert(@typeId(@typeOf(x)) == builtin.TypeId.Int); // must pass an integer
if (@maxValue(@typeOf(x)) > @maxValue(T) and x > @maxValue(T)) {
return error.Overflow;
} else if (@minValue(@typeOf(x)) < @minValue(T) and x < @minValue(T)) {
return error.Overflow;
} else {
return T(x);
test "math.cast" {
if (cast(u8, u32(300))) |_| @panic("fail") else |err| assert(err == error.Overflow);
if (cast(i8, i32(-200))) |_| @panic("fail") else |err| assert(err == error.Overflow);
if (cast(u8, i8(-1))) |_| @panic("fail") else |err| assert(err == error.Overflow);
if (cast(u64, i8(-1))) |_| @panic("fail") else |err| assert(err == error.Overflow);
assert((try cast(u8, u32(255))) == u8(255));
assert(@typeOf(try cast(u8, u32(255))) == u8);
pub fn floorPowerOfTwo(comptime T: type, value: T) T {
var x = value;

View File

@ -13,8 +13,6 @@ const builtin = @import("builtin");
const Os = builtin.Os;
const LinkedList = std.LinkedList;
var children_nodes = LinkedList(&ChildProcess).init();
const is_windows = builtin.os ==;
pub const ChildProcess = struct {
@ -296,8 +294,6 @@ pub const ChildProcess = struct {
fn cleanupAfterWait(self: &ChildProcess, status: i32) !Term {
defer {
@ -427,9 +423,6 @@ pub const ChildProcess = struct {
self.llnode = LinkedList(&ChildProcess).Node.init(self);
self.term = null;
// TODO make this atomic so it works even with threads
if (self.stdin_behavior == StdIo.Pipe) { os.close(stdin_pipe[0]); }
if (self.stdout_behavior == StdIo.Pipe) { os.close(stdout_pipe[1]); }
if (self.stderr_behavior == StdIo.Pipe) { os.close(stderr_pipe[1]); }
@ -773,31 +766,3 @@ fn readIntFd(fd: i32) !ErrInt {
os.posixRead(fd, bytes[0..]) catch return error.SystemResources;
return mem.readInt(bytes[0..], ErrInt, builtin.endian);
extern fn sigchld_handler(_: i32) void {
while (true) {
var status: i32 = undefined;
const pid_result = posix.waitpid(-1, &status, posix.WNOHANG);
if (pid_result == 0) {
const err = posix.getErrno(pid_result);
if (err > 0) {
if (err == posix.ECHILD) {
handleTerm(i32(pid_result), status);
fn handleTerm(pid: i32, status: i32) void {
var it = children_nodes.first;
while (it) |node| : (it = {
if ( == pid) {;

View File

@ -56,10 +56,32 @@ pub const O_SYMLINK = 0x200000; /// allow open of symlinks
pub const O_EVTONLY = 0x8000; /// descriptor requested for event notifications only
pub const O_CLOEXEC = 0x1000000; /// mark as close-on-exec
pub const O_ACCMODE = 3;
pub const O_ALERT = 536870912;
pub const O_ASYNC = 64;
pub const O_DIRECTORY = 1048576;
pub const O_DSYNC = 4194304;
pub const O_FSYNC = O_SYNC;
pub const O_NOCTTY = 131072;
pub const O_POPUP = 2147483648;
pub const O_SYNC = 128;
pub const SEEK_SET = 0x0;
pub const SEEK_CUR = 0x1;
pub const SEEK_END = 0x2;
pub const DT_UNKNOWN = 0;
pub const DT_FIFO = 1;
pub const DT_CHR = 2;
pub const DT_DIR = 4;
pub const DT_BLK = 6;
pub const DT_REG = 8;
pub const DT_LNK = 10;
pub const DT_SOCK = 12;
pub const DT_WHT = 14;
pub const SIG_BLOCK = 1; /// block specified signal set
pub const SIG_UNBLOCK = 2; /// unblock specified signal set
pub const SIG_SETMASK = 3; /// set specified signal set
@ -192,6 +214,11 @@ pub fn pipe(fds: &[2]i32) usize {
return errnoWrap(c.pipe(@ptrCast(&c_int, fds)));
pub fn getdirentries64(fd: i32, buf_ptr: &u8, buf_len: usize, basep: &i64) usize {
return errnoWrap(@bitCast(isize, c.__getdirentries64(fd, buf_ptr, buf_len, basep)));
pub fn mkdir(path: &const u8, mode: u32) usize {
return errnoWrap(c.mkdir(path, mode));
@ -204,6 +231,10 @@ pub fn rename(old: &const u8, new: &const u8) usize {
return errnoWrap(c.rename(old, new));
pub fn rmdir(path: &const u8) usize {
return errnoWrap(c.rmdir(path));
pub fn chdir(path: &const u8) usize {
return errnoWrap(c.chdir(path));
@ -268,6 +299,7 @@ pub const empty_sigset = sigset_t(0);
pub const timespec = c.timespec;
pub const Stat = c.Stat;
pub const dirent = c.dirent;
/// Renamed from `sigaction` to `Sigaction` to avoid conflict with the syscall.
pub const Sigaction = struct {

View File

@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ pub const File = struct {
fn mode(self: &File) ModeError!FileMode {
fn mode(self: &File) ModeError!os.FileMode {
if (is_posix) {
var stat: posix.Stat = undefined;
const err = posix.getErrno(posix.fstat(self.handle, &stat));

View File

@ -1050,15 +1050,16 @@ const DeleteTreeError = error {
pub fn deleteTree(allocator: &Allocator, full_path: []const u8) DeleteTreeError!void {
start_over: while (true) {
var got_access_denied = false;
// First, try deleting the item as a file. This way we don't follow sym links.
if (deleteFile(allocator, full_path)) {
} else |err| switch (err) {
error.FileNotFound => return,
error.IsDir => {},
error.AccessDenied => got_access_denied = true,
@ -1071,7 +1072,12 @@ pub fn deleteTree(allocator: &Allocator, full_path: []const u8) DeleteTreeError!
var dir =, full_path) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.NotDir => continue :start_over,
error.NotDir => {
if (got_access_denied) {
return error.AccessDenied;
continue :start_over;
@ -1109,18 +1115,16 @@ pub fn deleteTree(allocator: &Allocator, full_path: []const u8) DeleteTreeError!
pub const Dir = struct {
// See man getdents
fd: i32,
darwin_seek: darwin_seek_t,
allocator: &Allocator,
buf: []u8,
index: usize,
end_index: usize,
const LinuxEntry = extern struct {
d_ino: usize,
d_off: usize,
d_reclen: u16,
d_name: u8, // field address is the address of first byte of name
const darwin_seek_t = switch (builtin.os) {
Os.macosx, Os.ios => i64,
else => void,
pub const Entry = struct {
@ -1135,15 +1139,26 @@ pub const Dir = struct {
pub fn open(allocator: &Allocator, dir_path: []const u8) !Dir {
const fd = try posixOpen(allocator, dir_path, posix.O_RDONLY|posix.O_DIRECTORY|posix.O_CLOEXEC, 0);
const fd = switch (builtin.os) { => @compileError("TODO support for windows"),
Os.linux => try posixOpen(allocator, dir_path, posix.O_RDONLY|posix.O_DIRECTORY|posix.O_CLOEXEC, 0),
Os.macosx, Os.ios => try posixOpen(allocator, dir_path, posix.O_RDONLY|posix.O_NONBLOCK|posix.O_DIRECTORY|posix.O_CLOEXEC, 0),
else => @compileError(" is not supported for this platform"),
const darwin_seek_init = switch (builtin.os) {
Os.macosx, Os.ios => 0,
else => {},
return Dir {
.allocator = allocator,
.fd = fd,
.darwin_seek = darwin_seek_init,
.index = 0,
.end_index = 0,
.buf = []u8{},
@ -1158,6 +1173,15 @@ pub const Dir = struct {
/// Memory such as file names referenced in this returned entry becomes invalid
/// with subsequent calls to next, as well as when this ::Dir is deinitialized.
pub fn next(self: &Dir) !?Entry {
switch (builtin.os) {
Os.linux => return self.nextLinux(),
Os.macosx, Os.ios => return self.nextDarwin(), => return self.nextWindows(),
else => @compileError(" not supported on " ++ @tagName(builtin.os)),
fn nextDarwin(self: &Dir) !?Entry {
start_over: while (true) {
if (self.index >= self.end_index) {
if (self.buf.len == 0) {
@ -1165,8 +1189,9 @@ pub const Dir = struct {
while (true) {
const result = posix.getdents(self.fd, self.buf.ptr, self.buf.len);
const err = linux.getErrno(result);
const result = posix.getdirentries64(self.fd, self.buf.ptr, self.buf.len,
const err = posix.getErrno(result);
if (err > 0) {
switch (err) {
posix.EBADF, posix.EFAULT, posix.ENOTDIR => unreachable,
@ -1184,7 +1209,67 @@ pub const Dir = struct {
const linux_entry = @ptrCast(& align(1) LinuxEntry, &self.buf[self.index]);
const darwin_entry = @ptrCast(& align(1) posix.dirent, &self.buf[self.index]);
const next_index = self.index + darwin_entry.d_reclen;
self.index = next_index;
const name = (&darwin_entry.d_name)[0..darwin_entry.d_namlen];
// skip . and .. entries
if (mem.eql(u8, name, ".") or mem.eql(u8, name, "..")) {
continue :start_over;
const entry_kind = switch (darwin_entry.d_type) {
posix.DT_BLK => Entry.Kind.BlockDevice,
posix.DT_CHR => Entry.Kind.CharacterDevice,
posix.DT_DIR => Entry.Kind.Directory,
posix.DT_FIFO => Entry.Kind.NamedPipe,
posix.DT_LNK => Entry.Kind.SymLink,
posix.DT_REG => Entry.Kind.File,
posix.DT_SOCK => Entry.Kind.UnixDomainSocket,
posix.DT_WHT => Entry.Kind.Whiteout,
else => Entry.Kind.Unknown,
return Entry {
.name = name,
.kind = entry_kind,
fn nextWindows(self: &Dir) !?Entry {
@compileError("TODO support for windows");
fn nextLinux(self: &Dir) !?Entry {
start_over: while (true) {
if (self.index >= self.end_index) {
if (self.buf.len == 0) {
self.buf = try self.allocator.alloc(u8, page_size);
while (true) {
const result = posix.getdents(self.fd, self.buf.ptr, self.buf.len);
const err = posix.getErrno(result);
if (err > 0) {
switch (err) {
posix.EBADF, posix.EFAULT, posix.ENOTDIR => unreachable,
posix.EINVAL => {
self.buf = try self.allocator.realloc(u8, self.buf, self.buf.len * 2);
else => return unexpectedErrorPosix(err),
if (result == 0)
return null;
self.index = 0;
self.end_index = result;
const linux_entry = @ptrCast(& align(1) posix.dirent, &self.buf[self.index]);
const next_index = self.index + linux_entry.d_reclen;
self.index = next_index;
@ -1679,6 +1764,7 @@ test "std.os" {
_ = @import("linux/index.zig");
_ = @import("path.zig");
_ = @import("windows/index.zig");
_ = @import("test.zig");
@ -1690,7 +1776,7 @@ const unexpected_error_tracing = false;
pub fn unexpectedErrorPosix(errno: usize) (error{Unexpected}) {
if (unexpected_error_tracing) {
debug.warn("unexpected errno: {}\n", errno);
return error.Unexpected;
@ -1700,7 +1786,7 @@ pub fn unexpectedErrorPosix(errno: usize) (error{Unexpected}) {
pub fn unexpectedErrorWindows(err: windows.DWORD) (error{Unexpected}) {
if (unexpected_error_tracing) {
debug.warn("unexpected GetLastError(): {}\n", err);
return error.Unexpected;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
const std = @import("../../index.zig");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const arch = switch (builtin.arch) {
pub use switch (builtin.arch) {
builtin.Arch.x86_64 => @import("x86_64.zig"),
builtin.Arch.i386 => @import("i386.zig"),
else => @compileError("unsupported arch"),
@ -93,27 +93,6 @@ pub const O_RDONLY = 0o0;
pub const O_WRONLY = 0o1;
pub const O_RDWR = 0o2;
pub const O_CREAT = arch.O_CREAT;
pub const O_EXCL = arch.O_EXCL;
pub const O_NOCTTY = arch.O_NOCTTY;
pub const O_TRUNC = arch.O_TRUNC;
pub const O_APPEND = arch.O_APPEND;
pub const O_NONBLOCK = arch.O_NONBLOCK;
pub const O_DSYNC = arch.O_DSYNC;
pub const O_SYNC = arch.O_SYNC;
pub const O_RSYNC = arch.O_RSYNC;
pub const O_DIRECTORY = arch.O_DIRECTORY;
pub const O_NOFOLLOW = arch.O_NOFOLLOW;
pub const O_CLOEXEC = arch.O_CLOEXEC;
pub const O_ASYNC = arch.O_ASYNC;
pub const O_DIRECT = arch.O_DIRECT;
pub const O_LARGEFILE = arch.O_LARGEFILE;
pub const O_NOATIME = arch.O_NOATIME;
pub const O_PATH = arch.O_PATH;
pub const O_TMPFILE = arch.O_TMPFILE;
pub const O_NDELAY = arch.O_NDELAY;
pub const SEEK_SET = 0;
pub const SEEK_CUR = 1;
pub const SEEK_END = 2;
@ -394,65 +373,65 @@ pub fn getErrno(r: usize) usize {
pub fn dup2(old: i32, new: i32) usize {
return arch.syscall2(arch.SYS_dup2, usize(old), usize(new));
return syscall2(SYS_dup2, usize(old), usize(new));
pub fn chdir(path: &const u8) usize {
return arch.syscall1(arch.SYS_chdir, @ptrToInt(path));
return syscall1(SYS_chdir, @ptrToInt(path));
pub fn execve(path: &const u8, argv: &const ?&const u8, envp: &const ?&const u8) usize {
return arch.syscall3(arch.SYS_execve, @ptrToInt(path), @ptrToInt(argv), @ptrToInt(envp));
return syscall3(SYS_execve, @ptrToInt(path), @ptrToInt(argv), @ptrToInt(envp));
pub fn fork() usize {
return arch.syscall0(arch.SYS_fork);
return syscall0(SYS_fork);
pub fn getcwd(buf: &u8, size: usize) usize {
return arch.syscall2(arch.SYS_getcwd, @ptrToInt(buf), size);
return syscall2(SYS_getcwd, @ptrToInt(buf), size);
pub fn getdents(fd: i32, dirp: &u8, count: usize) usize {
return arch.syscall3(arch.SYS_getdents, usize(fd), @ptrToInt(dirp), count);
return syscall3(SYS_getdents, usize(fd), @ptrToInt(dirp), count);
pub fn isatty(fd: i32) bool {
var wsz: winsize = undefined;
return arch.syscall3(arch.SYS_ioctl, usize(fd), TIOCGWINSZ, @ptrToInt(&wsz)) == 0;
return syscall3(SYS_ioctl, usize(fd), TIOCGWINSZ, @ptrToInt(&wsz)) == 0;
pub fn readlink(noalias path: &const u8, noalias buf_ptr: &u8, buf_len: usize) usize {
return arch.syscall3(arch.SYS_readlink, @ptrToInt(path), @ptrToInt(buf_ptr), buf_len);
return syscall3(SYS_readlink, @ptrToInt(path), @ptrToInt(buf_ptr), buf_len);
pub fn mkdir(path: &const u8, mode: u32) usize {
return arch.syscall2(arch.SYS_mkdir, @ptrToInt(path), mode);
return syscall2(SYS_mkdir, @ptrToInt(path), mode);
pub fn mmap(address: ?&u8, length: usize, prot: usize, flags: usize, fd: i32, offset: isize) usize {
return arch.syscall6(arch.SYS_mmap, @ptrToInt(address), length, prot, flags, usize(fd),
return syscall6(SYS_mmap, @ptrToInt(address), length, prot, flags, usize(fd),
@bitCast(usize, offset));
pub fn munmap(address: &u8, length: usize) usize {
return arch.syscall2(arch.SYS_munmap, @ptrToInt(address), length);
return syscall2(SYS_munmap, @ptrToInt(address), length);
pub fn read(fd: i32, buf: &u8, count: usize) usize {
return arch.syscall3(arch.SYS_read, usize(fd), @ptrToInt(buf), count);
return syscall3(SYS_read, usize(fd), @ptrToInt(buf), count);
pub fn rmdir(path: &const u8) usize {
return arch.syscall1(arch.SYS_rmdir, @ptrToInt(path));
return syscall1(SYS_rmdir, @ptrToInt(path));
pub fn symlink(existing: &const u8, new: &const u8) usize {
return arch.syscall2(arch.SYS_symlink, @ptrToInt(existing), @ptrToInt(new));
return syscall2(SYS_symlink, @ptrToInt(existing), @ptrToInt(new));
pub fn pread(fd: i32, buf: &u8, count: usize, offset: usize) usize {
return arch.syscall4(arch.SYS_pread, usize(fd), @ptrToInt(buf), count, offset);
return syscall4(SYS_pread, usize(fd), @ptrToInt(buf), count, offset);
pub fn pipe(fd: &[2]i32) usize {
@ -460,84 +439,84 @@ pub fn pipe(fd: &[2]i32) usize {
pub fn pipe2(fd: &[2]i32, flags: usize) usize {
return arch.syscall2(arch.SYS_pipe2, @ptrToInt(fd), flags);
return syscall2(SYS_pipe2, @ptrToInt(fd), flags);
pub fn write(fd: i32, buf: &const u8, count: usize) usize {
return arch.syscall3(arch.SYS_write, usize(fd), @ptrToInt(buf), count);
return syscall3(SYS_write, usize(fd), @ptrToInt(buf), count);
pub fn pwrite(fd: i32, buf: &const u8, count: usize, offset: usize) usize {
return arch.syscall4(arch.SYS_pwrite, usize(fd), @ptrToInt(buf), count, offset);
return syscall4(SYS_pwrite, usize(fd), @ptrToInt(buf), count, offset);
pub fn rename(old: &const u8, new: &const u8) usize {
return arch.syscall2(arch.SYS_rename, @ptrToInt(old), @ptrToInt(new));
return syscall2(SYS_rename, @ptrToInt(old), @ptrToInt(new));
pub fn open(path: &const u8, flags: u32, perm: usize) usize {
return arch.syscall3(arch.SYS_open, @ptrToInt(path), flags, perm);
return syscall3(SYS_open, @ptrToInt(path), flags, perm);
pub fn create(path: &const u8, perm: usize) usize {
return arch.syscall2(arch.SYS_creat, @ptrToInt(path), perm);
return syscall2(SYS_creat, @ptrToInt(path), perm);
pub fn openat(dirfd: i32, path: &const u8, flags: usize, mode: usize) usize {
return arch.syscall4(arch.SYS_openat, usize(dirfd), @ptrToInt(path), flags, mode);
return syscall4(SYS_openat, usize(dirfd), @ptrToInt(path), flags, mode);
pub fn close(fd: i32) usize {
return arch.syscall1(arch.SYS_close, usize(fd));
return syscall1(SYS_close, usize(fd));
pub fn lseek(fd: i32, offset: isize, ref_pos: usize) usize {
return arch.syscall3(arch.SYS_lseek, usize(fd), @bitCast(usize, offset), ref_pos);
return syscall3(SYS_lseek, usize(fd), @bitCast(usize, offset), ref_pos);
pub fn exit(status: i32) noreturn {
_ = arch.syscall1(arch.SYS_exit, @bitCast(usize, isize(status)));
_ = syscall1(SYS_exit, @bitCast(usize, isize(status)));
pub fn getrandom(buf: &u8, count: usize, flags: u32) usize {
return arch.syscall3(arch.SYS_getrandom, @ptrToInt(buf), count, usize(flags));
return syscall3(SYS_getrandom, @ptrToInt(buf), count, usize(flags));
pub fn kill(pid: i32, sig: i32) usize {
return arch.syscall2(arch.SYS_kill, @bitCast(usize, isize(pid)), usize(sig));
return syscall2(SYS_kill, @bitCast(usize, isize(pid)), usize(sig));
pub fn unlink(path: &const u8) usize {
return arch.syscall1(arch.SYS_unlink, @ptrToInt(path));
return syscall1(SYS_unlink, @ptrToInt(path));
pub fn waitpid(pid: i32, status: &i32, options: i32) usize {
return arch.syscall4(arch.SYS_wait4, @bitCast(usize, isize(pid)), @ptrToInt(status), @bitCast(usize, isize(options)), 0);
return syscall4(SYS_wait4, @bitCast(usize, isize(pid)), @ptrToInt(status), @bitCast(usize, isize(options)), 0);
pub fn nanosleep(req: &const timespec, rem: ?&timespec) usize {
return arch.syscall2(arch.SYS_nanosleep, @ptrToInt(req), @ptrToInt(rem));
return syscall2(SYS_nanosleep, @ptrToInt(req), @ptrToInt(rem));
pub fn setuid(uid: u32) usize {
return arch.syscall1(arch.SYS_setuid, uid);
return syscall1(SYS_setuid, uid);
pub fn setgid(gid: u32) usize {
return arch.syscall1(arch.SYS_setgid, gid);
return syscall1(SYS_setgid, gid);
pub fn setreuid(ruid: u32, euid: u32) usize {
return arch.syscall2(arch.SYS_setreuid, ruid, euid);
return syscall2(SYS_setreuid, ruid, euid);
pub fn setregid(rgid: u32, egid: u32) usize {
return arch.syscall2(arch.SYS_setregid, rgid, egid);
return syscall2(SYS_setregid, rgid, egid);
pub fn sigprocmask(flags: u32, noalias set: &const sigset_t, noalias oldset: ?&sigset_t) usize {
return arch.syscall4(arch.SYS_rt_sigprocmask, flags, @ptrToInt(set), @ptrToInt(oldset), NSIG/8);
return syscall4(SYS_rt_sigprocmask, flags, @ptrToInt(set), @ptrToInt(oldset), NSIG/8);
pub fn sigaction(sig: u6, noalias act: &const Sigaction, noalias oact: ?&Sigaction) usize {
@ -548,11 +527,11 @@ pub fn sigaction(sig: u6, noalias act: &const Sigaction, noalias oact: ?&Sigacti
.handler = act.handler,
.flags = act.flags | SA_RESTORER,
.mask = undefined,
.restorer = @ptrCast(extern fn()void, arch.restore_rt),
.restorer = @ptrCast(extern fn()void, restore_rt),
var ksa_old: k_sigaction = undefined;
@memcpy(@ptrCast(&u8, &ksa.mask), @ptrCast(&const u8, &act.mask), 8);
const result = arch.syscall4(arch.SYS_rt_sigaction, sig, @ptrToInt(&ksa), @ptrToInt(&ksa_old), @sizeOf(@typeOf(ksa.mask)));
const result = syscall4(SYS_rt_sigaction, sig, @ptrToInt(&ksa), @ptrToInt(&ksa_old), @sizeOf(@typeOf(ksa.mask)));
const err = getErrno(result);
if (err != 0) {
return result;
@ -592,22 +571,22 @@ pub const empty_sigset = []usize{0} ** sigset_t.len;
pub fn raise(sig: i32) usize {
var set: sigset_t = undefined;
const tid = i32(arch.syscall0(arch.SYS_gettid));
const ret = arch.syscall2(arch.SYS_tkill, usize(tid), usize(sig));
const tid = i32(syscall0(SYS_gettid));
const ret = syscall2(SYS_tkill, usize(tid), usize(sig));
return ret;
fn blockAllSignals(set: &sigset_t) void {
_ = arch.syscall4(arch.SYS_rt_sigprocmask, SIG_BLOCK, @ptrToInt(&all_mask), @ptrToInt(set), NSIG/8);
_ = syscall4(SYS_rt_sigprocmask, SIG_BLOCK, @ptrToInt(&all_mask), @ptrToInt(set), NSIG/8);
fn blockAppSignals(set: &sigset_t) void {
_ = arch.syscall4(arch.SYS_rt_sigprocmask, SIG_BLOCK, @ptrToInt(&app_mask), @ptrToInt(set), NSIG/8);
_ = syscall4(SYS_rt_sigprocmask, SIG_BLOCK, @ptrToInt(&app_mask), @ptrToInt(set), NSIG/8);
fn restoreSignals(set: &sigset_t) void {
_ = arch.syscall4(arch.SYS_rt_sigprocmask, SIG_SETMASK, @ptrToInt(set), 0, NSIG/8);
_ = syscall4(SYS_rt_sigprocmask, SIG_SETMASK, @ptrToInt(set), 0, NSIG/8);
pub fn sigaddset(set: &sigset_t, sig: u6) void {
@ -653,61 +632,61 @@ pub const iovec = extern struct {
pub fn getsockname(fd: i32, noalias addr: &sockaddr, noalias len: &socklen_t) usize {
return arch.syscall3(arch.SYS_getsockname, usize(fd), @ptrToInt(addr), @ptrToInt(len));
return syscall3(SYS_getsockname, usize(fd), @ptrToInt(addr), @ptrToInt(len));
pub fn getpeername(fd: i32, noalias addr: &sockaddr, noalias len: &socklen_t) usize {
return arch.syscall3(arch.SYS_getpeername, usize(fd), @ptrToInt(addr), @ptrToInt(len));
return syscall3(SYS_getpeername, usize(fd), @ptrToInt(addr), @ptrToInt(len));
pub fn socket(domain: i32, socket_type: i32, protocol: i32) usize {
return arch.syscall3(arch.SYS_socket, usize(domain), usize(socket_type), usize(protocol));
return syscall3(SYS_socket, usize(domain), usize(socket_type), usize(protocol));
pub fn setsockopt(fd: i32, level: i32, optname: i32, optval: &const u8, optlen: socklen_t) usize {
return arch.syscall5(arch.SYS_setsockopt, usize(fd), usize(level), usize(optname), usize(optval), @ptrToInt(optlen));
return syscall5(SYS_setsockopt, usize(fd), usize(level), usize(optname), usize(optval), @ptrToInt(optlen));
pub fn getsockopt(fd: i32, level: i32, optname: i32, noalias optval: &u8, noalias optlen: &socklen_t) usize {
return arch.syscall5(arch.SYS_getsockopt, usize(fd), usize(level), usize(optname), @ptrToInt(optval), @ptrToInt(optlen));
return syscall5(SYS_getsockopt, usize(fd), usize(level), usize(optname), @ptrToInt(optval), @ptrToInt(optlen));
pub fn sendmsg(fd: i32, msg: &const arch.msghdr, flags: u32) usize {
return arch.syscall3(arch.SYS_sendmsg, usize(fd), @ptrToInt(msg), flags);
pub fn sendmsg(fd: i32, msg: &const msghdr, flags: u32) usize {
return syscall3(SYS_sendmsg, usize(fd), @ptrToInt(msg), flags);
pub fn connect(fd: i32, addr: &const sockaddr, len: socklen_t) usize {
return arch.syscall3(arch.SYS_connect, usize(fd), @ptrToInt(addr), usize(len));
return syscall3(SYS_connect, usize(fd), @ptrToInt(addr), usize(len));
pub fn recvmsg(fd: i32, msg: &arch.msghdr, flags: u32) usize {
return arch.syscall3(arch.SYS_recvmsg, usize(fd), @ptrToInt(msg), flags);
pub fn recvmsg(fd: i32, msg: &msghdr, flags: u32) usize {
return syscall3(SYS_recvmsg, usize(fd), @ptrToInt(msg), flags);
pub fn recvfrom(fd: i32, noalias buf: &u8, len: usize, flags: u32,
noalias addr: ?&sockaddr, noalias alen: ?&socklen_t) usize
return arch.syscall6(arch.SYS_recvfrom, usize(fd), @ptrToInt(buf), len, flags, @ptrToInt(addr), @ptrToInt(alen));
return syscall6(SYS_recvfrom, usize(fd), @ptrToInt(buf), len, flags, @ptrToInt(addr), @ptrToInt(alen));
pub fn shutdown(fd: i32, how: i32) usize {
return arch.syscall2(arch.SYS_shutdown, usize(fd), usize(how));
return syscall2(SYS_shutdown, usize(fd), usize(how));
pub fn bind(fd: i32, addr: &const sockaddr, len: socklen_t) usize {
return arch.syscall3(arch.SYS_bind, usize(fd), @ptrToInt(addr), usize(len));
return syscall3(SYS_bind, usize(fd), @ptrToInt(addr), usize(len));
pub fn listen(fd: i32, backlog: i32) usize {
return arch.syscall2(arch.SYS_listen, usize(fd), usize(backlog));
return syscall2(SYS_listen, usize(fd), usize(backlog));
pub fn sendto(fd: i32, buf: &const u8, len: usize, flags: u32, addr: ?&const sockaddr, alen: socklen_t) usize {
return arch.syscall6(arch.SYS_sendto, usize(fd), @ptrToInt(buf), len, flags, @ptrToInt(addr), usize(alen));
return syscall6(SYS_sendto, usize(fd), @ptrToInt(buf), len, flags, @ptrToInt(addr), usize(alen));
pub fn socketpair(domain: i32, socket_type: i32, protocol: i32, fd: [2]i32) usize {
return arch.syscall4(arch.SYS_socketpair, usize(domain), usize(socket_type), usize(protocol), @ptrToInt(&fd[0]));
return syscall4(SYS_socketpair, usize(domain), usize(socket_type), usize(protocol), @ptrToInt(&fd[0]));
pub fn accept(fd: i32, noalias addr: &sockaddr, noalias len: &socklen_t) usize {
@ -715,7 +694,7 @@ pub fn accept(fd: i32, noalias addr: &sockaddr, noalias len: &socklen_t) usize {
pub fn accept4(fd: i32, noalias addr: &sockaddr, noalias len: &socklen_t, flags: u32) usize {
return arch.syscall4(arch.SYS_accept4, usize(fd), @ptrToInt(addr), @ptrToInt(len), flags);
return syscall4(SYS_accept4, usize(fd), @ptrToInt(addr), @ptrToInt(len), flags);
// error NameTooLong;
@ -746,11 +725,8 @@ pub fn accept4(fd: i32, noalias addr: &sockaddr, noalias len: &socklen_t, flags:
// return ifr.ifr_ifindex;
// }
pub const Stat = arch.Stat;
pub const timespec = arch.timespec;
pub fn fstat(fd: i32, stat_buf: &Stat) usize {
return arch.syscall2(arch.SYS_fstat, usize(fd), @ptrToInt(stat_buf));
return syscall2(SYS_fstat, usize(fd), @ptrToInt(stat_buf));
pub const epoll_data = extern union {
@ -770,19 +746,19 @@ pub fn epoll_create() usize {
pub fn epoll_create1(flags: usize) usize {
return arch.syscall1(arch.SYS_epoll_create1, flags);
return syscall1(SYS_epoll_create1, flags);
pub fn epoll_ctl(epoll_fd: i32, op: i32, fd: i32, ev: &epoll_event) usize {
return arch.syscall4(arch.SYS_epoll_ctl, usize(epoll_fd), usize(op), usize(fd), @ptrToInt(ev));
return syscall4(SYS_epoll_ctl, usize(epoll_fd), usize(op), usize(fd), @ptrToInt(ev));
pub fn epoll_wait(epoll_fd: i32, events: &epoll_event, maxevents: u32, timeout: i32) usize {
return arch.syscall4(arch.SYS_epoll_wait, usize(epoll_fd), @ptrToInt(events), usize(maxevents), usize(timeout));
return syscall4(SYS_epoll_wait, usize(epoll_fd), @ptrToInt(events), usize(maxevents), usize(timeout));
pub fn timerfd_create(clockid: i32, flags: u32) usize {
return arch.syscall2(arch.SYS_timerfd_create, usize(clockid), usize(flags));
return syscall2(SYS_timerfd_create, usize(clockid), usize(flags));
pub const itimerspec = extern struct {
@ -791,11 +767,11 @@ pub const itimerspec = extern struct {
pub fn timerfd_gettime(fd: i32, curr_value: &itimerspec) usize {
return arch.syscall2(arch.SYS_timerfd_gettime, usize(fd), @ptrToInt(curr_value));
return syscall2(SYS_timerfd_gettime, usize(fd), @ptrToInt(curr_value));
pub fn timerfd_settime(fd: i32, flags: u32, new_value: &const itimerspec, old_value: ?&itimerspec) usize {
return arch.syscall4(arch.SYS_timerfd_settime, usize(fd), usize(flags), @ptrToInt(new_value), @ptrToInt(old_value));
return syscall4(SYS_timerfd_settime, usize(fd), usize(flags), @ptrToInt(new_value), @ptrToInt(old_value));
test "import linux test" {

View File

@ -488,3 +488,11 @@ pub const timespec = extern struct {
tv_sec: isize,
tv_nsec: isize,
pub const dirent = extern struct {
d_ino: usize,
d_off: usize,
d_reclen: u16,
d_name: u8, // field address is the address of first byte of name

std/os/test.zig Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
const std = @import("../index.zig");
const os = std.os;
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const io =;
const a = std.debug.global_allocator;
const builtin = @import("builtin");
test "makePath, put some files in it, deleteTree" {
if (builtin.os == {
// TODO implement os.Dir for windows
try os.makePath(a, "os_test_tmp/b/c");
try io.writeFile(a, "os_test_tmp/b/c/file.txt", "nonsense");
try io.writeFile(a, "os_test_tmp/b/file2.txt", "blah");
try os.deleteTree(a, "os_test_tmp");
if (, "os_test_tmp")) |dir| {
@panic("expected error");
} else |err| {
assert(err == error.PathNotFound);

View File

@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
const std = @import("index.zig");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const rand_test = @import("rand_test.zig");
const mem = std.mem;
const math = std.math;
pub const MT19937_32 = MersenneTwister(
u32, 624, 397, 31,
7, 0x9D2C5680,
15, 0xEFC60000,
18, 1812433253);
pub const MT19937_64 = MersenneTwister(
u64, 312, 156, 31,
29, 0x5555555555555555,
17, 0x71D67FFFEDA60000,
37, 0xFFF7EEE000000000,
43, 6364136223846793005);
/// Use `init` to initialize this state.
pub const Rand = struct {
const Rng = if (@sizeOf(usize) >= 8) MT19937_64 else MT19937_32;
rng: Rng,
/// Initialize random state with the given seed.
pub fn init(seed: usize) Rand {
return Rand {
.rng = Rng.init(seed),
/// Get an integer or boolean with random bits.
pub fn scalar(r: &Rand, comptime T: type) T {
if (T == usize) {
return r.rng.get();
} else if (T == bool) {
return (r.rng.get() & 0b1) == 0;
} else {
var result: [@sizeOf(T)]u8 = undefined;
return mem.readInt(result, T, builtin.Endian.Little);
/// Fill `buf` with randomness.
pub fn fillBytes(r: &Rand, buf: []u8) void {
var bytes_left = buf.len;
while (bytes_left >= @sizeOf(usize)) {
mem.writeInt(buf[buf.len - bytes_left..], r.rng.get(), builtin.Endian.Little);
bytes_left -= @sizeOf(usize);
if (bytes_left > 0) {
var rand_val_array: [@sizeOf(usize)]u8 = undefined;
mem.writeInt(rand_val_array[0..], r.rng.get(), builtin.Endian.Little);
while (bytes_left > 0) {
buf[buf.len - bytes_left] = rand_val_array[@sizeOf(usize) - bytes_left];
bytes_left -= 1;
/// Get a random unsigned integer with even distribution between `start`
/// inclusive and `end` exclusive.
pub fn range(r: &Rand, comptime T: type, start: T, end: T) T {
assert(start <= end);
if (T.is_signed) {
const uint = @IntType(false, T.bit_count);
if (start >= 0 and end >= 0) {
return T(r.range(uint, uint(start), uint(end)));
} else if (start < 0 and end < 0) {
// Can't overflow because the range is over signed ints
return math.negateCast(r.range(uint, math.absCast(end), math.absCast(start)) + 1) catch unreachable;
} else if (start < 0 and end >= 0) {
const end_uint = uint(end);
const total_range = math.absCast(start) + end_uint;
const value = r.range(uint, 0, total_range);
const result = if (value < end_uint) x: {
break :x T(value);
} else if (value == end_uint) x: {
break :x start;
} else x: {
// Can't overflow because the range is over signed ints
break :x math.negateCast(value - end_uint) catch unreachable;
return result;
} else {
} else {
const total_range = end - start;
const leftover = @maxValue(T) % total_range;
const upper_bound = @maxValue(T) - leftover;
var rand_val_array: [@sizeOf(T)]u8 = undefined;
while (true) {
const rand_val = mem.readInt(rand_val_array, T, builtin.Endian.Little);
if (rand_val < upper_bound) {
return start + (rand_val % total_range);
/// Get a floating point value in the range 0.0..1.0.
pub fn float(r: &Rand, comptime T: type) T {
// TODO Implement this way instead:
// const int = @int_type(false, @sizeOf(T) * 8);
// const mask = ((1 << @float_mantissa_bit_count(T)) - 1);
// const rand_bits = r.rng.scalar(int) & mask;
// return @float_compose(T, false, 0, rand_bits) - 1.0
const int_type = @IntType(false, @sizeOf(T) * 8);
const precision = if (T == f32)
else if (T == f64)
@compileError("unknown floating point type")
return T(r.range(int_type, 0, precision)) / T(precision);
fn MersenneTwister(
comptime int: type, comptime n: usize, comptime m: usize, comptime r: int,
comptime a: int,
comptime u: math.Log2Int(int), comptime d: int,
comptime s: math.Log2Int(int), comptime b: int,
comptime t: math.Log2Int(int), comptime c: int,
comptime l: math.Log2Int(int), comptime f: int) type
return struct {
const Self = this;
array: [n]int,
index: usize,
pub fn init(seed: int) Self {
var mt = Self {
.array = undefined,
.index = n,
var prev_value = seed;
mt.array[0] = prev_value;
var i: usize = 1;
while (i < n) : (i += 1) {
prev_value = int(i) +% f *% (prev_value ^ (prev_value >> (int.bit_count - 2)));
mt.array[i] = prev_value;
return mt;
pub fn get(mt: &Self) int {
const mag01 = []int{0, a};
const LM: int = (1 << r) - 1;
const UM = ~LM;
if (mt.index >= n) {
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < n - m) : (i += 1) {
const x = (mt.array[i] & UM) | (mt.array[i + 1] & LM);
mt.array[i] = mt.array[i + m] ^ (x >> 1) ^ mag01[usize(x & 0x1)];
while (i < n - 1) : (i += 1) {
const x = (mt.array[i] & UM) | (mt.array[i + 1] & LM);
mt.array[i] = mt.array[i + m - n] ^ (x >> 1) ^ mag01[usize(x & 0x1)];
const x = (mt.array[i] & UM) | (mt.array[0] & LM);
mt.array[i] = mt.array[m - 1] ^ (x >> 1) ^ mag01[usize(x & 0x1)];
mt.index = 0;
var x = mt.array[mt.index];
mt.index += 1;
x ^= ((x >> u) & d);
x ^= ((x << s) & b);
x ^= ((x << t) & c);
x ^= (x >> l);
return x;
test "rand float 32" {
var r = Rand.init(42);
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < 1000) : (i += 1) {
const val = r.float(f32);
assert(val >= 0.0);
assert(val < 1.0);
test "rand.MT19937_64" {
var rng = MT19937_64.init(rand_test.mt64_seed);
for (rand_test.mt64_data) |value| {
assert(value == rng.get());
test "rand.MT19937_32" {
var rng = MT19937_32.init(rand_test.mt32_seed);
for (rand_test.mt32_data) |value| {
assert(value == rng.get());
test "rand.Rand.range" {
var r = Rand.init(42);
testRange(&r, -4, 3);
testRange(&r, -4, -1);
testRange(&r, 10, 14);
fn testRange(r: &Rand, start: i32, end: i32) void {
const count = usize(end - start);
var values_buffer = []bool{false} ** 20;
const values = values_buffer[0..count];
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < count) {
const value = r.range(i32, start, end);
const index = usize(value - start);
if (!values[index]) {
i += 1;
values[index] = true;

std/rand/index.zig Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,652 @@
// The engines provided here should be initialized from an external source. For now, getRandomBytes
// from the os package is the most suitable. Be sure to use a CSPRNG when required, otherwise using
// a normal PRNG will be faster and use substantially less stack space.
// ```
// var buf: [8]u8 = undefined;
// try std.os.getRandomBytes(buf[0..]);
// const seed = mem.readInt(buf[0..8], u64, builtin.Endian.Little);
// var r = DefaultPrng.init(seed);
// const s = r.random.scalar(u64);
// ```
// TODO(tiehuis): Benchmark these against other reference implementations.
const std = @import("../index.zig");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const mem = std.mem;
const math = std.math;
// When you need fast unbiased random numbers
pub const DefaultPrng = Xoroshiro128;
// When you need cryptographically secure random numbers
pub const DefaultCsprng = Isaac64;
pub const Random = struct {
fillFn: fn(r: &Random, buf: []u8) void,
/// Read random bytes into the specified buffer until fill.
pub fn bytes(r: &Random, buf: []u8) void {
r.fillFn(r, buf);
/// Return a random integer/boolean type.
pub fn scalar(r: &Random, comptime T: type) T {
var rand_bytes: [@sizeOf(T)]u8 = undefined;
if (T == bool) {
return rand_bytes[0] & 0b1 == 0;
} else {
// NOTE: Cannot @bitCast array to integer type.
return mem.readInt(rand_bytes, T, builtin.Endian.Little);
/// Get a random unsigned integer with even distribution between `start`
/// inclusive and `end` exclusive.
pub fn range(r: &Random, comptime T: type, start: T, end: T) T {
assert(start <= end);
if (T.is_signed) {
const uint = @IntType(false, T.bit_count);
if (start >= 0 and end >= 0) {
return T(r.range(uint, uint(start), uint(end)));
} else if (start < 0 and end < 0) {
// Can't overflow because the range is over signed ints
return math.negateCast(r.range(uint, math.absCast(end), math.absCast(start)) + 1) catch unreachable;
} else if (start < 0 and end >= 0) {
const end_uint = uint(end);
const total_range = math.absCast(start) + end_uint;
const value = r.range(uint, 0, total_range);
const result = if (value < end_uint) x: {
break :x T(value);
} else if (value == end_uint) x: {
break :x start;
} else x: {
// Can't overflow because the range is over signed ints
break :x math.negateCast(value - end_uint) catch unreachable;
return result;
} else {
} else {
const total_range = end - start;
const leftover = @maxValue(T) % total_range;
const upper_bound = @maxValue(T) - leftover;
var rand_val_array: [@sizeOf(T)]u8 = undefined;
while (true) {
const rand_val = mem.readInt(rand_val_array, T, builtin.Endian.Little);
if (rand_val < upper_bound) {
return start + (rand_val % total_range);
/// Return a floating point value evenly distributed in the range [0, 1).
pub fn float(r: &Random, comptime T: type) T {
// Generate a uniform value between [1, 2) and scale down to [0, 1).
// Note: The lowest mantissa bit is always set to 0 so we only use half the available range.
switch (T) {
f32 => {
const s = r.scalar(u32);
const repr = (0x7f << 23) | (s >> 9);
return @bitCast(f32, repr) - 1.0;
f64 => {
const s = r.scalar(u64);
const repr = (0x3ff << 52) | (s >> 12);
return @bitCast(f64, repr) - 1.0;
else => @compileError("unknown floating point type"),
/// Return a floating point value normally distributed in the range [0, 1].
pub fn floatNorm(r: &Random, comptime T: type) T {
// TODO(tiehuis): See
@compileError("floatNorm is unimplemented");
/// Return a exponentially distributed float between (0, @maxValue(f64))
pub fn floatExp(r: &Random, comptime T: type) T {
@compileError("floatExp is unimplemented");
/// Shuffle a slice into a random order.
pub fn shuffle(r: &Random, comptime T: type, buf: []T) void {
if (buf.len < 2) {
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < buf.len - 1) : (i += 1) {
const j = r.range(usize, i, buf.len);
mem.swap(T, &buf[i], &buf[j]);
// Generator to extend 64-bit seed values into longer sequences.
// The number of cycles is thus limited to 64-bits regardless of the engine, but this
// is still plenty for practical purposes.
const SplitMix64 = struct {
s: u64,
pub fn init(seed: u64) SplitMix64 {
return SplitMix64 { .s = seed };
pub fn next(self: &SplitMix64) u64 {
self.s +%= 0x9e3779b97f4a7c15;
var z = self.s;
z = (z ^ (z >> 30)) *% 0xbf58476d1ce4e5b9;
z = (z ^ (z >> 27)) *% 0x94d049bb133111eb;
return z ^ (z >> 31);
test "splitmix64 sequence" {
var r = SplitMix64.init(0xaeecf86f7878dd75);
const seq = []const u64 {
for (seq) |s| {
std.debug.assert(s ==;
// PCG32 -
pub const Pcg = struct {
const default_multiplier = 6364136223846793005;
random: Random,
s: u64,
i: u64,
pub fn init(init_s: u64) Pcg {
var pcg = Pcg {
.random = Random { .fillFn = fill },
.s = undefined,
.i = undefined,
return pcg;
fn next(self: &Pcg) u32 {
const l = self.s;
self.s = l *% default_multiplier +% (self.i | 1);
const xor_s = @truncate(u32, ((l >> 18) ^ l) >> 27);
const rot = u32(l >> 59);
return (xor_s >> u5(rot)) | (xor_s << u5((0 -% rot) & 31));
fn seed(self: &Pcg, init_s: u64) void {
// Pcg requires 128-bits of seed.
var gen = SplitMix64.init(init_s);
fn seedTwo(self: &Pcg, init_s: u64, init_i: u64) void {
self.s = 0;
self.i = (init_s << 1) | 1;
self.s = self.s *% default_multiplier +% self.i;
self.s +%= init_i;
self.s = self.s *% default_multiplier +% self.i;
fn fill(r: &Random, buf: []u8) void {
const self = @fieldParentPtr(Pcg, "random", r);
var i: usize = 0;
const aligned_len = buf.len - (buf.len & 7);
// Complete 4 byte segments.
while (i < aligned_len) : (i += 4) {
var n =;
comptime var j: usize = 0;
inline while (j < 4) : (j += 1) {
buf[i + j] = @truncate(u8, n);
n >>= 8;
// Remaining. (cuts the stream)
if (i != buf.len) {
var n =;
while (i < buf.len) : (i += 1) {
buf[i] = @truncate(u8, n);
n >>= 4;
test "pcg sequence" {
var r = Pcg.init(0);
const s0: u64 = 0x9394bf54ce5d79de;
const s1: u64 = 0x84e9c579ef59bbf7;
r.seedTwo(s0, s1);
const seq = []const u32 {
for (seq) |s| {
std.debug.assert(s ==;
// Xoroshiro128+ -
pub const Xoroshiro128 = struct {
random: Random,
s: [2]u64,
pub fn init(init_s: u64) Xoroshiro128 {
var x = Xoroshiro128 {
.random = Random { .fillFn = fill },
.s = undefined,
return x;
fn next(self: &Xoroshiro128) u64 {
const s0 = self.s[0];
var s1 = self.s[1];
const r = s0 +% s1;
s1 ^= s0;
self.s[0] = math.rotl(u64, s0, u8(55)) ^ s1 ^ (s1 << 14);
self.s[1] = math.rotl(u64, s1, u8(36));
return r;
// Skip 2^64 places ahead in the sequence
fn jump(self: &Xoroshiro128) void {
var s0: u64 = 0;
var s1: u64 = 0;
const table = []const u64 {
inline for (table) |entry| {
var b: usize = 0;
while (b < 64) : (b += 1) {
if ((entry & (u64(1) << u6(b))) != 0) {
s0 ^= self.s[0];
s1 ^= self.s[1];
_ =;
self.s[0] = s0;
self.s[1] = s1;
fn seed(self: &Xoroshiro128, init_s: u64) void {
// Xoroshiro requires 128-bits of seed.
var gen = SplitMix64.init(init_s);
self.s[0] =;
self.s[1] =;
fn fill(r: &Random, buf: []u8) void {
const self = @fieldParentPtr(Xoroshiro128, "random", r);
var i: usize = 0;
const aligned_len = buf.len - (buf.len & 7);
// Complete 8 byte segments.
while (i < aligned_len) : (i += 8) {
var n =;
comptime var j: usize = 0;
inline while (j < 8) : (j += 1) {
buf[i + j] = @truncate(u8, n);
n >>= 8;
// Remaining. (cuts the stream)
if (i != buf.len) {
var n =;
while (i < buf.len) : (i += 1) {
buf[i] = @truncate(u8, n);
n >>= 8;
test "xoroshiro sequence" {
var r = Xoroshiro128.init(0);
r.s[0] = 0xaeecf86f7878dd75;
r.s[1] = 0x01cd153642e72622;
const seq1 = []const u64 {
for (seq1) |s| {
std.debug.assert(s ==;
const seq2 = []const u64 {
for (seq2) |s| {
std.debug.assert(s ==;
// ISAAC64 -
// Follows the general idea of the implementation from here with a few shortcuts.
pub const Isaac64 = struct {
random: Random,
r: [256]u64,
m: [256]u64,
a: u64,
b: u64,
c: u64,
i: usize,
pub fn init(init_s: u64) Isaac64 {
var isaac = Isaac64 {
.random = Random { .fillFn = fill },
.r = undefined,
.m = undefined,
.a = undefined,
.b = undefined,
.c = undefined,
.i = undefined,
// seed == 0 => same result as the unseeded reference implementation
isaac.seed(init_s, 1);
return isaac;
fn step(self: &Isaac64, mix: u64, base: usize, comptime m1: usize, comptime m2: usize) void {
const x = self.m[base + m1];
self.a = mix +% self.m[base + m2];
const y = self.a +% self.b +% self.m[(x >> 3) % self.m.len];
self.m[base + m1] = y;
self.b = x +% self.m[(y >> 11) % self.m.len];
self.r[self.r.len - 1 - base - m1] = self.b;
fn refill(self: &Isaac64) void {
const midpoint = self.r.len / 2;
self.c +%= 1;
self.b +%= self.c;
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < midpoint) : (i += 4) {
self.step( ~(self.a ^ (self.a << 21)), i + 0, 0, midpoint);
self.step( self.a ^ (self.a >> 5) , i + 1, 0, midpoint);
self.step( self.a ^ (self.a << 12) , i + 2, 0, midpoint);
self.step( self.a ^ (self.a >> 33) , i + 3, 0, midpoint);
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < midpoint) : (i += 4) {
self.step( ~(self.a ^ (self.a << 21)), i + 0, midpoint, 0);
self.step( self.a ^ (self.a >> 5) , i + 1, midpoint, 0);
self.step( self.a ^ (self.a << 12) , i + 2, midpoint, 0);
self.step( self.a ^ (self.a >> 33) , i + 3, midpoint, 0);
self.i = 0;
fn next(self: &Isaac64) u64 {
if (self.i >= self.r.len) {
const value = self.r[self.i];
self.i += 1;
return value;
fn seed(self: &Isaac64, init_s: u64, comptime rounds: usize) void {
// We ignore the multi-pass requirement since we don't currently expose full access to
// seeding the self.m array completely.
mem.set(u64, self.m[0..], 0);
self.m[0] = init_s;
// prescrambled golden ratio constants
var a = []const u64 {
comptime var i: usize = 0;
inline while (i < rounds) : (i += 1) {
var j: usize = 0;
while (j < self.m.len) : (j += 8) {
comptime var x1: usize = 0;
inline while (x1 < 8) : (x1 += 1) {
a[x1] +%= self.m[j + x1];
a[0] -%= a[4]; a[5] ^= a[7] >> 9; a[7] +%= a[0];
a[1] -%= a[5]; a[6] ^= a[0] << 9; a[0] +%= a[1];
a[2] -%= a[6]; a[7] ^= a[1] >> 23; a[1] +%= a[2];
a[3] -%= a[7]; a[0] ^= a[2] << 15; a[2] +%= a[3];
a[4] -%= a[0]; a[1] ^= a[3] >> 14; a[3] +%= a[4];
a[5] -%= a[1]; a[2] ^= a[4] << 20; a[4] +%= a[5];
a[6] -%= a[2]; a[3] ^= a[5] >> 17; a[5] +%= a[6];
a[7] -%= a[3]; a[4] ^= a[6] << 14; a[6] +%= a[7];
comptime var x2: usize = 0;
inline while (x2 < 8) : (x2 += 1) {
self.m[j + x2] = a[x2];
mem.set(u64, self.r[0..], 0);
self.a = 0;
self.b = 0;
self.c = 0;
self.i = self.r.len; // trigger refill on first value
fn fill(r: &Random, buf: []u8) void {
const self = @fieldParentPtr(Isaac64, "random", r);
var i: usize = 0;
const aligned_len = buf.len - (buf.len & 7);
// Fill complete 64-byte segments
while (i < aligned_len) : (i += 8) {
var n =;
comptime var j: usize = 0;
inline while (j < 8) : (j += 1) {
buf[i + j] = @truncate(u8, n);
n >>= 8;
// Fill trailing, ignoring excess (cut the stream).
if (i != buf.len) {
var n =;
while (i < buf.len) : (i += 1) {
buf[i] = @truncate(u8, n);
n >>= 8;
test "isaac64 sequence" {
var r = Isaac64.init(0);
// from reference implementation
const seq = []const u64 {
for (seq) |s| {
std.debug.assert(s ==;
// Actual Random helper function tests, pcg engine is assumed correct.
test "Random float" {
var prng = DefaultPrng.init(0);
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < 1000) : (i += 1) {
const val1 = prng.random.float(f32);
std.debug.assert(val1 >= 0.0);
std.debug.assert(val1 < 1.0);
const val2 = prng.random.float(f64);
std.debug.assert(val2 >= 0.0);
std.debug.assert(val2 < 1.0);
test "Random scalar" {
var prng = DefaultPrng.init(0);
const s = prng .random.scalar(u64);
test "Random bytes" {
var prng = DefaultPrng.init(0);
var buf: [2048]u8 = undefined;
test "Random shuffle" {
var prng = DefaultPrng.init(0);
var seq = []const u8 { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 };
var seen = []bool {false} ** 5;
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < 1000) : (i += 1) {
prng.random.shuffle(u8, seq[0..]);
seen[seq[0]] = true;
std.debug.assert(sumArray(seq[0..]) == 10);
// we should see every entry at the head at least once
for (seen) |e| {
std.debug.assert(e == true);
fn sumArray(s: []const u8) u32 {
var r: u32 = 0;
for (s) |e| r += e;
return r;
test "Random range" {
var prng = DefaultPrng.init(0);
testRange(&prng.random, -4, 3);
testRange(&prng.random, -4, -1);
testRange(&prng.random, 10, 14);
fn testRange(r: &Random, start: i32, end: i32) void {
const count = usize(end - start);
var values_buffer = []bool{false} ** 20;
const values = values_buffer[0..count];
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < count) {
const value = r.range(i32, start, end);
const index = usize(value - start);
if (!values[index]) {
i += 1;
values[index] = true;

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@ -1,507 +0,0 @@
pub const mt64_seed = 0xb334e49d0977c37e;
pub const mt64_data = []u64 {
0x2ad1a63fab6d25a9, 0xb7143aba12569814, 0xc1b60d8d49e53e8, 0x5652adfc8da656dc,
0x43e3beb6d9e484a9, 0x17b09b71e9418ff7, 0x541646292686cfa4, 0x260457071268ecfc,
0x1627af31774e1dc1, 0x362a49b34ed75bb3, 0x7acf72002fe0f733, 0x3aaaf2e7b9409452,
0x9cfc2d9908115c2, 0x6e81a7f16ae613e9, 0xfc4da89c04acf3c7, 0x6984b6adb4feb9ae,
0x6a128b334e27b03d, 0xcc45a2b02937871a, 0xe585b229e00b2283, 0x7a92c0664a6f678a,
0x972735011bdc0744, 0xb494e743d658a084, 0x1eda3c4e7b1b2d0c, 0x4c7adb3831d87332,
0x12f8c7355f5ec631, 0xfc2bcb6be7d60eba, 0x74b95b47895f8687, 0x171de6fe92b97f5a,
0x86383730f52719ac, 0xe4e43ce0f61274f6, 0x514f7e072d96f19c, 0xabef324fbc6cb7fe,
0x7534b945b742f14f, 0x47f9efe33265adbe, 0x7bcab027a0abf16b, 0x3312a2b34225bff7,
0xb61455ce8c2e3e0b, 0x2b81008deeee4d94, 0x743b0b2b4974c7b6, 0xfc219101fd665f7d,
0x863d78891cbfe5e5, 0x7531bb1839181778, 0xf614359a65356e72, 0xfcdd1f6e3f250bdd,
0x528e10bd536eed5b, 0x9f69386ac60cd618, 0xbf5f242706817f01, 0x8e7da8070072cf64,
0xaa318b622da0667f, 0xc9580540fb7efd66, 0xb5d996deccd02e0e, 0x81c6a799ea3f5a41,
0xe6b896f4e21a8550, 0xde5206f177a24ceb, 0x53343e81639ec0b6, 0x5a6edb63d08be9f6,
0x3602c2892f7da1b9, 0xda84f4259841bdea, 0x5880e169a7746e45, 0x57cddb5ffd3c2423,
0x28fe1166fe7b8595, 0x92136c9decb42243, 0xa8c4199818ca7d62, 0x5042cd96f62854dd,
0x22b2d38c3f21f8d0, 0x73a2bfccf1b5f7bb, 0xaba3718f40b6984e, 0x9c1f5dc3e399f5f0,
0x9cf463f95369c149, 0xa7546d69e4232e18, 0x9ea57317d19ab7fc, 0xfb13c83d830731fb,
0x635a123eaa099259, 0x9a2fe7d0ba6e3c5c, 0x40b903cd0d0d3b4e, 0xc8210eb2d2e941cb,
0xd2582d4b1e016484, 0x1d048030875af39c, 0xb51c31a6c193d76f, 0x5ce9b801b8d61626,
0x2bae30455cbb0022, 0xba54df5998b2443f, 0x927abb9342c9a90a, 0xc431eb7df3e06727,
0x726f885d3da88d5, 0x7d85ff1ca4260280, 0xaf3fecf8f019817, 0x31d39105d6fc4fe8,
0x262d9842dbafd4bd, 0x54c28a2876e62e39, 0x95a986e24e214dde, 0xbf677a1abd2e553,
0x48ac890ff787b2b6, 0x2890ec1c67c539f4, 0x7ce88bf3975882c3, 0x88ef340414a29c88,
0xe30de9c88a00805b, 0xe772225e3ee6c68a, 0xa3a7d0921c5d5816, 0x8354957227b1663f,
0xb5b65ded7c747cbc, 0x93b4a12ff2e8fcea, 0x6359579c3c438b3c, 0x45b2c12e9722f2bd,
0x659a604414f19e1, 0x4ec9a149d4219ca5, 0xd830290dd6aebe2b, 0xabc7874a6b4827f8,
0xc91be5dd875847e7, 0x5b761d39f3f96aee, 0x5749dffad692b6c8, 0x86c94840cbd249d2,
0x411a466e886ad7, 0x27dca1f51aebb9a0, 0x1cceb093fbab7a42, 0x7140c2d6706e927c,
0x6881fdb87299a92f, 0xa81a28de171f3c47, 0x8fa9a1b3bb5dfb2a, 0xae076853e3e0abde,
0xe76572308ecd6b54, 0x6cd926c2e2760d8a, 0xdf080266cfbe3dc3, 0xb99b961999765d7b,
0xadb5d4e2b896ddf1, 0x8d3aaf4c83c83c56, 0x9b66e4f6eb65bef7, 0x7a81c3bf785eb1df,
0xc53f02b3e8c38647, 0xcdfeb25ee787759d, 0xead5e734d64ab5f6, 0x7930d87af1072499,
0xf30690a71d88ad6e, 0x73c347923c84728a, 0x3f2b588221003fe4, 0xe747052d0b453af2,
0xabe6fa70539b5edf, 0x4db6d1530d628c2, 0x4ec929af434eb1b0, 0x15afbe39886181ff,
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0x34d745de1cb7de2e, 0x6cf67091309e5e93, 0xfb25004efa59450a, 0x3355947066522286,
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0xadfac5e3a80de9c2, 0xc48b16e2df25b9f2, 0xa3257889c33669e6, 0x5bc760d4d65a1745,
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0x35643b24efb0559a, 0x502820785dc1af13, 0xbf82d2775b46433d, 0x1db626f2e16ca66,
0x744b031447c1e27d, 0x99e79898612f4606, 0xda02a728d234821f, 0xcf00c6fbb637a6e9,
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0xd14c4ee5aeef5c7a, 0x3749fbef94378dc1, 0x8fe710ec5cfc8566, 0xf43d7e495d5384d7,
0x8ff6396f1f1ce7c4, 0xf1252a6b6f86b42c, 0xddbbd098d6dca83f, 0x4e228724a227232a,
0x92a5a52ba2b24fa8, 0xdfc172b03fde669c, 0x34ee55adf7f0711c, 0x21d181e79b8000bc,
0xc788b1f48b37b693, 0x544fc4cfed0e0f92, 0xafca0c6de41789cc, 0xbb37bb5107ef97f8,
0xb9d62bf1dc0f6c95, 0xc78b5a36110dfb1, 0x1d615b658f39657e, 0x2bb2cd04cabcc360,
0xe563488ece6362f0, 0x213b56ce006fecc6, 0xc38207089fed0270, 0xa33199ff4a51d095,
0x1802ad28fb1896b1, 0xbead8f18c164a332, 0xceb5149101aa450f, 0x39ad89851ee8b62a,
0x317229aafabf37c4, 0xee68b8b9bf3520b3, 0xe4db499288350f04, 0xf8ea27feddb0ae7a,
0xa17235067b489c42, 0xbf4a570245f95d78, 0x8065c67e1d1537ab, 0xbd9357fb1b30aee5,
0xc224166ebeb24c42, 0xf9baf8ccd01b53bf, 0x5c13775c3fea8038, 0x4ea66f6d650ce62d,
0x470592ed81c140f2, 0xc2d0eb6f7999321f, 0x85d762f20290dc0c, 0x9f7d0d13936f6e78,
0x41f1fd2d20f2d62d, 0x891cb19ce1af2c2f, 0xe7ff34c3b29c3719, 0x246743f43126c69c,
0xea4b2da3195ebab9, 0x4831e4de995187dc, 0x7fb8969bbee45ce5, 0xe35b483da73c44ed,
0xf89158ca9af36227, 0x9fc7f34a35469a7a, 0xd02483ebca6564e7, 0xca00da156aaeda03,
0x303d1514646822f1, 0x226832ae582b8eac, 0xf772d719e413504e, 0x87603b928c068ab1,
0x4dc1552230e9b883, 0xef8c5e9db946fc87, 0x935581290bf7a4ee, 0xca632d2c7674bf2,
0xd8a3933b80d39efd, 0xf026574d0ffee6fb, 0xe4412d0dcd2fe94f, 0x668916490a2983ec,
0x73b1fe84a995718, 0x729bedefe21cc0e7, 0xd3a770f1c683b98f, 0x5d597a96323a10c2,
0xfbb7834bbf5fed23, 0xf3546c805a42ccdd, 0x9ef3e2164bb31a0c, 0x388363ce6c6c2253,
0x8120f4a949f017cb, 0x925a61942bbd3d10, 0xa03182d8599c0521, 0x2412e23004b40ebb,
0x35010a126bf2aecc, 0x21147869a1a84ca7, 0x53cba503b6127b98, 0x10c89dd62ab3591c,
0xf4c7f84faaf9f5f1, 0x8b4a37a2e844b97b, 0x23ddeb236a0bd9af, 0x4fd51d7207f49e62,
0x6cdab447c27706b2, 0x9e8f54b9a2d1a790, 0x191aed85d4d77087, 0xf74ecf5015265af6,
0x45925e25404922a1, 0xcf5467a0f5b42b98, 0x73590809c85c728c, 0xc16beeda74a1a1b8,
0xc3bbe7999803dd6a, 0x1a368bb32eec184, 0xafad2d86b7bb574f, 0xdc7c7b8960dc921a,
0xd9b68d854f5e0ae1, 0xe9e1a6a16efe0bea, 0x304a15bd6ca1cb14, 0x713ce3144e0af4b9,
0xc50eb410981be1d2, 0xb0fba6119bf7a300, 0x7a107296731fd314, 0xdd764898a90042b3,
0x8a69973262da3bc8, 0x29c6b9d048596c44, 0x62581bd20da76f1b, 0x4d1a3941d6d3e4bb,
0x19c447306245055, 0xb2978afcd04ba357, 0x7c01cdefcfe24432, 0xc4b268314411deae,
0x5ba56d49da714765, 0x33299186ac6dfd09, 0xede087aec096ef0d, 0xf758da2c7bcf9ddb,
0x5ea6c40d56824cdd, 0x121ff879d6ba905b, 0xb5fed0c42b616f5c, 0x21029cdc347de152,
0xb251d93f4cd7bf4a, 0xaedcb2dc6402cf13, 0x840e5e0d96e89407, 0x6a92fd328efcc6ef,
0xc63f5d8f6fcadcbd, 0x405bd64d1621128e, 0xe1318888172f58ed, 0x1009c9764d49da2b,
0x4bc0592cbfdf9f91, 0x972f0e080dfecd02, 0xa1cb961958eeb6aa, 0x6ee6467ad8c20aca,
0xb3f1c738390d6a83, 0x6504eb7ac498650d, 0xdf7dda67f198f59f, 0x72615652e56a82c3,
0x85e0fa2dfb51755a, 0x98b1f92a3d2ad940, 0xce81d51d875c0045, 0x437004d0be0a4d69,
0x64065895526f896c, 0xe1e1fea920785d49, 0x7d507ffd56fda19a, 0x17309b625cecb42,
0x67b6d83f0fd0f572, 0x5178665a5bcd38f4, 0x3c49fda2d35a8606, 0x7f058d2cb0ad351c,
0xfb95691559245416, 0xc991b857662b1b9f, 0x9e6d0f4e19774f96, 0x26cc7502212ca578,
0x3466110f03225e49, 0x2ae4958375eab9f3, 0x939a8d94c8871191, 0xa27356548ac6b28d,
0xacf86d43ec3aa030, 0xe0d16c7fa0b13a8c, 0x408ec2b2f8da531b, 0xde72494115ee4e83,
0xd26d7f79a02c5b1e, 0x2b6f835520c97f6a, 0x1f30f008b109ae7d, 0x698dbf9acaa222f1,
0xbd55de40838376d5, 0xebe53822cec7eb80, 0x7ce900793008d2bc, 0x494fc7d10e8331bb,
0x53509b90bdb7d588, 0x62aa920e9554b2f2, 0xe103098542011b6f, 0xeb722b9523d68af8,
0xb71b1a6ea2c6591b, 0x97cd7da55c940270, 0x8ab70184427e45dc, 0x6cb6907427808465,
0xf69232a42dbe7475, 0xbc9816d429fa8909, 0xef1e74244539d41b, 0x5569b6d10440d5c,
0x7dda6817985c8ef5, 0xb270ed19cc8161b3, 0x87d80b66c8a15db0, 0x96966684c3ba47fb,
0x996669bc87aff3bf, 0x17c015383c793f2, 0xa4b5de41fc69f61a, 0x14a0eb4e3055742f,
0x5f0da5a7a2b8bc79, 0x5fe0353728aac023, 0x1554daf4abe92eed, 0x545722dac774b6a4,
0x733fc54174f2e0d1, 0x3478ef85dd994316, 0x58ba2ac090ef7575, 0xa66b9b0cbc77b6e2,
0xdc78cab5c708a3ee, 0x97a30c27be510f61, 0xb95d0b06fc0910b6, 0xdc80bdc42f79a25f,
0x5cadc438e65b3070, 0x6263df49ce691b9c, 0xa7ce160daa64416b, 0xa4f8bfedb57288c1,
0xa51714e187bbcfe9, 0xe25df4e9fc44644c, 0xeaf1854b3116ce11, 0xde1b8f810991a604,
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0x4f6c5d5e676733a6, 0x7ab7ddb9c1b789b7, 0x5d9beb4877a37034, 0x5e96bc9de3985bcb,
0x72bab4dcb75b3228, 0xfa40f33c4d799e1f, 0x73e6f61a69984a6b, 0x7499c9af466cf22f,
0x42fab9136bfa64dd, 0xd5e8e39513b6fffd, 0x8eda1fd5ad8cd51d, 0x95338744859dff44,
0x4f0c5e5ae768c729, 0x5bc92c60495ae348, 0xcbb48c170ac21168, 0x8374aa2440eeb138,
0x70b663d6f6d70ca9, 0x11264ca6dd79e5a0, 0xf058a2c156974514, 0x36820eefc435ba63,
0xd7b69f3d0c0c27a1, 0xe1a2eddf3b41d205, 0x80508ec93b038bc8, 0xd7e0429bd511ff37,
0x7bf55a4e87e183b8, 0x4cb370ce7edb4bea, 0x26fbd0b31dcef45b, 0xf7acbd6781419fa6,
0xf7849659f05c90c, 0xb686271ea57a47c6, 0x16f3f839dbfb4e1b, 0x906872b08b2c61a,
0xc30c86d0a0203c15, 0xdaf238a6aa4fc9f7, 0x2399aa09ad2c069a, 0xf133c3aca703f545,
0x868a10304a1c98ba, 0x60ef0607f46f7e90, 0xe4e69f26931e11a5, 0x487b8f6bd6d92941,
0xd10cb2971798c0c7, 0x7126d81aa4bd0106, 0xcb620311dc84ab82, 0x26f8734a7a356bb2,
0xcf9b9eeb02ee978c, 0x8a9ff0285d4d6b30, 0xe30e3b957e2cc7f8, 0x7c15a09e4d275809,
0xdf723ae1dda5d167, 0xac212e4f6264bba2, 0xe3d60920ed983308, 0x91b403cbc91e290c,
0xcdb905b012aff7c7, 0xb5ee73d45f900897, 0xafacc7cd7f5d52e7, 0xa8653272621165d6,
0x90e2efc485ddd0d1, 0x56ef1ca9097b1a96, 0xc7a20f85777eb0a, 0xf4cec0271a50eae9,
0x21acd76442024973, 0x19a46be82a4abdbe, 0x1bc12e0b8bf41fbb, 0x3766fe3d8e5119f2,
0x7fea355c4c18e8ad, 0xd08b496a24fb8017, 0xe1a7cfaa0877aa2, 0xd37ad9e2a2a3fa96,
0xaa362ba0e696f679, 0x7e7de89142c3aca5, 0x2dedb0842a3575b8, 0xb74c1e1d9082fe5b,
0xb1ae74323699140f, 0x73623f80c727a6ea, 0x132ed204b0f10441, 0xc3e6ebe8ffc252bf,
0x5f15cffb8286dce0, 0x66dab32df780fa8f, 0xeb00da7b25ea99e4, 0x113ad2448fafb671,
0xee065c10a8f1924f, 0x2fcb7367cc01fe5, 0x484338f5c2d0aacd, 0xecfacd785e42d7a6,
0x11513f845de8af3a, 0xd11be6b29054de0d, 0x2536e5d2856af9b7, 0x60ab519760acd4c4,
0x6bfe010250a831ac, 0xb28a93e44b53b21b, 0x281cf9b233858583, 0x4ca6139abc79a710,
0x5717d33616d77a95, 0x9ba52d2b7dfe71b5, 0x32e1c543476aa17d, 0xae242cc75806b7fa,
0xa1415cb8fde770da, 0x3956c67542dc004d, 0x3a6f51518fdd20ce, 0x448c848f6c936d93,
0x8fec38ff51bb5fab, 0x7463816cfc0754ac, 0x83b38e531ba39e73, 0xf9fc84dcf4f8c93e,
0xdf20dbe8b91c3d6f, 0xec65939ac9516f9a, 0x888346f6c1aaa94a, 0xe42cabb108f60d95,
0x39bb2e46b0599fa9, 0x529335ed75acba9e, 0x6a8767c5d00776c4, 0x8243346104fe61a5,
0x7a2bd0339b3e9bac, 0xb68ccdf14473f4ba, 0xa06f389531ab553a, 0xc7c6f074fc2882d3,
0x50a5fd6e6d0df962, 0xd7c0000d194139b7, 0x5ae27ef4033f873d, 0x4e7abe8a6d3570f8,
0x27011ccd3885e709, 0x3dae53f7b7a8924a, 0xa9086c9b2b86fb71, 0xa3f9e534a399e62c,
0x9f2f0379f9a33ec6, 0xceb51af95d4472bd, 0x15aa534182f8465, 0x96373b9cd28a627b,
0x9fdce0ad99d41907, 0x2755bb0f52b8c239, 0x2f2e241b6aa7d243, 0xf040afbacb2f6001,
0x552267c5f8b4c1b0, 0x22bfb3f0b58f9e48, 0x6bff8de368dbee3a, 0x652025c63d4069ce,
0x743eb697b25f9c90, 0x8a3742c9dbf67b1c, 0xaf3bcfc260d7e69, 0x491facaa59b7e1d,
0xd07d0761e6535fcd, 0x79ef09d9d3859232, 0xe0e0a013317d9207, 0x4b94baecf6fe4b4e,
0x574576ed054cfc38, 0x90e90edd1a26f0aa, 0x616d32a371af78c6, 0x392cea9c34ffb0a8,
0x692a6e730c33ac6f, 0x9e4b92ef425b78a6, 0x291d4c962d2f3e7c, 0x5f0f8ebb67f308fc,
0xc1a0faf70ec747a3, 0x641da9550cd89392, 0x6adbe38115f09648, 0x3a51980fb324da0d,
0xee894f2b5c17a380, 0x58788fa693f767c9, 0xc9f490ff5d88c4c0, 0x2ca6e8b204aa3070,
0x7693837d7910c40c, 0x9240e04f16051720, 0xab773072d922faa2, 0xacb6892db8362872,
0x5ac8b4d130613c0e, 0x65cd5ac259c653cb, 0x9647e0276864f3f8, 0xe207c57ee9237a53,
0xe41f2663482a8fdb, 0xf605931fce8b95bd, 0x5b0247a9009255d2, 0xae949df3ab5a4ab5,
0xc0e912dacbb72c42, 0x4226971e6351f33a, 0xd98d41f9f0fdb6c3, 0x64bf6a0af66782d5,
0xb4ca689b3959bf46, 0xb4cbf621b4970922, 0xe9f27469c2412fe6, 0xb529d406d27c785e,
0xf33be21f2672ec78, 0x34b3c4c4603656cd, 0x4a7efe099a0ae9d1, 0xa6ad5b909667945b,
0xe20850e47ab440f7, 0x68739e1b4fa069e5, 0x4c191300a9207cf4, 0x9b613a1a38160c98,
0x2cc631eb015081c9, 0x52af80aad7b676f4, 0x904b38943300ca8f, 0x50a515c0d302620f,
0x52ae95b8a0c1f36c, 0x6a62ab87786774e2, 0x17ea45367ad58985, 0x92959c57166aa21b,
0x2a9d91bd1a9716b4, 0x552c2f8528220174, 0xd665856c96b47d17, 0x14c6cba13b6dca3b,
0x865f1c93ec9000d0, 0x23dda8b5e161910e, 0xc191ac4342717953, 0x6783fdb95e098f1d,
0x1a4c26a5cad1e8ee, 0xde96e2a1e33e3046, 0xa57e65bedcf9047e, 0xa1cdef163fe7f80c,
0xeb0abcc13feeb7b2, 0xaa158c61b0e44470, 0x98dc901679caf85b, 0x954046758f8d2e96,
0x56db5e99c5d8c68, 0x7bb8d36962a4ac81, 0x2e301b4ecb03821, 0x121c1b2df70f0e1c,
0x3fbdad1e8faa0543, 0x6efb222398a2f88b, 0x65760de4d96338e0, 0x15b2c58a67fb43fa,
0x22f1532c89367d77, 0x1f726ffdad411d9e, 0x42572b54dcedf3ba, 0x3f8e0f6e9f0bbb7b,
0x4b0e705c86571a1c, 0xf8c9b04f8bd75117, 0x67ed2e9e4545557, 0x57e8853f681bbf8c,
0x6f99d1fd5fdbf582, 0xd2aa9bd48ad692e2, 0x2efc88bddecfe616, 0x8e9779a1e119abf4,
0x52dfee4722a20b75, 0x79465be3aea146d6, 0x588997dbcbd5f005, 0x79bda8bcc5d4c650,
0x2384e131ed3b5330, 0x229cb1d89738aa26, 0x1526d1a020a96507, 0xc7b6ac961a740cb9,
0xe78cec14478c4f71, 0xaba61cfd8f1e2a71, 0x24123c8a37ae66f3, 0xbad8b07709aa215d,
0x7896fa53fd2418e7, 0x72265842e8c4f955, 0x9f6331fd80527661, 0x7c649eeddb382c9d,
0xd3b0708dd6b5ae84, 0xeda51f244551e15, 0xb7822c860b93dd44, 0xdf9afcc3c9cac88f,
0x9244b9816573be70, 0xf3d103887cc4ce2d, 0xb3295c2e5bcb0218, 0x85243b7a2e0af441,
0xbffd3df508d06098, 0x4908b967f6765c12, 0x8886ac94c0dabb, 0x9c7865af133eb6c0,
0x5946fee66e64d7b2, 0x7737bc5af713087f, 0xbec815a80782dd5d, 0xe7672cfe0f7945fb,
0xe1f80b6df5beece1, 0x5b749d3a22450fd6, 0xaf34a567bf838668, 0xa72a177d20943ceb,
0x257c45c1601c4922, 0x3d7c68f6fe36ce59, 0x1b8ef47186e06c96, 0x8040426656154c17,
0xc15f74f980647bda, 0x36389393336a78be, 0x15d174ed5536afe2, 0x51e702e8adb61f63,
0xc9c95ca3f1c08f30, 0x6653094c8531c93a, 0xf7be5dfc2eb3b5b, 0xb5e21ec5c63850b0,
0x9ab5f082e01021a5, 0x75c4ca38d7678fb1, 0xb20bd13e05e5bd67, 0x3378133e631fbaee,
0x17cb3686511aeb6e, 0x4c0dea4c80ec7bc, 0x21fe874bf5509300, 0xece4f84e34d52e54,
0x3f2649803ca9918b, 0xdb493adeac5c60f5, 0x7c02a1d153afedd, 0x2d08ceda0fef7967,
0x6a32e018e432b0ea, 0x86479f3ea38ad57e, 0x84e3e04f1e5877be, 0x41b898cb02772049,
0xd6dded3714d71084, 0x9df5b2f3a0ab275d, 0xd5ab652dfa73ee0a, 0x4633e03fa37d6edb,
0x226314b8c4b937ff, 0x45d66a00ab031188, 0xb93ce1cfbcd1eaa0, 0xf88e0756f7e7c1c1,
0xf3611966fed51e03, 0x81235048c662d9f7, 0xcc8275f866147b4f, 0xd3b3ca0f5033a863,
0x970212eb8c2b3429, 0xec848dd58f3449d6, 0xa1d527af824d09f2, 0x60bd5e91448b9cf4,
0x1210ddfac603aa88, 0xcbf4270f3407e25a, 0x212955fec55466a0, 0x3afeaef4c9ccc793,
0xdd114286ec304817, 0x849e6ae3c2cf794f, 0x71c08228d6a05310, 0x177e77779d155b11,
0xdc59148f219a9c04, 0xb0702a7802d5276d, 0x56085d6761aee015, 0x3f79ce06bcfb4f3,
0x459a1f917f8f3e0, 0xe4ea5635e8bcd512, 0xa88e99b63f135a39, 0x95bd628d77d39446,
0xe6432158ef4c7d98, 0xb349cd3d1c74369e, 0x25b1a32db58efb0a, 0xc2add3a44cecc0b5,
0x5d676629f23010b5, 0x9890b3a62599408e, 0xef68ea8144d97805, 0x429e0fda34046a85,
0x7723d9043053bf52, 0xbb78842d9b67ae91, 0x9155ef932192e6a3, 0xdb523ea403d39f6b,
0xdb8fa1eee23ea58, 0x7c735492524a3448, 0xc580cb82e81505, 0xb0be6a006414841c,
0xdec2e763b5cedaa5, 0x8da58bb23638af5f, 0xb0e6b33f6736e7d0, 0x8146bbcd3dd4df61,
0x978080148a8989bb, 0x7f8119caa3308095, 0x4e88c318ea0604f3, 0x6ee5262f16b3cf83,
0xc44395c7a578ace9, 0x92016ee635de27e1, 0xb8dc5ceb36e67fd2, 0x95c851d65bd35f8c,
0xbe393620503c49fa, 0x42af183b92eac923, 0xfef0e660435135ce, 0x262d67d480451ed1,
0x590f92e1ee0502b3, 0x18825c97d49e3700, 0x2cd8c30a848c9acf, 0x1025c7747fda0115,
0x54109f23e82590aa, 0x93917bf1f8325981, 0xda674b183fa0e3cf, 0x2a0b2467eb8aefc5,
0xb0085eb83468793c, 0x607cabb2c9d3a81b, 0xe7a6b6013804d665, 0x67629a769c1efede,
0x2830ab6ef6d10166, 0xffd02b0655332bd4, 0x19bd056c3117568f, 0x385a834785662c6f,
0x938b5d56bd5f7248, 0x969afe82dd4829c8, 0xf455d4ace41c797d, 0x23d9cd67eff27512,
0x2b0c7037ecb322e2, 0x73df193328258bda, 0x5d7ee05cf2054f93, 0xdabfbd5b46b61cea,
0xcea02d82546b96de, 0x2245d5e74d5f60ae, 0x842ca45f8ef2a44, 0x7505cc4e1c3060d8,
0x869146ac8e68565e, 0x22ea711fb30e73e3, 0x53cd64736898a0c0, 0xfa88458b920684df,
0xc3ae23f451e0616f, 0xe2dd69393141ff32, 0x98863ab129bcd866, 0x8c9756a40dd5b834,
0x2eeeef78c36fede5, 0xe84d2eb23e22153b, 0xb0ccc2f7ac541d78, 0x151faba0f513acfa,
0x4300e3cea0260717, 0xaba308c6d857d2d0, 0x5eb25dd325256c6a, 0x3342627b68038da4,
0x70d7d75526da35, 0x80ff3f5ea2ac3cf1, 0xe7434f2f026394b0, 0xa7c5ff17f7d2cb07,
0xdfed0bb33a06ff78, 0x485cc64d38ce2596, 0x88db8580147aa8fc, 0xf52a5111d693b973,
0xeeaa031c02b370a8, 0xbb3b1678222d0e81, 0x27b569f2a6630939, 0x2b301fa3e50efeb8,
0x4dbc1f85bf3f8972, 0xb37e4f2cb75a825b, 0x3c8848e0f1777cc7, 0x8fae2e6938ba00aa,
0xfb4674b50884992c, 0x2b765005b85b7388, 0xaaf0007fb9662ce5, 0x684bd59009a4ad65,
0x221ffead3d73ab35, 0xccfe6d02d46856b5, 0x54d3323359e1b114, 0xcb412202ed42f097,
0x15d63df422771b9b, 0x71852bca1581d14f, 0xf30dcbb6cf891e63, 0x478fb1eed3cc5a10,
0x849a3b52bc5bb196, 0x4c1a98dbc546dd81, 0x846dc8c2258ec4f8, 0xbd4da447c7340bd0,
0x8f1ee1d6a85b9db0, 0x123ebfa8aaec07f2, 0xae34948e375d4477, 0xd466a4177842d8e4,
0xd5108efeb19cac6, 0x3266f7db8f133bdb, 0xe69af4e5d8d767e4, 0xea0efc0331df64a2,
0xb879052746ed72ed, 0x2c8233cc84de4144, 0xdcd5dda825186731, 0xb9e3b679d268f34c,
0x7ce12e2fa95bda8b, 0xa34afd12e611a4c1, 0x6043d06ee7619f90, 0xca3a3d4813c0addf,
0x6e97a61d1e4b3c4f, 0x8cdeae467a4bb292, 0xf08a6c69e70076b5, 0x97aa5c3180d3edbe,
0xc39813e1573904d5, 0x42577549d026e8c8, 0xaf5827ffe259b62a, 0x9e1d48596c4f0b24,
0xab9dd230ba8efb64, 0x81769493b85868d4, 0x715b45c5e3952245, 0x84735e138d228f35,
0xf4f987da7d19c74d, 0x1bdc77979baf29b, 0x785b3640158e0278, 0x77fc9d00681bcdd,
0xb5980cc490dcab93, 0x9062c158196b8244, 0xc16af5418cc97c4a, 0xdd4a4e9e8e00e524,
0x870b554b629277f1, 0xf90ff72bb54322c0, 0xd4c273bc2199823, 0xeebc75970d438466,
0xe4cad67413074a53, 0x6eccde71bd09dc0c, 0x14278b0ca6b910b4, 0x6e8895f17cdb933c,
0xa0b3987821416e11, 0x71b7d24b81fa769f, 0x1d3b1a805b885a58, 0x1bc737b1719736a,
0xea4d1dbb8823037, 0xe50ce48c8469adbd, 0x34c2d5e6c41a888e, 0x446a756eb06dc3a4,
0xbac5ed8a8f90262, 0x7f1b76e0c707ab9d, 0xb31323309b94a12e, 0xf58269b9852f986e,
0x3b74c2b338c244fc, 0x879b46f23a4deae4, 0x3f2591e34cdce1c9, 0x73c6f81eb560ed5c,
0xd2aa923c7a5c18a9, 0x7170c1f7621cace9, 0xa18b327b11b951a, 0x2b36315510f56370,
0x5cfed2f703dfc0bb, 0x1e43b99175054c07, 0x392dfa3210e8013b, 0x65e0c5c0454ee693,
0x2a795f6f493349db, 0x17995ebdfe848db0, 0xf23174b823a52cf7, 0xaac6ef104bfd396e,
0xfa0f5b29156eeccd, 0x9ccb3590a6e88c1a, 0x2edae0b1b80aafab, 0x1e1e92baae39aa30,
0x24475af89cec7f33, 0xacdbeceaadb9936c, 0x7725948da8586e93, 0xcc05595e17947215,
0x1f3cbde17a508faa, 0x2795f58ff5c8919b, 0x309658d1748f30d3, 0xe90c11962e5ed4bb,
0xc22b876286d32e27, 0x495c8b667c6ea3dd, 0x84263045f7d6eab5, 0xf8d3a9ab1494a315,
0xabc42cf769a21d9d, 0x3fef7fb40bdf3a81, 0xfd35336e188925a3, 0xd472bdaf277ab26d,
0x4949e8ff51da2307, 0xbec86dce960ff3b, 0x1aa1ce4f70256b10, 0xd52986ff8cd700ea,
0x364d8efc0f5afad6, 0xca3d1958f57a9050, 0x17a0a2ec122dc677, 0x7992695be3363fd6,
0x5c66a265e0607da8, 0x7250114e050bb917, 0x30cd3a70bc7b723d, 0x7b77433392b3fbf8,
0x295bb7bf46318b38, 0xdb15025af2a71c65, 0x26a82b21ef67f50c, 0x14a5573d4fc798c1,
0xd8cad4642ec68e5e, 0x9276d7f60142822c, 0xf7b8efc27522e52f, 0xd0a3f36f6d340bed,
0x341260fb11765c02, 0xcd1d394d796702cc, 0x7d483ef031eb3346, 0x74eaab49374576c1,
0xa073bea32a71a273, 0xd65ce2552993b5cf, 0x8670afe77caaeb16, 0xb607f1455d072a47,
0x30ed96be92809559, 0xa58380a503c23c9c, 0x916aa68fb957a30d, 0x30c5a675bf19738c,
0xd4cbad34e4e4b886, 0xd6cb83061f2b0ebf, 0xceddb4040f535fa9, 0x778c586927b1e247,
0xe4bb5c4b6e0f3c3d, 0x3e857d671db80667, 0x2b909dd8725f1fa2, 0x558ffd0772db7841,
0x710f9638d3edb2c4, 0x21a4ccee53d46556, 0xf76e8e4737b9628b, 0x71cd157f23581c71,
0x68d8fded9b66efd6, 0x7d9f5e182c0b9457, 0x2140757748a217ff, 0xdd1e5365520b77a4,
0x644d8e4b2f30dcfa, 0xa1de42f4e9791564, 0x70e148ababfe9f86, 0xb97f463e0ac7daec,
0x82844f729d9fa554, 0x5c8475e84470c924, 0x3a83de748eac32fd, 0x68725fbc9c202c5b,
pub const mt32_seed = 0x7dc0d160;
pub const mt32_data = []u32 {
0x59327332, 0x200858fa, 0xab53c028, 0x5c442427,
0xd8be0287, 0x3b69d304, 0x15fdf62f, 0x59b8ecd,
0x6d7ab30c, 0x3a3dd6f1, 0xc1b9773e, 0xa12fb017,
0xa805b5c1, 0x4a313ba5, 0xd82c790c, 0x8de311f2,
0xe7cb23dd, 0x784b2efb, 0x9743487c, 0x73e2f2fb,
0x1a7ac286, 0xaef90d, 0x6c0a4514, 0xae1d83aa,
0x412fcca1, 0x3acd2d28, 0xde78292f, 0x13237756,
0xdd6cdeba, 0x44ae4df9, 0x3e9902eb, 0x39e1cf20,
0x62f561b9, 0x6cbdf531, 0x4a000673, 0xb1c82daa,
0x896156ca, 0x75e410f2, 0x9c69e72c, 0x396b42bb,
0x25c97ec0, 0xe12173f1, 0x8dcd42e5, 0x82aac3e3,
0xcdc1c84d, 0x13509c0c, 0x46a696d2, 0xb89ad987,
0x92da5e7f, 0xaa87d8a9, 0xe433ff57, 0x80a7ee49,
0xd387cfcc, 0x7dc47d92, 0x21516140, 0x989ca465,
0xf2a8e002, 0x73b99ddb, 0x2204108f, 0x27e84890,
0x371c81c0, 0x9f581854, 0xc0841c35, 0x770f6804,
0x87c55f4e, 0xd29516bb, 0x2b6d6bde, 0x5541f6ee,
0x1ec9b182, 0x7d599729, 0x4f4b9a14, 0x6f8c8562,
0x2d5151aa, 0xb54f5bc, 0xa252452b, 0x2a4266da,
0x25a6b75d, 0x2d11106e, 0xc5d77943, 0xb10b6e0b,
0xeb5cae4a, 0x43a0dd53, 0xa40bea1f, 0x63e632c2,
0xf420b6ce, 0x8b080233, 0x7f70ae87, 0xf460f0d6,
0x147c7e74, 0x710692ea, 0xa0a7d8fb, 0xe7f05808,
0xa6173aaf, 0xae608de0, 0x8702036, 0xbf1bfc7b,
0xf14cd548, 0xbbc7553d, 0x5358dd1d, 0xcc0c1fe5,
0xfab6f78d, 0x9365c118, 0xf64216a3, 0xb4bdcf1b,
0xc90b8a7a, 0x8b7b78a, 0x4c7b6854, 0xba7b5628,
0xdd728c15, 0xcb1f8905, 0xa63e2342, 0xa78822,
0xbda61b18, 0x160a59fa, 0xeccf473b, 0xc5a445b5,
0x7aa86430, 0x362e0d7c, 0x8006a0cb, 0x8b11586f,
0x6677bba9, 0x6208cf27, 0xeec9b5, 0x3dfedfc9,
0x886cc0e8, 0x32ed77ca, 0x43525faf, 0x9786354a,
0x1a2eb378, 0xf0e6b168, 0x49064b09, 0x8ab39681,
0x7b6655fc, 0x35adb168, 0xc417d430, 0x2784288a,
0xea17836, 0xc85006e7, 0x673dfdc3, 0x42765688,
0xc2b9251, 0x840a45b, 0xcac98e2f, 0x1a6f9777,
0x34959b23, 0xf0dcec81, 0xcaa2c6c8, 0x1cf93061,
0x787e598d, 0xd5d9e31e, 0x14e08791, 0xd9d9d782,
0xef162f23, 0x238f4113, 0x23f42107, 0x6ed5cc3f,
0xa55e5a7c, 0x4650595, 0x5217da8b, 0x6eeaacdc,
0xb453d7b1, 0xfa1ff004, 0xb9d17f74, 0x2bd6a53e,
0xe4c2d9dd, 0xed66375e, 0xf8215568, 0x9bcadbb3,
0x9c4f9d51, 0xff68312, 0x82308422, 0x83e990b0,
0x38b6135b, 0x70e2aa13, 0xa30065d2, 0x6396a00,
0x77d423bc, 0xa93abf0a, 0xc7bb8c31, 0x5d7bd3d3,
0x6a374f2e, 0xe4b5bc88, 0x39f6e512, 0xd6aea995,
0x878c1bfa, 0x4636014d, 0x9caa2c09, 0x7ac4758b,
0xbd3b957e, 0x518c2fd6, 0xea009a2e, 0x542bf419,
0x59090006, 0xb1d94703, 0xe0d9eefc, 0xe7fccb17,
0x40111951, 0xf2560485, 0xb50ce9e1, 0xd7a1ee51,
0x28dffa99, 0x41d12275, 0xdd89a365, 0xf22eda29,
0x104f94ee, 0xe669983b, 0x6346a250, 0x86326fc5,
0xb7f347df, 0x3849a39f, 0xf433929a, 0xeea5155,
0x4cf9b778, 0x6bd7926a, 0xcda9496, 0xf430d7a2,
0x41637670, 0xaf3bbad6, 0xeb66e44e, 0x2499605d,
0x9988920d, 0xf9d652ef, 0x67aa80c0, 0x505073c9,
0x85cd418f, 0x9f83fb65, 0xf50b3eac, 0x812ba6bd,
0x74d61788, 0x86d64f3b, 0xb1f8fc1c, 0x3e2af667,
0x4d118a2, 0xd028ffa9, 0x32e88a44, 0x4ed9ba35,
0xea3c7030, 0xffe44aaf, 0x5e39c467, 0xeabcfebb,
0x53e656ec, 0xced701d0, 0x31020b02, 0x4b4c1dc5,
0x8744885c, 0xa8e93656, 0x3ef457e5, 0x272bde23,
0xe541477c, 0x3ad3ac04, 0x63eaa692, 0x81055cf9,
0x3ff5f782, 0xa8efe6bc, 0x15f37656, 0xaaaebf1d,
0xf73d461a, 0xe8b2c0b5, 0x5035ff48, 0x3a95e34b,
0x6f21d94f, 0x6f6d1f96, 0xdaf79f37, 0x826f69f3,
0x209a00b8, 0x2ad1b2f2, 0x2c64fb45, 0xcf8bf26e,
0x9befcff2, 0xc08f6951, 0x96d98205, 0xa267dcb5,
0xbc43ec5, 0xee6a7e1c, 0x49224eae, 0x14e820e,
0xbb340212, 0x68ed572c, 0x45e9e623, 0x1297f3af,
0x49a98ed2, 0xddd34ae8, 0x211838ab, 0x47e7652d,
0xb40430c6, 0xc8d3bd7, 0x4352356e, 0xf0e5cac9,
0x21880df4, 0xc16b343a, 0xd9ed7350, 0x17fe1f65,
0x6637192e, 0xd81c93aa, 0x7d6e17d2, 0xd407b13f,
0x425da072, 0x380d423d, 0x6ce57b22, 0x7b17ed17,
0x95fbf626, 0x768303d6, 0x76ab6b3e, 0x591491e3,
0x259f79ab, 0xd4babeaf, 0x9c7de2f8, 0x4fe6cb58,
0xf43680a9, 0x651a1266, 0x730ea3c8, 0x9188d4c5,
0x12d01e34, 0x47afb2e9, 0xb4b76d35, 0x5e5164bc,
0xc864fc46, 0x5d018aa7, 0x17fac975, 0x5a775fbd,
0x40e6fa14, 0x7a00b683, 0x99e4e102, 0x2f933b90,
0x474e14ba, 0xde1b0754, 0xe84aba2b, 0xb386cd43,
0x17ca77c9, 0x7b4f38ef, 0x803ea1a8, 0x93553947,
0x806c8224, 0x2608451e, 0x63157fe3, 0xaf53930e,
0x5dfe8c16, 0x65592bda, 0x7086eb3f, 0x838e6a50,
0xa27836d9, 0xf2f16d92, 0xdc0a981, 0xfbf8f915,
0x2caea00d, 0x86bb3e18, 0x6d94c209, 0x3bbbeb6c,
0x114d68f4, 0xc271e48f, 0xa3350dc1, 0xb8d55eb4,
0x68be5ee1, 0xbf22ef29, 0xd6e0aa54, 0x48f7219,
0x21aca253, 0xfbf07910, 0xfcdd61a8, 0x118a09b,
0x3f2bbde6, 0x46eea63f, 0xdb51ed16, 0xf8a9fc36,
0x31614dc0, 0xdd84f54d, 0xd2b66065, 0xdae0af99,
0x6d071a51, 0xbdbac46c, 0x15deee25, 0xf792e64c,
0x910194e8, 0xfc989a8f, 0x919727fd, 0x6f93a56c,
0x2df36e9a, 0xd395b948, 0xb026b54a, 0xf0938a5,
0xe9c64399, 0xb5cda15b, 0xb7b8dd41, 0x7146f944,
0x8d41ce2f, 0x47c74099, 0x2e5a8e5f, 0x28f7a19c,
0xef7a8ef9, 0x6a763eb9, 0xf13a3ec4, 0x9f352360,
0x42317561, 0x6c6a0ca5, 0x5e40b472, 0x3ddaadd4,
0x2f5d14eb, 0x5dd49aeb, 0xc89edb24, 0xa2da269b,
0x5cf0a38b, 0x8e2f435c, 0x40970e54, 0xa2cb730e,
0xf9d8c301, 0x8ef29fb1, 0xf08b1840, 0x7d45e4a2,
0xa0fe4ce1, 0x939a21c4, 0xfdeebfea, 0x4c661550,
0xdd304d1c, 0x3cdb078d, 0x94ae8db2, 0x4f6b4287,
0xffe64fa8, 0x50384bb0, 0x16cf5ed3, 0xa91a8fec,
0xdb8ebb1, 0x59c2898b, 0xd587edc9, 0xdec2e75a,
0x496ccdd2, 0x897db91d, 0xf8ea5149, 0x6bed4bad,
0xce76e472, 0x43c7f976, 0xb055dc01, 0x7ffd5671,
0xe193b86a, 0xe288ce11, 0x514d531e, 0xa42fa47e,
0xe7c0e194, 0xffc059ba, 0x26548e36, 0xe1f10d92,
0x3ef5d95e, 0xa6e69282, 0xffacb09e, 0xf4a16ff5,
0x9b7f03bd, 0x588c54b4, 0xc2b6eaa1, 0x2d83acdc,
0x7fdbb606, 0x2b160650, 0x9923e57e, 0x32bd23bd,
0x50cd6d4c, 0x205d901f, 0x810a9935, 0x27ce6e7a,
0xe0c6c66, 0xac06c99c, 0x4326aa9b, 0xe1af1e90,
0xe358c8b1, 0x2f601c2a, 0xefca77e7, 0x1a7ed2f8,
0x8ad2e191, 0xe5520809, 0x27084438, 0xe4d8e782,
0x5e8a4038, 0x87bba694, 0x65f07eba, 0x616f8f07,
0xc5565d9, 0x555955e4, 0xf41c2caa, 0xb085fbf5,
0xa5f9d9ff, 0x418fa0df, 0xec5a576d, 0x7fc332ab,
0x7683ed33, 0x968ef54b, 0x834d598d, 0x6833f356,
0x59dc7e7f, 0x779661dc, 0x58942dd4, 0x80387aab,
0xf6dac9e5, 0xe043be04, 0x2ae4f872, 0x881f8d01,
0x82cfd69d, 0x931f4648, 0x2a76ab31, 0xa3f1dd7c,
0xd7f4826a, 0xe74918da, 0xe4c98636, 0x441164f,
0x15a0e9aa, 0xce7480ad, 0xba39076b, 0x233aa8d,
0x6c32f0e6, 0x169c62bf, 0xa2cd17f6, 0xb5590084,
0xb2036f00, 0x18315935, 0x11e9c9c7, 0x25c77861,
0x41596cda, 0x635e5e02, 0x8f396cc, 0x4cd00d8d,
0xd665597e, 0x90f891ef, 0x547b93ee, 0x376959c1,
0xdc5fa80, 0x9b4797a6, 0x53673041, 0x25ab117a,
0x7b8b8292, 0xf4e99584, 0x5139da98, 0x30e2afeb,
0xff2664b9, 0x591eb6f0, 0x9e87e602, 0xf5e26193,
0x61831f07, 0xabc139f9, 0x984eda0a, 0xaea1b8da,
0x65c7410d, 0x2b84800d, 0x1d3cfec3, 0xd05cb8a1,
0x4529641b, 0x7d6712e6, 0xc38cbde7, 0xacad7787,
0xd8482f3a, 0xa5662eaa, 0x24836ee9, 0xf3b5cc97,
0x50a581ae, 0xff6004b6, 0x650fc547, 0x161898b1,
0xa7593447, 0x325827dd, 0xf1844a1a, 0x7eb56de2,
0x89882452, 0xfebb49a, 0xfe86ae9c, 0x7dba98b1,
0x1d65adb5, 0xb71acffa, 0x861215af, 0xc0f1496,
0x70967c72, 0x3803d127, 0x6c8fdd84, 0xe40991f1,
0x1343e3a, 0xf57b4e73, 0x25f34f76, 0xaebcdee8,
0x8752d71f, 0xfc710e54, 0x34f3af44, 0xfa7dea4e,
0x477d4d83, 0x42640ff1, 0x2c5c31ce, 0xa82de5e4,
0xcc813271, 0x4d40bf86, 0x4e416095, 0xb5ac332c,
0xd2d44703, 0xe4c5ef57, 0xde193a29, 0xbf3e7974,
0xbb313d75, 0x8dc973d5, 0x301b2657, 0x44dc5064,
0x8c58c633, 0x83424c74, 0xb7cbf7ac, 0xa04238c2,
0x6ceabd59, 0xd25e6fd0, 0x3409167, 0x42d6ef80,
0x1f47c437, 0xdb21e45f, 0x2fd48e29, 0x9498cfb7,
0xc9e4cb12, 0xc6dcf0df, 0xa1633c39, 0x1b349670,
0xf76d4a64, 0x15ecd8dd, 0x777bb76d, 0xc46008e7,
0x23d94e44, 0x78aa07de, 0x2eeac782, 0x3757b114,
0x2b22de2a, 0x37726519, 0xf107546d, 0xe9847f74,
0x449a4ea6, 0x2e31fa5a, 0xd719ea88, 0xb2115c87,
0xfa6b7231, 0xf72fc9ff, 0xcd22bc37, 0x9080778a,
0x93430a21, 0x97c24360, 0x6e5b1a76, 0x5e8baa7c,
0x300c94f8, 0x2843d9da, 0xdceac0ae, 0xeeed885,
0x1898ffd0, 0xa3bbee3c, 0xc16f8fd7, 0x82992b68,
0x39c153b6, 0x1b3ba4c8, 0x41e7c3ac, 0xcdf8f06a,
0xd40b8ae6, 0x4982b6c2, 0xb32f7437, 0x22ed3691,
0x16579a2a, 0xff9de457, 0xc421e8e4, 0x17c8f6cb,
0xa5c4a8da, 0x49bd8afa, 0xe2be081c, 0x95170f28,
0xd679fbdf, 0xcf39d563, 0x4e2d2ee9, 0x39471096,
0x3918bef0, 0x279b7679, 0xa5281a0f, 0x49481d6f,
0x11f95ee1, 0xd9df649f, 0x2993eb27, 0x48ad815f,
0x99cf306d, 0xca9457e4, 0xc27c51d2, 0xc2a838ec,
0x537faf4c, 0x55dccddf, 0x8df5aeb8, 0xabb317ca,
0xfc1bcf6b, 0x669c2b1b, 0x719b62d5, 0x6b9325cf,
0xc123d0d3, 0x2ddc6ace, 0x27fdc30a, 0xd3f93cd8,
0x704f5486, 0xd3f448ec, 0xbbd1e32c, 0x3bcd4c0b,
0x86f8166, 0x957db888, 0x899b6a5e, 0x270dc8b7,
0xff16222e, 0x51e139a8, 0x3d8b4b9f, 0x68d20818,
0xa639ad00, 0x4c2e0fd2, 0xb4949cdc, 0x2ab6eb32,
0xdd0c67ad, 0xd2208cbe, 0xcd17a0bc, 0xacc541f7,
0xfa9e714f, 0x316d31a7, 0xed79fa91, 0xb5c0e980,
0x412ecc9b, 0x9815753, 0xd0df1f43, 0x8e37dbb9,
0xe640df75, 0x379c2fb6, 0xc7ed26a4, 0xc5190400,
0x1cc81b53, 0xcb0b0cd5, 0x360f061b, 0x6d90284e,
0x83c05bd0, 0xbd80bae9, 0xd584ef12, 0x228a46ec,
0x657c4fbe, 0x5ca1043c, 0x852aca0f, 0x31ce950,
0x33ee2cd8, 0x3cdecbf7, 0x787ef08c, 0xea610ee,
0x47c1db89, 0x90eeda11, 0x74f8d429, 0x51d3a4c5,
0x3135b401, 0x2e14783c, 0xb9af855c, 0xb66348d9,
0xa3a47387, 0x6eb72af1, 0x7bb56088, 0xc664542d,
0x7ed96b8, 0x995870a8, 0x385b1fd6, 0xa430680d,
0x98a883ec, 0x2497a389, 0x7a880627, 0x8350ba9d,
0x4cb35c33, 0x30bf6b14, 0x8695a469, 0x9a81e44b,
0x8bb27c9a, 0xbfb6a4dd, 0xbae7cf6e, 0x4ebccc87,
0xb712ed3d, 0x31e90365, 0xcc1fa63f, 0x32b93df6,
0xbad4c7bc, 0xb2570e17, 0x73fa21be, 0x5c02a8d2,
0x94446d75, 0x7265f3ad, 0xd58487a2, 0x919b7a07,
0xbe2d0e05, 0xd36ccf4f, 0x6d5c66d7, 0x8448522f,
0x8409c294, 0x6f1c7af7, 0x173a13bc, 0x1b3e4a0b,
0x705b941b, 0x77eb584f, 0x85b68458, 0x8e3ad1ac,
0x4aa99702, 0x7ae1b24c, 0x899ba29c, 0x860a3711,
0xabe53a4f, 0x37870133, 0x1ed7cb89, 0xea539762,
0x4ba64130, 0x48517a2d, 0xce0a869d, 0x937ba48,
0xd0f234c4, 0xf9b2cf26, 0xc3c311f0, 0x153d09a9,
0x404d3af9, 0x9f7edbc1, 0xbdcecded, 0x97969ba8,
0x3379437, 0xadd3c893, 0x7c024639, 0x459390b,
0xcb7c7320, 0xa5c63725, 0x65907e3e, 0xbf70583b,
0xcebb601b, 0x4edfb286, 0x9350336f, 0xdfb4be76,
0x88b56f39, 0x9937d7f9, 0xa12a286d, 0x34f141c,
0xa2e75c15, 0xd69a7060, 0x931340c3, 0x22447f25,
0xe8aed82c, 0xd76a9ae7, 0xc967288, 0xe572facd,
0xbe82b0ee, 0x10f5dce1, 0x4f03ee35, 0x2340b923,
0xf4fb6bd0, 0x64adbf01, 0x3d277a0a, 0x39e76f2c,
0xe3c024d9, 0x57869c82, 0x743b7826, 0xf66f1574,
0xc93965c, 0xf86a552, 0x13557069, 0x9e0845de,
0xaee084f9, 0x5eafaedb, 0xc06f5f3, 0x9051f6ea,
0x98fceda2, 0x2af2f8cc, 0x6c41b5a8, 0xc1af74de,
0x57302276, 0x253923c9, 0xd79996b3, 0x8ecb3141,
0x641387cc, 0xf87a4101, 0x96a50c76, 0xbcf24a11,
0x87b6bb6, 0x58ee501b, 0xaa859695, 0xb2eed107,
0x554173f0, 0xb12ec0e6, 0x57785c1b, 0x53685c9a,
0x114c3163, 0x9383cf19, 0x31fd7cdf, 0xaeb8225c,
0x58774fe7, 0x54700ad4, 0xad418726, 0xf055b71c,
0x7d31237f, 0xdd97cad5, 0xcdd5325e, 0x42f2acf4,
0x4bed262b, 0x7a8faaf2, 0x2b1eafdd, 0xa1b806ac,
0x26965c6e, 0xb41b7168, 0x15e2e70b, 0x7daa8e13,
0x6198aa5a, 0xc9b8b94c, 0x339b5754, 0xcd3b285c,
0xffd1486c, 0xf224979a, 0xafb89ec5, 0x222058c,
0xcb4814d0, 0x2b0e7c7d, 0x9eb25b84, 0x271564b0,
0xbb72e076, 0x48251020, 0x18008023, 0x48d10005,
0x4a452eaa, 0xb2365308, 0x19cdb632, 0x1fd56d04,
0xffa5ff2a, 0xaba89e42, 0x388fc17d, 0xea61c00f,
0x5156273d, 0x776f1a56, 0x8d539d28, 0x289c01cb,
0x857aa71f, 0x348e411f, 0xc9eb3c91, 0x67a61079,
0xe4276a0f, 0x45bdc15f, 0x8e0a698e, 0xbdefc310,
0x82377ba6, 0x3bfbf404, 0xcbf22c79, 0x35f501bc,
0xb16044a7, 0xeffdb8, 0xdbac383d, 0x7816663f,
0x18f5a318, 0x3d04f1cb, 0x735da9b4, 0x75e339a1,
0x5b6c55f, 0x1c18887e, 0xf698e14f, 0x338a6da1,
0xdac85699, 0x1aca7768, 0x8eb0fa7a, 0xc98fa71d,
0x3b794408, 0x92913041, 0xf8dc8827, 0x1cf706e9,
0x3aeee292, 0x321dbaa8, 0xee1eb8d1, 0x23554be9,
0x811c7804, 0xf0f4de6b, 0xd457e382, 0xeda56795,
0xeffdfc71, 0xf2a52829, 0xa7460732, 0x2c1321c0,
0x2f734db0, 0xf04ecb0b, 0xec7d777e, 0x43c54317,
0xccaa74cd, 0xfe49dd9d, 0x4c509829, 0x278f9bd7,
0x581dc500, 0x4ad38c2e, 0xcbee1047, 0x13302c1c,
0xbc0cb734, 0xc1c8f234, 0x1df52b35, 0xd8815548,
0x319edefb, 0x437cebe5, 0x3dcb6026, 0xe9d4f93f,
0xb2661154, 0xeb8c15a0, 0xb008505, 0x5f869981,
0xf5588ca4, 0xd6929c5b, 0xa3dd13d1, 0xdc863314,
0x891a454f, 0x91737e49, 0x5064d4d8, 0x2fd32675,
0xadefe9b1, 0xdde32b11, 0x741bbd6, 0x3b4363a9,
0xb121d9e8, 0x916ca61d, 0x38c0af15, 0x5e3dfd72,

View File

@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ const Iterator = struct {
self.numerator -= self.denominator;
self.decimal += 1;
return Range {.start = start, .end = self.decimal};
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ const Iterator = struct {
self.numerator_step -= self.denominator;
self.decimal_step += 1;
return (self.decimal_step < self.size);
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ pub fn sort(comptime T: type, items: []T, lessThan: fn(lhs: &const T, rhs: &cons
var B1 = iterator.nextRange();
var A2 = iterator.nextRange();
var B2 = iterator.nextRange();
if (lessThan(items[B1.end - 1], items[A1.start])) {
// the two ranges are in reverse order, so copy them in reverse order into the cache
mem.copy(T, cache[B1.length()..], items[A1.start..A1.end]);
@ -230,13 +230,13 @@ pub fn sort(comptime T: type, items: []T, lessThan: fn(lhs: &const T, rhs: &cons
} else {
// if A1, B1, A2, and B2 are all in order, skip doing anything else
if (!lessThan(items[B2.start], items[A2.end - 1]) and !lessThan(items[A2.start], items[B1.end - 1])) continue;
// copy A1 and B1 into the cache in the same order
mem.copy(T, cache[0..], items[A1.start..A1.end]);
mem.copy(T, cache[A1.length()..], items[B1.start..B1.end]);
A1 = Range.init(A1.start, B1.end);
// merge A2 and B2 into the cache
if (lessThan(items[B2.end - 1], items[A2.start])) {
// the two ranges are in reverse order, so copy them in reverse order into the cache
@ -251,11 +251,11 @@ pub fn sort(comptime T: type, items: []T, lessThan: fn(lhs: &const T, rhs: &cons
mem.copy(T, cache[A1.length() + A2.length()..], items[B2.start..B2.end]);
A2 = Range.init(A2.start, B2.end);
// merge A1 and A2 from the cache into the items
const A3 = Range.init(0, A1.length());
const B3 = Range.init(A1.length(), A1.length() + A2.length());
if (lessThan(cache[B3.end - 1], cache[A3.start])) {
// the two ranges are in reverse order, so copy them in reverse order into the items
mem.copy(T, items[A1.start + A2.length()..], cache[A3.start..A3.end]);
@ -269,17 +269,17 @@ pub fn sort(comptime T: type, items: []T, lessThan: fn(lhs: &const T, rhs: &cons
mem.copy(T, items[A1.start + A1.length()..], cache[B3.start..B3.end]);
// we merged two levels at the same time, so we're done with this level already
// (iterator.nextLevel() is called again at the bottom of this outer merge loop)
_ = iterator.nextLevel();
} else {
while (!iterator.finished()) {
var A = iterator.nextRange();
var B = iterator.nextRange();
if (lessThan(items[B.end - 1], items[A.start])) {
// the two ranges are in reverse order, so a simple rotation should fix it
mem.rotate(T, items[A.start..B.end], A.length());
@ -301,10 +301,10 @@ pub fn sort(comptime T: type, items: []T, lessThan: fn(lhs: &const T, rhs: &cons
// 6. merge each A block with any B values that follow, using the cache or the second internal buffer
// 7. sort the second internal buffer if it exists
// 8. redistribute the two internal buffers back into the items
var block_size: usize = math.sqrt(iterator.length());
var buffer_size = iterator.length()/block_size + 1;
// as an optimization, we really only need to pull out the internal buffers once for each level of merges
// after that we can reuse the same buffers over and over, then redistribute it when we're finished with this level
var A: Range = undefined;
@ -322,11 +322,11 @@ pub fn sort(comptime T: type, items: []T, lessThan: fn(lhs: &const T, rhs: &cons
var buffer1 = Range.init(0, 0);
var buffer2 = Range.init(0, 0);
// find two internal buffers of size 'buffer_size' each
find = buffer_size + buffer_size;
var find_separately = false;
if (block_size <= cache.len) {
// if every A block fits into the cache then we won't need the second internal buffer,
// so we really only need to find 'buffer_size' unique values
@ -336,21 +336,21 @@ pub fn sort(comptime T: type, items: []T, lessThan: fn(lhs: &const T, rhs: &cons
find = buffer_size;
find_separately = true;
// we need to find either a single contiguous space containing 2A unique values (which will be split up into two buffers of size A each),
// or we need to find one buffer of < 2A unique values, and a second buffer of A unique values,
// OR if we couldn't find that many unique values, we need the largest possible buffer we can get
// in the case where it couldn't find a single buffer of at least A unique values,
// all of the Merge steps must be replaced by a different merge algorithm (MergeInPlace)
while (!iterator.finished()) {
A = iterator.nextRange();
B = iterator.nextRange();
// just store information about where the values will be pulled from and to,
// as well as how many values there are, to create the two internal buffers
// check A for the number of unique values we need to fill an internal buffer
// these values will be pulled out to the start of A
last = A.start;
@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ pub fn sort(comptime T: type, items: []T, lessThan: fn(lhs: &const T, rhs: &cons
if (index == A.end) break;
index = last;
if (count >= buffer_size) {
// keep track of the range within the items where we'll need to "pull out" these values to create the internal buffer
pull[pull_index] = Pull {
@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ pub fn sort(comptime T: type, items: []T, lessThan: fn(lhs: &const T, rhs: &cons
.to = A.start,
pull_index = 1;
if (count == buffer_size + buffer_size) {
// we were able to find a single contiguous section containing 2A unique values,
// so this section can be used to contain both of the internal buffers we'll need
@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ pub fn sort(comptime T: type, items: []T, lessThan: fn(lhs: &const T, rhs: &cons
.to = A.start,
// check B for the number of unique values we need to fill an internal buffer
// these values will be pulled out to the end of B
last = B.end - 1;
@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ pub fn sort(comptime T: type, items: []T, lessThan: fn(lhs: &const T, rhs: &cons
if (index == B.start) break;
index = last;
if (count >= buffer_size) {
// keep track of the range within the items where we'll need to "pull out" these values to create the internal buffe
pull[pull_index] = Pull {
@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ pub fn sort(comptime T: type, items: []T, lessThan: fn(lhs: &const T, rhs: &cons
.to = B.end,
pull_index = 1;
if (count == buffer_size + buffer_size) {
// we were able to find a single contiguous section containing 2A unique values,
// so this section can be used to contain both of the internal buffers we'll need
@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ pub fn sort(comptime T: type, items: []T, lessThan: fn(lhs: &const T, rhs: &cons
// buffer2 will be pulled out from a 'B' subarray, so if the first buffer was pulled out from the corresponding 'A' subarray,
// we need to adjust the end point for that A subarray so it knows to stop redistributing its values before reaching buffer2
if (pull[0].range.start == A.start) pull[0].range.end -= pull[1].count;
// we found a second buffer in an 'B' subarray containing A unique values, so we're done!
buffer2 = Range.init(B.end - count, B.end);
@ -465,12 +465,12 @@ pub fn sort(comptime T: type, items: []T, lessThan: fn(lhs: &const T, rhs: &cons
// pull out the two ranges so we can use them as internal buffers
pull_index = 0;
while (pull_index < 2) : (pull_index += 1) {
const length = pull[pull_index].count;
if (pull[pull_index].to < pull[pull_index].from) {
// we're pulling the values out to the left, which means the start of an A subarray
index = pull[pull_index].from;
@ -493,27 +493,27 @@ pub fn sort(comptime T: type, items: []T, lessThan: fn(lhs: &const T, rhs: &cons
// adjust block_size and buffer_size based on the values we were able to pull out
buffer_size = buffer1.length();
block_size = iterator.length()/buffer_size + 1;
// the first buffer NEEDS to be large enough to tag each of the evenly sized A blocks,
// so this was originally here to test the math for adjusting block_size above
// assert((iterator.length() + 1)/block_size <= buffer_size);
// now that the two internal buffers have been created, it's time to merge each A+B combination at this level of the merge sort!
while (!iterator.finished()) {
A = iterator.nextRange();
B = iterator.nextRange();
// remove any parts of A or B that are being used by the internal buffers
start = A.start;
if (start == pull[0].range.start) {
if (pull[0].from > pull[0].to) {
A.start += pull[0].count;
// if the internal buffer takes up the entire A or B subarray, then there's nothing to merge
// this only happens for very small subarrays, like 4 = 2, 2 * (2 internal buffers) = 4,
// which also only happens when cache.len is small or 0 since it'd otherwise use MergeExternal
@ -532,25 +532,25 @@ pub fn sort(comptime T: type, items: []T, lessThan: fn(lhs: &const T, rhs: &cons
if (B.length() == 0) continue;
if (lessThan(items[B.end - 1], items[A.start])) {
// the two ranges are in reverse order, so a simple rotation should fix it
mem.rotate(T, items[A.start..B.end], A.length());
} else if (lessThan(items[A.end], items[A.end - 1])) {
// these two ranges weren't already in order, so we'll need to merge them!
var findA: usize = undefined;
// break the remainder of A into blocks. firstA is the uneven-sized first A block
var blockA = Range.init(A.start, A.end);
var firstA = Range.init(A.start, A.start + blockA.length() % block_size);
// swap the first value of each A block with the value in buffer1
var indexA = buffer1.start;
index = firstA.end;
while (index < blockA.end) : ({indexA += 1; index += block_size;}) {
mem.swap(T, &items[indexA], &items[index]);
// start rolling the A blocks through the B blocks!
// whenever we leave an A block behind, we'll need to merge the previous A block with any B blocks that follow it, so track that information as well
var lastA = firstA;
@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ pub fn sort(comptime T: type, items: []T, lessThan: fn(lhs: &const T, rhs: &cons
var blockB = Range.init(B.start, B.start + math.min(block_size, B.length()));
blockA.start += firstA.length();
indexA = buffer1.start;
// if the first unevenly sized A block fits into the cache, copy it there for when we go to Merge it
// otherwise, if the second buffer is available, block swap the contents into that
if (lastA.length() <= cache.len) {
@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ pub fn sort(comptime T: type, items: []T, lessThan: fn(lhs: &const T, rhs: &cons
} else if (buffer2.length() > 0) {
blockSwap(T, items, lastA.start, buffer2.start, lastA.length());
if (blockA.length() > 0) {
while (true) {
// if there's a previous B block and the first value of the minimum A block is <= the last value of the previous B block,
@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ pub fn sort(comptime T: type, items: []T, lessThan: fn(lhs: &const T, rhs: &cons
// figure out where to split the previous B block, and rotate it at the split
const B_split = binaryFirst(T, items, items[indexA], lastB, lessThan);
const B_remaining = lastB.end - B_split;
// swap the minimum A block to the beginning of the rolling A blocks
var minA = blockA.start;
findA = minA + block_size;
@ -585,16 +585,16 @@ pub fn sort(comptime T: type, items: []T, lessThan: fn(lhs: &const T, rhs: &cons
blockSwap(T, items, blockA.start, minA, block_size);
// swap the first item of the previous A block back with its original value, which is stored in buffer1
mem.swap(T, &items[blockA.start], &items[indexA]);
indexA += 1;
// locally merge the previous A block with the B values that follow it
// if lastA fits into the external cache we'll use that (with MergeExternal),
// or if the second internal buffer exists we'll use that (with MergeInternal),
// or failing that we'll use a strictly in-place merge algorithm (MergeInPlace)
if (lastA.length() <= cache.len) {
mergeExternal(T, items, lastA, Range.init(lastA.end, B_split), lessThan, cache[0..]);
} else if (buffer2.length() > 0) {
@ -602,7 +602,7 @@ pub fn sort(comptime T: type, items: []T, lessThan: fn(lhs: &const T, rhs: &cons
} else {
mergeInPlace(T, items, lastA, Range.init(lastA.end, B_split), lessThan);
if (buffer2.length() > 0 or block_size <= cache.len) {
// copy the previous A block into the cache or buffer2, since that's where we need it to be when we go to merge it anyway
if (block_size <= cache.len) {
@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ pub fn sort(comptime T: type, items: []T, lessThan: fn(lhs: &const T, rhs: &cons
} else {
blockSwap(T, items, blockA.start, buffer2.start, block_size);
// this is equivalent to rotating, but faster
// the area normally taken up by the A block is either the contents of buffer2, or data we don't need anymore since we memcopied it
// either way, we don't need to retain the order of those items, so instead of rotating we can just block swap B to where it belongs
@ -619,21 +619,21 @@ pub fn sort(comptime T: type, items: []T, lessThan: fn(lhs: &const T, rhs: &cons
// we are unable to use the 'buffer2' trick to speed up the rotation operation since buffer2 doesn't exist, so perform a normal rotation
mem.rotate(T, items[B_split..blockA.start + block_size], blockA.start - B_split);
// update the range for the remaining A blocks, and the range remaining from the B block after it was split
lastA = Range.init(blockA.start - B_remaining, blockA.start - B_remaining + block_size);
lastB = Range.init(lastA.end, lastA.end + B_remaining);
// if there are no more A blocks remaining, this step is finished!
blockA.start += block_size;
if (blockA.length() == 0)
} else if (blockB.length() < block_size) {
// move the last B block, which is unevenly sized, to before the remaining A blocks, by using a rotation
// the cache is disabled here since it might contain the contents of the previous A block
mem.rotate(T, items[blockA.start..blockB.end], blockB.start - blockA.start);
lastB = Range.init(blockA.start, blockA.start + blockB.length());
blockA.start += blockB.length();
blockA.end += blockB.length();
@ -642,11 +642,11 @@ pub fn sort(comptime T: type, items: []T, lessThan: fn(lhs: &const T, rhs: &cons
// roll the leftmost A block to the end by swapping it with the next B block
blockSwap(T, items, blockA.start, blockB.start, block_size);
lastB = Range.init(blockA.start, blockA.start + block_size);
blockA.start += block_size;
blockA.end += block_size;
blockB.start += block_size;
if (blockB.end > B.end - block_size) {
blockB.end = B.end;
} else {
@ -655,7 +655,7 @@ pub fn sort(comptime T: type, items: []T, lessThan: fn(lhs: &const T, rhs: &cons
// merge the last A block with the remaining B values
if (lastA.length() <= cache.len) {
mergeExternal(T, items, lastA, Range.init(lastA.end, B.end), lessThan, cache[0..]);
@ -666,14 +666,14 @@ pub fn sort(comptime T: type, items: []T, lessThan: fn(lhs: &const T, rhs: &cons
// when we're finished with this merge step we should have the one or two internal buffers left over, where the second buffer is all jumbled up
// insertion sort the second buffer, then redistribute the buffers back into the items using the opposite process used for creating the buffer
// while an unstable sort like quicksort could be applied here, in benchmarks it was consistently slightly slower than a simple insertion sort,
// even for tens of millions of items. this may be because insertion sort is quite fast when the data is already somewhat sorted, like it is here
insertionSort(T, items[buffer2.start..buffer2.end], lessThan);
pull_index = 0;
while (pull_index < 2) : (pull_index += 1) {
var unique = pull[pull_index].count * 2;
@ -702,7 +702,7 @@ pub fn sort(comptime T: type, items: []T, lessThan: fn(lhs: &const T, rhs: &cons
// double the size of each A and B subarray that will be merged in the next level
if (!iterator.nextLevel()) break;
@ -711,37 +711,37 @@ pub fn sort(comptime T: type, items: []T, lessThan: fn(lhs: &const T, rhs: &cons
// merge operation without a buffer
fn mergeInPlace(comptime T: type, items: []T, A_arg: &const Range, B_arg: &const Range, lessThan: fn(&const T,&const T)bool) void {
if (A_arg.length() == 0 or B_arg.length() == 0) return;
// this just repeatedly binary searches into B and rotates A into position.
// the paper suggests using the 'rotation-based Hwang and Lin algorithm' here,
// but I decided to stick with this because it had better situational performance
// (Hwang and Lin is designed for merging subarrays of very different sizes,
// but WikiSort almost always uses subarrays that are roughly the same size)
// normally this is incredibly suboptimal, but this function is only called
// when none of the A or B blocks in any subarray contained 2A unique values,
// which places a hard limit on the number of times this will ACTUALLY need
// to binary search and rotate.
// according to my analysis the worst case is A rotations performed on A items
// once the constant factors are removed, which ends up being O(n)
// again, this is NOT a general-purpose solution it only works well in this case!
// kind of like how the O(n^2) insertion sort is used in some places
var A = *A_arg;
var B = *B_arg;
while (true) {
// find the first place in B where the first item in A needs to be inserted
const mid = binaryFirst(T, items, items[A.start], B, lessThan);
// rotate A into place
const amount = mid - A.end;
mem.rotate(T, items[A.start..mid], A.length());
if (B.end == mid) break;
// calculate the new A and B ranges
B.start = mid;
A = Range.init(A.start + amount, B.start);
@ -757,7 +757,7 @@ fn mergeInternal(comptime T: type, items: []T, A: &const Range, B: &const Range,
var A_count: usize = 0;
var B_count: usize = 0;
var insert: usize = 0;
if (B.length() > 0 and A.length() > 0) {
while (true) {
if (!lessThan(items[B.start + B_count], items[buffer.start + A_count])) {
@ -773,7 +773,7 @@ fn mergeInternal(comptime T: type, items: []T, A: &const Range, B: &const Range,
// swap the remainder of A into the final array
blockSwap(T, items, buffer.start + A_count, A.start + insert, A.length() - A_count);
@ -790,56 +790,56 @@ fn blockSwap(comptime T: type, items: []T, start1: usize, start2: usize, block_s
fn findFirstForward(comptime T: type, items: []T, value: &const T, range: &const Range, lessThan: fn(&const T,&const T)bool, unique: usize) usize {
if (range.length() == 0) return range.start;
const skip = math.max(range.length()/unique, usize(1));
var index = range.start + skip;
while (lessThan(items[index - 1], value)) : (index += skip) {
if (index >= range.end - skip) {
return binaryFirst(T, items, value, Range.init(index, range.end), lessThan);
return binaryFirst(T, items, value, Range.init(index - skip, index), lessThan);
fn findFirstBackward(comptime T: type, items: []T, value: &const T, range: &const Range, lessThan: fn(&const T,&const T)bool, unique: usize) usize {
if (range.length() == 0) return range.start;
const skip = math.max(range.length()/unique, usize(1));
var index = range.end - skip;
while (index > range.start and !lessThan(items[index - 1], value)) : (index -= skip) {
if (index < range.start + skip) {
return binaryFirst(T, items, value, Range.init(range.start, index), lessThan);
return binaryFirst(T, items, value, Range.init(index, index + skip), lessThan);
fn findLastForward(comptime T: type, items: []T, value: &const T, range: &const Range, lessThan: fn(&const T,&const T)bool, unique: usize) usize {
if (range.length() == 0) return range.start;
const skip = math.max(range.length()/unique, usize(1));
var index = range.start + skip;
while (!lessThan(value, items[index - 1])) : (index += skip) {
if (index >= range.end - skip) {
return binaryLast(T, items, value, Range.init(index, range.end), lessThan);
return binaryLast(T, items, value, Range.init(index - skip, index), lessThan);
fn findLastBackward(comptime T: type, items: []T, value: &const T, range: &const Range, lessThan: fn(&const T,&const T)bool, unique: usize) usize {
if (range.length() == 0) return range.start;
const skip = math.max(range.length()/unique, usize(1));
var index = range.end - skip;
while (index > range.start and lessThan(value, items[index - 1])) : (index -= skip) {
if (index < range.start + skip) {
return binaryLast(T, items, value, Range.init(range.start, index), lessThan);
return binaryLast(T, items, value, Range.init(index, index + skip), lessThan);
@ -885,7 +885,7 @@ fn mergeInto(comptime T: type, from: []T, A: &const Range, B: &const Range, less
const A_last = A.end;
const B_last = B.end;
var insert_index: usize = 0;
while (true) {
if (!lessThan(from[B_index], from[A_index])) {
into[insert_index] = from[A_index];
@ -916,7 +916,7 @@ fn mergeExternal(comptime T: type, items: []T, A: &const Range, B: &const Range,
var insert_index: usize = A.start;
const A_last = A.length();
const B_last = B.end;
if (B.length() > 0 and A.length() > 0) {
while (true) {
if (!lessThan(items[B_index], cache[A_index])) {
@ -932,7 +932,7 @@ fn mergeExternal(comptime T: type, items: []T, A: &const Range, B: &const Range,
// copy the remainder of A into the final array
mem.copy(T, items[insert_index..], cache[A_index..A_last]);
@ -1081,17 +1081,17 @@ test "another sort case" {
test "sort fuzz testing" {
var rng = std.rand.Rand.init(0x12345678);
var prng = std.rand.DefaultPrng.init(0x12345678);
const test_case_count = 10;
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < test_case_count) : (i += 1) {
var fixed_buffer_mem: [100 * 1024]u8 = undefined;
fn fuzzTest(rng: &std.rand.Rand) void {
fn fuzzTest(rng: &std.rand.Random) void {
const array_size = rng.range(usize, 0, 1000);
var fixed_allocator = std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator.init(fixed_buffer_mem[0..]);
var array = fixed_allocator.allocator.alloc(IdAndValue, array_size) catch unreachable;

View File

@ -20,8 +20,11 @@ pub const Node = struct {
pub fn iterate(base: &Node, index: usize) ?&Node {
@ -37,8 +40,11 @@ pub const Node = struct {
Id.IntegerLiteral => @fieldParentPtr(NodeIntegerLiteral, "base", base).iterate(index),
Id.FloatLiteral => @fieldParentPtr(NodeFloatLiteral, "base", base).iterate(index),
Id.StringLiteral => @fieldParentPtr(NodeStringLiteral, "base", base).iterate(index),
Id.UndefinedLiteral => @fieldParentPtr(NodeUndefinedLiteral, "base", base).iterate(index),
Id.BuiltinCall => @fieldParentPtr(NodeBuiltinCall, "base", base).iterate(index),
Id.Call => @fieldParentPtr(NodeCall, "base", base).iterate(index),
Id.LineComment => @fieldParentPtr(NodeLineComment, "base", base).iterate(index),
Id.TestDecl => @fieldParentPtr(NodeTestDecl, "base", base).iterate(index),
@ -55,8 +61,11 @@ pub const Node = struct {
Id.IntegerLiteral => @fieldParentPtr(NodeIntegerLiteral, "base", base).firstToken(),
Id.FloatLiteral => @fieldParentPtr(NodeFloatLiteral, "base", base).firstToken(),
Id.StringLiteral => @fieldParentPtr(NodeStringLiteral, "base", base).firstToken(),
Id.UndefinedLiteral => @fieldParentPtr(NodeUndefinedLiteral, "base", base).firstToken(),
Id.BuiltinCall => @fieldParentPtr(NodeBuiltinCall, "base", base).firstToken(),
Id.Call => @fieldParentPtr(NodeCall, "base", base).firstToken(),
Id.LineComment => @fieldParentPtr(NodeLineComment, "base", base).firstToken(),
Id.TestDecl => @fieldParentPtr(NodeTestDecl, "base", base).firstToken(),
@ -73,8 +82,11 @@ pub const Node = struct {
Id.IntegerLiteral => @fieldParentPtr(NodeIntegerLiteral, "base", base).lastToken(),
Id.FloatLiteral => @fieldParentPtr(NodeFloatLiteral, "base", base).lastToken(),
Id.StringLiteral => @fieldParentPtr(NodeStringLiteral, "base", base).lastToken(),
Id.UndefinedLiteral => @fieldParentPtr(NodeUndefinedLiteral, "base", base).lastToken(),
Id.BuiltinCall => @fieldParentPtr(NodeBuiltinCall, "base", base).lastToken(),
Id.Call => @fieldParentPtr(NodeCall, "base", base).lastToken(),
Id.LineComment => @fieldParentPtr(NodeLineComment, "base", base).lastToken(),
Id.TestDecl => @fieldParentPtr(NodeTestDecl, "base", base).lastToken(),
@ -305,9 +317,47 @@ pub const NodeInfixOp = struct {
rhs: &Node,
const InfixOp = enum {
pub fn iterate(self: &NodeInfixOp, index: usize) ?&Node {
@ -317,9 +367,47 @@ pub const NodeInfixOp = struct {
i -= 1;
switch (self.op) {
InfixOp.Period => {},
InfixOp.UnwrapMaybe => {},
if (i < 1) return self.rhs;
@ -344,9 +432,15 @@ pub const NodePrefixOp = struct {
rhs: &Node,
const PrefixOp = union(enum) {
AddrOf: AddrOfInfo,
AddrOf: AddrOfInfo,
const AddrOfInfo = struct {
align_expr: ?&Node,
@ -360,14 +454,20 @@ pub const NodePrefixOp = struct {
var i = index;
switch (self.op) {
PrefixOp.Try => {},
PrefixOp.AddrOf => |addr_of_info| {
if (addr_of_info.align_expr) |align_expr| {
if (i < 1) return align_expr;
i -= 1;
PrefixOp.UnwrapMaybe => {},
if (i < 1) return self.rhs;
@ -443,6 +543,33 @@ pub const NodeBuiltinCall = struct {
pub const NodeCall = struct {
base: Node,
callee: &Node,
params: ArrayList(&Node),
rparen_token: Token,
pub fn iterate(self: &NodeCall, index: usize) ?&Node {
var i = index;
if (i < 1) return self.callee;
i -= 1;
if (i < self.params.len) return;
i -= self.params.len;
return null;
pub fn firstToken(self: &NodeCall) Token {
return self.callee.firstToken();
pub fn lastToken(self: &NodeCall) Token {
return self.rparen_token;
pub const NodeStringLiteral = struct {
base: Node,
token: Token,
@ -460,6 +587,23 @@ pub const NodeStringLiteral = struct {
pub const NodeUndefinedLiteral = struct {
base: Node,
token: Token,
pub fn iterate(self: &NodeUndefinedLiteral, index: usize) ?&Node {
return null;
pub fn firstToken(self: &NodeUndefinedLiteral) Token {
return self.token;
pub fn lastToken(self: &NodeUndefinedLiteral) Token {
return self.token;
pub const NodeLineComment = struct {
base: Node,
lines: ArrayList(Token),
@ -476,3 +620,28 @@ pub const NodeLineComment = struct {
return - 1);
pub const NodeTestDecl = struct {
base: Node,
test_token: Token,
name_token: Token,
body_node: &Node,
pub fn iterate(self: &NodeTestDecl, index: usize) ?&Node {
var i = index;
if (i < 1) return self.body_node;
i -= 1;
return null;
pub fn firstToken(self: &NodeTestDecl) Token {
return self.test_token;
pub fn lastToken(self: &NodeTestDecl) Token {
return self.body_node.lastToken();

View File

@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ pub const Parser = struct {
InfixOp: &ast.NodeInfixOp,
PrefixOp: &ast.NodePrefixOp,
SuffixOp: &ast.Node,
AddrOfModifiers: &ast.NodePrefixOp.AddrOfInfo,
TypeExpr: DestPtr,
VarDecl: &ast.NodeVarDecl,
@ -171,6 +172,22 @@ pub const Parser = struct {
stack.append(State { .TopLevelExtern = token }) catch unreachable;
Token.Id.Keyword_test => {
stack.append(State.TopLevel) catch unreachable;
const name_token = self.getNextToken();
if ( != Token.Id.StringLiteral)
return self.parseError(token, "expected {}, found {}", @tagName(Token.Id.StringLiteral), @tagName(;
const lbrace = self.getNextToken();
if ( != Token.Id.LBrace)
return self.parseError(token, "expected {}, found {}", @tagName(Token.Id.LBrace), @tagName(;
const block = try self.createBlock(arena, token);
const test_decl = try self.createAttachTestDecl(arena, &root_node.decls, token, name_token, block);
try stack.append(State { .Block = block });
Token.Id.Eof => {
root_node.eof_token = token;
return Tree {.root_node = root_node, .arena_allocator = arena_allocator};
@ -319,6 +336,42 @@ pub const Parser = struct {
try stack.append(State.ExpectOperand);
Token.Id.Minus => {
try stack.append(State { .PrefixOp = try self.createPrefixOp(arena, token,
ast.NodePrefixOp.PrefixOp.Negation) });
try stack.append(State.ExpectOperand);
Token.Id.MinusPercent => {
try stack.append(State { .PrefixOp = try self.createPrefixOp(arena, token,
ast.NodePrefixOp.PrefixOp.NegationWrap) });
try stack.append(State.ExpectOperand);
Token.Id.Tilde => {
try stack.append(State { .PrefixOp = try self.createPrefixOp(arena, token,
ast.NodePrefixOp.PrefixOp.BitNot) });
try stack.append(State.ExpectOperand);
Token.Id.QuestionMarkQuestionMark => {
try stack.append(State { .PrefixOp = try self.createPrefixOp(arena, token,
ast.NodePrefixOp.PrefixOp.UnwrapMaybe) });
try stack.append(State.ExpectOperand);
Token.Id.Bang => {
try stack.append(State { .PrefixOp = try self.createPrefixOp(arena, token,
ast.NodePrefixOp.PrefixOp.BoolNot) });
try stack.append(State.ExpectOperand);
Token.Id.Asterisk => {
try stack.append(State { .PrefixOp = try self.createPrefixOp(arena, token,
ast.NodePrefixOp.PrefixOp.Deref) });
try stack.append(State.ExpectOperand);
Token.Id.Ampersand => {
const prefix_op = try self.createPrefixOp(arena, token, ast.NodePrefixOp.PrefixOp{
.AddrOf = ast.NodePrefixOp.AddrOfInfo {
@ -355,6 +408,13 @@ pub const Parser = struct {
try stack.append(State.AfterOperand);
Token.Id.Keyword_undefined => {
try stack.append(State {
.Operand = &(try self.createUndefined(arena, token)).base
try stack.append(State.AfterOperand);
Token.Id.Builtin => {
const node = try arena.create(ast.NodeBuiltinCall);
*node = ast.NodeBuiltinCall {
@ -398,56 +458,62 @@ pub const Parser = struct {
// or a postfix operator (like () or {}),
// otherwise this expression is done (like on a ; or else).
var token = self.getNextToken();
switch ( {
Token.Id.EqualEqual => {
if (tokenIdToInfixOp( |infix_id| {
try stack.append(State {
.InfixOp = try self.createInfixOp(arena, token, ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.EqualEqual)
.InfixOp = try self.createInfixOp(arena, token, infix_id)
try stack.append(State.ExpectOperand);
Token.Id.BangEqual => {
try stack.append(State {
.InfixOp = try self.createInfixOp(arena, token, ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.BangEqual)
try stack.append(State.ExpectOperand);
Token.Id.Period => {
try stack.append(State {
.InfixOp = try self.createInfixOp(arena, token, ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.Period)
try stack.append(State.ExpectOperand);
else => {
// no postfix/infix operator after this operand.
// reduce the stack
var expression: &ast.Node = stack.pop().Operand;
while (true) {
switch (stack.pop()) {
State.Expression => |dest_ptr| {
// we're done
State.InfixOp => |infix_op| {
infix_op.rhs = expression;
infix_op.lhs = stack.pop().Operand;
expression = &infix_op.base;
State.PrefixOp => |prefix_op| {
prefix_op.rhs = expression;
expression = &prefix_op.base;
else => unreachable,
} else if ( == Token.Id.LParen) {
const node = try arena.create(ast.NodeCall);
*node = ast.NodeCall {
.base = self.initNode(ast.Node.Id.Call),
.callee = undefined,
.params = ArrayList(&ast.Node).init(arena),
.rparen_token = undefined,
try stack.append(State { .SuffixOp = &node.base });
try stack.append(State.AfterOperand);
try stack.append(State {.ExprListItemOrEnd = &node.params });
try stack.append(State {
.ExpectTokenSave = ExpectTokenSave {
.id = Token.Id.LParen,
.ptr = &node.rparen_token,
// TODO: Parse postfix operator
} else {
// no postfix/infix operator after this operand.
var expression = popSuffixOp(&stack);
while (true) {
switch (stack.pop()) {
State.Expression => |dest_ptr| {
// we're done
State.InfixOp => |infix_op| {
infix_op.rhs = expression;
infix_op.lhs = popSuffixOp(&stack);
expression = &infix_op.base;
State.PrefixOp => |prefix_op| {
prefix_op.rhs = expression;
expression = &prefix_op.base;
else => unreachable,
@ -685,11 +751,86 @@ pub const Parser = struct {
// These are data, not control flow.
State.InfixOp => unreachable,
State.PrefixOp => unreachable,
State.SuffixOp => unreachable,
State.Operand => unreachable,
fn popSuffixOp(stack: &ArrayList(State)) &ast.Node {
var expression: &ast.Node = undefined;
var left_leaf_ptr: &&ast.Node = &expression;
while (true) {
switch (stack.pop()) {
State.SuffixOp => |suffix_op| {
switch ( {
ast.Node.Id.Call => {
const call = @fieldParentPtr(ast.NodeCall, "base", suffix_op);
*left_leaf_ptr = &call.base;
left_leaf_ptr = &call.callee;
else => unreachable,
State.Operand => |operand| {
*left_leaf_ptr = operand;
else => unreachable,
return expression;
fn tokenIdToInfixOp(id: &const Token.Id) ?ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp {
return switch (*id) {
Token.Id.Ampersand => ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.BitAnd,
Token.Id.AmpersandEqual => ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.AssignBitAnd,
Token.Id.AngleBracketAngleBracketLeft => ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.BitShiftLeft,
Token.Id.AngleBracketAngleBracketLeftEqual => ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.AssignBitShiftLeft,
Token.Id.AngleBracketAngleBracketRight => ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.BitShiftRight,
Token.Id.AngleBracketAngleBracketRightEqual => ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.AssignBitShiftRight,
Token.Id.AngleBracketLeft => ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.LessThan,
Token.Id.AngleBracketLeftEqual => ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.LessOrEqual,
Token.Id.AngleBracketRight => ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.GreaterThan,
Token.Id.AngleBracketRightEqual => ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.GreaterOrEqual,
Token.Id.Asterisk => ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.Mult,
Token.Id.AsteriskAsterisk => ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.ArrayMult,
Token.Id.AsteriskEqual => ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.AssignTimes,
Token.Id.AsteriskPercent => ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.MultWrap,
Token.Id.AsteriskPercentEqual => ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.AssignTimesWarp,
Token.Id.Bang => ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.ErrorUnion,
Token.Id.BangEqual => ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.BangEqual,
Token.Id.Caret => ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.BitXor,
Token.Id.CaretEqual => ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.AssignBitXor,
Token.Id.Equal => ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.Assign,
Token.Id.EqualEqual => ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.EqualEqual,
Token.Id.Keyword_and => ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.BoolAnd,
Token.Id.Keyword_or => ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.BoolOr,
Token.Id.Minus => ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.Sub,
Token.Id.MinusEqual => ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.AssignMinus,
Token.Id.MinusPercent => ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.SubWrap,
Token.Id.MinusPercentEqual => ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.AssignMinusWrap,
Token.Id.Percent => ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.Mod,
Token.Id.PercentEqual => ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.AssignMod,
Token.Id.Period => ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.Period,
Token.Id.Pipe => ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.BitOr,
Token.Id.PipeEqual => ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.AssignBitOr,
Token.Id.PipePipe => ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.MergeErrorSets,
Token.Id.Plus => ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.Add,
Token.Id.PlusEqual => ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.AssignPlus,
Token.Id.PlusPercent => ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.AddWrap,
Token.Id.PlusPercentEqual => ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.AssignPlusWrap,
Token.Id.PlusPlus => ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.ArrayCat,
Token.Id.QuestionMarkQuestionMark => ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.UnwrapMaybe,
Token.Id.Slash => ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.Div,
Token.Id.SlashEqual => ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.AssignDiv,
else => null,
fn initNode(self: &Parser, id: ast.Node.Id) ast.Node {
if (self.pending_line_comment_node) |comment_node| {
self.pending_line_comment_node = null;
@ -733,6 +874,20 @@ pub const Parser = struct {
return node;
fn createTestDecl(self: &Parser, arena: &mem.Allocator, test_token: &const Token, name_token: &const Token,
block: &ast.NodeBlock) !&ast.NodeTestDecl
const node = try arena.create(ast.NodeTestDecl);
*node = ast.NodeTestDecl {
.base = self.initNode(ast.Node.Id.TestDecl),
.test_token = *test_token,
.name_token = *name_token,
.body_node = &block.base,
return node;
fn createFnProto(self: &Parser, arena: &mem.Allocator, fn_token: &const Token, extern_token: &const ?Token,
cc_token: &const ?Token, visib_token: &const ?Token, inline_token: &const ?Token) !&ast.NodeFnProto
@ -837,6 +992,16 @@ pub const Parser = struct {
return node;
fn createUndefined(self: &Parser, arena: &mem.Allocator, token: &const Token) !&ast.NodeUndefinedLiteral {
const node = try arena.create(ast.NodeUndefinedLiteral);
*node = ast.NodeUndefinedLiteral {
.base = self.initNode(ast.Node.Id.UndefinedLiteral),
.token = *token,
return node;
fn createAttachIdentifier(self: &Parser, arena: &mem.Allocator, dest_ptr: &const DestPtr, name_token: &const Token) !&ast.NodeIdentifier {
const node = try self.createIdentifier(arena, name_token);
@ -867,6 +1032,14 @@ pub const Parser = struct {
return node;
fn createAttachTestDecl(self: &Parser, arena: &mem.Allocator, list: &ArrayList(&ast.Node),
test_token: &const Token, name_token: &const Token, block: &ast.NodeBlock) !&ast.NodeTestDecl
const node = try self.createTestDecl(arena, test_token, name_token, block);
try list.append(&node.base);
return node;
fn parseError(self: &Parser, token: &const Token, comptime fmt: []const u8, args: ...) (error{ParseError}) {
const loc = self.tokenizer.getTokenLocation(token);
warn("{}:{}:{}: error: " ++ fmt ++ "\n", self.source_file_name, token.line + 1, token.column + 1, args);
@ -1032,7 +1205,11 @@ pub const Parser = struct {
ast.Node.Id.VarDecl => {
const var_decl = @fieldParentPtr(ast.NodeVarDecl, "base", decl);
try stack.append(RenderState { .VarDecl = var_decl});
ast.Node.Id.TestDecl => {
const test_decl = @fieldParentPtr(ast.NodeTestDecl, "base", decl);
try stream.print("test {} ", self.tokenizer.getTokenSlice(test_decl.name_token));
try stack.append(RenderState { .Expression = test_decl.body_node });
else => unreachable,
@ -1131,29 +1308,57 @@ pub const Parser = struct {
ast.Node.Id.InfixOp => {
const prefix_op_node = @fieldParentPtr(ast.NodeInfixOp, "base", base);
try stack.append(RenderState { .Expression = prefix_op_node.rhs });
switch (prefix_op_node.op) {
ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.EqualEqual => {
try stack.append(RenderState { .Text = " == "});
ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.BangEqual => {
try stack.append(RenderState { .Text = " != "});
ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.Period => {
try stack.append(RenderState { .Text = "."});
const text = switch (prefix_op_node.op) {
ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.Add => " + ",
ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.AddWrap => " +% ",
ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.ArrayCat => " ++ ",
ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.ArrayMult => " ** ",
ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.Assign => " = ",
ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.AssignBitAnd => " &= ",
ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.AssignBitOr => " |= ",
ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.AssignBitShiftLeft => " <<= ",
ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.AssignBitShiftRight => " >>= ",
ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.AssignBitXor => " ^= ",
ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.AssignDiv => " /= ",
ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.AssignMinus => " -= ",
ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.AssignMinusWrap => " -%= ",
ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.AssignMod => " %= ",
ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.AssignPlus => " += ",
ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.AssignPlusWrap => " +%= ",
ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.AssignTimes => " *= ",
ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.AssignTimesWarp => " *%= ",
ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.BangEqual => " != ",
ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.BitAnd => " & ",
ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.BitOr => " | ",
ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.BitShiftLeft => " << ",
ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.BitShiftRight => " >> ",
ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.BitXor => " ^ ",
ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.BoolAnd => " and ",
ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.BoolOr => " or ",
ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.Div => " / ",
ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.EqualEqual => " == ",
ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.ErrorUnion => "!",
ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.GreaterOrEqual => " >= ",
ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.GreaterThan => " > ",
ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.LessOrEqual => " <= ",
ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.LessThan => " < ",
ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.MergeErrorSets => " || ",
ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.Mod => " % ",
ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.Mult => " * ",
ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.MultWrap => " *% ",
ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.Period => ".",
ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.Sub => " - ",
ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.SubWrap => " -% ",
ast.NodeInfixOp.InfixOp.UnwrapMaybe => " ?? ",
try stack.append(RenderState { .Text = text });
try stack.append(RenderState { .Expression = prefix_op_node.lhs });
ast.Node.Id.PrefixOp => {
const prefix_op_node = @fieldParentPtr(ast.NodePrefixOp, "base", base);
try stack.append(RenderState { .Expression = prefix_op_node.rhs });
switch (prefix_op_node.op) {
ast.NodePrefixOp.PrefixOp.Return => {
try stream.write("return ");
ast.NodePrefixOp.PrefixOp.Try => {
try stream.write("try ");
ast.NodePrefixOp.PrefixOp.AddrOf => |addr_of_info| {
try stream.write("&");
if (addr_of_info.volatile_token != null) {
@ -1168,6 +1373,14 @@ pub const Parser = struct {
try stack.append(RenderState { .Expression = align_expr});
ast.NodePrefixOp.PrefixOp.BitNot => try stream.write("~"),
ast.NodePrefixOp.PrefixOp.BoolNot => try stream.write("!"),
ast.NodePrefixOp.PrefixOp.Deref => try stream.write("*"),
ast.NodePrefixOp.PrefixOp.Negation => try stream.write("-"),
ast.NodePrefixOp.PrefixOp.NegationWrap => try stream.write("-%"),
ast.NodePrefixOp.PrefixOp.Return => try stream.write("return "),
ast.NodePrefixOp.PrefixOp.Try => try stream.write("try "),
ast.NodePrefixOp.PrefixOp.UnwrapMaybe => try stream.write("??"),
ast.Node.Id.IntegerLiteral => {
@ -1182,6 +1395,10 @@ pub const Parser = struct {
const string_literal = @fieldParentPtr(ast.NodeStringLiteral, "base", base);
try stream.print("{}", self.tokenizer.getTokenSlice(string_literal.token));
ast.Node.Id.UndefinedLiteral => {
const undefined_literal = @fieldParentPtr(ast.NodeUndefinedLiteral, "base", base);
try stream.print("{}", self.tokenizer.getTokenSlice(undefined_literal.token));
ast.Node.Id.BuiltinCall => {
const builtin_call = @fieldParentPtr(ast.NodeBuiltinCall, "base", base);
try stream.print("{}(", self.tokenizer.getTokenSlice(builtin_call.builtin_token));
@ -1196,11 +1413,27 @@ pub const Parser = struct {
ast.Node.Id.Call => {
const call = @fieldParentPtr(ast.NodeCall, "base", base);
try stack.append(RenderState { .Text = ")"});
var i = call.params.len;
while (i != 0) {
i -= 1;
const param_node =;
try stack.append(RenderState { .Expression = param_node});
if (i != 0) {
try stack.append(RenderState { .Text = ", " });
try stack.append(RenderState { .Text = "("});
try stack.append(RenderState { .Expression = call.callee });
ast.Node.Id.FnProto => @panic("TODO fn proto in an expression"),
ast.Node.Id.LineComment => @panic("TODO render line comment in an expression"),
ast.Node.Id.ParamDecl => unreachable,
RenderState.FnProtoRParen => |fn_proto| {
@ -1422,4 +1655,79 @@ test "zig fmt" {
try testCanonical(
\\test "test name" {
\\ const a = 1;
\\ var b = 1;
try testCanonical(
\\test "infix operators" {
\\ var i = undefined;
\\ i = 2;
\\ i *= 2;
\\ i |= 2;
\\ i ^= 2;
\\ i <<= 2;
\\ i >>= 2;
\\ i &= 2;
\\ i *= 2;
\\ i *%= 2;
\\ i -= 2;
\\ i -%= 2;
\\ i += 2;
\\ i +%= 2;
\\ i /= 2;
\\ i %= 2;
\\ _ = i == i;
\\ _ = i != i;
\\ _ = i != i;
\\ _ = i.i;
\\ _ = i || i;
\\ _ = i!i;
\\ _ = i ** i;
\\ _ = i ++ i;
\\ _ = i ?? i;
\\ _ = i % i;
\\ _ = i / i;
\\ _ = i *% i;
\\ _ = i * i;
\\ _ = i -% i;
\\ _ = i - i;
\\ _ = i +% i;
\\ _ = i + i;
\\ _ = i << i;
\\ _ = i >> i;
\\ _ = i & i;
\\ _ = i ^ i;
\\ _ = i | i;
\\ _ = i >= i;
\\ _ = i <= i;
\\ _ = i > i;
\\ _ = i < i;
\\ _ = i and i;
\\ _ = i or i;
try testCanonical(
\\test "prefix operators" {
\\ --%~??!*&0;
try testCanonical(
\\test "test calls" {
\\ a();
\\ a(1);
\\ a(1, 2);
\\ a(1, 2) + a(1, 2);

View File

@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ pub const Token = struct {
@ -85,18 +86,46 @@ pub const Token = struct {
@ -200,6 +229,9 @@ pub const Tokenizer = struct {
@ -210,6 +242,15 @@ pub const Tokenizer = struct {
@ -291,9 +332,25 @@ pub const Tokenizer = struct {
'%' => { = Token.Id.Percent;
self.index += 1;
state = State.Percent;
'*' => {
state = State.Asterisk;
'+' => {
state = State.Plus;
'?' => {
state = State.QuestionMark;
'<' => {
state = State.AngleBracketLeft;
'>' => {
state = State.AngleBracketRight;
'^' => {
state = State.Caret;
'{' => { = Token.Id.LBrace;
@ -305,6 +362,11 @@ pub const Tokenizer = struct {
self.index += 1;
'~' => { = Token.Id.Tilde;
self.index += 1;
'.' => {
state = State.Period;
@ -356,6 +418,107 @@ pub const Tokenizer = struct {
State.Asterisk => switch (c) {
'=' => { = Token.Id.AsteriskEqual;
self.index += 1;
'*' => { = Token.Id.AsteriskAsterisk;
self.index += 1;
'%' => {
state = State.AsteriskPercent;
else => { = Token.Id.Asterisk;
State.AsteriskPercent => switch (c) {
'=' => { = Token.Id.AsteriskPercentEqual;
self.index += 1;
else => { = Token.Id.AsteriskPercent;
State.QuestionMark => switch (c) {
'?' => { = Token.Id.QuestionMarkQuestionMark;
self.index += 1;
else => { = Token.Id.QuestionMark;
State.Percent => switch (c) {
'=' => { = Token.Id.PercentEqual;
self.index += 1;
else => { = Token.Id.Percent;
State.Plus => switch (c) {
'=' => { = Token.Id.PlusEqual;
self.index += 1;
'+' => { = Token.Id.PlusPlus;
self.index += 1;
'%' => {
state = State.PlusPercent;
else => { = Token.Id.Plus;
State.PlusPercent => switch (c) {
'=' => { = Token.Id.PlusPercentEqual;
self.index += 1;
else => { = Token.Id.PlusPercent;
State.Caret => switch (c) {
'=' => { = Token.Id.CaretEqual;
self.index += 1;
else => { = Token.Id.Caret;
State.Identifier => switch (c) {
'a'...'z', 'A'...'Z', '_', '0'...'9' => {},
else => {
@ -417,6 +580,11 @@ pub const Tokenizer = struct {
self.index += 1;
'|' => { = Token.Id.PipePipe;
self.index += 1;
else => { = Token.Id.Pipe;
@ -441,12 +609,86 @@ pub const Tokenizer = struct {
self.index += 1;
'=' => { = Token.Id.MinusEqual;
self.index += 1;
'%' => {
state = State.MinusPercent;
else => { = Token.Id.Minus;
State.MinusPercent => switch (c) {
'=' => { = Token.Id.MinusPercentEqual;
self.index += 1;
else => { = Token.Id.MinusPercent;
State.AngleBracketLeft => switch (c) {
'<' => {
state = State.AngleBracketAngleBracketLeft;
'=' => { = Token.Id.AngleBracketLeftEqual;
self.index += 1;
else => { = Token.Id.AngleBracketLeft;
State.AngleBracketAngleBracketLeft => switch (c) {
'=' => { = Token.Id.AngleBracketAngleBracketLeftEqual;
self.index += 1;
else => { = Token.Id.AngleBracketAngleBracketLeft;
State.AngleBracketRight => switch (c) {
'>' => {
state = State.AngleBracketAngleBracketRight;
'=' => { = Token.Id.AngleBracketRightEqual;
self.index += 1;
else => { = Token.Id.AngleBracketRight;
State.AngleBracketAngleBracketRight => switch (c) {
'=' => { = Token.Id.AngleBracketAngleBracketRightEqual;
self.index += 1;
else => { = Token.Id.AngleBracketAngleBracketRight;
State.Period => switch (c) {
'.' => {
state = State.Period2;
@ -474,6 +716,11 @@ pub const Tokenizer = struct { = Token.Id.LineComment;
state = State.LineComment;
'=' => { = Token.Id.SlashEqual;
self.index += 1;
else => { = Token.Id.Slash;
@ -609,6 +856,42 @@ pub const Tokenizer = struct {
State.Pipe => { = Token.Id.Pipe;
State.AngleBracketAngleBracketRight => { = Token.Id.AngleBracketAngleBracketRight;
State.AngleBracketRight => { = Token.Id.AngleBracketRight;
State.AngleBracketAngleBracketLeft => { = Token.Id.AngleBracketAngleBracketLeft;
State.AngleBracketLeft => { = Token.Id.AngleBracketLeft;
State.PlusPercent => { = Token.Id.PlusPercent;
State.Plus => { = Token.Id.Plus;
State.QuestionMark => { = Token.Id.QuestionMark;
State.Percent => { = Token.Id.Percent;
State.Caret => { = Token.Id.Caret;
State.AsteriskPercent => { = Token.Id.AsteriskPercent;
State.Asterisk => { = Token.Id.Asterisk;
State.MinusPercent => { = Token.Id.MinusPercent;
if ( == Token.Id.Eof) {
@ -752,8 +1035,8 @@ test "tokenizer - string identifier and builtin fns" {
test "tokenizer - pipe and then invalid" {
testTokenize("||=", []Token.Id{

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ var x: i32 = 1;
test "create a coroutine and cancel it" {
const p = try async<std.debug.global_allocator> simpleAsyncFn();
comptime assert(@typeOf(p) == promise->void);
cancel p;
assert(x == 2);
@ -55,6 +56,7 @@ var result = false;
async fn testSuspendBlock() void {
suspend |p| {
comptime assert(@typeOf(p) == promise->void);
a_promise = p;
result = true;
@ -156,3 +158,34 @@ test "async function with dot syntax" {
cancel p;
assert(S.y == 2);
test "async fn pointer in a struct field" {
var data: i32 = 1;
const Foo = struct {
bar: async<&std.mem.Allocator> fn(&i32) void,
var foo = Foo {
.bar = simpleAsyncFn2,
const p = (async<std.debug.global_allocator> catch unreachable;
assert(data == 2);
cancel p;
assert(data == 4);
async<&std.mem.Allocator> fn simpleAsyncFn2(y: &i32) void {
defer *y += 2;
*y += 1;
test "async fn with inferred error set" {
const p = (async<std.debug.global_allocator> failing()) catch unreachable;
resume p;
cancel p;
async fn failing() !void {
return error.Fail;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
const assert = @import("std").debug.assert;
const std = @import("std");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const builtin = @import("builtin");
test "compile time recursion" {
@ -503,3 +504,12 @@ test "const ptr to comptime mutable data is not memoized" {
assert(foo.read_x() == 2);
test "array concat of slices gives slice" {
comptime {
var a: []const u8 = "aoeu";
var b: []const u8 = "asdf";
const c = a ++ b;
assert(std.mem.eql(u8, c, "aoeuasdf"));

View File

@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
const tests = @import("tests.zig");
pub fn addCases(cases: &tests.CompileErrorContext) void {
cases.add("wrong type passed to @panic",
\\export fn entry() void {
\\ var e = error.Foo;
\\ @panic(e);
".tmp_source.zig:3:12: error: expected type '[]const u8', found 'error{Foo}'");
cases.add("@tagName used on union with no associated enum tag",
\\const FloatInt = extern union {
\\ Float: f32,

View File

@ -51,6 +51,16 @@ pub fn addCases(cases: &tests.GenHContext) void {
cases.add("declare opaque type",
\\export const Foo = @OpaqueType();
\\export fn entry(foo: ?&Foo) void { }
\\struct Foo;
\\TEST_EXPORT void entry(struct Foo * foo);
cases.add("array field-type",
\\const Foo = extern struct {
\\ A: [2]i32,
@ -66,4 +76,5 @@ pub fn addCases(cases: &tests.GenHContext) void {
\\TEST_EXPORT void entry(struct Foo foo, uint8_t bar[]);

View File

@ -281,4 +281,34 @@ pub fn addCases(cases: &tests.CompareOutputContext) void {
\\ f.float = 12.34;
// This case makes sure that the code compiles and runs. There is not actually a special
// runtime safety check having to do specifically with error return traces across suspend points.
cases.addRuntimeSafety("error return trace across suspend points",
\\const std = @import("std");
\\pub fn panic(message: []const u8, stack_trace: ?&@import("builtin").StackTrace) noreturn {
\\ std.os.exit(126);
\\pub fn main() void {
\\ const p = nonFailing();
\\ resume p;
\\ const p2 = async<std.debug.global_allocator> printTrace(p) catch unreachable;
\\ cancel p2;
\\fn nonFailing() promise->error!void {
\\ return async<std.debug.global_allocator> failing() catch unreachable;
\\async fn failing() error!void {
\\ suspend;
\\ return error.Fail;
\\async fn printTrace(p: promise->error!void) void {
\\ (await p) catch unreachable;