update README

Andrew Kelley 2015-12-06 21:55:28 -07:00
parent daa3b6bfa3
commit c6fff3b2c0
1 changed files with 95 additions and 57 deletions

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@ -2,35 +2,78 @@
An experiment in writing a low-level programming language with the intent to
replace C. Zig intends to be a small language, yet powerful enough to write
readable, safe, optimal, and concise code to solve any computing problem.
optimal, readable, safe, and concise code to solve any computing problem.
Porting a C project to Zig should be a pleasant experience - every C feature
needs a corresponding Zig feature which solves the problem equivalently or
Zig is not afraid to roll the major version number of the language if it
improves simplicity, fixes poor design decisions, or adds a new feature which
compromises backward compatibility.
## Goals
* Ability to run arbitrary code at compile time and generate code.
* Completely compatible with C libraries with no wrapper necessary.
* Creating a C library should be a primary use case. Should be easy to export
an auto-generated .h file.
* Generics such as containers.
* In addition to creating executables, creating a C library is a primary use
case. You can export an auto-generated .h file.
* Do not depend on libc unless explicitly imported.
* First class error code support.
* Include documentation generator.
* Eliminate the need for make, cmake, etc.
* Friendly toward package maintainers.
* Eliminate the need for C headers (when using zig internally).
* Ability to declare dependencies as Git URLS with commit locking (can
provide a tag or sha1).
* Provide standard library which competes with the C standard library and is
always compiled against statically in source form.
* Generics so that one can write efficient data structures that work for any
data type.
* Ability to run arbitrary code at compile time and generate code.
* A type which represents an error and has some convenience syntax with
regards to resources.
* Defer statement.
* Memory zeroed by default, unless you explicitly ask for uninitialized memory.
* Eliminate the need for configure, make, cmake, etc.
* Eliminate the need for header files (when using zig internally).
* Tagged union enum type.
* Opinionated when it makes life easier.
- Tab character in source code is a compile error.
- Whitespace at the end of line is a compile error.
* Resilient to parsing errors to make IDE integration work well.
* Source code is UTF-8.
* Shebang line OK so language can be used for "scripting" as well.
* Ability to mark functions as test and automatically run them in test mode.
This mode should automatically provide test coverage.
* Memory zeroed by default, unless you initialize with "uninitialized".
* Friendly toward package maintainers.
* Ability to declare dependencies as Git URLS with commit locking (can
provide a tag or sha1).
* Include documentation generator.
* Shebang line OK so language can be used for "scripting" as well.
### Building
### Current Status
* Core language features are lacking such as structs, enums, loops.
* Have a look in the examples/ folder to see some code examples.
* Optimized machine code that Zig produces is indistinguishable from
optimized machine code produced from equivalent C program.
* Generating dynamic libraries, executables, object files, and C header files
### Roadmap
* structs
* loops
* enums
* calling external variadic functions and exporting variadic functions
* inline assembly and syscalls
* conditional compilation and ability to check target platform and architecture
* main function with command line arguments
* void pointer constant
* sizeof
* static initializers
* assert
* function pointers
* running code at compile time
* standard library print functions
* panic! macro or statement that prints a stack trace to stderr in debug mode
and calls abort() in release mode
* unreachable codegen to panic("unreachable") in debug mode, and nothing in
release mode
* implement a simple game using SDL2
* implement a GUI with several types of widgets and investigate whether we need
any OOP features
## Building
mkdir build
@ -40,44 +83,37 @@ make
## Roadmap
## Primitive Numeric Types:
* loops
* structs
* tagged enums
* calling external variadic functions and exporting variadic functions
* inline assembly and syscalls
* conditional compilation and ability to check target platform and architecture
* main function with command line arguments
* running code at compile time
* print! macro that takes var args
* panic! macro that prints a stack trace to stderr in debug mode and calls
abort() in release mode
* unreachable codegen to panic("unreachable") in debug mode, and nothing in
release mode
* implement a simple game using SDL2
* How should the Widget use case be solved? In Genesis I'm using C++ and inheritance.
zig | C equivalent | Description
bool | bool | unsigned 1-bit integer
i8 | int8_t | signed 8-bit integer
u8 | uint8_t | unsigned 8-bit integer
i16 | int16_t | signed 16-bit integer
u16 | uint16_t | unsigned 16-bit integer
i32 | int32_t | signed 32-bit integer
u32 | uint32_t | unsigned 32-bit integer
i64 | int64_t | signed 64-bit integer
u64 | uint64_t | unsigned 64-bit integer
f32 | float | 32-bit IEE754 floating point
f64 | double | 64-bit IEE754 floating point
f128 | long double | 128-bit IEE754 floating point
isize | intptr_t | signed pointer sized integer
usize | uintptr_t | unsigned pointer sized integer
c_char | char | for API compatibility with C
c_schar | signed char | for API compatibility with C
c_uchar | unsigned char | for API compatibility with C
c_short | short | for API compatibility with C
c_ushort | unsigned short | for API compatibility with C
c_int | int | for API compatibility with C
c_uint | unsigned int | for API compatibility with C
c_long | long | for API compatibility with C
c_ulong | unsigned long | for API compatibility with C
c_longlong | long long | for API compatibility with C
c_ulonglong | unsigned long long | for API compatibility with C
### Primitive Numeric Types:
zig | C equivalent | Description
bool | bool | unsigned 1-bit integer
i8 | int8_t | signed 8-bit integer
u8 | uint8_t | unsigned 8-bit integer
i16 | int16_t | signed 16-bit integer
u16 | uint16_t | unsigned 16-bit integer
i32 | int32_t | signed 32-bit integer
u32 | uint32_t | unsigned 32-bit integer
i64 | int64_t | signed 64-bit integer
u64 | uint64_t | unsigned 64-bit integer
f32 | float | 32-bit IEE754 floating point
f64 | double | 64-bit IEE754 floating point
f128 | long double | 128-bit IEE754 floating point
isize | intptr_t | signed pointer sized integer
usize | uintptr_t | unsigned pointer sized integer
### Grammar
## Grammar
Root : many(TopLevelDecl) token(EOF)
@ -116,7 +152,9 @@ Label: token(Symbol) token(Colon)
Expression : BlockExpression | NonBlockExpression
NonBlockExpression : ReturnExpression | VariableDeclaration | BoolOrExpression
NonBlockExpression : ReturnExpression | VariableDeclaration | AssignmentExpression
AssignmentExpression : BoolOrExpression token(Equal) BoolOrExpression | BoolOrExpression
BlockExpression : IfExpression | Block
@ -124,7 +162,7 @@ BoolOrExpression : BoolAndExpression token(BoolOr) BoolAndExpression | BoolAndEx
ReturnExpression : token(Return) option(Expression)
VariableDeclaration : token(Let) token(Symbole) (token(Eq) Expression | token(Colon) Type option(token(Eq) Expression))
VariableDeclaration : token(Let) option(token(Mut)) token(Symbol) (token(Eq) Expression | token(Colon) Type option(token(Eq) Expression))
IfExpression : token(If) Expression Block option(Else | ElseIf)
@ -173,7 +211,7 @@ GroupedExpression : token(LParen) Expression token(RParen)
KeywordLiteral : token(Unreachable) | token(Void) | token(True) | token(False)
### Operator Precedence
## Operator Precedence