fix segfault with array of generic functions

closes #377
Andrew Kelley 2017-05-26 14:39:18 -04:00
parent fcdd808c5c
commit c42c91ee7c
5 changed files with 67 additions and 21 deletions

View File

@ -1033,10 +1033,10 @@ static TypeTableEntry *analyze_fn_type(CodeGen *g, AstNode *proto_node, Scope *c
AstNode *param_node = fn_proto->;
assert(param_node->type == NodeTypeParamDecl);
bool param_is_inline = param_node->data.param_decl.is_inline;
bool param_is_comptime = param_node->data.param_decl.is_inline;
bool param_is_var_args = param_node->data.param_decl.is_var_args;
if (param_is_inline) {
if (param_is_comptime) {
if (fn_type_id.is_extern) {
add_node_error(g, param_node,
buf_sprintf("comptime parameter not allowed in extern function"));
@ -2507,7 +2507,10 @@ bool types_match_const_cast_only(TypeTableEntry *expected_type, TypeTableEntry *
if (expected_type->data.fn.fn_type_id.is_var_args != actual_type->data.fn.fn_type_id.is_var_args) {
return false;
if (!expected_type->data.fn.fn_type_id.is_var_args &&
if (expected_type->data.fn.is_generic != actual_type->data.fn.is_generic) {
return false;
if (!expected_type->data.fn.is_generic &&
actual_type->data.fn.fn_type_id.return_type->id != TypeTableEntryIdUnreachable &&
@ -2518,12 +2521,12 @@ bool types_match_const_cast_only(TypeTableEntry *expected_type, TypeTableEntry *
if (expected_type->data.fn.fn_type_id.param_count != actual_type->data.fn.fn_type_id.param_count) {
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < expected_type->data.fn.fn_type_id.param_count; i += 1) {
if (i == expected_type->data.fn.fn_type_id.param_count - 1 &&
if (expected_type->data.fn.fn_type_id.next_param_index != actual_type->data.fn.fn_type_id.next_param_index) {
return false;
assert(expected_type->data.fn.is_generic ||
expected_type->data.fn.fn_type_id.next_param_index == expected_type->data.fn.fn_type_id.param_count);
for (size_t i = 0; i < expected_type->data.fn.fn_type_id.next_param_index; i += 1) {
// note it's reversed for parameters
FnTypeParamInfo *actual_param_info = &actual_type->data.fn.fn_type_id.param_info[i];
FnTypeParamInfo *expected_param_info = &expected_type->data.fn.fn_type_id.param_info[i];

View File

@ -13089,12 +13089,20 @@ static TypeTableEntry *ir_analyze_instruction_fn_proto(IrAnalyze *ira, IrInstruc
IrInstruction *param_type_value = instruction->param_types[fn_type_id.next_param_index]->other;
if (type_is_invalid(param_type_value->value.type))
return ira->codegen->builtin_types.entry_invalid;
FnTypeParamInfo *param_info = &fn_type_id.param_info[fn_type_id.next_param_index];
param_info->is_noalias = param_node->data.param_decl.is_noalias;
param_info->type = ir_resolve_type(ira, param_type_value);
if (type_is_invalid(param_info->type))
return ira->codegen->builtin_types.entry_invalid;
if (param_info->type->id == TypeTableEntryIdVar) {
ConstExprValue *out_val = ir_build_const_from(ira, &instruction->base);
out_val->data.x_type = get_generic_fn_type(ira->codegen, &fn_type_id);
return ira->codegen->builtin_types.entry_type;
IrInstruction *return_type_value = instruction->return_type->other;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
const assert = @import("std").debug.assert;
test "simpleGenericFn" {
test "simple generic fn" {
assert(max(i32, 3, -1) == 3);
assert(max(f32, 0.123, 0.456) == 0.456);
assert(add(2, 3) == 5);
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ fn add(comptime a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
const the_max = max(u32, 1234, 5678);
test "compileTimeGenericEval" {
test "compile time generic eval" {
assert(the_max == 5678);
@ -31,21 +31,22 @@ fn sameButWithFloats(a: f64, b: f64) -> f64 {
max(f64, a, b)
test "fnWithInlineArgs" {
test "fn with comptime args" {
assert(gimmeTheBigOne(1234, 5678) == 5678);
assert(shouldCallSameInstance(34, 12) == 34);
assert(sameButWithFloats(0.43, 0.49) == 0.49);
test "varParams" {
test "var params" {
assert(max_i32(12, 34) == 34);
assert(max_f64(1.2, 3.4) == 3.4);
// TODO `_`
const _1 = assert(max_i32(12, 34) == 34);
const _2 = assert(max_f64(1.2, 3.4) == 3.4);
comptime {
assert(max_i32(12, 34) == 34);
assert(max_f64(1.2, 3.4) == 3.4);
fn max_var(a: var, b: var) -> @typeOf(a + b) {
if (a > b) a else b
@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ pub fn SmallList(comptime T: type, comptime STATIC_SIZE: usize) -> type {
test "functionWithReturnTypeType" {
test "function with return type type" {
var list: List(i32) = undefined;
var list2: List(i32) = undefined;
list.length = 10;
@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ test "functionWithReturnTypeType" {
test "genericStruct" {
test "generic struct" {
var a1 = GenNode(i32) {.value = 13, .next = null,};
var b1 = GenNode(bool) {.value = true, .next = null,};
assert(a1.value == 13);
@ -97,7 +98,7 @@ fn GenNode(comptime T: type) -> type {
test "constDeclsInStruct" {
test "const decls in struct" {
assert(GenericDataThing(3).count_plus_one == 4);
fn GenericDataThing(comptime count: isize) -> type {
@ -107,7 +108,7 @@ fn GenericDataThing(comptime count: isize) -> type {
test "useGenericParamInGenericParam" {
test "use generic param in generic param" {
assert(aGenericFn(i32, 3, 4) == 7);
fn aGenericFn(comptime T: type, comptime a: T, b: T) -> T {
@ -115,7 +116,7 @@ fn aGenericFn(comptime T: type, comptime a: T, b: T) -> T {
test "genericFnWithImplicitCast" {
test "generic fn with implicit cast" {
assert(getFirstByte(u8, []u8 {13}) == 13);
assert(getFirstByte(u16, []u16 {0, 13}) == 0);
@ -123,3 +124,14 @@ fn getByte(ptr: ?&const u8) -> u8 {*??ptr}
fn getFirstByte(comptime T: type, mem: []const T) -> u8 {
getByte(@ptrCast(&const u8, &mem[0]))
const foos = []fn(var) -> bool { foo1, foo2 };
fn foo1(arg: var) -> bool { arg }
fn foo2(arg: var) -> bool { !arg }
test "array of generic fns" {

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@ -54,3 +54,14 @@ fn extraFn(extra: u32, args: ...) -> usize {
return args.len;
const foos = []fn(...) -> bool { foo1, foo2 };
fn foo1(args: ...) -> bool { true }
fn foo2(args: ...) -> bool { false }
test "array of var args functions" {

View File

@ -1904,4 +1904,16 @@ pub fn addCases(cases: &tests.CompileErrorContext) {
".tmp_source.zig:7:9: error: calling a generic function requires compile-time known function value");
cases.add("calling a generic function only known at runtime",
\\var foos = []fn(var) { foo1, foo2 };
\\fn foo1(arg: var) {}
\\fn foo2(arg: var) {}
\\pub fn main() -> %void {
\\ foos[0](true);
".tmp_source.zig:7:9: error: calling a generic function requires compile-time known function value");