Refactor flushing of MachO exe

This commit refactors free space analysis (and VM analysis) somewhat.
This is still far from perfect, but at least it's not using any
hardcoded values.

This commit also reorganizes different flushing bits here and there,
so that bit common to Exe and Obj are put in the common path, while
Exe-specific are behind an appropriate switch/if statement.
Jakub Konka 2020-10-02 21:24:38 +02:00
parent 737a8bf204
commit c4054f8e0a
1 changed files with 139 additions and 114 deletions

View File

@ -247,14 +247,6 @@ pub fn flushModule(self: *MachO, comp: *Compilation) !void {
const tracy = trace(@src());
defer tracy.end();
switch (self.base.options.output_mode) {
.Exe => {},
.Obj => return error.TODOImplementWritingObjFiles,
.Lib => return error.TODOImplementWritingLibFiles,
try self.writeExportTrie();
// Unfortunately these have to be buffered and done at the end because MachO does not allow
// mixing local, global and undefined symbols within a symbol table.
try self.writeAllGlobalSymbols();
@ -262,79 +254,76 @@ pub fn flushModule(self: *MachO, comp: *Compilation) !void {
try self.writeStringTable();
switch (self.base.options.output_mode) {
.Exe => {
if (self.entry_addr) |addr| {
// Write export trie.
try self.writeExportTrie();
// Update LC_MAIN with entry offset
const text_segment = self.load_commands.items[self.text_segment_cmd_index.?].Segment;
const main_cmd = &self.load_commands.items[self.main_cmd_index.?].EntryPoint;
main_cmd.entryoff = addr - text_segment.vmaddr;
// Update dynamic symbol table.
const nlocals = @intCast(u32, self.local_symbols.items.len);
const nglobals = @intCast(u32, self.global_symbols.items.len);
const nundefs = @intCast(u32, self.undef_symbols.items.len);
const dysymtab = &self.load_commands.items[self.dysymtab_cmd_index.?].Dysymtab;
dysymtab.nlocalsym = nlocals;
dysymtab.iextdefsym = nlocals;
dysymtab.nextdefsym = nglobals;
dysymtab.iundefsym = nlocals + nglobals;
dysymtab.nundefsym = nundefs;
// Write path to dyld loader.
var off: usize = @sizeOf(macho.mach_header_64);
for (self.load_commands.items) |cmd| {
if (cmd == .Dylinker) break;
off += cmd.cmdsize();
const cmd = &self.load_commands.items[self.dylinker_cmd_index.?].Dylinker;
off +=;
const padding = cmd.cmdsize - @sizeOf(macho.dylinker_command);
log.debug("writing LC_LOAD_DYLINKER padding of size {} at 0x{x}\n", .{ padding, off });
try self.addPadding(padding, off);
log.debug("writing LC_LOAD_DYLINKER path to dyld at 0x{x}\n", .{off});
try self.base.file.?.pwriteAll(mem.spanZ(DEFAULT_DYLD_PATH), off);
// Write path to libSystem.
var off: usize = @sizeOf(macho.mach_header_64);
for (self.load_commands.items) |cmd| {
if (cmd == .Dylib) break;
off += cmd.cmdsize();
const cmd = &self.load_commands.items[self.libsystem_cmd_index.?].Dylib;
off +=;
const padding = cmd.cmdsize - @sizeOf(macho.dylib_command);
log.debug("writing LC_LOAD_DYLIB padding of size {} at 0x{x}\n", .{ padding, off });
try self.addPadding(padding, off);
log.debug("writing LC_LOAD_DYLIB path to libSystem at 0x{x}\n", .{off});
try self.base.file.?.pwriteAll(mem.spanZ(LIB_SYSTEM_PATH), off);
.Obj => {},
.Lib => return error.TODOImplementWritingLibFiles,
if (self.cmd_table_dirty) try self.writeCmdHeaders();
// update Symtab and Dysymtab commands with symbol counts
// TODO this could probably be done incrementally
// Update symbol table.
const nlocals = @intCast(u32, self.local_symbols.items.len);
const nglobals = @intCast(u32, self.global_symbols.items.len);
const nundefs = @intCast(u32, self.undef_symbols.items.len);
const symtab = &self.load_commands.items[self.symtab_cmd_index.?].Symtab;
symtab.nsyms = nlocals + nglobals + nundefs;
const dysymtab = &self.load_commands.items[self.dysymtab_cmd_index.?].Dysymtab;
dysymtab.nlocalsym = nlocals;
dysymtab.iextdefsym = nlocals;
dysymtab.nextdefsym = nglobals;
dysymtab.iundefsym = nlocals + nglobals;
dysymtab.nundefsym = nundefs;
if (self.entry_addr) |addr| {
// update LC_MAIN with entry offset
const text_segment = self.load_commands.items[self.text_segment_cmd_index.?].Segment;
const main_cmd = &self.load_commands.items[self.main_cmd_index.?].EntryPoint;
main_cmd.entryoff = addr - text_segment.vmaddr;
var last_cmd_offset: usize = @sizeOf(macho.mach_header_64);
for (self.load_commands.items) |cmd| {
try cmd.write(&self.base.file.?, last_cmd_offset);
last_cmd_offset += cmd.cmdsize();
// write __text section
const off = @sizeOf(macho.mach_header_64) + @sizeOf(macho.segment_command_64) * 2;
log.debug("writing text section {} at 0x{x}\n", .{ self.sections.items[0..1], off });
try self.base.file.?.pwriteAll(mem.sliceAsBytes(self.sections.items[0..1]), off);
// write __got section
const text = &self.load_commands.items[self.text_segment_cmd_index.?];
const off = @sizeOf(macho.mach_header_64) + @sizeOf(macho.segment_command_64) * 2 + text.cmdsize();
log.debug("writing got section {} at 0x{x}\n", .{ self.sections.items[1..2], off });
try self.base.file.?.pwriteAll(mem.sliceAsBytes(self.sections.items[1..2]), off);
// write path to dyld
var off: usize = @sizeOf(macho.mach_header_64);
for (self.load_commands.items) |cmd| {
if (cmd == .Dylinker) break;
off += cmd.cmdsize();
const cmd = &self.load_commands.items[self.dylinker_cmd_index.?].Dylinker;
off +=;
const padding = cmd.cmdsize - @sizeOf(macho.dylinker_command);
log.debug("writing LC_LOAD_DYLINKER padding of size {} at 0x{x}\n", .{ padding, off });
try self.addPadding(padding, off);
log.debug("writing LC_LOAD_DYLINKER path to dyld at 0x{x}\n", .{off});
try self.base.file.?.pwriteAll(mem.spanZ(DEFAULT_DYLD_PATH), off);
// write path to libSystem
var off: usize = @sizeOf(macho.mach_header_64);
for (self.load_commands.items) |cmd| {
if (cmd == .Dylib) break;
off += cmd.cmdsize();
const cmd = &self.load_commands.items[self.libsystem_cmd_index.?].Dylib;
off +=;
const padding = cmd.cmdsize - @sizeOf(macho.dylib_command);
log.debug("writing LC_LOAD_DYLIB padding of size {} at 0x{x}\n", .{ padding, off });
try self.addPadding(padding, off);
log.debug("writing LC_LOAD_DYLIB path to libSystem at 0x{x}\n", .{off});
try self.base.file.?.pwriteAll(mem.spanZ(LIB_SYSTEM_PATH), off);
if (self.entry_addr == null and self.base.options.output_mode == .Exe) {
log.debug("flushing. no_entry_point_found = true\n", .{});
self.error_flags.no_entry_point_found = true;
@ -775,7 +764,6 @@ pub fn updateDecl(self: *MachO, module: *Module, decl: *Module.Decl) !void {
log.debug("generated code {}\n", .{code});
const required_alignment = typed_value.ty.abiAlignment(;
const symbol = &self.local_symbols.items[];
@ -784,7 +772,6 @@ pub fn updateDecl(self: *MachO, module: *Module, decl: *Module.Decl) !void {
const name_str_index = try self.makeString(decl_name);
const addr = try self.allocateTextBlock(&, code.len, required_alignment);
log.debug("allocated text block for {} at 0x{x}\n", .{ decl_name, addr });
log.debug("updated text section {}\n", .{self.sections.items[self.text_section_index.?]});
symbol.* = .{
.n_strx = name_str_index,
@ -801,7 +788,6 @@ pub fn updateDecl(self: *MachO, module: *Module, decl: *Module.Decl) !void {
const text_section = self.sections.items[self.text_section_index.?];
const section_offset = symbol.n_value - text_section.addr;
const file_offset = text_section.offset + section_offset;
log.debug("file_offset 0x{x}\n", .{file_offset});
try self.base.file.?.pwriteAll(code, file_offset);
@ -889,6 +875,12 @@ pub fn getDeclVAddr(self: *MachO, decl: *const Module.Decl) u64 {
pub fn populateMissingMetadata(self: *MachO) !void {
switch (self.base.options.output_mode) {
.Exe => {},
.Obj => return error.TODOImplementWritingObjFiles,
.Lib => return error.TODOImplementWritingLibFiles,
if (self.pagezero_segment_cmd_index == null) {
self.pagezero_segment_cmd_index = @intCast(u16, self.load_commands.items.len);
try self.load_commands.append(self.base.allocator, .{
@ -934,7 +926,7 @@ pub fn populateMissingMetadata(self: *MachO) !void {
text_segment.cmdsize += @sizeOf(macho.section_64);
text_segment.nsects += 1;
const file_size = self.base.options.program_code_size_hint;
const file_size = mem.alignForwardGeneric(u64, self.base.options.program_code_size_hint, 0x1000);
const off = @intCast(u32, self.findFreeSpace(file_size, 0x1000)); // TODO maybe findFreeSpace should return u32 directly?
@ -946,7 +938,7 @@ pub fn populateMissingMetadata(self: *MachO) !void {
.addr = text_segment.vmaddr + off,
.size = file_size,
.offset = off,
.@"align" = 12,
.@"align" = 12, // 2^12 = 4096
.reloff = 0,
.nreloc = 0,
.flags = flags,
@ -955,11 +947,8 @@ pub fn populateMissingMetadata(self: *MachO) !void {
.reserved3 = 0,
text_segment.vmsize = file_size + off;
text_segment.vmsize = file_size + off; // We add off here since __TEXT segment includes everything prior to __text section.
text_segment.filesize = file_size + off;
log.debug("initial text section {}\n", .{self.sections.items[self.text_section_index.?]});
log.debug("updated text segment {}\n", .{text_segment});
if (self.data_segment_cmd_index == null) {
self.data_segment_cmd_index = @intCast(u16, self.load_commands.items.len);
@ -970,7 +959,7 @@ pub fn populateMissingMetadata(self: *MachO) !void {
.cmd = macho.LC_SEGMENT_64,
.cmdsize = @sizeOf(macho.segment_command_64),
.segname = makeStaticString("__DATA"),
.vmaddr = text_segment.vmaddr + text_segment.vmsize, // TODO this should be found when running findFreeSpace
.vmaddr = text_segment.vmaddr + text_segment.vmsize,
.vmsize = 0,
.fileoff = 0,
.filesize = 0,
@ -999,7 +988,7 @@ pub fn populateMissingMetadata(self: *MachO) !void {
.addr = data_segment.vmaddr,
.size = file_size,
.offset = off,
.@"align" = 3,
.@"align" = 3, // 2^3 = 8
.reloff = 0,
.nreloc = 0,
.flags = macho.S_REGULAR,
@ -1012,9 +1001,6 @@ pub fn populateMissingMetadata(self: *MachO) !void {
data_segment.vmsize = segment_size;
data_segment.filesize = segment_size;
data_segment.fileoff = off;
log.debug("initial got section {}\n", .{self.sections.items[self.got_section_index.?]});
log.debug("updated data segment {}\n", .{data_segment});
if (self.linkedit_segment_cmd_index == null) {
self.linkedit_segment_cmd_index = @intCast(u16, self.load_commands.items.len);
@ -1025,7 +1011,7 @@ pub fn populateMissingMetadata(self: *MachO) !void {
.cmd = macho.LC_SEGMENT_64,
.cmdsize = @sizeOf(macho.segment_command_64),
.segname = makeStaticString("__LINKEDIT"),
.vmaddr = data_segment.vmaddr + data_segment.vmsize, // TODO this should be found when running findFreeSpace
.vmaddr = data_segment.vmaddr + data_segment.vmsize,
.vmsize = 0,
.fileoff = 0,
.filesize = 0,
@ -1101,11 +1087,11 @@ pub fn populateMissingMetadata(self: *MachO) !void {
if (self.dylinker_cmd_index == null) {
self.dylinker_cmd_index = @intCast(u16, self.load_commands.items.len);
const cmdsize = commandSize(@sizeOf(macho.dylinker_command) + mem.lenZ(DEFAULT_DYLD_PATH));
const cmdsize = mem.alignForwardGeneric(u64, @sizeOf(macho.dylinker_command) + mem.lenZ(DEFAULT_DYLD_PATH), @sizeOf(u64));
try self.load_commands.append(self.base.allocator, .{
.Dylinker = .{
.cmd = macho.LC_LOAD_DYLINKER,
.cmdsize = cmdsize,
.cmdsize = @intCast(u32, cmdsize),
.name = @sizeOf(macho.dylinker_command),
@ -1113,7 +1099,7 @@ pub fn populateMissingMetadata(self: *MachO) !void {
if (self.libsystem_cmd_index == null) {
self.libsystem_cmd_index = @intCast(u16, self.load_commands.items.len);
const cmdsize = commandSize(@sizeOf(macho.dylib_command) + mem.lenZ(LIB_SYSTEM_PATH));
const cmdsize = mem.alignForwardGeneric(u64, @sizeOf(macho.dylib_command) + mem.lenZ(LIB_SYSTEM_PATH), @sizeOf(u64));
// TODO Find a way to work out runtime version from the OS version triple stored in std.Target.
// In the meantime, we're gonna hardcode to the minimum compatibility version of 1.0.0.
const min_version = 0x10000;
@ -1126,7 +1112,7 @@ pub fn populateMissingMetadata(self: *MachO) !void {
try self.load_commands.append(self.base.allocator, .{
.Dylib = .{
.cmd = macho.LC_LOAD_DYLIB,
.cmdsize = cmdsize,
.cmdsize = @intCast(u32, cmdsize),
.dylib = dylib,
@ -1156,10 +1142,8 @@ pub fn populateMissingMetadata(self: *MachO) !void {
dyld_info.export_size = @intCast(u32, file_size);
const segment_size = mem.alignForwardGeneric(u64, file_size, 0x1000);
linkedit.vmsize = 4 * segment_size;
linkedit.vmsize += segment_size;
linkedit.fileoff = off;
log.debug("updated linkedit segment {}\n", .{linkedit});
@ -1172,6 +1156,9 @@ pub fn populateMissingMetadata(self: *MachO) !void {
log.debug("found symbol table free space 0x{x} to 0x{x}\n", .{ off, off + file_size });
symtab.symoff = off;
symtab.nsyms = @intCast(u32, nsyms);
const segment_size = mem.alignForwardGeneric(u64, file_size, 0x1000);
linkedit.vmsize += segment_size;
if (symtab.stroff == 0) {
try self.string_table.append(self.base.allocator, 0);
@ -1180,6 +1167,9 @@ pub fn populateMissingMetadata(self: *MachO) !void {
log.debug("found string table free space 0x{x} to 0x{x}\n", .{ off, off + file_size });
symtab.stroff = off;
symtab.strsize = file_size;
const segment_size = mem.alignForwardGeneric(u64, file_size, 0x1000);
linkedit.vmsize += segment_size;
if (self.dyld_stub_binder_index == null) {
@ -1215,13 +1205,11 @@ fn allocateTextBlock(self: *MachO, text_block: *TextBlock, new_block_size: u64,
break :blk text_section.addr;
log.debug("computed symbol address 0x{x}\n", .{addr});
const expand_text_section = block_placement == null or block_placement.?.next == null;
if (expand_text_section) {
const text_capacity = self.allocatedSize(text_section.offset);
const needed_size = (addr + new_block_size) - text_section.addr;
log.debug("text capacity 0x{x}, needed size 0x{x}\n", .{ text_capacity, needed_size });
assert(needed_size <= text_capacity); // TODO handle growth
self.last_text_block = text_block;
@ -1276,18 +1264,6 @@ fn updateString(self: *MachO, old_str_off: u32, new_name: []const u8) !u32 {
return self.makeString(new_name);
fn alignSize(comptime Int: type, min_size: anytype, alignment: Int) Int {
const size = @intCast(Int, min_size);
if (size % alignment == 0) return size;
const div = size / alignment;
return (div + 1) * alignment;
fn commandSize(min_size: anytype) u32 {
return alignSize(u32, min_size, @sizeOf(u64));
fn addPadding(self: *MachO, size: u64, file_offset: u64) !void {
if (size == 0) return;
@ -1424,7 +1400,7 @@ fn writeAllUndefSymbols(self: *MachO) !void {
fn writeExportTrie(self: *MachO) !void {
if (self.entry_addr == null) return;
assert(self.entry_addr != null);
// TODO implement mechanism for generating a prefix tree of the exported symbols
// single branch export trie
@ -1440,7 +1416,6 @@ fn writeExportTrie(self: *MachO) !void {
const written = try std.debug.leb.writeULEB128Mem(buf[12..], addr);
buf[10] = @intCast(u8, written) + 1;
buf[11] = 0;
log.debug("WAT = {}, {x}\n", .{ written, buf[0..] });
const dyld_info = &self.load_commands.items[self.dyld_info_cmd_index.?].DyldInfo;
try self.base.file.?.pwriteAll(buf[0..], dyld_info.export_off);
@ -1450,7 +1425,6 @@ fn writeStringTable(self: *MachO) !void {
const symtab = &self.load_commands.items[self.symtab_cmd_index.?].Symtab;
const allocated_size = self.allocatedSize(symtab.stroff);
const needed_size = self.string_table.items.len;
log.debug("allocated_size = 0x{x}, needed_size = 0x{x}\n", .{ allocated_size, needed_size });
if (needed_size > allocated_size) {
symtab.strsize = 0;
@ -1462,11 +1436,62 @@ fn writeStringTable(self: *MachO) !void {
try self.base.file.?.pwriteAll(self.string_table.items, symtab.stroff);
// TODO rework how we preallocate space for the entire __LINKEDIT segment instead of
// doing dynamic updates like this.
const linkedit = &self.load_commands.items[self.linkedit_segment_cmd_index.?].Segment;
linkedit.filesize = symtab.stroff + symtab.strsize - linkedit.fileoff;
fn writeCmdHeaders(self: *MachO) !void {
// Write all load command headers first.
// Since command sizes are up-to-date and accurate, we will correctly
// leave space for any section headers that any of the segment load
// commands might consist of.
var last_cmd_offset: usize = @sizeOf(macho.mach_header_64);
for (self.load_commands.items) |cmd| {
try cmd.write(&self.base.file.?, last_cmd_offset);
last_cmd_offset += cmd.cmdsize();
// write __text section header
const off = if (self.text_segment_cmd_index) |text_segment_index| blk: {
var i: usize = 0;
var cmdsize: usize = @sizeOf(macho.mach_header_64) + @sizeOf(macho.segment_command_64);
while (i < text_segment_index) : (i += 1) {
cmdsize += self.load_commands.items[i].cmdsize();
break :blk cmdsize;
} else {
// If we've landed in here, we are building a MachO object file, so we have
// only one, noname segment to append this section header to.
return error.TODOImplementWritingObjFiles;
const idx = self.text_section_index.?;
log.debug("writing text section {} at 0x{x}\n", .{ self.sections.items[idx .. idx + 1], off });
try self.base.file.?.pwriteAll(mem.sliceAsBytes(self.sections.items[idx .. idx + 1]), off);
// write __got section header
const off = if (self.data_segment_cmd_index) |data_segment_index| blk: {
var i: usize = 0;
var cmdsize: usize = @sizeOf(macho.mach_header_64) + @sizeOf(macho.segment_command_64);
while (i < data_segment_index) : (i += 1) {
cmdsize += self.load_commands.items[i].cmdsize();
break :blk cmdsize;
} else {
// If we've landed in here, we are building a MachO object file, so we have
// only one, noname segment to append this section header to.
return error.TODOImplementWritingObjFiles;
const idx = self.got_section_index.?;
log.debug("writing got section {} at 0x{x}\n", .{ self.sections.items[idx .. idx + 1], off });
try self.base.file.?.pwriteAll(mem.sliceAsBytes(self.sections.items[idx .. idx + 1]), off);
/// Writes Mach-O file header.
/// Should be invoked last as it needs up-to-date values of ncmds and sizeof_cmds bookkeeping
/// variables.