Add initialization helper

When using C libraries, C99 designator list initialization is often
times used to initialize data structure.

While `std.mem.zeroes` and manually assigning to each field can
achieve the same result, it is much more verbose then the equivalent
C code:

usingnamespace @cImport({

// Using `std.mem.zeroes` and manual assignment.
var app_desc = std.mem.zeroes(sapp_desc);
app_desc.init_cb = init;
app_desc.frame_cb = frame;
app_desc.cleanup_cb = cleanup;
app_desc.width = 400;
app_desc.height = 300;
app_desc.window_name = "no default init";

// Using `std.mem.defaultInit`.
var app_desc = std.mem.defaultInit(sapp_desc, .{
    .init_cb = init,
    .frame_cb = frame,
    .cleanup_cb = cleanup,
    .width = 400,
    .height = 300,
    .window_name = "default init"

The `std.mem.defaultInit` aims to solve this problem by zero
initializing all fields of the given struct to their zero, or default
value if any.  Each field mentionned in the `init` variable is then
assigned to the corresponding field in the struct.

If a field is a struct, and an initializer for it is present, it is
recursively initialized.
Alexis Brodeur 2020-05-29 18:25:21 -04:00 committed by Andrew Kelley
parent 937dcad0b3
commit c0e5eca6f2
1 changed files with 74 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -516,6 +516,80 @@ test "mem.secureZero" {
testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, a[0..], b[0..]);
/// Initializes all fields of the struct with their default value, or zero values if no default value is present.
/// If the field is present in the provided initial values, it will have that value instead.
/// Structs are initialized recursively.
pub fn defaultInit(comptime T: type, init: var) T {
comptime const Init = @TypeOf(init);
switch (@typeInfo(T)) {
.Struct => |struct_info| {
switch (@typeInfo(Init)) {
.Struct => |init_info| {
var value = std.mem.zeroes(T);
inline for (init_info.fields) |field| {
if (!@hasField(T, {
@compileError("Encountered an initializer for `" ++ ++ "`, but it is not a field of " ++ @typeName(T));
inline for (struct_info.fields) |field| {
if (@hasField(Init, {
switch (@typeInfo(field.field_type)) {
.Struct => {
@field(value, = defaultInit(field.field_type, @field(init,;
else => {
@field(value, = @field(init,;
} else if (field.default_value != null) {
@field(value, = field.default_value;
return value;
else => {
@compileError("The initializer must be a struct");
else => {
@compileError("Can't default init a " ++ @typeName(T));
test "mem.defaultInit" {
const I = struct {
d: f64,
const S = struct {
a: u32,
b: ?bool,
c: I,
e: [3]u8,
f: i64,
const s = defaultInit(S, .{
.a = 42,
testing.expectEqual(s, S{
.a = 42,
.b = null,
.c = .{
.d = 0,
.e = [3]u8{0, 0, 0},
.f = 0,
pub fn order(comptime T: type, lhs: []const T, rhs: []const T) math.Order {
const n = math.min(lhs.len, rhs.len);
var i: usize = 0;