IR: port all passing tests over

Andrew Kelley 2016-12-26 03:44:59 -05:00
parent 73a751911e
commit aee7ad3de2
12 changed files with 441 additions and 457 deletions

View File

@ -55,6 +55,19 @@ const ArrayDotLenConstExpr = struct {
const some_array = []u8 {0, 1, 2, 3};
fn nestedArrays() {
const array_of_strings = [][]u8 {"hello", "this", "is", "my", "thing"};
for (array_of_strings) |s, i| {
if (i == 0) assert(memeql(s, "hello"));
if (i == 1) assert(memeql(s, "this"));
if (i == 2) assert(memeql(s, "is"));
if (i == 3) assert(memeql(s, "my"));
if (i == 4) assert(memeql(s, "thing"));
// TODO const assert = @import("std").debug.assert;
@ -62,3 +75,17 @@ fn assert(ok: bool) {
if (!ok)
// TODO import from std.str
pub fn memeql(a: []const u8, b: []const u8) -> bool {
sliceEql(u8, a, b)
// TODO import from std.str
pub fn sliceEql(inline T: type, a: []const T, b: []const T) -> bool {
if (a.len != b.len) return false;
for (a) |item, index| {
if (b[index] != item) return false;
return true;

View File

@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ fn shouldEqual(n: Number, expected: usize) {
assert(usize(n) == expected);
// TODO import from std
fn assert(ok: bool) {
if (!ok)

View File

@ -110,6 +110,57 @@ pub fn vec3(x: f32, y: f32, z: f32) -> Vec3 {
fn constantExpressions() {
var array : [array_size]u8 = undefined;
assert(@sizeOf(@typeOf(array)) == 20);
const array_size : u8 = 20;
fn constantStructWithNegation() {
assert(vertices[0].x == -0.6);
const Vertex = struct {
x: f32,
y: f32,
r: f32,
g: f32,
b: f32,
const vertices = []Vertex {
Vertex { .x = -0.6, .y = -0.4, .r = 1.0, .g = 0.0, .b = 0.0 },
Vertex { .x = 0.6, .y = -0.4, .r = 0.0, .g = 1.0, .b = 0.0 },
Vertex { .x = 0.0, .y = 0.6, .r = 0.0, .g = 0.0, .b = 1.0 },
fn staticallyInitalizedStruct() {
st_init_str_foo.x += 1;
assert(st_init_str_foo.x == 14);
const StInitStrFoo = struct {
x: i32,
y: bool,
var st_init_str_foo = StInitStrFoo { .x = 13, .y = true, };
fn staticallyInitializedArrayLiteral() {
const y : [4]u8 = st_init_arr_lit_x;
assert(y[3] == 4);
const st_init_arr_lit_x = []u8{1,2,3,4};
// TODO const assert = @import("std").debug.assert;
fn assert(ok: bool) {
if (!ok)

View File

@ -86,6 +86,20 @@ fn fnWithUnreachable() -> unreachable {
fn functionPointers() {
const fns = []@typeOf(fn1) { fn1, fn2, fn3, fn4, };
for (fns) |f, i| {
assert(f() == u32(i) + 5);
fn fn1() -> u32 {5}
fn fn2() -> u32 {6}
fn fn3() -> u32 {7}
fn fn4() -> u32 {8}
// TODO const assert = @import("std").debug.assert;
fn assert(ok: bool) {

View File

@ -12,3 +12,39 @@ fn continueInForLoop() {
if (sum != 6) @unreachable()
fn forLoopWithPointerElemVar() {
const source = "abcdefg";
var target: [source.len]u8 = undefined;
@memcpy(&target[0], &source[0], source.len);
assert(memeql(target, "bcdefgh"));
fn mangleString(s: []u8) {
for (s) |*c| {
*c += 1;
// TODO import from std.str
pub fn memeql(a: []const u8, b: []const u8) -> bool {
sliceEql(u8, a, b)
// TODO import from std.str
pub fn sliceEql(inline T: type, a: []const T, b: []const T) -> bool {
if (a.len != b.len) return false;
for (a) |item, index| {
if (b[index] != item) return false;
return true;
// TODO const assert = @import("std").debug.assert;
fn assert(ok: bool) {
if (!ok)

View File

@ -88,6 +88,46 @@ fn functionWithReturnTypeType() {
assert(list2.prealloc_items.len == 8);
fn genericStruct() {
var a1 = GenNode(i32) {.value = 13, .next = null,};
var b1 = GenNode(bool) {.value = true, .next = null,};
assert(a1.value == 13);
assert(a1.value == a1.getVal());
fn GenNode(inline T: type) -> type {
struct {
value: T,
next: ?&GenNode(T),
fn getVal(n: &const GenNode(T)) -> T { n.value }
fn constDeclsInStruct() {
assert(GenericDataThing(3).count_plus_one == 4);
fn GenericDataThing(inline count: isize) -> type {
struct {
const count_plus_one = count + 1;
fn useGenericParamInGenericParam() {
assert(aGenericFn(i32, 3, 4) == 7);
fn aGenericFn(inline T: type, inline a: T, b: T) -> T {
return a + b;
// TODO const assert = @import("std").debug.assert;
fn assert(ok: bool) {
if (!ok)

View File

@ -101,6 +101,70 @@ const ten = 10;
fn unsignedWrapping() {
fn testUnsignedWrappingEval(x: u32) {
const zero = x +% 1;
assert(zero == 0);
const orig = zero -% 1;
assert(orig == @maxValue(u32));
fn signedWrapping() {
fn testSignedWrappingEval(x: i32) {
const min_val = x +% 1;
assert(min_val == @minValue(i32));
const max_val = min_val -% 1;
assert(max_val == @maxValue(i32));
fn negationWrapping() {
fn testNegationWrappingEval(x: i16) {
assert(x == -32768);
const neg = -%x;
assert(neg == -32768);
fn shlWrapping() {
fn testShlWrappingEval(x: u16) {
const shifted = x <<% 1;
assert(shifted == 65534);
fn unsigned64BitDivision() {
const result = div(1152921504606846976, 34359738365);
assert(result.quotient == 33554432);
assert(result.remainder == 100663296);
fn div(a: u64, b: u64) -> DivResult {
DivResult {
.quotient = a / b,
.remainder = a % b,
const DivResult = struct {
quotient: u64,
remainder: u64,
// TODO const assert = @import("std").debug.assert;
fn assert(ok: bool) {
if (!ok)

View File

@ -322,6 +322,102 @@ fn outer() -> i64 {
fn pointerDereferencing() {
var x = i32(3);
const y = &x;
*y += 1;
assert(x == 4);
assert(*y == 4);
fn callResultOfIfElseExpression() {
assert(memeql(f2(true), "a"));
assert(memeql(f2(false), "b"));
fn f2(x: bool) -> []u8 {
return (if (x) fA else fB)();
fn fA() -> []u8 { "a" }
fn fB() -> []u8 { "b" }
fn constExpressionEvalHandlingOfVariables() {
var x = true;
while (x) {
x = false;
fn constantEnumInitializationWithDifferingSizes() {
const Test3Foo = enum {
Two: f32,
Three: Test3Point,
const Test3Point = struct {
x: i32,
y: i32,
const test3_foo = Test3Foo.Three{Test3Point {.x = 3, .y = 4}};
const test3_bar = Test3Foo.Two{13};
fn test3_1(f: Test3Foo) {
switch (f) {
Test3Foo.Three => |pt| {
assert(pt.x == 3);
assert(pt.y == 4);
else => @unreachable(),
fn test3_2(f: Test3Foo) {
switch (f) {
Test3Foo.Two => |x| {
assert(x == 13);
else => @unreachable(),
fn characterLiterals() {
assert('\'' == single_quote);
const single_quote = '\'';
fn takeAddressOfParameter() {
fn testTakeAddressOfParameter(f: f32) {
const f_ptr = &f;
assert(*f_ptr == 12.34);
// TODO import from std.str
pub fn memeql(a: []const u8, b: []const u8) -> bool {
sliceEql(u8, a, b)

View File

@ -54,6 +54,44 @@ fn maybeReturn() {
fn ifVarMaybePointer() {
assert(shouldBeAPlus1(Particle {.a = 14, .b = 1, .c = 1, .d = 1}) == 15);
fn shouldBeAPlus1(p: Particle) -> u64 {
var maybe_particle: ?Particle = p;
if (const *particle ?= maybe_particle) {
particle.a += 1;
if (const particle ?= maybe_particle) {
return particle.a;
return 0;
const Particle = struct {
a: u64,
b: u64,
c: u64,
d: u64,
fn nullLiteralOutsideFunction() {
const is_null = if (const _ ?= here_is_a_null_literal.context) false else true;
const SillyStruct = struct {
context: ?i32,
const here_is_a_null_literal = SillyStruct {
.context = null,
// TODO test static eval maybe return
fn foo(x: ?i32) -> ?bool {
const value = ?return x;

View File

@ -158,6 +158,47 @@ const MemberFnRand = struct {
fn returnStructByvalFromFunction() {
const bar = makeBar(1234, 5678);
assert(bar.y == 5678);
const Bar = struct {
x: i32,
y: i32,
fn makeBar(x: i32, y: i32) -> Bar {
Bar {
.x = x,
.y = y,
fn emptyStructMethodCall() {
const es = EmptyStruct{};
assert(es.method() == 1234);
const EmptyStruct = struct {
fn method(es: EmptyStruct) -> i32 {
fn returnEmptyStructFromFn() {
const EmptyStruct2 = struct {};
fn testReturnEmptyStructFromFn() -> EmptyStruct2 {
EmptyStruct2 {}
// TODO const assert = @import("std").debug.assert;
fn assert(ok: bool) {

View File

@ -114,6 +114,19 @@ fn switchProngWithVarFn(a: SwitchProngWithVarEnum) {
fn switchWithMultipleExpressions() {
const x = switch (returnsFive()) {
1, 2, 3 => 1,
4, 5, 6 => 2,
else => i32(3),
assert(x == 2);
fn returnsFive() -> i32 {
// TODO const assert = @import("std").debug.assert;

View File

@ -1,12 +1,6 @@
const std = @import("std");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const str = std.str;
const cstr = std.cstr;
// TODO not passing
fn genericFnWithImplicitCast() {
@setFnTest(this, true);
assert(getFirstByte(u8, []u8 {13}) == 13);
assert(getFirstByte(u16, []u16 {0, 13}) == 0);
@ -16,42 +10,10 @@ fn getFirstByte(inline T: type, mem: []T) -> u8 {
fn pointerDereferencing() {
@setFnTest(this, true);
var x = i32(3);
const y = &x;
*y += 1;
assert(x == 4);
assert(*y == 4);
fn constantExpressions() {
@setFnTest(this, true);
var array : [array_size]u8 = undefined;
assert(@sizeOf(@typeOf(array)) == 20);
const array_size : u8 = 20;
fn nestedArrays() {
@setFnTest(this, true);
const array_of_strings = [][]u8 {"hello", "this", "is", "my", "thing"};
for (array_of_strings) |s, i| {
if (i == 0) assert(str.eql(s, "hello"));
if (i == 1) assert(str.eql(s, "this"));
if (i == 2) assert(str.eql(s, "is"));
if (i == 3) assert(str.eql(s, "my"));
if (i == 4) assert(str.eql(s, "thing"));
// TODO not passing
fn intToPtrCast() {
@setFnTest(this, true);
const x = isize(13);
const y = (&u8)(x);
@ -59,81 +21,9 @@ fn intToPtrCast() {
assert(z == 13);
fn constantStructWithNegation() {
@setFnTest(this, true);
assert(vertices[0].x == -0.6);
struct Vertex {
x: f32,
y: f32,
r: f32,
g: f32,
b: f32,
const vertices = []Vertex {
Vertex { .x = -0.6, .y = -0.4, .r = 1.0, .g = 0.0, .b = 0.0 },
Vertex { .x = 0.6, .y = -0.4, .r = 0.0, .g = 1.0, .b = 0.0 },
Vertex { .x = 0.0, .y = 0.6, .r = 0.0, .g = 0.0, .b = 1.0 },
fn returnStructByvalFromFunction() {
@setFnTest(this, true);
const bar = makeBar(1234, 5678);
assert(bar.y == 5678);
struct Bar {
x: i32,
y: i32,
fn makeBar(x: i32, y: i32) -> Bar {
Bar {
.x = x,
.y = y,
fn functionPointers() {
@setFnTest(this, true);
const fns = []@typeOf(fn1) { fn1, fn2, fn3, fn4, };
for (fns) |f, i| {
assert(f() == u32(i) + 5);
fn fn1() -> u32 {5}
fn fn2() -> u32 {6}
fn fn3() -> u32 {7}
fn fn4() -> u32 {8}
fn staticallyInitalizedStruct() {
@setFnTest(this, true);
st_init_str_foo.x += 1;
assert(st_init_str_foo.x == 14);
struct StInitStrFoo {
x: i32,
y: bool,
var st_init_str_foo = StInitStrFoo { .x = 13, .y = true, };
fn staticallyInitializedArrayLiteral() {
@setFnTest(this, true);
const y : [4]u8 = st_init_arr_lit_x;
assert(y[3] == 4);
const st_init_arr_lit_x = []u8{1,2,3,4};
// TODO not passing
fn pointerToVoidReturnType() {
@setFnTest(this, true);
@ -142,129 +32,14 @@ fn testPointerToVoidReturnType() -> %void {
return *a;
const test_pointer_to_void_return_type_x = void{};
fn testPointerToVoidReturnType2() -> &void {
fn testPointerToVoidReturnType2() -> &const void {
return &test_pointer_to_void_return_type_x;
fn callResultOfIfElseExpression() {
@setFnTest(this, true);
assert(str.eql(f2(true), "a"));
assert(str.eql(f2(false), "b"));
fn f2(x: bool) -> []u8 {
return (if (x) fA else fB)();
fn fA() -> []u8 { "a" }
fn fB() -> []u8 { "b" }
fn constExpressionEvalHandlingOfVariables() {
@setFnTest(this, true);
var x = true;
while (x) {
x = false;
fn constantEnumInitializationWithDifferingSizes() {
@setFnTest(this, true);
enum Test3Foo {
Two: f32,
Three: Test3Point,
struct Test3Point {
x: i32,
y: i32,
const test3_foo = Test3Foo.Three{Test3Point {.x = 3, .y = 4}};
const test3_bar = Test3Foo.Two{13};
fn test3_1(f: Test3Foo) {
@setFnStaticEval(this, false);
switch (f) {
Three => |pt| {
assert(pt.x == 3);
assert(pt.y == 4);
else => @unreachable(),
fn test3_2(f: Test3Foo) {
@setFnStaticEval(this, false);
switch (f) {
Two => |x| {
assert(x == 13);
else => @unreachable(),
fn forLoopWithPointerElemVar() {
@setFnTest(this, true);
const source = "abcdefg";
var target: [source.len]u8 = undefined;
@memcpy(&target[0], &source[0], source.len);
assert(str.eql(target, "bcdefgh"));
fn mangleString(s: []u8) {
@setFnStaticEval(this, false);
for (s) |*c| {
*c += 1;
fn emptyStructMethodCall() {
@setFnTest(this, true);
const es = EmptyStruct{};
assert(es.method() == 1234);
struct EmptyStruct {
fn method(es: EmptyStruct) -> i32 {
@setFnStaticEval(this, false);
fn returnEmptyStructFromFn() {
@setFnTest(this, true);
struct EmptyStruct2 {}
fn testReturnEmptyStructFromFn() -> EmptyStruct2 {
EmptyStruct2 {}
fn testReturnEmptyStructFromFnNoeval() -> EmptyStruct2 {
@setFnStaticEval(this, false);
EmptyStruct2 {}
// TODO not passing (goes in struct.zig)
fn passSliceOfEmptyStructToFn() {
@setFnTest(this, true);
assert(testPassSliceOfEmptyStructToFn([]EmptyStruct2{ EmptyStruct2{} }) == 1);
@ -273,6 +48,7 @@ fn testPassSliceOfEmptyStructToFn(slice: []EmptyStruct2) -> usize {
// TODO not passing
fn pointerComparison() {
@setFnTest(this, true);
@ -284,31 +60,8 @@ fn ptrEql(a: &[]u8, b: &[]u8) -> bool {
a == b
fn characterLiterals() {
@setFnTest(this, true);
assert('\'' == single_quote);
const single_quote = '\'';
fn switchWithMultipleExpressions() {
@setFnTest(this, true);
const x: i32 = switch (returnsFive()) {
1, 2, 3 => 1,
4, 5, 6 => 2,
else => 3,
assert(x == 2);
fn returnsFive() -> i32 {
@setFnStaticEval(this, false);
// TODO change this test to an issue
// we're going to change how this works
fn switchOnErrorUnion() {
@setFnTest(this, true);
@ -327,133 +80,14 @@ fn returnsTen() -> %i32 {
fn takeAddressOfParameter() {
@setFnTest(this, true);
fn testTakeAddressOfParameter(f: f32) {
const f_ptr = &f;
assert(*f_ptr == 12.34);
fn testTakeAddressOfParameterNoeval(f: f32) {
@setFnStaticEval(this, false);
const f_ptr = &f;
assert(*f_ptr == 12.34);
fn ifVarMaybePointer() {
@setFnTest(this, true);
assert(shouldBeAPlus1(Particle {.a = 14, .b = 1, .c = 1, .d = 1}) == 15);
fn shouldBeAPlus1(p: Particle) -> u64 {
@setFnStaticEval(this, false);
var maybe_particle: ?Particle = p;
if (const *particle ?= maybe_particle) {
particle.a += 1;
if (const particle ?= maybe_particle) {
return particle.a;
return 0;
struct Particle {
a: u64,
b: u64,
c: u64,
d: u64,
fn unsignedWrapping() {
@setFnTest(this, true);
fn testUnsignedWrappingEval(x: u32) {
const zero = x +% 1;
assert(zero == 0);
const orig = zero -% 1;
assert(orig == @maxValue(u32));
fn testUnsignedWrappingNoeval(x: u32) {
@setFnStaticEval(this, false);
const zero = x +% 1;
assert(zero == 0);
const orig = zero -% 1;
assert(orig == @maxValue(u32));
fn signedWrapping() {
@setFnTest(this, true);
fn testSignedWrappingEval(x: i32) {
const min_val = x +% 1;
assert(min_val == @minValue(i32));
const max_val = min_val -% 1;
assert(max_val == @maxValue(i32));
fn testSignedWrappingNoeval(x: i32) {
@setFnStaticEval(this, false);
const min_val = x +% 1;
assert(min_val == @minValue(i32));
const max_val = min_val -% 1;
assert(max_val == @maxValue(i32));
fn negationWrapping() {
@setFnTest(this, true);
fn testNegationWrappingEval(x: i16) {
assert(x == -32768);
const neg = -%x;
assert(neg == -32768);
fn testNegationWrappingNoeval(x: i16) {
@setFnStaticEval(this, false);
assert(x == -32768);
const neg = -%x;
assert(neg == -32768);
fn shlWrapping() {
@setFnTest(this, true);
fn testShlWrappingEval(x: u16) {
const shifted = x <<% 1;
assert(shifted == 65534);
fn testShlWrappingNoeval(x: u16) {
@setFnStaticEval(this, false);
const shifted = x <<% 1;
assert(shifted == 65534);
// TODO not passing
fn cStringConcatenation() {
@setFnTest(this, true);
const a = c"OK" ++ c" IT " ++ c"WORKED";
const b = c"OK IT WORKED";
const len = cstr.len(b);
const len = cstrlen(b);
const len_with_null = len + 1;
{var i: u32 = 0; while (i < len_with_null; i += 1) {
assert(a[i] == b[i]);
@ -462,23 +96,9 @@ fn cStringConcatenation() {
assert(b[len] == 0);
fn genericStruct() {
@setFnTest(this, true);
var a1 = GenNode(i32) {.value = 13, .next = null,};
var b1 = GenNode(bool) {.value = true, .next = null,};
assert(a1.value == 13);
assert(a1.value == a1.getVal());
struct GenNode(T: type) {
value: T,
next: ?&GenNode(T),
fn getVal(n: &const GenNode(T)) -> T { n.value }
// TODO not passing
fn castSliceToU8Slice() {
@setFnTest(this, true);
assert(@sizeOf(i32) == 4);
var big_thing_array = []i32{1, 2, 3, 4};
@ -499,76 +119,19 @@ fn castSliceToU8Slice() {
assert(bytes[11] == @maxValue(u8));
fn nullLiteralOutsideFunction() {
@setFnTest(this, true);
const is_null = if (const _ ?= here_is_a_null_literal.context) false else true;
struct SillyStruct {
context: ?i32,
const here_is_a_null_literal = SillyStruct {
.context = null,
fn constDeclsInStruct() {
@setFnTest(this, true);
assert(GenericDataThing(3).count_plus_one == 4);
struct GenericDataThing(count: isize) {
const count_plus_one = count + 1;
fn useGenericParamInGenericParam() {
@setFnTest(this, true);
assert(aGenericFn(i32, 3, 4) == 7);
fn aGenericFn(inline T: type, inline a: T, b: T) -> T {
return a + b;
fn unsigned64BitDivision() {
@setFnTest(this, true);
const result = div(1152921504606846976, 34359738365);
assert(result.quotient == 33554432);
assert(result.remainder == 100663296);
fn div(a: u64, b: u64) -> DivResult {
@setFnStaticEval(this, false);
DivResult {
.quotient = a / b,
.remainder = a % b,
struct DivResult {
quotient: u64,
remainder: u64,
// TODO not passing
fn intToEnum() {
@setFnTest(this, true);
fn testIntToEnumEval(x: i32) {
assert(IntToEnumNumber(x) == IntToEnumNumber.Three);
fn testIntToEnumNoeval(x: i32) {
@setFnStaticEval(this, false);
assert(IntToEnumNumber(x) == IntToEnumNumber.Three);
enum IntToEnumNumber {
const IntToEnumNumber = enum {