Merge remote-tracking branch 'kavika13/master' into translate-c-2

Vexu 2019-12-18 09:51:40 +02:00
commit 90eed4172d
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 59AEB8936E16A6AC
2 changed files with 798 additions and 43 deletions

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@ -943,26 +943,110 @@ fn transBinaryOperator(
return maybeSuppressResult(rp, scope, result_used, node);
=> return revertAndWarn(
"TODO: handle more C binary operators: {}",
.Shl => {
const node = try transCreateNodeShiftOp(rp, scope, stmt, .BitShiftLeft, .AngleBracketAngleBracketLeft, "<<");
return maybeSuppressResult(rp, scope, result_used, TransResult{
.node = node,
.child_scope = scope,
.node_scope = scope,
.Shr => {
const node = try transCreateNodeShiftOp(rp, scope, stmt, .BitShiftRight, .AngleBracketAngleBracketRight, ">>");
return maybeSuppressResult(rp, scope, result_used, TransResult{
.node = node,
.child_scope = scope,
.node_scope = scope,
.LT => {
const node = try transCreateNodeInfixOp(rp, scope, stmt, .LessThan, .AngleBracketLeft, "<", true);
return maybeSuppressResult(rp, scope, result_used, TransResult{
.node = node,
.child_scope = scope,
.node_scope = scope,
.GT => {
const node = try transCreateNodeInfixOp(rp, scope, stmt, .GreaterThan, .AngleBracketRight, ">", true);
return maybeSuppressResult(rp, scope, result_used, TransResult{
.node = node,
.child_scope = scope,
.node_scope = scope,
.LE => {
const node = try transCreateNodeInfixOp(rp, scope, stmt, .LessOrEqual, .AngleBracketLeftEqual, "<=", true);
return maybeSuppressResult(rp, scope, result_used, TransResult{
.node = node,
.child_scope = scope,
.node_scope = scope,
.GE => {
const node = try transCreateNodeInfixOp(rp, scope, stmt, .GreaterOrEqual, .AngleBracketRightEqual, ">=", true);
return maybeSuppressResult(rp, scope, result_used, TransResult{
.node = node,
.child_scope = scope,
.node_scope = scope,
.EQ => {
const node = try transCreateNodeInfixOp(rp, scope, stmt, .EqualEqual, .EqualEqual, "==", true);
return maybeSuppressResult(rp, scope, result_used, TransResult{
.node = node,
.child_scope = scope,
.node_scope = scope,
.NE => {
const node = try transCreateNodeInfixOp(rp, scope, stmt, .BangEqual, .BangEqual, "!=", true);
return maybeSuppressResult(rp, scope, result_used, TransResult{
.node = node,
.child_scope = scope,
.node_scope = scope,
.And => {
const node = try transCreateNodeInfixOp(rp, scope, stmt, .BitAnd, .Ampersand, "&", true);
return maybeSuppressResult(rp, scope, result_used, TransResult{
.node = node,
.child_scope = scope,
.node_scope = scope,
.Xor => {
const node = try transCreateNodeInfixOp(rp, scope, stmt, .BitXor, .Caret, "^", true);
return maybeSuppressResult(rp, scope, result_used, TransResult{
.node = node,
.child_scope = scope,
.node_scope = scope,
.Or => {
const node = try transCreateNodeInfixOp(rp, scope, stmt, .BitOr, .Pipe, "|", true);
return maybeSuppressResult(rp, scope, result_used, TransResult{
.node = node,
.child_scope = scope,
.node_scope = scope,
.LAnd => {
const node = try transCreateNodeBoolInfixOp(rp, scope, stmt, .BoolAnd, .Keyword_and, "and");
return maybeSuppressResult(rp, scope, result_used, TransResult{
.node = node,
.child_scope = scope,
.node_scope = scope,
.LOr => {
const node = try transCreateNodeBoolInfixOp(rp, scope, stmt, .BoolOr, .Keyword_or, "or");
return maybeSuppressResult(rp, scope, result_used, TransResult{
.node = node,
.child_scope = scope,
.node_scope = scope,
.Comma => {
const block_scope = try scope.findBlockScope(rp.c);
const expr = block_scope.base.parent == scope;
@ -1147,6 +1231,327 @@ fn transImplicitCastExpr(
fn toEnumZeroCmp(
rp: RestorePoint,
scope: *Scope,
expr: *ast.Node,
generate_enum_node: fn (RestorePoint, *const struct_ZigClangType, source_loc: ZigClangSourceLocation) TransError!*ast.Node,
enum_ty: *const struct_ZigClangType,
enum_source_loc: ZigClangSourceLocation,
) !*ast.Node {
// expr != @bitCast(EnumType, @as(@TagType(EnumType), 0))
// @bitCast(Enum,
const bitcast = try transCreateNodeBuiltinFnCall(rp.c, "@bitCast");
const bitcast_enum_identifier = try generate_enum_node(rp, enum_ty, enum_source_loc);
try bitcast.params.push(bitcast_enum_identifier);
_ = try appendToken(rp.c, .Comma, ",");
// @as(
const cast_node = try transCreateNodeBuiltinFnCall(rp.c, "@as");
// @TagType(Enum),
const tag_type = try transCreateNodeBuiltinFnCall(rp.c, "@TagType");
const tag_type_enum_identifier = try generate_enum_node(rp, enum_ty, enum_source_loc);
try tag_type.params.push(tag_type_enum_identifier);
tag_type.rparen_token = try appendToken(rp.c, .RParen, ")");
try cast_node.params.push(&tag_type.base);
_ = try appendToken(rp.c, .Comma, ",");
// 0)
const zero = try transCreateNodeInt(rp.c, 0);
try cast_node.params.push(zero);
cast_node.rparen_token = try appendToken(rp.c, .RParen, ")");
try bitcast.params.push(&cast_node.base);
bitcast.rparen_token = try appendToken(rp.c, .RParen, ")");
// expr != @bitCast(EnumType, @as(@TagType(EnumType), 0))
return transCreateNodeNotEqual(rp, scope, expr, &bitcast.base);
fn transBoolExpr(
rp: RestorePoint,
scope: *Scope,
expr: *const ZigClangExpr,
used: ResultUsed,
lrvalue: LRValue,
) !*ast.Node {
var res = try transExpr(rp, scope, expr, used, lrvalue);
switch ( {
.InfixOp => switch (@ptrCast(*const ast.Node.InfixOp, &res.node).op) {
=> return res.node,
else => {},
.PrefixOp => switch (@ptrCast(*const ast.Node.PrefixOp, &res.node).op) {
.BoolNot => return res.node,
else => {},
.BoolLiteral => return res.node,
else => {},
const ty = ZigClangQualType_getTypePtr(getExprQualTypeBeforeImplicitCast(rp.c, expr));
switch (ZigClangType_getTypeClass(ty)) {
.Builtin => {
const builtin_ty = @ptrCast(*const ZigClangBuiltinType, ty);
switch (ZigClangBuiltinType_getKind(builtin_ty)) {
=> return transCreateNodeNotEqual(rp, scope, res.node, try transCreateNodeInt(rp.c, 0)),
.NullPtr => return transCreateNodeNotEqual(rp, scope, res.node, try transCreateNodeNullLiteral(rp.c)),
=> return res.node,
else => {},
.Pointer => return transCreateNodeNotEqual(rp, scope, res.node, try transCreateNodeNullLiteral(rp.c)),
.Typedef => {
return transCreateNodeNotEqual(rp, scope, res.node, try transCreateNodeInt(rp.c, 0)); // TODO currently assuming it is like an int/char/bool builtin type. Coerce the type and recurse? Add a toTypedefZeroCmp function?
// TODO This is the code that was in translate-c, but it seems like it is giving wrong results! It just prints the typedef name instead of the value
// const typedef_ty = @ptrCast(*const ZigClangTypedefType, ty);
// const typedef_decl = ZigClangTypedefType_getDecl(typedef_ty);
// const typedef_name_decl = ZigClangTypedefNameDecl_getCanonicalDecl(typedef_decl);
// const typedef_name = if (rp.c.decl_table.get(@ptrToInt(typedef_name_decl))) |existing_entry|
// existing_entry.value
// else
// try rp.c.str(ZigClangDecl_getName_bytes_begin(@ptrCast(*const ZigClangDecl, typedef_name_decl)));
// return transCreateNodeIdentifier(rp.c, typedef_name);
.Enum => {
const gen_enum_decl_node = struct {
// Have to use a callback because node must be generated inline in order to avoid weird AST printing behavior,
// and the code to generate the nodes is a little different for each case
fn generate_node(inner_rp: RestorePoint, enum_ty: *const struct_ZigClangType, source_loc: ZigClangSourceLocation) TransError!*ast.Node {
const actual_enum_ty = @ptrCast(*const ZigClangEnumType, enum_ty);
const enum_decl = ZigClangEnumType_getDecl(actual_enum_ty);
const enum_type = (try transEnumDecl(inner_rp.c, enum_decl)) orelse {
return revertAndWarn(inner_rp, error.UnsupportedType, source_loc, "unable to translate enum declaration", .{});
return enum_type;
return toEnumZeroCmp(rp, scope, res.node, gen_enum_decl_node.generate_node, ty, ZigClangExpr_getBeginLoc(expr));
.Elaborated => {
const elaborated_ty = @ptrCast(*const ZigClangElaboratedType, ty);
switch (ZigClangElaboratedType_getKeyword(elaborated_ty)) {
.Enum => {
// Have to use a callback because node must be generated inline in order to avoid weird AST printing behavior,
// and the code to generate the nodes is a little different for each case
const gen_enum_type_node = struct {
fn generate_node(inner_rp: RestorePoint, enum_ty: *const struct_ZigClangType, source_loc: ZigClangSourceLocation) TransError!*ast.Node {
const inner_elaborated_ty = @ptrCast(*const ZigClangElaboratedType, enum_ty);
const enum_type = try transQualType(inner_rp, ZigClangElaboratedType_getNamedType(inner_elaborated_ty), source_loc);
return enum_type;
return toEnumZeroCmp(rp, scope, res.node, gen_enum_type_node.generate_node, ty, ZigClangExpr_getBeginLoc(expr));
=> return res.node,
else => {},
=> return res.node,
else => unreachable,
fn transIntegerLiteral(
rp: RestorePoint,
scope: *Scope,
@ -1925,6 +2330,95 @@ fn qualTypeIsPtr(qt: ZigClangQualType) bool {
return ZigClangType_getTypeClass(qualTypeCanon(qt)) == .Pointer;
fn qualTypeIntBitWidth(rp: RestorePoint, qt: ZigClangQualType, source_loc: ZigClangSourceLocation) !u32 {
const ty = ZigClangQualType_getTypePtr(qt);
switch (ZigClangType_getTypeClass(ty)) {
.Builtin => {
const builtin_ty = @ptrCast(*const ZigClangBuiltinType, ty);
switch (ZigClangBuiltinType_getKind(builtin_ty)) {
=> return 8,
=> return 128,
else => return 0,
.Typedef => {
const typedef_ty = @ptrCast(*const ZigClangTypedefType, ty);
const typedef_decl = ZigClangTypedefType_getDecl(typedef_ty);
const type_name = try rp.c.str(ZigClangDecl_getName_bytes_begin(@ptrCast(*const ZigClangDecl, typedef_decl)));
if (std.mem.eql(u8, type_name, "uint8_t") or std.mem.eql(u8, type_name, "int8_t")) {
return 8;
} else if (std.mem.eql(u8, type_name, "uint16_t") or std.mem.eql(u8, type_name, "int16_t")) {
return 16;
} else if (std.mem.eql(u8, type_name, "uint32_t") or std.mem.eql(u8, type_name, "int32_t")) {
return 32;
} else if (std.mem.eql(u8, type_name, "uint64_t") or std.mem.eql(u8, type_name, "int64_t")) {
return 64;
} else {
return 0;
else => return 0,
fn qualTypeToLog2IntRef(rp: RestorePoint, qt: ZigClangQualType, source_loc: ZigClangSourceLocation) !*ast.Node {
const int_bit_width = try qualTypeIntBitWidth(rp, qt, source_loc);
if (int_bit_width != 0) {
// we can perform the log2 now.
const cast_bit_width = std.math.log2_int(u64, int_bit_width);
const node = try rp.c.a().create(ast.Node.IntegerLiteral);
node.* = ast.Node.IntegerLiteral{
.token = try appendTokenFmt(rp.c, .Identifier, "u{}", .{cast_bit_width}),
return &node.base;
const zig_type_node = try transQualType(rp, qt, source_loc);
// @import("std").math.Log2Int(c_long);
// FnCall
// FieldAccess
// FieldAccess
// FnCall (.builtin = true)
// Symbol "import"
// StringLiteral "std"
// Symbol "math"
// Symbol "Log2Int"
// Symbol <zig_type_node> (var from above)
const import_fn_call = try transCreateNodeBuiltinFnCall(rp.c, "@import");
const std_token = try appendToken(rp.c, .StringLiteral, "\"std\"");
const std_node = try rp.c.a().create(ast.Node.StringLiteral);
std_node.* = ast.Node.StringLiteral{
.token = std_token,
try import_fn_call.params.push(&std_node.base);
import_fn_call.rparen_token = try appendToken(rp.c, .RParen, ")");
const inner_field_access = try transCreateNodeFieldAccess(rp.c, &import_fn_call.base, "math");
const outer_field_access = try transCreateNodeFieldAccess(rp.c, &inner_field_access.base, "Log2Int");
const log2int_fn_call = try transCreateNodeFnCall(rp.c, &outer_field_access.base);
try @ptrCast(*ast.Node.SuffixOp.Op.Call, &log2int_fn_call.op).params.push(zig_type_node);
log2int_fn_call.rtoken = try appendToken(rp.c, .RParen, ")");
return &log2int_fn_call.base;
fn qualTypeChildIsFnProto(qt: ZigClangQualType) bool {
const ty = ZigClangQualType_getTypePtr(qt);
@ -1974,6 +2468,14 @@ fn getExprQualType(c: *Context, expr: *const ZigClangExpr) ZigClangQualType {
return ZigClangExpr_getType(expr);
fn getExprQualTypeBeforeImplicitCast(c: *Context, expr: *const ZigClangExpr) ZigClangQualType {
if (ZigClangExpr_getStmtClass(expr) == .ImplicitCastExprClass) {
const cast_expr = @ptrCast(*const ZigClangImplicitCastExpr, expr);
return getExprQualType(c, ZigClangImplicitCastExpr_getSubExpr(cast_expr));
return ZigClangExpr_getType(expr);
fn typeIsOpaque(c: *Context, ty: *const ZigClangType, loc: ZigClangSourceLocation) bool {
switch (ZigClangType_getTypeClass(ty)) {
.Builtin => {
@ -2142,6 +2644,17 @@ fn transCreateNodeFnCall(c: *Context, fn_expr: *ast.Node) !*ast.Node.SuffixOp {
return node;
fn transCreateNodeFieldAccess(c: *Context, container: *ast.Node, field_name: []const u8) !*ast.Node.InfixOp {
const field_access_node = try c.a().create(ast.Node.InfixOp);
field_access_node.* = .{
.op_token = try appendToken(c, .Period, "."),
.lhs = container,
.op = .Period,
.rhs = try transCreateNodeIdentifier(c, field_name),
return field_access_node;
fn transCreateNodePrefixOp(
c: *Context,
op: ast.Node.PrefixOp.Op,
@ -2157,25 +2670,24 @@ fn transCreateNodePrefixOp(
return node;
fn transCreateNodeInfixOp(
fn transCreateNodeInfixOpImpl(
rp: RestorePoint,
scope: *Scope,
stmt: *const ZigClangBinaryOperator,
lhs_node: *ast.Node,
rhs_node: *ast.Node,
op: ast.Node.InfixOp.Op,
op_tok_id: std.zig.Token.Id,
bytes: []const u8,
grouped: bool,
) !*ast.Node {
const lparen = if (grouped) try appendToken(rp.c, .LParen, "(") else undefined;
const lhs = try transExpr(rp, scope, ZigClangBinaryOperator_getLHS(stmt), .used, .l_value);
const op_token = try appendToken(rp.c, op_tok_id, bytes);
const rhs = try transExpr(rp, scope, ZigClangBinaryOperator_getRHS(stmt), .used, .r_value);
const node = try rp.c.a().create(ast.Node.InfixOp);
node.* = ast.Node.InfixOp{
.op_token = op_token,
.lhs = lhs,
.lhs = lhs_node,
.op = op,
.rhs = rhs,
.rhs = rhs_node,
if (!grouped) return &node.base;
const rparen = try appendToken(rp.c, .RParen, ")");
@ -2188,6 +2700,60 @@ fn transCreateNodeInfixOp(
return &grouped_expr.base;
fn transCreateNodeInfixOp(
rp: RestorePoint,
scope: *Scope,
stmt: *const ZigClangBinaryOperator,
op: ast.Node.InfixOp.Op,
op_tok_id: std.zig.Token.Id,
bytes: []const u8,
grouped: bool,
) !*ast.Node {
return transCreateNodeInfixOpImpl(
(try transExpr(rp, scope, ZigClangBinaryOperator_getLHS(stmt), .used, .r_value)).node,
(try transExpr(rp, scope, ZigClangBinaryOperator_getRHS(stmt), .used, .r_value)).node,
fn transCreateNodeNotEqual(
rp: RestorePoint,
scope: *Scope,
lhs_node: *ast.Node,
rhs_node: *ast.Node,
) !*ast.Node {
return transCreateNodeInfixOpImpl(rp, scope, lhs_node, rhs_node, .BangEqual, .BangEqual, "!=", true);
fn transCreateNodeBoolInfixOp(
rp: RestorePoint,
scope: *Scope,
stmt: *const ZigClangBinaryOperator,
comptime op: ast.Node.InfixOp.Op,
comptime op_tok_id: std.zig.Token.Id,
comptime bytes: []const u8,
) !*ast.Node {
if (!(op == .BoolAnd or op == .BoolOr)) {
@compileError("op must be either .BoolAnd or .BoolOr");
return transCreateNodeInfixOpImpl(
try transBoolExpr(rp, scope, ZigClangBinaryOperator_getLHS(stmt), .used, .r_value),
try transBoolExpr(rp, scope, ZigClangBinaryOperator_getRHS(stmt), .used, .r_value),
fn transCreateNodePtrType(
c: *Context,
is_const: bool,
@ -2575,6 +3141,45 @@ fn transCreateNodeSwitchElse(c: *Context) !*ast.Node {
return &node.base;
fn transCreateNodeShiftOp(
rp: RestorePoint,
scope: *Scope,
stmt: *const ZigClangBinaryOperator,
comptime op: ast.Node.InfixOp.Op,
comptime op_tok_id: std.zig.Token.Id,
comptime bytes: []const u8,
) !*ast.Node {
if (!(op == .BitShiftLeft or op == .BitShiftRight)) {
@compileError("op must be either .BitShiftLeft or .BitShiftRight");
const lhs_expr = ZigClangBinaryOperator_getLHS(stmt);
const rhs_expr = ZigClangBinaryOperator_getRHS(stmt);
const rhs_location = ZigClangExpr_getBeginLoc(rhs_expr);
// lhs >> u5(rh)
const lhs = try transExpr(rp, scope, lhs_expr, .used, .r_value);
const op_token = try appendToken(rp.c, op_tok_id, bytes);
const as_node = try transCreateNodeBuiltinFnCall(rp.c, "@as");
const rhs_type = try qualTypeToLog2IntRef(rp, ZigClangBinaryOperator_getType(stmt), rhs_location);
try as_node.params.push(rhs_type);
_ = try appendToken(rp.c, .Comma, ",");
const rhs = try transExpr(rp, scope, rhs_expr, .used, .r_value);
try as_node.params.push(rhs.node);
as_node.rparen_token = try appendToken(rp.c, .RParen, ")");
const node = try rp.c.a().create(ast.Node.InfixOp);
node.* = ast.Node.InfixOp{
.op_token = op_token,
.lhs = lhs.node,
.op = op,
.rhs = &as_node.base,
return &node.base;
const RestorePoint = struct {
c: *Context,
token_index: ast.TokenIndex,

View File

@ -1334,6 +1334,71 @@ pub fn addCases(cases: *tests.TranslateCContext) void {
cases.add_2("shift right with a fixed size type, no while", // TODO can fold this into "shift right assign with a fixed size type" once `while` and `>>=` and `uint32_t` are handled in translate-c-2
\\#include <stdint.h>
\\uint32_t some_func(uint32_t a) {
\\ uint32_t b = a >> 1;
\\ return b;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn some_func(a: uint32_t) uint32_t {
\\ var b: uint32_t = a >> @as(u5, 1);
\\ return b;
cases.add_2("logical and, logical or, on non-bool values, extra parens",
\\enum Foo {
\\ FooA,
\\ FooB,
\\ FooC,
\\typedef int SomeTypedef;
\\int and_or_non_bool(int a, float b, void *c) {
\\ enum Foo d = FooA;
\\ int e = (a && b);
\\ int f = (b && c);
\\ int g = (a && c);
\\ int h = (a || b);
\\ int i = (b || c);
\\ int j = (a || c);
\\ int k = (a || d);
\\ int l = (d && b);
\\ int m = (c || d);
\\ SomeTypedef td = 44;
\\ int o = (td || b);
\\ int p = (c && td);
\\ return ((((((((((e + f) + g) + h) + i) + j) + k) + l) + m) + o) + p);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const FooA = enum_Foo.A;
\\pub const FooB = enum_Foo.B;
\\pub const FooC = enum_Foo.C;
\\pub const enum_Foo = extern enum {
\\ A,
\\ B,
\\ C,
\\pub const SomeTypedef = c_int;
\\pub export fn and_or_non_bool(a: c_int, b: f32, c: ?*c_void) c_int {
\\ var d: enum_Foo = @as(enum_Foo, FooA);
\\ var e: c_int = ((a != 0) and (b != 0));
\\ var f: c_int = ((b != 0) and (c != null));
\\ var g: c_int = ((a != 0) and (c != null));
\\ var h: c_int = ((a != 0) or (b != 0));
\\ var i: c_int = ((b != 0) or (c != null));
\\ var j: c_int = ((a != 0) or (c != null));
\\ var k: c_int = ((a != 0) or (@as(c_int, d) != @bitCast(enum_Foo, @as(@TagType(enum_Foo), 0))));
\\ var l: c_int = ((@as(c_int, d) != @bitCast(enum_Foo, @as(@TagType(enum_Foo), 0))) and (b != 0));
\\ var m: c_int = ((c != null) or (@as(c_int, d) != @bitCast(enum_Foo, @as(@TagType(enum_Foo), 0))));
\\ var td: SomeTypedef = 44;
\\ var o: c_int = ((td != 0) or (b != 0));
\\ var p: c_int = ((c != null) and (td != 0));
\\ return ((((((((((e + f) + g) + h) + i) + j) + k) + l) + m) + o) + p);
\\pub const Foo = enum_Foo;
/////////////// Cases for only stage1 which are TODO items for stage2 ////////////////
cases.addAllowWarnings("simple data types",
@ -1461,6 +1526,20 @@ pub fn addCases(cases: *tests.TranslateCContext) void {
cases.add_2("==, !=, no if", // TODO remove this test after `if` conversion supported, and switch "==, !=" to addC_both
\\int max(int a, int b) {
\\ int c = (a == b);
\\ int d = (a != b);
\\ return (c != d);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn max(a: c_int, b: c_int) c_int {
\\ var c: c_int = (a == b);
\\ var d: c_int = (a != b);
\\ return (c != d);
cases.addC("bitwise binary operators",
\\int max(int a, int b) {
\\ return (a & b) ^ (a | b);
@ -1471,6 +1550,20 @@ pub fn addCases(cases: *tests.TranslateCContext) void {
cases.add_2("bitwise binary operators, simpler parens", // TODO can combine with "bitwise binary operators" when parens are correctly preserved/not added in translate-c-2
\\int max(int a, int b) {
\\ int c = (a & b);
\\ int d = (a | b);
\\ return (c ^ d);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn max(a: c_int, b: c_int) c_int {
\\ var c: c_int = (a & b);
\\ var d: c_int = (a | b);
\\ return (c ^ d);
cases.addC("logical and, logical or",
\\int max(int a, int b) {
\\ if (a < b || a == b)
@ -1487,25 +1580,70 @@ pub fn addCases(cases: *tests.TranslateCContext) void {
cases.addC("logical and, logical or on none bool values",
\\int and_or_none_bool(int a, float b, void *c) {
\\ if (a && b) return 0;
\\ if (b && c) return 1;
\\ if (a && c) return 2;
\\ if (a || b) return 3;
\\ if (b || c) return 4;
\\ if (a || c) return 5;
\\ return 6;
cases.add_2("comparison operators (no if)", // TODO Come up with less contrived tests? Make sure to cover all these comparisons. Can use `if` after it is added to translate-c-2
\\int test_comparisons(int a, int b) {
\\ int c = (a < b);
\\ int d = (a > b);
\\ int e = (a <= b);
\\ int f = (a >= b);
\\ int g = (c < d);
\\ int h = (e < f);
\\ int i = (g < h);
\\ return i;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn and_or_none_bool(a: c_int, b: f32, c: ?*c_void) c_int {
\\ if ((a != 0) and (b != 0)) return 0;
\\ if ((b != 0) and (c != null)) return 1;
\\ if ((a != 0) and (c != null)) return 2;
\\ if ((a != 0) or (b != 0)) return 3;
\\ if ((b != 0) or (c != null)) return 4;
\\ if ((a != 0) or (c != null)) return 5;
\\ return 6;
\\pub export fn test_comparisons(a: c_int, b: c_int) c_int {
\\ var c: c_int = (a < b);
\\ var d: c_int = (a > b);
\\ var e: c_int = (a <= b);
\\ var f: c_int = (a >= b);
\\ var g: c_int = (c < d);
\\ var h: c_int = (e < f);
\\ var i: c_int = (g < h);
\\ return i;
cases.addC("logical and, logical or, on non-bool values", // Note this gets cut off by extra C symbols being injected in middle: `pub const Foo = enum_Foo;`
\\enum Foo {
\\ FooA,
\\ FooB,
\\ FooC,
\\int and_or_non_bool(int a, float b, void *c) {
\\ enum Foo d = FooA;
\\ int e = (a && b);
\\ int f = (b && c);
\\ int g = (a && c);
\\ int h = (a || b);
\\ int i = (b || c);
\\ int j = (a || c);
\\ int k = (a || d);
\\ int l = (d && b);
\\ int m = (c || d);
\\ return (((((((e + f) + g) + h) + i) + j) + k) + l) + m;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const FooA = enum_Foo.A;
\\pub const FooB = enum_Foo.B;
\\pub const FooC = enum_Foo.C;
\\pub const enum_Foo = extern enum {
\\ A,
\\ B,
\\ C,
\\pub export fn and_or_non_bool(a: c_int, b: f32, c: ?*c_void) c_int {
\\ var d: enum_Foo = @as(enum_Foo, FooA);
\\ var e: c_int = (a != 0) and (b != 0);
\\ var f: c_int = (b != 0) and (c != null);
\\ var g: c_int = (a != 0) and (c != null);
\\ var h: c_int = (a != 0) or (b != 0);
\\ var i: c_int = (b != 0) or (c != null);
\\ var j: c_int = (a != 0) or (c != null);
\\ var k: c_int = (a != 0) or (@as(c_int, d) != @bitCast(enum_Foo, @as(@TagType(enum_Foo), 0)));
\\ var l: c_int = (@as(c_int, d) != @bitCast(enum_Foo, @as(@TagType(enum_Foo), 0))) and (b != 0);
\\ var m: c_int = (c != null) or (@as(c_int, d) != @bitCast(enum_Foo, @as(@TagType(enum_Foo), 0)));
\\ return (((((((e + f) + g) + h) + i) + j) + k) + l) + m;
@ -1622,6 +1760,18 @@ pub fn addCases(cases: *tests.TranslateCContext) void {
cases.add_2("bitshift, no parens", // TODO can fold this into "bitshift" once parens are preserved correctly in translate-c-2
\\int foo(void) {
\\ int a = (1 << 2);
\\ return a >> 1;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() c_int {
\\ var a: c_int = 1 << @as(@import("std").math.Log2Int(c_int), 2);
\\ return a >> @as(@import("std").math.Log2Int(c_int), 1);
cases.addC("compound assignment operators",
\\void foo(void) {
\\ int a = 0;